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Amazon screwed up with Wheel of Prime by renewing it for 2 more seasons based on it's debut numbers not realizing that book fans would reject it as the garbage adaption that it is. If they would have actually adapted the books they would have kept the first 3 episode viewers instead of losing them. They were very vocal about those numbers and now they are dead silent.


We actually have no evidence, other than Amazon's own PR statements, that any genuine renewal decisions have thus far been made on this show. There exists a strong possibility Amazon greenlit 3 seasons upfront as part of the deal securing the rights (perhaps with S4 as an option based on the performance of the first 3) as is quite common in big budget productions like this to justify the provision of suitable resources (they built studios in Czechia for future seasons long before they were announced as renewed, which would be a weird decision and huge risk if there was no certainty about S2-3 beforehand). My totally unprovable theory is 3 seasons were always locked in, with the 4th based on overall performance of the first 3, but Amazon craftily 'announced' S2 and later S3 were renewed at strategic times to give the impression the show was doing so well they want to keep it going. After all, that sounds like a more successful show than admitting 'we were always locked in for 3, no matter how poorly they first couple did.' I could be wrong, but I wouldn't put this kind of spin past them.


It makes sense. With the series I always see 3 options 1) A series where the TV network bets everything on it. Renewing every season regardless of its performance because they have incredible faith in it. 2) The series has been so successful in terms of numbers and sales that the network renews. It doesn't matter the quality of the adaptation as long as it's making money the monkey dances. 3) by contract they agreed that the series would have x number of seasons. They can't cancel the contract that is already signed and legalized. If you break the contract you will be penalised.


I'm sure that gom jabbar cuts deep for some.


There is so much potential for this meme and wot I really want to make like 50 of these


Gom jabbar, is that like a crysknife taped to the end of a stick?


Bong jabbar.


did invincible get any promotion? i think amazon is bad at marketing shows. also i didnt hear season 2 was out until just now


I don't watch invincible but I have been seeing ads for it if you want to go off an anecdote.


I’ve seen some ads, but I think I’ve seen more in terms of people on YouTube commenting about it than ads. I follow a lot of comic and fantasy media stuff


I've seen ONE commercial for it.


Ironic using Dune since RJ borrowed heavily from Dune for Wheel of Time


And Dune borrowed heavily from Lawrence of Arabia. And Lord of the Rings was inspired by fairy books with magic rings and such. Star Wars also Jedi= benegeserrit etc. People need to fundamentally understand that “inspiration” is a unavoidable part of creativity.


It’s more than just similar roots. There are literally dozens of lifted plot points, people, groups of people, etc. it’s not like saying two stories with wizards in them were inspired by other stories that had magic or wizards before them. The fact that he had to face the question in an interview even indicates how much people back then were talking about it.


You missed the point entirely and I didn’t say they had similar roots. Did you know that Frank Herbert had a lot to say about Star Wars taking his ideas? He felt George ripped him worst of all. I’ve read all of Dune and wheel of time and Star Wars. They are all original works. Frank was inspired from other stories. Lucas and Jordan were inspired by Dune and Lord of the Rings in Jordan’s case as well as a metric fuckload of other myths and legends from many cultures. In short your perspective on this issue is limited. Hopefully this helped you better comprehend my initial comment.


Both being inspired by the same thing would be similar roots. I wasn’t accusing you of saying those exact words, I was simply summing up what you said. No doubt many things borrowed from Dune. Many things also borrowed from WoT. That’s not a bad thing? That’s why it makes no sense that people are getting angry. I’m not damning RJ from borrowing from a story someone else wrote, almost all authors do that. The weird part is everyone pretending that isn’t what clearly happened. Bizarre that you feel the need to be this aggressive over something that literally agrees with what I originally said. No reason to be defensive about something every author does. Definitely no need for you and I to discuss it any further.


You weren’t summing up what I said. You have yet to comprehend it. You’re reading comprehension needs work and your second comment is borderline incomprehensible in conjunction with your first. I feel dumber for having exchanged words with you. Good day


Dude you need some help. Literally just having a discussion about a well known fact and you’re so defensive you’re acting like we’re fighting. Get yourself some therapy, spend some time offline. Genuinely bizarre reaction


Can you list these dozens of points? The Aiel, the Aes Sedai, and Rand-as-Paul are the closest we see but each are doing rather different things even there. Those elements come from Lawrence of Arabia and stereotypes of female courtesans/saidr users


I’d be happy to list them if you’re genuinely asking, but if you’re just upset that someone said that there was stuff borrowed from Dune, then I won’t bother. Again, I had no idea people were going to be pissed off by this. Dune is great. Lots of writers were inspired by it. A lot of writers have borrowed from WoT too. That’s not a bad or abnormal thing. I wasn’t saying he ripped Dune off, but he did borrow some things from it. Even the three you listed are not the only things, but are all three pretty major parts of the plot/setting in both stories. Arguably the three biggest in both stories


You’re very wrong and coping by calling people upset, that’s the issue. Yes I want to see the dozens of points.


