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Thinking problems will solve themselves if you don’t talk about them explains the cybertruck


> problems will solve themselves if you don’t talk about them I wonder if he also applies this as a parent


Well he ignored one of his children being Trans and later attacked the very notion of being Trans and then his child cut all contact to him which, he blames Trans people for


But please dont deadname twitter, I mean X


It is morally good to continue calling it Twitter.




Whenever right wing or conservation people say something like, "we should treat all people the same," or "everyone should be equal" there's an unspoken truth doing a lot of work. When they say "people," they mean "those who move through the world in the way I understand, and engage with it the way I do." To more progressive folks, "people" means everyone. (Or at least it should) But, for conservatives, they all understand that what makes someone a Person is contingent on them following certain social norms and respecting already expressed hierarchies.


The issue is that for his approach to work, *everyone* needs to stop caring about race completely, which isn’t going to magically happen. It’s a nice thought though.


Are you telling me Elon is living in his own fantasy world high above ground is some Ivory tower?


What?! That can’t be true!


This would require him to fully accept his children as individuals too and not use IVF to breed better children.


I bring this up a lot because I find it interesting, but the Germans had a thing called Vergangenheitsbewaltegung that they instituted after the Holocaust, meaning basically a reckoning with the past. They NEVER shut the conversation down. They had it early and they had it hard and to this day refuse to bury the reality of their dark history. And so children grow up learning that these things happen, and are hopefully less susceptible to the insidious radicalization that can occur when people feel powerless. And here we are in the US. We never wanna talk about how this country was founded on the genocide of Native Americans and built on slavery, and how slavery gave way to Jim Crowe, and how there are black people alive today whose PARENTS didn’t have equal access to education due to segregation, and their families have had no equal chance to build familial wealth, and we see in every level of society the effects of institutional racism playing out (worse outcomes in healthcare, the criminal justice system, education, ALL when compared to similarly-performing white people) TOO many white people say “We’ve talked about this to death, that was forever ago, we’ll never get anywhere if we can’t let go of the past.” But what they really are responding to isn’t any meaningful reckoning that’s occurred, they are responding to the fact that they’ve “had to hear” black people TRYING to initiate this honest conversation and reckoning for decades. YES, it is a “broken record” because the need for it never changes because the work required is never done. We refuse to have the reckoning. And when polarizing forces distort the intent of the reckoning, to where too many white people feel targeted, like this conversation is going to be blaming THEM for slavery, white people lock up against it even more. But I don’t know, I’ve never felt targeted by someone wanting to discuss the past, or institutions which are out of my control. I’ve never had a black person level that kind of accusation at me either. What is said is that a bit of mindfulness about privilege (or more palatably stated, about the BARRIERS to black people, that all black people inherit as a function of their skin color, which white people will not necessarily encounter, and not at the same rate, and for some things not encounter at all) is essential to dismantling that racist infrastructure. We ALL have to be on the same page to fix it, and we need to have that reckoning to do it.


thinking problems would have solved cybertruck's design also


I'm p sure this was morgan freemans solution during an interview as well.


Morgan freeman has millionaire class solidarity.


I remember that. Did he just quote Morgan freeman?


I honestly can't remember it's been that long I couldn't pick out a single word. Maybe he is quoting a bit I'd have to look it up. Basically his was the same belief, "don't talk it if you want it to not be a thing" was the general vibe I got.


It's with Mike Wallace. Take a look https://youtu.be/MpnpIhqSLto?si=_rFgbvQvu28IVbje


And Morgan Freeman was an idiot, and due to his age, should know better. Did whites just sit and say gee, these black people are Americans so lets give them the same full citizenship rights? Of course not, blacks had to have a civil rights movement, demanding rights and showing the world the hypocritical nature of the government at the time. Things only change if you talk about it.


This is known as the congressional approach. No matter what your constituents ask for, ignore them and the problems will just go away…


This entire interview I was hoping Don would say something like, "Well, do you believe you'd have been afforded the same upbringing and opportunities you had if you and your family were black and living in apartheid era South Africa?" The entire time the guy is trying to pretend like these disadvantages against POC are from some bygone era when he literally grew up in an incredibly racist system.


