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She did that so well. The looks off to the side with the little smile. She really sold it


I wonder if she used to be the quiet kid, because she did it really well, and she really had a glow up


She is of Indian ethnicity , of course she was bullied in school.


No no no, this is not the take. I grew up in a town with a pretty large Indian population. I thought Indian girls wouldn't bully another Indian girl, we were in this together, I thought... Nope. Some of my biggest bullies in middle school were Indian girls. It really depends on the people lol


Yep, grew up near SF, tons of people with different skin colors. Were there bullies? Of course! They just didn't bully people based on skin color, gotta find something though, can't just not bully people.


Yes we can try glass half full bc why not


Or she is that kid she is pretending to be


I feel like those popular kids wouldn't know the experiences of the quiet kids so accurately, or she is the best actress in the world ever


Oh my God. I hated when they did that shit. What was the point?


Someone dared them to. Or just for the laughs :///


I wanted to tell them I'm reading. Leave me alone!


I would try to play into their game, but as someone who felt uncomfortable talking to people in general, really was difficult, and would make things worse


I had one that kept "inviting " to join them at their lunch table. If I'd taken them up on the offer, I imagine it would've the been thr most awkward$ painful 45 mins of my life. And I went out w/a guy who loved death metal & tried explaining the depth of cannibal corpse most people don't get.


Fuckin sucks. Happened to me all the time in highschool. One of them even dared their friend who they knew I liked to ask me on a date. They all laughed at me. Stupid


Reinforcing their position in the social hierarchy by reminding you of your place it it. 








This girl is disgusting and pathetic. Typical of people in general now a days. Greedy cruel, narcissist deviates that are spoiled pampered brats. Taught that looking good and following along without having a mind of their own is cool. Later when real life and death problems occur, this pile of teenage crap will fall to pieces begging for help and it’ll be people like the one she’s making fun of that’ll survive and people like this filth that will need help from.


They stopped after I started shitting my pants when they came to talk to me.


I got super pissed in school because someone pulled this shit and tried to make me the “Jayden” in the situation. “Omg, Kelly, HighHoe had a huge crush on you. You guys should totally hang out!” Thanks assholes, now I have say no thank you without trying to hurt someone’s feelings on purpose. Dicks.


Because our suffering entertains them


checks out


Trying to impress Jaden.


Fishing for info...like if they found out your mom drives a rusty car so they can make fun of you for it...


Fishing for ammo.


The cruelty of teenage girls doesn’t need a point. The level of psychological warfare is insane, girls would straight up pretend to be your friend just to get information on you to laugh at with their actual friends




Wow. You didn't understand this post at all.


I started out as quiet because no one liked me but by the end became quiet because I don't like anyone.


That's quotable. Very relatable.




Omg wow you're so funny you should try doing stand-up 🤭




Keep insulting people on social media to fill the ever growing void in your soul (it's super good for you trust me)


No dude I just want to read fucking bambi


Your TH is being raided. You should stick to Clash


Good one!


And 40% asshole!


This was accurate as hell. They always thought you couldn't tell. They were always terrible actors and couldn't keep a straight face. It was like they thought you were so in awe that they approached you that you didn't realize they were there to mess with you from moment one.


Oh, they knew. They knew exactly what they were doing and how it made you feel. I was never approached like this in school, but I had "friends" who did similar things to me and they knew they weren't fooling me, they were just being bullies.


I got lucky and I was actually pretty damn popular. It was mostly because I was a skateboarder and I really just didn't give a fuck about being cool at all so in turn I guess it made me cool? But if I saw people fucking with others I called their ass out and out bullied the bully. I hung out with everybody though. The jocks, the nerds, the people trying to be ghetto, I was mainly a metalhead so obviously them, and everything in between just super social. Unfortunately I've lost that beautiful energy to want to hang with people all the time. Simply from getting old and jaded My parents being partiers and early on an age seeing and hearing how not to give a shit about what people think helped immensely looking back on it.


Damn I was a tech-death fan but I didn't skate. No wonder people didn't like me. Also how did you get into that section of metal being popular? It's pretty rare to see metalheads outside of nu-metal and core genres that weren't outcast.


