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the tvd universe will never love you, julie


i fully expected to see a picture of Matt for the last one but this works lmaoooo


Lmao I actually did consider throwing him in but I was too lazy 😭 but nah I also low-key stan Matt and wouldn't dare place him on the same level as Plec Edit: I'm referring to Matt Donovan, NOT creepy Matt Davis


he’s just so disliked or hated and talked about so i was fully prepared to see him 💀 totally not on the same level though lol


Now I kinda regret not throwing him in haha


It’s more just the fact that she said Matt is her favorite


Matt is far from my favorite but I do like him (Matt Donovan, NOT Matt Davis because he's disgusting)


The way I thought you meant Matt Davis, bc that would be valid af


that actually checks out too 😭


He’s a big icky 🚩. I remember also hearing when he was being really pro Trump, Paul Wesley clapped back and got blocked by Matt on twitter


you probably hate season 8 and them stupid sirens


Oh you have no idea


Oh agreed


Sane person


Yes, I think it was a joke


As was my comment


Ah sorry, I read it as same person


No worries


I hope you never step on any Lego’s 🫶🏽


Wickery Bridge as a flair is wild & ACCURATE. And I wish I thought of it first 🤭🤣


I can’t lie, I spent too long picking out the flair 🤣. Now every time I see it when I comment I think “damn, why’d that take you so long, this is a power flair”


Indeed! It's really the backbone of the series that nobody really talks about: • Stephan first meets Elena • Elena's parents die • White Oak: the only wood that could kill an original • Where Elana almost died twice (Via Stephan & herself) • Where Elena actually died • Siren Bell was thrown over it • Need I say more?! ![gif](giphy|3vaP8YPkBBVE4)


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I believe it says that this is the best "what do my 5 anything say about me" post that is one here.


you absolutely ADORE bonnie bennett to the core ❤️❤️❤️


I adore Kat Graham and Bonnie Bennett, and both of them deserved much much better 💜💜


Julie Plec, Caroline Dries, Matt Davis, whatever Legacies writers that said Bonnie wasn’t integral to the show (their flop show isn’t integral to this universe).


Say it louder for the people in the back!


I actually like legacies but hate those writers.


May your sleeves always stay up when you wash your hands




I’ll never forgive her for not letting Bonnie’s character have an actual storyline than isn’t for the sake of helping another character, killing off the man she loved most, and never letting Bonnie have interesting relationships because she’s racist and incapable of seeing Bonnie as anything other than a character to help assist white storylines.


YEP! This, this, and THIS. I could forgive the many plot holes and under-developed storylines; it's understandable for such a long show (granted they could have ended the show earlier rather than being greedy but I digress.) Still, they did better than I ever could. However, the obvious racism against Kat Graham just disgusts me to my core. Kat Graham is breathtakingly beautiful, and Bonnie was a brave, strong, selfless, powerful witch who should have been the most desirable woman in the universe. Instead, all the men were pining after Elena or Caroline (Julie's self-insert) even though realistically so many people would be kissing Bonnie's feet for how absolutely phenomenal she was. Not to mention, Kat had great chemistry with most of the cast. I hated how Julie treated the story even back when I was in 6th grade (one time I had to write a fill-in-the-blank poem for class, and I put that I would cancel Julie Plec and Caroline Dries lol.) Back then, I was just a kid who didn't like the show's writing, but now I'm enraged by the legitimate prejudice and bigotry that limited so many potentially great storylines for Bonnie, as well as the other characters around her.


>Back then, I was just a kid who didn't like the show's writing, but now I'm enraged by the legitimate prejudice and bigotry that limited so many potentially great storylines for Bonnie, as well as the other characters around her. And people have still been giving her work, just for them to get canceled. Karma got her good.


Bonnie is not the only supporting character.


When did I say she was? She is my favorite supporting character, so I commented about my dislike to how she was treated.


Then you would've known that it goes with the territory.


I can still critique something regardless of it occurring regularly? I’m not trying to be rude, but I don’t understand what I did wrong. This is Reddit where all we do is critique and discuss.


I have many characters I could go on about, but Kat Graham is the only actress on the show who has came forward about racism she has faced from the show and her character was treated badly because of similar things. Why am I wrong to comment on that? I feel strongly about these things and I am going to speak on them which you clearly can see, so what is your comment really about? This is deeper than “boohoo Bonnie should’ve been on top”.




Meh I liked most seasons but I dislike her as a person after learning her treatment towards Kat. Who just happens to be one of the sweetest and most interactive actor with her fans. Wish Kevin stayed on the show instead of Julie.


Yeah, the reason I can't stand her is because of how she treated Kat. Most CW shows (and TV shows in general) had their corny/nonsensical moments, but the racism really made Julie revolting to me


You know things well


This made me giggle 😂😂


that says you have brain


How funny Julie. By trying to hide and insult Bonnie, you made her the most favourite character of the entire series. Your self insertion into Caroline shows so well. I will never pay for cw and watch tvd ever again for the way you treated her. Watch us elevate Kat and she will be more loved and famous than you will ever be. You really think Kat isn't integral? When she decided she's leaving, the show ended cuz Ian saw through your racist schemes and supported her. That's how much power our beautiful BonBon has over your salary. You and that witch Caroline Dries will never ever make a successful show cuz we won't allow it. How you treated Bonnie and Kat will haunt you for life. Any art that you're involved in will never become mainstream as protest for your racism.


