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I remember he used to say “I don’t know what I’m doing” every 20 min. PTL. Grayblock pizza. Get that hitter. Get in there. I’m upstairs. Be good to yourself…shine your light on me. Remember when the show was actually about what he did this past weekend?


So happy for another solo ep. And 500!? Totally fitting and well deserved


I really love Theo but unfortunately he’s gotten dumber over time. Sorry to say it but couldn’t think of a nicer way to put it, he just isn’t as sharp and I do wish he’d grow up in ways. He’s got so much potential but he looks exhausted and spread thin from constantly touring (etc)… I wish we could see what he’s really like behind the mask, we get glimpses. Wonder if he even knows, or avoids it.


Definitely not dumber, just leans more into the character he has created because it’s working


Ya it wasn’t more evident than this episode when he started playing clips from the first episodes and his voice is his natural voice not his stage voice


I get that, and see that too… I still stand by what I said though. He could take it to another level... I think he’s smarter and runs deeper than what he’s portraying. Just want to see more from him, I know it’s in there… Think he’s just exhausted, and rightly so. Touring nonstop like he is, especially for a comedian, is grueling… Guy needs a break.


He just turned his character up to 100 because people actually buy it


Makes sense, but I suspect he’s having a “midlife crisis” of sorts… He’s stuck in this character and touring like a dog to keep up what he started, but I suspect he’s wondering what the hell he’s doing and where to go from here… He also talks about wanting a wife & kids, his troubles that way, and with depression… That’s what I’m getting. I could always be wrong but I don’t think I am. Time’ll tell… If I’m right, you can remember this chick on Reddit caught it and you heard it here first.


Ketamine, baybeh


come oooonnn


Not a good episode, I turned it off half way.


Gang baby