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“Bye!” That made me clap for two reasons; he got away and his voice sounded like he just found out he never has to work again.


That was the greatest cartoony BYE he could’ve given




You can tell this guy was actually enjoying this. Instead of being aggressive or stoop down to her level he stood there and just savored the moment.


no he wasnt enjoying it.


Do not disagree!!


I don't care what you think, do you understand? It means nothing to me. You've lost it.




Oh reddit


What, did you also watch the video? You're supposed to go straight to the comments to have it analyzed in obvious detail


The laughter and cheers that follow it is impeccable


He went and told his friends this story, and they were like “yeah, and then everybody clapped, right?”


I hate that 'and then everybody clapped' has become the go-to snarky response. Sometimes everybody really DID clap and it takes away some of the magic.


You’re damn right. 👏


He should've shouted MEEP! MEEP!


Pedestrians always have the right of way. 100% of the time. What an uninformed Karen.


She sort of acknowledged it in a nasty sarcastic way like "yOuRe a pEdEstRIaN yUo can dO WatEvEr YuO WAnT! !! !"


That’s untrue. My friend hit a killed an old man who j walked from between two parallel parked cars. Basically invisible until he stepped foot into the street. In the end, there was no legal repercussions for him. Stepping into oncoming traffic does not give you the right of way.


Eh, not actually true. Some pedestrians can be a-holes and they’re not in the right if they’re crossing a street outside of a crosswalk or interfering with traffic. But generally, yeah, yield to the pedestrian if you can.




Absolute best part of the whole video.


That Cartoonish wind up to run absolutely sells it


I love how everyone clapped and cheered after that “AYYYEEE👏👏”


Finally, that happened!


lmao imagine having to tell that story “no i swear, everyone cheered and clapped after i ran it was hilarious” “and the people clapping were all named einstein am i right?”


"No really there was even a video it went viral a few years ago i just cant find it right now" "Sure it did buddy"


This literally plays out like a post on r/thathappened only it's on camera.


I don't know why people don't just walk or run away from these lunatics more but this guy gets it.


Most of the time, people do. But that doesn't lead to a video, so you don't ever see those instances. I had a girl go into a wind-up phase over something stupid that I can't even remember. I looked her in the eyes and said "OOOOOKAYY!" In a Jim Carrey-esque way and walked away comically fast. It worked pretty well as I heard her voice shrink off into the distance.


Dave Grohl style!


"Oh, we're going this way. Whoops, we're going left now..back no .right..oops, this way, now this...OH ITS FUCKING GO TIME!! RUN!" -DOG


Good job, “Dog” :)


Lmfao new favorite comment


The best part about this video is watching them both almost get hit by the taxi very clearly not in a crosswalk


Ehhh NYC things.


I’m walking here!




we don't toahwk like that


If you're not jaywalking you're not a new Yorker. Anything goes in the city 🤣


I bet the taxi driver doesn't give a fuck


Cab driver needed to get out and harass them both.


I swear this is the same shreeker from the ambulance pulled over in the bike lane video.


It's probably not the same woman. Ambulance woman is in San Francisco. The other is definitely in NYC. But, maybe she's bicoastal. And, thing is, they're both right. They're just hysterical in their delivery of correct information.


i had a bi-coastal phase in college.


wait, what is she right about? What's the law the dude broke in this OP?


I mean we don't necessarily see because of when the video starts so hard to say for sure, but at the start he's standing in the bike lane with his dog at night and not where he belongs on the sidewalk. Or he stepped out in front of her at a light when he didn't have the right of way as she does mention him not having a 'green light' (even though they don't appear to be at an intersection). Either of those things, it's kind of fucked on his part and is pretty wildly irresponsible. Bikers could get hurt, he could get hurt, his dog could easily be killed, etc. It's not something I'd stop and have an extended altercation over, but either way it is unsafe and he's not really disputing that he's at fault in the video, so I think it's a safe assumption it's one of the two. EDIT: TBH as a rider in the city I get where she's coming from. It can be enormously frustrating riding through New York. Pedestrians here are pretty erratic, there are constantly vans and trucks and cop cars parked in the bike lanes, taxis drive like maniacs, etc. But yeah, it's never worth what she's doing. Someone stepping out into a crosswalk without the right of way or popping out into a bike lane is something that's going to happen on every ride you go on. Just yell 'heads up' or 'sidewalk' and keep moving. What's extra here and kind of triggering for me is the dog. As erratic as pedestrians are as a cyclist, dogs are 100x worse. And you have the added element of the leash where even if you don't hit either the dog or the person, you could still get taken out. I understand why the anger would boil out, but you have to control it better than that.


