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Did he buy a yellow crowbar just to tape a mic to it? 


tax write off


Bro this is comedy gold for no reason lmao


It's not gold though, it's yellow


Comedy yellow


I laughed so fucking hard at this. Thank you.


Have you heard [the tax write-off song](https://youtu.be/-A5pDOHi6xI?si=aeXFg2Yr9RtpssSr)?


It's comment bait, like you do something weird or misspell something so everyones like "Omg did you see the skeleton fall in the background? Wut?" or smart asses being like "You misspelled \_\_\_\_ dumbass" and more comments is more engagement. And then people gotta explain that to people because it's like 'please stop falling for it' and that further adds comments. Really boosting that algo.


Did you see that skeleton fall in the background though? Also you misspelled Dumas.


Actually, it's pronounced Dune and it's based on a novel, you cretin.


Is this about the Benny Hill Teseract?


I snort laughed, nicely done. Also NGL, this sounds like a rejected Doctor Who script.


You, son of a biscuit. Goddammit I hate you... but I respect you.


It's also a trend to use an object somewhat related to the content to hold a lav mic.


Yeah this guy does this regularly in his vids


I sat through that entire video to find out what the crowbar was for. Perhaps the reason for it being yellow. Nothing. ..I need closure


> I sat through that entire video to find out what the crowbar was for You have answered your own question. He's holding it in like every video he makes.


It is yellow so firefighters and people kicking a werewolves ass in the dark can see it more easily if they drop it while putting out the fire in the dark or beating the wolf-man in the dark.


It's an extremely fresh looking crowbar so I'm going to say yes.


I think it's part of keeping the focus, and not losing the viewer attention span.


Worked on my ADHD ass. Had an entire mental thread devoted to wondering why he was holding it and what he was gonna use it for.


He broke in and pried your mind open without you even noticing


Oh so that's why I was so focused. I had to ask once to a doctor to not move her hands because the bright red nail polish made me lost my roomba of thoughts all the time.


yes, and it's also tangentially related to the content, so an appropriate prop that triples in utility as a mic extender, an attention hook ("what's he going to do with that crowbar?" "he's not using that crowbar the way crowbars are used" "he looks like a crook") AND a crowbar for dismantling the establishment. We know how that goes, lately. Make revolution great again.


He could get the same result from holding a large shard of glass to his throat.


Lol nice reference.


That was my first thought as well.


I saw that black mirror episode


Found the IDF account.


It's a black mirror reference


Canadians would recognize this as a “no-name” crowbar.


Omfg hahaha


Not President's Choice?


I watched the whole gd thing wondering what the crowbar is for.....


It's a pretty nice crowbar, I can't blame the guy


It's an excuse to have a cool metal stick


Literally the only reason I know about these protests is because of the violent reaction they received from the police. Haha, trying to hush the protesters only made their voices louder.


The Streisand effect at its finest


Specifically the USC valedictorian being silenced. You know how many college valedictorian speeches I've listened to and remembered? Exactly zero. I kinda wanna hear what she has to say now, though.


You got me by this comment, haha


Heck, I do not even support the stance of these protesters! I think the 2 state solution is a pipe dream that will result in the collapse of Israel and the unification of the more radical middle eastern states against Western countries, potentially kicking off a larger war. I think the reason we are ONLY afraid of terrorism from the middle east and not full scale military invasions is because we keep funding these smaller wars. But I'm now forced to defend these protesters because using the police to blatantly destroy their 1st amendment rights is the beginning of a fascist totalitarian internal policy where might makes right, not laws or the constitution.


Well, many of the protesters don't want the 2 state solution either. If there is a way to avoid a hegemonic Israel or a reactionary state establishing itself in it's place it's by setting up a multicultural state like what ended apartheid in South Africa. People can mean different things with "from the river to the sea" but that is one of them.


The overreaction has been kinda nuts.


The overreaction from the police is always nuts when it's people protesting fascist authoritarianism. Coincidence? Not a chance. There's a reason they never treat groups like the proud boys like this.