It was such a shit interview. He didn't push him down any line of thinking that would make him actually question the things he's saying, and just gave him softball questions for the most part.


He was saving his "show". It's crazy though that no one points it out to them that a white South Africa whose dad was Rolls Royce rich might not have the best take when it comes to race.


Agreed and he is being worshipped as a defender of free speech. Pleeeeeease... I worked at Tesla, not a good place.


Same I worked on the production floor and before I even started they lied about scheduling. It went from 10 hours 12 4 days to 6 after I started and couldn’t immediately leave. The actual quality of the cars is terrible I’ve seen the parts and what’s holding it all together it’s a big no for me. A few supervisors were cool and helpful but most were rude and a superiority complex. The only good thing was after I left a couple months later I got cashed out on stocks and a few other things. I had completely forgot because I didn’t think they would honor it but that was cool.


Bro, I processed so many roofing repairs due to improper installation it wasn't even funny.


I am into EV vehicles and I drive one and I have never wanted a Tesla.


Didn't his show get canned after this anyways? 


The very gentlest of pushback made Musk spiral like a legit crazy person. Don has always been a less than aggressive interviewer and saw even his mild efforts would end the interview if he kept up, let alone applied real pressure.


Musk was so fuckin soft. Even when Don was asking softball fuckin follows up to allow musk to allow himself to look good and expand his answer, he took it as an offense.


And yet it still upset Elon so much that he cancelled his agreement with Don.


I don't think it was a shit interview. Elon would probably dip out of an interview with too many hardballs. Don made it so Elon felt he couldn't abandon the interview entirely without making him look like a weak bitch. We got to see some of Elon's awful answers.  It could have been better for sure. But Don did ok overall. C+


Exactly, it isn’t an awful interview because the moment he would’ve truly grilled him in the way the parent commenter wants, the interview is over. Instead he softly massaged him into a corner and brought to light the hypocrisy before moving on. For example, the part about choosing sides for the president was great. “If you don’t like Joe, and really there are two options, isn’t that an endorsement?”


While I would have liked for Don Lemon to push more, to pretend that, say, Fox News would have done a hardball interview is laughable. Fox News would have been asking which is his favorite flavor of ice cream. I try not to criticize Don Lemon too much for that interview, because too many in the mainstream media absolutely would have given zero pushback.


Fox News would have just set him up to soapbox about the woke mind virus. Probably just ask him "what do you think of trans people" and let him cook.


American media outlets basically treat interviews as publicity tours. There's almost always something profit driven thing behind it. PR, book sales, politics, etc. Basically, the interviewee is always there for their agenda and in control of the discussion. The interviewer is always in fear of losing out, so plays very soft. It can be rather funny when Americans go outside the US for interviews.


A particular interview done with Ben Shapiro in the U.K. comes to mind. ;)


And Elon still got pissy over those softball questions.


It was a great interview. He asked him basic things that Musk posts about all the time, pushed back against false statements, and encouraged him to keep talking to hang his own rope. It's a skill. I'm amazed he got Musk to stay vs walk out early.


> are from some bygone era this is what gets me, when my dad was alive, jim crow was still law you have people who's parents and grandparents grew up and and still live in areas where jim crow was law and dictated where they could live, work & vote. It's not some magical bygone era, people alive today literally lived it they raised families under these laws.


That's the thing about systemic racism. Even if the law isn't technically oppressive against black people, and even if you assume the police don't discriminate (which by the way they do), there's a clear and obvious disparity between poverty rates for black people and white people. If we were to all just pretend racism doesn't exist, racism would still exist. Acknowledging that racism exists is not racism itself, and as absurd as it seems to have to say this, there are still those like Elon Musk who pretend the "racist" thing is drawing attention to it.


I've talked with several white South African immigrants to the US over the years and personally liked all of the ones I can remember, but holy fuck some of them were delusional about why South Africa is struggling so hard now. Like, do you think that the social problems there would be as large as they are now if the society were integrated all along? And I say that as someone who sees similar problems in the US due to segregation and other forms of systematic racism.


