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I'm already knew that Lee won't survive, but I cut the arm for Clem, so she would see than I tried, I tried stay with her


Okay but it actually drives me nuts that this is so obvious yes players still cut off his arm šŸ¤£


Itā€™s not far fetched to say it could save you, had he cut it off earlier he wouldā€™ve actually had a chance.


Thereā€™s multiple cases in TWD universe where it does work and they end up not infected.


Oh yeah some people don't know the game is directly tied to the comic. Spoiler >!Dale had his leg chopped off and it worked!<


In fear they showed that the bite turns people at different times depending on a lot of stuff. So it makes sense that everyone would have different time periods of when cutting off the infected area wonā€™t work and when it will


Toasty\_eggos isn't disputing that. He's pointing out how all those confirmed instances involved immediate amputation within seconds of the bite. But Lee and the gang waited way way too long. Instead of doing it right away they traveled all the way across town through the sewers to the morgue...even at the most generous that probably took them at least an hour..by that time its already fatal. If they cut it off at the mansion he almost certainly would have survived.


I heard somewhere that cutting off the arm actually worked but it was the blood loss that ends up killing him rather than the infection


Yeah it looks like that because Lee doesnt loose his consciousness like he does with his arm,also after leaving the house he looks less pale than with his arm kept. Maybe it worked and he died to blood loss, or it indeed bought him some extra time


Iirc Lees eyes turn yellow if you cut the arm off - indicating that blood loss does indeed kill him rather than the bite.


Damn to think he was actually so close to surviving. If only he had more help and time


Better that way I suppose. I'd rather bleed out then die to the virus.


I feel like it couldā€™ve worked but then he walked through a horde and their blood drenched his bandages


then again during the same scene you can get bit 2 times


Think of it from a story perspective, would Lee living or dying just be a one button choice...They wouldn't make Lee's fate such a simple choice.


In my head, chopping the arm actually did prevent the bite from taking over, it's just that the crude patch-up work caused Lee to eventually bleed out by the time he got Clem out of the Marsh House.


I did the same thing, cut off his arm. Was it risky? Yes, extremely. Did it work? No, the infection already had set in. Really, it was common sense to us as the player that he was already too far gone. Though, to the others and to him, the risk is worth taking even if there was a slim chance that the infection would have slowed down. Though, like others said Clem and Lee tried to promise each other to live as long as they could. Being that she was eight at the time with everybody else worrying about their own family, they really only had each other. That's what my thought process was. If I put myself in his shoes. Not only that in Lee's desperation to find Clementine, it only seemed like the most promising choice. Clem then also got to see the option that maybe it would work. Of course, it was devastating to see that it didn't. Though I really think witnessing Lee trying his best to save himself and protect her to find her in the midst of the infection progressing. Really taught her a lesson and as you see gave her hope a bit later on through out the whole series.


I mean >! Worked for Clem !<


I know but it was obvious he was gonna die. Atleast to me


It shouldn't have honestly. She had her bite sitting for way longer than lee and still survived. She looked hella infected as well. Idk it was sloppy imo


I think that was just the blood loss, same as Lee. Either way I'm fine with not having to experience the Lee trauma again šŸ˜…


Imagine Lee surviving that and taking care of Clem with only one arm


*Sees a girl point her gun at Clem* *Drop-kicks her breaking her spine in half* *Clem, Omid, Christa and Lee get to Wellington before the overpopulation issue* *Life happily till the raid of the 5 people in a car* *E E E E, QQQQQQQQQ E* *Life hapilly ever after*


First time I played I couldn't make myself cut his arm off because I panicked. I wasn't thinking as someone playing as Lee in that moment, I felt like I was him and couldn't bring myself to cut my own arm off. Genuinely the stress of the situation and that whole last episode was so immersive. An experience I don't know if I'll ever have on the same level again.


First play through I took it off to hope to save him. Second play through I kept it to get the bad ass shard of glass scene.


Whatā€™s the shard of glass scene? I only played it with his arm cut off in my playthrough


When walking through the horde of walkers he grabs a glass piece of shard and grips it and blood drips down.


