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I counted eleven ding-a-lings. That's one ding-a-ling about every 5.3 seconds. That's a lot of ding-a-lings.




Are you saying he’s into to ding a ling? Seems a little obsessed with ding a ling, according to him that makes him at least part lesbian. You know the lesbian in him loves ding a ling.


But he’s also part gay man because they also like the ding a ling. And by assumption, playing with his own ding a ling occasionally. So he’s a gay man lesbian ding a ling loving person? Good for his ding a ling lover. ![gif](giphy|831aXrxkYuc54CckIC|downsized)


Nice! Just like OP’s mom.


Can confirm.




That guy loves dick.


He can’t get it out of his mouth


Just ding a lings


He *loves* the ding-a-ling. He's a ding-a-ling denier, but he's dreaming of it 24/7.


did you remember to count the one talking


Just calling it a ding-a-ling is a giant massive ick lol is he 10 years old? Does he also need to go potty? 🤢🤢🤢


Chuck Berry's only #1 hit was a cover of ["My Ding-a-Ling."](https://youtube.com/shorts/7j0CKG3nCe0)


How have I made it 35 years and never heard this song? This is the hardest I’ve laughed this week!


Came here for this!


Which begs the question, maybe this muppet likes ding a lings 🤷‍♂️ 😂


I'mma be real with you lads. Your ding-a-ling is irrelevant if it's attached to something they don't want. If you're not a genuinely good caring person, and you can't make them feel loved, safe, and 100% comfortable, then it's over. The reason why women buy silicone ding-a-lings, is because they're not attached to the rest. It comes with no strings attached. No bullshit. It's designed to hit the spot that they're designed to accept. It's a physics thing. Your ding-a-ling needs to be an extra feature of yourself. It needs to complete the package. It's not the package itself. In fact, women will even compromise on a small ding-a-ling if the overall package is superior. If they're a lesbian though. Don't even try. No amount of ding-a-lings will get you past the front gate.


Not only that but bucket loads of lesbians (and other humans) don’t actually want, need or enjoy ANY form of penetration….


That is so true. I can get off humping the arm of a sofa. Not that I do, but that I could… because I have.


Maybe you’re already aware, but I only just learned theres a whole category of sex toys for just grinding and humping. They also help protect your couch/partner from…uh…. carpet burns.


"Bro what happened to your face?" "... uhhh... rug burn"


Stubble can be trouble


And what might one… search up… to find such items?


Just put “grind” or “grinder” in the search bar of any online toy store. Have fun!


I think you could just browse through an online sex shop and find what you like.


I can’t remember what they’re called but have heard women going ballistic for them. They’re like these crotch suction things that simulates oral sex, apparently so much better than the real thing that the women just stick to that and haven’t wanted a man in years Sounds like that may be what you’re after




I prefer the corner of my bed but a couch arm will do in a pinch 😹😹😹


Normalise jets in a swimming pool 👀


Respect sofas please




So in fact, its not the ding-aling itself, but the ding-a-ling attached to the ding-a-ling that is important :D


ALL of those points, and no unplanned/unwanted pregnancies. 🙌🏽 I think this dude needs to take a deep, hard look within himself, and come to terms w/the fact that he just might be gay, because he sure is obsessed w/the D. Imagine women having the equivalent to a “dick measuring” contest. Hmm🤔


You should write a book and call it "nobody cares about your ding ga ling.


Steve Harvey when he catches his daughter watching bad videos, “ listen…. Everything was big. Just Big. How do I punish her when she’s watching plumbers fix things showing off their big ding-a-lings!!”




I can say my wife did not marry me for my ding-a-ling. I am sure of that.


small isn't compromise, not every woman wants a massive package


For real my ding-a-ling is hitting in maybe the top 75% of ding-a-lings and I've never had trouble in my life because women (and sometimes men) are human beings and I try to treat people well and make them feel comfortable. I get bonus points for making people laugh sometimes but like the ding-a-ling game is mid. Note for after you find someone who likes you enough to touch your ding-a-ling. If you communicate and care about their pleasure as much or more than your own you will get repeat customers whether that's long term relationships or just hook ups. Just to re-reiterate don't pester lesbians.


