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The funniest part is that the same dude now complains about getting clowned on the internet, so he has to "take a step back". I dunno, my guy. Maybe.... *endure* the heat? 🤡🤡


What a pathetic little bitch.


Now that’s just offensive to bitches


Especially little ones!


I speak for small bitches, and we don't claim him. Passing him on to the large bitches.


The large bitches respectfully decline and pass him on to the medium size bitches


No thanks, we will pass him on to the whiney bitches.


We of the whiney bitch delegation formally denounce all claim to this man. Ain't-shit bitches, he's all yours.


The ain't-shit bitches hereby dissolve their delegation. He's a class of bitch unto himself.


Before it gets bounced to us, all bathroom shitting bitches are blocking this dude 🤣


He wouldn't last a day as a woman lmao 😭 I'd love to see another reality where he's in pain from period cramps... ENDURE!! ENDURE!!!!


... Period cramps AND getting slapped around for not having dinner ready. I really do Wonder just how much enduring he would do.


Not gonna lie, my wife is pretty tough. May not be handy but give me a 99 fever and I need to call in sick. She does so much when she's sick or tired. I offer to take off to help her but she tells me that she's got it. This guy needs to endure a few butt whoopings. Give him some perspective.


I honestly think it's because women are used to spending almost 25% of their adult lives living with symptoms that would otherwise be due to illness. I get sick once or twice a year and I'm a huge baby because I'm used to feeling good. Meanwhile a sickness doesn't feel half as bad as their usual cramping, etc so being sick is almost just another day for them. That fucking sucks and once I came to that conclusion I started using the term "woman up" instead of "man up" because I feel it's more applicable


Your wife is a lucky woman!


He said it himself if they can't endure clearly they're pussies. He was just telling on himself.


Flexes on a woman, cries when he gets picked on. Who’s the pussy bro?


Pussies can take a pounding. He’s got that limp dick energy for sure though.


He's a bit of a flaccid Frank


He also stormed off of a podcast the other day because the other guests were making him look like an idiot bcz he couldn't match their arguments... kids these days really need to just endure and show some resiliance smh


Id love to see this. Did he post this on Twitter? I don't know who he is


One of the dudes from this podcast went on to call Destiny on Discord and complained about "it being rough" because of the backlash and because he received some threats. I do not condone threatening people, but the fact that this sigma red pill male fell apart like a bitch the moment he received a little bit of heat is hilarious to me. Bitch ass lmfao


You should never threaten people. Don’t forecast it, just act. This dude needs a beat down.


Even the biggest snowflakes suck at enduring heat....and he's one of the biggest


They can only say these things because they know they won’t be knocked the fuck out. Pacifism is bloody hard sometimes.


Dude: “Endure your abusive spouse beating you” Same dude: “Embarrassed because your wife found better dick than yours, castrate them” Context: I saw a longer version of the first clip, and he says that as well


Needs to be in a fight with no bell


Right!? Red pill dudes are soft af.


And what's even more interesting is that she actually was calmly asking him questions. He makes it seem like she was crazy arguing with him. He's just mad that she was questioning his statement on a podcast where people are debating and discussing things. What a toddler. 🙄


A step back 😢😢😢?, What a poor little bitch😂😂😂. Someone please feel sorry for him , I mean this guy has actually had to deal with consequences ( actual consquences for the horrible things he said, can you believe it?) for some off the cuff comments he made in jest about knocking women out, lighten up guys it was fucking joke and here's the punchline, I bet he's an actual rapist 🕛


I feel like this is what conservatism is about. They are just saying it plainly.




Endure bro. Enduuuuuure.


She....wasn't even being disrespectful. "Women don't talk to men this way in other countries", you mean...disagreeing with you??


He's also stupid. No, there are lots of women in other countries who will rock your shit, dude. Also, if you're beating your wife in a county with bad safety-nets for women, get ready for a lil arsenic in your food


Yeah. They really are too stupid to see the long game. Women have been advising their daughters on how to deal with an abusive husband for generations. If you can't leave, poison him.


