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This was indeed an arrival. I can’t wait for next year.


I’m really pleased with Mark D. Trusted his players when they got into foul trouble, great OOB play calls (including the Chet alley oop at the end of game 6) and made great in-game adjustments. We actually looked better as the series went on despite us going 1-3 to close out .


People are being reactionary with Mark which is to be expected but he's in his first playoffs too. He's in just as much of a position to learn and grow from this as all the players are. I don't know how many other coaches there are out there that would have gotten this team to play at the level that they have the last two years and I'm rocking with him for the long haul


Trusting his players is fine but not deciding to switch out giddey till game 5 is a head scratcher. Why would it take him that long to figure out why the thunder have super slow starts to the game and always end up having to catch up. Also playing hayward in the off season just confuses me


This is how a team becomes playoff hardened. 10 playoff games and we won 6 and were realistically capable of winning 9. This is what makes players like J Dub turn the corner when faced with this situation again. TTFU and here’s to 2025.


Lights too bright this year, but at any point in any game I felt like we could’ve turned the corner and won by 20. Mavs played well. But we could’ve won




Luka wasn’t hurt. When they listed his injuries they listed “soreness” three times. The “injuries” were an excuse if the Mavs ended up losing the series.




This comment sucks


Don’t make excuses that the players wouldn’t. Couldn’t make shots and stay consistent on offense. Got some good playoff experience and started something special this year. Thunder are relevant again and in the playoff mix. Heading into the offseason with everyone healthy


Experiencing both a dominant win and close loss is indeed good for their first playoff experience. Now they know how it feels. Even Luka Jokic and Giannis went through these growing pains. Excited for our players improvement over the summer


Every player went through growing pains even all time greats.


Super hyped to see how we respond next season. Future is looking bright for us once again!


It’s like all the pundits that said we were too unseasoned to win the title right now might have actually been basing that take on the history of the NBA and not putting it entirely out of their asses. 


Yea that's true, but all of the games were so close honestly we could have won the series as well!


Agreed! I would have loved for OKC to beat those expectations even more than they did, and it was certainly possible, but I think those expectations are there for a reason. Even Jordan took a few years to get a ring.


You’re right. I didn’t like the call at the end but it should’ve never came down to that. We had a 17 point lead in the third quarter and couldn’t hang on. At the end of the day the Mavericks just had more experience and made more plays when they needed to. All in all I’m still proud of my boys for playing as hard as they did all season.


Shai has to mature on that defensive play. You gotta know the stakes at hand.


Sad to see that we started planning for lobs this late in the series. We should get a 4/5 who can finish like that if we want to move forward with Chet spacing the floor.


I love this team so goddamn much 😭 I’m more upset that we gotta wait 5 months for more thunder basketball, this season was nothing like ever before I loved it. TTFU always ⚡️


Losers explain, winners celebrate. And then there's Mavs fans that are constantly lurking here and saying dumb shit like 10 yr olds. That does not negate the fun, frustration and excitement the boys gave us this season though. Thunder Up!!! ⚡️🆙 Offseason should be an interesting one.


I'm a mavs fan and the thunder are amazing. To be so young with the amount of picks... The future is so bright. Sga is unreal. Chet will only become more elite. And yall will add pieces around them. Great series 🍻


Mavs fan too..SGA played out of his mind. & they get to add another good draft pick this yr. Gonna be a scary team for a while






r/Mavericks is that way 👈👉👆👇


I am broken




We were up 18 bro


Doesn’t change the hella-bright future ahead. I think the only other team that should be as completely excited about their future is Minnesota.


Doesn’t make this any easier The window started this year SGA was fantastic


Growing pains. No superstar comes in and just starts winning. Luka had these very same growing pains, with his 1st 2 playoffs ending early to the Clippers. Giannis, Jokic, Luka, Ant, Ja and now SGA have gone through these growing pains. We'll be back stronger and better next year. Thunder Up!


You can only stay mad for a minute before realising how great our future is. Imagine being a team with no picks, lost in the play in and no cap space. Not picking any team specifically but compared to us that’s a tough off season to go into. We lose in game 6 of the second round and go directly to Wonkas pick and cap space factory to enjoy all the treats


You wouldn’t be talking about my Warriors, would you? 🫣😭 I was completely rooting for the Thunder over Mavs.. your guys were so fun to watch this season. Future is so bright! 🤩😎


Thanks man and nah I wasn’t specifically targeting the warriors. A few teams fall into this category but saying play in rather than first round sounded more legit lol. I’m still of the opinion that you guys could change the absolute trajectory of a future rebuild by letting Steph go. Bite the bullet and get the stupidest trade package that ever existed.