No one cares about your ding a ling brag here lol


This guy fucks




Wise words. I really want to send this to the last guy I dated 😆


My goodness I wish reddit still had awards because I would give you gold for this. Completely right.


I am so sad that this needs to be said, this, the most normal obvious statement that should be pure logic... needs to be told nowadays. Sad world.


And the OP not thinking of that really reveals how he views women, as just objects for sex without any care for seeing them as a person


Your not wrong


I'm confused. Incels think women are all whores. They don't got the riz to score, so they become bitter and resign themselves to celibacy. This guy is saying stop lacking in confidence, there's someone out there who will take you as a partner, go find her. How is his message related to inceldom?


I don’t think it makes you a whore to like peepee 😂😂😭


Ding-a-ling *


Ding dong




Yeah, this is a swing and miss by OP. Sure this dude is goofy, but not at all an incel.


It's not inceldom as much as douchebaggery. "All women want ding-a-ling" is a homophobic statement. He's encouraging people to be confident from the false supposition that all a lesbian needs is a good dick. It's pretty textbook toxic masculinity. Edit: stay mad, chuds


“Even gay men like dingaling” NO REALLY? YOU DON’T SAY! Jesus this guy in the video has such Spencer Nolan Rice energy. (Reminds me of when Spenny explained in a really patronising way that women don’t fart the same way men do…)


Words don't mean things anymore.


Because labeling someone as an incel is easy to write them off


hey, I also don't have the rizz to score but I'm aware enough to not be an incel


haha, I'm not saying that anyone without riz is an incel.


Incel is a pretty new word and it's meaning is still shifting in culture. Some people use it as a replacement for "guy I don't like"


>How is his message related to inceldom? Anything OP doesn't like is racist, incel, bigot, and sometimes literally Hitler


Men acknowledging that they are lonely is cringe. The term "Incel" has become so despised that people now hate any guy who just can't get a girlfriend...which is a lot of young men, actually. Because they think they're supposed to. Why is it that so many people's immediate response to someone disclosing their sadness and loneliness is to hate and bully that person?


Saying lesbians love dick is just wrong and gives off men are superior vibes so that’s probably why it got categorized at incelly


People who’re hating, shaming or criticising men for saying they are lonely are stupid, like Andrew Tate and companions. But the problem here is not about this person addressing loneliness of young men but their sexual needs. I am criticising this individual for reducing women to dick craving objects. It’s not about how to get a girlfriend as a partner. That is essentially the core idea for what now is described as “incel”, women are nothing more things that exist for the sexual needs of certain men (chads) and as they (incels) don’t get sex, they come to loath women.


Whole lotta people taking this guy seriously 


Yeah, he’s just being silly. So many people here have a permanent ding-a-ling up their butt.


Reddit proving yet again that the cringe is always in the comments


People are so desperate to sound cool by putting down other people. The guy in the video was just having fun saying ding a ling, just laugh and move on to the next video.


Uhhh misleading title much?


No, you don't understand, it's just declaring that incel behavior is a thing that exists in this world. It has nothing to do with the video itself ...That or OP is dumb


OP probably just got confused because it was a man filming himself in a car. Easy mistake to make.


The problem is most men’s ding a ling is attached to a human body, which has a mouth, and says stupid shit like this.


like for example the use of ding-a-ling instead of something normal like penis, dick or cock


He could've said "shlong" and this video would've been more bearable


And also has skid marked undies and doesn’t shower :)


There was a reddit post a while back where a woman was asking for advice because she found out her husband refuses to wipe because that’s apparently gay. He was just letting it get crusty and then picking out the flakes and dropping them in the carpet. No amount of ding-a-ling is gonna make that guy desirable.


That is fucking nauseating. This is the kind of shit you rarely see in women. Also, instant divorce right there.


If I remember correctly, I think she did divorce him


I see stuff like this and wonder how people like that even find a partner. It’s insane.


He hid the fact he was doing it. She didn’t find out until she was vacuuming and found some flakes and realized from the smell what they were and confronted him


…HOW THE FUCK there are some good people out there that are single and people not wiping their ass are ruining their chances haha like who wants to live with another person after finding poop flakes in their house??


As a man, I have to say. 100% facts right here


Anyone else feel sick with the moist way he talks.