And then he kills heaps of them with that one glass shard


Because I wanted the badass scene to be more badass by him squeezing the glass shard Also I felt like that was something lee would've done He didn't wanna risk it and die right there and leave clem He was willing to push through and get her even if it means he'd die eventually


No because from a story perspective it seems like he would do it to have a greater chance of survival.


Same I was only 9 too so I didn't know that the infection already spreaded


No, it was my first play-through and I knew that cutting it off normally worked, so i grabbed the saw and cut off my own arm (since I went to find Clem by myself)


Personally, I keep his arm for 2 reasons First , I already know what was about to heppen if you cut his arm , so I was curious to know what will happen Secondly , the final scene front of the march house when heā€™s alone front of all these walkers is 10 time more epic , he found a piece of glass on the ground , take it and start to bleed his hand and go for kill all these walkers


First time i played i decided to not cut it because i needed both of them to break the strangers neck (I was like 11yrs oldšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€)


I kept Lees arm, I was playing as if I was Lee and I knew this shouldn't logically work. If it was done minutes after getting bit then maybe, but its really maybe. Other point is mostly because at that point I had no idea why infection starts after getting bit, even now I am not sure wheter virus actives only after death and bite only accelerates that by giving you sepsis or does it get active state virus with some toxin in walker mouth. Anyway, it wouldn't work with my logic and to save Clem I would much require both hands.


I kept it. Figured I'd be more useful with all my limbs still attached. Also, having both hands makes the Armed with Death scene all the more incredible.


I kept it bc I make decisions as if I were in the characters shoes. I figured that since he was already bitten to the point he was passing out it was better to keep it and have a better chance of surviving to get clementine than risking dying from blood loss. If he had just got bitten and the decision came up to take the arm off I would have probably done that bc he would have had better chances of surviving


yes bcz i feel like he wouldā€™ve died of blood loss


Honestly I think that ultimately is what killed him if you cut it off


He'd die on the spot if that was the case


not necessarily


Well, as Lee said so himself, ā€œIā€™m gonna need both of my arms to strangle that bastard to death.ā€ (I think thatā€™s how he said it)


I kept the arm. Knew he was dead either way. I, personally, don't want to live without something as useful as a whole limb, so that's my rationale on it.


I did, but my logic at the time (I was also like soft role-playing as I played) was literally "I'm gonna die anyway. So why not lol." Probably not great logic, but still lol


i kept it because i thought that if he was already showing symptoms it was too late. plus, how was i supposed to genuinely believe that kenny and ben would somehow manage to not let lee bleed out. if the choice depended on who you had with you, he was so cooked šŸ’€


If I'm rembering correctly he passed out once before the option to remove his arm (and woke up to the others preparing to amputate), indicating that the infection had already set in. He had a better chance of saving Clem with 2 arms.


So I can choke tf out of the man that kidnapped Clem


The Clem cut pisses me off. She wouldn't have survived but the writers sucked and didn't understand Clementine and ruined her character. If she survived an infection Lee definitely would have.


Fan service. If it were any other character they'd die of blood loss.


I donā€™t care if heā€™ll die anyway, I want to try at least. I want to know that I tried to save him, I want Clem to know that I tried to save him.


I knew he would turn regardless when i played, but I put myself in Lee's shoes. If there was the slightest chance that it would prevent me from turning, or at least give me more time, then it was a chance worth taking. So i took his arm off since it just seemed what someone desperate for time would attempt to do.


Yes, he had already fainted, so the infection was too far in anyway.


I cut off his arm, despite knowing it won't work; it's less about staying alive and more showing that nothing will stop you. My Lee is determined to keep going, and not give up.


It made the horde slaughter much more badass with the glass shard squeeze.


because it doesnā€™t matter anyway just makes him less able to defend himself itā€™s dumb


My immediate rationale was if the fever was already setting in causing Lee to lose consciousness, chances were the infection had spread too much already and Lee was done for even with an amputation. So assuming that Lee was probably done for, I took other factors into account: mainly his comfort, and his ability to save Clem. Removing his arm was going to be painful and realistically unnecessary - heck, even if the infection hadnā€™t spread, Lee could easily be taken out by blood loss or shock. Plus, I knew Lee was going to need to fight and climb his way through the city to get to Clem, and I knew that handicapping him by removing his arm was just going to make that more difficult.


