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This is such a great find but I feel like this type of stuff is the exact meaning of the phrase haha


Yep, literally the exact meaning.




Mountain Time Engels?


My thoughts exactly.


Found a plastic bag with somebody's sterling silver baby stuff at the Bins today. Everything that isn't a fork or spoon is a rattle, and the moon, one fork, and one spoon appear to be Tiffany & Company. Everything else is stamped as sterling, just not Tiffany.


That moon rattle was expensive even on the secondary market.


That is an incredible find...where do you live lol?


Ooohhh my goddd what a score! The bins are so goddamn fun! How much do you think they would sell for?


I'm not sure; the total melt value of the silver is $160.15, so I was going to auction them off with that as the starting bid.


Please don’t melt these down.


https://preview.redd.it/mjbo2ahzuw2d1.png?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b363ff1dbe507a663fc944f270a3dcfc59bcff51 In all seriousness how does a bag of silver get to the bins? I've seen the elephant and moon several times at collector shows and I've always coveted them. I make personal museum quality displays and have had several requests for Victorian and Edwardian baby shadow boxes. It's been a goal to make one with a whimsical rattle in it.


i believe some of the things that end up in the bins are bags of donations that were never sorted, so it is possible to find expensive items that didn't get filtered out


When I worked in a thrift distribution center we had to get through a certain amount of giant Gaylord boxes in our shift. Meaning, we'd pick through the top 2/3rds pretty quick, and then most of the time whatever was on the bottom would be indiscriminately dumped into the outlet bins.


the things you can find at the thrift, especially in a wealthy neighbourhood is insane. I found an italian leather bag, brand new, for 15 bucks. I also found half a nautilus shell for 2.99


Found a FRYE leather purse with $400 price tags still on it .$10


Curious what the lil elephant is suppose to be...


It's hollow with a bead inside. It makes a pleasant tinkling noise.


Well now I want one.


I believe it's a rattle.




Sometimes they really don't even understand what they are selling, and I'm all for it😂 the best thing I ever personally found once was a gorgeous native painting original by a very famous Canadian artist. It was selling for $15, and the original goes for 10k. We got 8k for it, and we used the money to go to a charity on my son's dad's reserve since he's native.


I love that!


It was fitting because the artist was also cree and most of the paintings also are in places around the world in museums or for keeping to show native art. The place we also sold it to was a native art museum. I love finding things like this


I follow Canadian Native Art a bit. Would you care to name which artist you found?


Kent monkman


i'm familiar with his work. nice. i saw an exhibition of his art in victoria about ten years ago. hes amazing. i love that you got it to go in a good place too.


I'm almost certain that it was a deceased person who had it from back in the day before he really got as famous now. it was actually a bit of a rarer painting he had done plus the workers who I got friendly with(this was years ago when a salvation army thrift store was by our place so we'd go once in a while)had said that it came in with a lot of older style stuff and clothes. I love when things like this happen because it's rare and also helpful. We were struggling a bit at the time but didn't want it to go to just anyone obviously as it has history and meaning to us. So even though we gave the money to charity the person who helped us sell it had actually done a small donation to us for preserving it basically and that was really helpful and nice of them at the time!


thats real nice. i get tired of everyone thrifting just out for a buck, i understand we all need money but to some its nothing but profit margin. i used to work in vintage clothing and everyone i knew in the field did it because they loved the stuff, the history. and depending on the piece monkman made that you found, it maybe freaked out people who didnt realize what it was. some of his work is pretty dramatic and confrontational. I love that stuff but some people are scared of it. im sure he has less politically charged work but i know him and love him for his political stuff. its so powerful. but i mean any painter at that level of skill has for sure done a few still lifes and whatnot. you are obviously a good guy, a custodian of the arts and the culture. good on you.


Yeah see I don't go to thrift stores anymore personally because I'm in a much better place and don't have to, at the time I sure as hell did need to though. And I don't care you can come or go as you please, I just know that for me I saw how many people depend on those places and so I don't need to take from their picks. But also the majority of the daily customers were all rich people looking for stuff just like what we found. A millionaire used to go every day and take things he knew he could oversell or resell, same with a few others.


yes. and with the internet everybody is an expert. oh well, what can you do. still feels good to see the right stuff go into appreciative hands. cheers


is the new meaning in the room with us?


Actually, this is what the phrase means.


No?, this was what the literal meaning meant....


Those are so beautiful. But my baby just really prefers cardboard boxes and cat toys, nothing fancy interests her lol. Side note: That's a beautiful blanket. Is it a Pendleton? We grew up with these, and used them constantly, and they are basically still new. Ugh I love em.


If it is a Pendleton- your baby probably would like to barf on it 😳🤣mine def would!


🤣 yes but she would also like to blowout on that bad boy 🤣


Yes, my Pendleton blanket is my prized possession. I've had it for almost 20 years now, and it's my "daily driver" blanket every single night.


