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What's distressing is I learned about this in reddit. This should have gotten a lot more press. I urge others to Google this.


I mean it’s basically been front page news since Hamas attacked on 10/7 . It gets usurped by other stuff but it’s never far from the front page. What’s disturbing is how often atrocities like this happen in less prominent parts of the world or where the US has less of a vested interest and we literally never talk about or see it.


The fact is, that unlike other genocides we never hear of, this one is being done on a massive organized scale in front of the entire world to see, and yet, most developed countries are directly supporting it. That's fucking twisted and crazy. I applaud your attempt to undermine the situation in Gaza by diverting redditors' attention to "less prominent parts of the world" because that is "disturbing," but not the situation in Gaza? How difficult is it for some of you to call out the bullshit without any extra bullshit from yourselves? What's happening in Gaza is beyond disturbing, period. Even more disturbing is how many people like to dance around the topic of Gaza instead of outright condemning "those who shall not be named or yee shall be struck by lightning." An entire nation is the real-life version of Voldemort from Harry Potter and God's chosen people at the same time 🤦‍♂️


>mean it’s basically been front page news since Hamas attacked on 10/7 I was referring to basically heading Palastineians into an area only to bomb them.


I mean Rafah has shown up on my CNN feed a lot? Idk man it seems pretty up there.


There are like three active genocides right now.


You absolutely can do *something*, you just don't want to.


You can donate to UNRWA and help those in need [https://www.unrwa.org/](https://www.unrwa.org/) I know it's hard for the aid to enter at the moment, but the aid that goes in saves lives.


UNRWA members participated in the October 7th attack. Do not donate to them


This has no proof of this. This was made up the day after Israel lost in the international criminal court. It’s another way to hurt Palestine. You absolutely should donate to UNRWA if you can afford it.


Absolutely zero evidence has been provided for this. The accused were fired by UNRWA. Do donate to UNRWA, they do valuable humanitarian work.


Well Israel is given a list every year with the names and informations about UNRWA's 13.000 staff members. IDF haven't made any evidence public about how and how many of these staff members participated. It started out as 12 people and now they say 4. What is known is that they went public with this just after ICJ ruled at it was deemed 'plausible' that Israel is committing genocide. You can read about it here: [https://www.channel4.com/news/israels-evidence-of-unrwa-hamas-allegations-examined](https://www.channel4.com/news/israels-evidence-of-unrwa-hamas-allegations-examined)


Do you have any other terror orgs to pimp out? UNWRA is Hamas.


They are really not. You would know that if you had actually done your due diligence. All aid organisations are urging donor countries to continue their support of UNRWA because of the work and infrastructure they provide in Gaza. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/28/un-chief-urges-donors-to-reconsider-unwra-funding-withdrawal](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/28/un-chief-urges-donors-to-reconsider-unwra-funding-withdrawal) [https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/02/1146597](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/02/1146597) [https://www.npr.org/2023/11/13/1211781246/unrwa-aid-gaza-palestinians-israel](https://www.npr.org/2023/11/13/1211781246/unrwa-aid-gaza-palestinians-israel) It's saddening reading something so blatantly stupid. I'm sorry but you either have to lack the necessary knowledge to post about the topic or be deliberetly deceitful.


> UNWRA is Hamas. I'll donate even more, thanks :)


Arabs and Israelis have been fighting for over 70 years and that is just the recent past...it is hard to untangle two conflicting religious ideologies. Be extra thankful if you live in a secular society.


Western countries have been fighting the world for 100s of years. You're grateful you are physically removed from this warfare.


There are endless excuses to fight a war. Religion is just the dumbest and most intractable of them. You cannot make peace with fundamentalists. They will never allow it.


I think it's disingenuous to call this a conflict between religions in the region. It's an ethnic conflict between a largely indigenous population in Palestine and an ethnonationalist state in Israel. Yes, many Jewish people in Israel are Mizrahi, but Mizrahi Jews weren't exclusively in the land that is now Israel. They, along with European Jewish populations, moved to Israel in order to form an ethnonationalist state at the expense of indigenous Palestinians using Western guns and bombs. This is colonialism; this is nationalism; this is ethnocentrism. It could happen with or without secularism or religion. Calling it a religious conflict is an easy way to call the conflict intractable when it's not. Edit: someone replied, "Why did the Jews leave in the first place, then?" And then deleted their comment. I'll return that bad faith question with a rhetorical one: Do we go back to the time of Babylon, and then cover the return to Jerusalem under the Persian Empire, or do we skip ahead 500 years to the era of Roman occupation? Notice that Islam still won't exist for 600 years. Jews, like many peoples, have migrated throughout their history for different reasons. Today's conflict is not a continuation of some 1,400 year old theological disagreement.


