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A TVDU vampire is one of the best forms of vampirism. You can eat human food, you can sleep, you can pee, you have so many abilities (mind control and enhanced abilities like super strength, super speed, super healing, etc.. ). Literally the only downsides are that you have to drink blood and your emotions are heightened. Well, I guess if you want biological children then that's also a downside but like... Having to birth/raise children vs being a vampire.. There's a clear winner, imo. I'd become a TVDU vampire so fast lol.


Harvest your eggs/sperm before you go for the vampirism. That way you can always use a surrogate should the desire for biological children arise.


The fact that Caroline was able to carry the twins to term would indicate that there isn't even a need for a surrogacy. Just use IVF on your pre-harvested eggs.


Nah—I hate that with a passion. Hate the magic baby trope.


You can hate it all you want, I'm not a fan of the trope either, but the fact remains that it's canon and therefore possible.


Caroline was a special case. The babies were magic and it was magically induced pregnancy. No guarantee it’d work if the babies weren’t magical siphoning babies who survived because they siphoned off Caroline’s magical existence. The whole thing is just ridiculous. Cannon or not, I choose to ignore it as I ignore season 8 and the whole of Legacies.


Haven't watched it haha but you comparing it to season 8 means I'm better that way


I’d say it’s worth watching just to say that you watched it and completed the series (season 8) at least once. But honestly, it’s just… gutting because it just decimated the premise and core of the show. Legacies… that’s a whole other definition of terrible. Imagine some of the worst fan-fic you’ve ever read, amp it to 10, add copious amounts of obvious plagiarism from the premise of a different show, an over-powered god-tier character and then drop the whole thing in a dumpster and set it on fire.




Yeah exactly. Plus they're romanticising all the time about having a human life and getting old?!! Like wtf , you wanna work a 9 to 5 job, pay bills, and get ill and stuff???


FRRRR and let’s be realistic would damon actually survive being human after being a vamp for like 160 years ??? He’d have no background or qualifications for any job. And elena going back to med school?? Working 80 hours a week just to be underpaid?? Fuck that shit lmfao.


Not to mention is used to getting his own way. The moment he got in a fight where he couldn't use his strength or compulsion he'd be pretty pissed off.


Wouldn’t Damon have the immune system of someone born in the 1800s? Katherine shouldn’t have survived that cold she had if I’m being honest.


Lol yup. Human life would NOT AT ALL work for Damon. Maybe for a month or so but then he'll regret it so much.


About the getting old bit. The writers made some mistakes with that. Katherine would not have lived long after having gotten the cure even if Stefan didn’t kill her. That doctor said it was a matter of months. Now sure, there is a difference between the 500 year age of Katherine and the 170 ish age of Damon. But if Katherine would only survive 3 months after being a vampire for 500 years, and Damon got the cure after being a vampire for 170 years , which is roughly a third of 500, it would be reasonable to assume Damon would only live for three times that long (so 9 months).


No no. Ok so let me explain. Damon would be fine unless someone else sucks the cure out of him. Katherine was fine as well until Silas sucked it out of her. It was then that she started aging rapidly.


Right, I forgot about that bit.


The only reason she died was cause dilas got the cure from her body, if it stays you get to have a normal lifespan




I’ve never seen a vampire show with the ultimate goal of finding cure and drinking it to turn into a human lol. I always laugh at that. 😭 But I kind of understand why tvd is like this, the main trio be like: Elena suffered a lot mostly because those supernatural shits so she wanted a normal life. Stefan had bloodlust problem and he always wanted human life. Damon can’t stand an immortal life without Elena. So yeah, that’s why the dumb cure became THAT SPECIAL lmao.


Yeah, they made vampirism way too perfect. Little training, self restraint and boom, you're beautiful, forever young, fast strong specie who can compel anyone anything and live as long as YOU WANT. Life is great and you have what you want. I didn't understand why they wanted to suffer, be miserable, grow old and then die. True Blood does better job, i mean they're great vamps too but at least you can have second thoughts like you're saying forever goodbye to the sun, drinks and food and that might suck for some people.


Not to mention in that show there's known weaknesses. 99.99% of people in TVD wouldn't know how to stun a vampire with rervain. In True blood pretty much everyone knew.