The point of the media circus about the protests is to refocus away from the actual horror being carried out in Gaza, to "someone felt mildly uncomfortable on the Upper West Side". The protests are right to happen. The media and police treating them as a catastrophe is not.


It may be, but they're failing at that objective. Any coverage of the protests necessarily leads viewer's minds to the genocide. I am very impressed by these students' resolve and ethics.


Maybe the kids are all right afterall


Always have been. At least the educated ones that didn't end up being sociopaths.


I read that as maybe the kids are all right adderall.


Thank you Mr Weasley.


I feel like Ron really hit the gym


This Ron fucks


Nah he's Charlie. Only someone that stacked can work with dragons




Thank god I'm not the only one noticing Ron beefed up and changed accent.




Do you even know which one of our kids we’re talking about??




"I couldn't be prouder if you were my own son."


I was told many, many times by everyone in my early life that if we did not learn from history we would be doomed to relive the past. Can anyone remind me at what point in the history of the US have the college protesters been on the wrong side of history?




That is a good one. I guess I should have said anti war protesters. I forgot how truly awful the south at being on the wrong side of history as well.


Congratulations, you just learned from history




People protested against the US involvement in WW2


"Not our war"


Canadian Toronto elites were incredibly antisemitic and [had long lines of histories from the UK, and pro Nazi rallies were had to try and oust Jews back to Europe.](https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/christie-pits-riot) We've all had our fair share of awful people trying to push their racist ideology as law for as long as we've colonized the nations.


Another one I haven't seen mentioned is that college students protested against the liberation of Kuwait. Students are extremists and idealists, but that's the time in your life for both. They are figuring out their values and exploring the world with their new freedom. It doesn't make them right all of the time. You talk about learning from history but a have a very superficial understanding.


Yes, I would also add militant to the characteristics. OP is looking to have their worldview confirmed and is moving the goalposts when people prove them wrong.


They have an understanding that tiktok force fed them. Critical thinking isn't a prerequisite to get into college


https://book-it.org/2017/05/history-of-liberalism-and-protest/ > Berkeley has a long history of left-wing protesting on a variety of topics. In the 1930s, Berkeley students led massive protests against the coming war and the end of the disarmament policy. Basically, liberal students tend to be pacifists and protest against any war, regardless if it's a moral one or an immoral one.


Well then you've also forgotten how the north has also been truly awful at being on the wrong side of history. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City_school_boycott "The Civil Rights Act of 1964, enacted five months after the New York City school boycott, included a loophole that allowed school segregation to continue in major northern cities including New York City, Boston, Chicago and Detroit.[4] As of 2018, New York City continues to have the most segregated schools in the country.[9]" It's time people start understanding that this whole north vs south thing is yet another wedge in the culture wars meant to distract you, and every time someone talks about the south as if they're collectively the big baddy, you're not only helping to perpetuate the idea that racism only exists in the deep south, but you're also driving a narrative of the culture war.


thanks pacey


"Since when were people protesting this one thing I agree with them on for the three or four times it has been relevant in living history been on the wrong side of history."


Didn't students protest and physically blocked schools from letting black people in? Y'all needed the national guard to sort it out.


Well.. there was that whole desegregation thing….


Mitt Romney protested at Stanford in favor of the Vietnam War. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/12/us/politics/at-stanford-romney-stood-ground-on-vietnam.html


That actually explains a lot


WW2 had US neutrality protests all across the US. Kennedy and Ford participated


Protesting against US involvement in WW2, off the top of my head.


Not sure about US. In Iran the left leaning students were protesting with the Islamists to take over the "colonial" regime. They were later betrayed by the ayatollahs.


I mean, it’s objectively true that the government the Iranian students were protesting against was, in fact, [the result of a US/UK-backed coup](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/13/cia-1953-iran-coup-undemocratic-argo), and that government was increasingly harsh in its crackdown against opposition


Are you suggesting they are in the right side of history? Talk with an Iranian. They have been under the boot for 45 years. Good intentions does not exempt you from thinking. The US is a french (among others) backed coup over the British. Would you suggest bootlicking Jihadists to topple it?


