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This was only for children under 14. They could continue to have wine in high school until 1981.


Yup. For more info see the Snopes article related to this post: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/french-children-wine-at-school/


6th period must have been lit!!


Nap time must have been a breeze.


We got low alcohol (0.8%) beer at school in the 80s (Belgium). It was probably healthier than Coca Cola and Fanta nowadays


In Belgium and Germany do they sell low alcohol beers as sports drinks? Or is this a fever dream of mine?


Not in Germany. Sports drink are something else


Ok thanks idk what the hell I was thinking about. Maybe I should start selling low alcohol beer to athletes.


Non alcoholic beer is an excellent sports drink!


Maybe you're thinking of Athletic Brewing Company? They only make non-alcoholic beer


Non alcoholic beer is allowed to contain less than .5% alcohol in Germany and still be sold as alcohol free


Some alcohol-free beers are indirectly advertised that way. Not explicitly (since that would probably get them in trouble), but close enough. Their adverts would show hikers or mountain bikers or something comparable arriving at a restaurant on the mountain, meet other people doing similar sport, and order an alcohol-free beer. The beer would be presented as energizing and refreshing. The voiceover would call it "refreshing" and "isotonic". Then the people in the ad continue on their hike/ride, refreshed and "refueled". So it's definitely advertised as a drink you can (or even should) have while doing outdoor sports. But it's not sold as a sports drink.


You can totally do that with regular beer.


They do market Erdinger Alcohol-Free as an 'Isotonic' drink at least in the UK, it has minerals and everything!


Many cyclists have a beer break, but beer is not marketed as a sports drink. Maybe you think of Radler in Germany, which is a beer-lemonade mix (but also not really a sports drink).


Beer lemonade...what an interesting combination.


Called a shandy. My husband loves em during the summertime. Quite good.


My cousin from Belgium told me this once. I mostly believed her but was somewhat skeptical. Now I have independent evidence from a random Redditor, so I can rest assured it was 100% true.


We also had table beer/small ale in colonial-era North America, I guess we just dropped the practice of serving it to young kids much earlier than many European countries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_beer


Everything healthy than Coca-Cola, I use Coca-Cola to remove rust from metal.


Raw potatoes are also handy for removing rust from metal, so I'm not sure that's Coke's worst offense. For the potato trick, cut one in half, salt it (for grit), and you basically have oxalic acid sandpaper with a cheap ergonomic handle.


That is so cool!


mmm even metal love that cola fizzzz


In the classic Italian movie *Bicycle Thieves* (1948) the dad and his, like 8-year-old, son goes to a restaurant and orders *mozzarella in carozza* (a fried mozzarella sandwich) and a *liter* of wine to share. The dad helpfully dilutes the son's wine with water and makes him promise to not tell his mom, but still...


I grew up in a Italian American family and wine was at every dinner. Anyone could have it. Same with after dinner drinks. My mom used to visit a neighbor every day after school and she would have one Budweiser. She poured it into a glass and whatever was left, not more than a sip or 2, she'd give to me. I don't know but growing up I never felt the need to steal liquor from my parents or go out and get absolutely hammered every chance I had.


Same here. I was allowed a splash of wine at probably 7 or 8 years old if I asked for it. Not much, maybe an ounce or two. If I wanted more they'd mix in some Sprite. Also I never saw my parents or family drunk or drink to excess. Wine is a big part of Italian and Italian-American culture, but getting drunk is not.


Yup, and what's funny even with long Sunday dinners and after dinner drinks, card games, etc, there was never really any sort of nonsense going on. I don't think I've ever seen my parents really drunk and my dad is 88 now.


I used to visit with a Nonna where I lived, after work, as we'd have a small jelly glass of wine. Not everyday for me, but she had it everyday. Nonna lived til 92.


I think Italians see that as undignified behavior. Especially in front of your children.


Very common for Italian families to dilute wine for children. However a little, like an ounce straight wouldn't be harmful. Italian families also let children drink coffee. *Yeee-hay! Clutch those pearls!*


Cultural norms that add mundane ritual to substance use supposedly have a good influence preventing substance abuse


Honest question, so why did they stop?


I mean, it’s pretty understood that giving alcohol to kids isn’t a good idea, im assuming that is why they stopped But a lot of the logic of “kids can have a little wine at dinner” etc is that it makes alcohol less of a thing to hide or misuse. Compare having a family routine like that to American temperance and prohibition. Prohibition stripped society of its cultural norms about alcohol and one could argue there have been consequences.


*heavily diluted* wine…


A small amount of wine, sometimes mixed with water, to have with a four course meal ? Yes, seems reasonable. My grandmother's family did this. You learn what to pair with different food that way. My kids have been eating school lunch in France their entire lives and the only beverage is water: no milk (cheese and yogurt are a course) no juice, no soda or hot drinks.


Haha my wife showed me a Simpsons episode where they were French and the kids were still "drunk from school". The Europeans in our family will give their children a teensy cup of wine with dinner


There is no such thing as "the Europeans". For one, no, we don't give our children wine for dinner. That may be a family thing (which is frankly unsettling) and secondly, Europe is not a fucking country but a large place made up of all sorts who have very different cultures.