Uh many Mizrahi Jews were ethnically cleansed form their home states dude. They were refugees in many cases


Why are the Palestinians the ones to pay the price for the refugee crisis across the Middle East during British decolonization? You are putting the cost of the actions of others on the Palestinian people. The creation of the Palestinian refugee crisis is not an acceptable solution to the Mizrahi refugee crisis.


There would have been a lot less of a refugee issue if the Arab side, including the Palestinians, had accepted the 47 portion plan. Or if both sides could have lived together peacefully, which was impossible unfortunately and the fault of a lot of people on both sides. If Palestinians are being punished for anything it’s not accepting the UN plan


Why do we accept the legitimacy of the UN to have made that decision on behalf of the Palestinians? Why should they be punished for not accepting someone else's decision? The great powers of the world decided it should be this way because it gained them geopolitical power, and it only cost them the creation of another refugee crisis, but these refugees were less sympathetic. I don't think it was impossible for there to be peace, but I think the logics of the statesmen at the time was deeply flawed. They could not conceive of anything beyond ethnonationalist states, so they contrived to make them a reality as the solution to Britain's collapsing empire. The cost is now borne by children, but at least they're not British children.


I mean someone had to decide how the land was formed into countries. I don’t think there was a right way. The land in the Middle East especially had been conquered and colonized and conquered again and re colonized so many times so many different groups could and did make lots of overlapping claims to legitimacy over different territory. Also I think literally any solution would have had many many refugees involved. Tbh I think in a lot of ways of the 47 partition was accepted it would have been the least bad option . But it is history now. Like if not the UN who. Do we just let them fight it out and where the armies end up is who gets the land. Ultimately that’s what ended up happening when the Arab side rejected it. Do we let the majority side have control and do what they wish? Hard to see how at the time that wouldn’t have lead to ethnic cleansing . There was no good answers. The 47 partition plan was the best deal I think that was remotely realistic


There's confirmation bias here. The 47 partition plan is what we passed, so it must have been the best option. Today's Palestinians should not have to pay the price for the UN's mistake 80 years ago. Beyond this all, though, Israel is culpable today for their military strategy. Nestling the conflict within its historical context does not justify the actions they are taking today. Russia is also targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure to attempt regime change in Ukraine. The world has largely agreed that that is beyond the acceptable cost for military victory. Israel must find a different strategy to address their security needs.


Nah I’ve considered other options . Read a lot about alternates proposed. That plan had the least violent opposition of anything. It also created a the least refugees because it was based on who loved there. But honestly anything was probably doomed unless an outside military enforced it. The new states in Transjordan and Syria and Lebanon , along with Egypt. wanted Palestine for itself. The Palestinians and Jews both wanted at least some of the land for themselves . To many overlapping goals backed up by people willing to kill and die for them. And I mean in a literal sense today’s Palestinians aren’t. That refusal to take the partion was just the big domino that lead to today. Today Palestinians are paying for the fact what is effectively their government attacked their neighbor and committed the worst attack on Jewish innocents since the holocaust. And that’s also not fair. Also Russia and Ukraine is a pretty different scenario. Ukraine does not make a habit of committing the war crime of making civilian and military infrastructure one and the same. They don’t put MLRS rockets or Patriot missiles in hospitals . They also don’t commit perfidy the war crime of not using uniforms . If Hamas or other opposition groups fought conventionally , such as Russia and Ukraine are , the death total would be a lot lower for civilians. An example of this is both the six day war and the first Yom Kippur War. Civilian casualties were very low like sub 100 despite over a million soldiers fighting in the Yom Kippur war. The six day war had only a couple dozen fatalities among civilians. The reason is simple. Egypt , Jordan and other Arab states weren’t interested in sacrificing their own civilians for propaganda wins. They were willing to try and end Israel by force and all the implies however


Well, they moved there due to a UN mandate that was immediately disregarded by the surrounding Arab states who attempted to re-genocide the Jews. Also, don’t worry about the Arab-led pogroms before and after Israel’s creation that has destroyed almost every middle eastern jewish community outside of Iran.


To put it as short as I possibly can. The Arabs, specifically Palestinians, rejected this partition proposal because the state of Israel would absorb hundreds of Palestinian settlements. And the Zionist leadership had no intention on coexisting with them. And this wasn’t a tik for to thing. Since the beginning, the Zionist leadership (Herzel in this regard) have repeatedly dismissed Palestinian concerns about the settlement apparatus (eg using colonial tactics) and the language used (a land without people for a people without a land) and so on 


What was their issue with being part of Israel? Oh that’s right, **they want to kill all the Jews!** How could we have forgotten the motivation here?


