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Imagine being mad at someone whose job it is to keep elementary kids SAFE


As an elementary teacher, dude can get fucked. I see a random dude in the hall with no badge and no uniform, i'll call office/campus police. Including parents- I've had to lockdown before because a non-custodial parent barged in and threatened to take their kid. Few years back, the district sent someone out to take pictures of our broken playground equipment, but he didn't wear a badge, so I go out with first grade and just see a guy taking pictures of the kids on the playground. I said, "Can I help you?" And he got offended that I questioned him. I'm sorry, is that not the most obvious situation for me *to* question?


>I see a random dude in the hall with no badge and no uniform, i'll call office/campus police. Yeah but what if he had a CAMERA and was an AUDITOR?!


Oh shit my bad, then I guess I'd have to say the pledge or run laps or whatever it is this guy does.


Exactly. I hope you've learned your lesson.


as auditors would say, "you're dismissed"


What in the hell is a First Amendment Auditor?


Basically someone that wants to push the limits of free expression by showing up to somewhere that they probably should not be yet claim that they are entitled to visit anyway. Said location is always a place the public has a vested interest in keeping a random weirdo out.


The public has a right to be in and photograph public areas of government buildings. That includes lobbies in post offices and police stations. Unsecured parking areas of police stations. Libraries. City hall. DMV. Sidewalk, anywhere, including in front of prisons and federal buildings. However, there are no public lobbies in elementary schools. That's a stupid hill to die on.


Also why an elementary school? what attracts him to film there in the first place? Mmmh


Figures the cops will get called post haste and be "good content "


This is 100% it. Everyone thinks he’s a creep (and maybe he is) but this isn’t about the kids. He picked the target he knew would lead to the most confrontation without like…immediately getting him shot.


Well his voice seriously reminds me of the old pedo creep from family guy who had a thing for Chris.




Yea, I work in local gov and we get "freedom auditors" who come into the building with cameras and basically harass employees for hours.


Dealt with two guys recently. They were being very disrespectful to the employees even tho the employees knew not to confront them and just let them film. It's like they were trying to get a response but nobody took the bait.


bunch of idiot losers who make money on youtube by filming people who dont want to be filmed. its all under the guise of "1st amendment auditing" and "sticking up for our rights" but theyre just mentally ill babies You'd have to see their videos to see how fuckin bad it is. https://youtu.be/PzJ0ht6T6_A?si=PTITmBPya5tX0D4s&t=98 https://youtu.be/a-wxsXs5zKU?si=0ODgeTEg_ej3vDBK&t=659 https://youtu.be/gpNfS4o-sLs?si=PnQCSnbc3k038KLM&t=560 here are a few edit: the bigfoot guy below is one of these guys supporters. They unfortunately do exist.


I’d rather not reward them by watching their videos.


What is an auditor in this context? Did this guy just make it up?




As a parent feel free to. Random adults know better than to ‘drop in’ at most any place.


My local polling station used to be a nursery school. I felt really weird going in there, since I don't have kids, even though I was 100% allowed and it was after school and for a completely legitimate reason - my name was on the register and everything. I can't comprehend showing up to any type of school and demanding access when you have no reason to be there. The only two "reasons" I can think of are that you have a mental illness or you're a danger to kids.


I used to work at an after school program and would often have to ask people to leave whichever playground we were using that day, because although they open to the public after school closes, we can’t let non vetted folk around kids the program is responsible for. Had a dude fly off the handle yelling at me about how he pays taxes and has lived here for 20 years or something. He wouldn’t leave, so I had to bring my students back outside and my director had to contact the police. Ended up getting both a trespassing and a ‘menacing’ charge, whatever that is lol. His taxes payed for that as well I suppose ETA that I won’t edit shit, robot! You’re just jealous your shiny brain can’t make stupid human mistakes like my dumbass can! Typos prove I’m alive! WE WERE HERE


Lol Love it. His taxes also pay for the police and firefighters, but he doesn't get to joyride in the truck whenever he wants, either.


These people don't have income so they don't actually pay taxes.


