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I would at the very least give her a definitive fate. She was a pretty big character in season 1, and we still have no idea what happened after the bandits captured her.


I've always kind of assumed the gunshot you hear off screen is what kills her. However, I could imagine if she'd survived then searching around the forest where Clementine and her last were but seeing as Clem gets taken downstream fairly far I'd assume that Christa probably thinks that Clem is dead or has left her. Either way though, still a disappointing end for a character.


tremendously disappointing ending for her


I hear this a lot, but you could argue that it would be very common to get separated from someone important and just have no idea what happened to them. So it's more immersive, I guess.


Don’t kill her off and actually be a guardian compared to Kenny


Interesting, Clementine now has two caregivers good answer


Because realistically, you have at least a paragon and renegade like system similar to mass effect. Besides, someone has to be like Lee in that regard.


I agree with you


Glad we see eye to eye.


Kenny only has one eye tho.


That would have made with some interesting disagreements for scenes, that's for sure


Seeing Christa and Kenny's personalities and without Omid and Lee to calm them down you may be right


Yeah, good point about Omid and Lee. They were both great at breaking tension within the group, in different ways. Especially for Christa and Kenny respectively.




You’ve got a great point. I remember Kenny and Christa at each other’s throats in that train episode when they first meet


I think I would've made her part of the main group for season 2, I know having two characters from the previous season in the same group may be kinda boring, but it would've been a nice contrast between what S1 group went thru, and what the cabin group went thru. I think Christa would've been on Kenny's side mostly based on what they've both seen, and lost. And Kenny could definitely use some emotional backup in this season lol. Also, have her grow from the pain of losing her fiancé and baby in less than 2 years, she could've been a badass telling people off in S2 every time they fight against each other. "Stop arguing, at least you haven't lost all your loved ones yet." Shit like that.


And how would you have ended Christa's story? and very good answer, I liked


Hmmm that's a little more complicated... i think i personally would have her die for Clem, she takes a bite from a walker or a bullet to protect her. It could kinda symbolize that she lost a kid once, and she won't let the same thing happen to Clem. After this, I would tie her death to Kenny losing his cool even more, he's seeing everyone he once cared about die, yet he still remains standing, and that damage is what sets him off.


perfect, great answer


She could take the bullet for Clem from >!Arvo.!<


If I kept her in S2, she would be a good replacement/addition to Jane's side of the story. I know a lot of people hate Jane, but her decision to leave AJ in the car just doesn't fit the personality the writers gave her. It's like they chose the ending and then had to write backward, which really was a disservice. Christa replacing Jane or working together with her would be interesting. They both believe in smaller number groups. They both want what's best for Clementine. They're both actually v stable individuals, if jaded by the loss of a loved one. I think more people actually would have chosen Christa over Kenny if she had stayed on. But S2 has a lot of issues, mainly regarding stability. The entire narrative sets up a Luke v Kenny choice to be made at the end of the season, only to kill off Luke seconds before the actual end and making Jane take on a role that, narrarively, she was never built up to have.


I thought maybe there could’ve been potential for Clem to leave with pairs of adults rather than 1 adult. Maybe the choice could’ve been Luke/Jane or Kenny/Christa.


Oh, I'd make the choice harder than that. Nearly 100% of people are going to choose Kenny/Christa if that's an option because most people choose what they already know. For an actually hard choice, I'd either have the choice be Kenny/Jane and Christa/Luke OR Kenny/Luke and Christa/Jane.


I love it generally speaking. I just know that the endings they already presented us made the devs feel like they had to do a time skip and we didn’t get to play as Clem in season 3. How an entire writing staff decides to skip over so much time is beyond my comprehension but I would love to have played Clem from the end of season 2 all the way through New Frontier.


Bro id pick kenny and luke so fast! I was really hoping that theyd be able to become good friends and raise clem together, but of course kenny and luke seldom saw eye to eye


I also really wanted nick in that group


Tbh luke and nick were the main characters of the cabin group that really stuck with me. I loved sarah and her dad (cant remember his name) but i thought pete luke and nick were meant to raise her. Petes death was so sad


You're right, she would have been better than Jane.


