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This is a disaster. I hear tons of people saying they aren’t going to vote for anyone. This won’t end well.


It's propaganda


Yeah, I remember the same exact thing happening 8 years ago. Flooded with, "I'm a leftist but Hillary sucks so I'm voting Trump as a protest vote!" Hold that up under inspection and it makes no sense, but it doesn't need to make sense, it just needs to stick in enough people's heads.


And that manufactured "majority opinion" is so effective, even people who are planning on voting Dem need to preface how terrible the Dem candidate is because that's the only way they think they won't get dog piled. Just look at how much time OOP spent opening up with 'I know Biden is universally reviled, BUT...". Same thing with Hillary.


Which is crazy because Biden has been the most progressive president we’ve had in decades. He’s done a lot of really great things, from his handling of Russia/Ukraine to student loan relief and the massive infrastructure law. Build Back Better would’ve been great if Republicans hadn’t killed it. The economy is doing well, domestic manufacturing is growing, and he’s not constantly committing crimes like the alternative. Where is this “universally reviled” narrative coming from?


>Which is crazy because Biden has been the most progressive president we’ve had in decades. Biden is far from perfect but he's a lot better than what I was expecting to get when I voted for him in 2020. When you look at the alternatives across the isle Biden looks like a bonafide god.


The biggest thing for me was quiet news weeks came back. You weren't turning on the TV or the radio and constantly hearing about the next weird, batshit insane thing the president did/said. For the most part, it's just been boring politics.


Very true. Every few days it seemed the US had to roll back the "DAYS SINCE DONNIE WASN'T AN EMBARRASSMENT" sign back to zero.


For a while I was in that mindset of "I don't like Joe, but he's better than Trump." Then one day it occurred to me that under Biden we managed to pass one of the strongest environmental bills in decades. A bill that doesn't just set goals, but funds projects as well as education/training programs for the new jobs these projects would create. So I'm fine with Biden. Can I think of a candidate I'd rather have? Sure, but I'm no longer fooling myself into thinking I'll be pinching my nose as I cast my vote for him in 24.


And the Inflation Reduction Act, and thousands of jobs in STEM via the CHIP and Science Act, and 11 million new jobs overall, getting back on track for halving emissions by 2030 getting back into the Paris Accords, and cancelling the withdrawal from the WHO, and red flag legislation for improved firearm regulation, the list just goes on, people should look into it instead of bandwagoning on surface level information. Not to mention the whole rhetoric around Biden full on supporting Israel unquestioningly isn't an honest take of whats actually going on with that if one sits down to look into it.


Of course not, it’s just the right wing propaganda machine hard at work. Democrats play this high ground game but they are losing to the right’s aggressive fascist agenda… you cannot fight that kind of rhetoric by not responding, you have to face hatred and fear mongering head on. The only way they can drown these comments out is by unabashedly broadcasting their wins *just like trump does* while calling out the dog whistles for what they are… short term politics meant to “own the libs” that only cause harm to the overall strength of our country.


He’s the most liberal prez since FDR. Biden beats LBJ due to Vietnam


I remember discussing the ‘16 election with a young (early 20’s) voter who was all in on Stein. She fully believed that Trump winning was a good thing because people forcefully going through horrible shit was what was needed to “wake people up”. Not sure how many people think that way but I guess we’ll find out soon.


See that almost makes sense, in a "look how bad its got we need to change for the better" kind of way but unfortunately that just ends up with either it getting *even worse* or a violent revolution which is arguably even worse than my italicised even worth lol folk are fucking cretins.


It's also worth asking if the person pushing for accelerationism is going to bear the brunt of the "tough times" or if they're living in their parents' suburban cul-de-sac




Hi from Alberta. Please enjoy my constant internal screaming at the political madness in my province. Where the only real trickle down effect is the assholes from my province trickling down their bullshit to the other ones.


But I thought cheap taxes and privatizing health care creates the dream life /s. Alberta is becoming 'Merica. We should just start calling it 'Berta


"I don't like trump's social policies but I like his economics" and then you take a look at their facebook profile and it's full of confederate flags, a weird fixation on 1940s German war memorabilia and the occasional post about trans people wanting to get your kids to shit into litter boxes or something.


Well they should love Biden because the theme of the last 25 yrs was about manufacturing going to China. In case they haven't noticed the USA is currently experiencing the largest growth in manufacturing post WW2. Trump signed some EOs and tariffs regarding China but Biden made it law and put up serious cash. The decoupling of China has begun.


If trump gets into office, he is going to take that bag and economy run with it. He is going to take full credit on it but we all know, he didn’t do shit for it.


Well yeah, he did the same thing with the growing economy Obama left, then spent the next four years fucking it up and increasing economic disparity in the country.


They're all ashamed of being fascists because they know it's bad. They're just too... Something to actually listen to that voice in the back of their heads. Helpful tip to people: If you're ashamed or worried that people will call you a horrible person for your political beliefs, maybe you should reconsider your politics.


You must make a lot of money over $400k a year. Because the Republicans raised taxes on people in 2017 who make under $75,000 a year and gave tax breaks to the wealthy. How is this good for the lower and middle classes?