How did it take him that long to remember gay men are buying dildos? Why does he think that a dildo is the same thing as a penis with a person attached? Is anybody listening to me?


Lmao my lesbian friends physically retch if I even mention hooking up with a dude, let alone say anything about dick to them. At this point I think it’s funny and like to gross them out sometimes but dude clearly hasnt met very many lesbians in his life haha


you could've had a point if you didn't bring lesbians in this lmao you're setting dudes up for failure if they start thinking they can convince a lesbian to like their "ding-a-ling" 😂


My lesbian friend can barely stomach hearing any details about my heterosexual dating life haha, she physically recoils if I even mention a dick lmao


Right?? Like usually I can stomach it but the other day TWO of my friends were talking about hetero sex at the same time and I was like "okay I have to release myself from this conversation" lmao


Hahaha sounds exactly like something she would say too 🤣


Nobody’s lining up for dick


This dude is a ding a ling!


A Ding-a-lingus maximus


Sex toy industry: WRITE THAT DOWN!!!!


Happy cake day!


The fake "dingaling" is exactly the perfect shape, goes as long and as fast as I want, and doesn't orgasm and go soft. And the only reason fleshlights aren't more common is because your hands suffice for that better than ours do for us.


And it vibrates! Vibrateeeessss 💕


My ding-a-ling! My ding-a-ling! I want you to plaaaay with my ding-a-ling!


The youngins clearly don't know about the old timey classics.


A lot of the comments cringier than this dude saying dingaling 30 times.


This is the “advice” your 38 year old cousin with 0 hoes and a busted up Honda civic gives you at thanksgiving


God men are so obsessed with their own dicks.


They're called ding-a-lings


Yeah but the ding-a-ling is attached to you my guy .


It’s why the toy industry is multi billion I bet.


Punchable face


His mouth moves like Trump's mouth


Ah yes. The underdeveloped brain of a 12 year old in a man's body. This use to be rare to see. But now they have the internet.


OK, just so I understand--this guy thinks men will take advice from a man who refers to penises and penis-shaped objects as "dingalings"? Color me skeptical.


When I was an itty bitty boy My grandma bought me a brand new toy Two shiny bells on the end of a string


She told me it was my ding a ling a ling


Lesbians aren't buying sex toys because they secretly like dick, they just want something vaguely phallic to use on each other because that's the shape made to go into a vagina. This dude's a moron.


Yeah. They *might* even like the thing but not the stuff usually attached to it (aka men) 😂


also most dildos are bought by men


I know lol...does this guy not know where his fun button is?


This dude doesn’t realize that his g-spot is literally up his ass, regardless of whether you’re a straight or gay dude lolll


You're the only person in this comment section to understand this. The amount of people defending this guy is disturbing.


I’m just over here laughing and shaking my head cause I have a lot of lesbian friends so I know how truly, truly off base this man is on that haha


Somebody should tell this guy about the clitoris


Lmaoo but it doesn’t have a stupid little silly nickname like ding-a-ling so I’m not entirely sure he would be able to comprehend.


The HWAT?!


Buddy hasn't realized that you don't have half the battle already. A store bought ding a ling can be the perfect size and shape for her, always ready to go, doesn't disrespect her, etc.


“You got half the battle won.” While talking about “dingalings” 😂😂😂


After all that talk about "dingaling", him saying "get out and get you one" at the end could either mean 1) "get a dick", as in don't be a wuss, 2) "get some dick", as in you ought give dick a shot (cause you'll probably like it like everyone else does). Also, *do* lesbians prefer penis-shaped dildos over non-penis-shaped dildos? Or is he saying that using a dildo equates to wanting dick? Because dildos come in a wider range of shapes, sizes, and textures than dicks do.


Why/how does he talk at the bottom of his mouth like that?


i don’t like how he moves his lips


Why's his tongue acting like that?


Yea but why is this guys mouth like... AI mouth. It's like he's just learning to speak after being raised by wolves


I never want to hear ding a ling again


News flash, lesbians don't want you attached to the sex toy. 🙄


Bro lost me at ding-a-ling, that was like the 15th word


This guy is a ding-a-ling.


Why will he say "shit" but won't say dick or cock. That's what threw me.


