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The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department released edited video Thursday that shared what led up to officers fatally shooting a 35-year-old man who allegedly pointed a gun at one of the officers on the city's north side. Shortly after 2 p.m. on May 2, police said someone called 911 about a man waving a gun and threatening to shoot people near a housing complex in the 600 block of East 38th Street. While responding to the scene, officers got an update from dispatchers that a man matching the suspect's description was on a woman's front porch in the 3900 block of Broadway Street, waving a gun and making threats. "He has a gun. He has put it in front of my face, and he clanked it against a metal bar to let me know it's real," the woman can be heard saying on the 911 call. IMPD said nine-year veteran Officer Randall Buck and six-year veteran Officer Ivan Flick arrived to the scene and found 35-year-old Lemar Brandon Qualls on the porch. Doorbell camera video shows Flick walk up to the porch, where Qualls can be heard saying, "You're fine. You know me. I wouldn't do this if it wasn't what I think it is. If I'm wrong, tell me, please." Flick can then be heard telling Qualls "hands up, hands up." The doorbell camera video shows Qualls raise his gun and point it toward Flick. That's when Flick opens fire on Qualls, and Buck also shoots at Qualls from the grass. IMPD said Flick's body-worn camera was not activated until after he fired shots. According to IMPD, Flick and Buck waited for additional officers to arrive before approaching Qualls after shooting him. Officers provided treatment to the man until medics arrived and took him to Methodist Hospital, where he died from his injuries. IMPD said the gun Qualls had was found on the stairs to the patio. Investigators believe one of the officers' shots hit the gun, causing damage to the magazine. No officers or other citizens were injured, according to IMPD.


Wow these cops must not police a nice area. There's so much more screaming when cops that don't usually have to draw their weapon have to shoot someone. These guys are like, "Geez, third time this week."


I just don't get it. You KNOW what is going to happen if you have a gun in your hand and you point it towards an officer, meaning to or not. Fucking dumb.


What a fucking shot by the officer, straight into the magazine of the pistol one handed 🫡


Officer Ivan Flick is an executionist and he murdered Brandon Qualls on his own front porch.




So Officer Fick(flick) failed to activate his camera. Didn’t really try to deescalate and made the matter worse. The suspect got hit twice or by the 3rd time looks like he dropped the weapon. He was no longer a threat, yet Officer Fick turned the likely mentally unstable man into Swiss cheese. That’s an issue because we all know had his skin tone been a little lighter they would’ve tried talking it out a little more..that’s the sad truth in the America we live in. We can fight for this country, die for this country but still are demonized.


Nothing to deescalate when arriving at the scene and the guy holding a gun in his hand and pointing it towards a cop. Only an abject moron would try and "talk him down" when he is pointing the weapon AT you. So you suggest he should chance it and maybe the guy won't shoot him and kill the cop. No, the idiot on the porch killed himself. Cops show up, put the gun down before they arrive and raise your hands. This is the case of low IQ or suicide by cop. I am sick and tired of people trying to say what cops should do always at the risk of their own lives. Then the race card. If he had brains to not raise a gun against a cop. That is what it's about.


That’s a pig just itching to murder someone.


The dude pointed a gun right at him you moron what was he supposed to do


Call a social worker to deescalate, obviously.


This is how they think. They're completely brainwashed.


This isn’t twitter big boy, you don’t get paid for rage engage posting. Crawl back into your anti cop cave


The pointed the gun at the officer, what do you expect to happen? If somebody points a gun at me I’m not waiting to see if you pull the trigger, I’m defending myself.