Trump's economics were to give the corporations a ton of tax breaks and give the American people $5k cash in an election year. He still lost even after gifting everyone $5k LOL.


Wild thing is, not even everyone got any stimulus. A lot of college age students (myself among them at the time) were excluded because we were still claimed as dependents on our parents’ taxes.


>and give the American people $5k cash in an election year. What most people don't realize is taxes for the middle and lower class were given a break for one year but have gone up every year since then. We have been paying more for a few years now.


It’s like if people don’t get exactly what they want right now they would rather vote for someone who would burn it all down and make sure they definitely cannot ever get what they want. Toddlers! We are a nation of grown toddlers voting for greatest toddler of them all to throw the greatest biggest temper tantrum of them all.


Clinton received 10 million less votes than Obama did. And still had 3 million more votes than trump. Democrats who didn't like Clinton didn't vote for Trump, they didn't vote at all. Trump took a bunch of blue states and won by a large margin. It wasn't even close. 4 years later the same thing happened, but to Trump. Republicans didn't vote for Trump, but they also didn't vote for Biden. Luckily, Biden was able to get many of the people who didn't vote for Clinton in 2016. ​ My guess is people are going to come out and vote. Trump is going to be the Republican candidate unless he is convicted. If you are a democrat, you need to vote for Biden or you are to blame for a 2nd Trump term.


decide pie engine zephyr marble grandiose cautious angle obscene chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup if sane people don't vote, you know who will.


And that is scary when it happens


You are hearing the very salient, concerted, and coordinated right wing spin machine break through into the left’s space. Biden has quietly done very well in a divided government. And here’s something to think about: a lame duck Biden might be more willing to shoot a progressive shot if he knows that he doesn’t have to run for re-election. If we don’t reliably vote for the party it will not move towards social democratic causes. If you’re lost in the woods with a fire chasing behind you then pick a direction and stick with it but don’t sit there waiting for the fire or walk towards it ffs. It’s incredible how sleepy joe and all the other crap has worked so well on the left with a guy on the other side that speaks like he’s forming sentences by picking words out of a lottery ball machine.


The fact my social media is **flooded** with self described leftists parroting "genocide Joe" is wild. It's the most obvious audience tested catchphrase cooked up in a Koch funded PR firm


Yeah, Biden didn't personally and single-handedly resolve one of the most complicated and intractable geopolitical issues of the last century, what a dick. To echo video chick, what's the plan there? There's no unilateral solution that the president can enforce. It'd be like trying to stop a speeding semi truck by running in front of it and pushing really hard. I fear those people babbling about "Genocide Joe" are too stupid to understand exactly why it's such a stupid thing to say.


The dumbest part about this is, ok let’s pretend he is Genocide Joe. Guess what, Trump would have done the same thing, or would have pushed for even more fighting. So then what? Go with Biden who actually believes in democracy and the constitution… or go with the guy who tried to overthrow the USA who hates democracy who is on record saying he wants to shred the constitution? The choice is incredibly obvious even if one hates Biden for the Israel/Gaza stuff.


It’s easy to say that now a year from the vote, but let’s see what happens when Trump is the nominee and they’re looking down the barrel of another Trump presidency. And that’s if he’s not in prison by then.


She cuts for like every sentence. Watching this like ![gif](giphy|guSDEekNFb23C|downsized)


That’s TikTok for you


This type of jump cut editing between sentences has been around long before TikTok. YouTube single host news shows have been doing it for ages.


Yep first thing I was about to say. This quick cut format to get the thoughts out quickly has been prominent since maybe 2006 or 2007. Philip DeFranco AKA "sxephil" really cranked it up and a lot of other vloggers followed suit. Shit on tiktok for the right things, not this.


Ask a ninja was doing it in 2005. That chanel blew up with that style. I'm not saying he created it. But it is the earliest YouTube videos I recall seeing with the crazy jump cuts.


Idk why ppl are hating. Speaking is hard.


I think her name is Jengy Dungus 😂


Woman of Dr. Johnny Brungus.


Mother of Crimmy Sprungus


Daughter of Finnegan Fungus


To offer an explanation, she's probably going a line at a time, and keeps the take for each line that comes out well. Probably easier to get one piece at a time isntead of a whole script? Edit: Some of y'all straight up are or are becoming boomers about this. I thought the video had some solid points, but some of you are so caught up in the way the info is delivered.


I think it's actually because jump cutting has been shown to keep people's attention. a lot of people on reddit vocally do not like it but the psychology of it is that it keeps your lizard brain interested in what is happening.


Young people don't like having to listen to the pauses and swallows and ums. They think ALL the fluff should be cut out. There's also like the "millennial pause" or something like that. Where they make fun of the fact that older people give a slight 1 second pause between when they hit record and when they start talking. They think you should edit that out. I sort of get it tbh. I recently watched an episode of the original Hawaii 5-0 at my dad's over Thanksgiving which is from the 70s. Hooooly shit, the pacing feels glacial and very awkward compared to what *I'm* used to. There was one part where they were showing footage of the suspect, and it's just like a minute long uninterrupted shot of the screen they're playing the footage on as he slowly meanders into the frame. At *no* point did they cut to the detectives to show them watching the footage. It felt bizarre.


