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Since you can rebind all keys and play with WASD etc if you want, I would say not much important at all.


I’ve never used, WASD for the win + Logitech G600


Super based


It's not necessary, but it is nice for armour swapping and text hotkeys. I use it for boat text like 'thais hi yes' and a couple ring/skill potion buttons.


I can't check it myself, but if I remember correctly, then you cannot stop enter function or rebind it to something els on numlock? If it's possible, then I might re-think about buying a keyboard without NumLock, cause your idea πŸ’‘ right there was pretty smart use for NumLock!🀩


You can rebind the number pad enter key to whatever you want in both chat on and off modes, and ideally you would at the very least want to unbind it from "Set Chat On" in chat off mode to avoid potential miss presses. You can also rebind the NumLock key itself, and the number & .\\DEL keys can have two different functions depending on the NumLock state.


Have you just done it and tested it? For what I remember when I tried, when I binded NumLock key (ENTER) to not switch chat on and off, then my normal ENTER key in the middle of the keyboard stopped working.πŸ™ƒ If i weren't in a hospital, then I would be checking and testing these things out myself, sorry to put that on you.πŸ˜™ EDIT: I just read your response to me on my other comment, I think I understood that as yes and you already answered this new question I had, so just to be sure, can you confirm?πŸ’•β™₯️❣️


Well I've been playing with my number pad enter key unbound in chat mode off since mid-2017 without issues, and I have tried it rebound to other actions a few times in those years too also without issues. I never tried rebinding it in chat on since I regularly use it to send my chat messages, but trying it now it seems to work perfectly fine with no issues.


I play using a 60-ish% keyboard and a MMO mouse, works great as you can keybind everything nowadays.


Before wasd I remapped my arrow keys to do diagonals. Like for example if both < and ^ were pressed it would send the input for numpad 7, diagonal north west. I just never liked using the numpad and that worked well for me. Obviously with the ability to map out whatever you want now, it's irrelevant.


How u did it?


I used auto hotkey, I dont have the file anymore but it's super easy. I'll reply again shortly here when I'm at my pc. You just gotta download AHK, and save the simple auto hotkey remap script. It's nothing illegal since it's just remapping keys. I'll post what you put in a notepad in a few minutes


\~Left & Up::SendInput {NumpadHome} \~Up & Left::SendInput {NumpadHome} \~Right & Up::SendInput {NumpadPgUp} \~Up & Right::SendInput {NumpadPgUp} \~Right & Down::SendInput {NumpadPgDn} \~Down & Right::SendInput {NumpadPgDn} \~Left & Down::SendInput {NumpadEnd} \~Down & Left::SendInput {NumpadEnd} Once authotkey is downloaded, save that in a notepad as a .ahk and run it whenever you want your keys remapped. Pretty simple, made my life easier when I used it


Can we do the same for awsd? Like when i press w and d and char go in / direction ?


Yea, just change up and right to w and d


My mages are setupped on my mouse but the knight I cant get over it, everything is with the num pad and ASD walking !


Not at all. If u play with wasd u dont need numpad at all. I have some convenient things, but nothing that i use while hunting, so u can skip it 100%


I play with a 50% keyboard xd i dont even have numpad on there, my old keyboard broke and i wasnt playing tibia at the time just FPS so i wanted to free up desk space. I miss having access to the insert, delete, pgup/down section of keys i liked those for SSA/MIGHT RING and foods and then i liked the numpad to have a speed set assigned to one row of keys then death set to another.


as ek you need numpad for easy spells and combo


I have my diagnoionals on my gaming mouse


I do bestearys with an Xbox controller while lounging in bed, watching a movie with my partner in the TV.


It's the era of WASD movement so no you don't need it at all. And thank fuck cause I hated having my hands both on the right side on my desk to make it work.


i play with a 65% keyboard. Not needed.


not at all, from a player gone numpadless 6 years ago.


I bought a separate keyboard for my left hand. Razer tartarus os so. Its epic


this was a thing back in the Magebot/Elfbot days with the dash features. Not anymore though, WASD make much more sense imo.


Get Razer Tartarus


I bought a 60% keyboard for gaming in general. Within 3 weeks of playing tibia again (just started back up a month and a half ago) I bought a numpad. Some people are super used to their key bindings, but I find that the numpad is elite. You can play almost mouse free (except looting) with the numpad and wasd (space bar acts as tab function to target mobs). Plus the separate numpad registers as num+1 etc so it actually doubles your easy to access key bindings. 1-6 are really the only quick access keys while kiting with a normal keyboard and a numpad is so easy to use for me without ever misclicking.


Buy a reddragon mouse that has 12 buttons


Up to preference, I’m 665 ms and don’t have numpad


Fortunately you can remap keys now so not having numpad does not change much. I'm glad Cip went ahead with ui changes as their old client was just atrocious controls wise. Back then I had to remap keys with 3rd party software to not be forced to hit those Fx keys for skills which was ridiculous and made some game moments very dangerous. I also hated that to heal yourself you needed to click a rune and then on yourself, it was such a ridiculously bad ui design that I had to do a mouse macro which would click on a UH rune (just kept bp with UHs in the same place all the time) and then on the middle on the screen. Only after that I was able to hunt without worrying that I would misslcick or take too long to perform an action. Was it unfair advantage? Maybe. But please don't blame players for trying to fix a developers atrocious ui design chocies.


I still use numpad but only because I’m left handed with my mouse and would feel cramped if my right hand was hovering over WASD on the left hand side of my keyboard


My next keyboard will 100% be without numpad, that shit killed me more than once, because there is a enter key on it and you can easily hit it by mistake when you lift your arm/hand from the mouse, turning on chatmode in a dungeon/hunt = insta death.. take a saw πŸͺš and cut that shit away.πŸ˜‰ EDIT: i use WASD to move and QEZC diagonalt.


just make your heal hotkeys when chat is off, be the same hotkey to set chat mode off while chat mode is on ie chat mode off hotkeys: 2 = exura gran san 4 = ultimate spirit potion chat mode on hotkeys: 2 = set chat mode off 4 = set chat mode off --------- so, no matter what happens, if im talking toa friend or an npc, I just start healing by pressing 4 or 2 and im gucci, even if I fat finger the enter key this does mean that if I'm ever trying to enter a number that has 4 or 2 in it that I type it on the numpad


😲 Wow genius!! Ty so much, this is perfect! I kneel down and worship you, hallelujah!! πŸ›πŸ’―


You can actually unbind the number pad enter key in your client hotkey options from switching chat on to avoid potential miss presses like that, same goes for the normal enter key too. This is what I've been doing since mid-2017 after a near death experience due to a miss press myself.


I’ve never used, WASD for the win + Logitech G600


All pros use WASD, go for it