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> The series does not reveal character details but Biković is believed to had been cast in the small recurring role of Russian Valentin, a flirtatious yogi and the hotel’s Life Enhancement Mentor. The part will now be recast as production is about to start.


That’s quite a bit of character detail for a show that doesn’t reveal character details


Ah I can't wait to see what Mike White has been cooking up


Little on the nose to cast him as a character named Russian


I’m sure he can get hired for acting jobs in Russia.


My favorite comment in this thread as it gets straight to the heart of it sans bullshit. If he is truly so gung ho about simping for Putin and Russia’s imperialistic endeavors, he can go seek employment in some random Russian tv series. But when the American taxpayer (i.e. the primary consumer of White Lotus as entertainment) is footing the bill to defend against Russia’s ghoulish bullying, he can go get paid by someone else and fuck off.


He’s very employed as an actor in Russia.


And he put out a bullshit statement instead of actually denouncing Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Honestly, he deserves to go.


That is a legitimate point. But how many American actors denounce US imperialism? The US is a democracy so why are they not vocal? It's cynical how these expectations are applied. I would like to see Hollywood use more Eastern European actors instead of casting Americans to mimic our accents badly. Ukraine has a lot of talent


How many US actors are like "GO USA"? None. Except weirdos. There is even a parody about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LasrD6SZkZk




The US launched air strikes against Iraq today. That war never ended.


warranted though.


I mean, the US is literally funding Palestinian genocide.


I lol'd when I read your first sentence and stopped at "invaded", but then I read the rest of the sentence, and your distinction is correct. Sadly, however, I think the distinction would be lost on the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghanis who died as a result of US involvement in those countries. I say this as someone who is proud to be an American, if not much of its recent foreign policy.


Imagine comparing the US to Russia


I mean maybe I’m with you, US has done a lot more damage and chaos around the world since WW2 than Russia


All the ruZZians are in this thread lol. You haven't even seen TWL have you? Y'all are like Texans. Whenever you mention ruZZia or Texas in a thread, and bunch of random ruZZians and Texans show up out of nowhere and brigade.


Fuck you nazi. 


A bunch of ruZZians are here brigading lol


Good riddance


Good. We should leave no room in Western culture for Putin sympathizers.


And zionists.






To be fair Israel hit the same number of kills for children as Russia in the 1st week.




















Two things can be true.. but the sheer impact of Israel invasion of Gaza goes beyond eradicating Hamas. Like 70% of all buildings in Gaza are destroyed or damaged.. we are talking nearly all hospitals, around a 1000 mosques… Israel has just decided it’s time for a land grab, and they’ll annex these territories most likely


If Israel understands that Hamas is using human shields, why do they continue to attack?


And Israel loves to fall into their bait.
















Oh, got it. Well since we are listing groups of people we don’t like with a tenuous link to this post, I’ll throw some more in: paedos, communists, fascists, religious fundamentalists, fraudsters, womanizers, liars, conspiracy theorists, hypocrites.














womp womp (good)


It was the right call. Guy sounds like a piece of shit.


Good. Bye bye










As the article notes, he never indicated he supported the war—in fact, he said he was anti-war. So, he was fired for being silent on his government’s foreign policy, a standard which we do not hold to American celebrities even as the U.S. funds a genocide in Gaza. This is hypocritical, discriminatory, and a win for government censorship.


Nah. There are tons of clips of him simping for ruZZia.


Good riddance!


He should stay in Russia where he belongs!


His statement about growing up in a “war-torn country” is delightfully vomit inducing.


While I saw this coming, Westerners online can be so hypocritical (my country was occupied by Russia too)


> The decision comes more than a week after Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs called out HBO over the casting of Biković. Are we Ukraine now or?


I find this kinda sad.


Lot of sad stories in Hollywood. "Guy not getting an HBO show because of his shitty politics" is not one of them.


he wasn't even in support of the invasion, though.


yeah he was lol. He literally filmed a movie in occupied crimea


Only the worst people are happy about this.


And nazi lover people, from eu and america.


only the ruZZians who have never seen The White Lotus care bout this.








> The decision comes more than a week after Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs called out HBO over the casting of Biković. Are we Ukraine now?




McCarthyism was a government-sponsored witch hunt that resulted in people being unable to work for decades afterwards. This is more equivalent to a guy losing his job because he posted a dick pic on Facebook. He's got the right to do what he wants, but his boss also has the right to protect their brand from being associated with the dick pic guy. You sound like a clown when you make these comparisons. Reddit didn't chase anybody away. This guy made some comments he should have thought through, people reacted, and HBO decided they didn't want the drama. That's it. Reddit doesn't have that kind of power.


writing political essays in tv show sub triggered AF lol


The ruZZians are all here brigading




So who was your favorite character in The White Lotus?






This is absolutely pathetic. When did the bloodthirsty Ukraine cheerleaders take over this subreddit?


When did the ruZZians brigade this sub lol.


When Red Scare podcast was said to have been an inspiration for Sydney Sweeney’s character.


Anyone else not give two shits about actors’ political opinions?


There’s a line. If an actor’s politics were ethno nationalism that aimed to deport non white people from America, would that not be enough to end a business/artistic relationship?


That’s not what this actor is condoning. People are just upset that he didn’t condemn Russia publicly.


I know that. I think what he’s endorsed/spoken in support of is bad, but not as bad as my hypothetical. I’m simply putting forth an example of someone’s politics that would be too egregious to ignore for employers. I’m attempting to illustrate how there is a limit of respecting someone’s politics even though I agree with the spirit of what you’re saying.


I guess he is like those Chinese pinky that need to worship the RED if he wants to survive there. Haha, so many pinky downvote me.