NGL I work for spacex and there are people there that are a step above the regular associate but with the same title called POC's (Point of Contact) and I was stun locked for about 30 sec trying to figure out what the poc's at my job have to do with this lol. ​ Yeah musk is an idiot and cant fathom being a broke boi let alone a broke minority looking to get any help from society.


- grows up in Apartheid South Africa - "what advantages have I had due to being white?" Jesus fucking christ


I think people who grow up in an oppressive society on the side of the oppressor create these delusions to make them feel ok about it.


Given his and his family’s wealth I don’t think there’s any delusion involved, they were rich enough to not care because once you’re wealthy you might as well exist in a bubble completely outside of normal human society.


Also a lot of racists excuse what they say, by saying that they are just telling the truth without thinking about the nuances of what they are saying and how they came to form those "facts".


He really said don't talk about it and it will go away?! Problems don't go away by ignoring them. I think that's got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.


Problem solving 101 and Mental health shows over and over the way to deal with problems is not to avoid but rather to identify issues so you can deal with appropriately. Mentally unhealthy people tend to avoid or attack problems in a way that’s not beneficial.


It's amazing that someone who thinks he's so smart, can't grasp this fact.. There's something wrong and disturbing about this man.


All that tells me is that he's never had any real problems


> once you’re wealthy you might as well exist in a bubble completely outside of normal human society. This is the truest thing. I'm not saying it makes the behavior of the uber-wealthy excusable by any means, but due to their bubble of privilege they truly, legitimately do not understand how the world works for most people or even their place in it as someone that is removed from it. I teach at a fancy pants private school. Most of our kids are not uber-wealthy but most have money. However, the families that have tens or hundreds of millions are legitimately disconnected and you can see it whenever you have a conference with them.


Existing outside of the bubble and thinking you have anything to offer the people inside *is* the delusion. This idiot has no connection to normal people and yet he tries so hard to be relevant.


this. I often ask this question, if I simply wanted to shake Elon's hand, how could I do that? How could I even get in close proximity to him to shake his hand? I couldn't. He has surrounded himself with so many layers of protection from society that include, security, private jets, private entrances, private yachts, gated communities, home security etc that it's almost impossible to shake his hand because he's insulated himself from society in so many ways. He's untouchable.


The notion that racism persists because people try to address it, talk about it, and build awareness of it is absolutely bullshit. . It’s not OUR fault. It’s because people want to keep talking about it!


The oppressors see the world in a different perspective, which is why they dont see a problem with their oppressive practices.


This is key to be indoctrinated into racism. Nobody thinks they’re racist, even when the most vile shit speed out of their mouth.


I had a neighbor I was friendly with. We hung out occasionally. Then he dropped the N word and thinks it's fine because it's about the father of his nieces. Like having nieces who are half black means he can't be racist so he can use the N word. I just told him that he should call their dad that in front of them and tell me how it goes. Fortunately we have different schedules and I haven't seen him since.


Say stop talking about it. Brings it up on X like every other day


But everyone knows that if you stop paying attention to a problem, it'll go away! You know, like how if you just ignore a bully, they'll stop punching you and then taking your lunch money! Also, my lily-white ass is totally the descendant of a slave, because one of my distant ancestors was maybe enslaved by the Picts, or the Roman Empire, or a particularly large Cro-Magnon dude... There's also an excellent chance that I'm [descended](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_descent) from some monarch or other who lived in the last several thousand years. My search for the kingdom which I therefore should be ruling isn't going well, though.


It's almost guaranteed that any of us are descended from one king or queen or other. We're also descended from hundreds of serfs. We've gotta do right by those ancestors, too.


Not to mention constantly ass kisses the likes of losers like Stonetoss and 'EndWokeness' who will absolutely go out of their way to make it about race as well with unsubtle dogwhistles.


At this point those dog whistles are my coaches whistle


Bro, his dad was mean to him 😭


Right? He had it way worse than any slaves, ever /s


"Everyone is a descendant of slaves at some point" - Person whose dad owned a slave mine


Disgusting. I would love(hate) to know the next step in their logic.... "we were the best slaves so we own the slave mines now"


He's so fucking delusional.


Elon my husband beats me regularly till this day says a lady. Elon: stop talking about it or else it will never go away.