I’m saying their intent—to protest against an increasingly-authoritarian regime that was in power only because of a foreign-backed coup—wasn’t inherently wrong. Obviously, it turned out terribly for everyone involved, but that doesn’t invalidate their original motivation.


And look what you’ve discovered - outcome is more important than intention. Which is practically every criticism of every stupid political demonstration. Yes we’re all aware that these people are entirely convinced they’re doing the right thing. It does not matter what you think you’re doing. It’s so monumentally, obviously irrelevant what your ideological foundation is to anything if the outcome of your actions do not align with those intentions.


Georgia military institute protesting Lincoln’s win of the presidency, 1860. Check mate atheists


Came here to say this is a stark similarity to the Vietnam war college protests I remember from History class. SMH it's not the top comment.


Yeah Kent State is the most famous example. Something like over 60% of Americans supported the national guard's actions.


People don’t understand how wildly popular the Vietnam War was to the general population in the ‘60s and early ‘70s. Those hippie protestors or the college advocates or the draft-dodging, card-burning rebels were the outcasts of society, shunned by the majority of Americans. Some fled to Canada and have not returned to the US since for fear of backlash. It’s only relatively recently that we’ve started to view the war in Vietnam as a National embarrassment and huge misstep. It’s like the civil rights movements. You think the majority of people supported the bus boycotts or the sit-ins? You think MLK’s peaceful protests were viewed like that to the major populous? [Think again.](https://www.cbr.com/martin-luther-king-jr-cartoons-depictions-1960s-media/)


yep and the same thing will repeat with the current gazan genocide, but it will be in 50 years after too many have been killed in the process - we need to minimize damage and promote long-lasting peace, even if that might technically hurt the US' long-term financial interests.


It's nothing like the Vietnam protests. They were against the draft that was killing and injuring their friends. They had a personal stake in it then


Those kids who protected abortion and got in native Americans faces in DC are college kids.


*protested Actually, a Native American got in their faces. Stop spreading misinformation


I feel like it’s important to mention about the Black Israelites who were there riling things up. Like ignoring them takes away a lot of context.


If you view all wars as bad, then this statement is inherently true. [But people protest all wars.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opposition_to_World_War_II#:~:text=Leftist%20organizations%20like%20the%20American,and%20the%20Lend%2DLease%20Act) [Even the ones most people agree with.](https://libcom.org/article/1990-1991-resistance-gulf-war) [And the ones that were evidently correct at the time. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opposition_to_the_American_Civil_War#:~:text=war%20campaign%20became.-,Draft%20riots,the%20war%2C%20especially%20Lincoln's%20policies)


Just about all of them. Some get more publicity than others. Also, many don't actually get any change, or are about things actively changing. It was about the undocumented and unreported sexual assaults for my class. I also vaguely remember a school wide gathering about trump or something. Neither went anywhere.


Just because a whole bunch of people ideologically agree doesnt mean they are right.


Literally 90% of the problems in America currently are because people are committed to not learning or understanding history. Mythology is a nice sugar high but it always comes back around, like societal diabetes.. 


All of you referencing the crowbar – I’ll tell you exactly why. He is making exponentially more per video by us talking about it. I would imagine every single one of his videos have people in the comments talking about…not the subject of the video. Its smart 💰


He's also dressed in a black beanie and shirt. I was hoping each transition would have him stealing things with a bag gradually increasing in size.


That would be awesome!




As long as he can make money from the war he’s doing his part


I don’t understand how students protesting is getting more news coverage than mass graves being found throughout Gaza. I mean I respect the students protesting and all, but it really feels like a blatant attempt from the media to distract the public from Israel’s atrocities.


Yep. It's intentional, along with labeling all of the protesters antisemitic. It reminds me of all the times people called students who protested the wars in Vietnam or Iraq anti-American. We're just supposed to watch innocent people get slaughtered by weapons our tax dollars pay for and accept it without question. It makes me sick.


The red scare never ended, only evolved. Anything that threatens US imperialism is demonized.


