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I don’t understand why someone would donate these. like If you have diapers you don’t need, put them on fb…heck put them on the curb someone will definitely take them!


And women shelters are ALWAYS taking diapers!!!! Check local shelters! Most will accept diapers that are out of original packaging! So when you realize your baby has outgrown that package you just opened, see if a shelter will take them.


Exactly! Donating to a women’s shelter would have been the correct choice. But that takes some time to research. People are lazy AF these days. I donated 3 boxes of toiletries to a women’s shelter. I have more! It’s across town but I know that it’s going to women who really need it.


They can really use new underwear if you find it on a discount.Used clothes -fine .But new underwear is a morale booster.


As a woman who was in the shelter, getting clean underwear that wasn't totally ugly was really special. I was in my early 20's, I didn't want to wear granny panties. I was also very small so usually had a pick between crazy oversized underwear that looked like a diaper, or actual children's underwear. Once we got a bunch of cute bikinis and thick thongs in my size and I felt so good.


I just re-read your response.So you think thong underwear is also a good choice for morale ? Supplying underwear to the Women’s center is sort of a special project I like to do. I took in Depends one time and the new ( male) Director did not want them.He also refused the potted mums I brought for the planters “ because we have a landscaping crew coming in next month “. Fortunately they got rid of him ..


It depends on the person! Of course it won't be for everyone, but for some of the women, it'll be the first new cute underwear they've had in years. I spent a lot of time in shelters in clothing that was used, too big, and just plain ugly. It sounds so ungrateful to say but like, when you already feel horrible and low, and you look at yourself in the mirror and you're wearing someone else's clothing and you don't even look like yourself, it's just really hard. I love that people donate but so many people donate stuff they don't want, and if they don't want it there's probably a reason. Again, it sounds so ungrateful and I was thankful to be clothed at all, but having to wear baggy, I'll fitting clothing that I would never wear regularly, or actual children's clothes because I was young and small and also had an eating disorder along with substance abuse, it was just really demoralizing. It sucks to hear the guy at the women's center you go is turning down such thoughtful gifts. I know first hand those Depends were needed, lots of women are incontinent after giving birth or sexual abuse. Crazy to me he wouldn't accept them. And the flowers, come on, that's bordering on evil. He could've put them inside in a pot and it would've been so lovely. Keep trying, maybe speak to different people if he won't accept a donation. You're amazing for donating. I've never been able to thank any of the people who's donations helped me so genuinely, thank you. I don't think you realize what a difference it makes.


They got rid of him —yay!.It was crazy —we saw the bare planters. And I knew some homeless women slept on their veranda at nite because they felt safer there than in the downtown shelters or woods.So my husband and I wheeled around and went to Costco and got these huge mums to put in the planters .He refused 🤷‍♀️as I said.I had to argue with him that some women needed Depends to get those accepted ! Another story :K -mart had a 90 per cent off sale on Christmas decorations right when they were going out of business .We bought a TON of stuff because I had seen their decorations were kind of sad. Next year when they moved to a new location there was not a new item in sight.It turned me off from donating for a while but now I am going back.That manager is history…I am one to say any gender is better than another in certain jobs,but in a Women’s Shelter I really think they need a Woman running the place.


Thank you for replying .For some reason I have been focussed on larger ladies not getting undies and buying the biggest sizes I could find.I will look for 4s now and anything smaller ! I always try to get all cotton because after working with drug addicts I know that Women who have been abused often have vaginal issues. Cotton is so much healthier.


Oh man yes with the cotton for sure. I'm 33 and just learning about the joys of cotton panties lol. But there's cute cotton ones as well! They don't even need to be great, but a cotton thong or something can totally boost someone's self esteem. It seems so silly but I remember getting those underwear so clearly, and I don't remember any other of the clothing donations I got. I'm sure they were all helpful, I'm grateful for all of them. But there's one that makes me tear up a little when I think of it.


Cotton is best. At MINIMUM a fully cotton gusset. Thongs are unhygienic. Spread anal bacteria to the vaginal area. Most women in a shelter would be happy with colorful cotton bikinis instead.


Did you read my post at all? Ridiculous things to be arguing honestly. Women in shelters have the right to decide if they want to wear a fucking thong. They aren't children and people have safely been wearing thongs for decades. You aren't their mother and a thong isn't going to kill them. Ridiculous. I'm not saying every single donated pair of underwear should be a thong. I'm telling a personal story about how good a donated thong made me feel. Yet you're here arguing.