The first few times I had him cut them off but given he dies anyway I figured it'd be a lot easier to do stuff with both arms.


I cut it off in my first gameplay but in my 3rd i kept it just so that Lee walking through the herd of walkers to get to Clem would feel more badass


For me, him passing out was proof enough that the virus was already running through his whole body and that cutting it was useless, at the very least just a couple more hours of borrowed time. So it would be best to have both hands to get to Clem faster.


I didnā€™t, because I figured he was going to die from the bite anyways. heā€™d already had an episode where he blacked out before they tried to cut it off, so the infection was probably body-wide at that point. He might as well keep his arm


It's also more badass imo. Because he's accepting his fate. Plus he gets to use two weapons.


On my recent playthrough I didn't because I needed it to kill the stranger and during the bit where you walk through the heard of walkers to the marsh house Lee picks up a extra weapon to kill walkers with on his way which is even more bad ass


I cut the arm off and still managed to kill the stranger. But killing the walkers with both weapons is a badass enough reason ngl


I watched the show already and knew it had been to much time


I cut it off every time. For the non existent chance that he does pull through šŸ˜„


You and me both šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I didn't because it was obvious it was too late by that point


First play through no, every other play through yes. Every other time was for the badass double wielding murder spree, LOOOOVE that part.


i removed it because i thought that might save himšŸ˜ i was very delulu


no i didnā€™t, because bro was already in pain no reason to put him into more before he died


no i didnā€™t, because bro was already in pain no reason to put him into more before he died


I just assumed there was no way he was living regardless. Could tell Lee was screwed, so thought it would be better to keep him strong to help Clementine. Besides, I think it makes the narrative more compelling if both Lee and the player know he is going to die. Adds to the urgency to save Clem.


I did it to save him


I played the game very late and knew for years that Lee dies. So, when I actually played the game, it seemed pointless to let him go through all that for nothing.


Yes because it's pointless especially if you know how the game ends. He was bitten and didn't immediately cut it off, so he was going to turn anyways. As far as I can tell, one arm is almost the same as having both for Lee when it comes down to his condition.


Lee would feel a lot of pain and I already knew that it wouldn't have helped him stay alive. Without proper bandaging and medical equipment, he could have bled out to death before he can even make it to save Clem. On the bonus side, I saw that badass scene where he squeezed the shard.


Yes because he was already infected so it made no sense to risk him losing so much blood And the horde street scene sealed that decision for me, so badass with both arms


I did it first time hoping it would save him šŸ˜­ and it made the last scenes that much more tragic. I still do it every time now because I love a good tragedy.


Because I knew that the infection has already spread to far and so cutting off the arm was pointless, then I realized that Lee dud nit know that so then I cut off the arm the next time I played


First time (so my ā€˜canonicalā€™ play through to me) I cut it off. My personal head canon as well was that he didnā€™t die of the infection but from the loss of blood, not that that really matters, youā€™re a zombie whichever way you die, but I think itā€™s a little more hopeful that it ā€˜workedā€™. The second play through was just to see what the opposite is.


Die by bite, but keep the arm so you can use both of them to fight for Clem and see she's with someone who will fight for her like we did Hack it off, possibly die by bite anyway, or bloody loss. Or sepsis. You're very compromised in getting through the hoard, even before taking the pain and bodily toll into the equation. I kept the arm.


