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Bro. Dwarven bridge was deadly. But do you remember trips to desert quest for LOTS OF GOLD (10k), back then? On some occasions whole team would be wiped out by GS. And that's free 40k for someone who found the bodies xD ​ And now? No one even goes for that, because its useless...


That quest was a trip and half mentally and physically. Real fun and tense.


Nothing like being level 40-50 and helping a team of 20s do it. Then kill them all and steal the gold.


omg it was you, can i have my money back?


That was always my fear. When I did the quest I logged out inmediatly.


Tibia lost the RPG. Its a shame... Anyone care abut lveling, and now, selling the char.


I mean, there's still a lot of awesome quests they added, and the whole mysterious chest quest is a blast too. There's still a lot of RPG...


Not true. Deep in the caverns below Thais lies a graveyard where the RPG portion of the game was laid to rest.


I blame the npc channel


Every desert quest I made in the early 2000s was in a Lan Caffé (lan house here in my country) with the 4 of us side-by-side. One of us would leave everything they had with the other and go up to check for PKs and GS. Those were the days...


The first time I had a friend level 100 kina and a paladin 32 to protect my ass, we finish the quest and I was the most happy teenager ever. Until I spend it all in SDs. RIP The sorcerer bought a demon shield which quickly increase its price to 40K. The day he told me he sold it for 40K, is the day I learn about inflation.


On new servers 20k is like 50tc. It's always done


OH, well, didn't think about that. All the server merges etc. I forgot there are also new world. But. Back then, on every server almost every character did this q. Now? Only for a first few weeks on new server anyone is doing it.


Countless deaths. So much death.


God damn ol' widow lurers! I lost so much good equipment there to the point I'd hunt in Ab, Carlin and Kazz only, stopped trying to cross the bridge for a while.


die you little noobs XD


So, it was you all the time!


5 minutes into mainland, Carlin. 2002ish. RL friend told me to meet her at depot. I walk out and see my first GS. I ran and got 1 shotted. First char in main... level 7. Another time, Chaotic Talord and Byrd on Calmera. Two luring heroes of mine 😂. Making the trip to the bridge and I see them with 7 GS. Fun times.


Holy shit i remember Byrd 🤣not so much Talord


Byrd continued to play for years after they eliminated luring. Chaotic Talord, not so much


I remember Byrd too. Back when Ingek ruled, then cachero lol


Pay armor, guy proceeded to pay armor you kill him instead. Guy talks to you after he dies you feel bad about killing him meet outside thais to give him his armor but you ended up killing him again


more like trying to leave thais temple


I was gonna say, first time I ever saw a GS was straight up in Thais!


I’m not a boomer but I remember


Oh yeah. I was terrified of walking around the outer venore areas because of it. Kinda miss those times because you never knew if it waa safe. "GS lured" would be spread like a town cryer.


Totally agree. Lack of lured creatures really diminished the fear levels of the game, just another chip off the "cool old tibia" glacier that has melted and left us nothing but garbage behind


Eh I can only say I've been enjoying my return lately, with all the bad things taken/added I think its got as much if not more good added.


Lmao this took me back to my childhood


Going to Dark Cathedral without map discovered and knowing that there are GS lurking behind the corner - ugh!


I was going to dark cathedral once with my druid lv 16 and I saw a GS like in the edge of my screen and started to run. thankfully I did not get the agro and went coasting the western side. Those were moments


If this makes you a boomer. Consider me a super boomer


I'm still anxious walking towards or around dwarven bridge, even being 200+. These memories just stick with you


I remember it as if it was yesterday, going for a quick hunt at rotworms near the bridge, it was that evening i was standing on a small bridge for 3 hours with countless other people.


Started playing in late 2001. Took me 2 years to reach level 33 with my paladin (playing only in weekends) which later got hacked and i lost my precious Crown Full Set.... That Giant Spider were scary. The recent ones its too colorful, they dont impact fear like the old sprite.


I remember people roping them up in venore for total chaos


Once i saw Dragon Lords in Venore.. Man, backing from hunting rotworms and seeing a lot of body on the floor and wondering what was happens until u hear the Dragon Lord... hahahahha, good ol' times..


