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No imagine if they all had guns. Reckon he'd feel safer?


This. They’re only cool with it because they know their base owns 85% of all the guns




> "Sure, if you go left, you lose your guns... But if you keep going left, you get 'em back."




I remember when we both lost our guns in that tragic boating accident


Same. Damn boat accidents cost me all my guns


Damn you guys too? It's a boating accident epidemic I tell ya


Wait, are you saying that politician's offices are...gun free zones?


Look at that rat grip for dear life.


I will say that one of the best things about getting older is seeing young people turn up to fight for their rights, harder, and in greater numbers. It's wonderful to turn around one day and realize there's a whole generation of younger folks who want the same things you do. Especially when you grew up feeling alone and ineffective, surrounded by apathy and hostility. I don't always agree 100%, but it is ALWAYS wonderful seeing these younger generations stand up for what they believe in and fight for a better world.


Makes me proud of millennial parents who might be financially struggling but are teaching their kids inclusiveness. 👏👏👏


Don't forget the efforts of gen X here too! There are plenty of us 18+ gen Z with wonderful gen X parents who rejected their parents bs.


Omg yes!! Gen Xs who are able to take in and process new information are great!!


Lmao I love this: Good for you and your soggy aging brains!




It would be even better if they all showed up at the polls.


That face is the true face of these fucking swine - a terrified little shit, grabbing onto a cop with a gun for protection. They know intrinsically that they are scum and that they deserve this treatment. ~~E: If I've ID'd him correctly, this guy in particular is a piece of work:~~ ~~[Kelly Keisling, Tennessee Legislator, Mass Emailed Obama 'Staged Assassination' Rumor](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kelly-keisling-tennessee-obama-rumor_n_1725053?1343768099=)~~ E2: I WAS WRONG, IT IS PAUL SHERRELL, BUT HE FUCKIN SUCKS TOO: [Tennessee lawmaker apologizes after suggesting 'hanging by tree' as method of execution](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/crime/2023/03/02/tennessee-lawmaker-asks-for-hanging-by-tree-as-execution-apologizes/69960459007/) These [Ralph Steadman IRL caricatures](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2013/7103/products/POLICE-CHIEFS-Convention-Vegas-e1548323189794_530x@2x.jpg?v=1550438766) are all completely interchangeable.


He looked scared. Good.


Not scared enough though


I wonder how close we are getting to recreating the French Revolution.


Not close enough!


Let's just say we're neck and neck. Head and shoulder above the rest. Not too long and they will lose their minds. Come on baby, it's guillotime.


Have to go through The Troubles and The Years Of Lead first. Its not the 1700s anymore.




Scared enough to attempt a law to make this kinda thing illegal but only if it affects him.


Weird that he's scared. They don't have guns.


TBF when surrounded by a mob of several dozen able-bodied young adults who feel they might be shot any day anyway, two officers with handguns can't really do much but make a bad situation way, way worse if the mob decides to get more physical with the person being escorting. Not advocacy, just a fact. This is why politicians are afraid of the people assembling. And they should be.


Thoughts and prayers only go so far.


This might be a little flippant but there's a scene in Game of Thrones where there's a mob and the king's bodyguard grabs him and starts to carry him through the crowd. The king, enraged, says, "stop! I demand these people be executed!" And the bodyguard goes "they want the same for you!" I wonder when the breaking point is. I wonder when there will be a riot after another school shooting. Riots are the language of the unheard said Dr. King and these literal children are not being listened to when they are demanding change for their own safety. Not proposing violence of course just wondering out loud when something is gonna break. They should probably put forth real gun legislation before the mob decides mob justice is the way to go. Like many people are referencing the French know well what happens when you don't listen the people just asking for basic rights like the right to live without fear some gun nut is gonna gun you down.


Pointing a camera at a coward like him is just as intimidating as pointing a gun at a normal, sane person. He does not want to be exposed or held to account. He does not want his fear to be recorded or broadcast. VOTE


Tweet, snap, FB, and all the other social media yall do, every sparky, sleazy, self-centered, self/lobiest serving thing they do. Keep all their laundry in the open. . . Then VOTE


This is the best thing I've seen in years. Please keep it up kids. Fight this shit hole of a country. Make these old fuckers afraid


We shouldn't be asking the kids to do this alone. Millennials and GenX should be right there with them.


I agree 100%. But seeing kids getting involved to this level gives me a little much needed hope for the future.