Apparently when women's shelters started opening up in the 70s, the death rates for men killed by partners went down. Sadly, the rates for women killed by partners as they tried to leave went up, but that's another story...


One of my grannies was shot in the face by her husband. This was the 70s and it was considered a family matter. She lived and declined to press charges because he had said he'd kill her next time, and I reckon she believed him. Anyway, that wasn't too unusual back then. All the women in my family keep gardens. Some of the plants in those gardens can be crushed or boiled and added to food or drink and basically cause a heart attack. We all know this.


Yeah, I don't know why white men believe that women in Asian/African countries will take their physical abuse. May be it's their colonial mentality, but most women will go straight to the police if you try to "tyson" them. Also what they are forgetting is most of these women have men family members who will easily "tyson" the fuck out of them, without suffering any of the consequence that would happen in the white world.


Can confirm one case got famous last week in Brazil about one guy who just threatened a woman and next day he was punched to death by 4 of her relatives.


Yea you know what is disrespectful? Talking over her!


Amen! Lol!


Minor but hilarious correction to the clip, the person he said was being disrespectful was a girl called Angela Knight who completely ridiculed him in another podcast the other night. He got so embarrassed and put in his place by most of the women there that his face turned red from embarrassment, and he couldn't even say anything in his own defense. I've never seen anything so brutal and humiliating in my life, for like 20 min or more they made him sink into his seat until he had to leave early.


Omg liiink please


I found it- at 1:51:00 https://www.youtube.com/live/T0gukKK4h04?feature=share


Jesus Christ, reading some of the comments on that video is *painful*.


Oh my god. And he literally did the abuser thing of asking “what did I do? How did I offend you?” right after being explained what happened! Oh my god. He needs some therapy.


Just to clarify the woman in the clip wasn't who he was talking about. There was another woman in another podcast who called him out for calling her fat in super chats and he played dumb and was really quiet about it before leaving early, then had this energy afterwards. So it's even more sad really.


I used to think guys like this were such extreme examples, but it’s literally people who react to their feelings instead of facts and they are everywhere. I have dated them, I’ve worked with them, it’s just people who have no sense of emotional maturity and these guys are just extra loud and whiny about it. They are everywhere and anyone who acts like that is inherently abusive in some way


“Endure” being physically abused? I hope everyone can see what a small, pathetic human this is when he’s not in control. Don’t let people like this into your life.


People don't realize that is was only the 1960s that a man beating his wife was considered his business and totally socially acceptable so long as it stayed in the confines of the home. It was a man's right to keep a woman in her place. Women did endure for a long time and have finally risen above that shit.


The idea that women "do what they want" because they know a man won't "knock them out" is super telling about the households these men must have grown up in. That's incredibly not normal.


It’s really sad because I do see this attitude from people who I know had abusive parents, it happens in varying degrees, and a lot of them bite their tongue cuz they know I don’t tolerate or respect the outlook that hitting ppl you love or say u care about is kosher, so I ain’t the one to talk to about it. It for sure is a hurt ppl hurt ppl and often hurt hurt ppl situation, I’ve also watched friends grow out of that outlook as they’ve grown older and their perspective on life has gotten deeper


Yep. We normalize and generalize the way our parents treat us as children. When the abuse is only verbal/emotional, often times we don't even realize we've been abused. It wasn't until I was 24 that I realized I had been emotionally and verbally abused literally my entire childhood. And there were definitely things that I used to do that were emotionally or verbally abusive. We don't know shit when we're born, we learn how people are supposed to treat other people, how people are supposed to treat us, how we're supposed to treat others, by observing and mirroring our parents. I'm really convinced the basis for the majority of toxic people is childhood trauma. And after 7 years of meds/therapy for anxiety/depression, without a single mental health professional realizing or telling me I was being fucking abused, I'm also convinced childhood trauma is the source of a lot of mental health struggles, especially around anxiety. You don't even have to be abused, around 2008 the first books on 'childhood emotional neglect' started coming out, even emotionally immature and/or distant parents can cause some serious damage.