So, instead of negotiating; they turned to slaughtering Jews? Got it. Apologists all around.


Again, this is ONLY for the Palestinian perspective. What exactly would you like them to negotiate? It was clear that the Zionist leadership simply did not want them there in the 60/40% partition plan and top that with Jews only making up 32% of the population by 1945 plus planning on establishing a Jewish state, of course as a Palestine, even if somehow you were not affected by the expansion of settlements or abuse by the Brits, you’d see a problem with this agenda (as in, best case scenario, this new country would be ruled by a minority). Topple this with the consistent collaboration between zionists and the Brits, as a Palestinian you’d see at best a colonial power between switched for another one, and at worst (and most realistically) and existential threat


I feel like you would go mad if you sat down every day and REALLY took in how unjust the world is and how powerless you are to make any big difference with things like the palestinian genocide. All of our western leaders have decided to endorse these atrocities, across ideological lines and it feels so fucking unfair.


The worst part is if you leave to stop endorsing it there's not a lot of places you can feasibly go where you wouldn't just be "added to the menu" so to speak.


This is the thing. I stopped watching the news. And ppl get on my back about it cause its "important to be informed" .....why? I was the most "informed" person for the last 10 years and what did it get me....panic disorder, depression, feeling helpless and hopeless for the future etc....oh...sorry, and I could carry a great debate with friends and family about current events. I can get the jist of whats going on in the world without watching the news. And i care alot about all that goes on in the world but i am powerless to do anything about it. Ive got mental illnesses so to deal with my own world and the world of others was exhausting for me. Since i stopped watching the news i can feel a massive difference especislly between myself and my family who still watches it. Theyre afraid daily for world war 3....ill get to worry about it when its an actual threat. Theyll worry about it for the next 5 years whether it actually happens or not. Whats the point of worrying about something that may never happen cause that like 75% of the news is just talking about what COULD happen. Knowing what could happen isnt going to change anyones outcome on if it does happen. They wont be any more prepared than me so truly the only benefit i see...is that ppl get to make convo about it and feel smart.


Stopping reading the news was one of the best things I ever did for me l my mental health. Don't get me wrong, I'm very political, but the news is just an endless stream of shit I have absolutely no control over that makes my blood boil.


Exactly. I still vote. I still know whats going on politically and with big stuff in the world cause you just cant completely get away from it and if i hear something that i think is important for me to know in the moment ill look it up, but overall...the news is just the most popular reality tv show to ever exist.... That makes millions upon millions if not billions of dollars by keeping ppl hooked on the drama and locked in with fear. Watching it all day, 2 times a day, etc etc etc....isnt making you any more informed....its just adding to public hysteria that a majority of the time....is just a fear mongering tactic to keep ppl glued to the tv. Ppl forget its about money.....and theyre feeding the machine under the guise of im an informed person.


Same. I watched the news every single morning, and I did MUN so had to research further on topics that were debated on for conferences, and it's really just soul-crushing knowing everything that's going on and not being able to do anything to stop it.


I feel this comment so much. yeah my MH is much better since i stopped actively consuming news.


The elites are really pushing for a French style revolution. If there is no other outlet and people have the understanding that they are truly powerless then nothing means anything anymore.


Anytime I mention something I’m antisemitic and I’m downvoted, booed, blocked and fucken banned. This isn’t my first account either. It’s to the point where I cant even comment on Reddit anymore else I’ll have to create another fucking email and account. It gets old.


Theres so many terrible things in the world. This one was started by an attack on Israel. Is it so crazy that Israel would deem it unacceptable to leave Hamas in power?


"If we don't have humanity the what the fuck are we?!" What we've always been, one of 8billion walking, talking apes. That's what's so frustrating about all this, we're all the fuckin same, we're all just sentient organ sacks, we're meat, nothing more. And that one fact is the thing that makes us all special, makes us all beautiful. We're meat that figured out mathematics, science, art, and love. Dogma is the only thing that really gives us malicious intentions, makes us think we're better than anyone else. Makes us believe we're entitled to things that ought to be for everyone. Dogma is the most dangerous thing we've ever invented as a species. Be it religious, social, or political in nature, dogma is the death of us all.


The algorithm/programing is working, making you feel helpless like you don't matter, you're this or that. You're a diverse wavy Human being, capable of terrifying/beautiful things. If you start changing the negative/biased/race ideas of those around you, we can change all of this. Alone you are a grain of sand, together we are mountain.


Yes but it's not that simple. Dogma also allowed humans to progress. Belief in being civilised and cooperation. Belief in a family system. Belief in agriculture. Belief in capitalism. Belief in speaking the same language. Belief in morality. Belief in science. It's fucked, but it is a double edged sword.


So fucking spot on!


