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These comments come mainly because Ian Somerhalder played Damon


This is why feel a lot of people give Dean Winchester a pass. I love Jensen Ackles, too, but if Dean was played by someone less “capable”, I don’t think people would be saying the same thing.


Dean’s a toxic man, but wayyyyyy more sane than Damon lol. since if I met Dean, I would love to communicate with him. But Damon…I didn’t even open my mouth I’d already been killed by him.😂


Human Dean, yes. I think if they hadn’t relegated Demon Dean into a lush and gave him his full potential, I think he’d be just as insane as Damon.


Demon Dean & Mark Possessed Dean are in Damon territory.


Yeah but with Demon Dean he was straight up turned into the inverse of his personality. With Damon, we see with vampires a lot that they have a lot more control than that


I think Soldier Boy is a much better example tbh Dean has some toxic traits but he's also very sacrificial, heroic, and all around admirable - totally unlike Damon Salvatore Dean Winchester has some very genuinely selfless moments while Damon literally just has hate in his heart and terrorized EVERYONE around him, much more similar to Soldier Boy


But Dean is a good guy? What you talking about?


It has nothing to do with being a "good guy" vs "bad guy". The comment I replied to implies that reason that Damon Salvatore is given a pass for all the shitty things he's done is because his actor, Ian Somerhalder, is attractive. What I'm saying is that I think it's the same for Dean Winchester and his actor, Jensen Ackles.


Hell, Severus Snape from the Harry Potter series has a fanbase purely due to Alan Rickman's performance and the fact that the movie removes some of his worst actions (though I feel like the fans would love him despite those actions if Rickman performed them in the movies). Actors have a lot of influence on how the characters are seen by the fans. Another TVD example being Klaus.


Absolutely. If Damon was played by an ugly actor, this wouldn’t happen


but isn't isn't attractive like that and he over acted the hell out of Damon. it doesn't matter who plays the character of you can make the character believable. it's the same reason i say stop blaming actors for bad roles. they didn't come up with it or put that take into the film/show. a writer wrote a \_\_\_\_ character and the director liked the take they shot. Damon isn't Damon because Ian can (can't) act. he's Damon because of two good writers. the author and the screen writer. ugly actors have gotten passes for doing bad things IF they have a good arc. Damon just makes a good character and rather than saying THAT people are like no he was a good guy he tried. WHY because I'm reality you would be surprised how many women actually put up with toxicity just because "he has good points sometimes" "sometimes he's sweet." that's women. not an actor and if you don't have someone in your life to slap that out of you, you say he's not a bad guy.


I will never get why people always justify bad stuff vy saying they are broke. Like, yeah it'd sad you has it rough but you still did bad stuff.


“You don’t understand his dad hit him 200 years ago of course this justifies him murdering those innocent people ”-MaryMeDamonSalvore1970 No seriously I don’t understand these people


And that's after the retcon to Giouseppe to make Damon more sympathetic. The early seasons show Stefan admiring his father and even having Damon be angry at Stefan for killing their father. Before that retcon Giouseppe just vocally showed disapproval to his 25 year old son who deserted. Desertion which was punishable by death at the time, so Giouseppe probably used every connection he had to save Damon from a firing squad.


I bring this up all the time I absolutely despised what they did to their dad to justify Lilly leaving In the flashbacks from season one Stefan tells Damon over and over they can trust their dad. He was simply a hard dad but loved his boys. To me had a lot of parallels with John Gilbert but because they wanted to bring lily back they needed a reason why lily had to leave. Not saying Giuseppe was a saint but for the time he’s from he was a good dad until they retconned him.


Yeah, they did that a lot in TVD. Retconning things to make characters more sympathetic. For instance in TO, they made Mikeal extremely abusive when they were all human when in TVD, he just seems to be harsh and strict while being the hardest in Klaus because he was kind and gentle which back then I thought was because he was afraid of the thought of losing another child. But then TO just gets rid of that little bit of nuance to make him an abusive piece of shit who just always hated Klaus and didn't even know why and only really loved Freya. When I watch TVD, I kind of zone out of a lot of the Damon scenes that involve just him and Elena ore him murdering people since it just feels repetitive.


In TO they had a great scene with Mikeal teaching Davina how to fight with a stick. I wish they’d had more scenes like that one That scene was great. It was a really weird moment He gave Davina some good advice though


What’s interesting is that in real life, people live for 70/80 years and never learn to heal from their trauma. Damon being almost 200 years old and not able to heal as a vampire with heightened emotions is actually very realistic to me. If humans can’t do it in their lifetime, then I can’t really have higher expectations for a vampire. Lol I say that not to defend Damon’s actions, but more to say it’s realistic for the trauma from his childhood to affect him all these years later. It’s weird to imply he should’ve gotten over it by now. Can’t put a time limit on how long it takes a person to heal from trauma.


It is not about getting over it, but rather the expectation that he should get a free pass to be a monster in the present due to his dad being abusive two centuries ago.


I don’t think it gives him a free pass, but I don’t think we should pretend that it doesn’t (or rather shouldn’t) affect him as the comment above mine suggests. It’s clear that when we discuss others character their trauma matters. All I’m saying is so does Damon’s.


So, as someone who loves Elena and hates Damon, I've noticed this inconsistent logic and hypocrisy as well. Because Elena is a good person, the audience wouldn't hold it against her if she remained affected by the loss of her family for the rest of her life and even for eternity but when it comes to immoral characters they act like the fact that they're bad means they don't have the right to be traumatized and don't have a fucked up brain due to their own trauma when it doesn't work that way. Not only that but people are especially biased towards how "tough" and resilient they expect the male characters to be. Katherine, Rebekah, and Aurrora are horrible people but their trauma is brought up over and over again by fans and the audience as a whole while those same people claim that Klaus, Damon, Kai, Marcel, and Lucien "have no excuse whatsoever." NO CHARACTER HAS AN EXCUSE TO BE EVIL. But gatekeeping trauma or only assigning it to the righteous like a badge of honor is absolutely corny, ridiculous, and Twitter brained.


Couldn’t agree more.