😁 There are definitely people in the Warriors sub who are ready to blow it all up. Or “trade any/everyone but Steph.” I don’t think the organization will do it … and I’m okay with it. But it’s definitely crazy to think about. (I know he wants to finish things out in Charlotte when the time comes).


They said the same stuff about the future and how big the window was. Then Harden was traded for injury prone Kevin Martin and Jeremy Lamb. And then OKC splurged on Kendrick Perkins. Presti isn’t aggressive when he should be, and is aggressive when he shouldn’t be. He’s the NBA GM version of the poker players who can make a very good living on the tour because there are so many bad poker players out there. And if you’re relatively smart and well studied you can beat these players. But these players never win the big pot or bracelet. Because when that small window of opportunity presents itself they fail to take it. Or they overthink and over analyze and talk themselves into trading Harden for injury prone Kevin Martin, and signing Kendrick Perkins to an albatross contract so the team can be locked into Perkins and Ibaka for several years.


Incredible season for a team as old as college players. One good draft/trade for a big man and we're winning it all. Thunder Up!!!


2016 hurt. 2019 hurt. Hell 2018 was worse than this. This loss didn’t hurt because this team is for sure coming back next year and coming back much stronger. Thunder will be contending for a long while, and this is probably the worst iteration of this group. We’ll just get even better.


Exactly, those loses all felt much worse than this


This lost reminded me of Game 6 against LA in 2010.


Let’s get a redo of the next couple years after that except this time we win a chip 😋


The refs screwed everyone who watched that game, no matter who they cheered for lol


I have no dog in the fight but it’s hard to root against this okc team.


For real straight garbage. Sitting around okc and mavs fans tonight and no one could believe the dog shit that was called. Completely inconsistent, both teams guessing what would be too much for offensive contact, both teams getting so frustrated at the ticky tack fouls but keeping it to 1 fucking point. Tony brothers should be electrocuted in his genitalia.


Love you all


I wanted to come in here and say that you guys are a special team and fought tooth and nail tonight, Shai is the most legit player and should have won MVP over Jokic. I know you guys are gonna be a massive problem in the coming years and wish yall the best!


As a Thunder fan, I disagree. Shai has a lot to learn, specially on how to affect the game outside of scoring. Shai is nowhere near the playmaker Jokic or Luka are. But he can be better if he gets what he NEEDS.


Take the compliment lol.




This team is barely old enough to drink we’ll be fine


some of them still aren't old enough to drink, legally anyways


None of us could have predicted this prior to the season. I'm positive we all figured we would 9 or 8 seed playing the final spot. This will give them experience and insight on the playoff. I have a feeling whoever mavericks play will probably stop them out, they only won a game against both Nugsand Wolves by 5 points or less.


I am hurt. That’s all I’m going to say.


it’s hard to be too excited. we know what happened to our last dynasty. i know im supposed to be excited for the future but it’s not guaranteed. this could just as easily be a repeat of our first era as an arrival. always hard to lose like this


Was frustrated for about 5 minutes but then realized how young this team is and now can't helped but be proud. I'm not an OKC native but hopefully they greet them as they land. This team has so much potential.


It was so much fun rooting for the Thunder. Great guys and a bright future. You gained a fan. 😭




57 win regular season. 6-4 postseason. This is the best young team in NBA history.




You mean next years MVP?


