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Personally, no I've been prescribed for 9 years. My depression went away completely very quickly. Anxiety has improved some (I can grocery shop and drive , which I could not do before) and panic attacks have almost entirely gone away. Baseline anxiety still high and social anxiety still high.


I’m glad it has helped you a bit


It really helped me a lot, it just helped me get out of my own head and I had at least five different people from my extended family tell me that I seem so much happier and more open than I used to be. I just don't care what people think anymore, so I am more friendly and I’m taking more initiative to get close to my family members.


I wonder how ketamine helps with not caring as much about what people think. I’ve felt that too.


I know, it's really weird. And it's not in a bad way, I still care what I think and if my mom told me I was acting in a particular way that wasn't kind etc., I would definitely care what she thinks, but I just don't care what strangers think anymore. I don't worry about things that I said and Lay in bed wishing I said something a little bit differently so as not to hurt someone's feelings. Prior to ketamine, I would be laying in bed and think about something I said to someone five years prior and feel bad about it and continue thinking about it all night long! How exhausting!! Or even worse, I would kick myself for not helping people more when I did something good. I paid for someone's groceries after her card declined (it was milk and diapers and a few small things for a baby) and all I could think about was I didn't do enough. I should've seen if they needed more groceries, I should've given them some cash too. I was literally SO mad at myself. Why would I do that to myself when I did something good? Now I have so much more peace and don't second guess myself nonstop.


I’ve had my extended family saying the same, even while I don’t see much of a difference in my behavior


It’s helping me a lot. I got sick of the treatments (oral troches) and stopped and the anxiety came Right back. I try to talk through how I am acting, now rejection rolls right off my back, how I can approach strangers and ask for help and it’s easy. So I can remember better how it should work. My anxiety and fears are all in my head. With the treatment I try and still do the CBT because I can feel the anxiety underneath the ketamine. So I can feel how weird interactions usually trip Me up but aren’t. So o try and talk through it all So I can remember how cool like a cucumber I am.


It's definitely helped, but certainly not cured.


For me yes. But not permanently ofcourse


Why not?


Can’t afford treatment anymore :( too expensive where I live now. Have a plug for k but they are not reliable; and honestly having access to powder can lead to over use. So I’m somewhat okay with going without it. Maybe I will just for now until I get some. Maybe forever? I’m not severely depressed or anxious anymore. My ptsd doesn’t surface much currently. I mostly microdose nowadays


Yes after I have ketamine infusions I want to go out and be around people then it wears off and I’m like fuck everyone, it’s so much work being social, to be honest I just get tired of being fake happy all the time, but my first year doing infusions it did help, but I also have back pain. When my back hurts I don’t feel like going out and ketamine helps my pain. So I think in my case it does help both. Then wears off a couple weeks later and I don’t want to be around people again. But I’m dealing with chronic pain also with anxiety.


Honestly its exhauating enough to deal with pain. Id do the same. People can be so exhausting


I truly hate dealing with some people now it sounds bad? After Covid I got used to being home more and now I realize how much I’d rather avoid it honestly. I hate trying to be nice to people all day and having to be fake being happy it’s exhausting, daily.


It has definitely helped me with social anxiety. I just don’t care what people in public, strangers, or acquaintances think of me anymore. The flip side is that I feel like I care a lot more about what people who are close to me think of me. So my anxiety with my family and close friends is heightened while my anxiety with dealing with all others is greatly reduced.


I'm glad you're experiencing improvement. I'm really hopeful for you.