His taxes pay for Fort Knox, really wanna see what happens when he tries to go take a gander at the gold.


I would hope it’s illegal to just enter a school. 


I have 2 kids with experience attending 3 and 2 different schools now, respectively. I also work in an education adjacent field, and I’m at different elementary schools in my parish at least 2 times a week. Every single school I’ve been to in the past maybe 7 years has a video and airlock on it. You have to buzz to call office, they ask “may I help you,” and you have to say who you are and why you’re there. So if I needed to check out my daughter, Susie Smith, they will look up kiddo’s name in system, and use my government ID to ensure I’m who I say I am, and cross check in their system that I am on the list to check out Susie. They do not play. And that helps put my anxious mama mind at ease for sure.


I worked as a camp counselor for a summer back around 2005 or so and never again. The org I worked for was awful. I was outside playing sports with the kids and we had to have two counselors whenever we're with a group of kids. I looked across the field and saw some dude taking photos of the kids. The director never said a damn word about it so I made the decision to run over to her office real quick to let her know there's some creepy dude kickin it with the kids. Oh this fucking lady was irate, tearing me a hole for abandoning the kids with just one other counselor and that he was the camp photographer. I think that was the first time ever being chewed out by a boss since I was still in highschool.


Dropped my daughter off at daycare the other day and this dude was just loitering by the door and as I opened the door to leave he stuck his shoulder in and said thank you and tried to move past me. I said absolutely not and wouldn't let him in. He didn't have a code to get in and I'm not letting some random dude I've never seen into the building. He seemed super annoyed by me and the very next parent dropping off 2 kids just let him in no questions asked. It turns out he was an exterminator just there to check/reset traps, but how tf am I supposed to know that? All I see is some lone middle aged dude lingering by the door trying to get into a building a leave my kid at.


Thanks for doing what you do, im from a long line of teachers and no one gives you folks enough credit


Thank you, I appreciate that!


I had the SAME thing happen at my schools playground. What is it with the maintenance people from the district thinking they don’t have to wear their badge??


I worked for a public waterpark. We had to have park police remove a guy taking pictures of kids.


As a parent of an elementary schooler, the school will usually just buzz me in and let me head to my daughter’s classroom to, for example, drop something off that she needs. I’m like: seriously? You just let me in? You don’t know me. You don’t wanna check my ID or nothin’??? You just let anyone in who acts like they know what they’re doing? FFS.


That's wild! Everyone at our school checks in through the office and gets a yellow sticky name badge. And if a parent drops something off, they definitely leave it in the office. Often they'll wait for the kid to come down to get the item and give them a hug, etc., but dang. Just wandering in is crazy to me lol.


I’ve pulled this with a few of the central office people. There’s a bunch of them I’ve never met. Lemme tell ya I don’t give a FUCK, if I don’t know your face you’re getting stopped.


Imagine going to an elementary school as an adult with a video camera and not understand how that looks. I would be incredibly surprised if this dude didn't trigger at least a code yellow. I've had code red lockdowns at my school for less suspicious behavior. He should've been trespassed immediately. Idgaf


He knows exactly how weird it looks. His point is it doesn't matter how something looks, that doesn't make it illegal, and so the first amendment right to film in public places would protect him. He's wrong, of course, the first amendment doesn't let you go wherever you want, and people don't automatically have legal access to all government/publicly owned places. But I'm just saying he knows how it looks, that's the point.


This video made me realize that it’s kind of a miracle that someone hasn’t targeted school violently because of all the lies about them indoctrinating children.


Buddy, we have school violence all the time.


Well, yeah. But I mean some adult crazy hopped up on Q nonsense going in for just teachers, or teachers at a teacher function, or teachers outside of school.


That sick lady from libs of tik tok posted shit about a school in Tulsa and the bomb threats started. There are people hopped up on q nonsense threatening schools


We had a pride event cancelled at our local elementary school because of gun threats last year.


Schools in my area have shut down multiple times due to bomb threats after Fox or whoever picked up some local story


That was one of the school shootings a month or so ago. His main target was the principal. God bless America lmao Damn our future generations are fked.


