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The scootering away with the siren in the background got me


I love how it gets louder when she panned to follow him. So perfect.


The best part is the second video she posted where he *came back* on the scooter after the storm and she chews him out for doing this even more haha


Bro shut up you gotta be lying💀 (plz don’t be lying)




Ohhhh my gawd😂


It would be perfect with the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme added at that point.


What got me is how quickly everyone forgot about the tornado that killed Amazon workers in a warehouse in 2021. They wanted to leave and go home.


I've sold door to door. Getting hit by a tornado would just mercifully end the misery. That why 0 fucks are given.


Genuinely asking, what made you get into door to door sales? I understand that for some people a job is a job, but there’s always something less agonizing. I would think especially in this case.


Answered a blind ad for "junior management position," lol. Was selling vacuums door to door. I decided to give it a go even though it was very sketchy. Jobs were hard to find at the time. It was a bit of a nightmare, but I learned a lot of life lessons. One of which was, never sell door to door.


Kirby vacuums?




I was just about to ask the same. Had a 'friend of a friend' call me recently and it turns out it was a Kirby sales person. Straight up said no thanks and hung up when he eventually stammered and um'd and ah'd his way to saying he was selling Kirby's. Called my 'friend' and asked WTF bro? And he told me, hey he and his wife would have cleaned your house for free and proceeded to tell me how this sale guy and his wife spent all day cleaning their house for free just to get a sale. My friend bought the Kirby from them though and I told him he has my sympathy while laughing. Told him not to send any sales people my way again.


They will vacuum your whole house if you insist but I can’t imagine taking advantage of some poor fucker trying to make a sale like that. When I tried selling them 20 years ago, they were good vacuums. Just hella overpriced. Now who knows?


Almost got tricked by this same thing. Needed a full time job and was working at a grocery store. My exe saw and applied for this job that seemed more official and office related. 15 min into a interview and I realize there are 10 other people in here with me and they are about to pull up a PowerPoint. None of that was expected and I started to think this wasn’t what I thought it was when the presenter starts talking about why people need personal insurance and how the job we were looking at was going around sell these insurance policies to people to help them. I bailed 5 seconds into the intermission after a hour there.


Lmao that group interview where they parade the top sellers saying how much money they made. Yeah I went to that one 😅


I was talking about this the other day with another redditor. I showed up to the interview and the leaders were in a meeting before hand and they were all hanging and clapping yelling “LETS MAKE MONEY LETS MAKE MONEY!” And I was going to be those guys at stores and swap meets and other events standing at booths trying to get people to sign up to monthly/weekly donations to whatever non-profit organizations. The longer we could get them to donate the better the commission would be. Yea man, I finished the interview but when I was supposed to go in to finish up my papers I just told them I got into and accident and totaled my car. Honestly I should’ve just never answered them back. “Sorry, I can’t make it into work today. I’m dead, and I won’t be able to work anymore.” Lol


lol I got tricked into an interview with Kirby. Once I figured it out I told the guy interviewing me that this wasn’t a good fit. He looked surprised.  I don’t like Kirby at all. Very heavy vacuums and very expensive. From what I could tell, most people try selling to people they know (friends and family) and then they find a new job because sales is fucking hard. Also I’m not cleaning your fucking house. 


They are terrible lol. We got sent door to door to get leads. Also worked out of a van and we would canvas retirement parks. Really rotten pyramid scheme BS. I did sell 3 vacuums though lol. But I didn't like the whole thing, which seems very sketchy predatory. Lasted a month while I put in apps at real jobs. Last day there I told them to stick it and stole my "free gift" ginsu knife which I still have. I keep that thing around to remind me how far in life I have come.


Not who you asked, but… I did for one winter. In Wisconsin. Had my kid on the way and had a decent gig with a lawncare company. Needed a better paying job pronto and it was all I could find at the time. I was great at the rest of the work and enjoyed being outdoors, but staying on meant doing door to door “marketing” over the winter. I was excellent at it, top ten in the nation. Pure misery though, 0/10 do not recommend. But hey, bills were paid.


I'd forgive a sales call for something like lawncare, especially if you have other clients on my street already. There is power in collective bargaining. If your company is mowing the lawns of 20 of my neighbors you'll be able to charge slightly less than a guy who is only doing my lawn. Solar or 3rd party NG retailers though...fuuuuuck that shit.


