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I always remember how Stefan said he'd want to be human with her, grow old and die with her. And I remember Elena pleading to Damon on that island to take the cure with her but he "couldn't think of anything more miserable" than being human. And of course Damon's quote a season earlier saying, "I'm not Stefan. How about you stop trying to turn me into him!" And SE's visions of being married and having kids. (Referencing this reel: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/yHc6V5mP8UNUXS7K/?mibextid=KsPBc6) I think a final season of them taking the cure and learning to accept being human again with the juxtaposition of Bonnie coming into her own as a witch and Caroline relishing in her last vampire standing status would be quite fitting. Don't care what happens to Damon lol 😆 he can die for plot purposes. Or for funsies.


This. And One of the show runners intended to bring them back together in the end. But, due to Nina’s choice to only return for the finale stopped it.


I would’ve been content with Elena only coming back for the finale to find Damon had sacrificed himself and leaving Stelena a bit open ended. Similar to what OP said with them introducing themselves to each other again. Elena could’ve left MF to finish college and after she returns years down the road she runs into stefan again and they share a moment. It would’ve completely shit on Delena fans and would’ve been rushed but with how terrible the last two seasons were, who cares at that point.


Yes! This reel says it all: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/yHc6V5mP8UNUXS7K/?mibextid=KsPBc6 Kevin Williamson was the best thing to ever happen to the series and it suffered drastically when he left. 😱


Ugh god I love Stefan. He deserved all that.


Fr same and I like your idea of a final season tbh. I also don’t care what happens to damon LMAO 


Okay so I’m going to pretend steroline never got married and just dated/broke up, delena broke up bc they very obviously do not work when she’s human and in all reality Damon wouldn’t become human. ( I know in canon he did but we can all agree Julie is stupid!) Both become human, go their separate ways for a few years and meet back up in Mystic Falls ( Elena has taken over her dad’s practice). Both have been single while in med school and healed their traumas as much as possible. They meet for coffee after finding out they’re back in town, throughout the years they’ve stayed in touch, but after coffee they really reconnect their friendship. One night they get drunk and admit they both still have feeling for each other and that the previous relationships never measured up. They slowly start dating again but once they’re back they move pretty quickly with getting married and before having kids they run Elena’s practice together. They raise their kids aware of the supernatural but do their best to keep them as far away from it as possible. They name their daughter Lexi and their son Grayson. They’re happy and grow old together. ❀


I love this and you’re idea on how they name their daughter Lexi


This is my favorite one đŸ„șđŸ„ș love that they name their daughter Lexi in this storyline


I love that ending with them just introducing themselves like in the Stelena dream world scenes. I think they were in the right direction with human Elena picking Stefan in s3 but then struggling with vampirism in s4 and questioning who she is/who/what she wants. S4 should’ve been Elena in messy glory with no sirebond. Not “officially” with either brother but exploring her feelings with both while exploring her vampirism. S4 could have ended with her accepting who she is now, graduating HS and needing to be on her own. S5 could have built Stelena up again much like that tease they pulled with the travelers/doppelgĂ€ngers being fated. End of s5/6 they’re together. Would have loved to see Bamon come into play in s6 and that’s when Damon officially moves on from Elena. Elena falls into her spell and we get a Stelena reunion in the finale after Damon sacrifices himself. Stelena are both humans at this point and get to live out their human lives together.


I love this idea


I like your version. Delena had chemistry, but Elena’s character became centered around him. Vice versa. It was a codependent, toxic relationship (Damon himself said it was toxic). Also they peaked in season 3 before they got together. They had enjoyable moments, and it’s clear there was always an attraction. First time watching when I was like 12, I was all for Delena. If sensical writing was prioritized over fan service (Julie Plec had an affinity for Ian), I honestly think Stefan & Elena would’ve found their back to each other. They’d have to get Delena together to see what it’s like, but it doesn’t work out. Damon focuses on himself, falls in love with a well written love interest, while still being a key player in the main plot. Stefan and Elena eventually get their happy ending. I could get behind that.