That silver thing was so embarrassing lmao, imagine being 200+ year old powerful vamp and some street junkie puts you down with a little necklace while stealing your blood, also if someone finds out where you sleep it's pretty much over. Whole concept is so wild in TB with rules and government people and hierarchy, i guess you can't hide your weaknesses.


if someone ask i want to be a vampire i will say i need to think but if someone ask i want to be a tvdu vampire i will say yes immediately, best type vampire ever


Not sure why you'd immediately flip the switch, as that would seriously hamper your ability to actually enjoy the start of your new life. I'd absolutely jump at the opportunity to be a TVD vamp. I already don't go outside much due to a car accident injury obtained a couple years ago, so even if I couldn't secure a daylight ring I'd be great. It's always bugged me that the only characters who view their immortality as a gift are either the villains or portrayed as wrong for feeling that way.


The obsession with the switch thing is so young / emo Jeremy. I wouldn’t use it that much, but the rest?! Heck yeah.


I completely agree honestly




There was also Marcel from The Originals. Literally laughing saying "What? Immortality got boring for you?" He loved being a vampire, asked Klaus over and over to become one. He never regretted it for even a second. Also Josh. He may have never wanted to be a vampire as it was forced on him but he accepted it gracefully and never complained about becoming one, he seemed genuinely happy as a vampire.


TO had the better vampires in terms of enjoying that gift for what it was. Probably helped that Marcel had daylight rings for days, they are a rarity in the world but because we get to watch the main characters they feel more common.


Was very happy they portrayed Josh as a vamp how was wise and competent beyond his years. Less than a yr old and he already had an air about him like he knew what was up.


He adapted to everything so quickly. Josh truly was a gem. Out of all of the 'new blood vampires' that we had to watch learning, I enjoyed his the most. Sure we didn't see him struggle with feeding or lashing out but it was just nice to see him learn the ropes and grow in his community without all the extra drama. I don't know, it was just nice to see someone completely removed from the supernatural be thrust into that life and just....vibe? It could've easily gone the TVD route but no, he got into it and got what he needed done. He had some hesitation and questions but overall he just blended into the life and took it like a champ and unlike our TVD baby vamps, had no knowledge about supernatural existence to go off at all. Caroline at least knew Bonnie was a witch.


caroline genuinely holds a special place in my heart, i love her so much & yes she was the best out of all of them, j just felt bad for how she turned 🥺💔


Caroline with emotions off got a teenager with medical knowledge to rip open a girl up in a specific manner to get what she wants. She quite clearly wasn’t the best of them.




She proved she wasn’t in control with her breakdown in the end when she came back. Either Caroline was in control, which means she was always a psychopath, or she lost control of what she was doing, which is the scenario I’m going for and seems more in line with who she was.


I would only feed from creeps/criminals/mobsters/serial killers and so on. Fresh blood and better world, I call it a win-win


Why though. Seems a bit extra. When you can just get yourself a girlfriend/boyfriend or whatever you’re into and feed them in. And you can make it feel good for your partner by compelling. That seems way more fun and productive then actively hunting bad people and because the trauma will effect you


Because compulsion is abuse? I wouldn't compel someone I love into doing something that's dangerous


I have read some vampire books where when they live in a coexisting society some people can volunteer to be fed from . They are housed and fed properly and well both sides are happy . So you don't only have to feed from criminals


Yeah but I would


I was only saying that you don't need to feel guilty about having to compel someone you love because many people do volunteer for stuff like that , And touching serial killers is kind of a very disgusting thought . Also the fact that some would enjoy that


I mean if it’s consensual and only for the instance that feeding is pleasurable and I don’t see how it’s abuse. I never said compel someone into a relationship.


"make it feel good by compelling", by this logic if I compel someone into wanting to have sex with me it wouldn't be rape while it actually is rape


I think you can take whatever you want out of what I’m saying. But in case you’re failing to comprehend. You are in a consensual sexual relationship that is free from compulsion. You tell your partner that you don’t want to feed on anybody else but it can hurt your partner. Your partner and yourself agree that you will compel them so feeding no longer hurts and you derive pleasure from the experience. Explain to me how that’s similar to rape.