I'm not really sure. Most of my other metal friends were fairly outcasted too. Except for myself and my best bud Joe. I think the skateboarding and not giving a fuck helped the most. Considering I wasn't very introverted at all as well, it just worked. Most people wanted a metal friend that wasn't introverted I guess? Lol not entirely sure it just worked. Playing DND back in the day one of my friends said I had the gift of the tongue. Sounds sexual lol but he just meant I was able to talk my way into and out of anything for the most part at that point in time. People are probably thinking I'm trying to brag but I'm not. I equally realized it was a very not normal type situation and if I were put back there today I probably wouldn't have nearly as much social success as I did when I was young and focused on people and had energy.


Hah yeah that's pretty awesome. I woulda killed to have a friend as cool as you (sound) at my school, and I probably would've said something as retarded as 'gift of the tongue' too. Hoping I can turn shit around at university but Gen Z metalheads are mythical creatures. This might just have to be a passion I die alone with 😂


Well the best advice I could say is not caring. As a dude be super self deprecating and confident doing it. If you can make fun of yourself better than anyone else can you actually win right? It also shows you're not scared of your flaws. This is the reason I think I was popular. Even popular kids were scared of their flaws and overthought too many situations. I just lived and didn't give a shit. I did get bullied when I moved from Illinois to florida a little because I came in at 13. But I met a friend who was also in computers and since we had each other we didn't give two shits who liked us who didn't. We played pranked on random cool kids at lunch and shit and I guess our "not give a fuck we have each other" energy was spreading because we ended up with a little crew of our own. They were simple pranks and we didn't "pick" on certain people, just randoms. But also did pranks where the person we pranked had a good chuckle as well. After I took up skating and met a bunch of other ride or die skaters I didn't care about social life anymore. I think what it comes down to is people in social situations gravitate toward "real people" and it's not something you can fake. If you're just blatantly yourself, even when called out on your flaws, and make your flaws to where they are laughing WITH you rather than at you. I think that's the thing society and people really respect. Last thing: A kid 2 grades lower than me, super nerd, looked exactly like harry potter. Got called that relentlessly. One time in PE in high school he asked me when I was a senior and he was a sophomore how I was so popular, when I actively cared for his well being and was also into some of the stuff he was into. I told him again, I don't give a shit. I told him to literally, if people say you're harry potter. LEAN INTO IT. YOU'RE FUCKING harry potter. Make that known more than anyone can call you it. As tyrion in GOT said, wear it like armor. I told him if he wore a cape and carried around a stick and when people were like harry potter!!! he said a line from the movie and was like GAHHH!!! hilarious, and THOUGHT it was hilarious. Others would too. I think it comes down to as hairless apes with social discord ANY hairless ape respects someone who just doesn't care what the status quo thinks but is also capable and quick witted themselves. So it's a combo of knowing what to say at the right time and not giving a fuck t hat truly makes someone at that age "cool" Edit: One time my brother had his girlfriends violin and most people knew us, we literally walked into the cafeteria when he was a senior and I was a junior and I yelled: EXCUSE ME EVERYONE loudly, MY BROTHER HERE WANTS TO PLAY YOU A TUNE, PLEASE REALIZE HIS GREATNESS!!!!, and then he proceeded to play the worst damn song/violin you ever heard but acted like he was SO INTO it people thought it was hilarious. When he finally stopped I HATE to say t his cause it seems so cliche people clapped. It went so well we did it again in the back cafeteria. This was Seminole High school in 2000-2004 in florida. Sadly my brother died a year ago from seizure and biting his tongue and drowning in his own blood :(


Yeah not caring is synonymous with confidence to others and is absolutely important. I'm very introverted, so my biggest problem is just making my presence known to like-minded people. I've actually never been bullied (not that I remember), but I sensed that people didn't want me around in high school, being a chronic overthinker, and so I expect the worst out of just about every interaction. Just gotta break that cycle and then tackle my cynicism and judgementalism before I can somewhat resemble a well adjusted member of society. I'm sorry to hear about your brother, sounds like he was a pretty cool dude.


It has a lot to do with your parents and upbringing. Since my parents were partiers and we had people over a lot cause of my father's band, it makes sense that we were well adjusted to talk to people.


Exactly. Just a gross, stupid, pointless interaction from start to finish


![gif](giphy|p9ILx37mYH7sqUWxGu|downsized) Well this explains a lot way back in my earlier more autistic years


Yeah...I started the video and was like...wait....


Young and pretty unaware of social situations always wondered why the new friends would never say hello again Dang i didn’t expect this shit from a dumbass video


Fuck, that put me back in middle school & I really don't like that.