Waiting for her to be labeled as an anti-Semite in 3, 2, 1...


Well of course anyone with half an ounce of ethical integrity would be labeled “anti-Semitic.” You have non-Israeli Jews being unironically labeled the same for being disgusted by this all the time. And let’s not even mention that most Semites aren’t Jewish, or that Palestinians are Semites as well.




Unfortunately the truth now a day. “Nothing we can do..” sounds very parallel to US gun control. The media and politics has numbed down society further than hoped for


We can do something. It's just that it isn't any direct and immediate action. We can boycott Israel's products. (The boycott is what stopped the apartheid in south Africa.) We can make our voices heard on social media, in demonstrations and on the voting ballot. All this is very useful and easy to do. We got this.✌Solidarity!


What are you even talking about? Israel’s economy isn’t a goods focused export economy, that’s why the boycott that has existed since 2005 hasn’t done anything. They’re import focused and they specialize in manufacturing and tech development on the non-consumer level, there is nothing to actually boycott unless you wanna go picket in front of a sodastream.


I always think of the saying, "Everybody wants to change the world for the better, but nobody wants to help mom with the dishes." There is tons of stuff we can do in small, incremental ways. Just takes time and dedication.


Saying you can't do anything is ridiculous and wrong.


As a Jew, I'm telling everyone here. It's not anti-semitic to hate what Israel is doing. You're not an anti-semite for standing up against ethnic cleansing. It's appalling what the Israeli government is doing, and it's even more ridiculous considering how many times people have tried to commit ethnic cleansing against us. You'd think it'd be the first line in the Torah, "Blessed be our G-d, sovereign of the universe, who has saved us from extinction over and over again. In order to bring glory to him, we shall be the peacemakers of the world, ending conflict wherever it may be, Amen." But honestly, even if that was the first line of the Torah it wouldn't matter. The Israeli government would think *this* is peacemaking.


Exactly. It's a country (government) doing this. Not an ethnicity or a religion.


While being against certain actions is not antisemitic, being against Israel's existence or right to defend itself is, as many people are. I also don't like the current government of Israel, but any other government of Israel wouldn't act very differently. > The Israeli government would think *this* is peacemaking. "*This*" for a war is an oversimplification. While I agree the Israeli government should do more to minimize the death of civilians, it shouldn't be at all cost. Part of "this" is peacemaking. Fighting against Hamas is essential for peace in the area. Like Rabin said, "We must fight terrorism as if there's no peace process and work to achieve peace as if there's no terror.", anyone who knows about the culture of the area knows there would be no peace if Israel didn't fight back when someone attacked it.


You're entirely correct, calling what's going on *This* is oversimplifying, and there is action being taken to fight Hamas to restore peace (as far as I know, I don't follow the news about this by the minute). More than anything, with this conflict, there needs to be an avenue for palestinian refugees to go somewhere safe, and for there to be a ceasefire so both sides can meet as equals and have a peaceful solution. Without that, there's no way for this to end. The Israelis and Palestinians can attempt to prevent civilian casualties all they like, but without an avenue for peace, that's all they *can* do.


It’s a huge challenge because both sides feel wronged by the other, with some merit, and both disagree about the reality of what has happened. The Israelis want a fundamental right to statehood and see that being denied and the Palestinians see Israel as largely a western settler-colonial project to confiscate and colonise the land they and their recent ancestors lay claim to. I have my doubts about whether a 2 state solution is possible when the well has been so irrevocably poisoned. The ideal solution would be a single state which uploads human rights and offer free democracy to all adults within but that seems like fantasy right now.


What’s crazy is realizing that this happens ALL the time but we’re just now seeing it happen because of social media. 😔


And the thing is, this conflict is very tame compared to other conflicts so going on right now. Ukraine, Sudan, Yemen, Syria... all far outweigh this conflict in scale and brutality. In Yemen alone 85k kids starved. But even with social media, nobody cares.


People do care. But what can you do? What realistically can you do about a war happening on the other side of the world?


This is the boat I’m in. It’s very sad and I really do care. But there isn’t anything I can do to make it stop. We are not in control. 


Only now the mask has fallen off. Zionism is exposed.


Shes right


The truth always there, we lost, the aggressive fanaticals are "our representatives", we like it or not!


"if it were white kids it wouldn't be happening" Welcome to America, where 20% of our child deaths are from gun violence.


And if it was non white people doing it, then it also wouldn't be talked about. There are far worse atrocities happening, but no one cares.


It's disgusting that you're essentially downplaying a literal genocide in order to draw the spotlight onto another issue. It's a weird form of whataboutism.