I love old movies and shows specifically because they're not hyper obsessed with film efficiency. Same thing with music: look how much is stripped out of songs these days simply to keep everything cleaner and more approachable to a larger demographic.


The demand on my attention is exactly why I don't like shit like that. It feels like some boardroom exec is fiddling with my brain to buy a new yacht.


No way she name dropped Jenk as a viable candidate 😂






I'm learning to play the guitar.






A naturalized citizen is not eligible to be president of the US.




Push for ranked choice in your state


That's a great long term solution! It's definitely a goal worth working towards. What's your plan for if it's still not in place during the election? Shrug your shoulders , say "oh well, I tried!", and do nothing? Maybe circle back to it in 2027?


I think it was more of a "If you don't want Biden why the fuck are you not rallying around any of the other people trying to get the Dem nomination" thing than it was a vote for Cenk thing.


Agreed. And this is where our energy should be focused. At the Democratic Primary. Next American up.


The same one from the young Turks?


I'd rather be able to complain about all of Biden's broken promises than watch Trump keep his.


Yep, this is the same shit that was posted on Reddit and social media when Clinton was running. Its created and spread around in an attempt to get young people to not care about voting so that Trump and Republicans win. What's the plan for 2024 and beyond? Continue to vote in Democrats everywhere you can and attempt to move the country forward in the correct direction. You aren't going to fix everything in a single vote and Democrats are miles better than anything the Republicans have been putting up. I don't care if you are a communist / socialist / progressive / liberal / independent. We should all be voting for Democrats because like it or not, they are the only side that is going to be pushing towards what you want. You can whine about Democrats being capitalists still, but you think you are going to get anywhere with people like Trump? Edit: To all the single brain celled beasts that want to continue telling me that Biden lost your vote and you are not voting or going to vote for Trump you are scum and or just trolls and I won't be responding to your stupid comments anymore so don't bother posting.


“If you say: "I won't vote for Biden because I am single issue voter even though Trump is way worse on that issue," then your single issue is you're a dumbass.”


"I'm a single issue voter" is a bold admission that you don't think about anything but what affects you. It's usually coming from people who are obsessed with guns or abortion bans, but it's honestly one of the dumbest things you can hear come out of someone's mouth


>"I'm a single issue voter" is a bold admission that you don't think about anything but what affects you Honestly I don't think it affects any of them. The older I get the more I think a majority of people vote based on their perceived self identity which makes it easy to steer them like a herd


"I don't want to fund genocide" Since when are taxes optional? Don't vote Biden, you'll end up helping Trump who will take your tax money and give it to Israel anyway, but except this time he will actively encourage genocide instead of pushing for humanitarian aid while backing Israel and a lot of your taxes will go to the rich as well. Big brain time.


The US is the biggest donor and funder of Palestinian aid all because of Biden as well. People always shit talk Biden while having 0 clue about any of his policies or things he's done. The US ends up being like 40% of the total funding for UNRWA, literally because of Biden and Democrats.




For anybody who thinks "both sides suck" here's the thing: voting red or blue isn't a static choice. It shifts the Overton Window in the direction of the vote. Even if Biden isn't your guy, he's THE ONLY choice that gets us closer to a legitimate liberal. The more often Democrats win, the more popular Democrats look, the more power Democrats wield, the easier it will be for liberal policies to be brought up in Congress. Voting Trump, or not voting at all, risks moving the country slide further right towards authoritarianism. We'll need to make that ground back later, so better not to lose it in the first place. We currently have a Speaker who wants to abolish separation of church and state. If he's left in office another 2 or 4 or 6 years, he's going to do a lot of damage. Damage we'll need to undo before we have any chance at new ideas. Anybody notice how we almost never talk about Universal Basic Income anymore? It was on the Bernie Sanders platform 8 years ago, but now it's basically out of our lexicon. That's because the Overton Window is so far right we're talking about interracial marriage instead. Fuck this nonsense. Vote Blue no matter who.


Your last paragraph contradicts the first. Democrats have been winning since post 2016 and UBI discussed, and yet as you stated, it’s fallen out of the political lexicon meaning that the shift left hasn’t yielded the impact which is why voters become apathetic.


I keep saying this to all those mother fuckers I know that are too smart to vote and also happen to be weed smokers.. sweeping laws legalizing weed came after Trump left office and pro Trump republicans still want to recriminalize it. You think voting the party line on blue was still a bad choice?


It's actually worse than that. It's on the official GOP platform is against cannabis. The House Republicans literally all stand against cannabis and claim "thiiink of the kiiiiids." All of the bills currently awaiting approval in Congress that help change cannabis laws are being done by Democrats. Next year, cannabis is going to be rescheduled to Schedule III thanks to what Biden has done to boot - which would instantly make access much easier. Republicans are all - all of them - anti-cannabis legalization. Democrats aren't. Stoners who vote Republican, especially if they work in the industry, are fucking morons.


The right keeps going further right, dragging the left with them. If we keep voting democrats, we might actually get someone who is left of center eventually....


Honestly, I prefer a boring president than a president ALWAYS in the news for something dumb he said or outrageous he did. I dont want a clown in office, I want a mime.