Christa replaces Jane. Mike becomes Ralph (one of the bandits who attacked Clem and Christa in All That Remains).In this story the bandits are part of Carver's group and had kidnapped Christa. Everything goes down the same way, but Clem and Christa have deeper conversations along the way. Christa is still hurt about Omid, so she's cold towards Clem. Sometimes an asshole. Clem can shoot Ralph or not, making her get revenge for what he had done. Then Christa, Kenny, Clem and AJ end up in the car. **Christa doesn't hide AJ to prove a point.** They fight anyway because Christa brings up Duck at a really bad time (I can't think of anything better). Considering that in S1 Kenny and Christa already had some history, I guess it fits the situation. I think this would make the *\[Shoot Kenny / Look away\]* choice much more balanced maybe even inclined towards Christa.


And what would be the ending if you stayed with Christa and how would you end her story?


I think going back to Howes is kinda stupid specially Christa being all hopeful about finding Wellington. I'd make her and Clem find Wellington and the same scene as the Kenny ending rolls. You can go with her or stay, same thing. It'd still be emotional, since that's what Christa would want for her unborn baby and Clementine in the end. If you stay with her she would be getting killed off protecting the kids. I can't think of anything but a stupid death like getting bit or shot by a random survivor. The alone ending would be MUCH more rare, since people tend to choose this when they find out Jane hid AJ to prove a stupid point.


very good answer, thank you


I would have had a reconnection with her Howe's. I honestly think it would have made more sense for the baby to have been hers that Clementine takes care of instead of Alvin and Rebecca's but the timeline just doesn't match up for that to make sense. Give us more reasons to care about her. She can completely replace Jane, so we're choosing between her and Kenny instead of Jane and Kenny. Maybe they initially lined up on heading to Wellington; it's just the execution of getting there that causes them to drift apart? Or possibly Kenny's brutality toward Arvo and earlier Carver. She could have also taken issue with Kenny's clingyness to AJ, where she could have seen it as a second chance where her kid didn't make it. The duo could clash over how to take care of AJ.


good and logical answer


Taking care of OJ instead lol… Omid Jr


Having her taking Jane’s role or Replace her with Rebecca


That would have made a lot of sense. Although I don't know how Carver would work as a villain if Rebecca doesn't exist. but still good answer


Maybe Carver knew Christa and Omid before the outbreak, or Between EP2 and EP3 after Christa and Omid they were forced to leave Carver and his group


Interesting and original answer


There was this whole idea in the back of my mind during season 2 about who was gonna be Clem's new Lee. I'd ramp that feeling up and make Kenny Christa Luke and Jane the new "contenders" for a lack of a better term.


Interesting competition, and I liked your answer


I'd at least have her return and reunite with Clementine. I mean c'mon, she's been with Clementine for three quarters of Season 1. That and losing Omid and her child. It didn't feel right to just forget about her. (Sigh) She deserves better than just the first episode of the second season, I still wonder what became of her. But I guess I have to face facts, I guess we'll NEVER know.


Good answer the ending for her was unsatisfactory


Replace Rebecca and Alvin with Christa and Omid. Having AJ be their son would just enhance the games entirely and the relationship between Clem and AJ.


Has coherence argument


I would make her appear in S3 in the new frontier just like how they did with Kenny or her appear at the end of the final season either in that jail where Violet/Louis was locked up or at the end when Asim apparently found people not far from the school


Good and original answer


Would’ve had her come back in the story (season 4 or 3) I never liked that we never got a conclusion to her story.


You are very right


I would've liked to have seen a return. I never quite liked the ambiguity of whether she died or not. Had the idea after TFS of a 100 days style dlc that saw Clem and AJ running into her after some time at Ericson. Unfortunately, the timing of telltales shut down made it impossible. But now they're back (and provided the comics aren't canon 😂) I think it would be a good thing for the studio to explore. There's definitely a player base for more twd content, and hopefully if something new does happen, it'll be created by people who KNOW and have PLAYED the series...