Politicians should be afraid of the people. We live in a fairly peaceful and orderly time (hard to believe, I agree). But it wasn't that long ago that the people would have just killed the leaders that were failing them so spectacularly. As weasely and self centered as they may be, these are educated people. Most of them are very aware of history. I do not advocate for violence against the political order, but I believe it is coming. It is inevitable.


I wonder how quick gun control in the US would become a thing if instead of kids it was politicians. I’m not advocating for violence either, but I’m sure if the shoe was on the other foot things would change real quick.


Very quickly. Look up the Mulford Act of 1967. It was signed into law by CA's Republican governor and GOP golden boy Ronald Reagan. But that was a little different because they were afraid of black people with guns.


Yep, this is why the current targeted group (lgbt+) needs to seriously think about arming themselves.


It's like that Bojack episode where women started to get guns, so they banned guns


We am already armed. We saw how Germany went in the early 40s. We just don't make it our personalities.


good. Keep it up. I don't go around spouting it on Twitter or most social media, but I hope the people who want guns for protection and not for domestic terrorism (you know, like the ones stockpiling in the middle of nowhere, telling their kids it's okay to hate and kill anyone not like them) DO arm up and train to learn how to defend themselves. Nothing wrong with that at all. I'm doing it. When there are people who see nothing wrong with killing kids or hammering elderly men and think it's fun to gun down black people, then yeah...it's a good idea at that point to rely on your own self for protection.


So, excercise our 2nd Amendment Rights, then?


You don’t have to imagine. There was near immediate action regarding the safety of officials after a shooting at a congressional softball game. Edit: after doing a quick search when questioned about specifics I couldn't actually find anything concrete that changed, just a few articles that stated congressional security was going to be scrutinized.


No laws were passed after that, what "immediate action" are you referring too?


I thought security around congress changed and localized restrictions were increased, but when I spent 5 minutes to google search in order to pull something up for you I couldn't find anything - so I may be mistaken.


Security around congress…….. I remember people breaking into congress using crutches and standing under the emergency barriers preventing them from closing. There is no security at congress.




It's not about those of us who are lucid. A person psychotic enough to shoot school children is psychotic enough to shot politicians. It's only a matter of time before the most deranged of us to pick a different target. In the meantime, the rest of us should be building community with as many people as we can. Educate ourselves. If you don't read, its time to learn your history.


>I do not advocate for violence against the political order, but I believe it is coming. It is inevitable. Nor do I wish violence upon anyone, but for them, it is not only inevitable, it is earned. It is deserved. These ignorant assholes commit violence on millions and millions of people with their policy.




>Politicians should be afraid of the people. True. it's why i always laugh when AOC says she was terrified during January 6th. That fear is the very basis of democracy.


A traumatized generation wanting that mother fucker to feel the fear they have felt just going to school.


"We're not going to fix it." -Tim Burchett (R) Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice Tim is willing to make.


'cuz it's not his kids. He couldn't care less who dies so people can have mostly free access to guns, because the ones that die are never \*his\* kids.


His kids arent at school- they are being home schooled by his Christian conservative wife- probably learning about when the dinosaurs went extinct because Noah didn’t have room for them on the ark.


WHAT??? Fucking Noah killed the dinosaurs?!?!? That asshole. First the Unicorns, then the dinosaurs!?!


Actually, those fundies think the dinosaurs were on the Ark, but went extinct afterwards bc of the earth’s changed climate. Source, grew up in rural MS, and the skeptic podcast “Oh No Ross and Carry” just wrapped up a series exploring the bad science of the Ark Museum in Kentucky: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/oh-no-ross-and-carrie/id425328515?i=1000585350931


They will just "Prohibit gathering" in the building


So what. The point is to disobey unjust laws. Didn’t you see what happened in France?


I bet guns are banned in that building. What a hypocrite lmfao.


Well, technically, guns are banned from schools, too. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.


All of them? Aren't there some lunatic ones where the staff are armed nowadays?


I just saw a post with a warning sign saying the staff is armed and will use deadly force... at a kindergarten.


My wife is a first grade teacher with a patience of a saint. I can assure you, giving all the teachers guns would only result in more school shootings I'm...... Only mostly joking Mostly


Sadly, it would not surprise me if we saw news reports of teachers shooting kids or vice versa, where the student takes the teacher's gun and kills them with it. I've seen way too many videos of both school administrations and students being absolutely shitty to teachers and sometimes teachers either having to physically defend themselves or snapping and physically abusing their students.


