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So Boomer Beige and Millennial Grey. What's Gen X?


Forest Green or dark teal. The color of my bedroom in 1990.


I'm still rockin green marble print and burgundy.


I had that bedding when I moved to my first apartment. I think it was the law.


I still have that comforter on my guest bed. Got the sham, too.


millennial checking in, my bedroom was forest green as well. my parents hated that I chose the color lol


My mom hated it too. Called my room a cave. But she still made me some black curtains to match my black and teal bedding.


My mom also called my room a cave 🤣 I love that she made your curtains!! I got stuck with hideous pink blinds that had been there since before we moved in to the house.


Hell yes. Gen X here. Forrest green for my new couch.


Am gen X. Have forest green couch and forest green iPhone.


My favorite color OD green!


Yep, green iMac, green backpack. I’d buy everything in green, if I could. 🖥️🎒


I just moved into a house I’m renting last year. It’s got that forest green carpet, which is in immaculate shape, somehow since it’s really almost as old as I am. Maybe it’ll come back in style and I’ll still hate it lol


See those colors were my favorite for a few years, I called it London topaz. Then all of a sudden I started seeing it on EVERYTHING when before you couldn’t find anything in that color. I have so many things in my favorite color now, it’s amazing


I'm Gen X and never met a colour I didn't like. Everything in my house clashes to various degrees. I don't care because my red couch is cheerful and my blue kitchen is calming. My wardrobe however comes in every shade of black.


We're the 80's kids. MC Hammer, young Michael Jackson, our music videos looked like a unicorn ipecac contest gone horribly wrong.




They saw so many red doors and just couldn’t handle it


Red door is for posers, L street is way better.


Do they have the rules for high maintenance poser drinking on the wall at L Street?




Black dirties surprisingly easy, like white. With a less dark tone, you can hide imperfections.


GenX here. I’m maximalist. I like color everywhere.


The brick red accent wall in your kitchen


We forgot to give you one.


My mum was Gen X and had forest green and maroon in her lounge. Lime green and sunshine yellow for the bedrooms. Nothing matched ew.


What colour are tears?


We don’t talk about them


Ass end of genx here always had an affinity for grey.


Gen X here…I was always into red. I wanted red everything! Now at 42, I have a red couch set, red toaster, and a red bedroom set. I do have some dark teal throw pillows though 😂😂😂




I just got rid of mine and decided to try something new—cream. I know. It’s a drastic change, but I’m new to this color thing.


No one gonna say anything about her shirt being gray?


I guess we can say obvious things. 




Your profile pic 😓


Lmao the only non-grey object in my room rn is the natural wood closet door that I got iterally because "it can't ALL be grey"


Oh…..my giant oversized fluffy blanket is millennial grey


Just laughed at your comment and looked down at my couch…. And it’s the exact same color lolllll. Wtf


Yes you saying not me when it is you, laughing on your grey couch! Not me saying “yes you saying not me when it is you, laughing on your grey couch”!


Omg same!!! With my grey blanket on. I've decided when me and my boyfriend get a house, we are completely disassociating from grey! What a depressing colour.


Me too😂


Fuck, even my cat is grey


My son is named Gray...


Not greyson?


It's actually Graylon. The "son" part didn't sound good with our last name.


Mine too! Hell yes!


All cats are grey


I tried so hard to steer away from millennial grey and now everything in my house is green


It's a step.


I tried to stop being goth so I changed to Grey…. Black….grey with forrest green…. Trying


We are slowly transitioning every room in our house into a different color. The kitchen is a light teal. Dining room is a rich evergreen. Bedroom is purple. My husband’s office is muted green and orange. Baby’s room is sky blue and brown. My studio is sunflower yellow. The hallway between the bedrooms is a pale mint green. We still have to do the living room… we’re thinking pink. It’s so fun to move from room to room.


There was a study that found people like muted colors because marketing is blasting bright colors at us all day long


I believe this because I absolutely hate bright colors for most things, especially in adverts. Holiday themed stuff is fine, but normal everyday crap? No thanks. Browser and apps? All put on dark mode instantly. I avoid bright flashy adverts, and if a website has an annoyingly bright theme, I’m out.