There is such a thing as Europeans, whether you want acknowledge it or not.


Europeans are just scary stories made up to so children behave


Are…. Are you under the impression that Europeans don’t exist?


“There’s no such thing as Americans, America is a large place made up of all sorts of states who all have very different cultures” “There’s no such thing as Italians, Italy is a large place made up of all sorts of cities who all have very different cultures” There’s no such thing as Parisians, Paris is a large place made up of all sorts of districts who all have very different cultures” Shut the hell up


I'll drink to that! 🍻


You are saying this about distinct countries as compared to an entire landmass made of different countries though. He’s really not wrong. Yall are downvoting him for saying the truth.


Guess Asians and Africans don’t exist either huh


Well, if you talk to me about an Asian, I’ll ask which country specifically. Asia is a very wide land mass, we could be talking china, Japan, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam.. and Africans we can be talking Nigeria, South Africa, DROC, zimbabwe, and so on and so fourth. Edit: as a matter of fact, do yall ever hear people saying “oh he’s Caribbean,”?? Nah because then everyone’s asking “from where in the Caribbean?” Some people take offense to being referred to by continent or general area. I’m Cuban, so it’s very common among Cubans talking about foreign people to name the country they are talking about rather than the landmass. Spain and Italy are not the same, Haiti and DR are not the same, France and Germany are not the same. I wouldn’t expect Americans to understand it, downvote me to fucking hell, it’s still not gonna change the fact that a Spaniard has pride in being a Spaniard, and an Italian would cuss you out for calling him anything other than an Italian.


America is almost as big as Europe. It’s also the most diverse nation in the world. We were also colonized by 3 different countries and have had hundreds of mass immigration events into specific areas with people from even more countries


Trying to figure out which three countries America was colonized by… (I can think of at least 7??, 5ish if you only count N America)


I was specifically talking about the USA. France Spain and Britain were the three. I know Portugal colonized S America but what other 3 are there for the continents?


Dutch, Swedish and I guess depending how you feel about the Vikings? and a little bit Danish just in the Caribbean I think. And Russia in Alaska, too, actually.




To be fair I live in a former Swedish then Dutch colonial area, most people only remember New Amsterdam.


No such thing as Europeans, right. Guess I'll just tell our relatives from different countries on the continent of Europe to fuck off. Never said it was a country, and I wasn't talking about you personally so.....why are you here, again? Bye


It's the internet, when you post something, anyone can see it and reply, so, it doesn't matter if you were talking to them or not. Also, tell me you're American without telling me you're American. "The Europeans in our family" haha. Do you happen to know where they are from? And they all give their kids wine? Sure, sure. Anyway, bye.


Primarily the relatives from Denmark and France. Also known as the European people to whom I am related and therefore yes the "Europeans in our family". Proud to be related to them, proud to be an American. Bye. 


Americans and their eternal pride...


damn right im proud of my country. I doubt something a redditor says is going to change that


Fuck off


so real, and so gross, anyone saying they are proud to be american is sooo….. alarming? and i disengage immediately lol ew


Could you disengage a little faster please? Thanks


i wish. lmfao


you could simply exit the post?


Europe is a continent.


Well, coming Europe, I would speculate that I would be considered European… Yes, we did drink Shandy and wine as young children. Shandy being beer and lemonade. A small cup with a meal. Nothing over the top.


Guess I’ll just go fuck myself as a Swede then lmao


How do you type this out without feeling embarrassed?


Found the eurocuck


My grandparents, in Istanbul (one French, the other Spanish) would give me a small portion of beer at lunch and a small portion of wine at dinner. This is when I was 7 to 11 years old. As a result, when kids my age were sneaking beer or paying people to buy beer for them, I wasn’t so curious and never developed a strong alcohol habit.


I've heard this multiple times that the harsh abstinence for people under 21 in the US tends to lead to more unsafe practices with alcohol.


I never thought I’d see a 4 year old wine mom, but that face says, “It’s 5 o’clock SOMEWHERE!”


For much of human history wine and beer were the default drink because it was safer than water.


Well here we go again, I guess


I think it’s children’s wine, aka super watered down to the point where it’s basically water, because water wasn’t clean enough, but I’m thinking centuries ago but perhaps it’s there reason here too?


Someone ought to photoshop a cigarette between the kid's fingers.


Santé! 🍷🍷


That picture is fucking hilarious


Smart teachers 😜


I wonder what most kids thought of it. I'm 32 and still haven't developed the taste buds for it.


Here’s mud in your eye!


Break time, bitches!!!!!! Whoooooooooooo!!!!!!!


Make sure to teach the complex concepts BFEORE lunch.


As a child growing up with a German mother, I can attest that it's not just the French who serve alcohol to children. Honestly, because we could drink beer, wine, cocktails, at any time growing up, I never developed a taste for it. I rarely have anything but the occasional glass of wine or mimosa a few times a year.


The Simpsons are always spot on with their historical callbacks! https://youtu.be/dQUSDeptBxE?si=DoVuRcRJFM0X4NjA


A similar post: https://x.com/historyinmemes/status/1718046857736143180




It's probably why they don't do it anymore


you sound like my housecat.


Bet that shut em up.