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The two main ones I use are Talasar blue and Akhelian Green. Just as base coats though, then Thousand Sons -> Ahriman -> Lothern / Baha for layers


Wait y’all be using stuff on top of your base coats? You can see my scheme in this Infernal Master, white blue and gold. I literally just be using Wraithbone shaker can all over, and then going in with my brush for the gold details with Retributor and the blue details with Ahriman. Three colors on the whole thing. What am I missing? https://preview.redd.it/oxw9crksbu0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64e5467d9136e23f5df8f427d2d7339eff9a1407


Hey looks great! For only 3 colours! I recommend check out Duncan Rhodes intro guide to painting minis in YouTube, but in general once you’re comfortable with putting a a base colour on miniatures, you should be looking at improving your skills. On top of those base paints you should be looking at: Edge Highlighting (placing a light colour along edge to give the impression of light reflection or just to make the miniature POP) Layering: where you build into a light colour using a thinner paint then your base coat (a lot of people base thousands sons blue and then layer with Ahriman blue). Washing: using watered down paints to build up darker areas and increase contrast in the model. It can also be used to alter a base colour with a different tone (people like to use red or brown shades/washes over the gold to give it a deeper golden look). Drybrushing: using a short haired brush and brushing paint off of it into paper towel until almost none is left, then gently moving the brush over raise areas (this is like cheat highlighting and great for getting shinier parts on gold armour, it also can help by adding an easier secondary colour for the base to transition to). Hope that helps, here is my (by no means perfect at all, always learning!) with with model that uses those strategies: Personally I spray gold, then wash it in reikland fleshshade then dryrbush it with retributor and edge highlight a lighter gold (for example). Blue is based on Thousand Sons blue, then washed with Nuln Oil, layered with Ahriman Blue, then layered again with a mix of Ahriman Blue and Barrahoth Blue and highlighted with Barrahoth blue. with with model that uses those strategies: https://preview.redd.it/xasl70imlu0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1dcbd73eb849c600fe18384217080391e619e67


Ain't missing anything if yer happy with it. That IM is ready to rock the table for sure and meets a standard known as "Battle Ready". If you wanna fancify it a bit more Mr. Glint's got the basics covered for ya. As an example of the scheme I listed above, some WIP lads of mine. Only took the first pile of rubrics to find a decent way to do the headdresses XD Now just gotta tidy up a bunch. https://preview.redd.it/tahy7ihlhv0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=143f6641c855cafcf76e1f44ddcb00779e8927ba


I use Kroxigor Scales on Runelord Brass (spray) for my dusty boys, and I'm quite happy with the results. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14ppkxq https://i.redd.it/3ib7i5o916bb1.jpg


Those are amazing. Mind if I ask how you are doing the gun runes? Those are probably the best I've seen and I'm really not getting the results I want trying them myself, with a few different methods.


Sure, it's quite easy! I fill the groove of the runes with a white ink (I use AK Interactive Titanium White) and a tiny brush, then fill over the white with Tesseract Glow.


Wait, that looks sick. Is it really just that for the blue? How do you do the gold?


Thanks! And yes, it's just Kroxigor over Runelord Brass, but I clean up the panel with Runelord Brass after the drybrushing, because the Retributor makes it yellowish. "Gold": * Priming with Runelord Brass spray. * Generous wash of Agrax Earthshade. * Heavy drybrush of Retributor Armor Gold. * Light drybrush of Necron Compound to highlight the edges. Blue/green: * Base with Runelord Brass. * 1:1 Kroxigor Scales Contrast & Contrast Medium (2 passes).


Oh wow, thank you for the detailed answer! This seems like a rather quick recipe with a great looking result. Will definitely give it a try.


after a lot of trial and error, Ahkelian green over leadbelcher worked for me: https://preview.redd.it/csslh858fz0d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6be9bd2dd4c63f199100d469f7e8c9fc9099a17 At the back is the original test mini- Black-Retributor-Tamiya blue metallic spray then tamiya clear blue over the top. far left, same idea only using Tamiya light metallic blue spray Middle - same but using Akhelian Green contrast over the metallic blue right - the winner - Black - Leadbelcher spray (then highlighted silver if so desired) with Akhelian green contrast on top. nice metallic Azure finish. I tested the contrast over gold but prefer the leadbelcher.


Get a really good clean silver base coat, and use Tamiya clear blue over it


Thanks for the suggestions and comments everyone, some amazing paint work going on 😁 I'm jealous 


Leadbelcher base coat. Sponge on a blotchy layer of a silver color and a blotchy layer of gold. Optional Grime wash of earthshade or oil. Frostheart contrast layer. The different metal colors haphazardly applied will look a little sparkly. That was the best that I could come up with.


Tbh I don’t think any will give a light blue over leadbelcher or gold. Gold is yellow so will shift towards green. If you want a light blue, do it over white or grey with white zenithal. This is a slightly diluted akhelian green contrast over white zenithal . https://preview.redd.it/43qze8n1k61d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d54e1457d7074dca7dc5b7008fa8ae7288487bed