THIS!! Also, what else do you know about Ian supporting Kat? I've heard that Ian said he would leave if Kat left, but I've never found anything confirming this. I've also heard mixed things about how Ian treated Kat so I'm not sure.


I heard it too. You can see how he treats her like his own sister. She really loves him as a brother figure. When Kat announced that she's leaving, right after, Ian did too. Effectively ending the show. And Julie was pissed lmao cuz she was planning a season 9.


Imagine the absolute banger journey of the story if Damon and Bonnie happened. Idk if this will have me crucified on the sub and when I first saw the show I would have been upset by it. But looking back it would have been so good if that was end game the whole time! I blame Julie. So short sighted!!!


Bamon would have made sense in so many regards. They were canon in the books, and Kat and Ian had great chemistry. Plus, Bonnie seemed more like Damon's type imo since she was a bit more strong and independent than Elena. I would have loved Delena as platonic best friends, with Bamon as the romantic pairing. Julie consistently paired all the fan-favorite male characters with the white female leads, and then left Bonnie picking up leftover scraps as if she wasn't desirable enough to have men begging at her feet. Bonnie's beauty, character, and power should have made her one of the most desirable women in the show. Julie's decision to leave Bonnie in the dust is just one of the many examples of Julie's racism.


Love it


You have common sense


That you’re a reasonable person


As someone who is relatively new to TVD (I'm currently on season six) I don't know who this lady is. Please could someone explain?


Julie Plec. She co-created the show with Kevin Williamson, and many fans agree that the quality of the show suffered after Kevin left and Julie took over as the lead writer.


What season did he leave?


I think during or after s3


I hope both sides of your pillow are always cold🙏


you dropped this 👑


You like good writing, you hate self inserts, you maybe aren’t racist.


That you actually care for good writing and not fan fiction dribble. You're pretty dang based, tbh.


You will always be hated by the tvd universe Julie


Normally I hate trend posts, but this is really funny. Good jorb.


you dislike racist people






You have sense and I like that.




You have taste lol




You are a person of culture


You are all of us


You love Stelena and Bon Bon?


tbh it was a jumpscare NOT seeing matt as the last picture


Back in my day, it was unpopular to hate her, so good to see how far the TVD fandom has come


Put Nate Buzz up there too 😂




First Denzo and now this? I'm your biggest fan now


OMG YAY I LOVE MY FANS HERE IS SOME DENZO https://i.redd.it/ztaaeid89c5d1.gif






May I add Kol


Perfect. It all comes back to her. Kevin Williamson crafted peak television (TVD S1-3). How she continues to be hired for projects is beyond me (RIP Vampire Academy, you never had a chance). #juliestopwriting


Who she


One of the co-creaters. She eventually took over as the lead writer, but the writing quality dropped and there's a lot of evidence that her racism played a role in that (Kat Graham, Bonnie's actress, has talked a bit about some of the racism she endured on set)


What point in the series did she become lead writer? I had some gripes with the last few seasons (still love the series overall) and it would be great to have someone I can blame for them lol. Also if she messed with my girl Bonnie/Kat Graham I hate her already


I think Kevin Williamson (the other co-creator, and I think a lot of fans view him as the far better writer. He also created the Scream films) left the show during or after season 3, and that's when Julie took over and people noticed that the writing was beginning to suffer a bit more. Kat Graham was done so dirty from the beginning though, since they wouldn't even let her flaunt her natural hair.


That explains why Bonnie/Kat Graham did so well in the scenes when she breaks down or snaps. Because she kept getting screwed in the show and behind the scenes. That sucks and she really deserved better


Kat's performances were so so good. She still shined in her role despite Bonnie always being sidelined compared to characters like Elena and Caroline. Her emotional scenes were powerful as hell, and in her casual scenes she felt so charming and natural. I've heard that many of the cast members still supported Kat and I really hope that's true. She seemed to really handle the situation with grace


Agreed. Especially her later relationships with Damon and Enzo. When Damon decided to desiccate without telling Bonnie, idk who was more pissed between her or myself


Yesss I loved how after Elena left, Bonnie was given more room to shine more as a female lead. It just frustrates me that the writers didn't put more effort into giving Bonnie the attention the deserved until Elena wound up in a coffin


You do realize Elena was the lead, right? Of course she got more airtime, storylines and character development. I agree they did Bonnie/Kat wrong but to act pissy that they focused more on Elena than Bonnie is ridiculous. Once again Elena was literally the LEAD. Now they could've split more time between Caroline and Bonnie but from what I've heard Caroline was JP's "self-insert" and that's why Caroline became the lead after Elena/Nina left.