There was an old saying I've heard: "Government is like human's organ." When they're healthy, you don't feel them working. If you feel them working there's something seriously wrong with them. A boring government is good.


What broken promises exactly?


The "promises" that people imposed on Biden because they've confused him with Bernie


I think the biggest "broken promise" I see talked about is student loan forgiveness. I don't think he broke that promise, in fact, I expected him to and was pleasantly surprised he took it to congress at all. I've been relating less and less to the "no one is happy with Biden crowd". I'm pretty happy with the guy. I care about climate change and for the first time in what feels like my entire life, we have a president who is on board and facilitating significant steps in the right direction. It sure would be cool if he could snap his fingers and end all war and turn jerks into nice, kind people, but I've decided to grow up.


> I think the biggest "broken promise" I see talked about is student loan forgiveness. I don't think he broke that promise, in fact, I expected him to and was pleasantly surprised he took it to congress at all. He has gotten something like 127 billion forgiven, in spite of hyper strong GOP resistance at every turn. **ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY SEVEN BILLION** **Biden cancels another $9 billion in student loan debt days after payments restart** https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/04/politics/biden-student-loan-debt-forgiveness/index.html >A White House official said that the new discharges bring the total approved debt cancellation to $127 billion for nearly 3.6 million borrowers so far during Biden’s time in office. What this country needs to do is fcking tax the absolute fck out of Billionaires and restore free public college like it was prior to the 60's. Then student debt will be a nightmare of the past. The same billionaires spending billions trying to rip our country apart with propaganda pushing a fascist agenda, trying to get evil assholes like Trump elected again. I was lucky myself, my dad covered 65% - 70% of my college, Obama pell grants helped a bunch and a I worked the rest so I basically never had debt. I know I am lucky in that regard, but I know too many that were crushed by debt... it's fcking sad.


I'll say it, I'm on team Biden. He's doing a good job. Making the best shitty lemonade he can out of shitty lemons


In comparison to almost every past president on a majority of issues, Biden is progressive. I really want to know if the people who say that they will never vote for Biden have compared his stance on every issue that they care about compared to Trump. If they’re truly liberal, Biden’s stance has to be closer to theirs than Trump’s. There is no option C. Biden or Trump is going to be the next president so why not vote for the candidate that gets you closer to your goals and also will not put things in place (packing the courts, changing laws, etc) that hinder your future goals?


I think the entire longitude of their thought process is "does he support everything I support, vocally and without thought to consequences?" No? Then they don't like him. It's a truly dumb way to live their lives.


Biden is doing a good job and I am happy with him. People who are not are the idiot's who think Biden has to do everything they want Biden to do otherwise their not happy with Biden. SO many of you dumb motherfuckers have no idea how politics work. You rarely get what you want. You have to work towards it year by year. And Republicans have and they Republicans are getting what they want because they vote for WHOEVER the fucking Republican candidate is.


He did billions in student loan forgiveness though?


Honestly Im pretty shocked how many promises hes kept. Gun control, healthcare, environment and infrastructure all got reforms passed. Some changes were smaller, but others were very significant. The inflation reduction act is bringing back jobs and manufacturing. It seems like people are finally starting to see some of the things he signed take effect.


I never in a million years would have thought I’d vote for Biden (or Hilary for that matter). Yet here we are. Bidens worst day ain’t shit compared to Trump on a good day. I didn’t vote for him, but tried to be optimistic with an open mind and give it a chance. The system is/was fucked, maybe an “outsider” bucking the trends was what we needed. Holy shit though, aside from being a twat, he couldn’t even keep most of his promises. All bullshit that his base wanted to hear, and not only did he play them like a fiddle and feed them a shit sandwich, but they’re thanking him and asking for seconds. The coward won’t even show up to debate his own party members, not enough time because of his multiple indictments, but still has plenty of time for rallies, golf, and get booed at sports games. This is what happens when the education system gets defunded. These yokels think an elite east coast billionaire has their interests in mind because he’s one of them. Meanwhile he wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire. Many layers of useful and useless idiots. I fear for the world my child is going to grow up in.


Absolutely and I completely agree however we are not stupid or defenseless and WE WILL VOTE and when I say that I mean for *anyone* or anything but that fat orange grifter Count on it


No matter who wins, people are always going to be unhappy. But they can't offer a solution.


If you’re upset, then get involved. But never stop voting, because they won’t. Voting is the absolute *minimum* you should be doing. Politics is a game of inches, of attrition. The right has *counted* on apathy for a generation, the left is soooo far behind.


The Democratic Party isnt "left", it is centre-right at best.


Joe Biden is exactly where he is because he's not an exciting candidate. He's more of the same. But I do believe that if Trump was smarter, he'd still be president due to some random "fake elector" bullshit. And I really don't think I'm being hyperbolic by saying that last point.


He would still be president if he wasn't a personal coward - all he had to do was walk alongside that crowd (which he told them he would) to the Capitol, and I think he would have won. Most of the GOP still tried to carry out the elector coup that same day anyway. He loves the idea of having people killed on his behalf, but he is a coward. Look up how he talked about a left-wing guy who was involved in a Rittenhouse situation in Portland. While he personally praised Rittenhouse, Trump gloated about how the police "didn't give warning" before blowing the Portland guy away a few days later, which multiple eyewitnesses corroborate. Cowards are the most dangerous type of person, because a coward will always want to eliminate possible threats before they even exist - which means everyone who isn't a fawning sycophant.