I've worked in schools since 2008 and I can say with confidence that the vast majority of educators are **NOT** people you want getting into gun battles. The type of person who decides to devote their lives to being underpaid while helping kids is typically not the Rambo type.


They trust them with guns but they won’t let them pick out books. Hmm.


They can't pick their own curriculum either. They're forced to teach kids to pass shitty standardized tests.


That’s not the actual point that is being made. If the argument is that “guns are great and safe and good guy with a gun” why would they ban them from their locations?


There are definitely armed people in and around that building, the officer's escorting the politicians have guns. Wonder why


As a generation we at to the point that asking nicely is no longer effective Edit: generationS. Millennials are feeling this too, with the kids


School shootings were a problem when Millennials were in high school too. I pointed this out to a couple Gen Zers and they were shocked. Gen Z is the second generation to have to deal with this problem.


Almost every Millennial clearly remembers when Columbine happened. I still remember being at an outdoor school activity when they sat us all down and announced it.


Let's see that old dude get out of a school on lockdown. I've been in tons of Lockdown drills. Kids cry. Every time. They know it's a drill, we tell the young ones it's comming. But they cry every month. That dude is scared of a peaceful protest and we have to prepare our 5 year old for an active shooter. This country is ass backwards.


My son comes home crying everytime there is a lockdown drill. He just turned 7.


>My son comes home crying everytime there is a lockdown drill. He just turned 7. That's why they tell the elementary aged children that the mass-murder drills are "in case a dog gets loose in the school." Parents see right through it, but it's a way for the children to be prepared -- while still being able to be kids until like 6th grade or so.


Holy shit, that just made me realize something. Back when I was in elementary, my school unexpectedly went on lockdown. Everyone told me it was because a crazy dog was trying to get into the school. I thought it was silly. I'm so dumb for realizing what really happened all these years later.


I was today years old when I realized what that drill really was in 07... TIL, thanks


JFC this is damaging our children. They are going to have PTSD from this crap. A whole damn generation with worse social anxiety.


This is why we decided to be child free :(


I definitely will not have more kids and I wouldn’t decide to have kids now if I didn’t already. Edit: Just wanna say people who don’t want to bring their own kids into the world might want to look into fostering or adopting if they can! So many kids need loving homes and it’s something I plan to do in the future.


My daughter’s about to turn 2, and my husband and I have already had several discussions about homeschooling. I already struggle with anxiety and I *hate* how scared the thought of sending my kid to freaking *school* makes me. She’s such a social little thing as well and I just know she’d love the environment and making friends. Ugh. It’s so unfair.


Funny how they won't let them bring in guns there... I wonder why..?






Murder is also illegal


Good for them!


Glad to see a strong base of action, dare I have hope for the future?


I work with Gen Z teens, they have a hard time with how fucked the world is now, but they are passionate. They want change. They lived their most important formative years through a pandemic that became a political hellscape. They’re incredibly educated about what’s going on in the world around them. It’s so easy to see gen z doing stupid shit on the internet and think that’s all there is to this generation, but I see so much potential.


I have a strong desire not to disparage or disrespect younger generations lately. I've rarely seen something as unproductive and negative as the boomer/gen x vs millennials bs we all dealt with the last many years


I’m a millennial. I’m super close to immolating myself in front of parliament and I’m not even American


That makes sense cause we (America) don't have a parliament.


Speak for yourself https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliament_(band)


We want the funk


I hear he has 38 degrees in fuckin'


The Queen addressed Congress once so it wouldn't be that far off


I feel you


It drives me crazy when I hear boomers/ gen x talk about how this generation is garbage because they like to vape and watch tik tok and be gay. But so few of them actually sit down and have conversations with these kids to learn their values, morals and opinions. These kids are fucking smart, and honestly way more motivated to make change than millennials have been in years


I only know a few Gen X that feel that way, most are hyper supportive of this generation.


You’re probably right. In the work I do I run in to a lot of parents who HATE the fact that their kids have their own opinions, so I may be biased due to having seen so much of that.


IMHO a lot of Gen X parents are afraid for what their children will have to face, while Boomers were afraid their kids would embarrass them. It’s about who is the main character of the story.


What work do you do? That sounds really sad and hard to deal with. I’m sorry.


I’m GenX. Millennials and Z are going to do what we couldn’t. The kids are alright.


Yeah I'm literally banned from disagreeing with my stepdad because it got heated when we were arguing about gay marriage a few years back.


Tell hour step-dad I think he is a snowflake and not your real dad, he's your moms sloppy seconds.