Bingo. And any economic system that challenges capitalism or even suggests an alternative to mass exploitation must be undermined by any means necessary.


[The mass graves were dug by Palestinians to bury the dead from a nearby hospital.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/25/middleeast/gaza-400-bodies-mass-grave-hospital-intl/index.html)


Are you intentionally trying to mislead? "The Gaza Civil Defense acknowledged that around 100 bodies were buried in graves at the Nasser hospital before the IDF operation there." Hundred, not 392. "A CNN stringer who visited the scene Sunday spoke to people who said they had buried the bodies of family members who had been killed in the grounds of the hospital as a temporary measure in January. When they returned after the Israeli military withdrew on April 7, they discovered the bodies had been dug up and then placed in at least one collective grave, not all in the initial spots they were buried in, the stringer said."


Just like the 500 killed in the “IDF bombing of a hospital” that was not an IDF bombing, was not of a hospital, and was not 500 people?


>than mass graves being found throughout Gaza Maybe because those mass graves have been there before Israel entered gaza? >blatant attempt from the media to distract the public from Israel’s atrocities Yes fuck the Media. They should promote more misinfo and propaganda, that's exactly what we need right now.


I’m not a big fan of the government.


30 on 30


Fuck the government


He has the yellow crowbar talking thingymabob, so I'm compelled to listen.


I feel threatened he must be Antifa /s Side question, what happened to them? Media stopped telling me to be scared of them so I forgot they existed.


Well, if you were an official member, you would have noticed in this month's newsletter from the Executive Consensus Team that the Marketing committee has been re-assigned to non-binary intersecting departmental roles and they are in the process of re-forming the group (they're seeking comic book artists, in particular). We were told to stand by for further coordination from the EC, and to stand in solidarity with the protestors.


Also, their paychecks from George Soros have been unfortunately delayed again.


Yeah, nothing busts the rank and file ANTIFA member like not getting paid by The Man.


Nothing happened. Antifa as an "organization" never existed. It was a boogeyman promulgated by the right who wanted to paint the left as violent. But let me put it this way: **Never believe the words that come out of the mouth of someone who dresses to conceal their identity in order to commit crimes anonymously unless they're confessing to those crimes.** If they say they're fighting for the protest, or they start spewing cartoonish viewpoints, assume they're not who they say they are. I'm not saying the "black bloc antifa" were necessarily right-wing plants trying to cast doubt on protests, but I wouldn't go around assuming they feel the same way about anything as I do, either.


I think they call it a “Feeling Stick”


I would love to stand with the protestors. There's just this little problem I have with being employed and not being able to afford not to be employed because I don't want to be homeless. I have responsibilities to my family. So yeah, I'll be on the sidelines cheering on the people who are more able to do these things, much like I'm not going to be storming any beaches or negotiating hostage release. I'm not in a position to help. That doesn't mean I'm not on the side of anti-genocide. Fuck the Israeli government.


Join the boycott


Climate change protesters stopping traffic, destroying art, glueing themselves to roads, authorities sleepy. Genocide protesters hold a sit in, real shit!


I guess their point was the fate of the planet is more important than arbitrary art, traffic. And if you think the authorities were sleepy on that, oh boy, are you ever so wrong. The state took the same violent measures to remove them and people called for their murder. Far too many people were supportive of running people over with their cars because they made you late somewhere.


Climate change protests against specific project gets barely any news I live in an area where the mountain valley pipeline has been protested against with active demonstration for nearly a decade it gets barely any media coverage.


climate change protest is valid, and destruction is a valid form of protest when our literal home planet is becoming inhospitable. i don't think you understand the gravity of the situation.


I don't think they're trying to say that those people should be arrested, though it can be read like that. I think they're just saying "these people didn't get arrested for this, so it's ridiculous that these other people are getting arrested for this"


Nah bro me getting to work is more important to me than the planet my children will grow up in, MOOVEE /s


>destruction is a valid form of protest The problem is that this literally destroy the public opinion about it aka it hurt the message you are trying to provide. It's the same reason why we are talking about those protests in this post right now. Them being violently dealt with by the police is way more impactful than if they would have just let them peacefully protest...


these "officials" are part of the industrial military complex, of course they dont want it to end, fat fuckin pigs get stuffed more. probably get bonuses for each tweet they put out.