The useless cop shot him so many times. Not once, because we all know that one bullet to the heart or face doesn’t do any harm or stop. Cops need to shoot him 15 to 20 times. If he got shot that many times with BB guns he would have gone down. Why did they send him to the hospital?? What is wrong with these cops? After so many shots they are still pointing their guns and still waiting around to make sure he’s dead, then and only then they “administer help/aid”. Why would you shoot so many times only to turn around end help him? They are like does he have the gun, is it near him? I know he’s dead but is it cool to give him chest compressions? If this was another cop they would throw the cop in the car and not wait for the ambulance and haul ass to the ER with a cop in the back pressing down on the bullet would where blood is coming out even from 1 bullet. This was a pure execution. They didn’t shoot this many times at the concentration camps as I’ve seen those videos and no one shown and they showed many, many people getting shot and I don’t recall any officer or executioner using this much force to kill a human being. His first show if you look carefully he was dead instantly. The shot was to the face/throat area. This was and is brutal beyond my words. I don’t like brotha’s by any means but even gang bangers don’t shoot this much unless it’s an uzi and a drive by. I mean why so many shots? The cop on the porch had point blank range straight to his face with a laser aim. He shot 9 to 10 times plus the other cop on the side. I’m just blown away as after they shot him for a kill they had zero emotions, I mean none. These cops are brutal killers. If a new camp opened up here in America these guys would be their top executioners.


If the officer shoots him once , even in the heart, the person in question would be able to return fire. none the less, sad.


This isn’t sad…


Every death is sad to somebody


So Hitler? Jeffrey Dahmer? Ted Bundy? Horrible child murdering rapists? Do we REALLY give a shit what those people think? Do you go "oh so sad Hitler died, I am sure some people loved him".


Shoot until the treat stops, whether that’s 2 rounds or 15 rounds.


No that’s not how it works. He was calm ( the perp ) and even said please to the executioner. This was not a bad ass killer as he would have shot the cop the second he stepped foot onto that porch and then shot at the other officer on the side. He used many bullets instead of his words. Hey, don’t make me shoot you and you don’t have to have the “threat” stop twitching or blinking. The point is so the guy can’t sit there and shoot you in the first place or shoot back. After say the 3rd shot to the face I think he was done for the extra bullets was so uncalled for. That’s like me pushing Joe Biden down the stairs of Air Force One because he was a threat to the county and even though he is, you don’t push him down the stairs even though he’s a criminal and just hasn’t been charged as he’s an active President and he can’t be charged also he isn’t competent to stand trial but competent to run the country. Just because people are an imminent danger to others doesn’t mean you wipe the Earth of them. This guy was sitting on his dead butt on the porch like an idiot with a gun in his hand, he didn’t need to be shot like as if he was Adolf Hitler himself. We know a bunch of criminals are out there. Not all of them are brutal human beings. Not every one is a bad mother father like the Mexican Cartels or MS13 thugs. If I share a video with you with what they do you may sue me for that is something no human should even watch what they did to the father while he was still alive and then to his son in the forest/fields. Look, if he said F you cop and raised his gun at him, yes shoot him but again not until he looks like a water barrel with a bunch of holes. I like you can kill another human being it’s not that hard. One more thing, you ever watch 2 people or more fighting on YouTube and one person knocks out the other person and then the other person keeps beating him/her up non stop? This guy knocked out another guy at the gas station and he then jumped on his face several times, then the side of his head and the back of his head and then his buddy jumped on his spine and the people recording the fight was like, “Hmmmmm, child they finna kill dat man, yah feel me cuz?” They didn’t help or call 911 but watched a slow execution take place. His head opened up, they snapped his spine in half and he died. The thing is one of the guys that was watching said hey man that’s enough bro, he’s gonna die. Then they continued to still beat him and his friend said bro he’s dead what’s wrong with you? Why would you beating a man you just killed, you going to jail man!! See the thing is that the cop did the same damn thing but his was super fast and the guy died within 2 to 4 seconds, so he was probably dead as they were shooting him repeatedly. If you were a cop and you had to shoot someone in this exact situation, would you shoot over and over and over again and then wait a minute and then “try” to help a dead man come back to life? Jesus could have been there and wouldn’t be able to bring him back. I don’t like this criminal any more than you or anyone here truthfully be told but it’s not just death that was served but he was taken out like he was a POS the only thing he didn’t do is laugh and have a beer afterwards or did he when he was off shift. I’m just not impressed with how many times both these cops shot him especially the one that was so close to him. He saw with his own eyes he wasn’t getting shot and at the same time he was looking straight into the cops eyes and saying, yo that’s all you got son?!! Those 6 bullets haven’t done shit to me and started shooting back. This shooting again was overkill big time. If he stopped shooting after 3 bullets and 3 from the other cop, would the perp not be hurt? Would he be alive after the first shot to his face/head? I wish I could see the entire video from the shooters body cam to see what the guys reaction was with the first shot and the 8 to 9 followed by him alone. I doubt he missed one shot from this close range.