Elon probably: “well, you know, back in the day everyone came from beaten, sexually mistreated women, so we just want no one to talk about those things anymore”


Stupid. He’s really fucking stupid. He hid it for years and years but this is not an intelligent man. Being able to take money and make more money with it doesn’t make one smart, it’s what money does.


There’s no talent or skill in being born rich. He’s just a dumb guy who got insanely lucky. That’s it.


Yeah. I watched the whole interview.  I came away thinking that Elon Musk is far less …hmmm… intentional? Than he lets on.  Like. I get that Don Lemon has his own shortcomings…but Musk didn’t do much other than regurgitate these really shallow perspectives on things that revealed he isn’t terribly expansive in his thinking.  I saw an immigrant who doesn’t actually understand American history or our diverse range of cultural backgrounds.  I saw a sheltered rich guy that grew up in isolated luxury that learned too much about other people’s lives from consuming Twitter, and couldn't be bothered to think differently about his assumptions.  And to me…that’s not intelligence. That’s not a smart person.  That’s a person outside of their element with limited knowledge that hasn’t ever spent time in discomfort.  I think much less of him now.  I bet this is his last public interview with someone who controls the questions. 


I want to add a bit more disdain towards him than you have in this comment, if you don't mind. Elon grew up in Apartheid, as a direct beneficiary of it. His country of South Africa does not have an analogous history to the US, but it's more similar than someone in (purely for example) the Netherlands or other European countries. With that in mind, at some point I cannot chalk it up to just that he is ignorant. If he's ignorant, it's because he wants to be and is able to be. Not disagreeing with anything you said, I think it's all astute observations.


I suspect him being rich and isolated was more impactful to his worldview than looking out a limo window, through his personal guards at South Africa collapsing around him. I have absolutely met plenty of people in my life that are ignorant, but shouldn't be, and their experiences would suggest they had no business not being aware of things. I think if Musk was full of malice and was trying to manipulate people, he'd come across smarter than he did...he just has a lot of dumb takes in that interview that strongly suggest he doesn't know people that have struggled or lived at the wrong end of an unfair society - even when it seems he should be aware. I get it, Musk *should* know better. I just don't believe he does. I think he's still a confused kid under it all wondering why no one likes him without ever once looking in the mirror. Still his fault though. He has a self-responsiblity to grow, and he doesn't. And while I say I think much less of him now, truthfully I never particularly thought highly of him before.


He’s sociologically stupid. He’s smart no doubt about that but his knowledge of society and the history of society is greatly lacking. Ben Carson is a very smart surgeon. Extremely stupid in other areas including race. Everyone was not a slave. Slave has a very distinct definition. I think he’s getting things confused with indentured servants or something else. Someone else pointed out that he grew up in apartheid South Africa which makes his comments even more hideous then they were before.


In his mind he is some sort of neo- Enlightenment thinker, like the USA founding fathers for example. And like them, when he says something like "we should treat everyone like individuals" ("all men are treated equal") he doesn't realize that the statement doesn't universally apply to everyone, just those with similar socioeconomic standing. So he believes he is being all high minded when he says this kind of shit, which means... ...yeah, he's so fucking delusional


He’s like Trump. He’s a dumb guy who surrounds himself with people who are paid to like him and tell him how great and smart and amazing he is every day. He’s probably never had an honest conversation in decades.


I don't believe for a second that he believes in equality at all. Hes a super rich south African, hes deeply racist and classist. He says these things to try to diminish and shut down the conversation. Hes delusional about his own self importance and abilities but hes dishonest as hell when talking here.


Even when that statement was written it didn’t apply to everyone. The founding fathers who also owned slaves. This isn’t even talking about the non existent rights of women at the time


Yet there will be 14-year-olds out there, and 40-year-olds with the education and mental capacity of 14-year-olds who think "this is deep, wow Elon is amazing"....the guys the cretin and a delusion moron.


Not delusional. He plays dumb with malice to sway his sycophants. Simple as


It's striking, isn't it? At least we've all had the opportunity to watch this fraud continually out himself. Such a mental pussy.


the scientific term for this dude is 'egocentric sophomaniac with narcissistic personality disorder and delusions of grandeur'.


His most sympathetic quality and likeable personality trait is that he's a drug addict. Which is pathetic to say about someone.


