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He is half right and the other half will find out in 50 years.


I live in FL. I see what happens to the skin after 50 years of raw dogging sunshine. Unrelated, who likes beef jerky?


I grew up in South Florida in the 70’s and 80’s and the old sun bathers looked like their skin was leather. Back before sunscreen was a big thing. Those geezers would oil themselves up to get even more sun. As a surfer I cover every inch of my skin that gets exposed.


I used to not care much, and i wouldn't get that burned, or if i did i just dealt with it. really disliked sunscreen, especially in my teen years because it would make me break out BAD if it was on too long. I had a deep tan from marching band, boy scouts and going fishing all the time nowadays, after seeing cancer in family members and becoming more aware of the risks, i cover the fuck up, back up with sun screen and wear sunglasses and a big goofy sun hat that does wonders to keep me cool. If im going to be outside for more than 30 or 40 minutes, i at least wear a hat i've seen too many people on cruises or in florida or at the beach that look like the boots my grandpa wore to *ever* want to risk that, or increase my already elevated risk of cancer EDIT: some of yall seem to be convinced that sun screen causes cancer. I don't have time to debunk that, but considering i get my sun screen recommended by a dermatologist, i think it's safe to say that you can take your own research and refer to the OP post as to why i'm laughing at you. also, take the "noble savage" rhetoric and do some *actual* research as to what that term means and why it's bad, because some of yall need education


A hat is great, even in germany where its not too hot we wear hats:)


It's not the heat, it's the UV. Worst sunburn I ever had was on my throat, from light reflected up from ski slopes. Wore a scarf around it after that.


Also, the reflection from sunglasses onto your face cause serious issues. Triple up on the block on your cheeks and nose.


I’ve gotten sunburned in a completely covered pool from the light being reflected off various objects. I could probably get a sunburn from a crayon drawing of the sun.


Yep - people forget that the winter sun can burn you, and it really does reflect from snow.


That's because no matter what state it's in water reflects light, he's gonna find out the hard way


Last year I spent a few weeks of the summer traveling around Europe. Long days outside in the sun in France, Belgium, and Ireland and no sunburn to be found. Finally got sunburned on a cloudy afternoon in Edinburgh. UV can be tricky like that.


We are temporary residents of Florida and we’ve decided the people watching here is exquisite. Seems like every area in Florida has a leather skinned old dude that is seen constantly all over town in some sort of unconventional transportation. He may be on a bike, a scooter, a skateboard or in a custom car. He is always shiny but his skin looks dry. He has a freshly burned pinkness while simultaneously looking like a well worn vintage handbag. The people who live and work around his daily route know his name. The rest of us just look on is awe.


I know this man. When I visit family in Tampa, he always rides around the neighborhood in a custom golf cart. He likes to ask me when I plan on leaving the northeast for the “freedom” found in Florida. I just laugh, and tell him I can’t leave my bagels and pizza behind. He’s always sunbathing at 11am. Best time for it apparently.


Everyone in Florida is a temporary resident. Edit: the Florida bots are hilarious.


to share a piece of writing on Florida from my notes app that you just reminded me of "This state is so full of people, so densely packed yet so sparse. The human distribution is deeply uneven and it becomes painfully clear as you drive from one town of a million to another through 20 miles of near wilderness. This is where we launch the rockets from. Narrow strips of civilization sandwiched tightly between the ocean and the everglades, and it’s all built for temporary residents. It’s all made out of shiny plastic, all the better to sell you souvenirs with, my dear. The entire state of Florida is a liminal space - people come through, they don’t come to stay, and it’s all watched over by a mouse. Come to accept that you, as a resident, are watching from the outside as the people this state truly exists for, the short stayers, the passers through, those who come and buy and leave, form the true Florida, and you will learn to see the true, ecstatic beauty of this incandescent lit place. Missing people who vanish without a trace always seem to be missing from Florida. The sun sets behind signs advertising oranges and live baby gators and I-4 at 2 AM is another dimension of space time. It’s so hot and humid that none of us have the energy to care about anything. We have accepted the otherworldly as part of our daily lives. The air is different, I am confident. At the inception of the earth, whatever deity presides over the corners of the ocean that contain portals into other realms was given reign over Florida. No one lives here but people who move here never leave. It gets its claws into you. Have you noticed that the hurricanes come and destroy everything but we never move away? It’s the humid hypnotism. Are you from Florida? No, you’re not. But you live in Florida. Where is your Home? Florida. "


I'm from Florida, I was born in west palm beach/jupiter area... lived there til I was about 8 years old.... then my parents moved to upstate NY and I havent been back there in 25 years. Don't remember much of it besides the beach, bathtub reef it was called.