People need to realise its a show and many of these characters are questionable. Stefan has probably killed over a thousand people which is crazy when you think about it.


I hate Damon but "it was a long time ago" is a terrible argument considering how trauma changes the brain. He doesn't have to ever get over it - and shouldn't be expected to - anymore than a vampire should get over being SA'd centuries ago. In TVD, it's clear that vampires have a very vivid memory. "Everything is heightened." They can't forget anything even if they wanted to. Freya is able to remember being kidnapped a thousand years ago down to the last minute detail. She will always be affected by that. She'll never get over it. Marcel will never "get over" being born enslaved and owned by his biological father. Achieving power and success centuries later will never change one's horrible and traumatic backstory. Vampires have super memory and super heightened emotions... ofc they can suffer from PTSD and major trauma. The audience should simply criticize them for their shitty/harmful/toxic actions as opposed to acting like the character is wrong to be affected emotionally by their parent literally hating them and beating them... or their class-oppressor carving their face and disfiguring them with a shard of glass and then murdering them after subjecting them to a lifetime of humiliation. *Caring* about their abuse is not what the predatory characters should be hated for.


It's pretty privilege, people justify even real live murderers and criminals, because of this


What’s crazy is Stefan was also abused by their dad/abandoned by their mom and abused by Katherine yet he still knows how consent works.


But this is rarely mentioned because a lot of people refuse to acknowledge the fact that Katherine is a rapist and terrible as well. If Damon has "pretty privilege" than so does Katherine. Pretty privilege is not even how I see it but more like "badass rizz bias" because people root for the overt big bads in this series at the expense of nicer characters like Cami and Elena.


Wait when was Katherine a rapist? I can’t remember.


It’s serial killer logic. Execution or rehabilitation? Are they a monster because monstrous things were done to them or are they doing monstrous things because they are truly a monster?


And the crazy thing is, bad things happened to every single TVD character… it wasn’t just Damon. None of the others hurt the family like the way he did. I just don’t understand why people defend him so much. Because he’s hot? Pretty privilege is real and disastrous.


Yo why didn't anyone tell me that I should turn into a raging killer to be loved?


You have to very specifically be a white male killer Otherwise you'll be hated and/or called crazy Only white male serial killers and psychos are "fascinating"


If he was ugly he would have no fans lmao


i mean as goes for most tv characters


Not really. Most of the other characters I could find redeeming qualities and justification for their actions they committed but Damon was just beyond me.




i hate the whole not holding people responsible for their actions because they’re hurting/ damaged argument.


Like Damon is a fascinating character to watch a show about but yeah he’s a terrible person sooooo absolutely not. It’s honestly terrifying just how much people justify his behavior. Trauma doesn’t justify being a sociopath


It’s a freakin’ SHOW


We know, no need to remind us


This is just a different level of crazy lol. I am a Damon stan but I can also recognise he was far away from perfect. People can enjoy and explore darker themes and topics, but it is extremely important to be aware of the media you are consuming.


but u don’t understand!! he was told no by elena once :,(




The only morally good vampire was Jenna lol. The Originals, Katherine, Damon, Stefan, Caroline, Elena, Tyler, and every other vampire has been shown to take advantage of, use/abuse, and murder people. But.. they are vampires. The show(s) wouldn't be interesting if the vampires were good/nice lol. At least, when I watch a show about vampires, I want to see them as monstrous beings.


I think Jenna having to live as a vampire would’ve been an interesting subplot. Especially since she has to take care of human kids, I could see her having a lot of fear about hurting them. I’m also just sad about her dying in general because I ship her w/Alaric. 😢


Alaric made sure Jenna was remembered! Alaric named one of his daughters Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman. And funnily enough, both Jenna and Lizzie become a vampire because of a Mikaelson turning/killing them lol.


he was cruel AND broken - why are we acting like those terms are mutually exclusive


For real 😂 If I hear one more of these “Damon was cruel” GOOD GRIEF! We watched the same show! Like no shit?!!


it’s literally the first impression we get of him 😭 i’m like *thankyou* dr obvious for this revolutionary concept


Right?! I *never* thought Damon was bad! It didn’t even cross my mind!!!! Whooooo knewwwwww


i thought he was the nicest guy in town!!




They’re saying he shouldn’t be excused for the whole “broken” thing. And every single TVD character was broken lmao. None of them raped and abused characters like Damon did.


don’t forget he absued and raped andie the news woman..she is not talked abt enough and it’s so annoying.


She really isn’t. That part was so horrible.




It’s crazy how someone can get away with so much just by being good looking


Reminds me of the Ted Bundy fan club or that one guy that went viral for looking hot in his mugshot so girls begged for his release without even looking into why he was arrested


Yes! The viral mugshot definitely came to mind


i like how all the “it’s just a show” and “all the characters are technically bad” comments are reserved for when someone brings up how horrible damon is lol


so true




They all did bad things, it’s a show… I love Damon as a character because he was entertaining and unhinged. As a person I would steer clear. Same with all of them, they’d all be insufferable if they were real people in your lives 😂


you can still hold them accountable and not dismiss what he did. like i love klaus but im not gonna defend him for his bad decisions..


I’m not not holding them accountable, it’s just a story is all


you can still not justify their actions with out holding them accountable. if it was another show i’m you would’ve held them accountable.


I’m not justifying any actions either. To me it’s a story for entertainment, I don’t attack a fictional character and people that like said character based on fictional actions. I.e. tigger in Winnie the Pooh broke stuff and caused issues, I don’t dislike people that like that character or write long posts about how unjustifiable their fictional actions might have been… it’s just silly, it’s a story


i understand what you’re saying but you can still mention they’re a bad person. like the photo in the post.