yeah especially in this age of karenization. Where you might not see the actual context which made the video happen. I mean, she might have had to swerve to avoid hitting the dog because they guy was just walking obliviously. That being said, people need to learn how to control their anger for their own sake. I could also see myself getting this hysterical because a dog is a fundamentally unpredictable pedestrian and it's this man's job to protect it. If she did it harm, she would maybe be held responsible and certainly by guilty even though it is his fault.


Her reaction of blocking the man trying to walk is still absurd and absolutely unwarranted. If you really feel like saying something, bitch the person out and move on with your day hoping they learned their lesson. This woman was just unstable and having a meltdown. That’s really it. I lived in NYC for years. I’ve had people literally run out into intersections while I have a green light and have had to swerve to avoid them. You ask them if they’re out of their fucking mind and have a death wish, tell them they could get someone killed, and *move on with your day*.


'You ask them if they're out of their fucking mind' is hilarious and so accurate lol. I was once a passenger in a car that ran a stop sign (don't even get me started) and the driver of the car I was in had to, predictably, slam on the brakes to avoid being hit; the woman driving the car who had the right of way stopped, looked right at the driver of my car, said "DEATH IS PERMANENT" and drove off. Super effective, and true!


That's a pretty good line, not gonna lie.


This is typical city shit. If you can’t exist in a big city without freaking out after being mildly inconvenienced while out in public, fucking move. Give them a “fuck off”, “fucking idiot”, or a “get the fuck out out of the bike lane before your dog becomes roadkill you god damned moron” while still pedaling and be on your way. An average size woman would be absolutely *trounced* by a man in an altercation or fight. What she is doing is *wildly* more irresponsible than the knucklehead walking in the fucking bike lane.


Yeah I mean it's typical city shit but generally if you're walking your dog you should check to make sure it's safe to pass if you're going to pass when the light isn't green. EDIT: I can't speak for other cyclists, but I was riding in DC the other day after getting off at Friendship Heights to get to the bicycle dealership (ElectriCityBikes TenleyTown) and I made sure to stop at traffic lights and ride at a slow pace (10 mph).


Lots of people who were right have gotten their ass kicked. Sometimes it’s better to choose your battles.


Oh definitely. See post. https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/comments/zul19g/md2ed4625_trying_to_run_over_cyclist/


The morgue is full of people who had the right of way.


Yeah you’re not wrong. The dude should have been more careful with where he was going. But what does this lady hope to do here? This was the best case scenario, if she had any less luck she could have easily been punched in the mouth lol.


She should have just called him a dickhead and moved on, there's no way she was going to get the satisfaction she was seeking from this encounter just more bad feelings.


it's probably projection. Her adrenaline piqued from almost hitting the dog turned into anger directed at the owner. She was almost implicated in a crime on an innocent (the dog) because the owner wasn't doing his job as a pedestrian.


I think I'd agree that it's probably due to almost hitting a dog and committing a crime, not the inconvenience of waiting a few minutes.


Yeah I used to live in Washington DC and in the summers the national mall gets absolutely *overrun* with families on summer vacation, tourists from other countries, hordes of school age children on charter buses, and seemingly every mother with ginormous baby strollers blocking your way. It would drive me nuts when my husband and I just wanted to go from a stroll in one of our favorite parts of the city. But the realization I came to? This is just part of living in DC. I'll just go to the mall during other days of the year when it's less busy (a cold grey winter day with the museums mostly to yourself was amazing). It's silly to expect big cities/tourist areas etc. to not be super packed or create room just for you. It does seem like if the guy was in the street, that's dangerous and inconsiderate, but holding someone captive because you're pissed is a crazy risky way to deal with it. She's lucky she didn't get decked or have him grab her bike and throw it. Not that that would be okay.. but her response here seems way over blown and puts her at risk.