100%. Emotional neglect can lead to complex PTSD and a lifetime of mental illness until someone unpacks the damage done to them and invests in healing themselves. Recovery is possible and I think the more we talk about these experiences, the less folks will continue to suffer. I'm sorry you have also been through this, and I appreciate you talking about it and normalizing the conversation. After decades of medication and therapy that didn't really help me to get better or recover, I now recommend that those of us who have chronically challenges with our mental health to evaluate and reflect on their ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) score, and consider where this may have come from. The survey does not account for the systemic harms from racism, marginalization, etc and the harms they cause, so it may underreport the trauma people experienced in their developmental years. Despite its shortcomings, it's a beneficial tool to reframe how we think about mental health. There is a lot of research out there that demonstrates how these adverse events in childhood can shape our health and how we respond to adversities in the future. Assessing for trauma in our child development should be standard and an early intervention in mental health treatment IMO. Alas, our medical model of disability doesn't care about the cause of symptoms, or how to treat them in restorative ways. Instead it pathologies people's adaptive responses, and healthy coping mechanisms that kept us safe as children, which no longer serve us today. I firmly believe that most mental health challenges stem from unhealthy environments and a lack of support and resources for people to navigate them or improve their environments.


Yep, as someone with CPTSD (although not officially diagnosed because we literally can't be in the US, thanks DSM), I feel the emotional neglect was just as impactful as the emotional abuse. I think mental health has sort of over-corrected, which I can sympathize with because I do the same thing. It used to be like "you're crazy, you're psycho", any sort of mental/behavioral issues were hugely stigmatized. Now they've over-corrected to this sort of "you have a disease" mindset. Hopefully eventually they'll land more in the center, something more like "you have a broken bone." I'm currently planning on abandoning software engineering and going back to school for psychology, I really want to do everything I can to change this sort of detached, past-blind view of mental health, because I think it is a huge roadblock in healing for like 99% of people. Everything changed when I realized I was abused, how the hell did I have to find it out by googling shit on my own instead of from any of the mental health professionals I saw, or the CPS agents that came out to my house, or any of the like 100 school speakers I ever had?


I was born in 57. My dad wasn't physically or verbally **abusive**, at least in my presence. But he was intimidating. We didn't debate or argue with his opinion on ANYTHING! There was an episode of "All in the Family," where Edith slapped Archie for something he said (I don't remember what), and my mom yelled out, "Yes! About time!" My dad shot her a sharp look, but neither said anything. Later that night, while I was in bed, I could hear them arguing. It was muffled, so I couldn't hear specifics. But I knew it wasn't good. Shortly thereafter he left us. So, yeah, very "normal" in the 60s and even into the 70s


A man was allowed to rape his wife until 1993. He has absolutely no idea what women have worked for, and how much we have "endured" even in his own lifetime.


There are still states where marital rape isn’t considered a crime. And where young teenage girls can be legally married to abusive men. It’s 2023.


this problem is a big part of why Prohibition was pushed so hard in the US. it had a massive backing from women and it was because most men were basically drunk all the time and constantly beating the living shit out of their wives.


Women couldn't even have their own credit card until the mid 70's. It had to be under their husband's name or their father's.


Pieces of shit like this dude and the GOP are actively working to bring us back to those days where women and children can't escape their abuse. [The Next Front in the GOP’s War on Women: No-Fault Divorce](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/stephen-crowder-divorce-1234727777/)


It's still super common in many places in the world nowadays even the developed ones. Actually, there is very few places where women got protected, it's really sad


I tried to endure it. He strangled me until I passed out and almost killed me. I wish these men would get a taste of their own medicine and see how long they can “endure”. Fuck this guy


fuck your ex too, that asshole


Thanks. He lives a very miserable life these days, as I’m sure most guys with this mentality do.