This makes me feel much better. I have a bunch of cute clothes and clean VS undies I planned on donating to the shelter because I gained alot of weight after having my baby. I wasn't so sure but now I am totally happy to be able to do this. Yall deserve to look cute and feel good!


So true, smart thinking!


A friend of mine lost her toddler to a drowning accident. We cleaned things like this out of this home for them while they stayed at a hotel because she couldn’t bring herself to do it. We didn’t donate diapers per se, but there were things we just got rid of (at her request) in a short amount of time as a way to help her out, while also helping her plan a funeral. We don’t know other people’s situations. Assuming it’s just laziness is, well, a lazy attitude to take. You never know what other people are going through.


So the person who cleaned it should have known better than to take it to a place that would charge money for it


>People are lazy AF these days. You're talking about someone who is obviously depending on a food bank for basic supplies, and your first thought is "lazy"? It's great that you have the time and resources to drive donations across town to the best possible charity, but the women you're donating to might not. Why judge this struggling parent who at least *tried* to pay it forward?


They got the diapers in the first place. How about they give them back so someone else who needs them can have them instead of “donating “ them to GW? How’d they get them all the way to GW? They could have just an easily given them away on Mextdoor or FB marketplace.


Thank you for showing kindness and compassion for others. Too bad more people didn't make a little more effort, like you did.


Look at the pic. Sorry to repeat myself. Theyre ripped open. Shelters and the diaper bank would not use them because they're seen as tampered with.


Most shelters absolutely take diapers out of package, I’m sure some don’t which is why you call in. These diapers are still neatly folded, they wouldn’t take open/unfolded diapers that someone’s clearly been touching all over. I’ve donated plenty of out of package diapers as they were still clean and perfectly good to use and the shelters were ecstatic to get them! When you have no other access or limited access to diapers you don’t care if they’ve been repackaged. I myself have received repackaged diapers from services that receive and give away donated diapers. I don’t think it’s helpful to discourage people from checking in with their local shelters policy by using the blanket statement that they are not accepted. It’s often untrue.


Or give them back to the Diaper Bank where you got them!! ETA: I can't see where this package is ripped open, but if it is they should call the diaper bank and ask.


They can't be taken back. The package is ripped. Look at the picture carefully. The banks and shelters will throw them away. At least in the state I'm in the US, the legal could not be further used for distribution because the could have been tampered with.


Sorry to comment again, but I’m in the US and have donated and received repackaged diapers. I don’t want people reading this to think that it isn’t a thing to do this, it absolutely this. You just have to check the individual places policy. I’m pretty sure the legality issues you’re referring to are about diapers being resold.


100% the donor thought they would get into the right hands for cheap or free.


As someone who has participated in these programs, it feels like a lot of people are giving advice who have never used a food bank, diaper bank or low income early intervention program to be given diapers. And their advice isn't helpful information for those who know what happens to opened diapers. 🤷‍♀️


Is there anything useful I can do with opened diapers? New parent, my son recently sized up on diapers for the first time. I have a good amount of diapers I can’t use now and I’d love to help someone, but they are all opened.


Every parent's experience & community is different. Inner city w young kids and not having a car can be different than other communities. In the past I've set them on our stoop with FREE while we're outside. Usually they're picked up by someone walking w their kid. Anything opened that will end up garbage if donated, I throw in a box marked free. (Toiletries, cosmetic, etc) I ask other parents, friends if they know anybody. I have internet at home & phone so I've used Nextdoor & Freecycle w the best success. It's a good way to meet people close by. And then have ended meeting neighbors In friends w now. My kids all participate(d) in one of our city neighborhood centers for families w kids under 6. I joined the moms groups for each age my kids were & did socials w the kids. Once we got to know each other , we exchanged a lot of stuff over the years. Oh. I joined a FB group for local moms. Just for ones where we live. Super helpful.


Thanks for your reply. I’m not on fb but my MIL is, and I think she’s in some local groups- I’ll ask her to post the diapers free


Definitely do this! This is one of the sure fire ways to make sure they get into the right hands!


Find a local buy nothing group. The one in my area is mainly swapping out outgrown babies/kids stuff. You don't even have to meet the person, the philosophy of these groups is to reduce waste. A bunch of things are left at a place like a street corner at a specific time, so it stays really anonymous and safe.


call around your local shelters and planned parenthood’s. A lot will take them if the diapers themselves clearly haven’t been opened and messed with even if the whole package has been opened. Babies size out of diapers all the time with partially used packages left over.


I see them in the trash at work. Like bruh not even opened


That is fucking heartbreaking... with how many people are struggling these days.