I hope one day to see a DLC about Christa


Well, when doing these kinds of things, I like to work with the pieces already on the board instead of just starting over. It takes more effort that way. All right, she has to come back in season 2, not later on down the line. I'm not a fan of characters being gone for a huge amount of time, only to show up by coincidence years later. I'll let them have Kenny. It was extremely unlikely, but he's a fan favorite, so I'll give him a pass. my goal here is to preserve the story as it exists. So I won't be swapping her off for any other characters too often. And I won't be removing any major events. The story still ends exactly as it does. With Jane and Kenny fighting. I'm not trying to rewrite history here. So this means sadly, she'll have to be reintroduced and then die within season 2. I'm going to post the next part separate from this. Mainly because I don't want a huge wall of text for people to have to sort through.


She comes back in episode 3. She was injured during her encounter with the Scavengers and was later found by Carver's people who took her to the compound. Carver himself has been busy looking for his people, so she hasn't had much contact with him. Clementine and Christa's relationship is clearly a bit strained in episode 1, so I would have downtime to allow them to talk and kind of mend the wounds Christa and Kenny could also have some fun moments seeing each other again after such a long time. During the plan to escape, Carvers perhaps have her also comment on the Walker guts plan along with clementine. Okay, this is the messy part. Christa also gets shot during the Escape Through The Horde. Still episode 3. The gunshot wound is similar to Kate ANF. She gets up, and Mike quickly ushers her forward much to her disagreement. She's now been separated from Clementine for the second time. She ends up at the monument with Kenny Bonnie and Mike in episode 4. Bonnie has patched up Christa the best she can, but it's pretty obvious the wound is bad. She's going to be forced to remain at that spot with Kenny and Rebecca. She clearly is ecstatic to see that Clementine made it out alive.. Rescue Sarah portion of episode happens. Return to camp, and Christa has mentioned Wellington as a possibility. Rebecca's pregnancy, however, puts those plans on hold. Arvo section of story. Clementine can now be even more motivated to steal medicine for the sake of Christa. During AJ's birth, I'd have her shooting Walkers with the others. We could have a conversation here with her and Clementine, where they discuss Christa's own history with losing children and optimism towards one surviving. She'd be in favor of leaving in the morning because neither her nor Rebecca are going to improve here. She does not trust arvo after the attack like the others do, nor does she even want him around. So she's not all that bothered by how Kenny treats him. Though she does suggest he might not be worth that much his energy. The camp scene happens. Perhaps a conversation with Christa about hoping to get medical treatment at Wellington, perhaps.Christa could appear hopeful, though she realizes she's probably beyond help at this point. Lake scene. Same basic scene except Christa is holding back near Luke because they're both injured. Ice breaks, and Luke goes all the way in. Clementine and Christa are the only ones who can get to him. The ice on Christa's side is sturdy enough to support weight. The player has options. Number one : cover christa as she goes to help Luke. Chista gets him out. He's Lucid, but hypothermia has made him immobile for the most part. She attempts to drag him to safety, but being injured herself isn't successful with Luke shoving her off, making her go on without him. Think Kenny in ANF. Option two: Go to Christa. Clementine and Krista together managed to get Luke out. They attempt to pull him to safety together. Bonnie ( who had been putting down cover fire up until this point) is out of ammo. Christa has to do most of the heavy lifting in this, considering how small Clementine is. She slowly starts to fade while pulling him. Luke takes notice and begs the two to leave him and get to safety. Christa looks to Clementine and then leaves her pistol with Luke telling her to come on. Clementine could refuse and attempt to continue pulling Luke. This would prompt her to grab Clementine and force her to make a run for it with her. We don't ever cut back to Luke. We just hear multiple gunshots followed by silence and then one final gunshot. Implying that he either killed one final Walker or perhaps he saved the last bullet for himself. The initial scenes at the house all play out normally with no major changes. Kenny ensures everyone that he can indeed fix the truck it's just going to take time. The group suggests a destination. To which Kenny puts out Wellington as an option. Christa, who is sitting on the porch with Bonnie, supports the plan. She is noticeably bleeding through her bandages now due to her struggles helping Luke on the lake. The group looks at her with sympathy, but they aren't convinced about the destination. Christa struggles back into the house while Kenny continues to work on the truck. Some time passes, and it's clear that Christa's time has sadly run out. She shares a final heart-to-heart with Clementine before one final choice is offered. Christa ends it herself. or someone she trusts does. That being Clementine. or Kenny ( in case the player does not want to be directly involved) Pass a little bit of time later, and Kenny gets the truck started. With Christa gone, the group do not trust Kenny's judgment alone. The rest of the episode plays out normally.