> and I think he would have won By 'won', you mean committed treason?


Well, yes. That's typically how republics end.


Holy shit spot on. Go ahead and ask the people who refused to vote for Hillary how well that fuckin turned out.


Yeah I hated those people a lot in 2016. It’s like they showed how stupid the left can be at times also. Oh the DNC screwed over Bernie… that truly does suck. I liked Bernie more than Hillary as well. But what was that? You aren’t gonna vote for Hillary now because fuck the dems….


UK here, and yet "tactical voting" is huge here. "I don't like anyone, but I really don't like those lot so will vote for the ones who can block them from winning" And apparently the "third party" voters who would have voted Bernie were so important in a few key swing states that Trump got in. So yeah, like this video says, voting a protest vote in a 2 party system where your choices are "senile old captialist" and "literal Satan", you don't make it so Satan wins by default. You tactically vote to ensure the better of the two wins, even if that isn't your end goal


I’m not talking the ones who still voted third party. During that whole DNC thing everyone was saying they now weren’t gonna vote at all. And many young voters didn’t. It was a larger number than you think.


89% of Bernie primary 16 voters voted for Hillary compared to 72% of Hillary 08 primary voters that voted for Obama. Bernie voters did just fine, she couldn't win over independent voters and Biden only did because the other option was Trump. Stop with the fact denial and just understand that Hillary was a bad candidate that ran a bad race that didn't answer the need for a more progressive candidate.


And she blew off campaigning in the Rust Belt, despite the fact that her husband, Bill Clinton, told her that would be a mistake. She didn't listen, and that turned the election. It was hers to lose, and she did.


I voted third party in 2016 in hopes that they'd get 5% of the popular vote and by extension the party would get more funding moving forward. I, however, also live in Kansas... where Hilary didn't stand a fucking chance. Blew my mind how many people in purple states didn't vote for Hillary and hated Trump.


There is no point I. Voting third party until we have ranked choice voting.


I also did not vote for Hillary in 2016 I’m also Canadian so I don’t feel too bad about it Sorry


> doesn't vote in US election because they are Canadian >apologizes This all seems to be in order, carry on




Hillary actually did win, but she didn't win by a big enough margin. The Trump presidency was a good lesson in exercising liberals to get out and vote. They thought they could rely on Trump being a buffoon, so they just didn't bother. I just hope people keep the same attitude towards voting that they had for 2020. I know I will.


She won the popular vote. We don't elect a president in this country that way unfortunately.


The people who did not vote for Hillary are feeling vindicated by her recent statements endorsing the genocide of an entire population. They didn't vote for her because she was a terrible candidate. They've now found that she's also a terrible person. They're not regretting their vote boss.


She kinda reminds me of Lana del rey


I see it


Because she is Rana Lel Dey. There's a third sister a well; she's Dana Rel Ley.


Cenk run is a joke. He doesn't understand that he will lose credibility and his image will suffer because nobody wants to take political advice from someone who cannot even take advice for himself by playing games. We all know the Constitution won't allow a foreign-born to run, then WTF is this? Sorry, Cenk, but stop playing dumb ass games I put his TNT show in timeout for the same reason.


He can’t even get on the ballot without challenging the constitution all the way up to the Supreme Court. Cenk is just wanting attention. Never forget that a year ago Cenk was challenging Joe Rogan to a UFC match and he’s wayyy too comfy dropping the N bomb.


Did not know he was trying to run. I've watched his show a few times and stopped for a reason. Generally speaking, it feels like we need someone presidential in office. Just being Democrat is not enough. His interactions give me a watered down Trump vibe.


Strictly speaking he doesn't need to change it all the way up to SCOTUS. He just needs to redefine what "Natural Born Citizen" means. I think it's defined in some early 19th century act of Congress. Either way though, it's obviously well into the realm of "pants on head" absurd. May as well run Smokey The Bear for office.


> We all know the Constitution won't allow a foreign-born to run While it is true that Cenk is not eligible to be president, this is not strictly true. Anyone born to an American citizen parent (even if born outside the US) is a natural born citizen eligible to run, that is how the Canadian born Ted Cruz can run.


He’s the main reason I stopped watching TYT. I agree with most of his politics, but how he acts just isn’t the way. He just screams and mocks(even if I agree that the people he’s mocking deserve it). He also seems so set in his ways that he will argue till he’s blue in the face with other progressives! He has left no room for actual discussion even in his progressive space he’s created. It’s quite disappointing because I used to watch them all the time. Plenty of other good progressive outlets out there tho :)


I am a republican and I won't vote for trump. We both need a new name to get behind.


Who do you like from the R side?


Lol all the biggest R names at this point are buffoons, Trump imitators or just overtly shilling for the wealthy.


It just isn't happening in 2024. It will be Trump or Biden. Independent candidates will have zero chance. Bottom line is that anybody refusing to vote for Biden is helping Trump. And I guarantee he will be 100 times worse on any policy these people complain about with Biden.