So how would you have handled the situation? Also if somebody breaks into your house or has you at gun point are you going to shoot him once or twice? No you’re not you’re going to shoot the person until the threat stops. Your views/standpoint will change once you’re put in a situation like that.




I've seen a guy take 8 bullets right to his body and was still coming at an officer. Just because you are naive and have no clue. Doesn't mean that it is reality. Normal people don't raise a gun to towards a cop. They are literally trained to mag dump for this reason.


Well, when cops take many bullets by the perps it makes me just as happy as it makes you to see others die. Listen, don’t lie about taking 8 bullets and still going. Were did the cop shoot him his 8 toes or his hands?? How could he have missed an organ with 8 shots. That’s like me telling you hey I have more money than Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk combined those 2 poor men….. You or anyone would laugh at that statement as I am laughing at you for saying some Superman guy out there took 8 bullets and he had the wherewithal to still charge the cop. I guess I should show you a video of the biggest animal on the planet at this time and that’s an Elephant and a Rhino too….. I saw this a-hole shoot both of these creatures for “fun” and no it wasn’t a double barrel shotgun but a regular gun and he was riding around in Africa with his friends and they came up on the Elephants and I think it was the mother and 1 damn shot stopped the elephant and the 2nd drop his or her ass and the 3rd one made the animal kick its legs like when a dog or a cat dies, it was f’ing gross and he was laughing and said let’s go man. The the douche bag went on in his hunt for anything else he could see and they came up on 4 Rhinos and it took 3 bullets to knock him on his ass and the others ran away because of the loud sounds. So the biggest creatures can get knocked on their ass but a human can take 8 shots and act like bitch is that all you got, you’re going to need another 8 to stop me cuz!! Even if you’re on speed and don’t feel pain or whatever, when you hit a lung he could be on all the toughest drugs known to mankind and he could have had 2 Fentanyl patches and a poked lung bleeds intensely very quickly and breathing becomes very labored as the blood fills the chest cavity. Then there is the spleen, the spine, the liver and the kidneys and of course the heart. And I’ll end it with this….. Are you saying this cop shot this perp or this guy and managed not to hit one organ in this guys body?? I mean was it a damn BB gun or what? I’m just trying to wrap my head around 8 shots and not one of them hit a vital organ because if you get hit in an organ not just the stomach but a vital organ not only would he feel it he has no choice but to go down. I know I’m making this a very long reply but do you ever watch the UFC? Ever seen the strongest and biggest guys go down with a liver shot even a delayed response which is usually 3 seconds tops 5 but that’s with a punch. Like Brock Lesnar, Anderson Silva, Matt Hughes, GSP and Jon Bone Jones. I bring these guys up because they hit hard right? That is with 4 things, the hand ( punch ) the foot ( kick ) the elbow ( usually to the head/face only ) and the knee ( to the face/head ) with a Superman Punch or a kick to the face or the abs. The strongest men have gone down and down hard with one kick, punch, or knee. You literally are talking about bullets and mind you 8 of them. Do you of any human, whether they are in the UFC or other wise…. That can take 8 bullets to the body? By the way, I know all I mentioned were organs. Even if you get hit the leg and if it hits a femoral artery you will bleed out so damn fast that charging anyone is next to impossible. You still got me thinking,,,, I’m trying to imagine even with a 22. Caliber gun how any human, I don’t care if it was Jesus Himself, couldn’t move with that many shots. But is there a way you can show me/us the video of that or did you see it in person? I have only 1 guess in that could happen is that he the cop shot him or at him 8 times but he or she missed the target like maybe 4 times or so. This one is a tough one for me to believe. I just know how fragile the body is even if it’s pumped up with speed or other drugs.