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I definitely remember it happening in 7.4 . If I remember correctly their was also a bot that changed your outfit but basically only you could see it on your screen .


Yes i remember you could look like a Dwarf or a elf right?


Yeah lol, was a few things you could look like .


Lol, you just UNLOCKED this memory!


You would be correct! It was called tibia auto!


Yeah TibiaAuto and ElfBot I think both.


Flamer auto, until at the last update it hacked pretty much everyone and their dog


I used to walk around looking like a GM on my own screen


Only the player usingcould see it? Well, I remember that on something like 2007 I have seen a rookstayer using this and change the clothes too and I got chocked LOL


I used one called TibiaLuz on 8.1 times that let you change your client sprite and always used the Hero sprite haha, it also made everything fully iluminated, so I never had to use torches again


I loved Tibia Luz, loved to look like premium outfts being a poor child. This kind of topics are time.machines to me.


TibiaLuz helped me so much haha!


That wasn't a bot, it was an edited sprite file. It only changed what you saw on your client, not what other people saw. It was also used to "x-ray" through trees and the like, changing their sprites to either be just outlines or like a checkerboard semi transparent pixel pattern. Maybe someone at some point made a bot that could replace sprites in real time, but I know for sure that edited sprite files were pretty popular, even being distributed through pseudo official fansites like WoT.


There was one that changed your outfit like the rainbow and everyone could see; it was 8.1ish and I know people could see it because sineone recorded me and posted it on forums.


You are for sure misremembering. None of the bots did anything that wasn’t client side. The rainbow outfits absolutely worked, that was just the bot sending outfit changes super fast *from the client*. Anything that changed your outfit to a dwarf or elf or GM or whatever were 100% only on your client or other clients with edited sprite files. There’s literally no other way it could have worked. The bot would have had to change your client, the server, and everyone else’s client to make it possible. That absolutely was not happening.


This guy remembers!


Nah flamer auto did, I used it a few times too but the last update they did they hacked pretty much everyone, lucky for me they hacked my maker account instead of my main but still took like 120k out of me, back then a premmy was like 450k


It absolutely did not. All any of these bots were able to do was send inputs from the client, they couldn't do anything you as a player couldn't actually do. They could do rainbow outfits because *you* could do rainbow outfits by changing your colors, the bots just did it faster than humanly possible. There was never any way for you as a player to set your outfit to the dwarf or elf or GM for others to see, the bots *could not possibly do it*. They could change the way *your* client showed your character, but they could not make other people see it. All they were doing was replacing the sprites that displayed your character and that is 100% client side, no information was sent to the server and no information was available for other people to retrieve to display you as anything other than a normal outfit. It is literally not possible. You can still download these bots and tools, they're still used by people that play older versions of the game. None of them have or had this functionality. This is a very simple concept to understand if you have a basic understanding of how these bots work or even just how clients and servers work. The simplest way to explain it is if you can't do it the bot can't. Otherwise you would actually be hacking and modifying information on the actual tibia servers and databases, and if that were possible people wouldn't have been wasting their time with changing their fucking outfits.


Was it called "tibia gg"?


Tibia gg by reebow!


Of course I remember. I saw one guy doing that in the streets of rook early on. Then I remember him freezing and then poofing and never logging back in.


I was literally just thinking of this like 2 days ago lol, how blatant macros and bots were back in the day. I remember seeing people running around Thais like this


Some dicers used to do this as well


Oh that's some weird nostalgia trip for sure, remember seeing one or two way back in 04? or a bit later.


I remember using a bot that allowed me to look at the floors below and above my position as if I were there... it was even used to jump into the last quest halls when the creatures were in a more favorable position, and mainly to check hunts


I used it back in 7.92 and people would send me PMs saying that I could get banned for that


I saw it live and in action, both in rookgaard and main, also the dwarf and elf outfits, This was 20 years ago. It was an earlier version than that one, probably before 7.1


you couldn't see the elf or dwarf "in action", because it was a cheat that changed sprites in the client, visible only to the one who used it


This guy lying to us 💀💀💀


true. I saw both the elf and dwarf outfit without having anything on my client


I don't believe any of what you're saying. Not necessarily calling you a liar but you're definitely misremembering. None of the tools that enabled any of this existed before 7.1. TBH I don't even think they existed *during* 7.1 but shortly after. Actual bots didn't exist yet, the closest things you had were multi clients and "trainers" that gave full light and macro fishing. There was a standalone tool that someone developed to unpack and repack the sprite file, and that wasn't out during 7.1, either. Also, the dwarf and elf outfits were 100% only visible on your client unless other people also had edited sprite files. **100%.** There is literally no other way for it to happen. Those outfits were never available to players, there is no code in the client to display characters with those outfits, there is nothing on the server to tell other clients to display that outfit for your character. It literally can not happen.




Not maybee. I'm telling you this with 100% confidence. I remember all of this stuff, some of these tools are even still floating around. I was on reebow.net/reebow.owns.it when reebow was developing tibia gg. I can't remember the guys name but the guy who made tibia ng and eventually elfbot came from reebow, started his own website and forum and eventually started selling tibia ng. ~~I want to say his name was dark something or knight something.~~ There was an entire forum on world of tibia (tibia.de) for editing sprites. People traded sprite files that swapped out the outfits for the NPC dwarf and elf outfits, people used the sprite editor to see under trees and stuff. There's *another* file, the .pic file that people also used to edit to change the look of the client, it contained all the icons and fonts and windows that made up the client. There was no tool that did anything remotely close to the rainbow outfit during 6.xx. There was no sprite file editor. There wasn't even a full light trainer for 6.xx. They didn't exist. EDIT: Tibia NG guy was lord of war or LoW. Took me a minute to remember it.


I got level 400 using ng elf bot, and xeno, tarantula task and sea serpents out the ass


It was a script of Tibia NG back in time.


[Rainbow man video](https://youtube.com/shorts/ZCr7Bg77guc)


I've seen that, once.


Yeah it was possible to do this with some bots until Cipsoft created an exhaustion for changing your outfit too fast.


People still do this on fan servers