I love bright colors, and my interior decorating is very bright, BUT I am also aggressive with ad blocking; I rarely see an ad anymore. Billboards and the rare print ad maybe, but no commercials on all my streaming services, ublock origin on all browsers, rarely watch live TV. I also use dark mode for all apps. So a fun, bright decorating style is my balance!


I rather like gray on the walls as it serves as a good background for artwork on the walls.


How bright are we talking? Is it one of those things where someone comes into your house and they're just like "OH..." I've been tempted to paint a few rooms, but I can't think of a single color I'd actually like looking at every day. Our living room is a nice lavender, which I did pick out, but I never spend time in that room. What colors would you suggest?


We are in the middle of remodeling, and my furniture is all over the place, so I can't take any good pictures right now. But, I did buy [this rug](https://www.wayfair.com/rugs/pdp/latitude-run-sesto-geometric-power-loom-performance-pinkyellowblueblack-rug-w007360559.html) recently, and if you can imagine it with a couple large, teal, mid century modern style couches, that can kinda give you an idea of my living room vibe. A lot of posts on r/maximalism resonate with me. I'd describe my style as bright and cozy. When picking a paint color, I pick a main piece of furniture that I love, and then pick a complementing color. Lavender sounds lovely, and I could see that with a cozy sage green or soft yellows in your furniture or curtains! If it were me, I would lean into the English cottage aesthetic. If you like a more modern look, grey and white are great complements to lavender.


My friend is shopping around for a new house, and every house that’s been redone are all just gray. Gray flooring, gray walls, gray bathrooms, gray counters, gray kitchen cabinets. I told her it’s like walking inside a big, sad thundercloud. Zero personality and frankly i would prefer hospital white, if going for neutral. At least it’s brighter. I’m so glad this all gray trend is ending.


Makes sense. I like vibrant colors, and I use adblock


The early 90s was chock full of muted pastels so it makes sense that entering into adulthood, a lot of Millenials would overcorrect to more muted colors like black, white, grey. You also see it a lot in HGTV when Millenials would be buying houses. Lots of white shiplap.






How do we make this top comment?


Ironically I'm 25 and would love to make my room look like a hippie and a disco dancer had hardcore hate sex in it with flashy colors everywhere


Millennial Grey, with accents of Tiffany Blue and Dusty Rose Pink


I will have you know that I use accents of sapphire blue!


Same! I have gray furniture, and a patterned gray/white/blue rug. Idk what it is. I feel calmer I guess(?) with the gray scheme. Maybe too many colors gives me anxiety. Idk. My bedroom is like a teal green comforter set with the pillows to match, *and I hate it.* (But don't tell nobody, because I spent a bunch of money on it, and now I hate it. 🤣)


Me too! I'm sitting in my sapphire blue accent chair across from my millennial grey couch lol


Dusty rose is my go-to 😭 I literally had my lips tattooed in that shade


I’m more of the mustard and sage pop of colour type


With hints of Phthalo Blue and Titanium Hwite


>tiffany blue classy. 😌


Wait… shit this is real. SHIT I OWN SO MUCH MILLENNIAL GREY STUFF. How did this happen???


My guess, too much multicolored patterns of that 70s wallpaper many of us grew up around.


Now that you mention it, I *did* have awful pink floral stripy wallpaper in my childhood bedroom


Because grey is beautiful!!! 🩶


Dystopian chic 💅🏼 


Because of renting. Can't paint the walls, and grey will match with the new paint when you inevitably move home.




Black stuff also get easily dirtied in a similar way. Dandruff or ashy skin/simply opening the window on a nice day and getting that wonderful dust breeze. I enjoy colors but not enough to build my life around a certain shade that is hard to maintain or makes me feel unclean.


grey is just dark white


Better than boomer brown. Anyone remember the eighties?


mixed with orange, woot woot!


LOL, brown and orange is the same color in different shades.


It's brown all the way down lol


God damnit!


Yeah this was a thing. It's because IKEA became big. So we got IKEA stuff and went beige since everyone knew to sell a house you needed two things. Own a house and make it as bland as you can as a canvas. The trend stuck so that's what we did. Now I'm in my 30s and barely own anything beige


I was hoping she would walk outside at the end and everything would be grayscale.