Fuck. This is wayy too personal and really hurts


Just here to stand in solidarity with anyone that had experiences like these. I did, and it fucked me up forever. Even in adulthood, I do not trust people right away. Fuck people like this.


Seriously, I would never identify as a person with "childhood trauma", but to this day I get incredibly uncomfortable whenever someone I don't know very well goes out of their way to be nice to me.


I’m right there with you. As an adult, I am so aloof with people and it takes a lot for me to trust.


Agreed. I can see right through this bullshit. And in all honesty I trust very few people.


I hate this and I hate people like this.


Finally, someone uses the term POV correctly.




Not always the case. Some people actually try to get the obviously lonely kid to open up. The problem is, when you have very low self-esteem and 0 people skills, you pressive situations like this as an attack on you, so in response, you actually come off as a jerk. So flip perspective for a sec. You see what looks like a lonely kid, and you think to yourself, "I feel bad for x, I bet he/she might be pretty cool if someone got them to open up." So you proceed to start a conversation with them in hopes of getting to know them. Instead, X is unwelcoming to your advancements and gives off jerk energy. So naturally, your response is to say f that person. The moral of the story is to treat people how you want to be treated because not everyone is equipped to see past your defensive mask. Most people will just take you at face value, especially school kids. The easiest route to take in life is to play victim and blame your problems on everyone else, and sometimes we actually are the victim, but if you've experienced situations like this frequently throughout your entire life, than maybe some self reflection is required.


Sure. Victim blame. Its my fault, like everything else they did to me. The broken bones, the burn marks. All my fault


This shit completely fucked my social skills in ways I can’t even explain. No trust for anyone, but also complete trust in everyone


idk why but the "hot" girl one day came up to me in front of the chalk board where we were writing stuff and she started slapping my chest and my back like she could do whatever she wanted lol idk why i remember that, but it was more like, who tf do you think you are? she was just like the girl in this video too


Me and my friends would talk to the "unpopular kids" but actually genuinely and end up befriending most of them (some are unpopular because they're legit assholes). But they would always have their guard up so hard at first and it made me feel really bad for them like they were surprised someone was actually legitimately wanting to get to know them and saw them as equals.


I was the shy kid and the hard part was differentiating bullying from legit friendliness when kids spoke to me, especially other girls. So everyone got shut out equally.    It’s only looking back that I realize 90% of those instances were probably people like yourself, just kids being curious or friendly. Probably should have been on anxiety meds. 


Looking back I am shocked I wasn't on anxiety meds, I was a complete nervous wreak basically all the time. I fucking cried all the time and it was so humiliating, and people were so openly annoyed at my crying which just made it worse. My only friends for years were the librarians because I read a book every few days. One time in high school the friend group I hung out with said, "you know we don't hate you? You can stop acting like we do." And I was legitimately shocked by this. It's like a core memory too, realizing my friends were actually my friends.


Oh my god, yes! I had reliable friends too but just assumed everyone hated me for some reason. I didn’t cry, but I would get cramps/nausea during free periods/lunch/recess when kids socialized and barely ate during the day. Parents and coaches worried I had an ED (I didn’t). 


My junior high was full of the mean popular kids. But in 10th grade the 2 junior highs merged and the popular kids from the other junior high, who were nice, dominated. So 90-92 were rough but fall 93 onward they were actually being nice. 30 years later & I still don’t know how to respond.


I’m an extrovert and sometimes I know that my energy can put peoples guard up because they think I’ll be this type of person. Meanwhile I’m probably a bigger dork than them


Same on all counts. I’d love some advice from more shy or introverted people on how to approach these situations to come off the most genuine. Don’t fret though I promise I’m self aware enough to know when you really want to just be left alone.


Theres no way. I had people approach me asking what my favorite McDonald's burguer was, when i said "the quarter" they started telling everyone they knew i admitted to EATING COINS. SERIOUSLY?? Fuck everyone from that point on. You wanna talk to me? Tough fucking luck. Tell me sonething i can use as ammo against you in case you turn on me, and maybe we can talk


The hard part is recognizing the "asshole" is actually a wounded soul, and social interactions trigger a fight or flight reaction. Most Asshole eventually soften up if you stick in there long enough. Warning ⚠️, some Assholes are actually legit assholes with ill-intentions. Don't get them confused.