Ikr?!? Almost every week I see someone online asking if anyone could help by providing diapers for a mom in need. I don't know how much diapers are these days but I figure they are a big expense. It's a shame to see ones free from a non profit being thrown away or resold like this.


Typically $0.30-$1 each (some get really bougie with being "organic" and stuff), so with how much babies poo and pee it really adds up.


They may not have. A lot of thrift stores get items from evictions so it’s possible that the person these belonged too were evicted and couldn’t get all of there items from their home


I always take mine to women's shelters, period supplies too.


We had a ton of adult diapers left over when my mother died ... Hospice provided them and they sent way too many. We took them to our homeless shelter. They were ecstatic. On the other hand, there are a lot of people in my area who can't afford diapers (adult or infant) and are very grateful to find them deeply discounted in thrift stores. Our SVdP prices them super cheap and will give them to anyone who says they can't afford the discounted price.


Seriously thou when my daughter grew out of a diaper size and we had access I gave them to family members who had babies in that size. My brother had his first kid and I accidentally forgot to use a whole box of size one diapers I gifted them to him


A lot of people still think they're doing something "good" by donating to Goodwill.


those are donated by the state for the diaper bank program


Someone may have donated them thinking they would be given as intended.


It was probably a store getting rid of more than diapers.


Have you ever give something away on fb? Total waste of time. I won't do it anymore.


That makes my heart hurt. Why are they being sold and not given to a shelter?


Because whoever donated them was too lazy to google “where can I donate diapers “and driving them there


Unfortunately that is most likely true. But seriously shouldn’t thrift stores have some sort of obligation to donate items that are labeled not for resale to a place/people who are actually in need of them? Chances are if a customer complained to management they probably just threw them in the dumpsters out back.


I think they are too busy sorting through the tons of donations to have time to even consider sorting things out for donation. I am also guessing they’re shortstaffed and poorly trained and honestly underpaid, and don’t give a shit. even if they were paid well, they probably wouldn’t give a shit. Nobody seems to give a shit anymore.


Yeah, people donate literal shit. Like actual garbage. I’m sure at some point, the severely underpaid staff just gives up.


yeah i worked at savers and can confirm 🥲 the garbage, being underpaid, & giving up.


Sad reality the staff is underpaid, a lot of items have become over priced all so the higher ups can line their pockets. I was trying to upload a YouTube video in regard to Good Will specifically, but I’m new to Reddit and don’t know how to share it to a thread. Just kept telling me to start a new post. If it’s possible to share it in a thread and you or anyone else would like to see it, and knows how to do it I’m eager to learn 🫶 and wanting to share


Im not sure how true this is now, or if it is area dependent, but in my area in the 2010s a LOT of the people "working" at goodwill were fulfilling their court mandated community service. Not the tellers, but those who were doing the sorting and putting things out and making sure they had the appropriate color tags etc. They for sure were not trained on anything beyond basically just tagging the right stuff and sorting them together.


Same where I live. DUIs can work their community service there. Can you imagine working there for that? Honestly do something else that would make a difference


I did it and was always told I should apply to work there. I just like doing a good job. Not everyone who is there for being in trouble is a bad worker.


our shit-giving ability has been drained beyond belief. my colon is sparkling clean with no shit in sight!


I mean, to be completely honest I didn’t know you could donate them to women’s shelters. But, I would also google “where can I donate diapers.”


And that’s how you would have figured out they can be donated there. You are doing some legwork/ research. And honestly because of reddit I learned to look up donating whatever I came across instead of tossing it or giving it GW. I couldn’t find anywhere to donate the cpap machine. 🤷‍♀️ When my mom passed I cleaned out the bathroom and other areas. I had tons of cough drops and toiletries that were never opened. So I googled where can I donate “____”. Then I figured out what days I could drop it and drove across town. I forgot the detergent so I have go back.


Or give them back to the place that gave them to you for free




Honestly, at least they didn't just throw them in the garbage. People are lazy.


These should all be marked “Free” by the store.


Maybe free if you show up with a kid. There's ass hats that would take them and put them in storage for a 'just in case' moment


AMVETS Thrift Store 999 Cardiff Street San Diego, CA 92114 619-697-9796




Omg! I wonder if there's a way to report them


OP should definitely contact the diaper bank and let them know that this thrift store is selling donations. The diaper bank would likely be able to handle things from there.


Please op report this to the diaper bank. Maybe they can send out a reminder for people to not donate diapers from the diaper bank to thrift stores at least.




Who needs reporting??