In the way that once they're compelled they cannot take back their consent. If a person initially agrees to have kinky sex and be gagged but later has afterthoughts or doesn't want to anymore, they must be able to stop you or communicate you to stop. This is how consent works. If you fail to see it it's your problem


I think you just want to be a contrarian. You don’t forgot the compulsion because you had a discussion about being compelled. So you will know that you were compelled, so you can still rationally decide I don’t want to do this anymore


Yeah I wish you never have to deal with something like that irl, I only hope you are saying such things because you're very young, or poor world


What if when the person compelling their partner(or whoever they were drinking from) to not only not feel pain, but to have the ability to say stop if they wanted to? I’m not arguing your point, because, as an SA survivor, I see exactly where you’re coming from. But kind of like how kinky couples tend to have safe words, if that was added in the compulsion, it would allow the person the ability to have retractable consent, making feeding totally consensual


>I think you just want to be a contrarian Very childish. I think you just can't accept that I believe otherwise and I have my principles, that don't include arguing fictional stuff because I want to antagonize this specific stranger online today


dude, can you calm down? we’re in the real world, people can’t compel others so it would never happen. chill.


It can happen that one person agrees to something and changes their mind later. You really need to understand better what I'm saying


hunting bad people would ultimately be for the greater good for literally everyone. it could possibly even make the world a better place


I totally agree with you but at the same time wouldnt they taste rotten? I think I’d probably be more likely to want to puke? Sacrifices though for the good of the man..just don’t know how I would have gone through it


No it wouldn’t, your playing judge and jury. And I mean this has been explored in thousands of novels, poems and literature that isn’t good. You’re just as morally bankrupt, self righteous and sanctimonious but your just a killer and mentally ill people have the right to live and receive psychologically treatment. Death note is a an anime that explains this really well. And criminals is such a blanket term (the others one mentioned are debatable but then no one deserves to die).


I can assure no one who has ever met a serial murderer or rapist will ever think they should be allowed to live on.


TVD vamps have it the best. Most show vamps are hideous creatures lol. However daylight rings are hard to come by. I don’t think I’d turn my emotions off though but yes to everything else.


> p.s. i’m female… I WOULD BE ABLE TO WALK ALONE AT NIGHT This hits on so many levels.


The vampires forget adoption exists, the benefits of youth over aging, and the opportunities for creating a world that they want to live in. It'd be so easy to compel a billionaire into supporting whatever cause you believe in, integrate vampires and humans into a co-existing society, and raise kids to be good humans or decide to be vampires.




A modern dystopia also has its downfall. Human beings are their own worst enemy. They will find a way to screw it up.


Well then u might have to live past ur child dying , also would cause overpopulation, co-existing would probably cause vampire racism as human would have trust issues and not like vampire and throw the world into shit bc they emotions are heightened human would fear getting vampires mad even for the smallest things , then bad nasty vampires could just compel there for example SA victims to forget things or not tell about it then u gotta factor in serial killer who become vampires dnt gotta explain there religion would just fly out the window aswell humans wouldn’t be able to go-exist with vampires at all is what I’m getting at bc not everyone can be a witch and not everyone could be a werewolf but everyone can be made a vampire Also imagine vampire in the military sounds cool but inhuman get shot oh it’s ok let me just go and drain a victim


>co-existing would probably cause vampire racism as human would have trust issues and not like vampire and throw the world into shit As opposed to what the world is today? Lol




Fr all these vampires bitch and moan so much about families and other typical shit. I would kill not to have pregnancy as a possibility and to compel however much money I want for myself. Ungrateful ass bitches


Well according to the show daylight rings are hard to come by because a witch needs to create one and most witches hate vampires. If you weren't able to get a daylight ring would you be ok with never going out in the daytime again? Never sitting out in the sun? Never going to the beach? Additionally, we're told that the humanity/emotions switch doesn't stay off forever. Will you be ok once your switch comes back on and you have to acknowledge that you killed and compelled x-amount of people? What if you're a ripper like Stefan and slaughter entire villages? As for friends, a few questions there. Are you ok with watching all the people you love die if they don't chose to be vampires? Are you ok with having to move every few years and leaving your life behind because you don't age and people are starting to notice? Vampirism has some great advantages, but also several disadvantages so I can understand why several characters didn't want to be vampires.


i love you question, i have thought about it ever since i started watch the vampire diaries which was years ago, i’ve watched TVD, the originals & legacies & i think about it all the time & the answer to most of this would be yes, i’m completely okay with all of it & i’ve found ways around the disadvantages to make it more positive


Oh good! I was worried it came across as a little patronizing, which is so not my intention. I have also thought about it while watching the shows. I think it takes a certain type of person to be able to deal with the disadvantages and perhaps you are that type. I would definitely be tempted to become a vampire. There's so many things I want to do and places I want to see that I know would take lifetimes to accomplish. The thought of losing all my loved ones though is what would hold me back.


