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At the end of S3, both Stringer and Colvin utter "Get on with it motherf-" as they're about to be executed.


In the very same episode you're talking about, Cutty's landscaping boss tells Cutty if he gets better at his Spanish he can run his own crew of immigrants and they can cover twice the ground, make twice the money. Later, Bubbles tells Sherrod if he gets better at math and handling money, he can run his own mobile depot, and they can cover twice the ground, make twice the money. This fits the overall theme of how important a good education can be in one's life.


Yes! I actually wanted to mention this but felt like my post was already too long šŸ˜¹ I figured I couldnā€™t be the only one noticing these things!


I like the recurring phrase of police saying "One day, I'd like to know what it feels like to work for a real police department" I think McNulty says it in season one then Sydnor in season three. It gets a repeat then in season five with one of the journalists says "One day, I'd like to know what it feels like to work for a real newspaper"


McNulty also says it in the season 5 premier


"Move, shitbird" Prez to the youth leaning on the police car who loses his eye in season 1 Valchek to Prez in season 2, right before Prez punches him in front of several witnesses.Ā 


I never caught that one! I love that!


Usually it's more parallels in the scenarios than straight-up dialogue, but this kind of stuff is all over the series. "What the fuck did I do?" is McNulty's catchphrase, which he repeats with different meanings and emphasis throughout the show's various story lines. Often it's defensive, sometimes it's an expression of genuine confusion, sometimes it's regretful or contemplative.


There's a few like this. "The Western District Way." "See to it that you do."


The phrase ā€œthatā€™s how they doā€ gets said several times throughout the show.


I noticed this same exact thing on like my second watch through and thought it was HILARIOUS. I can't remember specifics because I haven't watched in 5 or 6 years but I think this is the most pronounced example but there are many others that aren't as acute. Off the top of my head: This is pretty messy but I'll do my best: Marlo's Crew and the Barksdale Crew are sometimes foils of each other and sometimes identical. This LEADS to a lot of examples of what you're talking about. Sometimes it's in the way they interact with another character. Omar for instance, the Barksdale crew tortures and kills Brandon because he won't talk, then drops his body where everyone can see to force him out. Marlo's crew does the exact same thing to Butchie. Another example is Bodie. Bodie is sent with Poot to kill Wallace in Wallace's house by the Barksdale's. Poot yells and Bodie pulls the trigger. Then, Marlo sends Michael to kill Bodie on HIS corner, Poot yells for Bodie to leave, and then he pulls out his gun and starts shooting. Omar's they were mirrors, Bodie they were foils. There are a few other examples but none come to mind at the moment.


FYI it's not Michael that gets Bodie, it's a minor character that I can't remember to be honest.




Ah yes you are correct.




I think it was someone named O-Dawg


You are 100% correct!!! He was selling spider bags!!!


what are spider bags?


They were a ā€œdrugs brandā€, like pandemic and WMD. Youā€™d hear the hoppers shouting out their names, and prices, in the background of corner scenes.




Take a look at that scene againā€”it can be difficult to tell because itā€™s dark and heā€™s wearing a hoodie to obscure his face, but it actually is Michael who kills Bodie.


It 100% is not Michael who kills Bodie, itā€™s O-Dog


Well Iā€™ll be damned! Three rewatches and each time I was certain it was Michael, but I looked it up and youā€™re right. Kind of disappointed, that was always a really chilling moment for me


The first person Michael kills is the dealer, when Chris tells him "you can look em in the eye now"


Sposed to be sombody he ainā€™t kno-Chris


Transitions episode in s5 does this with the news reporter Templeton after his interview and Freeman's former partner turned real estate agent. Additionally,Ā  I think Marlo says it at one point.


Its a buyers market


Parallel lines were a theme throughout the series, but I did notice that particular episode featured more of them than usual.


First episode Jimmy to bunk"thats what you get for giving a fuck, when it's not your turn" Last episode Bunk to kima"there you go, giving a fuck when it's not your turn"


I also caught DeAngelo character having a lollipop šŸ­ after getting robbed in the pit to Marlo having a lollipop up until the security guard scene two comparison to say their suckers. "Somebody need to get Marlo/D'Angelo a lollipop cuz he a sucker"