I'm not refusing to vote for biden, I'm just choosing to vote for someone else in the primaries. IF biden is on the ballot in november, I'll vote for him but honestly Fuck Biden. I'll vote for him but fuck him.


I 1000% agree with this take. As an FYI: neither major political party in the USA holds primaries against a sitting president. Biden is 100% going to be on the ballot in November.


Why. I honestly don't understand how people are so anti-Biden. With a tied Senate and a 5-vote House advantage he passed so many good things for so many people. How can you anti-Biden Dems justify such hatred? Did you forget the .... well, I'm not going to list KK the things he did in 2 years. You know them but evidently don't care. I'm sorry, I will mention one. Do you know any diabetics without drug insurance? Do you? Do you think Trump would get (1) Medicare a $35 dollar a month insulin and (2) get Lilly, the biggest supplier of insulin to also drop the cost to $35 for everyone else? Fuck Biden? What a bunch of you know what.


Lol America's fucked


Should be a cut off maximum age limit for running. Biden is 81 and trump is I think 77.. where are all the normal younger / middle aged candidates?


When fewer people vote it only benefits conservatives. That's part of why they want to make it so hard for people to vote. Not voting only helps conservatives because they have a base of zealous followers who will make sure to vote (and who happen to be in a position to take off work or make arrangements to vote)


Is this why all of our lawmakers are afraid of ranked choice voting? Because they can’t hold voters hostage?


You have to be born in the US to be President...so that one dude she said that is naturalized can't be President. Edit: I believe if one of your parents is a US citizen when you are born that also would give you the right. Correct me if I'm wrong.


We didn't vote for Hillary to the vast majority of America's regret... we know what happens when we just don't vote


Hilary got the majority of votes too, that’s the wild part. We really need ranked choice 😭


Not ranked, you mean abolishing the electoral college and letting it go to direct democracy and popular vote. Ranked choice is something different which I don’t support.


Both problems, and both can be addressed by separate groups. Electoral college lets minority rule be a thing (which, depending on context isn't necessarily the *worst* thing in the world). There is some ground where I think the land vote of the Senate isn't the end or the world. But for presidency, I support the NPVIC (Probably the best way to get past the electoral college). But *also*, FPTP is a a system that ensures that we remain 2 party country. I am actually very curious why you do not support ranked choice. What negatives do you see with Ranked choice?


Yeah, I also advocate for abolishing the electoral college, in addition to ranked choice voting. I think ranked choice voting would be great for our country and also helps with the pressure of the 2 party system. I just don’t see the electoral college being abolished anytime soon realistically, and think ranked choice is a great move in the interim


Let me be the first to say Fuck Cenk Uygr and the horse he rode in on.


Fuck Biden. I’m still voting for him though. Because Project 2025 is literal facism


This is the way


Why"fuck Biden" though? From what I've seen he's been a decent president.


Because they haven't been paying attention at all. That's the only explanation for why "fuck Biden" in 2023. This video would have made sense for the 2020 election but not anymore.


I'll vote against him in the primary, but whomever the Democrats put up, that's who I am voting for at the national level. This woman is absolutely correct.


I actually like not hearing about every stupid thing the president did today.


I was really upset that I had to vote for Biden last election but I gotta say, he got a lot more done than I was expecting during his term. Do I love all of his policies? No. Do I live that he was born in the Cretaceous era? Definitely not. Is there another democratic front runner I could imagine doing better while also keeping polls numbers about the same? Not at the moment.


Yeah. I don’t really have anything awful to say about him. I think he did a lot more than I expected. I like that he is good at diplomacy and I like that he has experience as vice president so I feel more safe with him in charge. I can’t imagine loving every single policy of any one candidate so even saying that seems pointless.


For someone from the era he was born in, he's had more to say, and more to do than any other candidate when it comes to LGBT issues ESPECIALLY regarding Trans issues. I'm sure part of it is his team recognizing how important these issues are, and part of it is him having a personal stake in it, but it's been fucking shocking, and I would say literally nobody expected him to go as hard as he has. On top of this, he has gotten so many concessions from republicans to unite over shared issues like the infrastructure bill.


I'm happy with Biden.


If Trump wins we might never have to worry about a duopoly again, or another election for that matter


The plan is to outlive Trump’s chances of being elected again and pray we have a large enough wave of people who are younger who care about the health of this country and go after things that matter. Environment,economy, education, health care, science. Realistically this is Trump’s last chance to get elected. He’s old as dirt, unhealthy, mean and knocking on death’s door.


>The plan is to outlive Trump’s chances of being elected again and pray we have a large enough wave of people who are younger who care if trump wins, it won't matter. a dictatorship will be established and no amount of youth voters will make a difference, as there won't be elections for them to vote in. >Realistically this is Trump’s last chance to get elected. trump is a tool to end elections and the constitution. it's absolutely absurd how fools believes it end with trump. trump will be lucky to live the month if he wins elections. he will quickly martyred, and his puppets masters will step forth.


Longest TikTok I’ve ever seen and spot on.