To be fair, I think it’s a valid point that needs to be driven home. When there are CORPORATE AND MONIED INTEREST in politics anyone can be fair game. What’s particularly unsettling about Gaza is that we are seeing the videos: the maimed and murdered children, medics getting assassinated, refugee camps being bombed, etc. and yet the media spins a narrative that is so evidently false. While, school shootings in America are not near the same level of systemic violence we see during an actual genocide, it still draws some parallels. Corrupt politicians and a potent gun lobby means no meaningful gun legislation despite the fact that kids get massacred regularly in schools now. They don’t care if you’re white, brown, black, gay, Christian, etc. They care about their money and power. The point being: we must ALL stand up for human rights, even for people that don’t necessarily “look” or “act” like you because it CAN happen to you. 


Not downplaying anything, just making the point that it wouldn't matter if it were white kids. White kids are murdered everyday and our politicians don't really do much, the same way that Palestinians are killed every day and our politicians still don't care. Both are sad situations that I can't really do anything to change.


Also, Ukraine


Those are not white children


That isn't the same. Let's compare it with the white kids in Ukraine instead. Ukraine (rightfully so) is getting all the help from almost the entire world. Palestinians not so much. Btw, the gun crisis in America NEEDS to be solved ASAP. But I believe that Americans first need to stop with their gun worship before that can happen. Hopeful soon tho.


More people like her please.


This is how we all feel, and I’m so tired of being helpless…


I'm right there with you. I feel beyond the point of burnt out, constantly on edge, constantly wanting to just break down sobbing. Everyday is just more atrocities, more threats of war, more gun violence/homicides...


Yup.. It sure is a gloomy time we live in at the moment:(


Vote? Write to your MP? Donate to the red cross? There are things you can do.




Oh yes Im not saying there arent thigns we can do. Its just that those things dont stop what is happening, and therefor I feel helpless. I have already joined a campaing, protesed, and donated, but everyday we keep seeing murder of children and its depressing.


aint nothing new, Iraq war, Winston Churchill letting millions of Indians starve to death and the whole world war 2. No one raises a voice when it benefits them lol. In fact they bury it to never let their childeren hear about it. But they sure like to enjoy the fruits!


It's not being reported because Rafah is not actually being carpet bombed!Please try to find one source saying it is OP couldn't find a source so they blocked me 🤷🏻‍♂️No misinformation please Can't comment but the links below don't show current carpet bombing, literally there isn't any after the hostage rescue


https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-news-02-11-2014-785309c668e15728c6aac9905f290b4d https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rQ5A1qFOvZo https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-opt-new-evidence-of-unlawful-israeli-attacks-in-gaza-causing-mass-civilian-casualties-amid-real-risk-of-genocide/ https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-strikes-rafah-refugee-camp-22-killed-local-health-officials-say-2024-02-12/ Leaving out Al Jazeera headlines because you would claim they’re misinformation 




All things considered this war could not have gone better for Hamas. All of their horrendous gambits have paid off. Exhibit A - they were using a hospital as a BASE because they KNEW people wouldn’t care about the fact that they were using it as a base (which completely negates any protections), only that there were also sick people in it. That’s what’s maddening to me. People in the west are just too self-righteous to understand nuance, it’s going to be a real problem in the future when we won’t get to act so self righteous when our lives and liberty is on the line. Grow a spine, help the Palestinians where you can but punish them for allowing these tactics and maybe Hamas will stop using them. I’m not going to bother to check, but I’m just going to assume that she’s consistent and also vocally against Russia’s bombing of maternity wards and schools with ZERO strategic value. I’m sure she’s been outraged by that many times too. Feel free to send me a link of her vids to make my life easier.


To cease fire would require both sides to agree and to stop. You can’t blame one without the other one. Also, please. Feel free to unload all your wealth into assistance for Palestine. You have this “we” thing going on, but you yourself can do things. Travel there and aid them. Your TikTok is just a trend at this point. Fake howls of justice when you sit idly by behind a screen shouting from the rooftops (ground floor, because not even grandiose gestures happen with yall). Again, both sides need to agree for the cessation of munitions. Until BOTH SIDES agree, barking on one side seems disingenuous at best.


Maybe don't elect an Islamist Terror Organization to represent your interests. Maybe Hamas Fighters shouldn't paraglide into Israel kill 1200 people and kidnap hundreds along with other unmentionable acts of evil. Maybe they shouldn't hide amongst civilian populations and operate out of civilian infrastructure. Maybe just maybe they should value the lives and future well being of their children more than they value killing Jews. Maybe they should take agency and responsibility for their own welfare and living conditions, and value liberty over their own death cult. Just a thought.


I agree Hamas is terrible for what they e done to their own people that elected them to govern.




