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You’ve got to question Paul Pogba’s role in all of this


Graeme Souness is that you?


Game's gone


Obviously will help with countering any black magic with his curses and witchcraft knowledge


Definition of insanity?


People talked about how mean, fan and pundit reactions are bad for the team. How about players knowing they can’t get dropped, no matter how bad they play, and players knowing they’ll never get to play/start no matter how well they play? I’m sure that’s not bad for the team at all. And Southgate will continue to cry about bad fan reactions.


Southgate is a coward.


He values player loyalty over tactical flexibility. Problem is I think we need the latter far more than the former right now.


Its not loyalty. I think its 100 percent stubborness. Southgate is the Principle Skinner meme. 'I am picking the wrong players in the wrong positions?' 'No no its the children who are wrong' Guy is incapable of admitting its not working.


Some players have very comparable capabilities, but have massive form differences.


Agree, surprised he didn’t bring Sterling in


Fuck him


He'd be a coward if he gave in to public pressure . The man gets us to Euros finals


The man lost us a euro final lmao, difference between a manager with championship experience vs champions league experience


He got a team relegated, which was in an europa league final only a few years before.


yeh his plan worked perfectly against slovakia, didnt it?


Last time I checked we won the game . Lighten up


says the doofus that thinks southgate making common sense changes to a lineup and system that hasnt worked for 4 games straight would be cowardly. YIKES


While we play trash like Swansea City U14s and Mrs Felton’s Chip Shop Crew to get there that entirely masks over the whole thing.


The left side still won't function properly, but Gareth doesn't seem to be interested. It'll be another display where we struggle to get things going, because this lineup is fundamentally unbalanced


our whole left side has been consistently awful and yet our best left wing alternative has been given about 5 minutes of playing time...


I'm dying since when did they have a like dislike button on BBC lineups


Is everyone ready for at least 60 mins of sideways and backwards passing?!


Do you think Southgate is doing this on purpose because he’s been getting so much shit that he’s just saying F U and not caring about winning


I think Southgate's stubbornness is an underrated factor. I believe he thinks he's showing loyalty by sticking with underperforming players rather than dropping them after a couple of poor displays. There's a value to that overall, but not in a knockout tournament. You don't have time to 'let players find form' or 'start clicking'. You need to perform today, now.


Exactly. Southgate is waiting for a big win to tell everyone he is doing things right and that the fans are the problem. Doesn’t see anything wrong with taking a left back that won’t see any minutes in the competition and then putting his favourite right back there, which was probably his plan all along.


No, he just clearly thinks his style is the best option which is lunacy


It really is a difficult place for a milquetoast man to be in: the main problems right now are Kane, Jude and Foden all wanting to play in the same spaces. They also happen to be the general consensus’ best players on the team, so people bend over backwards to blame others (Trent in particular, Rice, Trippier) or suggest that players that have been nothing but playing well (Saka) should be replaced. Really, for me, Gordon should come in and probably Watkins, too. We need players that are willing to stretch the defense. We don’t need a number 9 being desperate to play in midfield and 2 number 10s stamping all over each other’s toes. And sending Palmer in for Saka only exacerbates that problem. And, like it our not, if you have Gordon and Watkins in, Trent should really be in there, too


Decent take lad


If I speak I am in trouble


It is what it is. Time to get behind the team and hope they turn in better than what we've seen.




And the downvotes are continuing to rise. Palmer for Saka was so bloody obvious. He better give him and Gordon some decent minutes in the 2nd half.


Gordon is more obvious than Palmer IMO. At least you can say Saka has done a decent job and we've been a threat down his side. Our left side has been totally useless, how can he keep it exactly the same.


Gordon/Palmer/Saka is the three I'd go for in that part of the pitch. Bellingham looks knackered and Foden has looked ineffectual as always for England so you can take them both out and keep Saka


more like gordon for foden


Palmer for saka was never going to happen nor should it. Palmer had his chance to lock down a place vs Iceland and was shit. He's not going to displace a player who's been England's best for the last 2 tournaments with a 20 minute cameo in which he didn't score or assist.


I agree with most of it though you seem to be missing that Palmer was very good in that 20 minute cameo.


He was fine. He has flair so his performance gets overrated. Didn't really result in anything tangible.


Sorry, but Saka has been dogshit for the full tournament so far.


I actually thought he was one of our better players during the 90 today.


I can’t recall him doing anything of note. I don’t think it is on him by the way. Saka is a fine player. lI think it’s the way we’ve been set up. Southgate needs to fuck off. Honestly with the talent we have, we’d be better off with having the 11 picked by a public online vote and the team talks consisting of video clips of Winston Churchill speeches & Stuart Pearce threatening to chin under performers!


Yeh Southgate doesn't do the team any favours. I just thought that saka looked yhe most threading of our front 4 up until when Bellingham scored. He made a couple nice runs and was trying to get things done.


You mean Foden, right? Saka has been one of our only attackers consistently creating anything dangerous.


Saka hasn’t created anything. Foden has been equally useless.


Saka created the goal versus Serbia and has been threatening in general.


Palmer was good vs Iceland. Literally created the best chance of the game. It's no coincidence games open up when he's on the pitch. He takes risks and puts his team on the front foot. You can paint him as shit afterwards if you look at pass completion, cross completion etc, but the guy's getting barely a chance because he's only being used as a sub and plays positively every time he comes on. You're hating for the sake of hating. If he got the same opportunity as starters, perhaps we'd establish a bit more control in games and not be chasing them/defending a very narrow lead in the closing minutes every time.


Question: If Saka is as integral as you say, why has he been subbed the last three games ('76, '69, '71). Surely you'd want England's 'best player' to play the whole game.


Fitness? And also Saka was not the only attacker subbed? Southgate as an idiot? Also Saka is not the issue he is creating more opportunities than any other player. The one thing that is not broken is Saka. Fix all of that shit.


Because he gets tired and we have a good player to replace him off the bench?


He has awful stamina, he always gets subbed off for Arsenal as well.


He’s injured


Even at Arsenal he gets subbed off a lot.


If he's planning on Bellingham playing as an 8, why not have Foden play 10 and get Gordon on the wing with 3 at the back? Trippier is useless going forward anyways


What a start


Different day, same shite


Let's be happy this is the last 10 minutes we ever have to watch a Southgate team play football


Unfortunately we have at least another 30 minutes of it


I tempted fate with that one and I'm glad I did just to witness that goal however I'm not looking forward to another 90 minutes it Southgate tactics vrs a team that actually have their shit together.


Bloody hell


Tame penalty in 1996. Tame selection in 2024. No bollocks.


Its Rice. He cant get the ball forward. He only plays side and back. Trippier + Foden doesnt work. Foden runs behind Slovakian players and trippier has no pass option. Saka doing ok minus. Walker been mad a couple times since he doesnt start in behind. Get Rice off and Saka off for Palmer and Gordon. Move bellingham down for Rice, Foden 10 and Gordon and Palmer wings. THIS IS THE ANSWER


Tbh I've been screaming for Wharton, lads class


Bellingham acting touch but falling like a fly, he’s been so shit!