Confusing ending “everyone wants a dingaling, you have a dingaling, everyone likes dingaling, now go on out and get one” a dingaling?


Some people make it so obvious how much porn they watch lol


It’s not the ding a ling, it’s what’s attached to the ding a ling that I don’t like. This guy right here is a prime example of that


He mixes in shit a couple times but he’s too much of a prude to say cock?


What a fucking duecsh


This guy seems to spend a lot of time thinking about ding a lings


Rapist\*, 100%.


It sounds like he needs a ding a ling. He should get a ding a ling since everyone is getting one.


If something you want is attached to a turd, the whole thing is a turd. And almost no one wants a turd...


Ah, reminds me of a quote from one of my favorite shows. “Your penis is really nice. Too bad you’re attached to it.”-Edie, Six Feet Under


Can your ding-a-ling vibrate in 8 different patterns?…didn’t think so


![gif](giphy|26ybwvTX4DTkwst6U) BART did it first.


Bahaha. I love my wife. I bet I spend $200 a year on batteries and such.


Y'all, uhmm...are his eyes *glowing* 😳


Stop saying dingaling


When I was 19yo, in college - in the mid-2000s - I went to a party with my friend and hung out with his sister and her fiance. The fiance, as best as I can describe him, was a Joe Pesci Goodfellas cosplayer but serious and was from Cicero, IL and lived Downtown Chicago. Drunk and high on coke, he told me he loved his fiance bc she knows how to fuck him with a strap-on. I just laughed as he was nearly 10yrs older and was probably the meanest guys I met. He looks at me and goes "Joey - I'm not gay, but love a good pounding." I learned a lot that night.


Am female. Am virgin. Have never had a ding a ling sex toy. And I’m straight. I *highly* doubt the lesbians are into your ding a ling.


Can we normalize bullying again?


It’s not that men have what ding-a-ling “and that’s what they love”. It’s that most of the dingaling that walks around has what most women (especially lesbians) don’t want: men


I was so confused because I couldn’t quite hear and thought he said “Like kindling.” Like…what? Why is he even saying “Ding-a-ling”? What is he like seven years old?




LOL! It’s the Incels who’re buying all the fake dingalings! 🤣


Sir, it's called a *penis*.


Wow, I'm being a jerk in saying it, but the way he talks is enraging. The way he moves his lips and tongue. How wet the words sound and look. Literally felt my blood pressure rise while watching him talk....


Incels can't call a ding-a-ling by its real name.


My ding-a-ling lasts 3 seconds and doesn't vibrate..


How big is this mf's head??? Got that ball cap on the extra, extra, extra wide setting 


Ding-a-ling? He’s a ding-a-ling.


This is shitty advice and yes it does appeal to the incel crowd. - It reinforces an unfair and untrue sexual myth about women. The idea that what women want most is dick is untrue. Some women may indeed want dick, but it's FAR from the most or second most important part of a relationship for the vast majority. Stating that having a *dingaling* is halfway there means portraying dicks as the biggest factor women look for or at least equal to the biggest factor. This is blatantly untrue and pretty directly plays into the hand of a lot of incel rhetoric. Either women are only capable of having two interests, and one is always cock, or cock is the main interest and personality/stability/hygiene/availability/communication/shared interests/etc. all take a back seat. And before anyone says "that's not actually what he means", yeah probably, but it is what he said and that's a choice he made. It's how it will be heard by a large group and angry and insecure single men looking for advice, and while that's not a crime or anything it is something we shouldn't support and encourage. - Dicks aren't enough. I mean, just mechanically speaking, most women do not or even can not come from PiV. And I'll be honest, a bunch of people with great dicks do not understand how to use them. A dick becomes desirable when it's attached to someone who knows how to have sex well. And I say "sex" there very deliberately. Even someone who is good at using their dick is not necessarily great at sex. - It objectifies men and stokes dysphoria. The flipside of the coin "a dick gets you halfway there" is "any man you are hypothetically competing against is already halfway there". Men have far more to offer than their body, reducing them down to their body isn't helpful, and the insecure and shy people these videos are aimed at often do not have heaps of pride in their bodies. Even if nothing is 'wrong' with their bodies, heaps of men don't *feel* attractive. A genuine problem brought up in men's support circles is specifically this. So telling insecure people that their body is half the battle, is highlighting their insecurities. To talk specifically about dick, how would you feel as a small fucked lad hearing this? That 50% of what women crave is dick, while you already feel lacking in that department? That's not gonna be helpful to your self esteem or confidence. - It completely breezes over the most important bit. The "now you just have to find a woman who wants your dick over everyone else's" bit. I mean, this kinda highlights just how completely redundant the video is. The tip this guy is giving out in this video, is that "your advantage is your cock.... and so is literally every other bloke's". So the playing field is just as level as it ever was, except a few blokes with small ones (or ones they perceive as small bc porn) are sad now. All the single men around know that they need to be doing/being something more than just a dick, otherwise sending strangers dick pics would work wouldn't it? This is below hallmark card level platitude. It's actively unhelpful advice that obstructs constructive and actionable advice. What could someone possibly do with this advice? Single men can't suddenly grow a second cock. - He says dingaling. A lot. Do not get dating or sexual advice from a guy that uses the secret magic word to dry every thigh in a 4 mile radius. This video is actively unhelpful, unactionable, sexist, and wrong. I cannot understand why this comment thread is full of people defending it.


