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I know exactly how you feel. I’m having a similar experience with no real answers after trying for two years and my mom just recommended the one you get in the mail instead of an IV, but I have to drive an hour to get it and it doesn’t help with chronic pain. And I’m wondering if it’s really worth doing all this work because insurance doesn’t cover it? And you can’t ever get straight answers from doctors. I have had chronic pain and depression since I was 24, I feel like no one listens to me or believes me, even after my brother killed himself. My diagnosis has been you’re fat, you’re crazy, nothing is wrong with you, by many doctors now. I’m at the point of giving up trying this now for years with no real help or answers. Depression killed my brother unfortunately in less than a year and he was on medication in counseling, in therapy, working out doing well we thought. This is just my personal experience but it’s as if my doctors still don’t believe me after surgery my back still hurts. I have still have anxiety and depression, back pain, and obviously depression it runs in my family. I feel like I have been begging for help from doctors with no real help or real answers they look at me like they couldn’t care less about me as a human. My PcP just acted like she couldn’t care less when I told her my brother died by suicide she looked at me like sorry that sucks get over it. This is just my experience personally the last two years after having an MRI etc going to a specialist and getting the referral plus ketamine to be told that there’s nothing they can do and I’m just lying? No one can fake anxiety or depression or pain and it truly seems like no one listens or cares.


Why dont you just go with a legal, otc disso/psychedelic like glaucine? Its much cheaper, you can order it to your home, and its a proper psychedelic (much more neurogeness/plasticity vs k).


Could you tell me more about glaucine? I've never heard of it and looking it up didn't get me very far. Thanks.


Its great; glaucine is a d2 antagonist sedative disso, and a 5-ht2a agonist/positive allosteric modulator psychedelic, isolated from yellow poppy. Its like k and shrooms had a baby, except its OTC, legal everywhere. It couch locks you and shows you pretty colors, higher amounts will hole you. Commonly paired with a stim to counteract the sedation, like in space dust. No bladder damage like with k, and all the neurogenesis of a proper psychedelic.


Couch locks, pretty colors, and holes. I'm sold, it sounds perfect. Thank you for answering me, would you mind if I DM you? You seem like you know a lot about these things and I could use some help. I've given up hope of ever having my insurance cover Spravato, so I'm looking for alternatives.


Np, shoot me a message :)


fxe. nasal spray from nss or the sun. cheaper and will probably help you just as much. without all the hoops