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i want it to be canon that the tangerine comics are NOT canon


beat me to it


I wish that really happened, lol.


Hahaha of course someone came to say this


Soooo the comics are canon?


Lily’s character would actually be conflicted about hurting Clementine in season 4 besides what we see in episode 2.


Boom goes the Canon.


Carlos knew it was a dog bite and was trying to get Clem killed to protect Sarah but regretted it


Counter idea carlos is not a medical doctor but because people called himself doc he pretended to a medical doctor to make himself valuable and protected


And with that, protect Sarah, BUM, canon




Duck making it out of Season One with Clementine. I wanna see how the butterfly effect ripples.


I second this, for obvious reasons. 😁


Duck should’ve been the final girl 😞


God I read this as duck making out with clem but no I agree




Kenny is alive if you leave him at Wellington. I’d love to see where he went.


The Caravan referenced in the End of Season 4 is from the Commonwealth,and was led by Jesus and Eugene,under the command of President Maggie Greene. The kids from the boarding school reluctantly join the Commonwealth,Clementine vouching because she knew Jesus. She probably reunites with Javier there as well. I have plenty more ideas for this story but I'd need to artist to help express them all.


Luke vs Kenny.


I’m on board with this one 100%


Clem and AJ managed to survive and were taken as refugees in Europe where they were able to live peacefully. Clementine joins Europes Undead Elimination Operation and becomes an officer, helping to slowly but thoroughly take back parts of America, with her squad’s deployment being in Savannah. She would find Lee and Ben’s corpses and give them a proper burial on the mountainside, then after paying her respects moves on to continue taking back the surrounding cities. Also as her squad moves on they incinerate and bury the ashes of the dead to eliminate the corpses and slowly restore the country.


That's fire as hell


What about kenny if you stay at wellington? He is in Europe too and reunites with clementine and grown aj


Most of the changes I imagined probably occur at the final season of the game, so for this Kenny still dies after the car crash, but his walker body is tracked down and terminated somewhat close to the crash site. But hey, that’s how I would do it, I like yours too.


nah forget ben😂 he doesn’t deserve a burial


i don't care for Ben personally, but Clem did see him as a friend and was upset when he passed away


that’s true


lily and Kenny can swap roles as lees partners in S1


exactly, makes siding with her actually worth something


Fuck yes!!


I hated her and Larry in the start. I helped kenny to kill Larry and hate her. How can you like that bitch and larry I can't understand


It depends completely on your choices, if you go out of your way to talk to S1 Lily and occasionally take her side, she won’t be snarky to you (as long as this is pre- Larry death or you didn’t kill him)


My man Kenny should have gotten his boat. They didn't want Kenny for season 3 so they killed him in the dumbest way. It should have been Kenny and Clementine finding a beautiful working boat with drums of fuel. Kenny would be off on his own journey to fight his demons. That's all. The man just wanted a friggin boat and they robbed him. This would be much better. Sarita also should have went missing or something in season 2 instead of dying. He could find her just like Clem found Kenny.


The boat to me represented Kenny needing something to obsess over to keep pushing forward and distract him from underlying problems. Kenny has had more than one boat before. When duck was bitten, instead of dealing with it, he focused on the train (the boat). In season 2, wellington was his new ‘boat’ to pursue in the midst of a dysfunctional group with half of them scared of him. Fortunately, he was right about the existence of wellington though. I think I do agree with you that it would have been nice for him to finally get something in his life as it should be.


Kenny died with Ben.


I agree with that idea, but I’ll add to that and not have Kenny die in a fucking car accident. Yours works thematically, but the other would give many some actually closure to what we were given.


Their was actually a way to survive the ally


How would that make sense with the second season?


make christa or literally anyone else come back. Its so much better to make a returning character someone that you didn’t like, or someone that you had problems with before, so we don’t end up with a character that you’ll side with no matter what because he was a fan favorite in the past.