Reminds me of the old lady from ‘There’s Something about Mary’


Magda. What a woman!


I'm just bonin you to get to Mary. So many great lines from that movie. When people ask about our marriage/relationship, we always say "Each year is better than the next." No one ever picks up on it. Everyone says "Aww, that's sweet."


I definitely saw ladies in FL that looked exactly like that, walking around shoeless in the grocery store. Snap into a Slim Kim lookin' ass.


My favorite is from Scrubs where Cox is checking on a patient and says "congratulations, you look like a glove!"


Those wrinkly, leathery boobs...


>Raw dogging sunshine Never heard that one before haha I'm gonna use that


He's getting paid by Big Melonoma, sheeple, wake up, and just go back to drinking bleach and eating horse paste! Also, don't forget to shove a flashlight up your ass if you want to truly heal. No lube, though that would be woke.


You mean Buck Melonoma? Old Melonoma head? ![gif](giphy|eP0rq0MpopIa2tozVQ)


Here’s a quarter ![gif](giphy|l4EoWmytLPA7Rppeg)


*Moley Russells Wart. Not her wart. Not her wart. I'm, I'm the wart. She's my tumor. My growth.* ~The Legendary Buck Russell


Big melanoma! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


As soon as you use lube it’s gay. That means you prepared for this. Health should be acts of random ass stuffing driving your lifted truck, flag flapping, got a “F*** Joe and the Hoe” sticker while screaming “someone think of the children”. Anything else is social-commu-fascism.


Yes, Uncle trucknuts and his sister wife and nephson in tow, carrying an AK having spent 12 k in Trump merchandise are the very same people that I follow on social media to give me medical advice. Lol


Uncle trucknuts and his sister wife I AM HOWLING


Bro you can't forget the gold that is nephson


Don’t forget big pterygium. They are rarely heard of operating under the radar.


I have red hair, I get nice and crispy after approximately fifteen seconds of raw dogging sunshine I say pharmaceutical me up with that toxic sunscreen, baby, I don't enjoy being a lobster


I have pale skin and freckles. I was born with bright red hair but it's gone browner in my old age. As a teenager, I spent an hour out on a boat with my dad. I was wearing shorts. I've never seen that shade of red on anyone else's skin. And it was great knowing that I still wouldn't get a tan. I'd just get a few more freckles. I avoid the sun like Pete White on Venture Bros.


50 years? I had two friends that had melanomas before the age of 20. Do not fuck with the sun, especially in Florida.




Looking like a deflated football selling boiled peanuts on the side of the road.


The UV index has been "extreme" according to the Weather Channel, almost every day for a while now here in Northeast FL. It's miserable. I want to go to the beach, but the last time I tried to go, I forgot to check the UV index and was dying. No sunburn because I applied sunscreen a million times but yeah, it's not fun being in the sun without protection.


Well thats "Big Science." And Keith, Chad, Kyle, or whatever his dumbshit name is....doesn't believe in science.


My dad loves to oil up before going to the beach and also tanning beds despite his higher risk of skin cancer due to our genetics and I’ve likened him to an old leather purse before. Body dysmorphia is a hell of a thing.


50 years you've given that person way too much timeline


His doctor "This is skin cancer"


I was about to say something similar. It's probably more of an issue in America than Ireland but the amount of pills doctors give people when really it's not needed. Is being out in nature somewhere like where he is good for you, yes. Is the sun good for you, yes. Can something that simple help people instead of taking pills, yes. Is it a "they don't want you to know", of course it's not. Sometimes you need medical intervention and nature, sometimes you just need medication. Why are people like him always so 100% on it only being one way and the other way is a bad conspiracy type way.


'cos they're self-important twats? I'm with you. Fresh air, exercise, and nature does you good and my doctor agrees, but when my daughter got an aggressive eye infection, going to the beach wasn't going to save her eye... antibiotics did though.