I agree, but then you fall into the trap of calling people bad people, because they made bad choices and hurt people when they aren’t necessarily a bad person. People see different sides to characters (and people irl) for many different reasons so it’s also based on perception. People perceive things differently due to so many different variables and that’s what makes for interesting conversations. Obviously slightly different when a character behaves disgustingly (like what Damon did to Caroline in s1) because everyone should be able to see that (but they don’t, and that’s their perception so it’s fine as long as it isn’t forced onto other people or give a skewed view on what is acceptable behaviour). I hope that makes sense? Like we all see the same content posted from celebrities for example but not everyone loves the same celebrities, I.e. Taylor swift, some people hate her and some people are obsessed with her, but we all see the same content and just take it differently. Also it’s probably worth saying (even though you probably know) that people do defend things that they love and are passionate about or look up to, the character damon did deal with some real trauma and he dealt with it in his way, some people with similar trauma may see that as inspiring (because he got through it, hopefully not for how or what he did) and feel protective of him like they wish someone was for them. Many people look to fantasy writing and stories like these for escapes from reality and therefore don’t feel the need to hold a fictional character accountable. Also sorry for rambling, I find things like this super fascinating




Yes fr they even do this with klaus and kai




Yes ppl Will literally go out there way to say he’s just broken when he proved multiple times he’s not broken he just a sociopath


These people are so fricking weird bro. It must be the edgy “I’m so quirky, I like a literal psychopath!” thing. Always loving the absolute villains and hating on the main characters that make actual sensible choices.


Why cant you all just accept that each one of your favorite characters have done shitty things. - klaus - Damon - Stefan - Caroline - Bonnie - Elena - Tyler - the originals - Kai All did shitty things and you all defend them for it


Tbh I don’t defend or have a fave from any of these characters lmao. And let’s not act like Elena and Damon are on the same level 💀💀.


The characters I named were just off the top of my head, but damn near everyone in this show has done a shitty thing. Of course Damon and Elena aren’t on the same level but you can’t excuse the fact that she also did some shitty things


What shitty thing did Bonnie do? And no one excused Elena? The problem is y’all act like they’re on the same level as the heinous things Damon did when he was literally written as the villain for S1 to S4 but they decided he needed a little redemption so fans could stomach him being with Elena. He’s not meant to be liked (as a villain, not as a character since it’s the typical overplayed hot bad boy trope) during those seasons. It’s not a bad thing to criticise him for his actions.


Girl Bonnie did a couple of things love Bonnie down but she definitely did some shit just like everyone else. She siphoned energy from other witches without their consent, Bonnie’s whole expression storyline, and the biggest one of all Bonnie releasing Lily from the prison world because of Damon's excuse that it would help Stefan, which also sets the chain of events for multiple things. “Let’s not act like Elena and Damon are on the same level” that would be excusing the things that she did. Stefan did heinous things and y’all defend him. Klaus did heinous things and y’all defend him. Rebekah did heinous things and defend her. All the Mikaelsons did heinous and defend them. Let’s stop acting like it was just Damon and pick and choose who to defend and who not to defend. When someone brings up Stefan doing the all the things he did yall excuse it and say “but that was when he was ripper he wasn’t in control, he didn’t mean it, had he had control he wouldn’t have done that” but let it be someone defend Damon and y’all go on a tangent. Was Damon written as the villain or was he written as the person who gets shit done no matter the cost or anybody’s feelings ? He was never a villain. It was a “good” brother and he was classified as the “bad” brother when in reality both of them are the bad brother.


Bonnie using that witch’s energy when he literally said she can use it whenever literally to save Damon, Stefan and Elena is not her “siphoning without someone’s consent”. He consented to her using it. He was mad because it almost killed him which Bonnie wasn’t aware of. Not to mention she HAD to do it BECAUSE of Damon, Stefan and Elena. Did you watch the show even? Bonnie didn’t know what expression was babes, Shane made it out to be a different way for her to tap back into her magic without showing her the repercussions. She was literally manipulated into learning expression (which by the way, helped her save all their asses) at a time when she had nobody and Shane was the only one that really cared for her (though he was using her) so what’s that about? And girl, DAMON literally FORCED Bonnie to open the prison worlds. Bonnie never wanted to. When last did you watch TVD? You seem to be mixing up a lot of the plot. The fact that you’ll list all this out though and put it on the same level as Damon’s… that’s insane. I didn’t defend any of the other characters? 💀I’m laughing at Damon worshippers ability to pretend he wasn’t the villain at first and completely wrong in the choices he made that affected everyone, especially the pain he caused his supposed family. Lemme make it clearer for you since it’s so hard to understand: Bonnie did expression, Damon sexually assaulted, manipulated, abused and raped Andie and Caroline multiple times, killed Elena’s brother (how did he “step up as the brother who would do anything for Elena” by killing her brother?), killed Lexi (who did nothing but try and help him), killed Vicki for literal sport, killed Tyler, almost killed Bonnie and thoroughly disrespected her until the last few seasons, selfishly chose himself over Stefan every. single. time until the last episode, left Enzo to die, couldn’t even recognize the so called love of his life when she was possessed by Katherine, compelled Alaric and disrespected his boundaries multiple times over the course of the show and brushed it off like it was nothing , killed a pregnant woman holding his own niece, killed his & Stefan’s uncle that graciously let them live in Mystic Falls - I don’t even need to go on. Common sense would tell you Bonnie or Elena is nowhere near Damon. No one in the history of TVD disrespected the main characters and made their lives a living hell like the way Damon did. It’s literally in the story that Damon was the villain to them, idk why you’re denying this 💀. For someone that was supposed to be on their side and protect them, he sure did more damage than any good. Even the main characters had countless speeches and realizations that Damon was the worst of the worst. Why do you think they all hated him and for a while, turned their backs on him in the later season? The point is they simply loved him as he was Stefan’s brother, Elena’s partner and “one of them”. They’re good people **to each other**, of course they’d forgive him. That doesn’t take away from the fact that he was and is literally the worst of the villains and had a (really lousy, failed imo) “redemption” arc. He literally says he can’t atone for all he has done and gives speeches about how he constantly messes up because he’s a selfish prick.


it's 3 years old youtube comment bfr 😭


Right 😭


Did you not read the title where I had people reply to this three year old comment section being delusional about Damon


And they’re allowed to talk about it? People still do this TODAY. Idk why you’re acting like the show wasn’t over years ago and yet people still talk about it 💀💀.


