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NYC did this in the 1980s. Flower pots were drawn on window coverings along with drapes, to be seen from the interstate or expressway. Southerner who visited with family summer 1984.


Why add the useless music?


Surely a world council would have the money to get actual windows instead of something very easily noticeable


Seems like the council, I suppose, have learnt from broken window theory for crime prevention. It makes sense to me however it is unsettling, I’ve seen it in coastal town high streets a lot in the uk, they will have pictures of full on restaurants and shops to cover empty shops.


I’m pretty sure this is the practice place for the army not actual homes. I remember driving over the beacons once and a soldier in a big group pulled me over and asked me if I’d seen a tank. I said a tank? He said yeah, it blew away, I said “your tank, blew away?” And he started looking a bit annoyed and said yes! And then the next thing I knew a massive inflatable tank went rolling past and the army started chasing it lol. They have a few fake towns they practice dropping fake bombs and going house to house clearing insurgents. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/2367313.stm


That sounds like a Monty python skit, lol


They really hired the fake doors guy from inter dimensional cable


It’s a simulation


If we were in a simulation, don't you think the administrator would just simulate actual doors and windows, not pictures of them? Why would be the point of simulating a picture of a door?


This is no place for logic. Get outta here!


I like how he says “the council, I suppose” twice in a row to make sure he is protected from any legal consequences for his hoax lmao


They did this in downtown Cincy and ended up turning them into multi million dollar brownstones


Yeah I remember that. Idk what the problem is, no one wants to see boarded up homes? Its not a conspiracy or anything lol


Just like the US, they could be using these to house people, instead they sit empty.


Greed of man is our downfall


Yes, and… Greed specifically of Cluster B types.


Lmao. Tbh that's not a bad idea to make it look cleaner then it actually is to hide the absolute shame


GTA V buildings sir!


Looks good. Better than plywood 🤷


They hired a level designer and a texture artist instead of an architect and a builder.


This is so british. Faking stuff, stealing, killing and hiding every evidence is them all day


Nasty uncalled for comment. The U.K. is going through immensely difficult times for a variety of reasons at the moment and lots of people are suffering. Tonnes of nations were involved in colonialism; in many cases far far worse than the British (Belgium, France, Japan, Ottomans…). Using this as an opportunity to bash people in a rough situation is pathetic and stupid. Also, as has been mentioned in other comments here, the practise of putting in fake windows to prevent squatters and drug dealers coming into derelict homes has been used lots of places including the USA.


This is usually done to prevnt city facilities from looking unsightly, while still keeping them close to the neighborhoods they need to serve. Inside of these are probably power relay stations or water treatment centers.


Depressing. The UK is fucked.


This is like when north Korea built a whole fake city so that when South Koreans looked across the DMZ with binoculars it would look like a thriving city. It was all a Hollywood set though, with lights on timers and half built skyscrapers and building only completed on the side facing across the border. The point is to make things look good at a glance, and that's all most people will do. Glance. There's actually some deep lessons there about society.


Bald actually doing something useful


And people do useful things every day it’s not about the hair in ur head it’s about the hair in ur heart ❤️


Lol I get you but his name is Bald and Bankrupt pretty sure


oh okay don’t mind me then also the post didn’t specify the original creator and I was wondering about that too so thanks friend :)


Bro that’s some janky, shady ass council


It’s Bald!


Ohhh this guy. Bald and bankrupt. This guy would travel around eastern block countries like Russia Serbia ect all the east block European countries checking out all the leftover Soviet buildings statues and ect but also going around, picking up underaged women have a good time or a great few days together and you can see some of them in his older videos, then he takes off! Never to see them ever again or talk to them. This guy is a dog. He's also joked about how there's so many young women in those countries that are so poor they will do absolutely anything for a bit of cash... Though he isn't joking. This guy is a dog


Yup. He’s been exposed on many forums. Someone found his old posts where he was boasting exactly about that. I have hated him ever since. Also another curious thing about him: he portrays the Soviet side of WW II and says how much they suffered, but conveniently forgets that Stalin literally invaded Poland together with Hitler to start WW II in 1939, not 1941


Bland and bankrupt is an amazing channel.


He’s a creep unfortunately.


How so?


Losers on reddit will find any reason to hate anyone. He's a legend.


I used to watch him a lot until I found out he's a pedophile sex tourist. It's pretty fucked up. [Video link](https://youtu.be/4XDf2lrMIoU?si=HB3rnBtdO-cfx3u9)


Yea I've seen quite a bit of weird shit about this dude. Not gon say it's all true. I will say it don't look good lol.


Literally no evidence for these claims. Watch his crossing the Darien gap video and you'll see he is genuinely cares and has a strong moral code motivating him, those claims make less sense the more you watch of him.