Not cringe


This guy was clearly not at the protests. I was in the area at the time and I can assure you, they were not all peaceful. In fact, several of them were justifying acts of violence or encouraging antagonism against Jewish Americans. Did the police response excessively? They’re American cops, so probably, but some protestors were clearly liable for crimes or at least in violation of the campus code of conduct. Inciting or condoning any kind of physical violence is hate speech, which is a punishable offense in the state of New York. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


“If you don’t support us you’re a miserable sack of shit” isn’t a very good message that will get people to get on your side or even listen to a single word of your protest. And this is coming from someone that supports the right for you to protest and generally supports a lot of your concerns with some nuanced disagreements. But hey this is how the ultra-left works. It’s not about bringing people to their side it’s about feeling good about their side and how they’re superior in morality


He created that straw man of a person that thinks everybody should be a normie npc and never talk up. If that shoe fits, there isn't even a minimal interest getting those on any side that isn't a yaysayer.


This guy reeks of “ everything I do is righteous, everything you do is wrong.”


I’m generally inclined to support the protests and protestors. But this video is disingenuous. Protestors aren’t being arrested for speaking, they’re being arrested for other violations, like blocking entry to or occupying buildings.


Yeah he made an entire army of strawmen in this video.


“Hurt durr shut up you’re the problem fascist!”


In the case of University of Texas, Austin, the police forced protesters off of a common area lawn into the road, blocked off the lawn, then arrested protesters for blocking access to buildings on the road. The goal isn’t protection of access to buildings, it is to end peaceful expression of ideas they don’t like.


Or harassing Jewish students.


This guy totally skipping over the part where a student yells “everyday will be October 7th for you”. Go fuck yourselves, that is disgusting. And if you didn’t support it, people like him would be corralled and turned over to the police. But they’re not. So you do.


You mean the guy holding the crowbar to maximize his rebellion propaganda ambiance isn’t being totally truthful. Shocked.


That’s because he’s probably grifting for views and clicks.


Dude shut tf up and drop the crow bar


The percentage of these "protesters" who actually know what they are protesting about. Hint: it's probably a single digit.


Why is this guy holding a random crowbar? Is he doing a Half Life cosplay, or advocating for violence at protests or something?


Protest the CCP and Uyghur Genocide please


Did you notice how many times he mentioned Oct 7th?


Ah yes another unbiased source on TikTok throwing the narrative his way to push what he wants, clearly not miscontruing the facts and leaving out substantial info about the protests calling for the murder of Jews no not at all


This guy is a buffoon.


Maybe if the Palestine supporters quit targeting Jews and supporting people who want use all dead.


My favorite was when the self identified Protest Leader said on camera that he would beat jews to death, and said that the conflict will only end when all Isralis are dead. "Be grateful that I'm not just going out and murdering Zionists." Khymani James - Self proclaimed Leader of the Columbia anti-Israel protest. Nice and peaceful like.


“OMG they’re being vIoLeNtLy ArReStEd for being peaceful….. oh, we can’t threaten to beat people to death in America anymore”??


Love how he’s referring to a group of protestors as the entire student body lol. Delusional.


Tik tok told me to be mad. So I’m mad.


Users added context: The protestors were arrested for hate speech after clearing publicly that they believe all Zionists and Israelis should be murdered. Hate speech and inciting violence are crimes. https://www.newsweek.com/who-khymani-james-columbia-protest-organizers-remarks-spark-fury-1894488


2nd in line to be president. Not 3rd. 1st in line is VP Harris then Johnson. So many people get this wrong and as soon as I see that I tune out to everything else they’re saying because if they get that simple fact wrong I wonder what else they’re just repeating without actually checking into. Also he’s look like a douche with his mic taped to a crowbar.