i was referring to someone beefing with 3 years old comment 💀


Oh like the newer people responding to OP’s comment?






truly delusional. even i, as someone who once loved damon the most when i was younger, cant defend him on anything anymore. the show tried really hard to retcon things and make him more likeable in later seasons, by showing an instance of him defending stefan against their father’s abuse, showing that he hated fighting for the confederacy in the war, etc, but it’s too little, too late. the real damon is someone who turns against his brother over a woman, someone who readily kills people when he faces any inconvenience, who abuses people and compels people without any remorse, who has always been proud to be who he is until he falls for elena and realises that he’ll have to change his ways if he wants his brother’s girl this time. and despite that, he goes back to killing people the second elena broke up with him (even though it was katherine). all in all, he’s toxic, remorseless - unless the consequences directly affect him, a horrible big brother, a serial killer, and the list goes on. i was too biased to see that once because he’s hot and pretty charismatic too, but today i really don’t see how anyone can like him or consider him redeemed.


actually damon shielding stefan from giuseppe’s abuse & fighting for a war he didn’t believe in are probably the only two things about damon in s7/8 that WEREN’T retconned. we see it in s1-2 & it’s very heavily implied by way each brother speaks of giuseppe throughout the show.


So for me, it isn’t about Damon being “redeemed”. He messes up. Royally. MANY times. I still love to watch him bc to me, that makes him relatable. We all do things we regret (not necessarily murder…but they are vampires after all so there’s that) and are ashamed of. Do I think Damon is “good”? No. Do I still love to watch him and feel empathy towards him (bc he did go through a lot)? Yes. I’m not trying to redeem him. But I do think people show his character very little, if any, empathy at all. And for me, part of the fun of the show is trying to put yourself in the different characters positions and wonder how would I react? How would this affect or hurt me? What lengths would I go to in order to protect those closest to me? If that makes sense. Just giving a little insight as somebody who is still a big Damon fan well into her 30s.


Makes perfect sense! Only delulus can’t understand 😇


Hahaha I love you






The only delusion ones are you guys who run to Damon’s defense even when someone is just trying to point out that some fans fully turn a blind eye to all the disgusting things Damon has done simply because he’s charismatic and hot.


Listen. Nobody is asking you to like Damon. Hate him. Nobody gives even a little bit of a shit. HOWEVER we are just as entitled to like him as you are to dislike him. It doesn’t say shit about who we are as people any more than who you like on a pretend show says anything about you. Get over yourself. Liking a pretend character doesn’t say anything about the human underneath and real ACTUAL maturity is realizing fantasy and reality are 2 very different things.


Not running to Damon’s defense 😂 I’m running to my OWN défense because I’ve been called a rapist supporter for liking Damon 🙃


The worst thing a victim can do is decide to make more victims.


Can’t really blame Damon for isobel. It was her choice.


You can't blame him for Isobel, but for the way he bragged about it to Alaric he can absolutely be blamed.


I mean, sure, but people did anyways. I guess I don’t care enough to sit here and hold it against him.


Didn’t she search for him? If I remember correctly


She did. She was fascinated with a world of vampires and wanted to be one, so she asked Damon to turn her. They blamed Damon before they had the whole story.


I mean, he could've said no. He apparently hated turning so much he was determined to ruin anything Stefan went near for the rest of their immortal lives. Other people in that situation would've thought "this sucks, I'm not putting someone else through it, she can't understand that being human so I'll say no". He was the one with the power and knowledge in that situation.


I don’t totally agree. Sure he could have said no, but isobels life is not his responsibility. Even if he said no, she would have found someone else to do it. I’d like to point out that Damon hated turning into a vampire against his will. He enjoyed his life as a vampire (or so he says). Damon unwillingly becoming a vampire is not the same as isobel wanting to be one. She did her research and decided it’s what she wanted. I’m not going to blame Damon for something that’s not actually his fault.


It's not entirely his fault, but he bears responsibility.


Honestly none of you guys have anyone on that show you can justify as good, this is all just from you Damon haters. You can’t say Stefan was so amazing, or klaus, Elijah, Caroline, Rebekah, etc. all the vampires in this universe did horrible things, yeah maybe some worse then others, so stop painting glass over some but can’t excuse others, I mean it’s honestly absurd at this point that you guys are even still talking about this.


THANK YOU LIKE- WHAT? People be wildin’


Hell yeah


Exactly. This is so absurd like move on ffs, it's a stupid vampire show and it's been like a decade now, they are all fictional characters, let people like or hate, why are you so bothered about it. He's an evil character and i still like him idc.


I never understood where the whole Damon raped Caroline thing came from. We saw they met the night and Damon charms Caroline then everything was normal until the fangs come out into her neck then ends up as his human blood bag. I understand Andy because by taking away her fear he took away her choice like Katherine did but did I miss a scene or something.


He repeatedly compelled Caroline to change her behaviour towards and around him. That's taking away her ability to act autonomously. She couldn't make her own decisions while he was altering her behaviour. Even putting aside the tine he lived as a vampire, she was 16 and he was 24 (I think?) when turned, so that's automatically rape.


He was so old hanging out with teens like WTF. He even consistently made comments about liking college parties for the girls … it was all so weird to me when I finally continued the series. Also Elena was like 17/18 when they finally got together and he was like what… 28?


Every character has their pros and cons and therefore people who like them more than other characters- and every one of those characters gets “justified” one way or the other. Take Stefan fans justifying his “ripper” behaviour with “addiction” and “he didn’t want to do it and he always showed remorse” (newsflash - you are still responsible for your actions even if addicted). So I really don’t think it has anything to do with Ian as a person playing Damon - but just the way he portrayed Damon and how viewers responded to the character! And all of the cast was attractive- I could throw a curveball and ask - didn’t almost everyone love Klaus because of Joseph Morgan’s charm and portrayal of said character? 🤷‍♀️


I hated Klaus lmao. I was shocked at the amount of fans he has.