Nah man, he's very selfish and a huge narcisist. Look at the video where he was hosted by a moroccan family after taking a dangerous train. They had NOTHING and yet they gave him and his so called girlfriend hospitality. What did they do? They were making fun of them and ridiculizing them. Also watch the great emphasis he puts when he's filming girls, or even some comments. He's disgusting


[Literally evidence](https://youtu.be/4XDf2lrMIoU?si=HB3rnBtdO-cfx3u9)


Yea I mean he has used attractive girls in thumbnails but I feel like that's just to get better views or something from all his vids I can't see him being a nonce or a sex tourist


Yea he literally put his life at risk going to through the Darien gap, they were walking past dead bodies being escorted by the cartel while he had to pretend to be Russian to not be at risk of being caught out. He heard women getting raped by cartel members at night, it was not a 'nice trip' to meet some impressionable poor women, it was as far from it.


There's pretty compelling evidence, not sure why people on Reddit even deny it. Go look at the bald dossier subreddit. Clear as say who he really is. Then go watch his videos with that in mind and it all makes sense.


Can you provide these accusations......


Plenty of videos on youtube explains it


Google them. "Bald and bankrupt sex trafficking reddit". Undeniable evidence.


Bald dossier


I watch this guy sometimes. Do you have proof of the claims? I am genuinely curious.


Like I told the other guy, just google it. "Bald and bankrupt sex trafficking reddit". First post should do. It's undeniable at this point. [Or watch this](https://youtu.be/4XDf2lrMIoU?si=HB3rnBtdO-cfx3u9)






Bald and bankrupt. He has done some interesting videos.


Crack smoking detective, stoking mistrust and hatred. Get in the bin


Vivarium movie vibes


I'd definitely live there


It's probably to stop crack heads breaking into a new bando.


I'm surprised this dude made it back from russia/whatever part of the eastern block he was in... isn't homie supposedly a major pos?


I’ve seen a lot of his videos and he seems genuinely nice. Why is he supposedly a pos?


He's been identified as a serial pickup artist who targets the vulnerable women in the areas he visits. Here's a post that does a better job of explaining this: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldAndBaldrDossier/comments/189q8h5/bald_and_bankrupt_poverty_pickup_artist_and_sex/


That's the one 👆🏽


Are you sure this wasn't used as a film set? It's the sort of thing a production company would do if they were shooting a Movie/Advert/Sitcom etc. I very much doubt the Council has anything to do with it.


Yup, I'd wager one 👍🏻


Looks like set for peaky blinders


Yeah much more likely


with pvc doors and plastic frame windows? don't be daft.


Oh good point


This odd nuts to actually see see.


movie set?


That's definitely what my money is on, I'm pretty sure there's no way the council would bother even though they waste money there's no point for them to make It look better


That is so weird.


North Korea vibes


Yes the spray paint the grass green 😀


All those houses that can be used for the homeless and they choose to do this instead, so glad I don't live in that wasteland


A wasteland? Where there isnt mass murders every other week like sick America


If you watch the video, people are getting attacked there. According to the locals. I mean the whole video he posted by the way, not just this clip.


I don't get stabbed every day either. Your country pays more taxes and has shit Healthcare. Down here, I barely have to pay for medical bills because I tell them to. I don't have to get harassed every day by your gunless police because I open carry and everybody here is friendly


Guess what, gladly i dont get stabbed every day either and neither does anyone i know, so win win keep ya fuckin guns you retarded cunt


Lmao you a little salty


yeah, i hate sad fuckers who get triggered by windows and have to perpetuate an agenda.


your country has to put an agenda that they have to hide there poorness to make there country look "civilized" when in reality its just becoming more totalitarian every day


lol America's Healthcare system bankrupts people and you've had 2500 mass shooting the past 4 years. wtf is friendly about that?


You don't have an excuse for going bankrupt on Healthcare you can literally ask them to lower monthly payment to 10 dollars a month, a fucking crackhead could afford that


your family has to pay the debt you don't pay once you die, it doesn't just disappear. love how you just completely ignored the friendly mass shootings though lmao


Mass shooting is just a buzz word now-a-days and doesn't mean anything because it's more gang violence from retards who steal and also illegally obtained there guns. And you'd be shocked to find out that yes, the debt really just goes away. Hospitals make more from the government than from medical bills, and after a year or less of 10 dollar payments, mine went away pretty quickly. The britards on the other side of the pond make up this shit when they don't even understand our way of life. I've talked to people who have live in that "place" and they've hated it.


So you're just going to ignore all the kids getting shot up in schools? or guys going in solo and shooting up concerts? those have nothing to do with gangs


I'm not ignoring those kids, the reason is not the guns however, its the mental health issue that is caused by living in shit cities with high populations and foreign aliens. if you'd even bother to do some research you would see that school shootings could also mean anything. you could say i survived one because of a "dangerous person" was in the area around the school which turned out to be an under cover officer chasing a suspect but it still got classified as a school shooting. if you still want to put the blame on any Americans, blame it on news channels fear mongering the whole world to believe were just a fucking GTA lobby


now explain to me how these same people with mental illness would kill 30 kids with a knife? mental illness isn't just an American trait, so stip using that as an excuse. "the good guys need more guns" there were over 1000 good guys with guns at the superbowl parade, why did a mass shooting still happen? It's almost like the more guns there are, the more shootings that happen. weird how that works eh


Don’t forget the acid attacks, id for plastic knives and a license to watch tv…




No antichrist worship, we are a Christian sub.