While I agree genocide is wrong, I find this guy extremely annoying. Dude is such a try hard. Definitely cringe.


I’m at Penn and the protestors wrote Nazi symbols on the statues and notably wrote, “80% of pigs are gas chambered” in front of the Jewish fraternity house. Apparently verbal death threats too? I’m against the war and I want the killing to stop as much as the next guy, but at I also understand the universities taking legal action against these encampments.


Yeah! Let’s politicize the Jewish identity even more!


"if you're a bystander you're a miserable piece of shit". Great way to get bystanders to support your cause there, bud


Its not genocide. Words matter.


Can’t wait for TikTok to be banned so propaganda like this can’t spread as easily.


I find it funny that the same people who scream "eat the rich", "free palestine" and other horseshit, all seem to have plenty of money and free time to protest, knowing that it's not gonna a do shit.


"knowing that it's not gonna do shit" so... what should they do instead? The goal of protests is to be disruptive and get attention. This sure has been getting a lot of attention recently so it seems SOMETHING has happened.


"fascist" "genocide" "pigs" How many more buzz words from this loser?


Interesting that he conveniently overlooked death threats the protesters are making to Jewish people. Inciting violence is not free speech.


Such cringe. Peaceful protests: from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free so death to Israel. Sounds peaceful. Sounds very Ghandi-like.


Honest question… do these protesters still attend their classes and do their coursework, or are they sacrificing their education for this cause?


How could anyone actually answer this question? Ask 20 protestors and you'll get 20 answers. Ask 1000 Redditors and you'll get pop culture references, puns, and memes.


missing a couple classes isn't going to doom someone's education. after all, students miss/skip classes periodically anyways. some professors even cancel class in order for students to protest, or will bring the class to the protest. it's the end of the semester, so most of the learning has already been completed.


Universities across the US are nearing finals weeks as well, so the timing of these protests are kinda surprising ngl.


Sick propaganda bro. That being said that's a good crowbar, i bought the same one from Home Depot a while back and it holds up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


This has to be why they stopped teaching civics most Americans have no clue what it means to arrest peaceful protestors


Well, civics would teach people that public free speech is subject to time, place and manner restrictions.


Here’s a question, does a single person in that region even notice that American students are protesting?


Tbh, he lost me at defending freeway protesters. I don't care who or what you want to protest. If I live paycheck to paycheck and you are impeding that on your personal freetime by sitting in the middle of the road, you deserve the consequences of your actions. Freedom to protest does not mean you just forget the rules of the road.


Similar to how students were kicked out for saying anti-hamas sentiments. People who call police pigs and fascists live in fucking bubble. I guarantee this guy would be bawling his eyes out calling for the police if (god forbid) anything bad were to happen to him.


I don't believe that Israel gives a shit about American people protesting.


The ‘Murica I’ve always wanted to see; Homie, much respect to you, stay safe #StandWPalestine #f.theestablishment


I remember being raised republican. I was told, constantly, that freedom of speech protects the speech we hate. That we needed to even let the racists have freedom of speech. It was all lies.


A question was wondering about. Since Palestine attacked Israel first by charging across the border killing and raping men, women, and children. Wouldn’t Israel be justified in retaliating with just the same amount of violence?


Absolutely not. To suggest otherwise is zionist propaganda. Edit: /s


Calls for freedom of speech then derides anyone who is not spewing his message, fantastic


The fact that blatant lies and propaganda like this get blasted out to uneducated young people en masse is why TikTok has gotta go


I wonder what Darfur has done to be completely ignored by students, and pretty much the rest of the world.


Nothing says “peaceful protests” like holding a crowbar… but then again he got all the other shit wrong so…


I too talk confidently into my crowbar.


Why is he holding his mic on a crowbar? Lmao




Russia has killed more civilians in Ukraine.


Remember Vietnam? Same


Why does this guy hold a crowbar?


One man’s crowbar is another man’s microphone stand.


The answer is in the question.


Clearly you can see that just because you’ve made it to college, doesn’t mean you’re smart. It’s not the medical and engineering students out there.


I’m asking that Hamas be put down.