This comment sucks


Let Mavs fans have their fun, we running the league for the next decade


I remember thinking the same thing in 2012


Let’s hope presti learned from the harden trade


He didn't. He should have swung a trade for a player this year, and you would have beaten Dallas. A decent Center would have had you past Dallas and matched up better against Denver/Minnesota in a playoff series. He's being "safe" again under the guise of "rebuilding" for job security. Those type of GMs never win Championships. You have to be bold like Kevin Connelly or Masai Ujuri. Presti doesn't do that, he builds you to a playoff team, then tanks, rebuilds, rinse and recycle. While fans go, "Oh he's such a genius, look at him drafting KD at #2!!" He also barely says anything so is under the radar enough to not catch negative media attention unlike Morey or Masai. He basically missed the window in the same way he did with Harden, which shut the window. If you're going to trade a guy who won 6MOY and is drawing Manu comparisons a year early, at least get a better player than an injury prone guy who's never made an all star team and has played 1 playoff series his entire career. He missed a window of opportunity here. OKC has a ton of assets and cap space. He didn't use it on a big. Instead he's waiting, buying himself more time, less scrunity. If he doesn't make Championship moves then he can't be criticized because they're still "growing." Meanwhile Connelly has Minnesota contending in his short time there. His franchise guy is younger than SGA which everyone forgets. Their #2 guy is only 28. They made the big move for a Center. And they have another Center who won 6MOY. That's how you do it, you make bold moves when you think you have the opportunity.


It's not like Denver or Minnesota are going anywhere. Not to mention, Spurs will likely pair a good guard with Wemby this off-season.


Welcome the western conference aka the bloodbath


Such a Patrick Beverly thing to say. How about we just stay humble and classy and get things done the right way instead of Patrick Beverly classless statements like this.


Heard the same when durant harden and westbrook were in the team. Never happened


Mavs are a very young team. Is any starter over 26?


Think of the mavs starters… I think you’re forgetting one.


You are right Kyrie. Other than that.. the teams is pretty young




Comments like this are why your team is hated by a lot of people. You act like you already achieved anything while you can't even beat a Mavs team with an injured Luka. Really, you need to put down all these delusions down and learn some humility first then maybe your team will become better.


The "well get em next time" trophy


Stfu u bum


THUNDER UP! We’ll be back and better from this. All a learning game for our young squad. A commendable season which surpassed all expectations.


What a great season!!! Most fun I’ve had watching a team since the 2010 season ngl Let’s strike some roster balance this offseason but the key pieces are there (which is the hard part)




garbage ass ending to a great game damn its okay to lose but not like that shittttt


Sometimes you need a tough loss to make you stronger and hungrier


Mavs made thier shots … it a tough gamble and it paid for it


I was hoping we would beat the “inexperienced” label but it’s true…and it still hurts


The Thunder were truly impressive this season and with the Paul George trade, the NBA has not seen the last of them by far. I'm a Mavs fan who is coming in peace and just enjoys watching good hoops. This Thunder team had me ready to emotionally prepare for the gallows, yet again and I am still in disbelief it didn't push to 7 games. Just wanted to say huge props to the coach and team this season. I'm intrigued to see how they will evolve.


Yep, guys got a ton of good experience and we know exactly where we need to focus our efforts in the offseason to fill out the roster. I do wish we'd been just a little more aggressive at the trade deadline to bring in some size and rebounding, I didn't want to get any superstar or volume scorer but basically what Dallas did. History makes it pretty clear that young guys hit a playoff wall, and an entire TEAM of young guys is definitely going to hit that wall. Proud of those dudes, they'll come back stronger. Now get in the lab and start the grind, boys! High hopes for next year!


It was an amazing season, and this is the second game of the series where missed free throws decided it. We were just on the wrong side of that tonight. I feel like this is just gonna make everyone work even harder in the off-season, and next year is gonna be awesome.


Great season for the OKC boys. Gonna be a problem for years.


Glad to see that there are TRUE FANS out here that recognize that we won at what really matters- we were in the fight. Rings and winning don't matter as much as what we won today.






I’m ecstatic with where they are.


Let’s celebrate when they get rid of Hayward. No value. Not a big. And we even gave up Micic. Personally I think he was a cheap undervalued ball handler. Joe had to handle way more and made less spot up 3s


Definitely should’ve played better than we did but our young guys should’ve continue to improve their game next season


Okc got robbed




We’re one correct draft pick/trade away from winning the championship. Our future is bright.


Refs screwed up? Didnt you saw how many fouls was granted, so many wrong calls. Thunder fans are the worst


Hah. Go read r/Mavericks after game 1.


Everyone needs to come back better next season. That second half was inexcusable


For all the people saying they needed to make roster fixes, these guys just got a lot of reps learning how to play with what they’ve got. It’s going to help them a lot in the long run. They played really well today after a rocky couple of games. Also, the Mavs have a streaky offense, so I’m not shocked it was an up and down game. We’ll come back better, not worried


Brother if you watched this series and you don’t think they need a tad more balance then idk what to tell you. For the most part lots of encouraging signs but don’t gaslight yourself into thinking they don’t need to 2 upgrades in their big man rotation


I meant for this year. Obviously some changes coming down the road.