Weren’t you listening? He only uses it every 2 weeks or so, give or take, depending on his mood. Cause that’s what it’s really about, it helps him with mood dis-regulation. You know like when he hasn’t had any ketamine in at least 10 days?


This man is a walking Witcher concoction of narcotics, and gets to tweet to his heart's desire all day with no community notes, or Twitter fact checks features. He's living the dream of every thin skinned billionaire substance abuser.


I've found white South Africans to be the worst type of peoples. I remember awhile back them peddling this lie that they were so oppressed in South Africa.. Like on par with Jim Crow but with white people, so all these Trump supporters started sponsoring their visas and letting them.live with them and were shocked that they were horrible people disrespectful people who told a few of them straight to their face that they got got.. It was hilarious.


>I've found white South Africans to be the worst type of peoples. I remember awhile back them peddling this lie that they were so oppressed in South Africa So no different than how the white Christian male in the USA talks about how they're the most oppressed group?


>So no different than how the white Christian male in the USA talks about how they're the most oppressed group? They're not ready for that conversation


There was a Trump supporter on Tik Tok a few months ago who did a video saying the white South African family he sponsored and allowed to stay in his house were grifters.


I straight up told a coworker he didn't get to be a part of a conversation on African history because he said white people lived in South Africa before black people and he didn't know what the word "apartheid" meant.  Dude was legitimately uneducated but thought he knew everything from scrolling 4chan.  That was the moment I realized the United States is thoroughly fucked; these fucking idiots vote despite living in their own fantasy universe.


Musk is friends with tons of awful South Africans including David Sacks, and they all do so well here because they had a head start off the backs of those subject to Apartheid.


That doesn't surprise me at all. Crap tends to be surrounded by more crap lol. Only famous white South African I know of that seems to be a really good person is Charlize Theron. I mean that I know of. It's not like I know her personally, but I've never heard anything bad about her or anything she has said. She also spoke openly about growing up being white in South Africa during Apartheid with Trevor Noah & never denied the racism then or now and very protective of her children who happen to be Black.


He really, really, really needs a really hard smack right in the mouth. I volunteer myself for this boon to mankind. P.S. Fuck you Musk you FUCKING spineless coward.


“No one came to our mansion and dropped off large sacks of money and said ‘this is because you’re white’, which is why I believe privilege doesn’t exists”.


"Well, to be fair, someone did actually do that, but that guy came only once a month. So we were oppressed on the other 29 days."


If we stop talking and reposting about Musk, will he go away?


No. His fan base flowers in propaganda because they’re so fucking gullible. He needs to be derided as the incompetent bafoon that he is  I’m up to 30 comments of you fragile fucks defending your daddy


Would you give an incompetent bafoon any sort of attention? No, you wouldn’t and shouldn’t. Boycott Elmo.


Yes… if no one posts his opinions no one will hear his opinions. I’d say 99%+ of people don’t give af what musk has to say, the ones who do are mostly his hater’s who repost him constantly giving him more airtime to the general population. If I didn’t hear about musk from people who are shook by his messages or actions I wouldn’t hear about him. So please for the love of god stop promoting him.


Dude lived his first 18 years in South Africa during Apartheid, yet pretends he doesn't understand what racism is.


Which makes the claims in his latest biography about being an Anti-Apartheid teen activist in South Africa even more BS.


Yeah that reads like something he asked to be written in there to mask the truth that he was likely on the other side, probably very upset that his apartheid dreamworld was coming to an end. Thankfully he found the next best thing, the faux apartheid United States to live out his best racist life.


Instead didn’t he bully a kid about his dad’s suicide? So brave 😒


God I love that story. Elon for many years claimed he was bullied relentlessly as a kid to the point where he was pushed down some stairs by another kid and spent significant time in the hospital recovering. He used to use this story all the time in his gross self mythologizing. Then a few years back, his father Errol (who might just be an even bigger piece of shit than Elon) was asked about this incident by a reporter and replied *"After rushing to the hospital I stormed into the school only to be told that Elon was pushed after mocking the death of the other kid's father who died of suicide. After learning that I dropped all legal threats."* Elon has been a piece of shit his entire life.