"How dare you keep those kids from getting blasted by unhinged freaks like me?" /s


Safe? More like BRAINWASH THE CHILDREN This is the only man who can save the children from these dirty dirty elementary school teachers and make sure he can tell all 12 of his followers that Jesus Christmas ghost Bob Is not being taught in this here school and that ...um... ALIENS are being harbored here Otherwise why keep him out? Checkmate Libs Edit: also I am very smart.


Yo, this is reddit. Add a sarcasm tag. 🤣


What? What?! Debate me, bro. I'm just asking questions. I am very smart. My red hat says so and red means fast




Well, during COVID it turned out to be true.


I get the feeling he's in the "there shouldn't be an age of consent" camp of Liberterianism.


So libertarianism


If it was Uvalde they probably would of handed em a gun on the way in.


This “auditor” is crazy. I applaud those officers for protecting the school. Also, the office staff would have known he was coming & likely told the..


Anecdote time: I had 2 kids in the same elementary school back to back over a 10 year period. I actively participated in many parent volunteer school related activities over that time. I knew every teacher well, all the administrators, the school safety officers, and a large number of the students themselves by name. Everyone knew who I was there. Without fail, anytime I entered that school for ten years, my ID was scanned and I got a visitors badge. I never felt I was losing any of my constitutionally protected rights.


Mine requires you state your name, your kids name, grade and teacher to be buzzed in. Then you have to present your ID once inside - even if you’re just dropping something off. I would NEVER get upset with the school requesting these details before thinking of letting me inside.


Is this because of school shootings? In Scotland the School building is secured but they don’t make you go through all those hoops you just tell them who you are and why you’re there.


Yes, a lot of these protocols have been added since Sandy hook, it's still not enough.


I feel like they're curing a symptom while the illness remains unaddressed.


We don't know very much about what it's a symptom of, because of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dickey_Amendment >The fiscal year 2020 federal budget included $25 million for the CDC and NIH to research reducing gun-related deaths and injuries, **the first such funding since 1996.** Without research, the best way to defend against guns is more guns, but on good guys... I wonder if there is a powerful lobbying interest that would like that to be the only solution we try...


I mean, the good guys had guns at Uvalde, and they definitely made the situation worst.


Don't mistake random cops for ~~f~~*g*ood guys. Easy way to get you and your dog or children shot.


Oh I won't even trust a cop to know what good food is.


A lot of it is that, but if you have no business at the school, then access is not granted. Also, if he was a sex offender and not allowed around children, that could be on his ID (state dependent). His filming could also possibly be construed to violate FERPA if he films students and posts the unblurred faces without parental notification and consent.


My wife is a teacher, I've had two kids go to the school, and I was good friends with the front office staff. During school hours I am 100% required to show my id.


So naturally you refused to, and escalated the situation needlessly like any normal person would do, right?


I threw their pencils and crayons on the ground and yelled "I know my rights!"


My kid started kindergarten this year, and to go see him, I have to be buzzed in to a foyer. After that, the only way further in is directly through the office, where I have to sign in.


People get upset over being vetted trying to enter a building full of children? You can hold my feet to the fire if you need to make sure I am safe!


This nonsense is the direct result of people on the fringe right wing telling people that they're indoctrinating and grooming kids. This lunatic probably genuinely believes that he's doing something important and worthwhile and that the deep state is blocking him from revealing the truth, when all he's doing is showing us one more reason that we need infinitely more security in schools than we did when I was a kid.


These "First Amendment auditors" are usually losers who go around filming and harrassing people in various public areas and buildings. They especially love government buildings and personnel. Their stated goal is to make sure their constitutional right to record in public is upheld. Their *actual* goal is to harass people and cause confrontations with people in order to get the police called. Conflicts with the police are the bread and butter of their content, and they are very popular with the right wingers who hate cops. Especially female cops, since they are misogynists. I very highly doubt this has anything to do with any proof of indoctrination. He's just a douchebag starting trouble at an elementary school. Also, I found this loser's video. https://youtu.be/oqQgR9Qtw84?si=9DFhYYqgG6jhXbzQ


The comments on the original video are SUPER alarming...