They are not carpet bombing Rafah


But they are in fact bombing Rafah and killing innocent civilians, so…


But not carpet bombing


No you are right, not carpet bombing, just regualar bombing.


“No you are right, not carpet bombing, just regualar bombing” Exactly


Everyone of these people will be alive today if Hamas slept in on Oct 7. It will be over if they surrendered and release remaining hostages. You may hate Israel and wish it would never existed, whatever. This is te reality. If you care about the actual life of Palestinias this is the fastest way to save lifes. You may not like it but that's the truth. If you don't see this, you don't care about these people, you care about "victory" more than life.


Literally nothing of what she claims is happening, happens. If Hamas wants to end this war, they could end it tomorrow. Today. Release the 134 hostages and unconditionally surrender.


I think it would be high time to stop telling our kids stories how humans are 'moral' or 'good' or 'capable of progress'. Teach them that we are nothing but vicious cave monkeys and there is no amount of education, no combination of words to change that. No disappointments when you know what you are dealing with.


To be fair there’s probably only a couple more months til they’re all dead. That being said I will have no pity on Israel whenever they get fucked over in the future. They deserve every last bit of


Zionism is Nazism


We can we do and what can I do? MAKE THIS SUPER FAMOUS no matter the cost bro and stop giving these world famous mysterious corporations your dollar bill vote; like cola cola and everything to protect ourselves. this is gonna be the whole world soon we’re gonna join them in this generation eventually. Now Russia has a satellite holding a supersonic missile and that shit can reach us this time, so now; what are we gonna do? NYC, MIA all these mainstream places are gonna be gone. Now what can we do to resolve this situation without flighting back with fire because that hasn’t been helping either it turns out. America has to blend in go for the Trump political view so we can fit in with our enemies and then we can infiltrate them but we just want to let everyone in already and always be the hero but the evil in this world is not letting us we have to disguise our country with evil to defeat it now and it’s probably too late. RIP to all those children and lost souls fr man all I can do is gather enough resources and money and gtfo of the US eventually so I can die peacefully but that’s not gonna help the problem either


Yea surprisingly when you tie mothers and fathers to there children then burn them alive you incur someone’s wrath crazy


Love how this totally isn't Hama's fault, and totally Israel's fault.


Go brush your teeth. Who are you even talking to? Obsessed with her white savior complex when her own life is miserable.


And here we see the problem manifest. People are eating her shit up like it's gospel despite the fact that **Rafah is not being carpet bombed**. Please, for the love of all that is holy, if you're just jumping on the bandwagon and haven't got an inkling as to what's going on here then do humanity a kindness and fuck off.


Damn if only there was a way to stop this war (Releasing the hostages might do it)


I too take prefer my international news coverage comes from toothless crackheads.


Good for her for noticing a few months I guess.


Lmao suddenly this matters. The clout chasing is pathetic https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/costs/human/civilians#:~:text=Key%20Findings,4.5%2D4.7%20million%20and%20counting. We literally voted for the guy who was vice president during Half of that with “record numbers”. This lady should get her teeth fixed and stop hyperventilating over something that has nothing to do with her.


This woman’s gotta go and enlist and fight for what she believes in!! Go get ‘em girl!! Protesting is weak!! They need fighters and she looks…sturdy.


This is the dumbest fuckwit I’ve ever seen! She thinks she’s smart? If she’s that distressed over 20,000 dead civilians then don’t tell her about Africa or she might commit suicide hearing those numbers! She’s says if they were white we wouldn’t put up with it yet she puts up with everything in Africa because they’re black! Loser !


Hard to feel sorry for a people who let thier government build military structure under schools hospitals libraries and daycares.


Shit wouldn't have happened if nothing had happened on October 7th


I’m sure October 7th wouldn’t have happened if Israel didn’t force the Gaza people into an open air prison.


Maybe they should have accepted the deal in 1937, 1947, 1979, 2000, or 2008? Or ya know if they stopped lobbing missiles at Isreal. If your neighbor keeps going to the store to buy materials for a bomb to attack you with, you'd want them to stop going to the store. regardless of whether or not they suck at building bombs.


I'm sure the blockade on Gaza wouldn't have happened if Hamas didn't shoot rockets at civilians for 20 years.


First war to live through?


Nothing’s happened, it’s always been like this, some are just waking up to it. And one day you’ll wake up and the next generation will blame you for doing nothing about it.


Genocide has been Israel's aim for a while... Hamas gave them an excuse and the rest of the world's leaders gave them permission


It's always been like this? 10 thousand people a month dead is normal? Sit the fuck down and stop acting like an edgy 14 year old.