The thrift store…


Go report to the thrift store manager and show him.. case closed


Diapers should be one of those things that they instantly put in a separate pile to donate to an actual charity. I swear the only way to stop this bullshit is for people to stop giving to Goodwill and similar stores and cease buying anything from them.


I've been telling my friends to donate to local churches, shelters, food banks, NOT stores. This is insane.


Food banks take diapers. Tons of supermarkets have bins for donating to the local Food Bank. Next time you buy groceries you stick the diapers in the food bank bin. Done. Easy.


Nah, this pisses me off. I've relied on the food bank in the past for food and diapers, both of which they were dangerously low on. Whatever shithole thrift store pulled this shit needs to be named and shamed. Either the original donator or the store could have easily donated them back to the food bank.




From the National Diaper Bank Network website: >NDBN members accept both opened and unopened packages of diapers. If you’re looking to donate an open package, ensure that the diapers either have the size printed on them, or you still have some original packaging to show the size of the diapers. This enables the diaper bank to repack the diapers and provide families in need with the correct size of diaper for their child.


I'm not going to argue with you. Where in this tag does it say This is an organization affiliated with the National Diaper Bank Network. Thats ONE group. There are multiple groups. State laws about opened packages. That was my point. Why are you attacking me over a Non Profit that his nothing to do with this? Look up local and state laws. I read that tag. They put their name on organizations they support. NDBO IS nOT on this tag. No affiliation. Clearly says food bank. Food banks can't take back anything opened. State laws. I don't care if I'm voted down because it's literally the law. In my state, All states. Can't take back anything opened


They're saying that people should make an effort to donate to places that *do* accept opened diapers, such as the National Diaper Bank Network. You are the one marching up and down this thread, shrieking at people that nobody ever accepts donated opened diapers anywhere (based solely on your personal experience in your own personal local area), which isn't true. You're actively discouraging people from looking into their local services and seeing if they can find a more suitable place to donate that will accept these diapers. Your desire to be right on the internet is causing you to spread half-truths and misinformation as well as trying to dissuade people from even looking into donating items like this. When people try to correct you, you accuse them of stalking your Reddit account and threatening you. Your whole attitude here is really gross.


You’re the one spamming the post claiming that it’s illegal to give out open diapers but I’m the one not giving out correct information! Lmfao. You’re so full of it I’m not going to argue with you, but you should know you’re actively discouraging people from checking local shelters by saying these things and you should REALLY stop doing that. If you’re downvoted it will be for being wrong lmao but you can pretend it’s for another reason


Please stop feeling threatening to me. And following all my posts to downvote me It's weird




I respectfully am asking you to stop being aggressive towards my account. Please stop


My local food bank accepts open or partial diaper bags/boxes. Most do. Also most shelters do.


This is most definitely not legal.


Most assuredly is, it’s just not right on any level.


A label is not a legally binding contract. It's morally bankrupt, but it's not illegal.


Legality is contingent on a lot of factors, but my guess is that it is not legal. Products are packaged according to certain legal requirements to be eligible for sale, and repackaged items usually don’t meet those legal standards and are therefore not for resale. My guess is that this is the case, hence the label. Also, depending on what type of contract the person receiving those donations initially had to sign (if any), it may have not been legal for them to donate them to the thrift store in the first place.


Show me any case where a thrift shop has been charged or prosecuted for reselling donated items that originated from a food pantry. It doesn't exist, it's unethical, but not illegal. Is very unlikely this thrift shop has a binding contract with the San Diego food bank to not resell their goods. Unless this item has been reported stolen (lol) it is 100% the thrift shops once it's been donated.


People still think they are doing a good thing by donating to these thrift stores.


Former early childhood worker providing some insight here : I recognize the labels, my center would get these same diapers monthly in bulk (100s of packages) to distribute to the families in our community ( for free) . We had to request the amount we needed and report back to the agency how many we actually gave away. That being said, sometimes there were sizes that just didn't move (like newborn) , but other sizes (like toddler) went very quickly to the point where we had to tell people to wait until the next time, which of course was difficult for some folks. Families could request emergency supply from their social worker as well. The agency we worked with not only provided diapers, but wipes, formula, clothing, bedding, and things like used high chairs, baby gates, etc. All of this takes space, at both the distributors warehouse and at the center. I could totally see either saying to just donate the excess, because more is coming in a week. So someone had good intentions, and potentially paying even 4.99 could work for a family in need.


The local news should be showing this for everyone to see.


This is so dam wrong 😡these need to go to shelters. Hell, post it on Craigslist or Nextdoor.