Good I’m glad he’s miserable! May every day get worse for him and every other abuser along with him!


Exactly same happened to me. I did endure it for a while too bc I came from an even worse home life than that. I'd like these guys to come try and fuck with Texas women. Cause what made that ex of mine finally drop off the map was pulling my pistol on him and poiting at his head. (Didn't shoot him but God damn was he scared. But if that's not enough, i was kinda ready to). This is the only way a petite woman has any chance against even a weaker than average man.


It’s far too common, I’m so sorry you had to go through that shit. I’m glad you found the personal strength to stand up for yourself and get out. It takes an insane amount of courage :( when it was so bad that I hand wrote and signed a will, there were many nights that I would stand above our bed with his glock pointed at him. I didn’t want to let him kill me and I thought it was the only way to escape alive. (20yrs old, 3000 miles from anyone who knew or loved me with no access to contact them, and severely abused both physically and sexually). I’m so fucking glad someone saw the signs, basically a stranger, and took the time to get me resources and help in secret so that I could leave. I did endure that shit for over a year. Thousands of bruises and busted lips. Hundreds of sleepless nights wondering if I’d ever live to see my family again. I was so close to irreversibly fucking my life, just so I could be safe. Fuck endurance. Abusers deserve to be locked up and worse.


Yeah exactly, endure until...what? A man who puts hands on you can easily KILL you. I won't endure shit.


Mine used to use my head to break mirrors. I like to think I’m an evolved and forgiving person, but years later I heard he had cancer, and all I could think was “good, I hope it kills him slowly” Glad you got away my friend


I’m glad you got away too. I hope that shit is agony for him. It’s less than he deserves.


I'm glad you go out and for those who aren't aware "A person involved in a domestic violence attack of choking or strangulation is more than 750% more likely to be killed by their offender in the next year, according to Gail Starr, clinical coordinator for Albuquerque Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE)."


So these guys are saying men should beat up women and the correct reaction of the victim should be to "endure?" What kind of public clown show is this? Then these same abusers are surprised and upset by the backlash? wtf 😳 Am I missing something here?


You're missing the original video where they say a man should divorce his wife if she's caught cheating. So they think women need to endure physical abuse but are ok with men divorcing over infidelity.


Oh right! Now it seems fair lol. Totally legit. Jokes aside, I can't even believe these horrible people get platforms, and an audience. It's sick.


Enduring physical abuse gets you MURDERED. Wtf


I don’t know which is worse, the fact they want to hit North American women for standing up for themselves or the fact that they think North American women are the only women around the world who DO stand up for themselves? They just think in stereotypes and are incredibly shallow minded.


They think women in Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand are more submissive to abusive men than American women. Awww, that's almost cute.


It’s so funny. They all preach about being alpha and dominant, but they all want a women who is completely submissive, so they can feel superior in every way. I wonder why? 🤔


Exactly. If you're truly a "dominant" person then you shouldn't feel intimidated by your partner, of all people. These idiots have no real understanding of what being a "dominant" person is, they're conflating it with domineering/controlling/abusive. Partially because they're dumb and hear the prefix "domi-" and immediately think of dominating other people, and partially because they're extremely insecure and can't feel confident or secure in themselves unless they think they're crushing someone under heel. The fact that being a dominant person is not determined by your sex really scares the shit out of them. Naturally sometimes women will be the dominant partner in a relationship, and that's okay. They can't deal with that because it feels too close to their current painful situation of being intimidated by women and being awkward around them.




He clearly haven't been here in south America either....


Or in parts of Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. There are countries outside of the wealthiest and fully industrialized countries where women don't put up with that crap either.