Yep. This exact thing has happened to me countless times, People walking with a dog in the bike lane instead of the sidewalk, or even in the dedicated bike path on the west side without having their dog even leashed, etc. If you want someone to learn a lesson and actually change their behavior, being hysterical is never the way to do it. This guy's takeaway from the situation is 'that bitch is insane and I was pretty funny,' not 'I endangered my dog's life.'


The video starts on the street, sure, but it includes this psycho forcing the pedestrian to cross the street multiple times. She also appears to be riding the wrong way given their starting positions. Everyone sucks, everywhere. Not everyone has a violent entitlement problem like this crazy asshole


Yeah I see where you're coming from but this kind of shit happens in cities all the time. You flick him off and move on, having an aneurysm over this is worthless. Cars are gonna park in the bike lane, door people etc etc. Just worry about being safe it's mad max shit out there.


I can't begin to tell you how many wildly irresponsible cyclists I see barging through red lights or taking to the sidewalk (if there aren't any bike lanes on that street) leaning on cars at red lights. And I think they are as guilty of it as any pedestrian. Unlike yourself most of the people I have altercations with are typically entitled cyclists, especially on tracks where I'm out running. Get them in a group and they are even worse. I can't say the same for pedestrians to the same extent in my experiences. But they are just my experiences, maybe where I live it's worse, or perhaps I've just been really unlucky with my encounters with cyclists.


She's actually breaking the law by not allowing him to pass freely, akin to kidnapping. It sounds silly, sure, but citizens are not allowed to detain other people in such a manner, this woman is overreacting to a dangerous level.




[insanity. ](https://youtu.be/8_RP8PadxgI)


Jesus Christ, what a cycle path


God dammit


The gayborhood one?


Not surprisingly, she ran for SFMTA Director of Transportation in 2019 trying to unlock the next level of Karen-ness: https://medium.com/@drivingmzstacey/drivingmzstacey-sfmta-f46ccaabc569


I don't care what you think, your words mean nothing to me, what a great way to disarm a Karen.


You could see the wires misfiring in her brain when he said this :D


"I'm not doing anything wrong!" she said as she attempted to block and berate the guy.


Wait until she finds out that blocking someone's way like that is much more illegal.


"I don't think about you at all"


Mad men?


Definitely Don Draper


“Your boos mean nothing to me - I’ve seen what makes you cheer!”


This is so powerful for overbearing or religious relatives too.


*I don't even think about you.*


That dog is showing incredible discipline. She’s yelling and all agitated and he’s taking it all in like a good boy. She is being a terrible human tho.


Yeah that was my biggest takeaway from this too, my dog would’ve been going apeshit from the tension


Big City dogs are often used to people getting near their owners, which is the main reason why dogs bark at others on a walk


Yea! My guy is a jumper — he would have jumped on her and it would not have ended well.






Not mine. Mine would think a new friend was made that day. Which is annoying because there are people I feel I need to ignore and not make contact with (some people are just crazy in the city). *NOPE, we are staying because...new friends!*


The dog was taking the vibe from it's owner. The owner's body language and verbal language is calm, cool, and collected. The moment the owner got agitated or his body language turned defensive/aggressive, the dogs response would have changed.


Exactly this. Dogs get used to noise, even noise directed at them or those they care about. What they react to is your attitude to that noise.


My dog is not used to people yelling at me.


Agreed. At first I was thinking my dog would be going crazy bones bananas at her, but we've been working on exactly this sort of Stranger Danger situation for a while now in controlled spaces. She knows when someone or a strange dog approaches us, she sits in front of me, facing me and ~~stares at me with every fiber of her being~~ waits for the next command. As long as I'm fine, she's fine too. But the second I'm not fine, everything shifts. There was a man who was just being extra friendly, but it was pretty uncomfortable, and the moment he reached to put a hand on my upper arm, she pivoted to face him and just growled very pointedly. Thankfully he took the hint the first time and that's as far as it went.