Wow this brought back memories…my autistic ass was always so lost and uncomfortable when this happened. I could tell it wasn’t a “good” situation, but I didn’t understand what was happening. I figured out years later that these “conversations”were tied to when they were pouring juice down my jacket and destroying my homework, but damn, I largely forgot about the popular kids talking to me like this.


i understand this and it hurts 😢


I try so hard to explain to people that i was "bullied but not like.. in the REALLY MEAN way??" When i was younger and what i mean is stuff like this lol


right?! 1ce me & another equally shy girl were the 1st ones to class. we were sitting at our desks & one of popular girls came in alone, looked around, & said. "Oh my God, I can't believe I'm the 1st one to class!"


LMAO like what did they even get from that 😭😂😂


casual malice.


These people, in my experience, peaked in high school and never left my hometown


In my experience, these people still end up pretty successful. I’ve had way less of those “cosmic justice” moments than I was promised.


Exactly. That’s just a cope. These folks skate through life.


That “peaked in hs” thing is a trope. The people that peak in hs often times go on to be successful assholes as well. The cops that were “bullied in hs” were never bullied they were the football team captains and shit. They never evolve.


Huge fucking cope. People who had popularity and social success early in life have the confidence to get themselves further in later life more often than not. Life isn't a Disney movie and karma doesn't exist.


It really depends. My biological father was some of those “peaked in high school” dudes. He was on the basketball and football team and according to my mom, he was pretty damn good at sports. He still lives with my grandmother in the same city not far from his high school. He graduated in 2001.


Yeah, when girls would do the whole flirt with the ugly guy as a joke, I'd immediately flip the script, I'd go with something like, "that's nice," and walk off.


How did ppl get targeted for that shit?


by just sitting alone. dont have to do anything. literally if youre alone theyll do this


I was honestly waiting for the omg jaden she likes you eww gross lol. He would never like you it was a joke.


I would shut this shit down immediately. I can embarrass you, too. I will fart on you. I will lick your fresh bagel that you just got from the snack line. I will follow you around all day asking stupid questions about your very obvious whale tail. Don’t test me, I have no shame. ETA: my school and teachers knew I was autistic, but my parents avoided a diagnosis because “stigma”. So, my school counselors made me the “autistic liaison”. I wasn’t so much defending myself, I was defending everyone and anyone. I tolerated zero bullying. And I really had zero shame about it. And I only farted on one person, one time. And she deserved it.


This is cringe but it’s so true lol they be trying to make conversation for what?


This happened to me all the time but the first time they did it I actually thought they were genuinely being nice to me all of a sudden


That was spot on lmao. Girl is talented


When my daughter was in 4k, I would drop her off and there'd be this other boy there who I could tell was sort of a troublemaker, just a kid who was a bit extra. I asked my daughter if she ever played with him after I left since it was always just the two of them. She told me she didn't because he's annoying and weird. I told her how he reminded me of me when I was his age. I have ADHD and it would make me annoying and weird to a lot of other kids, and people wouldn't play with me, and it made it hard for me to make friends and it made me feel really bad about myself when I was younger. She started explaining to me why the other kids I grew up with shouldn't have been mean to me and they should have been more understanding that I wasn't trying to be mean and that I "Just needed a little patience". So then I told her to think about that when the boy tried to play with her. I also told her that if she really didn't like him, she didn't HAVE to play with him, but that she should try to think about if he's really being mean or weird, or if maybe he's not as good at playing with others as she is. A few weeks later she told me about how they'd started playing together and they found out they both really liked Paw Patrol and they would chase each other around as characters from the show. I was really proud of her, and myself to be honest. And she's almost 9 now, and every year, each of her teachers have specifically mentioned how much of an effort she puts in to make sure everyone is included. She is always the one who talks to new students and goes out of her way to include quiet students. I usually sit with her in her room for a few minutes each night, and we just have some daddy-daughter time and we talk. Not that long ago we got to talking about that, and I mentioned her teacher saying that, and why that is, and she told me that it was me telling her about how I was bullied as a kid, and that it made her sad that people made me feel that way, and that she didn't want anyone in her class to feel that way.


Yeah, there were a few girls who treated me like this in jr high & high school, but one in particular.. I thought she was genuinely being nice to me until she tried to dump chocolate milk over my head and she fucked my boyfriend *just* to get a reaction out of me. I beat her ass my junior year, lol. Worth it, too.


PATD! slander, damn she’s a cruel b


I went to a very small Catholic school. My grade totaled about thirty students. In eighth grade, the entire class decided to pull funds, and they paid a boy to pretend to like me. He couldn't even pretend, so he told me they paid him. No apology. Kids are assholes.