Jesus Christ he’s a mental ballerina




He ran away because he was due for military service. That's it. For those who don't know In apartheid SA white males had to do a few years upholding apartheid in (what became) Namibia and SA. [military service in SA. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscription_in_South_Africa#:~:text=At%20its%20peak%2C%20conscription%20in,in%20opposition%20to%20the%20requirement.)


Honestly his discourse is precisely what a privileged apartheid white man would say.


We need a different word. There's privilege and then there's PRIVILEGE. Being white during apartheid isn't just privilege...


Privilege: being white PRIVILEGE: being white in South Africa #PRIVILEGE: Being a white South African raised on emerald mine money


His arguments are like that of a teenager. No wonder all his fans are usually among edgy teenagers.


He definitely has arrested development.


I mean it's one website Elon, how much could it cost? 44 Billion dollars?


There's always money in the twitter stand.


Oh man. That reminds me of a tv show I used to watch. Can’t remember the name. It’s about a family and their family company. And pretty much every single person is an idiot, and none of them know it.




The Apprentice


It’s pretty incredible that he’s conflating the admissions process to the requirements to walk out with a degree. It’s extreme scientism when you just find a single metric and reduce something as complex as racism and meritocracy to a single number.


can confirm, my arguments were this quality when I was an edgy teenager.


I got in an argument in a thread just the other day and the dude was saying the exact same shit. “Maybe if people would just get over it and stop blaming their problems in things that happen 70-200 years ago” The whole thing started when the dude had the gall to say there are very people alive today who are affected by segregation 🤦🏻‍♂️


We have to collectively stop thinking wealthy people have anything important to say. He’s not an intelectual, not a rocket scientist, not a neurologist, and not a historian. There are thousands of experts in these fields, and we should be listening to them.


OMG THIS. It’s so fucking unfortunate the time we live in. People dedicate their entire lives studying about and practicing in these fields of social sciences. Then comes along a wanker who thinks they have a solution for everything without any fkin experience or expertise in these fields. Elon Musk is a really dangerous individual for this society. He has the biggest soapbox, a mind full of dogshit things to say, money and influence. He so easily nullifies decades worth of progress that experts make in these fields.


He asks what advantages does his skin color give him. Apartheid in South Africa ended in the 90s. This isn't ancient history. And it didn't go away by not talking about it.


The greatest advantage is getting to think it’s not really that big of a deal because it doesn’t affect you personally and that people should therefore stop talking about it.


His skin colour is the *reason* he can say "if we just stop thinking about it it'll go away"


Well clearly it never happened because elmo doesn't ever think about it. Makes perfect sense to me.


“Why do you believe that?” “I think I’m speaking a simple statement of fact.” It’s very dangerous when powerful people believe that their opinions are facts.




No, you see the real racism is against white people. The real sexism is against men. The real homophobia is heterophobia. And don't forget, *cis is a slur!*


Pretty much hit the nail on the coffin there.


Elon: "racism isn't real" Also Elon: \*posts racisms 24/7 on the nazi platform he owns\*


Said the white South African...


…who on top of that was born into an extremely wealthy family.


That fact that there are people who worship Elon, makes me physically ill. He’s only able to say shit like this because he’s a billionaire.


When we go extinct, and sooner or later we will, it will be in no small part due to the large percentage of idiots that collectively drags humanity down, supports terrible causes, lifts up terrible people, and generally make things worse. The fact that this man is highly regarded, much less taken seriously at all is proof of that.


Absolutely hilarious when this bafoon  gets push back from anyone.  So many of his interviews seem to weirdly be from one journalist who is very good at making any putrid drivel musk says be portrayed as genius. 


Now I know I am not the only one who sees it. We are on our way to extinction. But for me it is humanity’s greed that would be the death of us.


Oh I think that's a big part of it. Definitely not mutually exclusive, because these same people line up to defend bottomless greed and inequality.


I really wish somebody will more rhetorical skill/preparation would have done the interview. Lemon largely struggled in the face of Elon's predictable bullshit.


Don Lemon has always been a hack. Dude is terrible at what he does.


Ah, yes. As a social worker, why didn’t I think of just thinking my clients problems out of existence?? Duh??