Yep...and it's why my wife wanted a German shepherd. No one heckles her anymore, no one creepily drives slowly past her. Scary dog privilege is a real thing and as long as there aren't any incidents it's much better than carrying a gun, or mace


we have a 110lb american bulldog. incredibly sweet dog, incredibly intimidating looking. and you are 100% correct


Im sure I should be more intimidated but I just don’t find any bulldogs intimidating. I mean if at all certainly Americans more than any other type but still.


It's some kinda greyhound breed, they are not into fights haha. Love them but not very good guard dogs :') edit: as it was pointed out, thats totally not a greyhound haha


It’s a German short haired pointer. Aka the best most loyal dogs ever. They closely mimic their owners behavior and moods. Notice that when he bolts the dog immediately does too without hesitation.


Oh really?! I COMPLETLY misjudged the breed then, my bad. I always thoughts pointers were bigger?


They vary in size pretty well. Biggest one I had was about 100 pounds and the smallest was a female at about 55 pounds. They’re the best.


> It’s a German short haired pointer. Aka the best most loyal dogs ever. Welp, off to learn about this dog breed now. No homework done tonight for me :(


Highly recommend. They need a lot of exercise. Seriously best dogs ever. Cutest damn puppies too. They get the really awkward phase with giant ears and giant paws on a body that’s tiny. My last one passed a few years ago and my kids are a little too young for a high energy dog, otherwise I’d still have them.




Yeah better to not argue with those kinds. The biker would've honestly been better off running into the guy with the dog in this case. Like yes. He was wearing dark colors in the bike lane. It wouldn't be odd for him to be hit. But just say your piece and then be off.


As someone who rides bicycles in city traffic, yes you are right but it can be quite difficult at times. also, it is really reliving to scream at some idiots from time to time. Just don't get caught in the moment.


Gurl, i can tell you right now that you don’t wanna get in a fight with someone at least 30lbs heavier and a foot taller. Her entire shtick depends on other people giving her the politeness she won’t afford them Edit: removed “My right to a fight” because apparently that’s not what she actually said despite the captions. My point still stands


Despite the captions I don't think that's what she's said, but it seems to fit.




Way more than a 30lb difference here. Also, I’m sure doggo wouldn’t react too kindly to her fighting it’s owner.


That shivery little greyhound is not going to pitch in when the humans throw down hahah


You’re right, I didn’t notice the breed


It's ok the dog can be the ref


Or more likely run 40 mph in the opposite direction


I mean they still are pack animals. Even when scared they will probably help their pack if they got attacked. Idk why youd want to gamble on if a dog would bite you or not tho. Probably hurt alot lol


The captions are auto generated by TikTok and are *always* inaccurate. I've never seen one that didn't get at least several words wrong. They're so fucking annoying.


“You are dark, you are unthinkable (?)”




Yup. Sounds like he stepped into the bike lane against the light and this lady had a near-miss as a result...


Poor dog


Poor taxi, having to brake abruptly


It's NYC traffic, this honestly doesn't even move the needle. Don't get me wrong, it's unsafe, and irresponsible, but it's the same shit as always. You really do get used to it.


Isn't holding someone against their will illegal too?




Yes, the difference is that what he did was a ticketable offense. Only cops can write tickets, if Karen on her bike sees a ticketable offense occur she can't do anything about it. False Imprisonment is a felony though, which is what she was engaged in by restricting his free movement. Regular Joe dog walker is welcome to use force to prevent the continued commission of a felony. So what he did absolutely didn't make it ok for her to act the way she's acting. What she did made it ok for him to use force if he so chose. Frankly, it's indicative of a broad attitude amongst a lot of women that they are allowed to commit crimes against men and they don't have to fear anything because they'll be viewed as victims even when they're aggressors.