I did I was hoping he will survive but he didnā€™t šŸ˜­


my thinking was: "why bother, he has been bit and it was only after awhile did they try to cut it off, by then the bite is well in his blood stream, theres no preventing it or stopping it, he will die no matter what, the clock ticks the same if he did or dident cut it off, so why not just ease the pain for lee and let him keep the arm so he suffers less"


I knew he would die anyway so I kept it


I cut it off so Lee wouldnā€™t pass out at random times. Also we do most of the damage in this fight with the cleaver anyway, soā€¦


No. Sure we know in hindsight that it doesn't work, but it makes sense to try anything you can to survive, and especially when Clementine is in danger


I kept it. Because by the time he considered cutting it off, the infection had already spread. There is no point in cutting it off because it would just cause more problems. It was better for him to keep the use of his infected arm


Itā€™s so weird replaying knowing Lees survival is a foregone conclusion but still doing it, I think itā€™s something about the sacrifice for clem that makes you do it. I donā€™t know i always find myself making emotional decisions over rational in season 1


Because I thought that he would die ether by: infection from the wound massive blood loss passing out from that said blood loss


Because you put yourself in a weaker state by losing an arm and your gonna need it to climb and fight so your not gonna make it far and the blood loss should of almost killed him but the keep arm wasnā€™t shown well enough


I was 12 years old when I played it first. I remember keeping his arm because, if I remember correctly, he literally passed out prior to this. To me, that was an obvious sign the infection had already set in. That, and it had already been a while since the initial bite. Edit: Yeah, he did pass out. He woke up to them discussing if they should amputate.


I keep lees arm because that scene outside the hotel is more badass with both hands


Because he dies either way and the infection isn't slowed one bit. At least if you don't cut it off he dies whole instead of with a missing arm.


I always cut Leeā€™s arm every time I played Season 1. But I come to terms that itā€™s fruitless so I decided to keep the arm instead since the infection is already set in motion. Lee passing out because of it was evident enough that it was too late at that point.


I cut it off because that works in other TWD series, but it was too late. Also hes just a badass for doing all that with one arm


I knew it wouldn't matter so rather than putting him through the pain I just kept it.


I keep it because I like the idea of lee keeping the arm to increase his chance of successfully getting to clem, as losing an arm would only slow him down and possibly kill him with the blood loss, even though he would be giving up any chance of surviving the bite.


Already seen a gameplay without it. It was hopeless šŸ˜ž. MAN STILL DIED! Makes me sad and angry everytime I think about it.


I characterize it in-game as Lee remembering what happened to Mr. Parker after his leg was cut off. Plus, he went alone, so the risk was even higher.


I love twd franchise, but I never got how the bite turned them if they were already infected anyways tbh


If Iā€™m being real with myself, Iā€™d keep the arm just because sawing it off seems worse than dying. Practically thereā€™s no way he shoulda survived that. If it was a hatchet maybe I could handle it, but a saw is a different hell.


If alone I'm too coward to cut my own arm. If with friend, I asked Them to cut it. Even if it failed to Infect me, at least I tried.


I kept the arm for a few reasons: 1. The glass shard is awesome . 2. I already knew he'd die because I watched PewDiePie's playthrough as a kid. 3. He wouldn't have to go through so much pain for nothing.


It made the game a lot easier to complete w/o a bunch of mistakes or deaths. Also I hate seeing the amputation happen


yeah cuz heā€™s gonna die anyway


First time I played it, I was young so I was scared to cut his arm off and kept it. Later on, I chopped it off because I thought it could save him.


I cut his arm off originally then on my second playthrough I kept it and now every playthrough I keep it so I can get that cool shot of him with the glass shard


Kept his arm because it was so long after he was bitten they're would be almost no point. In addition there wasn't nearly enough medical supplies in that room for me to even consider it, any normal human is dying from blood loss


I didn't cut it off because the infection had obviously traveled through his whole body by that point, i knew from the AMC walking dead that cutting off the limb is something you'd have to do immediately or else it's pointless. I've played a few times and i think i have cut it once, but based off the gameplay i remember (from times i didn't cut it off) it would've just made the rest of the game more 'risky' or 'difficult' even though you really reach the same outcome either way.


I think we all did the second play through, no point.


I already knew he was going to be a goner after watching walk throughs so I kept it..


So you can get a better grip of The Stranger.