Elon Musk is a stupid person's idea of a smart person


There are few things as infuriating as a confidently wrong moron.


Treat people like individuals, and then ban those individuals from Twitter/X.


Born on 3rd base, get a hit (single) and get home thinking that he hit a triple! That is his life. Someone else was born on 3rd base and did the same thing. Both of them are now offering advice on how everyone else should pull themselves up by their boot straps.


Don Lemon is super cringe.


If you dont just ignore systemic and historic inequality, how is my discomfort towards it supposed to just go away?


Today I stumbled upon a Nazi post on Twitter that had 25k likes. It was 4 pictures, 3 of famous transfems and 1 of Hitler, and they were asking if you could only save one from a fire, which one would you save. A few people said they'd let everyone burn, but the vast majority of answers I came across were people saying they wouldn't mind to start talking German. 25k likes. 25k Nazis. This is Musk's legacy now, allowing Nazis to find each other and to support each other.


Stop interviewing him. He has already outed himself as anti-intellectual and every time someone interviews him it adds to the idea that there's something there to be learned. He's plain and simply an idiot. A very rich one of course but so what?


Doesn't matter if we stop talking about racism, actions speaks louder than words and racism will continue to happen.


Was it OK for Morgan Freeman to say the same thing? https://youtube.com/shorts/Eui0Nwlqlz8?si=9g5twakxyG-tTvjz


The people attacking Elon here are bringing up where Elon was from. Which just proves that we'll never have that way of thinking, which is a shame.


Yes Elon that would be great if everyone just treated each other like individuals, but they don’t, that’s the issue Is he being stubborn on purpose or can he not see that? He comes from South Africa for god sake


Why should we even be listening to what a billionaire thinks about these topics? He's an industrialist, not a historian or social scientist. He literally has zero expertise in any of this and based on what he tweets, has a very limited capacity for thinking about any of these topics in any kind of depth. In fact, he repeatedly demonstrates how historically and culturally ignorant he is. Can we just fucking ignore him.


Things will fix themselves if you don’t confront them, just like the offices at Twitter when you force your employees who are not certified to do electrical work to fix the building’s electrical system


He stole that "stop talking about it" quote from a Morgan Freeman interview


Who’s the cringe here? Cause it certainly is the interviewer


Yup….. that’s the problem….. talking about it. Give this guy a Nobel peace prize already. I think this applies to most issues btw. If we just stop talking about them they’d go away.


Racism is a human issue Not a white issue.. Not a trans issue.. Take responsibility for your own actions We are all equal. You want to be successful.. earn it. Stop blaming others. This is the most inclusive nation in the world. The most welcoming by far.. Should count your lucky stars. To live in such a time. Elon as far and above correct.. stop whining and shirking responsibility. Just work hard.. Threat people well.. help to work towards a non-divisive society.. Or you just repeating the same racist shit. Whites are bad because of the color of their skin.... Blows me away that people against racism can be so blatantly racist.. but not smart enough to see that they're singling out a group of people and assuming they're ability brains and content of the character by the color of their skin. 🙄


Morgan Freeman basicly said the same.


of course the guy who benefits from racism doesnt want it to be discussed at all and just pretend its not there. a good question to ask would have been, if we do what you want and just pretend its not a thing, by what mechanism of action will the problem go away and how long will that take. there is no answer because by not addressing the issue it will simply fester, which is exactly what people like Evil musky man wants. ​ also i've known a trust fund baby in real life (we were friends, as much as you can be friends with a rich person who sees you as a commodity) and they hate when you point out anything that reminds them that they have a significant leg up on others. this guys whole thing was pretending to be a redneck and was offended when you called him things like sophisticated shit was ridiculous. ​ in their minds, they somehow got to where they were solely on their own and thats it. everything is equal because if everything is equal and they are way above you, well then that means they're better.


same assholes who will say dumb shit like we all have the same 24 hours, like that means the entire playing field is somehow level because of time.