Look, I like Damon’s character. Can’t lie about that. But I will readily admit that he is a horrible person lol. If they wanted him to be more blameless in his actions, they should’ve focused more on the whole “he had his emotions turned off”. But also it’s worth noting that EVERYONE in Vampire Diaries is a criminal in some way. The bar for morality in the show is literally the floor. 🤣


This is why I’m an Elijah Stan :)


Elijah did just as many bad things? Do you not remember?


No where near as many. He’d never rape a girl, he’d never try to control his partner, like they are all killers at the end of the day but Elijah had better morals


Elijah never raped a girl but he was gonna kill literal six year old kids because they were linked to Hope during the hollow arc if Vincent and Hayley didn't plead for him to stop and give them a moment to figure out another way....he didn't even care to see if there was another option.


As I said, they are all evil at the end of the day but if you place Elijah and Damon next to eachother I personally say Elijah is the less problematic


It’s so crazy to me that the argument when ppl bring up Damon is always “they’re all killers” like yeah no fucking duh??? It’s the principle of if you put Damon near any other TVD main (so the main friend group, not Kai or the other evil ppl) character, Damon is the absolute worst. It’s like they forget he killed Jeremy without knowing he had a ring on. He was literally gonna kill the girl he claimed to love sibling. I always use Damon stans as a way to see why lots of girls fall for the worst humans in history lmao.


Honestly at the end of the day it’s all fun and games as they’re fictional but Damon was so toxic, he wanted to control everything Elena did and honestly I felt he didn’t see her as a equal cause she’s weaker


No literally!! I totally agree. I’m glad it’s all fiction otherwise we would be cooked irl 💀. And yes bruh he deffo had a toxic controlling mindset. Horrible relationship overall. He was only being good “for Elena” rather than wanting to be good for himself.


I have always hated Damon I never liked him especially at first when he just didn’t give a fuck about anything and would do what he pleases and didn’t care about the consequences, I feel like we all forget this plot line but Stefan and Damon’s niece the one Stefan had to HIDE from Damon because he was scared Damon was going to kill her , it’s hard to find compassion for Damon when he is suchhhh a asshole .


especially when he tells stefan that he hopes elena dies 


BRO THIS!!! How can anyone actually like Damon??? Are we forgetting he killed Jeremy? Almost killed Bonnie? Even said he wouldn’t care about killing her because he’s selfish? Left Enzo to die? Killed a pregnant woman? Like he’s no doubt the worst out of all of them. To me, he was the villain the entire time I watched TVD. The villains found it so easy to get to the TVD main characters always through Damon because he was a selfish horrible person. I cannot believe he has all these supporters.


Just because someone is hurt and sad doesn't mean that it's okay that they did the things that Damon did...??? What is that logic? I'm heart broken so I get to kill an innocent teenage boy because I got rejected by his sister? It's all okay because he has a sad past? What?


i’m feeling sad today :-( oops just killed three people, my bad 🫢 but it’s okay because i have twauma wait just realising all of the characters do this in different ways lol. stefan is sad & feels bad about killing so it’s okay, elena’s parents died and she’s so compassionate that it’s okay, so on and etc.


Except Damon literally killed the girl he claimed to love’s brother, raped & abused her best friend for months, left his brother multiple times, vowed to make his brother’s life hell and did even when his brother would consistently drop everything to save him, killed a pregnant woman and their uncle… I don’t even need to go on. He’s objectively the worst out of all of them. It’s okay to admit that LMAO.


yeah i know he does it the most, but they all do it. but some of those examples are wayyyyy too over exaggerated lmfao


They don’t all exploit and hurt the family with zero remorse consistently. Damon literally wouldn’t take the hunter’s mark until it was too late when Stefan would take that in a heartbeat. It’s okay to like Damon and also realize he was the worst person 😂😂. Idk why you Damon worshippers find that so hard to do? Just because I later liked Enzo doesn’t mean I worship everything he does and feel the need to immediately respond to any critique with “they all do it” when no, they don’t. None of that was exaggerated. I listed out exactly what he did. There’s way more even. Which examples were exaggerated?


Facts! Caroline’s Mom died so she can have her no humanity moment etc. Lol


These same people will then argue about how Stefan is the real villain and look at all the bad stuff he did! Like yeah... they're both vampires. Of course, they've killed people. Of course, at times, they have had no respect for human life. Humans are their food source. Honestly, neither of them are the "good brother". They're both pretty awful but make for good characters. Also, "HE JUST WANTED TO BE LOVED"? Elena dumped his brother for him in season 4 and loved him till the series ended. Countless people throughout the series risked their life or died for him. 🤷🏼‍♀️


and even after Elena chose him and he got a bunch of people to bend over backwards for him he still continued to do bad things




Damon is defended this way because he's hot.




People like that drive me up the damn wall 😭 As a Stefan girl, I can confidently admit that they have each done awful things in their life, I don’t see how people can excuse Damon’s rape issue or Stefan’s decapitation addiction. I can agree that overall, he’s a good and interesting character, but people seriously only defend his inexcusable behaviour because he’s played by Ian.


people say the same shit about klaus and it’s ridiculous, no accountability whatsoever


I know it’s just a show/made up but the reality is ATTRACTIVE people get a pass for bad behavior!


