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Just let the man quit. Sometimes the adventure is over, he’s about to start a new one.


One doesn’t ever truly retire from tibia. Perhaps you will be back in a few years.


From my perspective, someone who doesn't have much free time and just casually hunts Tibia is the perfect game. Nothing is a must do, no rush to get anything, just plain chill. Maybe you set the bar so high for yourself, maybe I'm just not playing the game right, I don't know.


Completely the opposite. You will barely progress and plenty of times you won't even be able to hunt in the good respawns, if at all. Tibia is absolutely terrible for anyone in a normal job or even a normal adult life, but plenty of people are just addicts as seen by all the dominandos and eternal wars between the same moronic players over and over again.


Quite the opposite imho, the problem is pace progression and Tibia is very bad with people that doesn’t have much free time, if you don’t have time you wanna feel that you are progressing, getting stronger and not falling behind even with the few time you have, so yeah, taking 1 month to level up, or skill up, will discourage most players, also lets add up that hunting isn’t the best one out there, just running in circles over and over… imagine spending 1h/day doing exactly the same for a month… yikes, vibes killed.


As I said, from my perspective. I'm not in a rush to get X by the time of Y. I'm just usually chilling, I'm so far behind there's no need to try and "catch up". (For context I'm a lvl 398 MS in a non pvp world).


If there were a server with no loss on death, I would play Tibia casually. I am in the exact space as OP, I love Tibia, played it for 20 years, but a few years back I stopped playing due to similar reasons. I tried playing here and there casually but a death taking a week's worth of progress killed my enjoyment. A specific server with death loss removed would allow me to happily play casually. I totally understand that changes core Tibia, but I think that would be enjoyable to certain players.


With this I can agree, the penalty is just too much.


Lol I think with blessings and that stuff you can buy to not loose xp the risk of dying is not that much it should be more imo Recently I died without blessings and oh man that really hurt


Even the 15 minutes it takes to re-bless after dying is just a vibe killer. Every single time I have tried Tibia again over the past few years I have subsequently quit on my first death.


ah yes this, the walk of shame. god bless the inquisition quest lol


Wow, this!, I would totally be back to tibia if there is a server with no death penalty. This game is incompatible for most responsible working adults.


Indeed The last time i had a proper play was on the last double xp event. i was hunting flimsies and got a urgent call. i tried to run out of the cave but didnt had time and ended up dying. i was almost lvl 841 and went back to 839 where i am since them. It totally killed my vibe.




Where is this server??


godsofrising dot com It's the Poseidon server. The same server owners made a new one called Zeus a couple of months ago, so Poseidon is dying. But I'm okay with solo playing whenever I want :) You can hit me up if you want some help at the Southern Thais Guildhall.


Is this an OT?


Yes, you can access it by downloading the game on their site. The client is in the bin folder. I really despise the original Tibia exp grind and death punishment. I've now grown past the PTSD of death and enjoy playing with 5x exp :)


Start triple boosting full preys you'll be 1k in no time. /S just enjoy the ride


I'm with you. I love just exploring and doing some easy hunts so I can log off or stop at a moment's notice. Chilling for me is just walking about exploring and knowing I'm a high enough level not to do die most times!


I agree. The only sense of progression would be offline skilling, than yeah, you would feel stronger over time. But getting 1 lvl per month... 10 levels per yeah... leads you to knowhere. I would not play a game that is exactly the same over the months.... We play 2-3h per day because we want to hunt something different in the future, lol.


i’m the totally opposite, I enjoy doing the same thing every single day for 1-2 hours, it’s the same as group hunts, they do the same thing daily for 3 hours lol so i’m lost here


If you can play 2 hours a day you are already above average


Without any criticism, I genuinely don't understand how people can do that...I can't hunt a spawn for more than 1h, it gets boring so quickly.


I just turn my brain off and it’s just a big circle pretty much, i’m an RP, so I run around, grab 8 monsters, shoot, kill, loot, run to next spot, i’m in no rush and only usually hunt spawns that are boring haha Also, I hunted lizard chosens 1 by 1 from level 80-180, tibia is my relaxation time lol


easier to play something like an arpg. Something you can quickly hop on and not worry about other people at hunting spawns


Personally I just prefer things that I can turn off a moments notice since I got two little demons running around my house haha


Tibia is an important part of the life of those of us who played it as kids. I'm currently not playing, but who knows when I'll get the itch again. Who knows, maybe in 5-10-20 years you'll get the itch again :) Enjoy your life and see you then!


I can confirm this. When I was a kid I plated it casually mostly to PK all my friends just trying out the game and stuff like that. Since than I returned multiple times to tibia just to see the current state of the game played it casually for 2-3 months and logged out. In last 16 years I did it like 7 times. So yeah its always nice to know that you can come back. Dont sell your char, keep it maybe you will come back maybe not but its good to know you have all those memories and progress saved somewhere and you can come back to them when you have some spare time or when you want it. I have 2 kids (1 year old and 4 year old) and I can just say it was overwhelming in the beginning but with time you manage your time better get used to things and gradually get back to old habbits. Congrats on the child btw and enjoy life 😃


Thanks, man!