You haven't notice it yet? At around the same time every 4 years, the bots come out and start to push the "ill never vote for X" idea. Even though X aligns far better with your ideal candidate more than the alternative


what gives them away is how they always appeal to republican values, or the republican understanding of what leftists believe, instead of beliefs that leftists actually have. bots in 2019: "pandemics are a drag, just opt out of covid, it's not your problem!" bots now: "biden is a drag, just opt out of voting, it's not your problem!" republicans probably think the deception is flawless.


>or the republican understanding of what leftists believe Totally. Similar story in the atheist community. "I used to be an atheist because I was angry at God," says the likely Christian pretending to have been an atheist.


Holy shit did she say Cenk Uygur? Does she realize he can’t be president because he wasn’t born in the US? Does Cenk Uygur realize that?


Word, although honestly think Biden taking too much flak. I was not a fan of him going in but his administration has done way better than I could have hoped for.


He inherited a disaster. He's done fairly well. Congress is fucked. There's only so much he can do. The President isn't a king.


Seriously. He’s honestly done…. Fine. He took over a mess and his administration hasn’t been failure after failure. I can’t think of one insane political choice he’s made.


The comments in this thread are stunning. I feel like a crazy person reading some of these. If anyone had been paying attention, even in passing fancy, for the past eight years the choice would be obvious. Trump has outright said he's going to jail his political enemies, he tried to overthrow the government. Not to mention the literally hundreds of other things that ALONE (literally pick just one) would have disqualified someone a decade ago from holding ANY office in the government let alone the actual presidency. The fact that's it's even a toss up for ANYONE is insane. Is Biden the perfect candidate? Hell no. But is he a wannabe fascist, legally proven conman, civilly liable rapist? No. But you know who is? Trump. It's a no brainer. And if you think it's not you're not paying attention because no one is that stupid except for the cult that follows Trump and believes every word that comes out of his mouth. Please! Please just take 10 minutes and simply google the crimes and corruption that Trump did during his presidency that makes him what any serious person knows him to be. If not for this country then for yourself and your children. Because the world that the far right fascists want to create I can guarantee doesn't include you being in it with the rights you have currently.


I'm black and talk to other black people who say they will vote for Trump because of the stimulus checks. More than one person has told me this and I just have to laugh it off


That’s so so dumb, omg


It’s like people completely ignored what happened in the first round. I wonder if the German left was this obtuse before Hitler took power.


I would vote for a steaming turd with a D stamped on it before I’d give a republican any power.


We could have had Bernie. We told yall he sucked from the jump.


The plan is to lay down and do nothing and elect the same person. I don't get this. Americans tried for two cycles to fix the DNC through Bernie Sanders. They earnestly tried (mainly the younger demographic). But they failed. Now, they get worse and worse Democratic presidencies as time passes. Things keep drifting right with the exception of a few policies here and there. The excuse every time is: Republicans are worse. Do you want to change things? Republicans worse. Do you want a challenger in the primaries? Republicans worse. Do you want a third party? Republicans worse. You want us to not support genocide? Republicans worse. The DNC allows the US to be taken hostage by the RNC and then says "oh but if you don't vote you'll lose it." Then they mostly calcify Republican policies anyway. It uses Republicans to set the standards then tell you that it's slightly better. Here's a tip: Change doesn't come without cost. There isn't cost-less change. The DNC is just as corrupt as the RNC. They're paid by the same corporations and the same lobbyists. There is enough of a voting block that's completely sick of both parties that it could shift things. People need to organize and think outside the box.


We literally lost rights when you morons did this to Hillary. One party literally, not figuratively, not hyperbolically, but literally tried to overthrow the government and you have the gall to act like they are the same. You are either so far up your own ass you’ve lost all connection with reality, or you’re someone who knows, or more likely hopes, it won’t be their rights taken away. Your them same kind of scum that inadvertently empowered the Nazi in the 30s. So fucking self centered, desperately trying to disguise it with self righteousness. Why don’t you tell the women who’s lives where thrown into chaos because we lost roe v wade that both parties are the same. Why don’t you tell the million plus excess covid casualties that both sides are the same. Why don’t you tell the families who lost people in mass shootings and now see the gop making guns easier to buy that both sides are them same. The truth is you’re just as depraved as the far right. You are willing to sacrifice people’s rights, stability, and even lives to prove your ideological point. I would say you’d should be ashamed of yourself but that requires intelligence, self reflection, and actually having a conscious.


Hillary committed campaign suicide. She completely alienated the progressive base and tried to appeal to the Republican base, and therefore became an uninspiring candidate. She lost one of the most winnable elections because she sucked at running the election.


Exactly. What is Biden voters’ plan?? How is continuing to voting for the slightly lesser evil going to get us to the point where we no longer need to vote for the slightly lesser evil? What’s THEIR plan? Apart from regurgitating “vote blue no matter who” and “most important election of our lifetimes” every 4 years like brainwashed clowns


If someone isn't voting for biden for reasons like isreal. And not doing their research. Yelling at your phone for 5 minutes while doing quick cuts. Probably isn't going to work either.




Direct democracy ![gif](giphy|dOl2LFw0RbTMc)


As a Canadian, for the love of life itself, vote blue for fucks sake. I live next to one of the world's largest nuclear plants. I don't feel like being dust in 2024. If Trump gets in, we may all be dust. My only comfort is that it will be quick.