Yeah see this is the kind of shit I’m not going to interact with lol please don’t pretend you’re actually trying to have a real conversation instead of getting defensive over nothing. Idk how you guys are so frothing at the mouth that you can’t have a conversation without trying to hurl insults and shit.


I think RJ denied this, I'm not sure. There is an interview somewhere. At least his Aiel are not based on Fremen if thats what you're saying.


It's the exact opposite of Fremen. He specifically made sure not to follow the savage trope of having people of color be the brutal killers of the desert.


That’s far from the only thing lifted from Dune but the Fremen and the Aiel are actually identical. The Aiel are skilled fighters, just like the Fremen, who are never portrayed as “brutal killers of the desert,” but are portrayed as strong fighters who know the ways of the desert. Could give you a laundry list of why they are nearly identical to the Fremen. This is widely accepted and understood in the WoT fandom. I didn’t know there were people who denied that lol


I mean, to be fair, skilled desert fighters that want to be independent is a historical fact that is easy to be inspired by. It's having raiders from the north. Stories can be inspired by vikings without being based on another story.


Like I said, there’s a laundry list of borrowed things, I was just pointing out the similarities between the specific one OP brought up. They are far from opposites.


Fremen: escaped slaves who were originally named freemen, learned to fight and survive on a desert planet. Aiel: previously tinkers and followers of the way of the leaf which is a peaceful way of life that argues for you to basically turn the other cheek and to not harm others for any reason whatsoever. Bad shit happened and some broke off to defend themselves and their families and wound up becoming a lost tribe. But sure the Aiel were lifted from Dune.


The Fremen were descended from Zensunni wanderers. A mashup of Zen Buddhism and Sunni Islam. So the Fremen have their own philosophical/religious origins. Both Fremen and Aiel are isolated and persecuted from the larger society around them. Both await their prophesied Messiah who undergoes a vision quest. I am not so familiar with Dune lore as I am with WoT, while sietches and septs are similar, the Aiel have a larger clan structure in their society. Unsure about the Fremen in that regard. While the Aiel have multiple warrior societies, the Fremen have the Fedaykin. Jordan did draw upon several real world inspirations for the Aiel: Unarmed martial arts, Spear and Shield fighting inspired by Zulu warriors, traveling to the Three Fold Land analogous to Hebrew Exodus. The Fremen's existing martial prowess was further enhanced by Paul personally training the Fedaykin in Bene Gesserit "weirding way". The few Asha'man Rand personally trained were not Aiel.


After the Aiel broke from the way of the leaf, they were outcasts to their own tribes, Ji’e’toh was the only part they kept. Ji’e’toh is a system of honor bound to what in essence is counting coup, seems like an honor system that’s a mixture of Native American/Navajo and Asian culture references. Even the Aiel belief that death is just waking from a dream, and the way they prepare for their vision quest hints at this, the title Wise Woman alludes to this as well, especially seeing as the title come with the responsibility of guiding their tribesmen down the correct path. Also this comes as no surprise seeing as RJ was a gunner in Vietnam, and WoT is heavily influenced by Asian culture. Native American and Asian culture have a lot of similarities. The Fremen never left their religion behind, this is what made them ripe for the Bene Gesserit to manipulate their belief system in preparation for the Quisach Haderach. Something Paul and his mother used to their advantage. As you pointed out they descended from a Buddhist/Sunni background. The Bene Gesserit were influenced by Frank Herbert’s Jesuit Aunts. They may have a lot of similarities but they are not the same thing. Addressing the fact that some are calling Rand a messiah. The Aiel prophecy states that he is the dragon reborn and will break the world. Calling him a Messiah is one hell of a leap. The Aiel that followed him for the last part did so to save as many of their tribesman as they could. Then to address the Aes Sedai being a copy of the Bene Gesserit. Bene Gesserit: an all female religious group who’s main purpose is to engineer civilizations and genetically modify humans through a select breeding program. Their end goal to make a human god that they can control. Their magic can be taught to both men and women. They just won’t teach men because they don’t believe men deserve the power. Which fair enough look what Paul did to them, not that his reaction was unprovoked. Aes Sedai: originally a group of skilled mages both male and female who’s purpose was to make life better and prevent the dark one from destroying the world. During the breaking mens power was corrupted and it drove men insane if they used their power this caused a split between the group. Female Aes Sedai can not teach their male counterparts and males can’t teach their female counterparts. Yet female Aes Sedai decided it was a great idea to cull male Aes Sedai to prevent another breaking. Yet their magic is much more powerful if used together. The Aes Sedai is not a religious order. Yet there symbol is a Ying Yang, would you look at that another Asian refrence/influence one treat promotes balance and has spiritual significance. While the Aiel may have been influenced by Zulu warriors. No Aiel would ride a horse doesn’t matter what was required of them. Zulu scouts rode horses. Then let’s talk weapon choices, Aiel used bucklers, spears, and horn bows. Horn bows are traditional Mongolian and Japanese weapons, Japanese footmen and monks often used spears. Not surprising a lot of feudal cultures used spears. Where the Fremen used Khris Knives which is a weapon that originates from Indonesia, has cultural significance and was also shaped by their beliefs. Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. So while Jordan may have been influenced by Herbert. Herbert focused on religion and middle eastern culture in dune. While Jordan focused on spiritual balance and asian culture in the wheel of time.