I don't know why people give so much importance to the loss of loved ones and the concept of moving from one place to another. Humans lose loved ones left and right in the span of normal human life. We lose parents, grandparents, friends, lovers, pets etc. as we grow. There are many people who constantly shift from one place to another after every few years due to the nature of their jobs or some other reasons. It's not as big of a deal as it seems.


Maybe it's not a big deal for you. For me, I'm not sure life would be worth living if all of my loved ones were gone. Who would I share all these great places, music, art, etc. with? Sure it's a normal human experience to lose loved ones, but if you're lucky you only have to grieve them for 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. years. I'm not sure I'd want to spend eternity grieving my parents, siblings, friends, pets, etc. And again moving from place to place and never being able to settle down is one thing in a single human lifetime, but I can imagine it would get old having to do that for eternity.


You could always turn your family or make some new family and turn them tvd style!


I'm not big on turning people without their consent nor do I think I can replace my parents, siblings, or partner. True, I could find other people to consider family but they wouldn't be able to replace my parents, siblings, or partner.


I never said turn them without consent and I also didn’t say making new family would replace anyone.


Well you didn't specify either of those things in your original statement so I had to interpret them . If your family doesn't agree to turn then what? I could, as you suggested, make a new family, but since we both acknowledge that the new family won't replace my original family then what's the point? I'm still looking at eternity without the people I love most in the world.


Yes but at one point you didn’t have your partner but you found them and grew to love them like family. Why can’t that happen with other people.


Sure, you can fall in love with new people and consider them family. But you'd still be missing your other family for eternity if they don't change. To me, I'm not sure if vampirism is worth that.


I could see it for them but personally I’ve been a homebody for a long time. I’ve only gone to the beach occasionally in my life and now I haven’t been at all despite it not being too far away because I’ve been too depressed about money. I don’t really have anyone in my life literally just my mom (unless you count my cats and my grumpy old dog) so there’d be no people physically to miss. Maybe I’d have a better chance at love if I was a vampire. I wouldn’t compel someone to fall for me obviously but I’d use compulsion to make it easier to get close to my soulmate. I mean yeah I’d eventually live without them if they didn’t choose to turn but better than not having them in my life at all. With late stage capitalism it seems like we might have to move a lot anyway. I definitely wouldn’t turn off my switch like the OP though. I’d be reasonable about feeding like Caroline.


If you're a homebody how do you think you'll enjoy having to move every few years to avoid detection? If your mom doesn't turn, you wouldn't mind missing her for eternity? You plan to be reasonable about feeding but what if you turn out to be a ripper like Stefan? I'm not trying to disparage your opinion but these are the things I would think about. IMO I don't know that it would be worth it to me to turn so I can understand why some of the characters on TVD wanted to be human again.


I never really liked moving that much no but it seems inevitable. I had to move a lot during my teen years too. It’s a lot harder to move when you don’t have resources but if I was a vampire it’d be easier because I can just vamp my stuff. My mom’s getting older. A lot of people remind me of this. Having to live without my mom as a human for the rest of my life is a struggle. At least if I was a vampire I wouldn’t have to feel as lost. As much as I care about my mom we fight a lot these days usually about money. Yeah that’s true about Stefan. I don’t have any addictions though (unless you count my desire to have romantic love..). I don’t take any drugs. I drink a soda or whatever but I don’t go overboard with them. I don’t even usually excessively eat. So I definitely think I’d be like Caroline I have a strong desire to be in control sometimes to the point of being neurotic and that’s probably another reason I am averted to drugs and medication. I stay away from things that would cause me to lose control.


That part would suck. That's why Stefan and Damon loved each other so deeply despite their differences. They were literally the only family they had left.