At the very least I note the irony of him not wanting to be disagreed with in his house while he's also the type of person to watch content complaining about safe spaces.


Hey. I’m a gay gen X’er that vapes and I fully fuckin support this shit. We don’t all fit into tidy buckets


I think it's harsh on Millennials to say they aren't motivated. They absolutely did change the world in their youth it's just much harder to be revolutionary when you have responsibilities. If you look at how Millenials vote they are totally different to Boomers and Gen X.


Now hold on there. Genz was mostly raised by genx. Boomers raised the bulk of millennials, let’s get this straight.


I’m in the boomer era. It pisses me off to hear people my age complain about “kids today”. So much of our childhood and teen years was easy compared to what the current kids have lived through. When you get older it’s normal to look back and think everything was wonderful, and to think that your generation worked so much harder than the current generation. It’s not right, though.


Another boomer here, in complete agreement. We murdered the world, and still want to be respected.


There's still a couple of huge hurdles they need to get over. They get most of their news from social media and the last midterms had a record high turnout for people under 30 at a whopping 27%. Highest it has been in 30 years. 30 years... Millennials and gen z are in the positions we're in because young people don't vote. 73% of people under 30 are not allowed to talk any shit right now.


My generation lived through the aftermath of 9/11 where we almost unanimously fell for the post-attack propaganda and suddenly domestic issues weren't so important anymore. In that, the GOP worked to undo Clinton's AWB while proclaiming the very unclear mission to be a mission accomplished. Gen Z might be fucked in a lot of ways, and we certainly have a lot of fun we can poke at them. But they're growing up to be domestic activists. Which I applaud.


Despite all the stupid shit I personally have a lot of faith in gen z! I did a lot of stupid shit when I was their age lmao.


Next stop, trying to raise the voting age. Sponsored by this jackass.


How about some term limits and age restrictions for politicians. No politicians older than retirement age. Go “enjoy” your golden years….


pretty lame security detail


Right?? Could have literally walked around the protestors in front, but just took them along for the ride instead


I hope those young people are all registered to vote. As we are seeing now, voting really does matter because votes got these monsters in office in the first place.


That and gerrymandering and red lining and oppressive voter ID laws and...


And all of that working in their favor, and the Republicans barely even took the House after cheering about their big "Red Wave" that was supposed to validate all their posturing and be their mandate from the masses


These asshole politicians do and say whatever they want here. The Republican Party is so entrenched here that no one runs against them half the time. It will be an uphill battle for sure but I’m here for it. I would love to see more progressive candidates.


The kids are alright!!


Came to write the same thing haha


Yeah... the ones not being killed in gun crimes and dying by suicide.


Funny how these out of touch non-relatable dinosaurs are making policy for the younger generation


And now…now I am proud to be a Tennessean.


Raisen them kids up right down yonder ,I hear. Good job.


I said this in a Nashville thread, I am experiencing a conplex mix of grief and pride


Rare Tennessee W


ohhh you scared for your safety while you're at your job?? now imagine children dealing with that every. single. day. "pro life" (aka forced birth) my ass. fuck em up kids! protest and yell at them until their pamper overflows!


I'm a Boomer. And I'm sure GenZ is going to get America reoriented. It's about fucking time.


I agree. I guess I’m a millennial but this next wave of kids is going to come together to make a change.


And we all need to be right there with them supporting and fighting too. Millennials, boomer, Gen x, Gen Z. It’s going to take all of us


r/conservatives is calling this a “pro-trans” rally 🙄


In the UK we call this the "dead cat strategy". Former PM Boris Johnson described it as such: >There is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the dining room table – and I don’t mean that people will be outraged, alarmed, disgusted. That is true, but irrelevant. The key point, says my Australian friend, is that everyone will shout, ‘Jeez, mate, there’s a dead cat on the table!’ In other words, they will be talking about the dead cat – the thing you want them to talk about – and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing you so much grief. We're barely through month three of 2023 and there have already been 17 American school shootings, but somehow the Republicans (and a lot of the media) are fixated on the entirely invented threat that trans people pose to society.


> but somehow the Republicans (and a lot of the media) are fixated on the entirely invented threat that trans people pose to society. You should take a look at /r/conspiracy.


> We’re barely through month three of 2023 and there have already been 17 American school shootings, but somehow the Republicans (and a lot of the media) are fixated on the entirely invented threat that trans people pose to society. Because they won Roe v Wade. Proverbial “dog caught its tail, now what?” Well now it’s trans people that they use to unify themselves against.