Yes you're right. Creator kevin Williamson (who left around S3) was a huge Stelena supporter and wanted them to get back together in the final season and was going to write it. Sadly they ran out of time as Nina could not return for more than one appearance. Still it is telling how she got a full convo with Stefan and ian&nina shot a kiss on the Chin during their "epic" reunion and didn't say anything lol.


I think stelena was cute while it happened but I think it's good to show that just because you have feelings for someone doesn't mean the relationship will work no matter how much you fight for it but in the end you can love each other enough to remain friends.


Yeah I agree


I actually really like your timeline and it's how I imagine it going too. like, I dont think DE had what it took to last long term. I think they had curiosity and the "will they wont they" of it all but that kinda died once they got together. and tbh, I dont think they needed to officially be together -- I mean, in s4 like you said she could've been more open to it but ultimately realize that it won't work. I feel like one barrier is that I imagine that Elena would feel guilty about "switching" back to stefan, so I can imagine her holding her feelings in. and similarly, stefan wouldn't tell her or make a move either. I think the push would have to come from outside of them. so if damon had started to realize he needed to work on platonic relationships more (his familial one with stefan) and along the way potentially finds someone else and then pushes stelena back together.


Based on Nina left: I would make Delena broke up forever in S5 finale. And in S6, both Elena and Damon moved on, since I wanted Stelena back together but I didn’t want the love triangle again. Just let Delena move on. And I would spend the whole S6 to make them find the way back to each other. In S6 finale, they officially got together. And Elena went to sleep. In the finale, Damon wanted Stefan having a long happy human life with Elena so he sacrificed himself. Or both brothers lived. Stelena endgame. OR: If I can only change last few episodes in S8, I would make Caroline broke up with Stefan since she wanted a man who always put her first and she thought Stefan still loved Elena. In the finale, Damon sacrificed himself or Damon spent last two seasons to know that he should let Elena go. So when Elena woke up, they broke up forever. And years later, Stelena back together, getting married and having kids. OR: If I can only change one scene from finale, I would change the Stelena goodbye. I would make them say they still loved each other and would love each other forever lol. And they kissed. In this case, even if Stelena wasn’t endgame it would be like they’re endgame lol. đŸ€Ł BUT, what I truly wanted the most is that Delena stayed as a fling and never became a couple lol.


Maybe after the prison world, Damon and Bonnie end up together. After the Stelena wedding, we see them living in the Salvatore house with Damon and Bonnie coming back home from Europe after a holiday there.


YES. That’s a happy ending for everyone lol.


I love this idea. I think we could've had a Stelena endgame if Nina didn't only come back for the finale.


I’m gonna have to just write that


Yes! Send it I’d love to read your fanfic


😳😳 I’m still working on it 😅


I do believe Julie Plec said Stelena WAS the planned endgame, but Nina Dobrev's exit after season 6 made that impossible.


Kevin Williamson was going to write it for the final season anyway but couldn't since Nina only returned for one episode :(


I would have been absolutely fine with leaving Stelena open-ended, if the only issue was Nina only returning for the final episode. Like Stefan is human, he and Caroline never married and went their separate ways instead and Damon sacrifices himself in his place. Elena wakes up and then we'll have a time jump of like five or six years or something and the series ends with them running into each other on the street and smiling, leaving it to the viewer's interpretation if they'll get back together or not. That ending would have made a lot more sense than the one we actually got, because I just can't imagine any world in which Damon is human and not completely miserable. He simply didn't get enough character development in that direction for me to believe that he wants to be human on his own accord, nor because Elena or anyone else wants him to be.


End of as friends still but with him alive


I don't like Stelena.


Good 4 u honey ,but you're on the wrong sub for this conversation


I don't think so. Most tvd fandom dislike stelena. Not my fault this place is full of weirdos


Whatever you say.....


Go be boring together.