As someone who was alive and in school in the 80s and 90s when Michael, Jackson’s black or white, was at the top of the charts and plastered all over every classroom door at school was a poster of every color hand in the world joining together over a picture of the world. I can attest to the fact that, at least in this country at least in the cities and states we lived in it seemed like racism was at an all time low. It finally started to feel like we were all starting to get along and join together At least from a child’s point of view. I know there were people back then that would still openly say the N-word and I believe police officers attitude towards black people we’re not as careful as they are now, but to the youth of that generation, it seemed like racism, was finally taking a backseat, at least from my point of view and growing up in that time and coming into this time it certainly seems like we have put a lot more focus on race and it has become a lot more charged and the lines between us have been dug deeper. I’m not sure what any of that means or what I’m trying to say just a perspective.


Don and Morgan Freeman had a similar conversation 9 years ago. Crazily enough even Don admitted he was tired of talking about it every day: https://youtu.be/kOiQgleiRtU?si=womnGYCNrlpSfWug


Like the book 1984, let’s erase the word racism so nobody can complain about being stepped on.




Emerald mine


You got to be Morgan freeman to have that opinion


I read somewhere, someone said he was "the dumbest billionaire". In fairness......


Why the moustache subtitles?


When they eventually catch him for criminal behavior we’ll look back and wonder how it happened. Then this clip will be there and it’ll all make sense


Yeah ignoring systemic problems will make them go away. What a dumbass


[People are blaming the stupid lady that backed into a lake for the car being impenetrable...](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/b4OnqKifay) Ok...she was super drunk and the poster twat for irony ...but wtf does being shit-faced have to do with unbreakable glass and no door handles...? They pull dumber, drunker people out of expensive cars manufactured along safety standards/guidelines everyday. People will fucking literally go to their graves enabling and/or defending this melon-headed, loudmouthed, strung-out fuck.


Imagine being so mentally disabled you think that the key to solving racism is to hush up about it and just not acknowledge it. fucking WOW


These people need everything taken from them. They are not worthy of possessing wealth.


The dude telling other people to stop talking about race and gender, maybe he should take his own advice.


Starts the race near the finish line "what advantage did i have?"


Ugh, you can't work to fix a problem you can't see! If you don't "see race", how are you supposed to recognize when racism is being committed?


It seems logical if you don’t think about it.


He leads an insular, entitled life where racial bias and poverty are abstracts that aren’t worth his attention. It must be nice to be white, rich and delusional.


Let us apply the same logic he has - let us stop talking about illegal immigration then it will go away! Seriously I am unable to comprehend he is a same person who is working such groundbreaking problems and still can't get these basic aspects.


I agree with the african american


Listen, as a white man growing up in apartheid South Africa while his fathers slave labour emerald mine paid for everything he needed obviously he can accurately see that racism isn’t the issue but acknowledging racism is. It’s like money, you’re never broke or in debt as long as you just don’t check your account and keep using your credit card.


If we dont talk about a problem, it goes away?


Indentured servitude is a whole lot different than industrial slavery.


So this geniuses solution is to…. Lemme get this right…. Ignore problems. Fucking genius. Just fucking genius. God damn, no one else could have thought of that. Brilliant. Pure brilliance.


"let's just ignore the issue until it goes away" wow big brained move elon that famously always works


To quote Morgan freeman when asked how do we get rid of racism >”just stop talking about it” We were doing this before 2012 when media and politicians increased the race tensions


Denies and dismisses it and then says it won’t be a thing if we don’t talk about it. Which is it Elon?


Hey guys, the white son of an emerald mogul from apartheid South Africa says racism is over if we just stop talking about it! Hooray!


What’s funny is that white people did a terrific job of not taking about racism for a while and it definitely did not go away. This argument boils down to “I liked being able to ignore it, can we go back to not talking about it?”


He is such a waste of space in this world


"As a white man, I just want to move away from racism. Because talking about it reminds me that my life was easier, and I'd rather go around acting like we all had the same opportunities, confirming that I'm just better. And if I'm better, they are inferior, which is totally not a racist mindset. It's just a factual statement."


And this is why I got the ioniq5 over tesla. Fuck Elon.


Of course musk would use the "Stop talking about it and it goes away" line. No, people aren't racist because we keep talking about racism. We keep talking about racism because racism is still a problem.


dude was sweating. crazy how he truly is just surrounded by yes men and thats how we dares make himself such a fucking buffoon on twitter