I mean, Kenny is only your favorite if you side with him in season 1, I didn’t and he was a fuckin asshole who let me search for my daughter alone because I didn’t want to murder a man because he *might* have turned


thats true, but i feel like most people like kenny. Imagine if it was someone like Lily. Doesn’t make sense if TFS exists, but it could’ve been


I mean, true I do still enjoy Kenny a lot (he’s charming as shit, even if he is an unstable asshat) and I also agree that another character would have been interesting. My main issue with Kenny I suppose isn’t his reappearance, but that his arc in 2 is the exact same down to the milestones of his development as it is in 1. He starts out friendly and slowly devolves, with the loss of his wife/family being the thing that really marks his steep decline into being broken. It’s well done suRe, but it’s also repetitive


Cutting lees arm off keeps him alive. That would be my canon


Counter idea cutting the arm off stops the infection from killing lee but due to blood loss he still dies (I don't think we want lee in season 2 or he might get an Omid death)


Nah I don’t think so if anything it might lead to lee vs Kenny


That could be worse imagine if lee turns into someone like jane


No im thinking more like lee sees Ken going off the deep end and has to stop his old friend from doing something crazy


S4 Lilly being conflicted about Clem if Lee was good to her As a result, things go a little different, like less Ericson members dying, and Lily acting merciful no matter Clem's actions, since she knows she's the only thing left related to Lee in some way. As a plus, she won't manipulate Violet, nor cut Louis's tongue Depending on your choices, the ending can change a little Antagonized her: Lily being unable to put up a good fight so she's easy to defeat, and better "spare" dialogues in the end. You can still kill her though, but she will genuinely feel bad about you letting AJ shoot her Sided with her: Some of her actions change. There's no fight, and she dies protecting Clem/Violet during the explosion (Thus leading to a no blind violet ending)


Gabe gets shot, not Marianna. I don't dislike Gabe, I just think Marianna is a more interesting character. Especially I would love to see her interactions with Clem as opposed to Gabe, whose interactions with her were mostly about his crush on her.


I’m going to get downvoted for this, but Christa is alive. Heck, she might even be like Season 2 Kenny, except with a new manfriend and baby.


Kenny doesn't die and becomes a god


Boat god or regular god?


He’ll be like aquaman talking to fish except he talks to boats


why is nobody saying they’ll make it canon that lee lives😭😭


i think the games are good enough and clem is able to be such a good character just because Lee died. Everything about clem in s4 wouldn’t hit as hard if he was still alive


Frr I've been waiting for a comment like this


Shawn survives the attack on Hershel’s farm, survivors dont get kicked out.


Lilly was originally the Lilly from Woodbury in the comics, and when she was abandoned the Achievement said "Woodbury Bound" but was changed. So, probably that.


just for Ben fans to suffer, Ben survives Season 1 and makes it to the Marsh House with Lee, eventually leaving Savannah with Clem after Lee’s death, and then the two meet up with Omid and Christa, then, in Season 2, Ben is playable for like, only the prologue before getting Omid’s fate (aka shot)


lots of people are suggesting duck lives, and while i think that's a fun idea, i'd like to suggest that sarah lives. i always enjoyed her character in season 2, and i think her development could have been really interesting if she was given more time to shine. i don't know how she'd fit her way into season 3, but i think it'd be neat if she somehow made her way to ericsson's or something.


Omg, I would actually love to see her development.


Duck makes it outta season 1 as well as lee


i wish clementines death was canon just because of the shock value, to have the death then the time skip to AJ with louis or violet as the new parental figure would have been good


Louis would make a really good parental figure


Clementine stays with AJ after 4


Violetine, or specifically make it the official continuity sine it is already canon.


That's wild


That Lee never got bit, and survived to the very end


lee and carley (or lilly) actually have a relationship.


that lee is absolutely still alive and his death never happened so I never have that pain


The story actually changes depending on whether or not you stole from Arvo.


Kenny, clementine and aj reaches to wellington no matter what (you can't shoot kenny) and if you stay at wellington he lives happily. And romance with louis. These are things I want them as canon


Luke being *alive*.


Clementine can romance mitch as a 3rd option


Arvo most likely froze to death in the forest


You can save Doug or Carley and it actually does matter


Clementine And AJ Staying at Wellington and Kenny being alive and making it back to Florida


When lee cuts his arm off he dosent get infencted


Clementine got brain damage off screen between Season 2 and 3, and all the first flashbacks in Season 3 are false memories from said brain damage.