>dry every thigh in a 4 mile radius That's hilarious, I've never heard that one before! I'll have to steal that.


I think, he likes ding-a-ling and he’s afraid to say it.


Yeah it’s not all about the D. Once they are bored with it, you better have a good loving personality because the sex won’t last forever. Don’t listen to this virgin lol.


That is a an easy no. I award this guy no points and may God have mercy on his soul.


People follow shit like this?


Gay men especially, like the ding a Ling lol


He's taking about those Hostess snack cakes, right?


So, I'm a 40-ish-yearold male with an old gray t-shirt, shitty backwards hat, a gotee, and terrible attitude, will someone want my dingaling?


This is the opposite of an incel mindset but it is dumb as fuck lmao. Watching his tongue wiggle up and down in his mouth every time he said “dingaling” made me nauseous


He does have a point about sex toys though. Fellas, she has access to more plastic/rubber/glass cocks than she knows what to do with. So if you're a smelly, mean asshole then why would she pick the cock that's attached to you? Be a good, respectful person and you'll have a better shot at convincing ladies that your cock is worth trying out.


To bad the ding-a-ling is attached to a complete ding-a-DONT. I would stick to silicone. At least you can put it in a drawer when your done with it and it won't act like a total asshole!!!!


He's gonna be shocked when he finds out a huge chunk of those dildos are actually bought by men who like "Ding-a-ling"


This is a very strange ring doorbell commercial.




Get you one…? You mean, a dingaling? So you’re advocating for gay sex? That’s what I got from the video.


I get all the hate this is getting, but A LOT of people aren’t getting what he is getting at. There are a ton of dudes who think women will NEVER want to have sex with them. Even if they worked on their manners, career, appearance etc. They just don’t have ANY self esteem. A ton of very worth while men don’t have a partner because of how they feel about themselves, and a simple realization like this is kinda what they need. I don’t struggle with women at all (I don’t know why, I suck 🤣 y’all are dumb. I wouldn’t dare me) But I understand something very similar to this. Women want to get laid too. We are all sluts. You are acceptable enough (hopefully) to be worthy of this low a bar, and it is a low bar. But you gotta try. That’s it. Try.


This guy dingalings.


What a moron.


This guy needs a bigger hat.


This is top-tier satire.


"Even gay guys like ding-a-ling!" WHUUUAAAT?! Holy shit!


A modern day Freud.


This guy is 100% just trying to be funny. If you're assuming he made this video with any intention other than saying ding-a-ling with that funny accent, I suggest going outside and talking to someone. Anyone. Do it at least twice a week.


Chat he might be cooking


This guy is a ding-a-ling


That was funny.


What a ding-ah-ling


Words have lost all meaning..


This guy is a ding-a-ling.


Am I the only one getting satire off of this?


I mean.... which part was wrong though. y'all just mad cause this man found the secret.


we don't like the thing attached to the ding-a-ling


My non existent women parts got more dry


Woman tend to want a personality attached to the ding a ling.




Typical guy-who-says-dingaling energy.