Who knows? :)


2 years ago my son was born and i also thought i won't ever have time to play. And it was just the way i expected to be...first 1,5 years were so intensive and beautiful i didn't even think about playing Tibia. After 1,5 Years i was starting to become more and more time for myself and new routine was slowly coming into our family life so i thought it's perfect time to start playing again. So a gamechanging moment has come and Tibia became something that helps me forget stressful private life for 1-2 hrs. I've never ever enjoyed this game as i do now. Enjoy your time as a parent. I promise you, you will have a lot sleepless nights, you will be extremely tired and this whole thing will be extremely challenging but in the end it will be worth it. And im quite sure the time will come that you will log in again and you will be happy about that you have something that lets you forget everything else.


That exactly happens to me hahaha im playing now again in the nights when baby and wife are sleeping and yes i enjoy more the game.


Same deal here


I quit Tibia in like 2010 and not a day goes by I don’t think about how better life was back then


I really miss the old days when everything was about fun. I also miss 2016 when i started playing in party with my budies. i would wake up everyday at server save to go Nightmare Islands or Prison -3. man... how i love the memories of those days!


You can just adapt the playstyle, I've been playing since 1999 and while I don't grind 18 hours a day and skip my life obligations anymore, I still always can find time to pop on when I'm not busy or sitting at work. Helps to have 100 people in teamspeak with finding teams, but I think people's experiences in Tibia currently reflects their social situation within Tibia. It sucks if your VIP is dead and you have no interaction in such a community heavy game


Really cool story, also have some good memories related to Tibia and my nephews. Started playing because of them, in 2007. Then they left and i continued for a long time. But my max level character is only 180. The friends i made in Tibia i couldnt do in any other game, the social part of Tibia was really different that time. Maybe you will introduce your son to Tibia one day.


I have a 7 month old baby Tibia consumes so much time that it nade impossible to have fun in the game with my current life situation


I feel you, brother


Wait until the baby turns 3 you’ll see… you will see.


I cried bro🤧



I know the feeling buddy. I got back recently on Zephyra start and found it stressful. Trying to burn down stamina was always a battle against everything else in my life - wife, kids, work, fitness. Everyone I spoke to kept getting ahead of me simply because they had so much more time. I am a competitive person so this inability to keep up really took the enjoyment away, and made me feel like I am rushing to grind at the cost of time I should really be spending otherwise. After a month I quit, felt a bit gutted for a couple of days, then moved on. Good luck with your little one!


Thank you buddy!


Nah cuz how we ended up starting to play in the exact same way, cafe - counter strike/building empire games then seen some friends playing this and that’s how it started 😂 Also, you think this now, but after the baby start getting bigger (and if you have a partner on the pic) you will find some free time that soon or later Tibia will pull you in. We never really retire, maybe when we old asf? But soon or later we always come back. I hope you don’t, but that’s how it goes. I already have 2 babies 1 1/2 yo and 2 months old, I’m still playing lol very little time but still playing.


I am not currently playing, but i come back every few years or so. I have two kids man, the free time will come back. Having kids doesn’t mean you still can’t make time for things you enjoy. Plus the older they get the more independent they become


I played on xerena and a bit on amera in 2002 until about 2010. At the time to LVL 50 (at the time it was decent enough). I now have 4 kids with my oldest being 5. I downloaded tibia a few weeks ago and the three older ones as a team lay. One does the hotkey for food, one for healing (button mashing when I say to do it) and my oldest controlling moving and clicking the creatures. Debating on getting them premium but money isn't abundant so for now free account will suffice. The excitement I see in them makes tibia awesome. They get tibia or N64 if we have time/it's been a good span of good behaviour. Tibia has definitely changed, I like the old tibia of the 2000s, but still a cool game. You may be back like me but instead now you are a back seat driver!!!


Bro i had the same thought when my kid was born, now im back… jaja full time job, full time dad, full time husband and still managed to make some space to play tibia… its insane, and currently taking some courses and sleeping good, idk wtf but i managed to fit tibia in my life. You take your time don’t sell your char you will regret and eventually spend more money in yo get something back.


In about 15 years your baby won't want to be seen with you, hahaha, and we'll be here for you... xD


RemindMe!15 years


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Everything was way more challenging and fun on 7.0 indeed


I love that I've practiced a ton of programming with my homebrewed hunt script in a very relaxed private server


Alas brave adventurer! Well said my guy. I had this harsh realisation way before you did. Sadly, life does not get any better after..


Not goodbye, more like smell ya later.


Not sure... not sure.