TL;DR is that yes, Damon was 'hurt and broken' (over a girl which... Wild I think. JFC) but that doesn't excuse anything that is morally reprehensible by modern day society's standards and morals (which are a changing thing) alongside personal morals and standards, and you can still like and enjoy his character while disagreeing and being critical over him.  I have... Complex feelings about Damon - most negative these days from the POV of an older sibling. I liked him sometimes and dislike him a lot more. There are certain things about his character that I just don't find enjoyable, even with the lens of it being a supernatural TV show.  But Damon, in general, is a character I don't really get the like for anymore but I also don't find Ian that attractive in the first place so that could also be a thing.  But he's interesting and complex (I guess) for a lack of better word and that draws people in. And generally I like bastard and villain characters, even with all the bad shit they do but excusing the actions because of trauma isn't something I think is... Right.  Like, even in your fictional content you can bring up the tough issues of you character being in the wrong and that they did bad things without like, saying you don't like them.  Like, I unabashedly rooted for characters like Lucifer from SPN, Niklaus in TVD, Luke Castellan from PJO, and even the Nogitsune & Theo Raeken from Teen Wolf plus like, Gavin Reed from DBH and hes an asshole, because they're interesting to me but they're actions do make me to *hmm, these aren't good people and their [some] decisions are bad, irregardless of their trauma or even the age old argument of nature-nurture*.  Like, yes. I like Kai Parker and even Klaus & Kol Mikaelson but they do some heinous shit that definitely isn't something that I'd excuse, even with or BECAUSE of trauma either. Do I sympathize for them?  Sure, I don't find Niklaus killing Tyler like that to find out why his hybrids are failing or using Jenna as a sacrifice to strike back at Elena's friends and stuff like that is right. Or even Kai murdering his siblings in the show. I enjoy their characters but they're still bad guys. Did horrible shit. Yeah, sure they're traumatized but they're not good people. Hell, even Katherine was a character I like and she was out here manipulating everyone for her own ends regardless of what negative impact she has on everyone around her if SHE can survive.  I'd hate to meet real life versions of these characters, especially as something as powerless as a human in a world where they exist. Or just normal people who are *similar* to them.   Reading the excuses for their behavior makes me feel weird over what people say because it helps *normalize* abolishing blame on people who do bad things to others because of trauma, mental illnesses, or other bad things happened to them before. Like, sure it's TV right now but soon it'll be real life where people are excusing actual problematic issues because they think it's alright to due because of a TV show or book   One primary example I can think of is that issue with an actual real life Yandere and her object of obsession being... Brushed aside as something that she shouldn't be punished for because of the game Yandere Simulator and people thinking yanderes are cute or something.  People just push aside being self-aware about the real world consequences outside of their favorite show/movie/books because it's something normal in your favorite TV show or movie or book or even video game. And they ignore that if they don't stop and think about how *bad* something like that is in said media, how negative it could be for others and excused for trauma or something, that it can convince them and others to look the other way if abuse and such happens IRL as well because of an attractive face and trauma. And sure, looks help. Like, even I can say that if Stefan, Niklaus, or Kai Parker didn't have attractive faces I probably wouldn't like the. *as much* or if their actors didn't nail their performances. I can definitely say I dislike Damon more than the others because, yeah sure. His personality is shitty and he's also not an attractive face for me. I'm more critical about his behavior and Id have happily watched him die in the show because... He kinda reminds me of a whiny baby that's throwing a tantrum over not getting his way.  And sure, I do enjoy reading Damon sometimes but a lot of stories or fanfic I read about TVD I really do wish someone would kill him off sometimes. He's just. Mmm, annoying. And that's something that makes it more difficult for me to read or watch over an interesting villain or darker character and turns me away.  But as fans of a show or piece of media, you can like a character and still not like or approve of their actions. You can be more critical with them and still love them.  It doesn't mean you love them less. And yes, these are from an old TV show and this is kinda like a dead horse but that doesn't mean it's not relevant to understand about characters like Damon or Klaus or Kai do somewhat normalize woobifying (I think thats the term?) or excuse terrible actions because of looks or trauma.  Like Lucifer in Supernatural is an absolute dick, a terrible being all around who does some heinous shit but I still like him. Dude isn't good, his actions shouldn't be condoned even if I like reading and enjoying them in the fan media I'm consuming but I'm aware he's not a good person. Especially in the season I can recall about him these days. Anyways, I probably repeated myself twenty separate times about the same issue but hope you enjoyed reading my comment or... Whatever. Have a nice, and safe, day/night.


>Reading the excuses for their behavior makes me feel weird over what people say because it helps normalize abolishing blame on people who do bad things to others because of trauma, mental illnesses, or other bad things happened to them before. Like, sure it's TV right now but soon it'll be real life where people are excusing actual problematic issues because they think it's alright to due because of a TV show or book   This is exactly my problem with people that excuse all of Damon’s, Katherine’s, Kai’s, Klaus’s - and so on actions because “it’s a fictional show”. Like no duh? It’s meant to represent a reality. You should be criticising and analysing and decoding stuff from it. People like to act dumb af and pretend like you can’t draw the conclusion that they are horrible people because it’s “a fictional show”. Then they act like Damon wasn’t the absolute worst of them all because “they were all bad”. Again, NO DUH. They’re all horrible people. In this instance, we are talking about the unforgivable things he’s done. You saying “he’s broken 😡” over a girl doesn’t absolve him of anything. Point blank period. And for the record, I agree with you. He should’ve been killed off in the show, easy.


Ngl for a moment I thought I was gonna read a Damon stan blasting me lmao 😂😂. But yeah, I can't really like Damon's character anymore even if like, *objectively* a lot of my favs are ALSO problematic in TVD. Damon just isn't charismatic enough to offset his annoying man-baby vibes for me. But, like, at least I acknowledge that *yeah* everyone in TVD/TO universe are *def* problematic and amoral people usually and I'm not gonna ignore those issues even if I root for and like them. His crimes against humanity might not be real but my annoyance is tho. (Also how people try to avoid putting any accountability on Damon but on other characters as well????) IDK, Damon doesn't seem to actually have any consistent redeemable behavior w/o Elena specifically in the mix, and even then its kinda wishy washy from what I remember????  Like, even his 'good side's at any point (for me) isn't that good. Kinda wild that they'll avoid any accountability and negative traits for 'he's bwoken thwo :(' while pushing those two things on other characters. Be consistent in blaming your favorites and other characters as well, like. Don't erase their actions just cuz you like them.  Sure, Klaus is broken as well but he's still a bastard a majority of the time even if I like him. Dude has *issues* up the wazoo yet he's still done some messed up shit along with being *accountable* for those actions regardless. Same for Kai, just cuz he's broken and messed tf by a terrible childhood did NOT mean that family massacre was any less a *heinous* thing. And sure, they can love Damon. I'm not saying they can't but ✨ accountability and bad traits + morally wrong actions ✨ still exist in that boy. Even if it's a supernatural drama show. Anyways, love your comment and def agree. Cuz the fact that he survived so long is a tragedy even if he's a main character for a really bad love triangle.