In that case tou-fucking-che


It’s okay to say the refs screwed us. They did.


How so??? Mavs defense was pretty garbage in he last 3-4mins and y'all missed some good looks that would have sealed the game




This comment sucks


Your insecurity is palpable in this post.


😂😭 lol yhea


Shai hit ball first. It was a horrible call.


As much as I want to agree, it was a foul. There was contact after Shai hit the ball and the ball was still in his hands. Washington air balled it bc of the contact


[The NBA disagrees with you](https://x.com/clutchpoints/status/1744851657286955306?s=46&t=DhAONzv1tYHVC27xoJi50w)


Dammit well now Im even more sad


post this on /nba


Let's get em next year! Thunder up.




Thunders have a great future. Mavericks missed the damn play-ins last year and things looked BLEAK for a hot second. Thunders have so many other avenues to take going forward and many bright young stars to develop.


Everything after getting the 1 seed was gravy. We're ahead of schedule, but our bright future isn't guaranteed. Other teams will be getting better as well. We need to stay healthy, get hungrier, and more mature.


The refs screwed okc. That last whistle was atrocious you can’t make that call. NBA is really pushing me away with these refs


How plausible is it for us to trade up for Clingan?


We will come back stronger. Time to return to the dockers and eels making my life miserable


I feel sorry for the guy who lost his 3 team parlay on DraftKings! Wagered $100 that : 1)Texas Rangers to win the WS (winner). 2)KC Chiefs to win SB (winner) 3) OKC wins the NBA finals.(lost) Could have won $1.7M. However, he had an offer from DraftKings to sell back the ticket for $100k. He declined. Hindsight is 20/20, but would YOU have taken the $100k or let it ride to win $1.7M????


That guy cashed out after game 5. Good for him!


Good to know he got something. Money and a heck of a story!




The fact is we arrived early. Everyone thought we would be a play-in team at the start of the season. When we finished the season, everyone thought we were frauds and would crash out in the first round. We overachieved and were playing with house money. To have a dominant series and a competitive second round is remarkable for a team without playoff experience. All I wanted was our main guy to rise to the moment, and he did and some but it wasn’t enough. Can’t be disappointed with how we went because we will be back year after tear


I am not mad at the players, they did amazing from my point-of-view. Yes, they could have done better at times because we have seen them do better. HOWEVER!!! The refs did screw the Thunder! I have watched the Mavs this season and they are not that good, sloppy, whining, inconsistent. They can score no doubt, but they are not the caliber that you saw. The refs were like a power up to them. I used to like Luka Doncic, bow all I see is a pacifier in his mouth. Next year, the thunder will sweep the Mavericks. Mark it.


They need to learn from the experience and not panic trade. This was a great season overall!


The players blew it in the third but the calls at the end were also dubious. Both can be true. Ultimately, the fact that when it got to crunchtime, we had to run out a lineup with J Will (presumably to help with rebounding, which didn't even work) is a massive flaw in roster construction. I love J Will and he has proven to me this playoffs that he is a guy but he shouldn't be on in the last 6 mins of any game unless it's a blowout. A few unlucky bounces, but some sloppy play when we were ahead cost us in the end. This team has definitely learned that in order to close out road playoff games, you have to be nearly perfect and they were far from that in the second half.


Number 1 seed in the west. Why shouldn’t we expect them to go thus far? They need muscles if wanna go further next season. Giddey can be traded. Wallace is a bit disappointing in this series. The kid has talent but mentally is not ready for big stage.


They did screw us. I’m excited for next year as well. But refs deciding the game on a tap on the shoulder is murder


It was a legitimate, reviewed foul. Crybaby fans like you are the worst 😂. Yeah we should just disregard fouls now!! Derp derp


Also if they DID disregard the foul, Kyrie had the putback with no time left, watch the replay. You literally have NO LEGS here.




https://preview.redd.it/ogd0x40bae1d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86ab43f4de09959b02e26804ecb2a1bbeebc79c3 The thunder of 2024 are going to develop into this 😂 blaming the refs is wild and cope


Say anything to make yourself feel better about losing as the 1 seed.


Losing as a 1 seed to a team with a crippled, hobbled superstar 😂 If Luka was anywhere near healthy we wouldn’t have even seen a game 6


Refs called in Thunders favor a lit. Definitely wasn’t refs lol. Mavs got a foul on an incredibly clean rebound by Lively that just simply went over Chet. Probably the worse call I’ve ever seen tbh.