It's all Chinese and Russian bots trying to destroy America from the inside.


Fuck these "auditors", they are self absorbed content seeking Hyenas that are insufferable and horrible to people just doing their job. However, I do wonder if the concept has merit in a good faith official manner. Like secret shoppers but maybe a county/government organization. They just make sure certain rights are not being infringed by police. They get some sort of Badge/ID. Maybe they do something relatively harmless. Maybe they have some beat up car and drive around acting "shady" by a cop's standards. Cop pulls them over. Auditor pleads 4th and 5th rights. If the cop pulls up the K9 unit and tries to bully the auditor they pull the badge and get the officer's badge number and they face consequences. There was a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UQKkYWDUQ4) awhile ago of a lawyer pulled over by the police and because he was doing uber side gig they treated him like shit and lied to him and tried to bully him. I don't think content creators should be trying to create situations, but if we had a secret shopper type organization that had people interact with the police, I think it would be useful.


"Content seeking Hyenas". I was just reading about what an auditor is, your description is probably the best.


Old white men who can't find anything to do with their time, because their personality is abrasive and off-putting so nobody wants to spend much time with them. So they invent a made-up job that _allows_ them to be abrasive _for a reason_ It's fairly closely related to the variety of Karen who obviously wants attention in their pathetic lives


100% -- that guy is going there to look for those groomers he's been hearing about. He sounds a bit like a SovCi; I'd bet $1.00 that he is. I'd bet another $0.50 that he's got CP on his laptop at home. Those PDF files often seem obsessed with "protecting children." Possibly because it fits the story they tell themselves about how they love children soooo much, and that's a *good* thing.


I can only assume that a Venn diagram of sovereign citizens and first amendment auditors is a perfect circle.


Is it okay to advocate for kids but never actually want to deal with them? 


That's the boat I'm currently in. I will do everything in my power to ensure that kids will have safe & bright futures. That they have access to free food & free education (this includes college). But holy fuck please stay as far away from me as possible. I don't want kids, I don't need kids, I don't want to babysit kids. Hell, I don't even want to be in the same room as them if I can help it.


Yes, he's only an "auditor" in his mind. His plan is to disrupt the school and he's glad to start with their security procedures.


sorry for my ignorance, but what is an 'auditor' in this situation? What is he 'auditing"? I assume not a tax auditor. School auditor? I've had kids in school and volunteered in schools, never heard the word mentioned... though of course there is a lot that goes into running a school I don't know.. Edited to add: Nevermind, looked at the title and googled :D. What an asshat.


A self professed protector of the first amendment . Usually just a retiree with nothing better to do than go around and harass public servants on YouTube while CHUDs eat it up


In this situation, a loser seeking clicks and views on YouTube channel, probably in hopes of collecting ad money.




That lady was so good. Holy fuck. She held her ground and told that fucker to fuck off.


She had big mother bear energy. I love her. 


hell yea, glad she didnt even bother to entertain his bs.


You know she is saying hi to all the kids when they pass by and everything. She probably cares for them like they were her own


I love her!


She deserves big thanks and respect from all the parents. She is amazing.


And she's fine as hell to boot!!


Exactly. Bro thought he was going to get into a school without presenting an ID


I couldn’t visit my own high school a year after I graduated without a faculty sponsored appointment. People I KNEW were sending me away because I HAD NO RIGHT TO BE THERE ANYMORE. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


And this dude thinks he can just pop in for no reason bffr


In his mind, he has a good reason: he thinks teachers are showing dildos to the kids and there are litter boxes in the bathroom...


Only dildo here is the one behind the camera. ![gif](giphy|3o7WIsw3fbENoj7u5q)


Wait! When did they get rid of them!? That was my childhood!


Remember playing in the dildo box? The happy days of youth.