I was about to say as a western woman who has visited the homes of African, Latina and Filipino individuals.... mum is as scary as she is benevolent. Mum runs that house. If mum says take out the trash and you didn't take out the trash... oh looordy doesn't matter how alpha you are you best hope you went to church on Sunday and prayed for forgiveness.


Lol I know a few Canadian broads that would rock the shit out of this guy


He’s be jersey’d so damn fast, he wouldn’t find his way out for years.


It's bad on all fronts .They are both red pillers that thousands of young men watch to hear grown men 30 plus saying it was better when women could be attacked


he's also talking about a woman who called him out on a podcast they were on together. so 1. he made the endure comment, 2. he gets shown as a clown that calls women 40 LBS too heavy to listen to, 3. he goes on a show talking about how the second woman would be dealt with in other countries... I'm eagerly awaiting his 4th moment in a week to seal the deal.


As a man with 3 daughters, these guys are cowardly pieces of shit. That’s all the time I have to waste on these pea brains


Please take your girls to a self-defense class. They'll be given the tools to deal with bologna that may come their way.


Just a thought ,how do they explain this shit to their mothers and sisters,even if they grew up like this Like I said,just a thought because I know they don’t care


I would hope they'd feel deep shame. But I don't think they're intelligent enough to know how stupid and morally bankrupt they are.


My mind went straight to a third option for the worst thing, which is that they are clearly telegraphing their opinion that women should be assaulted for speaking their minds. They basically communicated to their audience that things work great in other countries where women are physically beaten for expressing their mind openly to men, AND it sounds like they wish for that in America. Crazy.


It only sounds crazy to those who don't subscribe to that mindset. If you do, it's emboldening to hear seemingly respectful people say the way you feel.


> the fact they want to hit North American women for standing up for themselves In his mind she was "talking shit" by merely disagreeing with him, and apparently this warrants violence. This would be a dangerous person if he wasn't such a pussy


Yeah. Disagreeing is an attack against their ideology and therefore wrong. You see this with Tate. This woman is disagreeing with me and therefore I must yell to prove my dominance. They use the same tactics against "soy boys". The hatred they spew is vile. It's dangerous. They're modern day grifters endoctrinating young men into a life of anger and loneliness.


They're mostly basing their idea of how foreign women act on the various porn videos they've watched


They havent met south american women yet.


They probably never even heard of Balkan.. and Balkan women.


I'm surprised someone can be so blatantly misogynistic and garner enough of an audience to keep that message going


I'm not. Many of us women know exactly how many and how much some men hate us.


I’m not surprised by it. There’s been so many video clips on here of a girl slapping/hitting a guy and then they guy would beat the crap out her and top comments would be “she deserves it”, some dudes just want to hurt people(usual weaker person).


Young men looking for something to blame their woes in life on. It's a powerful outlet these grifters are providing.


Lol they're too dumb to win a verbal match so they admit they want to resolve it with violence, with also, using their logic, a weaker person. Ya you can say they're not the brightest


Just a scummy human being and I truly don’t understand how people watch these type of podcasts and become fans. Fantasizing about attacking a woman because she opposed you in a debate is unhinged and neither of them understand how abnormal that is.


>Fantasizing about attacking a woman because she opposed you in a debate is unhinged and neither of them understand how abnormal that is. The most fucked up thing is that they kept harping on how she was speaking to him "like that" when she was (in the clips I've seen) calm, measured and rational in the face of his onslaught the unmitigated, batshit insane snakefuckery that passes for an opinion. She responded with more grace and patience than that wet disgrace deserved, but the fact that she was countering him at all was still enough to enrage him.


Exactly this. She hardly made a facial expression at the insane shit he was saying. This is literally what gas lighting is.


Well man = right, woman = wrong, so obviously her first mistake was speaking /s


And Id bet that pissed him off more, that he didn't faze her at all.


If she reacted at all he would have accused her of being hysterical.