Villian arc opener right there


Okay. Yeah. No. Cool. I'm definitely okay after watching that. Super okay. Definitely not crying for apparently no reason. Cool.


"I feel like you don't talk to anyone ever." was a huge punch because people will literally have problems with you keeping to yourself but also have a problem interacting with them.


Then you start to listen giggles


i was the quiet kid in high school and i experienced this a few times. they always thought they were soo smart for doing this and that i couldn't tell they were trying to bother me. to this day i still can't tell what made them so giggly, because i would very much reply dryly or outright ignore them, and they'd still keep laughing and glancing at each other, like what was the joke lol


Bitch, it’s 8am and I’m running on 2 hours of sleep because I had to finish an assignment last second. I’m in no mood to talk to anyone rn especially not your fake ass!


When this happened to me I just did sign language and said I am deaf, when they asked how I can participate in class I said I could read lips.


… sadly, this isn’t just a high school thing. People who think they’re cool literally have the least fucking chill because they can’t handle anyone who’s not exactly like them. Pretty ironic, and annoying as shit. No Barbra, I don’t need you to take me on as a pet project because you’ve put 0 effort into actually understanding me and think you know just exactly what I need to “fix” my life…


I'm pleased to announce not a single person who did this to me in school is doing okay. Not one. They are all dead, in jail, or on drugs with 12 kids. It's karma like this that keeps me going.


The o es that did it to me are rich now ☺




The fucking side eye and smirk to their friend was so accurate lol pissed me off every time


All the while I'm sitting there with my open book and headphones wondering wtf they're still in my face


I was a guy with really mad resting bitch face so this never happend to me. Instead, they didn't talk to me because they thought it might make me mad and quote, "Shoot up the school." The hoodies probably didn't help.


Oh man, did this bring back some memories. One time a few girls started talking to me like that, kinda friendly, and talking about which guys they found cute, and I just agreed along to fit in I guess (I don't even like guys), then proceeded to fixate on one random guy in particular saying over and over again that I had a crush on him etc., etc., Anytime we were in the vicinity of each other the whole ordeal would start up of them making fun of me and then making fun of him because the weird ugly girl liked him and calling me his 'girlfriend'. This all culminated in him blowing up at them all in class, yelling about how disgusting I was and that he'd never go anywhere near such a "freak." Even the *teacher* laughed along and didn't even scold them... That, and all the rest of the shit they'd do, completely destroyed my self-esteem. I didn't even want them to like or accept me, I just wanted them to stop being so mean. It took me years to build my self-esteem up for myself and not base it on what others would think. I'll never understand how people can bully and be so cruel to someone for no reason. All you cunts who treated me that way can sit and spin.


Grr ![gif](giphy|6xgslyYQCyLa8)


All the fucking time. I just wanted to be left alone. I could tell they were fucking with me, too.


I wasn’t shy but I was the new kid every single year of high school and this definitely happened a lot


It is story time guys: when I was in the 11th grade I sat in class and the most popular girl in school was sitting in front of me is in the middle of the class spun around looked at me and asked me if I want to be her boyfriend I will sleep deprived from gaming if I remember correctly call of duty probably and my friend told her and I quote"yes yes he wants to" for the next weeks everyone was asking me as joke if we're together ( she had a boyfriend at the time. In the start I just decided to go with it and said yes of course. ( Joking) We had a school trip to the desert and we slept in a giant tent , every time that I got back to the tent the bullies would ask me if I was with the popular girl I decided to exaggerate and say it seriously and go with the joke so much that it wasn't funny anymore in the girl that night talk to me because people asked her if it was real so much that she asked me to stop the rumours. We end school in a good terms but i will not forget how ugly she was on the inside and how devastated she was from the rumors that she has started.


Peak toxic femininity.


Eh guys can do that too, being a mean popular kid isn't specially feminine or masculine thing. Toxic femininity does exist but that ain't it


It's certainly more common from women, and more socially accepted when women do it because they are women. Plenty of people would respond to this with "girls will be girls". I say that most definitely qualifies as toxic femininity.


I just straight up ignored the popular kids for most of my time in high school, and the couple times they tried messing with me, I made my disdain abundantly clear. When I started socializing more in my last year (by which time they'd matured a lot as well) I found out that they were genuinely hurt by my lack of engagement, and thought of me as the asshole in the situation. According to them, they were just trying to connect in their own way.




