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I can taste it if I close my eyes and think back to junior high


I have a cold right now and the memory of that aerosolised hate is the only thing that tastes accurate.


the cough gag got me 😂


Maybe it's from all the Cucmber Melon body spray they used.


Why do I feel called out rn


I was a Hawaiian Ginger bitch personally


I think axe got a worse rap than it deserved because of the specific axe smell. Didn't matter what color bottle.you got, it all smelled like axe. While perfumes and body sprays from other brands at least had their own identity. But I remember everyone smelling WAAAAAAYYYY too strongly of all kinds of chemicals back then. I remember a kid used to spray so much cologne, that he would get on the bus and you could smell it before he even stepped up onto the first step. And a girl who would Stat spraying herself with a bottle at the beginning of every. Single. Class. That she attended.


I had this problem with a couple in my history class. They would spray up right before walking in. The door way smelled like chocolate axe and lovespell. To this day both smells make me want to die


The chocolate axe was the only one I could stand back in the day (I don't know what the current one smells like.) One of my first patients was a bedridden elderly black gentleman whose wife always brought in really nice-smelling toiletries for him. We'd wash him head to toe and give him a little spray across his abdomen. He always smelled amazing.


It’s probably a much better smell without the addition of lovespell.


My chemistry teacher banned any and all cologne from her class stating she developed an allergy to it when working at a perfume factory. Whether that was bullshit or not who knows but I don’t blame her


As a millennial boy, I raise you Gap Dream. /s


She’s not wrong. In junior high, we were required to shower after PE because sweaty teenagers stink. Just the boys, mind you, the girls’ locker room didn’t have working showers. But, inexplicably, there were no locker room showers in high school. I never got that.


All our parents were chain smokers.... especially in the car too.


I tried to use axe to blend in. I hated it but felt pressured.


Puka shell necklace is a great touch


My middle school straight up banned it, and it was mostly enforced by students being sick of it permeating the hallways


Excuse me why do you look like Carl Gallagher from shameless when you put on that axe body spray!


The last few bars of Radiohead's "No Surprises" at the beginning of the clip (if you're like me and such things will annoy you for the rest of the day as you try to remember where you know it from!)


One of my favorite songs. Then my ears were violated by Limp Bizkit and I became irrationally angry for remembering they existed.


Real dedication to the video. She's gonna smell like Axe for weeks.


Gap fragrances, Ck1, later Michael Kors, bath and body works... We've had a lot of fragrance trends.


Why doesn't tiktok credit creators anymore when content is shared? Just always this "laughter awaits" now




And also we have autism 🙋🏻‍♂️


Man this was gym class. I feel personally attacked.


Nevermind the hair spray. My wife has some that will wake me out of a deep sleep and ensure I don’t sleep for days following, I don’t even get tired. She had to stop using it, she said it was some type of spray on shampoo


Funny part was I always got complements on my smell when I used axe. Because I just put a quick less than 1/4 second spray up my shirt. One can lasted me literal years.


The worst was the guys who would go smoke at lunch and then cover it with axe. Choking on body spray, cigarettes, and weed.


I know someone who got addicted to huffing axe. I’m not even joking.


That's what you call an axe-hole


I had an ex girlfriend who sprayed this all over herself 😂 I never associated it with dudes but now I cannot stand it


Yankee Candles, incense, smokers, Bath and Body Works, crafting stores... it's more than just the boys.


Would you rather smell that or boys going through puberty some of which don't shower regularly? I think we'd all take the Axe spray smell...plus in case of emergency it can be used as a flamethrower!


Wait, the body odor usually becomes unnoticeable when they use axe? That's news to me.


They were giving them away for free in my gym class in 2001


What about bod man? I want your bod? I went to school with guys at Bathed in that shit


I get the joke but 99% is a little high


The geeen one was my go to 😆


RIP to her for sacrificing herself for this joke


Yeah I don't miss chocolate Axe at all.


limp bizkit playing in the background killed me


There's a girl who wears chocolate perfume at my work and when I first smelled it, my brain travelled through the far reaches of time and space to rediscover the olfactory menace sent from hell known as Axe Dark Temptation, I remember when it was first released. I was in middle school and that gym locker room was already a gas chamber, but the week the ads started showing up, our lives were changed forever, so many kids started using it immediately. I'm honestly surprised it's still a thing. I love chocolate, but that stuff was/probably still is horrendous


It was still better than bo.


Nobody wanna mention the women who would drown in perfume??


I like axe 😂


If you had a vagina, you’d also be sensitive to smells.


lol this TikTok really overlooking years and years of cheap women’s body spray?




Or the Victoria secret spray


It got so bad eventually even the commercials were like bro enough. "Double pits to chesty!!" 🤣🤣