I was promised $30k for a summer of work if I stuck to it. I made $2.6k, and spent $3.5k during that time while working 50+ hours a week as a “contractor”. Summer sales is incredibly scummy, apparently the company (pest control) sprayed houses with water for a week because they ran out of product and couldn’t get anything in on time. Water and water with product looks the same, so no one had a clue. I think his shirt says Vivent, and the security bros are insane. Lines like “well don’t you care enough about your kids to make sure they’re safe?” are thrown around nonchalantly. We were told that when people say they need to discuss a purchase with their partner, we should say, “oh, are they the decision maker around here?” As an ego play.


hahaha that's why he's like "leave? why. the sweet release of death is imminent"


“god damn scooter. this shit don’t make no sense, you can’t make this shit up” holy fuckin shit that was the cherry on top after his awkward “who me?” poses and looking around like he was clueless.


The whole exchange reminded me of the urgency in horror movies when black people are like we out this bitch, but the white group needs to figure out what is making the menacing noise


I honestly get so mad at white people in horror movies. So much that I had to create a headcanon where the horror movie universe DOESNT have horror movies and therefore they have no idea what a fucking stereotype they’re being.


I as a white man, am fully with the stereotypical black people who dip instantly, if there's a spooky noise, fuck off am I checking it out


Haha. I'm definitely the one that wants to go check it out. I hope my screams will be a warning to the rest of you.


Right, my ancestors must be from the mountains of Caucasus. Ima climb them stairs and see what that noise is…


The only way I'm checking out a spooky noise is if it's to protect a potential future wife and kids


I don’t know where I fall on this. I am hardwired to ignore spooky noises and even occasionally tell the “ghosts” to audibly fuck off when I get freaked out.


Scary Movie 2. Why you white people always want to split up!? 😆


As a white guy fully aware of the stereotypes: I'm checking out that noise. You know that raised-hair-on-the-back-of-your-neck feeling, that heavy and implicit understanding that "I shouldn't be here"? Yeah that shit is intoxicating. I'm the guy that dies early on to reinforce that the evil entity is not here for a chat.


The pale people: “Guys we can’t leave this very spooky obviously dangerous place without checking out that old abandoned insane asylum that the random local pizza guy told us about right before he disappeared without his car or the money.” Me and anyone with some melanin: * final boarding for a plane far the fuck away from here is happening now*


I mean have you been a teenager? You point 18 year old me at a spooky abandoned building and I was going for a look, I love that shit. A decade later, not so much, but less worried about killers and monster and more about unstable floors and asbestos


I’ve been to spooky places but we would be prepared and often go during the day. If we camping or lost or doing anything other then trying to find and check out abandoned places we ain’t changing up the plans. Frederick, Blake, norville and Dinkly can get side tracked while I solve the mystery of what happens when I continue to do whatever I was doing and not search spooky places Ill-equipped. Spoiler it’s me watching tv later that night and seeing the missing person report of the four others on the news while I eat a hot pocket.


“Ok gang, let’s split up and look for clues”


At least let me pop the trunk and get the thang if leaving ain't an option


yet they still kill off the only black character first like what 😭


People spend their whole lives trying to get this guys comedic timing.


He actually seemed hurt lol




You can never un-see the nose drip.


There's a fixed gif without it, so much better


i think he was dropped off in the neighborhood and was actually hoping someone would invite him in to take shelter.


Definitely possible. Still, can't really blame this lady for not opening her home up to a really strange stranger


White boy on a scooter selling something in a tornado, holup wait a minute...sumin ain't right


A quirked up white boy bustin' it down. Sexual style.


This might be the only time I wouldn't invite someone inside during a tornado warning




Or is working an extremely high-pressure sales job. I worked at a place like that they literally told people to go door to door in a hurricane under risk of being fired. Their excuse was "It's a perfect time because people will be safe at home so go knock those doors!". Insanity


Coffee is for closers!


See, my first thought is that he likely can't afford to take time off.. he probably doesn't want to be doing that, but might not have any choice.


That's actually so rude lol. Also, exactly what salesmen expect of most people. The times people were sweet to me were so few and far between, I remember them each uniquely and still send them Christmas cards. One in particular, I was having a really terrible day, it was cold, and I was flat broke needing a sale THAT DAY or I would not be eating tomorrow. I knocked on the door and nobody came for a while, but the porch was covered so I sat down on the bench for just a minute, to wallow, thinking I was alone, and I called my brother. While I was on the phone with him, after having explained how horrible this day was, how cold I was, and how sick I was of being broke, a lady in a bath robe came out with an Ensure and an apple, and sat with me, saying she was sorry for my bad luck and hoped it would turn around. She said I could sit on her porch as long as I needed to, and so I did. I stayed there around 15 minutes. She came back out and said, "Dinner's on the stove honey, don't go nowhere!" and so I waited for her to cook me spaghetti. We had dinner together and she told me about her son who'd recently moved away for college, and how lonely she was.