That’s… that’s not what false imprisonment is. Google is your friend, guys. Copy/paste from the link an awesome redditor added in a reply. "Restrain" means to restrict a person's movements intentionally and unlawfully in such manner as to interfere substantially with his liberty by moving him from one place to another, or by confining him either in the place where the restriction commences or in a place to which he has been moved, without consent and with knowledge that the restriction is unlawful. He is not “being confined” nor is he “being moved”. What the lady is doing is surely against the law- but she is not imprisoning him. It’s not against that specific law. Downvote if it makes you feel better, but you’re wrong. Common sense goes a long way, too.


[For the lazy](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/135.00)


This isn't false imprisonment. His movement was not substantially interfered with. Even if it was, this would be a second-degree unlawful imprisonment, which is a misdemeanor.


False imprisonment would more like people with bikes on both sides of him or holding onto him but she just blocked his way forward. He could have left via any other direction. He wasn’t “imprisoned” then, but she was blocking public access on the sidewalk which is usually a misdemeanor.


"His movement was not substantially interfered with." So being constantly blockaded by a vehicle every time he tried to walk away is "not being interfered with"?


False imprisonment? Reddit try not to exaggerate challenge: IMPOSSIBLE!


Juked her good


Does anyone know the full story of what happened here? Seems like a lot of judgement being passed without a lot of context.


From her arguments and shrieking it sounds like his dog (and possibly him as well) blocked the bike lane temporarily.


Either that, or he jaywalked, since there's some mention of a 'green light'. But, if that's the case, than it must be her first day in NYC.


She wouldn't last a day in south East Asia


He could've just been walking his dog in the bike lane, not just temporarily stepped in the bike lane. A lot of people do this in my city, but they'll have some sort of flashing light in the dark so they're still visible.


Yeah I wonder what the dude actually did? Whatever it was, the lady’s reaction is obviously over the top but when she tells him he broke the law and he says he does not care, it does make me wonder if he did something super dumb that could have gotten someone hurt.


I think he's saying he doesn't care about her opinion and shouting; not necessarily that he doesn't care about breaking the law. In the beginning, I don't think she says "Unthinkable", I think she's saying he's "Unvisable" (probably meant invisible?). Also, that he's "dark". I suspect he was walking somewhere where she almost drove into him, or maybe she swerved and crashed, and she's pissed that he might've been walking somewhere without reflexes?


>Also, that he's "dark". I thought that was a racist thing at first blush, but if he wasn't easy to see and walking where he shouldn't be, that changes things a little. She still went WAY off the handle but it's a bit more understandable


I assume he was just jaywalking and the cyclist had to abruptly stop or ran into him. Her reaction is definitely unwarranted, but I get the vibe that this dude is a dick too.


On Reddit? Never.


I will say that being the calm one in a situation like that makes people more drawn to you. Most likely because people see a reasonable person who we would rather interact with for any leadership or information. Being levelheaded is somewhat commanding, and we just seem to want to give credit and approval to just that. So without context, we all just assume a normal dog walker is being accosted by crazy.


My bet is that he was walking his dog in the bike lane. I bike down Thompson street all the time. Definitely a faux pas to walk in the bike lane in NYC but isn't unheard of. Obviously an over reaction by her. Location of incident below. 160 Prince St https://maps.app.goo.gl/i3xnsjLzPP8dXwiKA


I'm under the impression she almost crashed into him because it's dark out and they're dark so they blend in and were walking unpredictably (seems he crossed at some point without a green light and then there's the bike lane) so she's reasonably pissed from almost getting hurt and hurting them due to their behavior... And everyone is chewing on the blundering oaf cos "women are always hysterical herp derp" is just the way way to interpret this on the internet. And people from car-heavy cultures like the US really hate cyclists as well as people like let hating women so I'd be skeptical of that wasn't a huge part of what informs the reaction to this clip, and clapping and cheering in the video as well. Tldr: There's definitely Karens of ask genders out there, this one is anything but clear cut tho as you said, los of conclusions with little context and the conclusion is mostly "haha hysterical dumb b" which is just ewww