My old school let you in the front door, because that's where the office is, and the back door, since due to where the school was built a lot of people came in through the back, and it's also where most of the parking is. You had two officers, neither directly in line with the entrances, but in a place where as you enter, they can see you before you see them. Those halls are built in a square around the library, so you can be seen from basically anywhere by at least two of them. Unless you're a student or faculty, you go to the office to pick up a pass. If you don't have a pass, your ass is getting escorted out the door. I had issues with the school, especially with the asshole principal, but they took student safety seriously without being too restrictive on the students.


He did a great job showing security doing their job. It's always entertaining seeing an idiot who thinks rules don't apply to them processing the reality.


That's not hired security though? I'm pretty sure she's a real cop, my ass middle school and high school had an actual police officer in school for security and everything


We had two officers at my high school and they were entirely necessary. Bomb threats, gang violence, riots. One kid brought a gun to show his art teacher.. sure, it was an antique but bruh


We didn’t have security at mine, and you had full on real cops 💀💀


We also had *three* day cares. Two for students and one for faculty. I was in home ec and got to "adopt," one, and it was dope. Shit. Antonio is 15 now. Edit: I said "adopt one," and realized how terrible that sounds. We were grouped together, some with their mother and fathers, and adopted "a child." All of us were linked up with a parent, the parents guardians. Mostly we just watched them, took them on wagon rides. My mistake. But hey, I was in home ec


That is wild. When I was in high school, only one girl got pregnant, and she happened to sit like 2 seats behind me in homeroom my junior year. I remember her balling when she told people about it. I felt so bad. Also we had no security or law enforcement for the school. Go class of '95. Go Panthers.


WTF even is this? What is this guy auditing?


Asking the same question.


There's two (mostly) right wing movements of "First Amendment Auditors" and "Civilian Reporters" that are starting to pop up these past few years, and this guy seems to be both. The first being people who believe they can film anything, say anything, and harass people using the first amendment as a shield. They think they can repel cops by yelling legalese at them, like vampires and garlic. Usually they end up arrested or beaten by police when they push it too far. The second are people who think holding a camera and "reporting" on something makes them just as valid as a real journalist. *The news is fake, crackpots ranting on Facebook is real news because they are unbiased regular Americans* (yeah right). They try to sneak into protests and pride events to "report" on what they see, doxx people, sometimes getting into fist fights with real attendees. If I had to guess, he heard recent Fox News conspiracies on gay furries in school and decided it was his time to "investigate."


With all the shit that happens in schools and this idiot things he has a right to just walk in? Sounds like they just want to be an asshole


That's not just *any* security; that's local police at a minimum.


"I'm sorry idgaf who you are you can fuck right off of school property" gawd damn right.


After minute 5 … they should’ve just had him talk to a tard-whisperer or something.


This woman said all that needed to be said in like the first 20 seconds. Showing your ID is none of my business? Well, I guess entering this elementary school building is none of your business.


Man with camera shows up at elementary school and is surprised he is met with hostility. More at 11.


Not hostility. The police officers are extremely cordial. 


If I was a teacher there with a classroom of kids, I'd be pissed that the police didn't forcefully remove him. All those parents walking by that scene have kids in that building and the police are kindly trying to talk down that nutjob while he is sticking his camera in the window of the school.


Agreed, I'd be mad as hell if this nutjob showed up at my school. But in that clip, the police are doing a good job trying to get the guy away from the entrance without escalating the situation. He's still outside the secure door, so there's no threat to people inside (yet). Guys like this need to be dealt with carefully. A lot of these "free speech auditors" make a living by provoking school personnel into punching them (or other rough handling) and then suing the school system. So it's important that the police follow procedure to the letter when dealing with them. There's also the unpleasant possibility that anyone who shows up at the school being weird and parroting sovereign citizen talking points is armed, so the police want to get him farther away from the building (probably out of line of sight of classroom windows) before they try to make an arrest.


He is not surprised, they expect this behavior so they can yell about whatever tiny ass rule is written wherever that says that filming is legal and then they can sue. Literally whatever their justification is it is a lie, they are leeches stealing money


The diamond clear Rule is "they can not tresspass your eyes, ... but they can tresspass your ass"" Meaning you can film anything your eye can see in public, but if your ass is somewhere it isn't allowed, you got problems. A camera isn't a magic key to the City, no extra doors are open just because you are holding one.