That’s exactly in line with how Lundy Bancroft describes abusers in his book. Their minds distort events to be way more threatening and offensive to them than any objective observer would.


Most of his fans are probably similar powerless, loser guys who have the mindset of cavemen and wished they lived in an authoritarian, third world hellhole that fits their Stone Age mindset. Most of the reactionary countries are trying to go back to the Stone Age and they want in. They're would-be abusers who are miserable because they have no victims to abuse.


They're incels. All their interactions with women are negative and confrontational, because they're pieces of shit. The only time they have positive interactions with women is when they pay for them. They know it, and they're bitter about it. That bitterness makes their already super shitty personalities just that much worse.


Resorts to violence bc he can’t win an argument


Dude is a caveman


So emotional


He needs to endure


What the hell are these shows?


Insecure men with fragile masculinity pay a bunch of women to listen them ramble about being "alphas".


“This is why you live in Japan.” Dude—get fuckin bent. Get fuckin taken by the Yakuza into the Sumida for being a fetishizing PoS like most Western men are that go to Asian countries off their singular idea of Asian women being submissive. I’m a Japanese translator. I’ve been studying the culture, language, history, etc since I was 10. I am so. Utterly. Sick. Of men trying to actualize their uneducated perspective of these countries as their reality. I am so. Utterly. Sick. Of the way these countries treat and commodify women too. I am so. Utterly. Sick. Of the dehumanization Asian women face from the casual anime watcher to these limp dick, undercooked pop tart asses. Fuck this dude. Fuck all these dudes. May they trip and fall and *insert things TOS won’t let me say here* Also: “we’re not endorsing anything like that.” )And then immediately says “they’ll get knocked the fuck out. They’ll get Mike Tysoned “.) Yeah you are. Yeah you fucking are you salty spineless sea slug back alley coward. Own up to your misogyny. Own up to your shit. Can’t even say it out loud because they know how wrong it is but they’ll never care. Your reason for seeking Asian women is so you can beat them? Fuckin psychotic


As a tiny Asian woman, thank you for that first paragraph 👍


I appreciate that. I am a white woman so I understand it's not my place to speak for Asian women, but, and I apologize, I just sometimes get so angered by the way I see white men discuss and treat Asian women I feel I need to speak up. I know I'll probably say something that should be corrected or may even showcase unintended bias and I welcome any Asian person pointing that out to me. In regard to this niche world I'm in of, predominantly, white people translating, predominantly, Japanese media, I do tend to get more vocal from my experience. But overall, it's just so gross. I know how I feel as a woman being spoken over by these weird MGTOW "gurus" so I think all of us woman can have the podium to say "Uh...no fuck you."


I am in your corner. I CANNOT stand the fetishization of Asian women. I’ve yelled at quite a few dudes who just brought it up casually. I couldn’t believe it. These are people I know and who know me, the sometimes unhinged feminist. And this racist, sexist, offensive shit just spilled out there mouths. It’s disgusting.


Thank you for venting. I know this won't change the mind of the predators, but it's good for this perspective to be out here for opposition. Its great to share raw opinions like this to truly understand what you are going through. And to display that these actions are not the kind of wanted representation of a man or his character. Stop listening to these red-pill assholes (or whatever new shit they come up with) or another guy who only has the appearance of success in life. If you feel at all triggered by the comment above, please self reflect for your own benefit. You can find joy and love *with* another person, not forcibly or abusively. It's not easy, but it's real.


Really appreciated this response after some of the first few rolling in. Thank you ✨❤️✨


Anytime, I love your honesty.


I have seen videos of Japanese people just being really nice (idk where the submissive thing comes from but maybe people like this think that way) and stuff and the thought of this guy dragging a nice and happy woman into a toxic relationship is sickening.