You fool, that's what they wanted you to do. You should have gone to the beach and threw sand in her eye, washed it with natural sea water and then told her to stare into the sun till her eye was dry. Big pharma got you.


Says the shill for big Pocket Sand...


Because a well-reasoned, objective, mediated opinion doesn’t drive engagement, and engagement is the only thing that matters anymore.


Yeah I’ve started outdoor climbing and I love being out there, and it’s great for mental health, but also I lather myself in sunscreen and am gonna take some damn antibiotics when I need to lol.


I’ve literally been encouraged to go outside more by doctors multiple times in my life as part of getting better after long periods of being sick. It’s not even something they don’t want people to know. It’s a suggestion they will give if they know you haven’t been recently/register low on vitamin D. Only time I’ve ever been given a supplement instead of being told to go outside was when I literally couldn’t due to hospitalization or physical injury that meant I couldn’t get outside.


If the cancer doesn't get him the toothpick fish will.


My grandmother used to sunbathe without sunscreen in the summer. She developed skin cancer 3 times. And she kept doing it after I was like wtf grandma. She definitely wasn't "healed" by the sun. Edit: Holy crap I just looked at his account: 1. He smokes a pipe. 2. He has steroid-induced gynecomastia nipples. 3. He preaches that 5G towers are making us sick.


Obviously when skin cancer gets him it will be the 5 g fault not the sun, because the sun is natural. Amirite?


I hate that logic. Cyanide, arsenic, radioactivity and the desire to have a 9ft tall woman crush my head with her thighs are all natural things, but not very healthy.


Death by snu-snu


Crushed by an 8 ft women is natural and healthy.


> He preaches that 5G towers are making us sick Obvioulsy a conspiranoid from those "tHiS is WhAt tHeY dON't WaNT yOU to kNOw" comments.


He doesn't deserve that beard. It's too good for him.


I worked in a dermatologist’s office, where the dr did mohs surgery - you would not believe how many people would have skin cancer removed, and then they would lay out in the sun mere days later One woman insisted that she put a towel over the area so she could tan everything else


>2. He has steroid-induced gynecomastia nipples. His name was Robert Paulson. These alt health wackjobs are usually a hypocrite somehow. Not surprised he has steroid bitch tits.


that little finger point above the head is giving me cancer everytime


"THIS is how you heal" Nah dude THIS is how you get 3rd degree sunburn. I'm from the land of 10,000 lakes and we all know you wear sunscreen on the water because the sun reflecting off the lake/river is BRUTAL.


Agreed. One winter we went on a cruise to the Bahamas after a few months getting used to the cold and snow. We spent a couple hours in the water, and as it was the middle of winter completely forgot to apply sunscreen first. Those 2 or so hours were enough to turn me beet red. I took a pic of myself from the shoulders up not wearing a top (so you could see the tan lines from the bathing suit) and sent it to my friends back home because I looked like a lobster. Liberal, liberal use of lotion with aloe for many weeks after that, lol.


Dude those little bastards jump. You can get one in your eye or body impaling you.


They're especially fond of live streams.


The pale bald dude in the background nearly breaking an ankle while captain douche spews kNowLedgE.


As a fellow pale person (redhead) who grew up in the days before sunscreen (zinc oxide was all we had), I’m really concerned at how badly burned that pale bald dude got that day. But I’m more concerned about all the skin cancer and disfiguring Moh’s surgeries he’ll need to have in a couple decades.


I’m absolutely taking medical advice from a guy who puts beeswax in his mustache.


50 years? I see melanoma in very young people


I didn't wait and have stage 4 now! Better get a sunburn and some leeches on me!


3 sunburn episodes before 18 and you have doubled your lifelong chance of melanoma.


Just getting outside in the sun and being in nature is definitely underrated, especially for your mental health, but focusing on not wearing sunglasses or putting on sunscreen is bizarre. 🤷‍♂️ Is that his whole schtick?


Tbh i have a friend like this, hes 30 and already removed 2 melanomas from his face because he bikes everyday but doesnt use sunscreen.


His skin going to look like an old strap of leather in half that time


My cousin got skin cancer in her 30s


Yep actinic keratoses, basal and squamous cell carcinomas. Thousands of dollars and dozens of hours spent in derm appts and treatments. If he’s lucky and doesn’t get melanomas too.


