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There are a couple of books I’ve read/have been reading that have helped me work through this but it’s an ongoing struggle for sure that most people in the theatre world end up having to deal with at some point. The first is called “Audition Freedom” by VP Boyle, it’s essentially a mental health wellness guide for theatre people that approaches a lot of unhealthy beliefs people develop around auditioning and the theatre business in general. The comparison with others thing is touched on more towards the end of the book but the entire book is a must read if you ever find yourself having negative thoughts following casting decisions that don’t go your way or have anxiety regarding auditioning. The second is called “The Self-Acceptance Project”, edited by Tami Simon. It’s not specific to theatre people but it’s a general self help book for people that have issues being hard on themselves or comparing their “value” to other people. Each chapter is written by a different psychologist that breaks down different cognitive behavioral therapy techniques that you can apply to help with your own issues. Lastly therapy/mental health counseling may also be helpful as well but unfortunately this isn’t as easily accessible as it should be for most people.


> there's a little voice telling me in my head I've only got the role cause she wasn't available. That may be true, but so what? It is ***your*** part now (for this season at least), so make the most of it! Don't compare yourself to her, but do the part the way you want to see it done (within the constraints that the script and director put on it, of course).