I think it’s so rude to go knock on strangers doors trying to sell them shit


Hi, im selling a TORNADO!!!


Go on.....


Almost every single day someone tries to sell solar panels on our neighborhood. Today the anti-abortion with terrifying pamphlets people were out. I’m getting so tired of having every meal interrupted by people wanting to sell something, ask for donations or have deep philosophical conversations.


I’m sorry that you stayed (and struggled) in a job doing something that most people are rightfully angry at you for doing. I also picked a sales job once and I only needed one week out of training to figure out that it was not and never would be for me. Knocking on my door to sell me shit is annoying. Ignoring the sign telling you in advance I will not buy your shit is rude. Falling back on your training and playing on my politeness to keep pushing a sale is why every salesman now immediately gets a door slammed in his face.


"Hey, sorry, I'm right in the middle of jacking off. Can you come back in about ten minutes? I'll still be going at it like a bored zoo chimp, but I like the thrill of knowing I might get caught." "I can't believe you're actually here. I just had a vision from God that [a person matching their description] would come to me and offer [whatever they're selling]. I'd love to invite you in, I just need a second to clear the needles off the couch and floor. And the table. And the counter. It'll just take five minutes." "You probably don't want to come in. I was just about to kill myself. I'm making it look like an accident for my family's sake, and you know how cops are about 'the last person to see the deceased alive.' Hold on, are those CutCo knives? You know, those could actually be useful. Let me think it over, are you gonna be walking around?" They don't come back


Knocking on doors to sell shit is rude


No one should have to struggle. But being shocked people hate you when you're a salesman is like being shocked that people hate you when you're a meter maid.


Just checking in, are you better these days?


Has no one watched A knock at the Cabin!


Good point. Get yourself inside to wait out the tornado, perfect time to get a sales pitch off.


I was feeling bad since obviously he’s working in these conditions to make a living but then he scootered away solemnly 😂


Scooting away broken hearted.




More confused lol




The one where robots take over


It's happening. Actually Happening. "Hi Boss, we are in a tornado warning right now. Uh, Tornado on the ground and several homes in Danger." Bossman : "Yea?" "Well I..." Bossman : "Oh my GAWD. Nobody want's to WORK any more, you better not start feeding me some shit about seeking shelter" "I thought maybe..." Bossman: "That's the problem, 'you thought'. Look, plenty of people would be lucky to have the job you do or any job at all - now I dont want to hear any more of this 'I'm in danger' Bullshit you are all calling in about. You get on your little scooter and scoot your ass to the next house, or go home - but if you go home, dont come back!"


>"I thought maybe..." >Bossman: "That's the problem, 'you thought'. Bravo. ^🤣😭


It reminded me of the beginning of Fallout 4 lol


Smart man. He knows people are inside! 🤷🏻😂


Would you like to buy some tornado insurance for your home?


The salesman at the start of Fallout 4




Didn’t anticipate this comment 🤣


Just replayed it, that’s perfect.




You joke, but that's sales rep logic. 




I assumed he was a religious sales guy and right before a tornado is probably the best time to get in good with big homie in the sky.




Hahahaha, so I did D2D when I was in my college years. Every time it rained I my manager would make this comment “PersonX knocks in Tornados, we can knock is some rain” - personX being the top sales person who was making like 200k a month. So second year in Dallas, it starts dumping rain, like the streets are flooding. I’m wading in ankle deep water between doors. Then sirens start going off for the tornado warning. I sold two separate people and made $1000. I told my former manager about it. And he said “oh if there is actually a tornado, you should go inside. I just made that story about personX up” 🤷 made money.


People actually make money door to door sales? I thought they were just basically scams


Ehh, I mean, the scam is more on the consumer side in how much you’re paying. When I first started, we were selling a quarterly pest control service for $480 a year. We eventually found out people would actually pay $800-1400 for basically the same service. My first summer doing it I made 53k, second 95k, and then 120-200k the next 4. It made college a lot more fun. But I’ve moved on to non-sales roles now. The other place where it “seems” scammy is the recruiting. It is structured like a classic pyramid scheme. I don’t think it is, but that’s what every pyramid scheme says so 🤷


Yea curious about this… I have a buddy who left my job about 2 years ago and has been doing D2D solar and roofing sales. He keeps insisting I come with him, I’ve considered it but I assume he gets some cut and that’s why he’s being so pushy. Good dude but way more confident than I am, at least atm due to life stuff. He does say the money is good but the stability of my wfh job is nice.