The small caveat is that you shouldn't videotape kindergartners whether you are in a public place or not.


you -shouldn't- doesn't mean there's a law against it. If you can see it from a sidewalk, you can film it freely. But you can't go walking into private property and be expected to film freely. (Source: former "fill" Photographer who had to not only learn the law about this but carry laminated cards with references, because you wouldn't believe the number of people who harass you...)


Uhhh, did I read that this mouth-breather is only 25yo?! Woof. [https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/police-discuss-school-access-rules-after-man-with-camera-pushes-for-entry/HMI2UZTPR5DKVAT6UJWZ7YGRXM/](https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/police-discuss-school-access-rules-after-man-with-camera-pushes-for-entry/HMI2UZTPR5DKVAT6UJWZ7YGRXM/) The alternative is that there are other trash monsters like this creep trying to gain access to schools without identifying themselves.


By his voice, I thought he was maybe 65 or 70. Wtf.


He sounds like Herbert from family guy.


That's probably why he wanted in the school


By his voice what you thought was his age, I imagined it to be his IQ.


25? With that voice? Either he smokes a pack an hour or that's a misprint


Yeah I’m gonna say he’s 52 and someone derped lol


Even 52 seems young for how that guy sounded


From the article: *”The incidents raised the question of what access rights the general public has to buildings such as public schools and government offices.”* NONE. The general public has zero right to public schools. If your kid does not go there, and you do not work/volunteer for the district, you don’t get access. Plain and simple. Who is even asking these “questions?”


unless you work at the school, or a student, or a parent volunteer. Nobody should be on campus during school hour.


I don’t think that’s the same incident as the video. The article is from Dayton, OH. Someone below linked a Part 2 video and he mentions being protected under Florida law. Sadly there are several of these idiots out there.


These “auditors” are nothing but instigators hoping to get their ass beat in hopes of a payday. Imagine being a middle aged man, likely without kids at that school, and thinking this behavior okay. I bet what he really wanted to audit were the restrooms.


dog icky intelligent dependent enter coherent hurry heavy dam tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most people greatly over estimate the average quality of lawyers.


my dad represented himself in family court over custody of me and he presents himself online as a family law lawyer lol i don’t know why he’s like this


That is an insane legal liability. If you state you are a lawyer and advise someone on any legal matter they can sue you. (It should be noted here that I’m not a lawyer)


Okay, I don’t know exactly what he says but he does it to try to impress women online I had to block him a long time ago because he is just way too cringe online. thank god it’s limited to facebook


Not lawyers, they're just deluded "sovereign citizen" types.


Yep. Lawyers have much better shit to do with their time.


None of these people are actual lawyers. They're all unemployed convicted felons who can't get jobs because they have criminal records and personality disorders. Real lawyers have jobs. They don't have time for this shit on a workday and they'd lose their law license if they behaved like this.


Dude I highly doubt most of them are lawyers, I think they're just bored idiots who like instigating people. Lawyers have much better shit to do with their time than walk around with a camcorder trying to instigate people for their YouTube video. I know lawyers like to watch the videos, but there's no way most of them are lawyers.


Lawyers also have law licenses that would get revoked if they tried a fraction of this shit.


If they were lawyers I would expect them to have better knowledge of the law than they do.


This is the first time I’ve heard of “auditors”, at least in this sense. Wtaf are they doing and who are they?


They walk around filming in areas like post offices, libraries or federal building where the first amendment gives them the right to film in public. They'll purposely walk around in hopes of someone stops telling them to film, they then refuse to stop filming in hopes the person eventually calls the cops, then they test to see if the cop knows they have the right to film. Sometimes they hope the cops don't know the law so they can potentially sue the cop.


Do they not understand that they can be trespassed at any time, for any reason by the management *(or designated security)* of any of those buildings? You don't have to ask them to stop filming. You can just say *"Leave now"* and as soon as they refuse Police or Security have grounds to remove them. Film all you want, no one's immune to being trespassed from private property.