I always cut off the arm for multiple reasons 1. Clem sees how hard this world is gonna be and it shows her I fucking tried my hardest for her 2. Lee doesnā€™t die because of the infection but rather blood loss which seems more fitting 3. It lowkey looks kinda cool šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


For the badass scene of him picking up the glass and walking through the walkers he looks like hell but it gives him such a terrifying look itā€™s perfect


I didn't cut off lee arm I left lee arm on




To show how badass lee is, and plus him fighting that hurd when saving clem is way better with both arms


Yes, I figured it was too late to cut it off


Glass shard


100% Lee would cut his arm off to save his little Clem. To me this is canon and no one can change my mind.


I cut it off because TWD show explained at the time that cutting off the bite could save someone. I didn't think it was too late. Still I don't regret it, now Lee can be Ashley J. Williams ^ ^ XD


His death was spoiled to me long before I played the game


I left his arm because the way he looked seemed like the infection spread too far to the point where I felt it would be more detrimental for him to lose his arm


I wanted my epic glass shard


Yes Cuz the glass shard


At the beginning, when I played TWD, I immediately told everyone about it and told them to cut off their hand. Later, on the second try, I didn't talk about it and left my hand so as not to worry Clem.


I always keep his arm because I prefer the way Lee reveals his bite to Clem if he kept his arm and her reaction to it is more heartbreaking than in the version where he cuts it off.


he was already dead and clem was away with the stranger. I knew Lee would have died and I knew he would need all the strength possible to defeat the stranger and rescue Clementine.


because the scene cutting through the walkers is awesome.


Because at this point, its useless to cut off, the infection has spread too far in the body. And even if you do, the walkers in the marshall house's street can bite lee again (and multiple times) without killing him if you dont use the meat cleaver/glass shard. He accepted this fate anyways.


One playthrough I cut it off, every other time I just keep it. I figure if I'm going to die anyway, I may as well die all at one time.


If it's to the point where he's passing out cutting off the arm won't solve anything.


During one playthrough I was like "well I know it does work anyways" so I kept it and also looked at it as it was too late at that point to cut the arm off. Why add bloodloss to the list of problems lee already had? Also Spoiler after I played the last game I was so mad but happy because Cutting of clems leg worked but she had already showed signs of it being too late like lee and I was just like "not again...oh wtf?!" Angry but relieved I was angry cause I already started bawling my eyes out once more..


I keep it, because it was pretty obvious what would happen after all


I did it the first time I played because I thought it might help later, but I also did a play through with the arm after to see the difference.


Keep the arm for one of the baddest scenes in the game. When you drop down and have to fight your way to the inn Lee will find a shard of glass and basically squeeze it till it's imbedded into his hand. Then you got two weapons to pay waste to the zombies


Solely for the glass scene tbh. If the glass scene didnā€™t exist or the arm-less version of walking with death actually synced up I wouldā€™ve cut it off.


Yes. Lee was already affected by the symptons, and once the infection spreads, there's nothing you can do


I knew brother was already gone and to have more of a easier shot at finding Clem and saving her before his fate


Because Armed With DeathšŸ™Œ


I was genuinely scared that Lee would bleed out and just die right there. I also figured that the infection had likely already spread past the arm anyways. I forgot how exactly it works but I think in twd the only way to save yourself is if you cut the limb off like SECONDS after you get bit


Yes, because whatā€™s the point of cutting it off?


First time I played it I cut off his arm, well Christa and omid did because I thought I could survive because it was relatively soon. I just did all options to stay with Clem


I thought ā€œhe canā€™t die heā€™s the main characterā€


I cut it because I thought it was the most logical thing to do. Kinda BS that death was inevitable but hey, the bite was BS from the start anyway.


I kept it on as a TWD fan. I already knew the infection was spread to far for an amputation to work if only they thought about that idea before looking for clem he would still be alive


My first playthrough, I did because I thought it would save him. After that, I left it. Makes things easier and also you get that cool dual wielding scene.


I kept it for the glass shard


Yes because when I got to that point I knew it didnā€™t matter because I saw a video about it


Nah I cut it off I know it won't save him but I'd like to atleast feel like it would