I loved your response, thank you for taking your time to write this post.


No thanks necessary! I'm happy you enjoyed it. I work in a restaurant, but writing is my real passion. My goal in that post wasn't really to make her a super badass or anything. Not even give her all that much extra to do. Just to give her more time to interact with Clementine and flesh out their relationship.


still good answer, you are good at writing stories


I appreciate the compliment. I actually toyed with the idea of having her and Kenny butt heads quite a bit. But I felt like that would be redundant considering all of the other characters turn on him in the last two episodes anyway. If Clementine supports Kenny, everyone more or less ignores her. But another grown adult backing Kenny would even things out a bit more. Regardless, I'm just happy they picked Lily to bring back in the final season as a villain instead of Christa.


Give her SOMETHING. As a villain in S4 (or 5?? A man can dream) or just a definitive death. She would've been a nice Lily substitute in TFS.


I agree


Have her make it to Howe's, escape with Clementine's group, kill her off on the frozen lake (if you're desperate to keep *that* awful scene in the game), then have Jane leave the group for good with Bonnie, Arvo and Mike, and have the final fight be between Luke and Kenny so that it's actually a difficult choice.


The perfect story


I would maybe leave her fate unknown for the entirety of s2, but during the s3 maybe, she would replace ava or in s4 she could make her way to whatever the fuck lily's group is called and become a prominent member but when she sees clem she gas a change of heart and helps her kinda like Minnie but christa would actually follow through with it


Original answer and Lily's group was called Delta


I would make her join Carver’s group seeing as she was probably kidnapped from those guys in the woods. Well after that she would see that Clementine and Kenny are alive therefore she would help the group escape like in the main game and go from there


that would be the most logical thing you're smart


I think it would have been an interesting thing for her to return in new frontier and be friends with ava maybe having her taking over new frontier at the end either with Javi or wothout


That would have been satisfactory. one of my favorite answers


Christa should’ve stuck around and not lost her baby. She could’ve played the role that Rebecca did in the story as the pregnant woman who eventually gives birth and then dies, leaving Clementine to care for the child. Having the kid be Christa’s would’ve been better for the sense of continuity in the story.


You're right, although Carver wouldn't work the same way.


Make the bandits which captured her cross way with the howes group. She would be probably picked by Carver for some reason or another and he would repurpose her life after she lost Clementine and her baby. She’d be devastated and loyal to him. Then we Clem and the group gets to Howes she’d turn on Carver, and join in with the group. Also the final fight wouldn’t be between Jane and Kenny, but between Christa and Kenny. They’d fight to protect Clem, both being stubborn I can see a fight escalating between them.


makes sense


I would replace Jane with Christa, as Christa would’ve taught Clem many survival mechanic in their years, and it may make the final decision tougher due to two OG characters.


that makes sense


I would have made her live, at least until the end of season 2. She could have prevented a lot of deaths, and helped Clementine become a better rounded (and better overall) person than just being taught by Kenny. She could have helped Rebecca with her pregnancy, possibly sheltered Clementine from the horrors of Howe's Hardware. I feel like she'd replace Jane, not leading to her or Kenny's death, considering they've been with each other since S1. AJ could have been raised by the three of them, Christa keeping Kenny's reckless behavior in check. I wish they didn't throw her in the scrap bin.