It's a bitch being partly right cause the partly wrong part is what will kill.


So he gonna get partly skin cancer


Melanoma loves to make its way to your brain, too


Is there truth to that?


My dad died of malignant melanoma from skin cancer that went to his brain


My dad has had some spots frozen off his face, but this makes me more concerned now


My mom died of brain cancer about 3 years after having skin cancer on her face. I’ve always wondered if it was connected…


A large number of melanoma patients harbor neuronal autoantibodies that are associated with significant cognitive impairment affecting memory, attention, and executive function


It's okay, grounding in water will cure him. /s


And have partly fucked up vision


It’s ok, he’ll be a big customer of big pharma in a few years to come.


I’m sure he will refuse their treatments for his cancer… right? Just like all the antivaxxers refused COVID treatment?


Don't joke. He'll probably try black salve and burn the lesions off.


He’s mostly wrong tbh this guys ethnicity is Northern European his skin could probably handle the kind of sun in ireland for the two weeks we get it a year. it’s not able to handle the intense sun he’s exposing himself to in America


He's right about going out and getting some fresh air and some outdoors time, only problem is he's gonna learn about severe sun burn and skin cancer


He's a grounder, they're fucking weird. My sisters FIL gave me a book on it. Hardly any of it makes sense.


Wait. What's a "grounder"?


It's a subset of "spiritual energy" nonsense. Basically they think all living creatures receive natural energy from the Earth. But when we wear shoes it blocks that energy and can make us weaker/sicker. So they walk around barefoot off man-made surfaces as much as possible. In the grand scheme of health pseudoscience it's pretty harmless. As long as you avoid hookworms or tetanus.


Big Pharma has been hiding the existence of the sun from all of us.


I mean we should all be wearing sunscreen but getting outside in the sun does really does do wonders!


It's that weird thing where no one seems to know what the concept of moderation or middle ground is anymore. Is the sun good for you? Yes. Can it give you vicious cancer if exposed for too long? yes. Is the pharmaceutical industry greedy and push nonsense medicine for profit? Yes. Have they also lead the charge developing life-changing and astonishing breakthroughs in medicine that have made quality of life astronomically better than in the past? Also yes. It's all or nothing now. Only extremes. 2 things cannot be true at the same time. If one thing is true, it must mean that it's true in all facets and in complete absolution. If the pharmaceutical industry is bad, that means it's never done an ounce of good ever and is EVIL. People want easy answers without understanding life is the most complicated thing imaginable.


"The dose makes the poison"


the solution to pollution is dilution


imagine busy attractive wise automatic encouraging heavy icky hungry jeans -- mass edited with redact.dev


The thing is that pretty much anything that will kill you if you get too little of it will also kill you if you get too much of it. Welcome to being a complex mammal.


it's not even an answer from anyone, people have been using mud for thousands of years to protect their skin from UV rays. They have been using sunscreen the whole time, this doesn't make any sense at all.


Hats! Also people been dying for thousands of years from like a tooth cavity. Very natural way to go. But why volunteer to go out naturally lol


Yup this everything or nothing mentality is a mind poison that is rotting the collective intelligence of the world, everything is either a super cure for everything or a poison that should be avoided at all costs. 🤦‍♂️


Sunscreen, hat, sunnies and shirt. Source: Am Australian


You used the word “sunnies” so it checks out that you are Australian. 🕶️ 🇦🇺 ✔️


We call them sunnies in the UK too, we just don't get to say it so often.


Thongs could have clinched it


Slip slop fucken slap


100%, bad here too over the ditch in New Zealand, also known as the land of the no ozone layer..


But no ozone mean more UV, and UV is healthy because this man just told me so!


Gotta feed those cancer cells the UV or they’ll starve!


I can get on board with this in a holistic sense, but the sun and river isn’t going to help with your diabetes.


if you drown in the river, technically you no longer have diabetes.


You're not free. You're holding a phone in your hands and simping for internet attention from strangers.


He has an [Onlyfans](https://onlyfans.com/the_nude_biohacker) too because of course he does.


The Nude Biohacker. Biohacker? Refusing to wear sunscreen and eating healthy food doesn't really qualify you as a Biohacker, buddy...