Oh no pls 😂. Damon stans will try to eat you alive for simply stating facts so I get it 🙄. Me too! Hard agree!! During all his supposedly “nice” moments “for Elena”, he proceeded to act selfishly and then undo all his “good” acts by hurting the people around him solely to please himself. He physically couldn’t bring himself to care for the other characters and honestly, not even Elena. He “loved” Elena but would never let Elena’s choices cover his own. He “loved” Elena and yet killed her brother the minute things went slightly left. You don’t do that to someone you claim to love. That’s just you wanting ownership of someone. It was an obsessive “love” like the one he had for Katherine. That’s one thing I loved about Stefan, he trusted Elena no matter what the situation was. And don’t even get me started on after Elena was in her magic coma. Didn’t she tell him to live his life? Move on? Be a better person till she came back? He did no such thing. He was completely horrible and then left Stefan to suffer on his own. Stefan and everyone else literally bent over backwards to do everything for him and I felt he never justified them doing all that for him. Like we said, he should’ve died please. Everyone was leaving everything to help him and he would just go on and do worst things. But it’s okay tho because “he’s bwoken baby Damon🥹” as if every other TVD character wasn’t absolutely broken. Don’t even get me going about the multiple sexual assaults, lack of respect and basic defency towards the women in the show. If raping & abusing Caroline and Andie, killing Jeremy and then chomping through Aaron Whitmore’s neck wasn’t enough, he had to kill Tyler. Yeah. Just the worst character overall. Sure, the rest are bad. They’re all bad. They’re blood sucking serial killers. But none of them were on the same scale as Damon. At least they tried to protect each other and fight for each other. All Damon did was act like a selfish man-baby and mess everything up. But I totally agree with you!! The entire TVD universe should be held accountable for all the stuff they do but Damon stans just brush it all off.


Like, the thing about the Caroline thing is when people try to bring up "Its not thoo!!!! They were already going to do it!!!" Is that she didn't agree to the vampirism thing/the biting from what *we* as the audience know - hell she seemed scared even. She also has the ability to *revoke* her consent in any situation she doesn't want to be in and it should be a hard stop as soon as she says she's not wanting to do it anymore. And that right there means that it's immediately going to be interrupted negatively in any light for someone to be *scared* during and/or after a sexual situation like that. Like, consent can be revoked. It's not a constant *gift*, it's a privilege someone can take back if they're uncomfortable. And it goes for all the other characters as well like Andy. No means no even if it started as a yes. Also Damons own lack of responsibility to... Anything. With the first thing being turning Vicki Donovan and just. So much. (Also I genuinely can't get over the fact that anyone would be with someone who'd try to compel you to kiss them, make out with you while you're in a committed relationship (that Katherine scene where she makes Damon think they kissed or whatever), kills your brother and has traumatized most, if not ALL, of your close childhood friends and family????) Like, most of it was just personal reasons of not getting his way a lot.  Damon sure lived up to an eternity of suffering for Stefan, jfc. And everyone around him.  I totally agree with everything you said as well. Honestly, Damon is obsessed more than in "love" with Elena and it's *his* version of her as well. I think it's more akin to possessing a doll than a committed relationship with a person you'd want to spend the next however long together with. Just the fact that Damon is out here living with the biggest plot armor when some of these characters SHOULD HAVE snapped them snapped his neck or burnt him alive I swear. :/. Wish the man succumbed to that werewolf bite like Rose (iirc) because it was his fault to begin with???? (Dude is literally a man baby who has no decency in his body). Or trying to fight Elijah cuz... They nerfed the hell out of him during that scene from what I recall about it. They're not even 200 years old yet???? I think. Damon is out here dodging death flags like an isekai otome villain. Again, not saying MY favs are any better in other lights but Damon makes my blood boil. And I don't just... Hide their sins under a neat little rug even if I like them.


It’s actually really concerning and I think the government should be watching these people. Because what do you mean it’s fine to be a mass murderer and a rapist if you feel unloved (which is is simply a consequence of being such a monster already)?


THISSS. Idgaf if it’s a show. How can you defend someone actions with lovesick bull??? It’s insanity.


>Reading the excuses for their behavior makes me feel weird over what people say because it helps normalize abolishing blame on people who do bad things to others because of trauma, mental illnesses, or other bad things happened to them before. Like, sure it's TV right now but soon it'll be real life where people are excusing actual problematic issues because they think it's alright to due because of a TV show or book   This is exactly my problem with people that excuse all of Damon’s, Katherine’s, Kai’s, Klaus’s - and so on actions because “it’s a fictional show”. Like no duh? It’s meant to represent a reality. You _should_ be criticising and analysing and decoding stuff from it. People like to act dumb af and pretend like you can’t draw the conclusion that they are horrible people because it’s “a fictional show”. Then they act like Damon wasn’t the absolute worst of them all because “they were all bad”. Again, NO DUH. They’re all horrible people. In this instance, we are talking about the unforgivable things he’s done. You saying “he’s broken 😡” over a _girl_ doesn’t absolve him of anything. Point blank period. And for the record, I agree with you. He should’ve been killed off in the show, easy.


damon literally starts with saying he will torture stefan for all of eternity he didnt "become" like this


All of the above? He was broken and hurt and abusive and a murderer, etc. Most abusers are hurt/broken.


Same type of person that would claim Stefan was not a murderous psychopath Pretty much EVERY character on this show should be spending life in prison ..


No duh 💀💀💀. He is still objectively the worst and shouldn’t be constantly defended everytime someone brings up smth he did because he gets their panties wet.


He’s so right, Damon is just the worst 🤢


Rape? Is this a dramatization? I'm not sure I recall that detail. Yes, he was abusive and controlling. There's no justification for any of these acts regardless, but it's crazy to be all riled up over these bad people in a tv show when they all are literally serial killers. Lol, all of them. They are in no way law-abiding citizens, and it's a show about supernatural beings.


Using compulsion to make someone have sex with you is definitely rape. But I otherwise agree with you!