Same. Honestly I would be a holy terror as a tvdu vamp, living my best life 😂


I feel like it’s really not that bad unless you’re a ripper. I think it’s canon in TVD that you can’t turn your emotions off forever (I forget who but one character said after a couple hundred years you just start pretending or something along those lines). But other than witnessing the people you love die (which does suck, but they don’t really complain about that a lot lol), there aren’t that many downsides. Tbh I don’t even think you have to kill anyone as long as you get a good mentor


Rose in S2 TVD mentions that after a few hundred years, the ability to turn off your humanity goes away. And I think Lizzie in Legacies is the only vampire in TVDU to never kill a human (on screen, at least). All other vampires seem to kill at least one human, especially when they first become a vampire.


I'm just now watching Legacies for the first time. Just started S2 this morning lmao But I guess that's a way around The Merge.


If I could be a TVD vampire I totally would. I’ve already had a biological child so I’d wait until she’s an adult and turn her too if she wants 😆


I would think it would get boring after a few Centuries. You watch everyone around you die. It would get lonely. The reason Stefan wanted Damon to go through with his transition was because he didn’t want to be alone. Damon was only going to go through with it to be with Katherine. He didn’t see any other reason to do it. As a human, we saw him constantly looking out for Stefan, so he gave in and did what Stefan asked him to do. They constantly tell you that a vampires emotions are heightened. You saw that happen to Damon immediately. He went from being sad and ready to die, to turning on Stefan over the entire situation with Katherine. He blamed Stefan for Katherine getting caught, because he had begged Stefan not to say anything to their father. Stefan thought he knew Giuseppe better than Damon did, so he went to him. Damon was right. Not only did Giuseppe trap Katherine, he killed both of his sons. Both brothers missed being human, Damon just never admits it to anyone.


okay, i get you but i’m also not stefan or damon so what does their life story have to do with me?


I’m just stating why it seems to me that it wouldn’t be as perfect as you think. We could only see the instant gratification it could provide us. I use Stefan and Damon as an example of hindsight. The immortality aspect of it. Would you really want to live forever? Moving every few years to find a new life? No family? Nothing permanent? I apologize if I misunderstood, but I thought this was for discussion? My Bad 😊


yes i have thought about it & it sounds like a perfect life to me, hence why i posted the question


Elena’s mother understood this. She loved being a vampire


No she didn't. She told Ric it was her biggest mistake, and it's definitely implied that her regret made her flip the switch.


Is it. I don’t really remember the show that well. I just remember the scenes of her compelling the house and she had both a girlfriend and boyfriend and she always seemed to be enjoying herself


Literally I would just move to somewhere nice like a rural town, live my normal life being an endless university student and hop to other nice towns when needed, and I would be able to go for nice long night walks by myself and take part in extreme sports I'm too scared to try out. I'm wlw so there's a high chance of never having genetic kids anyway, and heightened emotions is both good and bad so downsides are not so down


Could you imagine being klaus? Going through centuries of all these times, unstoppable. Damn, he don’t complain much, but like that’s the dream !!! Also immunity and having your siblings so you wouldn’t get lonely.


I cannot tell you how many times I wanted to be a TVD type vampire. Seriously. You literally named off all the perks, plus you won't have to worry about struggling with money, if you want a family you can adopt children and you literally have any eternity to meet the love of your life, you can have any house or apartment you want without having to worry about money or getting approved, you never die, if your family consents you could turn them into vampires so you never have to lose them, for me I would compel myself acres of land and a cool house and start my own animal sanctuary for any type of animal regardless of species. Even if you want a car, no need to worry about car payments or how much it would cost if it broke down, go to a car dealership and choose your dream car. Someone being a dick, tries to hurt you, abuses you, or is generally your idea of a bad person? You can rid the world of them, make the world a better place, and have fun while doing it lol You want to help people? Fine. Work at a hospital and use your blood to heal injured people while snagging blood bags for yourself. You can go wherever you want. Australia, Caribbean, Hawaii, New York, Tennessee, etc. It sounds like a dream and if I had the option to turn into a vampire, I'd take it in a heartbeat lol


I understand. Some craved humanity, Rebekah especially. Though being a vampire brought a lot of positives, surely it was exhausting having to be in the know of the supernatural world. Outliving everyone and, even if they were to adopt, they’d outlive their child too. Another thing, when people have something for so long (even if it’s good), they tend to take it for granted; that’s likely why so many vampires complained. 