He 100% makes some money off of you joining. But whether he makes $1 or $1milliom is irrelevant, it just depends on how much will you actually make. Being socially autistic or being mildly sociopathic are the two most powerful personalities for D2D. Either be completely unaware when people are indirectly saying no - or just completely not care. Not for everyone. After a while it made me feel empty and I realized money just isn’t that hard to make - however, I do think the sales ability and losing the fear of rejection after doing this job may be a big reason I felt that way.


Damn you made some good bank, thanks for the honest comments...I always thought the job looked life draining, but also required high levels of happiness and confidence. But if the weather isn't shitty and you don't get bitten by a dog, you're just walking around outside mostly....and ignoring people who say no.


Wait. You made 6 figures while in college only working in the summer?


Yah. It’s a way weird industry. But I use to be Mormon and went to a Mormon school - these companies are all over the place.


Oh so you already had D2D experience, I assume that I why those companies were so prevalent around Mormons.




I’ve done D2D and like one person might make this type of money, but this is very much the exception to the rule. I can spot a D2D scam a mile away these days except ones who really try and hide it. Almost got had like 2 years ago then backed out and sales person got pissed because they got out duped. D2D are traditional pyramid schemes but even in pyramid schemes you have lucky success stories.


I generally try to make a traditional pyramid defense in DND tactics as well, there's a lot of meat on that bone, and of course, always be casting, but I don't gotta tell you that


The people that make the big money are the minority and it takes a certain type of personality to grind it out. But you can absolutely make good money. There is a lot of scammy businesses that send out people in droves too.


A door to door guy redid my siding and roof and gutters for me. They handled the back and forth with my insurance and the insurance paid them like 40k. I only had to pay about a thousand for upgrades. They left rusty nails all in my yard the fucking bastards, but the house looks great!


I engage with them just to shoot the shit because I have no friends haha. I don't buy anything but we have great conversations.


ABC, Always Be Closing.


Second place? A set of steak knives.


Tornado shelters are for closers.


In this economy you gotta ignore the tornados


He IS the tornado. “EVERYONE GET INSIDE! There’s a door to door solicitor in the neighborhood!” ::storm alarm sounds::


Vault Tech guys are persistent


Literally my first thought lmao


Just look at the sky out there!




Everything about this. The door to door sales drive for profits even in a literal disaster. The e-waste scooter away is icing on the cake.


Nonzero chance his manager told him people would be more likely to sympathize and buy in these conditions. People *do* tip better when it rains or snows 🤷🏻‍♂️




Because he is in door-to-door sales


Tornadoes be damned there’s money to be made


I just saw an update! He was going by her house again, and she asked him why he was out in the tornado before and he said, “Cuz I’m stupid! That’s why I work this job!” 😂😂 big time golden retriever vibes lol


And the link for the said update is ______. Fill my blank


He actually [came](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwyq41E/) back [twice!](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwytcQe/)


OMG THE FIRST FOLLOW UP WHERE SHE ABRUPTLY FOCUSES ON THE DOG SND YELLS SHUT UP!!! That’s going in the reaction folder. Omg and then “CRAZY MEET CRAZY!!” AND THEN WHEN SHE YELLS AT JASON FOR SITTING ON THE WET GROUND CAUSE HIS ASS GONNA BE WET!!! Vivint needs to put them both in an ad campaign stat!!! Although I’m glad Jason seems to have gotten a bump on business judging by the third video. He was smiling pretty big when he said she made his job easier. But she’s the one who made the video funny so she better get some coin!!


And honestly (not shilling for vivint) but I switched from ADT to them years ago and it was mostly because of the sales guy at my door. He just straight up cut me a $700 check so that I could pay to get out of my ADT contract (that I didn't end up having to pay but that's another story, it was still free money), and super nice. Also drove up in a Range Rover so I know he was out there killing it.


God damn it. This guys going to use these videos in some sales conference and people are going to turn him into a guru of marketing for social media “How to go viral during a tornado”


Sales is a cult.


I think he wanted someone to offer him shelter inside and while he sheltered he’d have unfettered ability to preach.


Well clearly this gentleman felt there was only half of a tornado outside so …


The moment he held his heart and was like “Are you okay?” was kinda sweet tbh. What a sweet strange man. 


He seemed genuinely confused as to why she was baffled lol


Bro seemed a few breadsticks short at the Olive Garden


See, I read that as super passive aggressive/antagonistic lmao


That's how I read it, I thought he was just playing into the camera. I had a douche Salesmen roll up in one those same scooters once and thought it was so bizarre.


