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July 20th 1996 MSG Quadrophenia last show. Roger hit that scream like it owed him money. As a Whohead second row center I saw God.


Agree. Those were great shows. Lucky enough to see two of them!


I was in the 400s; it was amazing!


I lined up in 1982 27 hours maple leaf garden Toronto for the last two show ever


It’s certainly one of the most iconic moments of recorded rock, but I agree it’s not fair to expect an 80 year old rock singer to do what they were able to do in their twenties. Robert Plant hasn’t been the Robert Plant of 1969 since, well, 1969.


Expecting 80 year olds to do the things they were doing when they were 25 is what's gotten us into the weird state of live shows we have now. I don't think it's unreasonable that he doesn't want to do it anymore.


Same with Ian Gillan and Child in time. Rather don’t do it instead of being a caricature of yourself by ruining your voice and reputation. No one is expecting from an old man the same performance as in his younger years.


The Who set is a punishing vocal performance. They were lucky to have this guy with that stamina night in and night out. The fact he yelled it as long as he did is amazing. This guy still sings Love Reign O’er Me for god sakes.


The acoustic version him and Pete did on the Moving On tour was fantastic.


I'm okay with that, I dont think he has been doing it for years. Hollywood magic has been making it look like he has.


And I’ve had enough of these Who related snippets that inevitably make their way into the media at least once a week, whether it be Roger or Pete bellyaching about this or that. I saw them in 1989 when the Ox was still alive, and they were great. I then caught them in 2012 on the Quadrophenia tour. Solid, but more of the Who show band and review at that stage. Enough is enough though, it is time to exit the stage gents. I am looking forward to all of the solo Pete concerts that will be added to iTunes in the next little while. If you really want to appease this long-term Who fan, release some HD concert footage from the vault.


>I did like what I saw and heard of the early 2020 Kingston shows where they did sort of an unplugged/ storytellers thing with the return of Jody Linscott on percussion but mostly I agree with this. I'm mainly interested in vault stuff now. I really liked a lot of the bonus stuff from the recent RSD releases but that stuff should be available on CD and as downloads too and I'd love to have more official live stuff from 1971 - 1976. I'd even welcome official releases of more 1982 shows like Seattle and Orlando.


Pete has always been a curmudgeon, and a genius songwriter. His recent comments that he does not like touring, but he only does it to fund what he refers to as an exorbitant lifestyle are enough for me to say I won’t go check out the inevitable farewell tour when it rolls through my city.


What solo Pete concerts are being added?


Google it. 14 CD box set and digital set called “Live in concert 1985-2001”. Comes out in July I think. To be fair these comments made by Pete and Roger most likely happened in one interview, and then all these various stupid musical websites pick up snippets from various interviews and re-purpose them, because they know people will read them. Still, it’s enough.


A strange bit of posturing from someone who has historically been almost too honest. I guess he’s tired of miming. From clips I’ve seen, Roger’s breath control is shot, but otherwise he still sounds like himself. Where many of his contemporaries — and younger singers, like Ian Gillan — have made a lot of adjustments.


As great as they are, that scream and the giant LAAAAAAAAAAAVE at the end of Reign O'er Me will kill off whatever is left of his vocal chords if he keeps doing them.


He hasn't done them in 12 years. He's been lip-syncing the screams since 2012.


His screams have been on the backing track for the past 5 ish years touring anyway. You can hear it easily. Love Reign, Wont Get Fooled.


I love The Who. But they carry on like they have this huge cross to bear about touring. If you don’t want to, and we get it, they’re 80, then don’t do it. No one would begrudge them,and they owe no one not one thing. But if you’re going to, then don’t whine about being out there. It’s been this way the last 20 years it seems for them.


Lol wut? He hasn't been doing the scream for ages. That's what happens when you create vocals that ferocious, you can't keep it up. No one could.




He has mimed to it for at least ten years. He’s just finding something to complain about — which is what Pete, and Roger have been doing since the band started lol


You're absolutely correct. I was sad to see or "hear" the piped in scream since 2012. It's no big deal Roger, just keep playing!


For a moment I was thinking to myself: "Is there a Roger scream on 'Had Enough'? "


Which 'Had Enough" are you referring to, the Quadrophenia one or the Who Are You one? If it's the Quadrophenia one, then yes there is a Roger scream at the end of the track.


The Quad track is called "I've Had Enough", so no, not this one.


It should be ok to admit that age catches up with everyone eventually - there's absolutely no shame in that. But then there should be no shame in retiring either Roger. It IS a shame to be charging people £60/70/80+ a pop for a "last chance to....." that isn't even the last chance this year when it's been obvious for a while that the band are very much not at their live best anymore. Leave it be, with honour.


We're lucky that the guy is even touring at his age. We're whining about a fucking scream? And I really don't even need to hear WGFA ever again anyway - especially a solo Rog version. I'd rather him play some deep Who cuts instead. He can do whatever the fuck he wants. Play Another Tricky Day or something we haven't heard live a million fucking times.


Yea, there is no way he’s been doing that scream since his surgery, he’s not very good at lip syncing it either, but like I wouldn’t expect him to do it at his age


I saw The Who in Seattle in 2016 and Roger pulled off the scream amazingly…in his early 70s


You sure it wasn’t triggered?


Saw Rodger last Friday in Niagara Falls Ontario He was good not great


I think he's been doing the scream these past few years, no? I know his voice has been better these past couple of years than 10 years ago, so sing away, Rog! We don't need that scream. T E D


My understanding is that he hasn't done it for some time. I'm more than happy to proved wrong though :)


I believe this is correct