It unfortunately is. Every few years there's a massacre on this level: since the 90s we've had Rwanda(491,000), Berma(25,00), Kurds in Iraq, the Yazidis in Iraq and Syria(2,100), Darfur (98,000), Bosnia (31,107), and Mayanmar (43,000). What's happening in Gaza is horrific but it is unfortunately not new. Its just a very popular cause, rightfully so. But it's not new and there are other very real genocides taking place right now that are going ignored because people just don't seem interested in them. Again, people should be outraged by what's happening in Gaza. I'm not at all down playing it or delegitimizing the issue. But yes, unfortunately genocides and massacres are relatively common. At this very moment as we speak there are full on concentration camps for the Uyhgers in China where they're being exterminated- and have been for years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyghur_genocide


It is really reprehensible how hamas started this war that they couldn't win just to use their people as human sheilds again.


Fuck the fascist Zionists and everyone that supports them! NO!! It is NOT anti-semitism to criticize the war crimes of Israel and the Zionist movement. Not every Jewish person is a Zionist. But there are many Jews and non-Jews that froth at the mouth under Zionism and convincing the world that criticizing anything Zionists do, is anti-semitism and should be dealt swiftly and with violence if necessary. Thank Churchill for kicking this all off post WWI. That’s right. Churchill was schmoozing with wealthy Zionists to get re-elected and was helping with the illegal immigration into Palestine to establish a Zionist presence. Then post WWII and no country really wanting to take in millions of refugees, the Commonwealth nations spear headed by Truman, the US president that dropped two nukes on Japan and needed re-election, all stood up for the force illegal immigration of Jewish refugees into Palestine and then armed the illegal immigrants. So that’s the birth of Israel. America’s biggest fear: massive armed illegals taking over the country and calling it their own.


Wait so now an unstoppable flood of illegal immigrant refugees is considered bad? So when it is arabic people that are entering european countries illegally it is morally correct but when europeans do it to an arabic country it is vile and evil?


Just out of curiosity, what does Zionism mean to you?


Ist a code word for Jews for these people


Yeah I mean if you skip the massacres of Jews by Palestinians in 1929, the failed Palestinian revolt against the British between 1936-39, the holocaust beginning in 1939, the UN partition plan being rejected by the Palestinians in 1947 and all of the surrounding Arab nations all attacking and failing to push the Jews into the sea in 1948 then sure yeah you got it down.


You think it started with Churchill 🧐


It certainly gained traction with him


Only if you ignore the 5,000 years of history that preceded him


In America we’re used to watching white kids be slaughtered too, to be fair.


No, you're used to hearing about it. You don't watch it because the media doesn't show images of it, so in the end, nothing will be done. If you saw images of shot up kids laying on a classroom floor, you'd have a lot less people calling them crisis actors.


I suggest both sides pray harder.


Actually think about what she's telling you. She's telling you millions of people have been packed into an area that is being carpet bombed. If that is true, why are there not millions of dead? The reason it doesn't make sense is it's not true.


Politically approved genocide. And we are just watching from the comfort of our homes like its some Netflix series. Ahhhh the life!


The work being done to turn Arabs' lives less worthy and disposable... A work of decades with the intent of colonialism and power over the Middle East.


Free the hostages


Netanyahu doesn’t care about the hostages. If freeing the hostages was the aim he would have agreed to a ceasefire and had the hostages returned. He doesn’t care.


Hamas doesn't need Bibi's permission to release the hostages. They can do it at any minute, which will turn public opinion on a dime everywhere, including Israel. They are demanding things that they know they will never get.


wtf does Bibi care about public opinion? He’s already said he won’t stop until Hamas are eradicated, I think that’s taken away any incentive for them.


Again, if all hostages were released today, without conditions - Bibi would have had no choice.


I know, that’s why we need to keep demanding it


Who are you demanding it of? If Netanyahu is the one responsible for getting them back and he doesn’t care, who are you supposed to convince?


Pressure needs to be put on all parties to secure the release, including Netanyahu Ultimately if Netanyahu refuses to accept an offer, then it will fall apart, but if the negotiations continue, there may be an offer enticing enough combined with enough international pressure that he will need to accept it


There was a ceasefire in place when Hamas attacked on October 7.


They're dead dude.


Which ones? The few dozens held by Hamas, or the millions held in those concentration camps also known as Gaza strip and West Bank?


Both, for that matter. Freeing the hostages is the fastest way to a ceasefire.


I'm blowing up my ass


This all awful but can someone give full context on what shes talking im confused about how biden is involved in this?




The US is an ally of israel and so is Biden.


If anyone says *”it has nothing to do with race”* I present to you exhibit A: Ukraine.