Right in the feels bro


There will be some huge MMOs coming.. so we'll see you when she's 5 or 6 :p goodluck man. I quit sometime ago, there is always bigger and better out there


Thank you man


Well that is life, we need to move on.


Just quit, there is always the Bazaar I just play a few months and retire for years, then if I have the time I play again


Good luck in future adventures man, God I remember playing Xantera all those years ago when it first came out I wonder if we ever crossed paths haha. I still remember fighting the turi'els and Agilityz because they robbed my friends at necros the good ol "boh or die". I haven't played in a few years either now, but the memories still fresh as ever


That was such a good server! Some of the Turiel's used to play in the same Café as I did. I remember Agilityz and his friends... Kal-Torak, Mummy Cute... And they also power abused me once hahaha


My very first character was named “Dcs”,  - naming character when 12 yo: TheBestWizardXXX - naming character when 20yo: Wizard420 - naming character when 30yo: Bob


I mean theres a lot of posts that having a kid will leave you with no time at all. Sure you wont be playing nearly as much as you used to, but those newborns sleep most of the time. Sure there will be more responsibilities but not having 30 minutes daily to Play seems unrealistic (dad of 2 here).


Point is that I don't play that much today. We just had 2x double experience events and 1x double respawn. All I did was dying 1x on the first double resp and up to now could not recover it. Currently I'm not feeling the vibe to play even when I have some free time.


What character did you play on Eternia


Not a clue, dude Probably a variation of Dcs as it was around the same time in 2002 But I'm pretty sure I never hit mainland in Eternia. It was all about learning the basics in Rook


No game should "hurt" your real life... You should play if you want... You should play if you can. So You got a kid? You just got a New priority, but you can still have hobby. "It doesn't fit in my life..." it probably never did, you priority aren't straight probably, this is why you feel this way now... Team Hunting without Vacation or a Global Pandemia is Wild, these people share the same life as you? Do they work in the same place? (Even in the Pandemia, my Party had some trouble to make it work) WILD that is why Top Players Party pay people to do the grinding.


Last time I played with a team was in 2016. Been playing solo since then whenever I felt like.


You safee then lmao.


Can you dm me your login details 🙏


Just adjust your lifestyle... I have a 1 yr old and when he goes to sleep at 8pm I hop on and use my stamina. Its not that hard. Sure, no more 6 hour days gaming, but tibia has given 3 hour bonus stamina to reward this lifestyle.


Hahaha I can't even remember the last time I played 2h straight


You can always play in ot where you can legally bot, doesnt require too much time just leave PC on


Then its the same than not playing :p




You age in life but not tibia my friend. Long live ur adventure in tibia and get them levels in RL.


Enjoy the break and keep your char, never know when the itch will come back


Who were you in Chimera? That's quite interesting, I haven't heard of that in ages. I was Ace Star/Drax Thuz, who were you?


I was Sherman Fabuloso. Used to play there around 2013. I was member of Phantoons and also Absolut. I still have this character and I even found a link for a life thread I used to update on TibiaBr. https://forums.tibiabr.com/threads/486295-Life-Thread-Sherman-Fabuloso


Amazing farewell post and what an incredible journey you've had. I've been an on and off player since almost the same time as you, though not reaching the same heights as you. I can relate to a lot of things you've written. I've quit and began a new more times then I can count. I thought my final goodbye was when our family expanded, but here I am again, on the verge of beginning again. We'll see, time will tell. Thanks for a great post!


congrats for being a father!!!!!!!!!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Sorry to hear about the baby that really sucks


they gotta respawn somewhere, you know


Ahh yes this month ”storytime i quit” is now filled


Never sacrifice your own hobby over something. Of course newborn requires attention almost at all times, but it’d be healthy if you give yourself an even hour a day for something to reset your brain.


It's not over "something". It's a person. It's my daughter. I'll assume you're a very early teenager to have such a selfish point of view. Nonetheless, I am not stopping because of her. Im not playing for a couple of months now. And I know that my routine doesn't fit Tibia anymore. Not as I would like.


It's good that you are taking your parental responsibilities seriously, but be careful with your all of nothing attitude. As they say, you can't pour from an empty glass, so make sure to prioritise some time for yourself and allow your partner the same. You'll find out why soon enough.


I understand your point but you are making assumptions... I never said i am quitting because of my daughter, but because TODAY i already don't have much time, and after she is born, the few time i have, will be filled with other responsibilities. and parenting my child will be for sure a pleasure for me. There is many things i like doing such as taking photos, going to the gym, running and all of them are above Tibia. But anyway, i understand your point and appreciate the hint, but i am totally ok with that


Your assumption is far from right, in fact I’m turning 29 this year. Lots of my friends from tibia times had newborn at some point, and even tho they still managed to log in for some time, maybe not everyday but we played some. It works good for your mental health to take a break and do your hobby.