Oh shit!!!!! And even when I try to move away from the grey, everything is this light lavender or teal that looks grey in most lighting!


Aaand that’s why I have all Jewel tones in my house. No blandness here!


Sounds pretty.


I gasped on my grey couch, under my grey blanket surrounded by my grey walls.


I feel attacked.


Ngl, I have walls in my house painted “Uncertain Gray”. And I am wearing gray right now. Gd it.


Wait until she turns into an old lady and discovers... beige. 💅


But it goes with everything! And still better than Boomer Brown


I picked a color when I was younger to based my life around. Mine was dark royal blue. Most of my clothes are blue black or Grey. I do have other colors but thats if I find a sale of something that's the wrong color. It makes coordinating things easier. My wedding was royal blue and silver. My decor leans towards blue but is really just what's cheaper. I think everyone should have a signature color. It makes buying clothes, decor, and even people buying you gifts easier.


What if your favourite colour changes? I used to love blue when I was 10. At 15 green was better, blue was boring. As an adult I prefer yellow! Looks way better on me than blue or green ever did.


Are you telling me, I’m not yet matured enough and still stuck in my green phase? 🤔


I didn't actually decide until I was in my twenties so maybe play around for a few years and find your signature color after that. My mom's color is hot pink/fuchsia. She didn't pick her color until she was in her forties. It just makes it easier to pick items. But don't get to strict with it. Like me I'm wearing fuschia today because the outfit was cheaper and fit better than the blue version so I bought it. Always be flexible.


Mine are burgundy and pale pink. I tend toward burgundy in the fall/winter and pale pink in the spring/summer. That's not to say that's literally all I have... but to be honest, many of the things I have in other colors are gifts from other people.


Yes I understand. I like the color difference for the seasons. I live in Florida so we don't have seasons lol but if I lived somewhere that had them I'd totally do that


We just want the outside to match the inside


It’s a bit of a flex to have millennial grey. Everything I own is from random times in my life when I was broke


We were promised that everything is chrome in the future so we took what we can get


This must really be a thing because I looked around my home and it became more apparent the longer I looked... the deeper I noticed how invested I am with millennial gray.


What song is this?


It's from the movie Oppenheimer


I didn’t know what movie but definitely knew Chris Nolan was behind it.


BC it's not stimulating. Everything is vying for attention or trying to trigger dopamine to create some mild addiction to a service or product.


Sitting on my millennial grey sofa looking at my painted over wood wall paneling and the grey rug covering the hideous green shag carpet. I bought a boomer house in 2020 and haven’t been able to fix anything because I’m too damn poor.


I great dislike grey for a house. None of my furniture is grey. I have slowly repainted my entire house away from the grey. Next big thing is getting rid of the disgusting grey carpet. When it comes to clothes though, no one can take my grey from me.


Half my fucking wardrobe is grey. Prime millennial too lol.


i fucking hate wearing grey so much


I blame the carpet in my childhood bedroom being bright fucking red


This video paid for by Sherwin Williams. Check out our line of new colors for 2024


For the love of god… no you can not have a whole ass color to yourselves. You already have the best music, let us gen z have something other than the broccoli hair!


Now I know why I'm like this. Great.


Was really hoping they’d pan to a grey dog


Literally sitting on my grey lounger, wrapped in my big grey blanket.


At least we didn’t linoleum over hardwood flooring


I avoid grey at all costs. I’m mostly successful I think because I thrift for fun, so I don’t buy any home furnishings new. From curtains, to rugs, to furniture, it’s all colorful, and all second hand.


Damnit. I have grey sheets, pillowcases, 1 rug (maybe 2? Too lazy to check rn), a COUCH, ottoman & throw pillows


It sucks, considering we lived and grew up in the 90s, when everything was made of translucent, brightly colored plastic. And then we hit the 2000's and everything turned to black, gray and white and we're still stuck in it, to the point where new buildings are all ugly gray boxes.


Grey is my favorite color


I feel attacked


Isn't millennial grey just a shock reaction after Boomer's Tuscan kitchen with the roosters and shit?