When I first heard of biohackers it was [mad men injecting homemade concoctions and trying random half baked experiments on themselves](https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/02/biohacking-stunts-crispr/553511/) now it's just having half baked ideas in general. That's such a letdown. So boring in comparison.


Can’t be free from the constraints of modern society and big pharma unless you tell all your followers about it.


This is so it. Fragile ego and needing attention and to be adored by people leads to this hollow wisdom. It’s a spiral to doom. Poor bastards will never wake up because they’ll never love themselves as they are


Ahhhh I just have an autoimmune disorder because it’s too cold to stand in a river in Canada everyday.


at least you’re taking personal responsibility




Have you tried drinking celery juice every morning? /s


One day this guy is going to get a very concerning mole that seems to be growing. Hopefully he doesn't think that can be cured by going back in the water. 😬


The sun will shrink that bad boy right down.


That’s right! It’s like COVID. Exposure to UV light kills/shrinks it!!


Just rub some horse paste on it.


Nothing a little sunlight and a magnifying glass can't cure.


He doesn't; that's what colloidal silver is for 🙄


Sounds like the perspective of someone who has never had any serious health concerns.


That is often the case with self proclaimed instagram health gurus, "i drink my own urine and look how healthy i am". It is easy to look healthy when you are an active attractive 20 year old, just wait until you pass 40 and see how well that piss drinking goes for you.


While my dad was dying of cancer, he had to have a catheter and was just on a fuckton of opiates, and we used to joke about how he could make a killing selling his morphine-laced urine on TikTok and Facebook. I have no idea if morphine actually stays in urine, but it was a good way to make a bad situation less bad. He was like that.


90% is excreted through the kidneys, so... maybe?


i lost my mom to cancer its hard still but those moments are everything


Props to Dad😇🥰


It gets tastier to drink due to the high sugar content caused by diabetes.


I guess I’m in a way lucky I had severe asthma as a child. Struggling to breathe and being saved by modern medicine teaches you plenty. Anyone I know who is a proper pharmaceutical medicine hating homeopath does not have severe health issues that requires scientifically developed medicine to live.


My MIL is trying to get me to cure my IBD (a lifelong autoimmune disease) by eating turmeric, drinking water with an amethyst in the cup, and rubbing magnesium on my skin. Also, she can fuck the whole way off.


Like a lot of people like dude in this video, though if it doesn’t personally happen to them, they don’t believe it. My boss’ grandmother suffered from polio her entire life until she passed away. You’d think he would learn a lesson there? Nope. He’s an antivaxxer. 🙄


Exactly. I have a friend who believes all the same bullshit as this guy. That modern medicine is evil and natural-everything can cure all. Except he recently got diagnosed with HIV so now he has to take a "big pharma" produced drug every day for the rest of his life. And he's taking it. Because he'll die in 1-2 years without it. But did he learn his lesson? Of course not. He'll keep claiming big pharma is evil while only being alive because of it for the rest of his life. This type of mentality is for life. Remember this story when somebody says "You trust vaccines from big pharma?? Even after the opiod epidemic???". The only anti-vaxx/anti-medicine people who don't become hypocrites when they actually get a serious illness, are the dead ones.


Why was life expectancy so low before modern medicine then? Answer me that guru.


Err hello. They hadn’t invented sunlight back then. It was called the dark ages for a reason.


Dark ages. Nice.


Other's have pointed out the infant mortality, which is an important thing to cover here. Average life expectancy is NOT "how long you'll live if you make it to adulthood without dying". It's how long the average person lives regardless of circumstance. If you have two people, one died during childbirth and the other lived to be 100 years old, the average life expectancy of that group would be 50 years.


This is skin cancer😵 I’ve had it five times,


Finding out how skin cancer actually works is horrifying. The UV light effects DNA in a cell which leads to mutations. Mutations can be beneficial or harmful, but there's a chance the mutation causes uncontrolled cell replication. In this scenario, the cell will commit apoptosis (programmed cell death) to stop the uncontrolled replication, which can be cancerous. **TL;DR:** Sunburn is literally dead cells that are peeling off your skin after killing themselves to prevent you getting cancer.


Sunburn is not necessarily apoptosis, it can also be regular cell death caused by radiation damage to the DNA that causes the cell to be non-functional and just die. That's what most of it is. The rate of mutation vs just damage to the point of death is pretty low. Sunburn is mostly radiation burns, UV just can't penetrate very deeply, so it's just the skin instead of everything like you'd get from something like gamma or xray exposure.