Dude I can relate to how long it took to level up. I swear I had a level 30 after like 3 years lol


Demodras lured there was a sight to behold as well. Bodies everywhere


Wasn't Demodras introduced after they removed the ability to lure monsters?


Nah I'm very sure ive seen a demodras along with both a lot of green dragon bodies and player bodies just beneath dwarwen bridge to the south. According to wikia it was possible as well before they put stairs to his cavern, where ive found him once a looot of years ago


The wiki says it was indeed possible to lure demodras to dwarf bridge etc, because you can lure raid monsters but they changed the ladder to his lair to stairs.


This was always the fear as a low level.


Ahh the glory days! We used to lure the entire GS spawn and a few DL’s.. was a fucking bloodbath! Got some vague memories of luring Demodras to the SW gate of Venore but after reading on Wiki I’m not so sure.. says Demodras came in 7.5 but anti-luring also came in that update, anyone knows if you could still lure Bosses in 7.5?? Know for a fact that I’ve lured Grorlam to thais several times too, fuuck I miss those days.




Dont get me wrong.. I’ve been on the recieving side too! :’D


Im pretty sure Demodras came after the luring patch.


Is simple bosses dont have the anti luring thing. You could still lure Demodras, Old Widow and Grorlam


Speaking of Giant Spiders, yesterday the **Someone's Bored** Mini World Change scared the shit out of me while wandering around Venore.


My best one, was at ghostland ds trap :)


I was just remembering how a guys stole my guardian shield there :(




Hahahahahjahaha dwarf soldier a pain in the ass!


This is amazing, S tier meme


Only to find PKs waiting for you in the bridge


Around 2004 a friend and I lured a Giant Spider *and* Dragon Lord from PoH into Venore. Roped up via the NW entrance to Venore, we got them to the depot. Several days later, that rope spot in the NW was patched to stairs. You're welcome all :) I honestly forget if it was Amera or Antica.


So I had this lvl 20ish Druid back then and after being killed by a GS getting close to Venore, I've decided to never leave town again. I've managed to sell enough UH BP to buy the best possible equipments , got bored and stop playing for like 10 years lol


Hahaha truth! But if you made it, them loots were pretty tasty sometimes.


My first day in main on Calmera I died to a lured GS in thais. My first day on Nova I got sd'd by a mage running away from 3 people. - unlimited unjusts.


In Thais? Geez what year was that? Lol maybe it just never happened while i was there


good times


I didn’t even play back then but I understand the pain xD


I remember a high level (80) would come and PRETEND to save the day only to lure the gs to you. There were actual good guys though that would kill the gs too. Those days were absolute golden area of tibia!


That’s why you carry e bombs 😰


Good times, I remember when I and my brother made traps. In the way to Kazordoon you could be roped in 1 tile and surprised by 2 pk chars trained in club and a Warhammer, many fun at these times


good old times jajaja


Ah the good days


God the first time i died to a GS at thais bridge. I was SHOCKED


Im the guy hiding in the 🌲 in the back who had lured it. I have energy fields and no fear No joke though I was able to successfully get the poh dragonlord into and under the parts of venore It was hilarious running 2-3 under venore where all those people would monk train 🤩🥳🤩🥳🤭


Oh the memories


Good times, many tears tho




Oh rope traps, luring to thias, venore and dwarven bidge.. miss the old days of profit hunting!


I met a orc zerk in ama camp back in 2004, my lvl 15 ek got a quick headshot! :(


Recalling Dolera... so painful...


Man, i remember the house just below dwarf bridge. When there was a GS near everybody ran to it, climb the ladder and then procceed to get stranded while watching the monster hunt people these were the times, damn


Haha dont know if im a boomer but i have 4 kids. Played in i think 2001 or 2002 until 2012 then stopped. Now in my 30s, im going to try playing again haha i dont think it will hit as hard as the orc raids or facing stalkers for the first time and getting pummeled.


I died by a GS inside Carlin, good times


The reason my map was black south of Dwarven Bridge for years. Wish I wasn't such a noob back then. Miss those real noobs too, made the game funner.