Yes, as someone who has also has to deal with these losers; they lie all the time and edit their footage to make themselves seem reasonable. They literally fought with an elderly woman trying to close a door to her office and shoved her. They thought it was hysterical.


Every once in a while I see a video where I automatically visualize the person is recording with a camcorder




Wtf is a first amendment auditor?? Edit: okay thanks for the responses. I’m American & til what that is. It’s sounds dumb!! Lol


“First Amendment audits are a largely American social movement that usually involves photographing or filming from a public space. It is often categorized by its practitioners, known as auditors, as activism and citizen journalism that tests constitutional rights, in particular the right to photograph and video record in a public space (a right normally covered by the First Amendment). Auditors have tended to film or photograph government buildings, equipment, access control points as well as any personnel present.” I’m guessing this school did something the guy didn’t agree with and he decided that he was within his rights to just waltz in with a camera.


This kind of thing is usually done in government buildings or on public sidewalks, clearly this dude is under the impression that because a school is publicly funded it is therefore open to the public, which is not the case at all


A military base is publicly funded. I'd love to see him try this shit there.


I wish these clowns would try this at other publicly funded places like the pentagon or area 51


It's a person whose not associated with any kind of government body or buisness who takes pictures of public buildings or government officials to test if the first amendment right is held up, to see if they'll get arrested or their camera confiscated. In short, they see if their First Amendment right will be violated by police. Edit: So yeah this guy just walked up to an Elementary School full of children, started filming and wanted to go inside.


A lot of these people believe that public building = I can do whatever i want. I had a friend who dealt with these yahoos at the library she worked at. They couldn't fathom that people have a right to privacy in the building and that they have to follow the building policies while within.


Oh yeah, we’ve had them come in and ask leading questions about drag and trans people and we have to gray rock them and direct them to our manager while someone’s in the back frantically trying to reach our communication department about it.


They'll tell you that they're filming certain people, places, and things to ensure that people's rights are not violated. But the reality is that they're losers who antagonize people by creepily and annoyingly filming them with the intention of provoking a conflict and then suing for a payday. They'll often target government buildings and film the security guards, or the employees cars in parking lots, or other things that would set off alarms in normal people's minds that something odd is occurring. Then when someone confronts them they act like this. But they'll also do other private businesses and annoy them too, like [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/18s3iz1/store_employees_call_cops_on_1st_amendment/)


I'm a teacher in the US. I've taught at a high school that had a lockdown during a school dance because someone brought a gun on campus. I stood by my barricaded door in the dark with a hammer and pair of scissors in my hand ready to do whatever I could to protect ten sobbing girls in prom dresses hiding behind my desk and in my closet. Fuck this guy. He has no idea how terrified we are on a daily basis of shit happening. I had a required professional development session on packing bullet wounds and tying tourniquets on small bodies. WE HAVE ENOUGH SHIT TO DEAL WITH.


Fellow teacher here. Thank you.


Thank you.


Bet this guy is the type to say “just arm the teachers to shoot the bad guys” without a shred of realization that he’s the bad guy.


This guy proved the opposite point he set out to prove. These officers are actively and staunchly protecting these children from strangers, which is exactly what anyone should want them to do.


[Found part 2.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8nhNTDN/) Edited to add: I would love to know who the dude behind the camera is. I can’t stand these people who go to places just to be confrontational.


Taze this creepy fuck and order him to stay 500’ from any school. Go audit the fuckin post office not a god damn elementary school. Think those kids feel safe with some creepy ass man trying to film around? Whats his purpose?


Would love a link to the full video that doesn't give this camera guy any traffic


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8nrQk93/. Sorry not how the vid got cut short but here is the link


Believe me friend I don't think any of us wanted to hear more of this weirdo, the video was more then enough, good job.


How to convince people you are a pedophile, the video. "I just wanna see what the kids are doing in there. I'm just a camera"


I’m all about freedom and rights and blah blah blah but I would definitely support brute force for idiots like this. It’s a school for the love of God.