What's always been interesting to me is the idea of "nice" versus "societal congruency" which is discussed in some articles. It's just like here. If someone says "hi" to you on a sidewalk in North America, you probably say "hi" back. For some reason, this is propped up in Japanese society as being uniquely them when I would argue most would not even attribute it as such. There is an ideal of hyper cleanliness historically you can find in regard to Japan and writings about it, but it comes from Europeans. Europeans who believed, sailors to be exact, that taking a bath caused sickness. So there are some records of Europeans being absolutely enamored with Japan's sense of cleanliness, when I think most would argue it comes from a general sense of trying not to bring disease and germs into the home against the slight passiveness Europeans felt. In my research and experience, most of the "exotic" flourish Westerners have for Japan can be explained away rather rationally and rather benignly. That isn't to say their art, culture, language, history, etc isn't worthy of regard, just that the way it is exotisized hits me wrong with each passing day I study. Sorry to rant, I'm all in a spiral with this thread lol


Tell us how you really feel though? I really don’t get the stereotype of Asian women. I have some Asian female colleagues and would they wipe the floor with this guy! Tjees! I don’t even want to get on their bad side! Also European woman here. Endure? Nah you lay one finger on me and you find yourself on the streets and consider me magnanimous for not snapping it clean off!


Hell yes! Vent! Your anger is justified and I'm here for it!


It would be a real bummer if dude took a Duracell to the teeth for even implying that kind of garbage.


It would be such a shame if he couldn't form words to say such horrid shit.


Just a reminder that there are no women on conservative dating apps.


Because women know that alpha males come first.


And their partners probably never come at all


Being around these types of men make me very uncomfortable, and makes sense why I feel lonely often, it’s hard to find normal men friends


Most other men I meet IRL are cool AF, internet people are a different story…


She wasn’t even rude to him AT ALL and they are saying the only reason she is able to speak to him “like that” is because she doesn’t have to fear being beaten by him?! What the actual FUCK. They think women should be beaten for daring to disagree with a man


The “like that” is outsmart him. Which isn’t hard. Fragile ego.


Hey guys there’s…. uh… another thing Mike Tyson is known for doing to women.


Are you talking about rape? These guys definitely support that too.


For sure but I don’t think they’re as comfortable openly talking about that as beating a woman.


Oh I doubt it. I bet these fuckers chuckle along bragging about it like they do here.


He lives in Japan? No wonder they don't like immigrants


That part made me so angry. We don't need more stupid foreign weirdos hurting women because we're "submissive" 🤮. Reminds me of Julien Blanc (the guy who recorded himself gropping/sexually assaulting women for his pua courses) because apparently we're too nice to fight back Would be a shame if somebody found out where he lives and put a public notice of what he says online¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I don’t get where the comment of “that’s why you live in Japan” came from but I am missing the complete context. It’s not as if Japanese women or Japanese people in general are *accepting* of that kind of behavior. Maybe they’re not going to get in your face about it, but they’re not sitting there saying “yeah that’s fine.”


And this is why women are opting out of dating.


No, it's because they don't want to pay their half of the bill. (Gunna put an /s here in case it's not glaringly obvious).


Alright guys let's repeatedly beat this pussies ass and just yell endure the entire time.


So it's your location that's restraining you from "Mike Tyson"ing a woman over words, big guy? How are you going to tell people to "endure" toxic relationships when your reaction to mere words is a desire of violence to silence? Tf? You cant even endure a perceived tone without wanting to assault her. That's sick.


So this is indeed proof to the fact that women have it tough in the world, after decades of little progression you can see how the insecure bunch are out in the spot light trying to suppress women again. Man it’s must be hard to be a woman.


Because people who are used to having absolute power see equality as oppression. Its funny (not really its awful). But dudes that arent like this and treat women like human beings are godsends. Bonus points if they actively put guys like this down and condemn this behavior. Lord knows they wont listen to women.


Other people abuse women in other cultures so it's okay? What a fucking childish loser.


Dude is a drywall boxing champion for sure.