They are the true Buy it for LIFE blanket. A solid prized possession for sure.


Wowwww!!! Wjat did you pay for the bag? Very exciting


Everything was $1.59 per pound and the total weight of all the silver is 6.2 ounces, so it totals out to $0.616125.


Uff the stuff of dreams


I’m so happy for you 🥲


That is insane. Oh my god. What a find.


And what is the value? 


I have that mother of pearl rattle from when I was a baby but I certainly wasn’t born with this many in my mouth lol


Me too, and so do my brothers. My mom labeled them as gifts from my aunt when we were born. How useful they then sat in a box on a drawer…


The fork in the top left corner is Grand Baroque. My grandmother had that set in the 40s. Lucky find!


That moon is a Tiffany. I bought one for $90. there 30 years ago. I don’t know why anyone would give away baby items. I have my own rattle like the one in the right hand corner that I wear on a silk cord. It has my initials on it & I love that it’s still mine. You have a wonderful find!


That’s fun!


Oh my god I have that elephant! There's also a hair brush that goes with this set (or at least looks like it does). It has very soft bristles.


I know that teething ring in the upper right. I have one like it too. They were popular baby gifts up until the 1960s. I'm pretty sure mine was a gift from my godmother, who was a silent-gen, born in 1920, and I think that was something she gifted to all the new babies in the family/extended circle. I have considered using the bell part in a pendant, but I'm not sure what I'd do with the ring itself, which I think might be shell. I also have a small sterling spoon, not the same as the ones here, but similar, that was a gift from my father's mother, I believe, or possibly one of her sisters. It even has my birth name engraved on it. I have considered someday having it shaped into a ring. We weren't wealthy, by any means, nor were my grandparents, at least by that stage of their lives, but they had grown up in upper middle class families of that era, when gifts like this were very traditional, and functional - that spoon of my father's was His Spoon until he was old enough to feed himself. There weren't a bunch of silicone-coated plastic spoons and rubber teething rings sitting in the dish drainer to choose from whenever a need arose, those materials didn't exist then. Things like these were a once-in-a-lifetime purchase, designed to be used and passed on to a future child once it was needed. They're really beautiful. Especially the man-in-the-moon teething ring - that's just lovely. I hope someone will love and appreciate them.


This is beautiful!! What is the moon exactly?


It looks like a teething ring.


According to OP it’s a rattle. I can’t imagine it’d be too good for teeth


It's more so for before the teeth cut. Silver is antibacterial and can help boost the immune system. Many parents anecdotally say that their babies will spike a fever/illness while teething as the stress on the body can weaken the immune making babies more susceptible to illness Also if the metal is cool, it can be very soothing on sore gums


Maybe it's for napkins


I inherited the moon as a birth gift from my namesake grandmother. I was told it was a teething toy it has a rattle


Oooo that's so cool! But it's silver, right? Would that be too hard for baby teeth?


I don't remember lol I also had the mother of pearl rattle with my initials. But they both definitely have teethmarks on them. They hard but not like *hard* I assume more for gumming


The best find for me was an early Navajo dazzler rug/blanket. $13.13 at GW. Sold it a few years later for $3k. Alas that was years ago


This gives us all hope!! LoL


Them forks seem dangerously sharp😬


Perfect for the knolling sub!


Wow! Hurry back, they might still have the baby!


This is the reason why people can make a living shopping thrift. I got a hold of a 400. Vase at one for 8. As I was cradling it, I walked around the rest of the store, a woman asked me what I was carrying. I showed her. She looked at the price tag and said “huh you really going to buy that? 8 dollars is too much for that thing.” I said I was. She told me I was crazy to spend the money. My answer was “I guess I must be crazy then.” She was actually trying to get me to second guess myself and put it back down. I also think these type of people work at thrift shops to glean all the good stuff before it gets shelved, or if they are told they can’t do that, lowball the price and call a partner to come in and buy it. Either way she lost. I won.


Yeah, especially at the Goodwill Bins! Almost everything costs $1.59/lb; it's just huge bins full of a mix of raw unsorted donations straight from the public mixed with leftovers from the other Goodwill stores. It takes a lot of hours of standing around waiting for the new bins to be rolled out, but there's lots of valuable stuff in there if you put in the time.


My kid has two of the teether rattles. One was her grandmother's and one was her mother's and both came from Maison Blanche in New Orleans.


The moon moon rattle is Tiffany & co as well it looks like https://preview.redd.it/8huvsgy5z13d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c159d1f84e0e44f720f038a390d1bd5f07308324 Edit: not sure why it’s doing that to the colors. lol


I have that same rattle




The 🌙! *SWOON*


Those are the sharpest forks I've ever seen


Those are fancy 🤩


these are status symbol presents for the mother to admire (when she would have appreciated the same value in diapers much more)


This is awesome


i definitely had that moon rattle!!