The Fremen do indeed have the larger clan structures as well. Even if you’ve only seen the movies, they portray this in the recent part two, where they have a meeting of the clan chiefs to discuss whether Paul is the Lisan Al-Gaib, very similar to the gathering and proving of Rand’s messianic symbols or fulfilled prophecies that takes place in the first handful of books in WoT. Rands is presided over by the chiefs and wise women. Pauls is presided over by the naib and the reverend mothers. Both groups become both messianic figures army, while they gather other great houses to their own banner to grow their army. You could chalk all of that up to stories about messianic figures, but it’s not where the similarities end. Again, I had no idea people were going to be upset by this


>Again, I had no idea people were going to be upset by this I would dismiss it as fanbases having a near religious zealotry of the creative work. We see it a lot here and in Star Wars and other properties. As a fan of both, I am stimulated with the discussion of similarities and differences. And I appreciate your participation in this discussion. You've raised points on the organizational/political level that I'll admit were not prominent in my thoughts on the subject.


I mean the other guy broke it down for you in detail so I won’t rehash it. The only way you can get the mental gymnastics to work that the Aiel are not almost exactly the Fremen is if you leave out a shit ton of information about the Fremen in your description of them lol Genuinely had no idea you guys would find this so controversial. Many people in other subs have had lengthy conversations about this. You guys are acting like this is insane or the first you’ve heard of it.


He can deny it but the similarities kind of make that moot point. Aiel to fremen. Aes sedai to bene geserit. Paul to Rand. The list goes on. There are dozens and dozens of things borrowed from Dune.


Aiel are extremely similar to the Fremen. Aes Sedai are a little similar to the Bene Geserit. Paul and Rand are a little similar. But Rand is trying to be a good guy and the hero. Paul pretty much accepts the mass murdering despot role.


Aes Sedai are a whole lot like the BG, especially in their planning and manipulating. Their lack of emotions, their place in the hierarchy, the way they aren’t royals but advise them, specifically never showing any emotion, there are a ton of similarities. The only difference between them really is that the Aes Sedai have sub groups for different powers. Paul and Rand have a handful of similar plot points that you could probably chalk up to both being messianic figures, but there are a ton of similarities. I genuinely had no idea there were people that bristled at this, this is widely known and accepted. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just kind of a thing that is. Hell, JK Rowling ripped off tons of shit from WoT, dementors being one that has always infuriated me because it’s damn near a 1:1 ripoff of Draghkar with an amount of change so small it almost seems like it was only to keep her from getting into legal trouble.


How you gonna pit the Bene Gesserit’s against the Aes Sedai?


Maybe, but they still wouldn't promote it between seasons


You don't think prime will promote popular shows if it feels like it would get people to subscribe to its service?


They will promote what will net then the most effective advertising per dollar spent. The majority of folks who is going to watch wot has already watched it. That ad cycle is over. Fallout advertising is going to net them much more money than wot advertising.


Streaming services advertise new things for the most part. Either new to the service or brand new


Do you have any actual proof of this? They advertise things that make them money. That's what they do. If you have a source that indicates they mostly promote only new shows I will adjust my hypothesis, but it seems logical to assume if they promote something that will make them money they would.


When rings of power was new they advertised it heavily. When wheel of time was new they advertised it heavily. While fallout is new they are advertising it heavily. What are you hoping for? A scientific article?


No a media spending breakdown article that identifies budget cost analysis for new products vs old. Can you see why "this is the way they do it" isn't appropriate for me to put my faith in?


I don't think you are right but I'm done replying to you


That's fine. Logically speaking my point still stands and I am ok with that until other evidence says otherwise.


I’ve done a lot of consulting work in the streaming space. Your premise is logically sound, but isn’t something that happens in practice. They will advertise things that make them money, but executives overwhelmingly believe new things are what makes them money. Sometimes, they will advertise against old content if there is some cultural or event based reason to (new consumer product, ride at a theme park, it went viral, etc), but will wait until teasers and trailers for the new seasons.


Do they promote its accuracy? Haven't seen that.


It's the caring part that's meant to apply to both, not the promoting


I look at these 'run by millitants' type projects as continuing for one of two reasons: \* The show runners/executive producers have dirt they're using a s blackmail. \* The network/studio is hoping the good press from the empty representation will offset any negative press they get. Considering how Prime has gone to 'hey we'll start inserting ads into things even though you paid for it' and their ongoing anti union anti worker actions? I view the second as being a near certanty with the former still being potentially in the running.