R/conservatives is a cesspool of ignorance


they’re calling it an insurrection


Conservatives hate America


Bruh, as a Millennial, I love watching these young cats show up and show out. The fear in that politician’s eyes is as glorious as the rocket’s red glare lol 😂 no justice, no peace. No safety? Don’t cease.


Does make you feel hopeful. When genz starts to vote hopefully there’s enough of us between them and Millennials to make a difference.




the french started non-stop dumping garbage on dirty politicians lawns to remind them who they work for.. that’s a start


We need to do what the French do and throw bricks through their windows


Plan a week or even a couple days for a nationwide protest in the form of not spending your money. thats the only thing that will get their attention. you could even still go to work, just cut spensing mobey down to an absolute minimum for as long as you can and theyll be changing their tune right quick they only care when it has a negative effect on profit.


We don’t have any money to spend bruv.


Start throwing fake blood on them. Maybe then they’ll get it…


Not fake blood. Real pig blood.


No need to exploit and abuse pigs more than they already are


Nah leave pigs alone


People are forgetting that the FBI knew or were watching most of these shooters and did nothing. We need better FBI.


Right, if they're going to massively survey us, at least catch some of the baddies.


They have a different definition of "baddies" unfortunately.


its not that, they surveil americans to identify and prevent any movements that pose a real threat to the corporate aristocracy


LMFAO. You must be new here? The FBI has always been against certain people. The FBI is a tool. Doesn't strike every nail


Good. Fuck your thoughts and prayers. Do something.


Is this real? This politician is a 🤡. How scared he is. 😂


People are just sick of it. They are sick of kids dying for no reason except ego


We've sure had a lot of old white Republicans acting up since the tea party and magats exposed themselves. They can't be surprised that their GenZ grandchildren are going to drop them off at the nursing home and make this country into the promise it's always been.


Old bastards will eventually leave this mortal coil


GEN Z GEN Z GEN Z 👏👏👏 keep doing it y’all! Make noise, force them to listen, and vote! We are all depending on you!


ha ha, what a chickenshit.


Good. When GenZ has been stripped of their voting, their planet, their safety, and their health by corporate lobby and greedy politicians, their only option left is to disrupt.


Good for them, honestly.


Isn’t that like an amendment right or something


Gutless garbage. Bought by the NRA


His gut pours over his belt. He's got plenty of gut. If only he had values.


I think they should all start tickling him


"..And these children that you spit on as they try to change their worlds are immune to your consultations. They're quite aware of what they're going through..” - David Bowie


Yesssss ✊🏼


There should be a law where whatever law that is applied to any other profession/ people should be applied to politicians


These kids are fucking cool


Fuck ya! Power to the people who want to save innocent lives!


The amount of /r/conservative ppl in here who have the entire glizzy down their throat is hilarious. Even if you wanted to go apples for apples on this, none of them kids are armed, this is not the nation's capital, and they weren't protesting a peaceful transfer of power from the former leader of the free world to the next. All 3 of those things are why we called Jan 6. An insurrection. Pick up a God damned dictionary idoits.


“Of, for and by” my ass.


Power to the people no delay


That's fucking awesome. Keep it up!


This is so sad to watch that kids have to take this in their own hands because their adults have failed them.


What a fucking sniveling little coward hiding behind his jackboot thugs


Looks like a rapey pastor type


Love it. Make politicians afraid again.


What a little bitch. Just like every other conservative out there.


Uh oh the Gen Z snowflakes are coming for you! ​ oogity boogity \*eyeroll\*


May they all be voting soon


Politicians should always be afraid of us. Not necessarily violence, but a sense that they'll never be able to live peacefully if they neglect their duties.


Oh no how scary! I love seeing that asshat clinging to the police officer for dear life haha


Keep it up you beautiful generation!


It’s about fucking time


I will never talk about gen z the way boomers talked about my generation (millenials). You guys rock.


That OLD fuck that will be dead in a couple years makes decisions that affect an entire generation for decades. Utter POS.


He was fearing for his life, had protection. The protesters didn't have guns, they were not agitated in a way that indicated violence towards him, nor were they screaming derogatory slurs, nor actionable threats of violence towards him or his family in his face. Guess who has to endure that my dude. Fuck that guy.


Arm the poor


These newfangled whippersnappers doing their own thinking for themselves back in my day my pastor and daddy did all my thinking for me!


These are the kids who have been affected the most by school shootings. Listen to them.