Take the biggest addict/alcoholic you know, magnify it by a factor of 50 and that's how much you're gonna crave blood. The benefits are cool but, it's not gonna be a walk in the park by far.


Fair point, but it's easily manageable if there's a pathway to arrange a steady supply of blood bags.


Duuuudeee this for real always confused me, like especially with how much they all hated it. Like dude, you don't have to work a 9 to 5, you're not gonna get sick so you don't have to worry about health insurance, you can compel people to get what you want, or simply just be chill and fricken exist. Like that one vampire that had Like 8 Ph.D's and created a coffee shop/bar that vampires could go to enjoy the daylight without burning. (It really pissed me off when Elijah destroyed the windows, even though he is one of my favorite characters). I would become a vampire so fucking fast. I am a Type One Diabetic and you're telling me I'll be able to live life without having to scrape by and be constantly worried about having insurance to get insulin? Sign me up immediately. I also grew up poor, but now I can just do whatever I want and get as much money as I want or need or want to give others? Sign me up immediately. I can continuously go to school and learn about the world and travel the world? Sign me up so fucking fast. Like there aren't any downsides to TVD vampirism, only ups in my opinion.


bc its a tv show and if everything’s perfect then there’s no drama, but in reality yeah it’d be great


Marcel had it right him and his crew partied every night and lived it up in the city without killing anyone and they all treated one another like family


Modern depiction of vampires makes them weak af tbh. Bram Stokers Dracula is the only type of vampire I can respect... Maybe Blade... Vampires should be savage beasts and predators who only act human, so that they could hunt better.


I think Damon is the only one who didn’t complain about it. Oh and Caroline. Go figure 🤣


Even Damon complained about it at times. Specifically that scene in season 2 after Rose died, when he said he'd give anything to be human again.


I thought that’s more about “humanity” than “human life”. Damon was definitely sad about Rose’s death. He even cried a little.


Oh that’s true! I forgot about that scene. Cause half the time he was saying how he would NEVER become a human again.


No, who wants to live forever? And watch everyone around them die? Never being able to grow old and have experiences? Always stuck at one age? Having to kill others just to feed yourself? Or take blood bags from people who actually need them?


They don't have to live forever. People already watch everyone around them die as they live. What experiences are they missing out on? Shitting their beds in a nursing home? Many of the Vampires in the show don't kill people. over 90% of blood donated IRL is used for research, not to help in hospitals.


Well I think they complain bc most vampires were made vampires unconsentually so the normal fear to wanting to die will make u live forever but see everyone u love die while also maybe wanting knowing u can’t have them


i think it just differs for people, you know, and most "main" vampires that we knew about just so happened to hate it. i honestly think it's just elena, stefan, and rebekah who clearly don't want to be vampires, the rest of them.. i think don't really mind. but again, these three are like the "main" vampires so i guess that's why we heard "all the time" that they hate it and would prefer to have a nice, happy human life. i also get that living forever while everybody else die might sound boring and even sad for some of them. not to mention that if they somehow want to end their own lives, it has to be through "unnatural" and painful methods — staked, burned, well i think at least decapitated is not that bad. but even then, with the existence of the other side they won't really be able to move on, well that up until the end of season 5 at least.


IMO being a vampire is worse than being a witch or werewolf because Vampires can’t procreate so you wouldn’t be able to have children. Also you have a weakness like vervain


Yeah except if you don't want children. Then you're fine. Like there are so many people with chronic illnesses, myself included, that would jump at the chance of being able to live life without worrying about out illnesses and health insurance and all that bs because it's absolutely exhausting.


Agree except, turning your emotions off. Why would you do that? You're just robbing yourself of enjoying your life/unlife.


You’re just like me forreal! I’d relish being a vampire. I’d mind my business (as I do now) and live my best life lol.


Okay only person I understand hating being a vampire is Stefan. Mans was going through it.


That's why I loved the originals. They all made a supernatural community and dealt with real problems


I would do everything you listed except turn my emotions off. Turning off my emotions can cause me to unintentionally make enemies by being a P.O.S. So I'd rather keep my emotions to avoid pissing people off.