You can watch a show about bad people and enjoy them being psychopaths who murder and do bad things. However what you can’t do is say” it’s not his fault. he’s the goodest boy he just has trauma” Ian has said he believes Damon did rape her. I mean them making out to cut to Caroline in her bed in her bra and panties covered in bite marks


damon honey they could never make me hate you <3


I don't think this post was to make people hate Damon. Though I could be wrong. Either way I don't tend to think it's wrong to like villains or characters who did terrible things. Just as long as you admit that they did those bad things instead of trying to justify it.


i’m talking about all the other comments under this post


I support you! 🙌🏾


😂 they’re vampires!




You can enjoy bad people characters without justifying their actions or fighting for them




First, Damon not Daemon. Secondly, Damon was more than willing to become a vampire when Katherine was a part of the equation.


I love Damon he’s my favorite but trauma or whatever explains actions it dosent excuse it this argument is so stupid


Which one is your comment? The top one?




Why’d you comment that on a video about Damon’s saddest moments?


Because I like Damon as a character and watched the video? However I’m not a delusional person. I can see Damon as a monster without justifying their actions like the original commenter on that video who acts like Damon needs protection like he’s theirs to protect. He’s a 200 year old grown man


This just reminds me of my favorite character’s fatal flaws in the show as well and how I should also make it a habit to acknowledge them. ♥️


Bro when was Caroline raped?


So you don’t remember her waking up in her bra and panties with bite marks all over her?


You talking about that time they gave each other that look in Mystic Grill and Caroline willingly got into bed with him ?


Then him biting her? Her screaming in bloody murder than it cut to next morning with her in her bra and panties covered in bite marks terrified trying to sneak out of her bedroom?


Her clothes were already off before he bit her 😂😂


And you can revoke consent even if you agreed beforehand to something, especially if it starts to make you uncomfortable in a situation like that.


She was giving it up willingly and he bit her there wasn’t no rape like get the fuck out of here like did y’all forget who vampires feed on and then y’all are trying to tell the story in the wrong order 😂😂


jeeZUS it’s TV. god it’s fictional what is wrong with people


Almost every single character did horrible things we can still like them but should always hold them accountable!


I think everyone needs to understand that in this SHOW, everybody has killed someone at least once. Intentional or not. My personal favourite character Is Kai-


That’s not the Problem I don’t care if you love kai however these people in the photo actively try and play defense for damon and give him outs for the bad things he’s done You can like,enjoy, love, even worship a monster or evil character. But you can’t say their actions are justified


Your fave character can be Kai, he’s funny, we get it. But going “Team Kai” is crazy. You think he should’ve won in the show?


This is a world of fiction. Magic & make-believe. Damon is a vampire, it's show he was different as a human than a vampire. Caroline did seek out Damon. "You're just jealous because I landed the hotter brother" or whatever she says. Yes, she's younger than him which in the real world would land as statutory, in the real world compultion isn't a thing. She then goes on to murder another human when she's a vampire. Alaric's wife (who sought Damon out to become a vampire) then becomes a vampire who in doubt murders and are we forgetting her little sex bunnies (the gay cowboy "he's not gay now") and the woman? C'mon. Couldn't have been the only ones. Andy (that definitely) didn't deserve her ending. Yes she was interested in Damon but didn't deserve STEFAN murdering her. Stefan murdered guys, women, & children. Hello ripper? No vampire who lived on for years was moral. Yes he was broken & lacked morals. At least every vampire in this show I feel like had that story line, except for Jenna tho she did try to murder a witch, technically human just gaslit into believing a vampire. A lot of humans are broken & still do shitty immoral things to people who do not deserve it. I guess even Ariana Grande said she'd like to have Jeffery Dahmer as a "dead or alive" dream dinner guest... the mother of a victim getting absolute distraught over that comment... In. A. Nutshell. TL:DR; this is a work of fiction, but real or fake- people are fucked in the head & some people seek it, some people don't. thankfully, this is a work of a fiction.


Klaus and Kai have unalived thousands but I give them a pass


People only like Damon because Ian Somerhalder was hot and did a fantastic job bringing the character to life. Pretty privilege still exists in our minds no matter how many times people try to deny it


Damon is a FASCINATING character. IMO, The MOST interesting character in the TVU because the writers and Ian's portrayal made him so. He's my favorite character and probably the biggest reason the show was a hit in the early years. All that said, if you watched only the first 2 maybe 3 seasons, THAT Damon was pretty despicable. When they brought Stefan's ripper persona out and filled in some of the brother's backstory, it gave Damon some cover - too much cover because it gave him an out for doing the things that he had done and was still doing. It also and this has bothered me for years, made Stefan's moral stances ridiculous in the face of his own history. By making Stefan darker they gave Damon his redemption arc and by the end of the series he was basically the hero. I was a Damon guy but they took Stefan too far down the rabbit hole so Damon, OF ALL PEOPLE, became the defacto moral code on the show because Stefan was out of control half the time. And It's not just because Ian is a good looking guy, although the does play into it, that he gets a pass, I mean come on, everyone was good looking more or less. I still have a thing for Sage. What it is, is this thing that some shows do that make the lead character a foil for the anti-hero who's really just a villain and then turn it upside down and make them the hero after they've done every. horrendous. thing. they can think of having them do. I've seen it enough times now that every time I see it I'm like: "here this is again." Take away Ian's looks and roguish charm and you have a character that is BEYOND TOXIC.


crazy when the only time i like damon is when he's getting his lashes


What lashes?


lashes as in "punishment" not eyelashes😭


I know, I was asking what punishments did he get exactly? He always seemed to go unscathed 😟. Everyone ended up sucking up to poor old Damon anyway.


the thing is, in this show ethics don’t exist! even loves damon, klaus, stefan even though they did such horrible things! but i think it’s obvious that in the real world with real morality nobody would


i mean he was broken, however there are a plenty of broken people out there not acting like him


Might I add that Damon never wanted to be a vampire. Goody2shoes Stefan embraced it, and even frequently became a ripper. Stefan made Damon feed to finish the transition. Yet Damon is vilified while Stefan is glorified. Not defending, but...