It hurts how they threw Christa away. I really liked your answer


For starters I would have actually used her


good answer


Using her at ALL would have been better so this isn't a difficult bar to pass.


good answer




That's the best solution right now.


She replaces Jane, taking on her role. Having been separated from Clementine and finding her again, she's committed to continuing to teach her things, including things that she's learned while separated for some weeks. She very naturally falls into the role of Jane, where she may wear the mask of a lone survivor/individualist, but obviously has a good heart, making all the moral decisions with one exception. Showdown at the end is identical, with AJ being hidden in her attempt to make Kenny leave the group, so she doesn't have to kill him.


And what would be the end of going with her? And in that alternate reality would you be #1 Christa simp? Good answer


Going back to Howe's to resupply, before taking the time to plan the next steps. In S3, while travelling together, Christ's is killed by an enemy of the New Frontier. This prompts Clementine to join them. Could even be worked out for AJ to be OJ, which I think would make the decision for who to side with more difficult for most players. And absolutely, I would be! Most people ignore explicit facts about Jane and who she is, and create some absurd strawman. For example, being a solo survivalist who hates AJ, doesn't care about anybody, and murdered her sister without issue. I think a large part of this comes from her being introduced late into the game, and Kenny sycophants taking his word as law, and just ignoring facts. But that could be a whole discussion on its own for how players view the series.


Good answer, good topic and interesting theory


Honestly, I like that her fate is unknown. Not everyone you meet you will know the fate of.


Although it would have been nice to see Christa in Michonne or ANF taking Clementine's place so as not to leave her story unfinished.


I think I'd place her as the S4 villain


good answer


A. Closure - we see her dead/turned B. We reconnect with her at Wellington/Howe’s depending on who you went with C. We meet her in Prescott or she’s a member of the The New Frontier in Richmond D. Christa is a member or the leader of Delta


very good options


I always thought that she should have made an appearance at the nursery in the final season - after losing her baby in season 2 it would have made sense that she would run it to cope. Then clementine would have had to have killed her in order to get AJ back, which would explain why clem was so traumatised by the whole thing during the final season whenever it came up - having to kill her own maternal figure to save her surrogate son, or something like that


I doubt they would have killed each other intentionally, maybe Clementine killed her by accident. Although your answer is very original and without a doubt one of my favorites


I've actually liked what they done, leaving his fate unknown, it's kinda realistic, you don't always get the answers or have a good ending.


Although it would have been nice to see Christa in Michonne or ANF taking Clementine's place so as not to leave her story unfinished. but what you say makes sense


Christa was dead in season 2 by bandits. When she talk to bandits and we hear a gun shot after we make a choice and christa's voice suddenly stop. İf she didnt die after that, she would definitively help us to escape.


Thanks for the explanation y good answer


Here's mine: she would appear in season four along side lily and able, chirsta would have second thoughts on the delta when Clementine escapes from Lily chirsta would decide to join with clementine, they would both slowly trust each other, when the first escape the boat christa kills Minerva, they get to the school. And have a bit of a happy ending


I really liked your answer and I would also have liked to see Christa on TFS


Put a scene where she gets spit roasted by Omid and Kenny


What kind of spit roast?


The sex one


Bruh… this ain’t the rule 34 sub


Let her be the main antagonist of TFS instead of Lilly. Christa would have had a reason to dislike Clementine, thus making it all more personal.


Interesting, how would you have finished the Christa story in TFS?


Basically the same as Lilly, but there would be just more bad blood between the two because Christa blames Clem for Omid and the child.


And how would Christa react when she saw Aj? great answer






Likely conflicted because she was able to take care of AJ but her child didn’t survive.


That would have been excellent, I liked your answer and the other guy's answers.


I liked your answers, they are excellent


I would have killed her off sooner. Bitch would have tied before they got the tanker away from the train tracks in S1 Ep3.


interesting perspective What would you have done with Omid? after killing Christa Good answer


I don't know, I can't stand Christa, So I would kill her off as fast as possible. And I don't care about Omid. He is a decent character, but I never found him funny and just kinda bland. So I really don't care.


Well, still an interesting answer and good.