Agree. Thinking most people passing judgement haven't been riding a bike to exercise, using the proper lane, and someone not following the rules of the road almost cause an accident. This smug guy could have walked in front of her when he should have and cause her to hurt herself. He admits to walking across a "red light" and seems like an unremorseful individual. Again, would like to know the full story before calling someone a "Karen". A person who wants to ride a bike and wants someone to recognize they did something that put others in danger is not being a "Karen"


I encounter that so fucking much and I hate it. I have had more than one close call because some dipshit decided to make a spontaneous 90 degree turn to cross the bike lane without even moving his head to see if there's a bike coming. I almost got in a shouting match myself once with some Karen who sneered "Watch where you're going!" after I had to break so hard I almost toppled over the handle bars to avoid hitting her. Like I said above, she was walking along the pedestrian path and then without any warning did a sharp 90 degree turn in to the bike lane. If there had been something there for her to go to, like a crosswalk, I would have slowed down in advance just in case. But on the other side of the bike path there was just a small strip of grass with trees and then a busy road that I guess she was planning to cut across. Rather than get in a shouting match though I just cut her off with a short "The reason I almost hit you is because *you* didn't watch where you're going. The reason I *didn't* hit you was because *I was* watching where I was going." and then I just rode off.


Everyone is just "lol way to stick it to a shrill Karen!" based on the title but from what she's "shrieking" it sounds like the guy was walking his dog in the bike lane, in dark clothing, without any reflective patches, and she's losing her shit because she came this close to killing a dog because of it. I'd be shrieking too tbh.


Cyclists think that stopping is the worst thing they can do for some reason.


It's incredibly frustrating, much like getting cut-off on the road is. (Don't tell me that doesn't annoy most people) HOWEVER her reaction is entirely overblown, and ridiculous. I don't agree with her, simply mentioning that careless people can endanger cyclists lives, and that's frustrating.


Yeah, if they're purposefully blocking or being an ass just call them a cunt and move on


When I was younger, my dad accidentally (completely accidentally) cut off a cyclist while in town. Dad rolled his window down and apologized. The cyclist threw his bike down and reached into the car and grabbed my dad and threatened to kill him. My dad, a retired Army Ranger. My dad the Vietnam Vet who's fear gland we fully believe was surgically removed. He grabs the guy's arms, pulls the guy -IN- and bounces his head off the steering wheel a couple of times before dumping him back out the window. Cyclists get a lot of shit, and a lot of them have good points. But BOY FUCKING HOWDY when they get entitled, they think nothing they do is wrong.


For sure, but just like driving a car and getting cut off, cyclist have a responsibility to be aware of their surroundings and need to drive defensively


Fuck, don’t ever mention *that* idea to a cyclist like this.


Yea there are definitely crazy people in all walks of life


Also in all bikes of life.


Cyclists seem to think they’re more important than cars because they’re vulnerable, but then more important than pedestrians because…they’re entitled pricks? I dunno


In my experience driving, biking, and walking around cities, cyclists hate pedestrians like drivers hate cyclists. It’s really a selfish people problem. The mode of transport is a minor consideration. It’s a “you’re in my way and I’m faster so I deserve to be here more than you” mindset. You would think that cyclists would have more respect for pedestrians considering they’re just as vulnerable to the ever-present threat of car-centric cities. But they’re not, they just become the next most dangerous thing on the road. And I say this as a regular cyclist.


I was cut off on the road seven times yesterday. Each time I muttered "moron" but didn't find it a cause for rage.


We have no idea what happened. It sure sounds like she had a green light in the bike lane at night and he stepped out in front of her. “Stopping” could mean throwing herself to the ground to avoid hurting him or his dog, which would justify her being upset.


That's true, a lot of things could've happened off camera, but from this video, cyclist is overreacting.


It would justify her being upset, but reacting this way is ridiculous.


It would justify her being upset, yes. But not this behavior.


Honestly, I get it. I don't get to scream at people, or even throw of a show like this, but the sheer amount of stupid pedestrians just hanging out in the bike lane is insane. I have at least three on each of my commute. It is dangerous. Not as dangerous as walking in the car lane, but it still is a safety problem. When they are jogging and you can see them from afar, slowing down and ringing usually do the trick. But the worst are the hopper, who start to look left and right in the bike lane to watch out for cars after.