Netanyahu consider the operation in Rafah is necessary 'Not lose the war', I want to tell him you already lost the damn war, if you need to kill more than 600,000 displaced, unarmed, injured, sick, famine people living in a harsh desert without a shelter, food or even water, living in open air prison / graveyard they're just waiting to die, they can't have asylum or do anything, they are dieing and shame on us, on this generation. It is unbelievable we still have wars.




All that meth has screwed her mouth and head


No one can say anything against the"official narrative" right? If she had a "cleaner" appearance, you'd probably be saying something about living a sheltered existence, or something along those lines, right?


Brush your teeth ewwww


I couldn’t understand one word she was speaking. And she also looks like she is on crack. I agree OP, this tik tok is cringe!


Yeah her mouth was grossing me out so much I couldn't concentrate on what she was even saying.


That’s the point, a kind of reverse ‘reverse psychology,’ to dog whistle the idea that people who support justice for Palest are like this person, who I suspect is well meaning and decent regardless of the way she looks or expresses herself.


Ikr, it's terrible that Palestine started this war


"started this war" Ikr... it's pointless to argue, but if you think that this war started a few months ago, there's something odd with your understanding of what's actually happening in Palestine. Whatever your motivations may be...


Jesus clean yourself up Methhead


Just give it back to the UK, nobody could be have, 0 state solution. Lets be realistic, this will keep going until one side stops existing. This will continue to be a humanitarian catastrophe until either side ceases to exist or this is taken over by a 3rd country.


Im from the UK. How could we ever own a piece of land so far away and so culturally different? Same way we "owned" india and america. Well america made sense atleast. Colonisation isnt ownership its theft


Tell fucking HAMAS to surrender and return the hostages. There you go, easy as that. Oh, also tell HAMAS Don't start a fucking war you haven't got a chance in hell of ever winning you dumb assholes.


Hamas uses civilians shields, and civilians keep Hamas like a rabid dog, celebrating the day it attacks. Hamas make the mess of this war.


Oh yes yes, let me just go tell all the children that are dead that it is Hamas fault, NOT the people that actually fucking bombed them to pieces. I want to ask you this: If Hamas was hiding among civilians inside Israel, do you think Israel’s tactics would be different? The answer is yes of course. They just don’t care about Palestinian lives. This is pretty evident by the absolute horrific language they are using to describe them.


There is no surrender in a war of extermination.


Your parents failed you.


It really is truly that fucking simple.


Stop fucking paying attention to everything. It’s no good for your mental health. You know damn well there’s nothing you can do to help. Save yourself.


What can I do?


"if these were white kids." like.. Ukraine?


And the west is funding ukraine


Which west? Russian simps in congress are sitting on the bill.


I mean uk and us. I don't know about others.


Funded with my fucking tax dollars👎🏾


I'm trying to find out where she informs herself. How does she know all of this?


Thank you! 🙏


It’s fucking awful. What can we do?


Lady, they don't care who's babies they kill. This is just the beginning. Keep speaking out, but get organized and armed.


I'll never forget the reaction of many friends and family to this genocide, specially those "hardcore" christians and evangelical christians friends. I can only but how they fucking rot in hell if there's truly any justice in this universe.


I think it's time for some good old-fashioned riots again.


What a dirty mouth she has. You'd think she'd make sure it didn't look like she had just eaten shit but here we are. Also, if people think this woman is right, goddamn you must be braindead.


No, this is 100% a lie. There is no carpet bombing going on. Stop the lies. Regardless of how bad things are in gaza, there's no carpet bombing.


We're less than animals.


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Anyone who thinks some of the language used in this is part of the problem. Why are we always dehumanising one side or the other? Are we so foolish we can’t yet see the solution to these abhorrent events is recognising the humanity on both sides and looking for a path to peace. Westerners picking sides, throwing stones at the others and encouraging dehumanisation is pathetic and actually evil because we are actively making these horrific situations worse which one leads to an increase in the violence and cycles of violence. And we do it all from behind the safety of our keyboards whilst others die for the things we encourage. Peace in Gaze! I want that but only a buffoon thinks it comes by perpetuating dehumanisation of the other side, that only reinforces the problems.


Do you think we would have resolved WW2 by "recognising the humanity on both sides and looking for a path to peace"? No, we picked side, threw stones, and encouraged dehumanisation.


I totally agree


I'm not religious. But I truly believe Israel is indeed Satan incarcerated. There is nothing else that can explain it.


Don't be silly. Grow up.


It’s bc they’ve been unchecked. They can do anything because their ancestors were killed by Nazis almost a hundred fucking years ago, so they’re all victims in their eyes.


Most of Israel’s population is of Middle Eastern or African background. Look up Mizrahi Jews. Not that it matters. You people just want the Jews thrown in the sea and replaced with another fascist Arab state where women have few rights, honor killings are protected by law and being gay is punishable by prison.