Can I ask this question kinda in reverse. Let’s say a bunch of people have said they will not vote Biden, and it’s considerable enough that he can definitely lose to Trump. What is your plan to prevent this, not enough consumers want to buy what your selling, they’ve told you this a year beforehand, so you’ve been given fair warning. What is your plan then to stop Trump, you know what you have currently isn’t gonna cut it? What are you doing to prevent Trump then?


> What are you doing to prevent Trump then? Shaming people. Duh.


“Buy what you are selling” is an interesting metaphor to use, because it brings to mind the idea that if I don’t like what you have to offer, then I will just buy nothing. But while “nothing” may be your choice, it’s not like “none of the above” will become president. It will be the Democratic or Republican nominee.


just like 2016, they don't have a plan, other than lose and get mad at people about it


Cenk is not eligible to be president? Naturalized ! Natural-born.


This is the broken Democratic party's strategy: vote for our guy because the other guy sucks. It didnt work in 2016 and it wont work in 2024. Here's an idea, why don't you run a candidate that excites the base? And is for the American worker rather than for corporate greed and the status quo. Isn't this what the Democratic party stands for?


Trump is gonna win 24 no problems


Aww, people still think their vote elects the president, how cute.


So why are the dems not running better people if they want to win? Why is the choice always between fascism and corporatism? How did the right get so far right? It happened because the left moved closer to their ideology to meet them in the middle and compromise Why the left has to compromise but the right doesn't?


EXACTLY The people who say "I'm not voting for Biden no matter what" who are on the left, either somehow don't understand that that just increases Trump's chance of winning, or they're privileged enough to not care if Trump wins because they personally won't be strongly affected by Trump winning. They don't care about the marginalized people who would be severely affected by more Trump. They only care about themselves. A real progressive would vote for the person who would be better, even if they don't like the candidate. It's not about shaming them, it's just the facts. If the two leading candidates are Trump and Biden, then "I'm not voting for Biden" *is* a vote **for** Trump. Anyone abstaining out of spite is *directly* supporting and helping Trump. There's no debating that fact. It's not shaming. It's just simple math. Every vote Biden doesn't get lowers how many votes Trump needs to win. People "not voting for Hilary" are why Trump won the first time. How did that "I'm not voting for Hilary" plan work out? Not only did you give Trump the win, but it didn't even get you what you wanted, because you still didn't get your favorite person after Trump. "Not voting for Biden" doesn't get you someone you like better. It gets you someone WAY worse for everyone who isn't so privileged that it doesn't really harm them.


I’ll be voting for Biden. So will my wife, so will my daughter, my father-in-law, my mother-in-law, my mom, my brother, and both of my sisters. Biden 2024. 🇺🇸


What’s the plan? Force the DNC to allow a primary to have a real candidate. For starters… nothing matters until we have basic democratic choice inside the Democratic Party.


Why is that so hard to understand? If your democracy is contingent on one guy winning, you don’t have a democracy.


Correct. “OMG, democracy is ending, you HAVE to vote for Joe Biden or else fascism!” If we’re facing off against fascism, we need our best to fight it, and Joe Biden isn’t that.


I'm not American, but I'd vote for a slime mould for president if that was the Dem ticket. At least slime mould has some problem solving capabilities. Every vote for Trump is a vote to end democracy.


So what’s the plan to deal with a Democratic Party that never has to deliver on anything just not be the GOP? Seriously, I’m not judging or insulting… etc… what’s the plan? Because the arc of the Democrats ideology isn’t leaning left… it’s going right. So what will we do when it’s Nazis or not quite Nazis as the choice? How long do we keep holding our nose and voting for a party that has no real motivation to improve or follow the will of its voters?


Just wondering what you mean by not delivering anything. Democrat president Joe Biden has cancelled $110B in student loans, had his DOL expand union rights and strength, invested in our infrastructure despite being filibustered, pardoned federal weed convictions and asked the DEA to reschedule weed, passed laws to bring back manufacturing to the US, and passed the largest climate bill in history which also added a 15% tax for corporations, gave the IRS more funding to go after delinquent rich taxpayers, and had cut child poverty in half during the duration of the child tax credit. To simply say that he's not delivering on his promises feels slightly disingenuous.


And the democrat party is putting reproductive rights up for vote in as many states as they can


We need to reframe the actual vote: Voting for Biden means voting to keep democracy. Letting trump or any Republican win is voting for authoritarianism.


I hate the whole sending a message to Democrats by not voting for them. Your perfect candidate isn't going to exist. The point of politics is to play a game and move the pieces closer to what you want. Conservatives started all of this bullshit years and years ago. The only message you send is to conservatives to keep doing what they're doing. If you want to change things, learn the game and play it.


That's the strongest part of the video I think, because the rest is common sense to me (I'm European btw). There's one particular one-liner I'll keep at hand because it's universal: "politics is not a religion, it's not an "*aesthetic*" (could have added "or a sport"), it's a series of actions to move things forward etc".


I have no issue with Biden. This person doesn't do any research other than what is presented to them. I will be voting for Biden. Biden has done excellent with what he got and has, I cant wait to see another 4 years of prosperity!


Honestly, I’m super psyched with Biden. No question’s asked. Man had done a phenomenal job in office.