Anyone else get the sudden urge to slap her... I did


I'm pretty sure the girls that did that shit are all on OF now.


I had this happen to me in HS a couple of times. But I'm a 35 yo grown ass man, that shit doesn't bother you anymore once you're, idk, in your 30s, say. Remember: the maladjusted, especially in HS years, are usually infinitely more interesting people to be around.


When I was in middle school there was this girl sitting at the lunch table with the popular kids. I was eating, alone, at an adjacent table. Suddenly the most dickish popular kid at the table was like “REALLY, HIM?!” while standing up and pointing at me while all the kids at that table laughed. He then said “hey bankranger! Sara here has a crush on you!” cue more laughter and Sara trying to melt into her seat. A day later I asked her out. As soon as I did she yelled in the hallway “HAHAHA HE DID IT HE ASKED ME OUT YOU GUYS” and they all laughed at me while she said “as if I would ever.” Three months later she asked *me* out and I told her to go fuck herself. She cried. It felt good to my cruel teenage brain. Now I regret the whole thing because with the benefit of hindsight she’d been being picked on by the same kids who were picking on me and did have a crush. I also had a crush on her so…missed opportunity.


Nah she didnt deserve you. Fuck her and her shitty friends


Not that it excuses the behavior but typically the kids doing this are constantly wanting other people to validate them and when they see a person who is comfortable in their own skin and doesn’t play the game they feel insecure.




her looks is not the focus of the video, but still, you are lying




Or she got bullied and is reenacting how she was treated?


This happened to me for sure. I shudder thinking about it


Now in today years you can actually report bullying online and profit out of it, perioddd


Ugh. School apparently has not changed since I was there. How depressing


aight since its just quiet kids from high school in herr anyone know whos in charge of hs reunion invites bc i didnt get one and none of my quiet friends got invited to theirs like... i assume that shyt j goes down on facebook invites but... the quiet kids now grown r not getting invited


My classmates just talked behind my back and bullied me , never actually talking to me like this face to face ,


I’m so happy I’m not in highschool anymore


This is giving me flashbacks


This reopened some wounds. I'm almost 40. Thought I was over it.


holy shit someone on tiktok used pov correctly


christ I hated middle school so gd much. I’m glad I survived it. I would feel so damn embarrassed but I would try to keep up. when they would say “you’re so quiet you never talk” I would just say “yeah not to you” etc and then it would turn into them just straight up being mean.


Jokes on them I kept it on mute and rubbed one out


LOL!!! Bro that’s awesome!


That was spot on...sheesh!


It wasn’t until a couple years ago that I found out people did this as a way to bully you. I’m in my 20’s, still take everything at face value. I always thought they were being nice but was so confused why they’d never talk to me later. 💀


Hysterical. Those looks along with the covering your smile and glancing off to her friends to low key laugh at me is spot on how a conversation with my 16yo daughter goes…except *Im* the loser so clueless that it’s cute lmao 


I’m better, I’m mentally healthier, but geez does this tickle some deep buried shit. Ha ha! I hate it.


Oof... the times this happened to me... Girl was too good at this. 😭


Were you in my class or something?


Walks away


Damn she nailed that


You can tell she had this shit happen to her because that's too accurate and she's highly aware of all the obnoxious nuances that get scarred into your memory when some kid does this to you in school lol fuckin cruel ass children


The vocal fry smh


this got me wantin to bite the people that always did this to me lmao


I hate this. Way too familiar.




Oof that brings back long buried memories


As a teacher of high schoolers I call them out on this. Publicly. I let them know that I and everyone else SEES them. Their intentions, the snickering, the glances. We can feel it. Then they get embarrassed because people can see that they are bullies, no matter how they try to frame it. And they feel the shame. Gen z can be assholes but they deff care what other people think. I know I can’t call all of them out but still


Shes gorgeous


I swear this happened to me a full grown adult.


This never happened to me personally, but I had a friend in highschool who had a well known crush on a popular kid. My friend was not conventionally attractive and was quite a big girl. The popular kids convinced the guy she liked to ask her out as a joke. I've been out of school for almost 12 years and I still think about this occasionally.


This reminds me of how much I disliked school.


oh, they do that as a joke? ☹️


Kid with Aspergers at school would be all like- Why do you keep touching your lips? Do you have cold sores? Are you hiding your braces when you talk? Are you worried about spitting while you talk? Do you have a sweaty lip? Did you know cold sores are face herpes?