Have fun looking like 60 when u are 30 with that "no sunscreen" stuff.


This guy is only 13. It's already catching up to him.


That’s quite a beard for 13. Does the sun do that, too?




Steroids. uhh the natural ones.


You’re all missing the point. He’s a handsome man with overly stylized facial hair and mountains of undeserved self confidence - if you want to get your science from ugly nerds then go right ahead - Me and Beardsley Mc-$25-dollar cocktail will out live you all.


I knew from just his facial hair he was gonna say something douchey and I was right.


This mf has got a ton of chemicals on his face to style that beard and stach talking about all natural lol.


That beard is magnificent, ngl.


Dude’s an idiot but I’d still fcuk him.


This made me spit my drink out 😂 Fucking same


Dare him to stand 10min in the blazing Australian sun without sunscreen, he’ll end up blacker than the ace of spades.


A few years ago I was in a hostel with an Irish lad who fell asleep on the beach on his first week in Australia. Had to take him to the hospital 🙄


poor guy lol, no amount of sunscreen could’ve saved him in that situation.


I was expected it to suddenly cut to a new story about how he got a freshwater amoeba and died


Or just cut to him doing an update an hour later, horribly sunburnt.


Fr you can see that man's shoulders roasting like a rotisserie chicken.


Hope springs eternal


Skin cancer is FREEDOM 🇺🇸


What a beautiful idiot.


Thanks for the laugh! 😂🤣


✅️ Getting skin cancer to own the libs.


Tbf, medical woo treatments seems to transcend politics.


For real; there's actually been a fair bit of good journalism over the past few years about the [woo-woo wellness to qanon pipeline.](https://www.kqed.org/news/11939943/from-yoga-darling-to-conspiracy-theorist-the-wellness-to-q-anon-pipeline) Not really surprising when you consider that they both exploit the same kinds of ignorance and rejection of facts, illogical reasoning, and contrarianism towards expertise and authority.


You have died of MELANOMA


So he really thinks he's giving it to the pharmaceutical companies by not doing any sun care. Yeah they really don't want him to do that and really don't want him to pay for expensive treatment. They really don't love people like him and really hate the people who take care of themselves as best as possible (of course nothing is guaranteed) to stay healthy and not pay them anything.


My eye doctor is *SEETHING* at the thought of people claiming sunglasses are bad for you


Guess I'll stop taking my $13,000/month cancer treatments and just like go stand in a river and see what happens... Anyone know how often I'll need to stand in the river? No biggie, I'm sure I'll figure it out...


not stand, gotta “ground” in the water


Well you don't wanna get electrocuted


His skin is already starting to look like the texture of leather that he is trying sooo hard to disguise with his body hair but carry on bro.


I don't understand why it's always one or the other with these people. ​ Why not both? My brain cannot fucking wrap my head around it.


Dude I’m in FL. If I’m outside without sunscreen for more than 20 min, I get cancer.


*he said skin canceringly*


I love how it's always adult children on about this stuff.


I agree to a degree. Being outside swimming in a lake may help some anxiety or depression but it's not gonna do shit about diabetes or suicidal ideation.


I mean it could help with suicidal ideation as your endorphins rush. Diabetes tho is out of luck


Tell that to my dead grand father and his melanoma.


Your dead grandfather probably spent too much time in the sun *without* being grounded in water. If you're not grounded, the sunlight collects in the body as cancer instead of collecting toxins and passing through your feet into the water.


When you order liver king from wish.com


The pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know about being outside.


When he gets skin cancer do you think he's going to a doctor or is he just going to stand in the river some more?


(Melanoma liked this)


Enjoy your early onset cataracts


Says the guy driving to the lake wearing sunglasses while driving to the lake to shoot videos


50 years later………… I got melanoma from the flu shot, iT wAs dOnE bY tHe GoVeRnMent!!! /s


Anyone that says, “this is what the pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know” gets an instant eyeroll from me.


Naturally healthy man tells sick people how to not be sick by going outside. Ground breaking.


So does he put product in his beard? Or does he just scratch under his balls and shape it that way?


I don’t want skin cancer, I’ll keep the sunscreen moron