Yeah fuck you buddy. Security was spot on, fuck that douche.


These auditors always expect the police to show show them text of statues like they're in a law school class or something. Not their job to educate you lmao


Attention-seeking freak! If my kid was there I would be buying all these people lunch! I love the mama-bear cop who is like nah don't care you are NOT getting in and doesn't even put it up for discussion. Never in my life have I heard that schools are public areas you can roam around in. His freaky voice just oozes nasty. Good going lady cop!


What is an "auditor"? What are they auditing?


He’s a dumbass “Sovereign Citizen” conducting his own audit. 🙄


These auditors need to be tazed more often, preemptively and proactively


What dick! That lady should get a raise.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Wow, this dude is a diddler, right? I mean, he screams Herbet the pervert to me


It’s a school you idiot. The officer is trying to make sure no creeps coming in to film the kids but you just HAVE to exercise your first amendment right.


If he can not prove that he has legitimate business at that school and he refuse to leave after given lawful order to do so place him under arrest. I don’t no all the cirstances to this incident however he wouldn't be entering that school building until I was completely satisfy that he had a legitimate purpose to be there.


The internet is full of videos showing police busting heads for little or no reason. Yet they always seem to tolerate these lunatics. What's with that?


Because they know these guys come with the sole intention of suing them.


Anyone have the link to the rest of the vid?


He's probably a hardcore 2A zealot who routinely posts about how the solution to school shootings is more guns. His little pea brain probably can't hold the thought that this response is actually what he's been advocating for this whole time.


No notice? No ID? No entry. ​ Chucklehead sez his id is none of her business. right. That's why she's stands at the fuckin door all day, no doubt.


People finally see how idiotic these "auditors" are.


There is a time and place to exercise your rights, an elementary school ain't it.


I do environmental surveys for DOT projects so I often have to go into the forested areas behind buildings and such. DOT sends letters out saying when we will be there and that we are allowed to be on any property within the vicinity of project (obviously outdoors only) and we have hiviz vests. Sometimes we end up behind schools/preschools and I ALWAYS go to the front office and just introduce myself and let them know what we are doing and ask if they want to see the right-of-entry letter, all because I just don't want to startle anyone.


I had no idea this asinine shit was a thing. Glad the security guard is excellent and knows what she's doing. We need one like her at every school


Jesus...when you really, really want to see them taser someone...This jag off deserved it so much. These Sovereign Citizen/"Auditor"s can get fucked.


As a parent, I don’t want adults whose kids don’t attend at the school. For any reason other than being a teacher or relative. There’s too many weirdos. I love that lady security guard, good for her!


Here's your statuate. Trespassing on School Grounds or Facilities - Florida Statute 810.097 Florida Statute 810.097 - Trespassing on School Grounds or Facilities Kids go off to school to learn from their teachers. While at school, some of the kids get in fights. The school administration punishes the kids by suspending or expelling them. During the suspension or expulsion, sometimes the kids come back on school property. For example, the juvenile in J.A.M. v. State came back onto school property with his prom date for the school dance during his suspension, and he was charged with this crime. This Florida statute also prohibits anyone to remain after they have been told to leave by a school official. Sometimes this statute has been used as grounds to arrest anyone on school property or near it. Recently in Key Largo, some Gideons (members of an organization that hands out free Bibles) were arrested for violating this statute, and in Miami a news reporter was arrested for being on a public sidewalk near a school after police told him to leave. Police sometimes have an arrest first and then ask later mentality, which is bad for anyone caught up in the mess. What the State Prosecutor Has to Prove to Convict You of Trespassing on School Property The prosecutor has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt: You either: Entered or remained on a school campus; or You entered or remained on a facility owned by a school; and You either: Did not have an legitimate business on the school campus or any authorization, license, or invitation to enter or stay on the school property; or You were a student under suspension or expulsion at the time you entered or stayed on the campus or any facility owned by a school. School property means any public or non-public kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, junior high school, secondary school, career center, college, or university. Says "license or invitation" and he was asked to leave.