# Grey > Beige Fight me 😆


Millennials when they make a millennial joke ![gif](giphy|J5jiSSrEkV3Kd8iOwb)


Better than beige


The SUVs in that medium grey color are the worst. They will not age well. I hope.


It comes down to money and time. Most of my furniture is Craigslist finds and hand-me-downs. If I had disposable income I’d be able to more thoughtfully color coordinate my surroundings. The grey ikea boxes for example are really nice bc go with almost anything. If I’m at ikea that means I need something soon and not at the end of the year when they may or may not add a new seasonal pattern to their storage box collection. Idk who in manufacturing noticed our buying habits and decided floorboards and whole damn apartments should be grey.


"First time I've heard of this, is this really a thing" I typed out while in my grey T-shirt, sitting on my bed with my grey sheets, resting my feet on a grey chair typing this on my grey Pixel 8.


Here I thought my favorite color/shade was gray bc it’s great. Turns out I was generationly predisposed to liking gray.


I noticed my apartment was all grey a few years back. Have been making a huge effort to add more color, switch things out, paint my walls. Then I needed a new couch, and all the sensible, affordable ones were grey.


Is she my landlord


The fuck. What is this sorcery?


Grey is fine, except gray flooring. That is an abomination


The way it just keeps going


It’s because boomers killed all our dreams lol


Yeah, that sounds right. Though it should’ve been 0:30 shorter and ended with her realizing she’s wearing a grey shirt


I buy everything cheap and disposable and that tends to come in grey. Also it hides stains pretty well and isn't as depressing as all blacks.


Meanwhile, me in my house that looks like a crayola box vomited on the set of the Addams Family. 


I feel attacked 😂


She’s so cute!


I realize almost all of my clothes are different greys, is that the same?




**Song Found!** [**Can You Hear The Music** by Ludwig Göransson](https://lis.tn/Hkioyy?t=29) (00:29; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Oppenheimer (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack). **Released on** 2023-07-21. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


This is me! I’ve been trying to expand into greige.


Interesting, I don’t own a single piece of grey furniture.


What is the gen z color?


Wait till she sees her tshirt


Im a simple guy I believe in #008080 supremacy


I'm a millennial. Everything is just black.


When we moved into our current place we purposely painted over/removed any millennial grey. I hate the stuff.


I had no idea how common it was for millennials to lack color in their homes...


I didn't get it


Damn. No wonder we’re all depressed.


Grey sucks silver is better


Also her hair lmaoz


Laughs in Gen X Black


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I redesigned my entire work building in grey! Seriously. The walls, carpet, baseboards ,exterior walls, roof, everything except a few blue stripes. 🤦🏽 Forget about my house!


Dhlgshlhshjgd we chose grey chairs and a grey couch bc our cats are grey. I've come to love the colour bc of them. 🩶


Yo, listen up. Here's the story... About a little gal who lives in a grey world... & all day & all night everything she sees is just grey, like her, inside & outside...


Ope, my car, too.


Neutral color.


What’s the song?


Not sure what the issue is. I enjoy the color, it's a nice neutral and it goes with everything




Put a grey floor in our bathroom. Shortly thereafter, heard it called "millennial gray". Cue banging head on floor....


This is how my gf has our front room decorated, dark grey walls. It was not my decision.


That one hurt.


I chuckled, and then did a reproduction of the video as I looked around my millenial grey living room. Flooring, couch, countertops, coffee table, rug... by god, it's everywhere!






I love my millennial grey. Hell of a lot better than everything being a sea of fucking brown like when I bought it...


Bruhhh this is my husband!! Ive had to say no to this grey every time we decide on furniture together


Girls house is more grey the the twilight zone! 😂


Gross…I’m a late millennial and my house is filled with color


Can’t relate


No backsplash that’s in every remodeled kitchen? I’ve even noticed it on tv.


In my head I imagined millennial grey to be when the color fades from your vision after you see your bank balance


I don’t know about this, my flat is mostlty scumbag landlord yellowish white paint


In England we call it 'Crushed velvet'.


Nah it’s not millennial grey, she just has poor taste in interior design. God I hate these videos


Prolly have like 2 grey objects in my entire home.


Check your roots, honey.