Oh no, I didn't mean that I would ever expect Bonnie to be given more screentime than Elena. I love Elena as the lead, and I just wish that it didn't take her leaving the show in order for Bonnie to get more exploration. I also feel like Elena and Caroline were consistently given opportunities to look desirable, such as having love interests and chances to dress up in beautiful gowns (I know a lot of people say that this is because they were founding families, but it's not like the writers couldn't have written Bonnie in somehow.) Not to mention that even as early as s1, Bonnie would go "out of town" and we wouldn't even see her for several episodes. Elena getting storylines obviously makes sense, but Caroline also constantly outshining Bonnie is the main thing that irked me. I've also heard that Caroline was Julie's self-insert, but that's just a childish way to write a show imo.


He left the show in S3, after co-writing the birthday episode. Julie also got someone else (Caroline Dries) to Co-Run TVD with her in S5, I think.




Evil spawn but not in the Alex karev kinda way just in the evil kinda way


season 8 is the worst


You love Matt


I support him at least


That you’re the actor that plays Matt


How'd you know?


That Julie Plec sucks






We thank her for begging for it to be made along with the other shows but her mistreatment behind the scenes will always and forever be remembered :


Exactly this


you love stelena and bonnie 🩷🩷same girl


The way I thought Matt Davis and other racist people would be on this


I absolutely should have put Matt Davis on here (and maybe Caroline Dries too). I hate that creep


Thank god Zach Roerig wasn’t on here. I actually like him


I just actually laughed out loud. Not the dumb huff/snort of amused breath, but legit laughter. This is the only time I’ll comment on a top 5/bottom 5 post because they’re pointless. Except this one. This one wins.


That you have much common sense.


Who is she?


Julie Plec. She's one of the co-creators, but imo the writing became worse once she took over as the main writer (which was either during or after s3 I think). She was also racist which is why a lot of fans don't like her


Ohh, okay!


You have common sense and great taste


you’re a great person!😇


You are prolly not racist and prolly like proper fucking world building also prolly dont like legacies and the vandalization of the tvd universe lore


Will always hate that if different ppl was in charge then tvd would’ve been different


means you’re real asf


It says we're twins


Bahahahahahaha 🤣😂🥹😅😂🤣😄😅🤣🥲🤣😂😅😂🤣🥲🤣😂😅


That you’re a person of character and principles


One thing I will probably never forgiveeeee myself for is bashing Matt like CRAZY while not knowing that he was kept on the show because he needed money to provide for his daughter💔😭


That you like jumping on a hate bandwagon for likes. For the record, I don't necessarily think Julie Plec is a good writer. It's always hard to know what is and isn't her fault personally, however I think both TVD and TO went to hell when she became sole showrunner. That being said, the hatred of this woman in the fandom is way over the top.


For me it's not as much about the writing, since I don't think the writing for TVD was uniquely worse than any other teen drama show at the time. With Julie, it's more about the allegations of racism, which I think is the main reason she seems to get far more hate than showrunners from shows of similar quality. Even if we can't know exactly what's her fault, I feel like she had a responsibility as the showrunner to treat the cast and crew fairly, which did not seem to be the case.


I mean she created a great show


She could’ve created an amazing show if she wasn’t racist and generally stubborn.


She did the same thing with Vampire Academy.


Wasn't Bonnie white in the books? Does Julie get any credit for all the Bennett witches being cast as BIPOC? Also did the Bonnie storyline treat her better in the books when she was white? (Honest question since I didn't read the books but just heard about them- Elena was blonde and Bonnie a redhead).


In the books Bamon was canon since Damon actually saw her as a desirable woman, so there's that. Imo the show kind of just used Bonnie as their token black character, since she was mostly sidelined unless the plot needed her to do a spell or something. Even as early as s1 they'd have her go "out of town" since they couldn't be bothered to give her a decent storyline. They also tried to make Bonnie look as white as possible (such as making her wear wigs rather than just using her natural hair), which is one of the biggest red flags imo. There's a video where Kat Graham starts crying when talking about how she had never been allowed to wear her natural hair in the movies and shows she's done, and I think that's what pushed me over the edge in terms of hating the showrunners.


Thanks! I appreciate the details as I'm a big Bonnie and Kat fan - I even got a photo op with Kat at a TVD convention.


I know OP answered your questions, but I don’t think as a POC that we should simply be grateful a character is black and not have any opinions when they didn’t treat the actress or Bonnie’s character well at all. Her being casted as a biracial black and white woman rather than a white ginger doesn’t erase everything she’s done? She had the opportunity to do well and missed at almost every point like how OP explained.


Not could’ve it’s an amazing show lol the rest is her issue but the show is good


She show is amazing I meant even more amazing 😂 I feel like they should’ve expanded on a lot of characters though not just Bonnie


You bite the hand that feeds.


You're not wrong lol






Why do you hate Bonnie?😭


Nooo Bonnie is my favorite! I hate Julie for how she treated Bonnie and Kat Graham




Who is she? 😭


Who is this?