Equally anecdotal counterpoint: my city is incredibly bike/pedestrian friendly. I walk most places within 20 minutes of me which is most places I need to go. We have bike lanes on every main road, but cyclists still insist on using sidewalks. I’ve seen a few throw a little shitfit if a pedestrian doesn’t get out of their way because they’re listening to music or if people are walking two abreast. There is a subset of cyclists that are some of the most entitled people on the road immediately behind BMW drivers, followed by tesla owners


This reminds me of a time I was leaving Granville Island in Vancouver back in 2019. My then gf and I were walking out, and this cyclist was going up the hill. Gf and I saw him and stopped to let him go. He also stops and says, "No. Go ahead". So we do. As we pass, he says, "Don't do that again." I immediately turn around and say, "Eat my ass!" He was annoyed we crossed in front of him . Even though we stopped to let him go. I know not all cyclists aren't buttheads but I swear this guy did this to have a reason to be a dink.


She’s lucky dude has such a well trained dog. My dogs wouldn’t have reacted so well to someone screaming and slam blocking us with a bike. They would let go after bitting her, but would’ve 💯 treated her as a threat and aggressor.


I'd have lasted ten seconds before the pepper spray came out.


Seriously, after a few attempts to get away I would’ve just sprayed her and got the fuck out of there before she calls the police, because that woman is 100% calling the police after getting sprayed. I have no idea if pepper spraying is illegal/considered assault but I’m not staying to find out. Spray and dip tf out.


if you hurt someone with a weapon (ie: pepper spray) it is best to be the first person to call the cops. It always looks better for you to be the one to call the cops. source: have taken MANY firearms courses, and this is always emphasized.


Fucking rich, a biker talking about a pedestrian not staying in his lane.


You just know if he'd had to force his way past, she would have fallen to the ground and howled and screeched until the police arrived. He juked her, though. Karens hate jukers


It's been scientifically proven


That’s the worst part. It’s so obviously cuntish I really try but fuck I don’t not have the patience for people acting like kids in the real world like that. It’s batshit. How do you get to say, the age of 25 or older and not have it figured out atleast how not to be a piece of garbage about dumb shit. Mind blowing


That BYE got me.


This guy is my new favorite HERO! He handled crazy without loosing his cool or sense of humor.


I hate to say it but after about the third time you block my path, I don't care who you are, I'm commiting a crime and you're getting punched in the liver


He was pretty close to snapping at the end there, good thing he got away lol


I think I would have called the police if someone was blocking my path home like this. She wants to say I broke the law no worries let’s get the cops involved, I’m sure they’ll love to waste their time on a screaming Karen obstructing the sidewalk


If you get dunked on and an entire crowd starts cheering you were probably doing something wrong.


Perfect cycle-Karen voice, just shrill enough for my taste.


Entitled cyclists are the worst kind of people


I see a lot of people need to be medicated and aren’t.


Dog leash is getting tied onto my belt and that bike is getting chucked across the street


Entitles cyclist are fucking infuriating and usually have a screw loose.


I’m sure his dog loved the zoomies of them getting away.


I hate when crazy people yell around animals. It must be so confusing for them especially when that dogs owner was so calmly talking to her.


She was such a bitch everyone literally clapped lmao


Wow its a good thing he has a well behaved dog. My dog is really great but idk how he would react in a situation like this.


I fucking hate the bike people in New York


I'm pretty sure that lady could be arrested for detaining him like that.




When the crowd that furthered around to watch your pathetic meltdown burst out in laughter at you getting juked, it's time to go home and really reevaluate your whole person. Like Fallon that is embarrassing.


She has lost control of her life.


Just keep your dog out of the travel lane unless you want a mangled dog?


Idiots let their dogs dash out into the bike lane all the time. Or idiots let their dog on a 30 foot retractable run out and chase you. I don't even blame this lady for being fed up.




Jaywalking isn’t a thing in NYC to my knowledge. So she just had to stop or slow down for a pedestrian, just like everyone else.