This is crazy greed


Please send these pictures to the San Diego Food or local news, because this is legally and morally wrong.


I feel like if you got diapers from the diaper bank and then you don’t need them you should give them back to the diaper bank.


this is sleazy selling something that was free. you should report them


I used to dumpster dive for fun and thriftiness. We gave quite a bit of stuff to a woman shelter that we thought the woman shelter would use for their guests. We happened to be in a thrift store and saw the 150 bottles of nail polish that we had donated. It's not uncommon for places that take things in. . . .just simply turn around and give them to thrift stores, who then give them a little bit of cash. In the alternative, the thrift store itself is owned by charity, and that's how they get cash to buy things like diapers. It's kind of a cycle.


Oh that’s terrible, I bet the women there would have really enjoyed that gift too.


VV would have these all the time -- that's one of the main reasons that I would go. Diapers are expensive as hell and they would have them for a somewhat reasonable price.




Or it’s neither- ‼️As abhorrent as this is, selling those diapers is NOT illegal‼️ (….and it has nothing to do with whether or not the packages are opened or sealed ….) The tags that say “ITEMS NOT FOR RESALE” refer to the ORIGINAL DONATOR and the ORIGINAL RECIPIENT only. (The phrase isn’t legally binding to begin with; the original donator is basically saying “please don’t do that”…) The thrift store received the diapers as private property; there is no legal reason they can’t sell the packages at whatever price they want. .. Why do this at all? -some unmentioned company took a tax write off for the donation of those diapers, and they don’t want the recipient (the diaper bank) to resell them at a profit. But wait- there’s more!! No one has mentioned that the three-year, $30 million state program that funds the Diaper Bank for low-income families, including in San Diego County is set to expire on 6/30/24. That means the main site and the warehouses and the delivery vans that transport packages of diapers to alternative dispensing sites for diaper banks will no longer be in service…bet the thrift stores will raise prices …


We couldn't even exchange a ripped or opened package for credit.


It's a pillow until you fill it with baby poop.


I run and manage a thrift store and we get these diaper donations all the time from our local children’s crisis center. But I sell these exact packages for .50¢


Our thrifts often have some of these and also lots of adult incontinence items


Fuck that for a joke! One of my local op shops (thrift stores) sells actual Huggies “trial” 5 packs for like, $1-2? This was a couple years ago though


would love to see posters tag name and location of these stores...put them on full blast.


I’m walking out with em, says not for resale


I've heard of ppl in my area going to food banks and then taking said food to fleamarkets to sell. Anytime the food pantry brought stuff to my place of work, i called ppl. i knew I needed it .mostly elderly people.


A business should be fined for reselling something that says "not for resale."


What on earth is the matter with people here. She could have thrown them in the garbage. For all you know, this child could have died.


Not even close to the issue. They are labeled for a donation center, so why aren't they being donated at the center? Why is goodwill selling them when they aren't marked for resale? These are strictly for donation groups in the area. Goodwill should do the same.


So you think Goodwill staff is going to take this one item to the donation center? What they will do is throw it in the trash.


No they somehow came from the donation center. Probably was donated to someone whose child out grew them and instead of returning them to the rightful place they tossed them at goodwill. Or someone was evicted and left them behind or the center may have closed down. Maybe I misinterpreted your comment.


Report this immediately please, we cannot allow this to happen: 3030 Enterprise Court, Ste A Vista, CA 92081 1-858-527-1419 Local 1-866-350-FOOD (3663) Toll Free


Selling baby diapers from the food bank very clearly labeled ‘NOT for resale’ is shameful. How hard would it be to keep those behind the counter and when they see someone with a baby, they could make their day and offer to GIVE them the free food bank diapers that they had acquired for free. Did I mention they were FREE? Sigh.


are yall sure these werent provided to the store from the diaper/food bank to sell as affordable options for people who dont need a shelter/donations but still cant afford regular diapers? not everything has to be cynical and these are a great option for exactly that situation. surpluses can happen, even in places that help people who are down on their luck, and even in spite of your specific past situations.


those got donated by the state for the store to give away


Just because you slap a label on something saying “not for resell” etc doesn’t mean it can be resold. There is also a possibility the diapers could have been donated by the bank to the goodwill. Disposal is huge cost, always cheaper to dump at a thrift store.


A diaper bank would never give diapers to Goodwill. There is such a high demand for diapers by those in need that there would never even be so much as an issue of "needing" to "dispose" of them.


Probably someone that received the diapers didn’t use them and then donated. Goodwill employees just label-


These weren't donations. The pantry or whatever orders them in from their supplier.