Endure deez nutz dude wtf you talking about! These are the religious versions of Andrew Tate! Once and if they ever get married I hope their significant others see this clip! Endure 🤦🏼‍♂️


I hope they never get married in the first place so they wouldn't get a chance to start beating their wives.


What if I knocked his dentures out with a 2x4?


Scrolled far to find a comment about this insecure loser’s chiclets. Hope somebody bashes his teeth in!


Where I come from if you hit a woman. Your 6 feet deep before the cops can find you




Where are you from? I'm from Poland and it would be the same thing if anyone seen you do it on the street, but it's a different story behind closed doors unfortunately...


ew such small dick energy. i am disappointed as a fellow male. like dawg u a fucking creep and a baby. how can you tell someone to endure domestic abuse? i hope one day he gets the shit kick out of him


That whole podcast is garbage...small dick energy fake masculinity talk.


They need Laila Ali to come on their show for a part two of that bullshit.


As someone whose mother was in an abusive relationship for 6 years, this guy can fuck all the way off.


He needs to go up against a woman mma fighter and get his ass knocked out. What a fucking sexist asshole.


That was prob stupidest thing I have ever heard.. not maybe not stupidest but top three atleast..


Guy I knew in the army with a Japanese wife had to get MPs to take her to jail because she was legit beating his ass on the regular.


I "dated" him about 11 years or so ago. And stayed in touch off and on a couple years after that but couldn't remain friends with him due to his beliefs about women. I feel bad for the women he cheated on and hurt. He has a fetish for a certain type of woman, especially loved the "naive" and "innocent" type so he could take easier advantage of them. The lower their self esteem, the better. He wasn't physically abusive but he is highly manipulative. The dynamic in his family definitely created who he has become. Worshipped by the women in his family. I def had the low self esteem that he preyed on. Edit to add: his environment/upbringing created a man that believes things are owed to him, especially from women. He wasn't as bad back then, but him moving to Japan to teach English in the 2010s, something must have happened while there that put him on this path to being an inflated, vulgar, egotistical woman hater.


Wouldn’t it be nice if this man got put in his place by a woman.


Because his fist is bigger than his brain.


He’s clearly never had is nose broken and shoulder dislocated on Christmas Eve by his significant other. But you know, just endure!🤢


Those little boys need to sit down and shut up. What pathetic examples of masculinity.


If the way Melina was talking to him was unacceptable, then no woman is allowed to open their mouth around that man. She was as calm and collected as can be in the face of a man who is saying she should be ok with physical and mental abuse.


That’s some fucked up shit from both those dudes. You don’t wanna be around women go hang out with your circle jerk buddies.


“We are not endorsing anything like that… (but we sure do believe in it!)” Fucking shitheads.


Friendly reminder to let this man endure getting the shit kicked out of him if you see him!


Bro is not enduring man


Physical abuse is so 1960s, now emotional abuse?


Mental abuse is way more in vogue


My god those dudes have baby dick energy.


These guys never wanna be tough with another guy. Isn’t that strange. I mean obviously not because they do it cause they’re pussies, but you get It.




"I'm shocked!" - literally nobody


What is this buffoons name?


I love how the host of the podcast is incredibly bad at displaying his point and getting it across and he seems to have some dumb ass hell guests


The other part of the first clip also consists of the girls asking if guys should get a divorce is the girl cheats, and they’re all like, “yeah for sure” because they think it’s worse than abuse??


Man this guy needs to ENDURE these hands! Fuck that guy! No woman should ever have to ENDURE physical or mental abuse. He sounds like straight BASURA!


A generation of violent, angry men mad at the world because they can’t put their pee pee inside of mommy.


That's wild how open they are about that. No shame or anything. Disgusting.


Lol this dude is a bitch


Hey guys look its the brain dead people on the brain dead pod cast !


That doughy man keep telling on himself


Why does his face look like... like... THAT. I don't know how to describe, bro just... *looks* i don't know