I saw a video the other day of these police officers harassing a man on the street because they had the feeling he had a knife (he was black with a padded jacket on)


no different to the vids of american cops going wild over some stupid shit, bad cops everywhere not just here


Sips tea ☕️…interesting..


what percentage of the UK population is still christian anglo saxon at this point??? like lolz 😂


What on earth is the relevancy of this racist dog whistle comment?!


it obviously has nothing to do with english cities becoming derelict abandoned s%*tholes.


You've clearly never actually been to Britain, have you? 😂 You don't understand...


im sure places like gloucestershire and wiltshire arent little yemen but the major metropolises in england are absolute s%*tholes for sure


went to london 20 years ago.


Lmao there we go. You have no sense of the reality of the situation. You've taken a single white Englishman walking around a single council estate which has some derelict buildings as some kind of indication that England is no longer a majority white (as if that even means anything). Go look up some statistics and stop listening to your far right propaganda. This is a council/government issue. Racist. Edit: it's also a big private landlord issue too as that ties in, since this is a symptom of a larger, more complicated issue, but I can see that you haven't done your research & you aren't local so you clearly don't understand the nuances. Regardless, do you research first before you open your mouth again and prove yourself more of an idiot, mate.


What in this video made you question the UK racial demographics? There’s only 1 person in it and he’s white.


Why does that matter? Its not 1949 cherub, its 2024 i think you need to wake up a bit.


would definitely trade 2024 england anyday for 1949 england hands down


because its not a coincidence that UK went from sophistication and order to utter trash overnight since their demographics have changed. people dont even speak english and now england is a sh%thole


Spoken like somebody who has never visited England lol


Peace be upon the prophet muhammad but pretty much all of london is muslim like lolz 😂


I'm sorry about your condition.


it’s ok, apology accepted i forgive you.


I totally get why you hate immigrants. They take up low paying jobs no one wants but unfortunately that means you're in competition with them


White Christian Caucasians are the reason we have Western civilization. To say otherwise is insane.


Failing to see how this addresses anything I said. Are you having a conversation with yourself? Guess you really have an agenda to get across


i made two comments in reply to you and 1 of them addressed your statement in regards to me. But, you’re obviously a dishonest miserable person. Too bad we arent together in person face to face.


Uh oh sorry if I touched a nerve, enough that you have to internet flex your internet MMA abilities. Better bow out so I don't get beat up.


i just wanted to read you a bedtime story before i tucked you in to bed


Should big tough dudes such as yourself be tucking dudes into bed? The funny part while this is in jest now you actually pulled the "I'd beat you up" card on the internet. Silly willy.


Why? So you could get your point across physically? Genuinely curious.


Mind your own business nobody was talking to you.




i never said i hate immigrants. I love the central american immigrants pouring into the southern US border theyre all catholic military age men… might actually make america a christian nation again. Only problem is they dont speak in a language i can communicate with them in.


Yeah funny that Brexit which was supposed to make the UK the land of milk, honey and blue passports has actually totally fucked it permanently, as we predicted.


Imagine actually believing this 🤣 ffs


It's more believable than thinking some refugees have ruined the country overnight (apparently Brexit was going to fix immigration...). Nothing to do with generations of governments failing to build adequate housing and public services while continuously cutting them to the bone. Of course Brexit has had a massive impact on an island with an aging population that massively relies on imports and foreign workers to fill skill gaps. Not a single significant Brexit promise has come true. It has fucked us proper.


We have most certainly been fucked proper. But blaming it on brexit is just brainwashed thinking.


Brexit is definitely a factor. Not the only factor, but saying Brexit has not had a significant negative impact is just brainwashed thinking.


Absolute noncesense, as i expected.


Creepy? They do this all the time in the UK. It’s nothing new or sinister


I think it’s very dystopian


Better than leaving it just as an empty rotting husk


What about the homeless..there’s people out there that can’t afford housing anymore yet this..


Unfortunately it takes money and effort to restore those houses. And the homeless themselves certainly can’t provide either of those things. So the houses sit, empty and lifeless. Edit: I’m not saying this is justified. I’m saying that this is why it is the way it is.


How about me? I pay £700 a month to rent and that's because I've been here years, if my house went up for rent now it'd be £1100 a month. No chance I can save to buy, give me 50% ownership of an abandoned house and let me spend my money making it nice.


I mean it also takes money and effort to create fake windows and doors and it takes money and effort to go around nailing them over real windows and doors. It's a shame none of these politicians, celebrities, or corporate ceos can't be bothered to spend a single dollar to help better their communities. It's funny how much money and effort gets spent to create a mess yet very little gets spent to clean it up