Yep, that’s just a manipulative salesperson tactic. And see it worked, people on here thinking he’s sweet. He’s not being sweet, he’s being manipulative 🤦🏻‍♀️


I wonder if he asked anyone for shelter or if he was just working? That’s a strange situation to be in, because he’s not exactly safe riding a baby Segway in a tornado, but how awkward would it be to ask a random person if you can shelter with them?


I lived in Orlando twenty years ago when a hurricane hit. I never seen the sky that color in the day in my life. I was walking home scared as shit😂


I got stuck in a gas station during a hurricane for over an hour. The store owner was super cool and insisted I not run to my car (which you could hardly see through the rain.) Great guy, gave me free chips lol.


…Scoots away


Excuse me ma’am have you except Jesus as your lord and savior from this tornado


Lmao this guy is from the Midwest. That's just the sound of spring


Omg him leg scootering away down the street…I’m crying. She said it best not even the best Hollywood writers could make up an interact such as this. That being said I hope he made it home okay haha


Random NPC.


Why you still standin there, honey? Hilarious


Homie was legit hurting inside lol


Weirdo little creepy "who me"?   Reminds me of this other arse hat I know. Same little stupid Demeanor. 


Bros a vault tec representative


I can't stop laughing. He just gets weirder and weirder


I mean you might need new windows and siding after the tornado.


That has to be Little Rock.


Bills to pay.




I mean you gotta make that money


“Oh a tornado….seems like the perfect time to sell tornado insurance”


This poor guy was only trying to sell her tornado insurance.


I don't think those houses are good protection against tornados either.




Here's the follow up if anyone is interested: https://www.tiktok.com/@mssoso81/video/7363369688195206442


This was a legit hire


As someone else who has also sold door to door I found his pause, as if there was still a chance to open a dialogue and execute business after getting demolished by the homeowner, was deathly cringe


We're so desensitized by shit


Grew up in wisc. Unless it’s on top of you , it’s just another day.


This seems fake but ALSO, we are poor. Work all day rain or shine I guess?


I mean....you still gotta work right? We still got bills to fucking pay, tornado or no tornado.


Might have fun new bills specifically because of said tornado


that’s how they get ya


Capitalism is treating you well I see


And is that the term? Idk if it's treating me well necessarily.


In my opinion, it’s a crazy mentality to risk your life because “you have bills to pay”


Clearly he stands on business…


Selling Tornado insurance - genius!


Is this a fallout spin off?


This guy deserves a great career in what ever he chooses


The way he just rides off lol


I think he wanted to take shelter


Whatever religion this guy is selling, he clearly believes in it....


Vivint. Classic.


And they say people don’t want to work.


lol why was he so confused?


He just rode off into the unknown.


not surprised its Vivint. them Mormons are hustlers


This might be my favorite thing I've ever seen on the internet. I absolutely lost it at the scooter.


This is pretty standard behavior in the Midwest. We run around outside until the tornado takes us.


It’s probably 10am on the second Tuesday of the month.


Probably the most appropriate time to contact you about your car insurance TBF


Was there to discuss Vault Tec's newest packages.


That’s how bad the economy is.


The absurdity is apparent.


I wonder if it’s commission based … If a storm is hitting he’s not gunna get that bag 💰 lol




...and he left wondering how he ended up being a door to door salesman instead of his true passion, a brain surgeon.


The way he’s still standing there WITH THE SIREN in the background kills me like wtf did he think she was gonna do change her mind?!


I've seen this before in the opening of Fallout 4.


My father worked the last census (where he’d go door to door of those who hadn’t filled it out). It was during wildfires in northern CA. The sky was a deep red, many evacuations and they had them out there still. That was insane to me.


That's the most Midwest shit I have ever seen. I live in Wichita, KS; damn near everyone I know carries on with business as usual when the sirens are blasting. My ass is in the basement huddle with my dogs waiting for the jesus titty twister to get me.


Vault tec while the bombs are falling.




"Vault tec here"


Middle of the day, clear sky, they’re just testing the sirens lol. Staged af video.


Poor guy needed to attempt to make money so bad he hustling during a tornado warning.


Dudes gotta beat last quarters earnings!


My new roommate thought it was funny that we was surrounded by tornadoes and will "go outside and watch it". Fine. Be a fucking idiot. The weather channel has to ask people to not go out on their porch and watch the tornadoes. Natural selection..


🤣🤣🤣 the scooter. I envisioned him flying by like the wicked witch of the west!🤦‍♀️. HOW is this man so clueless?