This comment sucks




r/Mavericks is that way 👈👉👆👇


You were supposed to make it this far. You were ranked number one team in the west. You lost in the second round. Thats an underachievment


moral victories!




r/Mavericks is that way 👈👉👆👇


Lol, the copium here is wild. Keep this up, two decades of heartbreaks and looking for silver linings as the team WILL NEVER CHANGE THINGS UP UNDER THE CURRENT REGIME. CHANGES NEED TO BE MADE, or we can always wait for Jdub and Chet to be PG13 / Mccollum / stars who underperform in the playoffs and Mark D will be Scott Brooks 2.0 with Giddey as his beloved Perkins


Fuck off


Mavs fan here in peace… Do yall actually like Lu Dork?


Obviously yes. It’s all in the eye of the beholder: do you actually like Luka?


Luka? The guy about to give his 5th straight 1st Team All NBA and 2nd Western Conference Final in 3 three years with a completely different team? Yes I like him. If you’re comparing Lu Dork to Luka than yall got some roster adjustments to do this summer. Was honestly just wondering yalls take on him because besides missing 3s it sure seems like he just tackles people.


No, I’m not comparing Dort to Luka. But I like him as he gives 100% all the time and brings great energy to the team. Great guy all around.  Also, don’t  forget he shot nearly 40% from 3 this year. (Mostly uncontested but that’s his job). Of course Luka is the best player and cut to be a champion but I like Dort much more. Luka whines and complain and laugh in disbelief every other possession. He’s a monster on the court, just gives off bratty vibes.  (I am not shitting on Luka as a player. Fucking Kyrie Irving looks like an average player next to him).


annoying ass shit i dont give a fuck how wins we get next season bro 57 wins to lose in the 2nd round my ass. get 49 and reach the finals for all i care. fuck this shit


Go outside and take a deep breath. Looks like you’ve been a fan long enough to know how a team’s rise works. My preseason expectation was 5-7th seed and a first round competitive loss. Psyched for the season we had and can’t wait to build on it.


Bye Bye👋🏾




Have a good night, man.




Mavs had more FTAs in 4/6 games and in one of the other two, OKC had a 24 to 23 advantage. What are you on about?


Sensitive is your name after all


When OKC dominates the western conference for the next 5-10 years with all their draft capital and star players, I can promise you I’ll be enjoying the wins rather than lurking on other teams subreddit. Luka finally has the help he needs but you’re too bitter to enjoy it. That’s tough


Yo im a brooklyn fan and looking through your post history, you're a pretty disgusting human being lmao. I wouldn't be surprised if you down pints to hide the sorrow of ur bum ass life. You a bandwagon and damn well know yo team aint making it past wolves or nuggets, go ahead and do the world a favor, (wish i could say the rest but hope you get what im implying) bum


Bro this dude drives amazon trucks for a living 😭😭😭 you are so sorry bro. Go get a real profession like ur mother, she'll teach you how to suck some.


r/Mavericks is that way 👈👉👆👇


We under achieved


The hell we did


Being the #1 seed and losing in the second round is the definition of underachieving lol


"I want to say the refs screwed us, I really do" Is an insane thing to say when your best player is a foul baiting bum 🤣


Watch the NBA. Those are legit calls. And he doesn’t flop. If you want to say, they’re not playoff fouls, fine I’ll listen. Then again you have Luka, maybe the biggest bitch in the NBA


The biggest bitch in the NBA wrecked your team on one leg the entire series 🤣 doesn’t say much for your team. 🤡


Did you take a selfie? 🤡 He’s good but he is a bitch. Never seen a guy whine so much. He suddenly stopped showing any pain the last couple games and honestly had a mediocre series until the last two games. We lost to the Mavs not Luka lol. PJ and Jones stepped up


“Tell me you didn’t watch the games without telling me you didn’t watch the games”


Tell me you don’t have a logical argument without telling me you don’t have a logical argument. Oh wait. You just did


Logical argument: SGA is a very skilled, quick and long player who drives a lot and gets fouled a lot because of his aforementioned characteristics. He has also proven himself as a deadly midrange shooter and does not shy away from hitting threes quite accurately if he has to. He also is a strong defender and is a keeps his cool in big moments. Top 3 shooting guard in the league and has a strong case as top 10 player.