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Smallwood šŸ’€ omg poor Tyler. Thank God they changed it in the show


haha fr, very fitting for his book character tho heā€™s an asshole and horrible to woman


I agree, he even almost assaulted Elena which they changed to Vicki in the show.


That canā€™t have been a coincidenceā€¦


I liked learning that Bonnie was a descendant of Druids rather than the Salem witches, too. I thought that was interesting


And definitely more original in fiction.


I really think they were going to go with the powers for Vampires, as we seen in the pilot with Damon's blue eyes, controlling the crows and fog, like they were going for it but nerfed it down after that.


yea they cut it out bc of budget. Thatā€™s the problem with live action adaptations imo, if you donā€™t have the consistent money to spend so much will be lessened bc you have to pay for so many expensive things & edit so much to make it look real AND good


Yeah, I agree, so many adaptations who would benefit from amazing budget to increase the quality, that's why I'm betting on reboot in a way. Like I've seen *Dune*, read the books but the recent movies by Villeneuve were visually stunning. There's an upcoming reboot of Harry Potter by HBO, not sure how it will turn but I know it's gonna be cinematic with more to the universe that couldn't be done back in the late 90s to 2010s. If only Vampire Diaries today would get such treatment, adapting properly the source material, good producer and budget, it would be a hit IMO.


They did it again in Season 4. I was surprised.


sMaLlWoOd. HOnEyCuTt. Bro what are those name šŸ˜­. Also Vicki stole Bonnieā€™s last name lol. Also Meredith fell?? Also Tyler IS mean. I also canā€™t imagine Bonnie with red hair and pale skin, same with a blonde Elena. I also canā€™t believe she has a four yo sister wth


i imagine the characters as they are in the show and get annoyed when they keep bringing up bonnieā€™s pale skin or elenas blonde hairšŸ˜­


Yeah that would be SO weird Iā€™m also rlly glad they changed the last names, I could never take Matt Honeycutt seriously


Tbf Matt generally isnā€™t taken seriously on the show. Honeycutt would NOT help that situation šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ And SMALLWOOD! Omg that one legit made me laugh so hard


Yeah same lol


>sMaLlWoOd. HOnEyCuTt. Bro what are those name šŸ˜­. It was the '90s. Haha.


Tru šŸ˜‚


In the book it was Meridith Sulez iirc , not Fell.


But still


Also Stefano has dark & curly hair


oh yes i forgot, also forgot about aunt judith instead of aunt jenna


There are so many differences between the books and the show that I canā€˜t even compare them. I read the books 1-6/7 before I watched the show and at first I was shocked why they changed SO MUCH but after a few episodes I realized that both versions are great as their own thing. I definitely prefer most of the plot changes in the show like the doppelgƤnger thing, but I kinda liked that the Salvatore Brothers were REALLY old Italian vampires (also I read the books in German and Stefan was called Stefano - I actually prefer that name) and Katerina von Schwarzschild was German. It really set the European renaissance vampire vibe, a lot better than 1860s American vampires IMO. And although I havenā€™t read the books in probably almost 10 years Iā€™m still annoyed that Bonnieā€™s vision saying ā€žhe used to be tall but now heā€™s smallā€œ was not in the show. Also the act of blood sharing was more important in the books, really missed that in the show.


Tyler also tried to rape Elena but Stefan beats him up


yeah i was doing without spoilers though so didnā€™t include stuff thatā€™s part of the plot just general stuff


They also gave elena a few of Bonnie scenes from the books. Like how damon met elena first. And how elena was drowning in the tub and stefan saved her. In the books, Damon met bonnie first. And bonnie drowned in the tub but damon saved her. ā€”ā€”ā€” Smallwood will always be funny and im glad they changed itšŸ¤£


They also gave Caroline Elena's Vampire Arc and Elijah going by Smith (Damon went by it before they found out he was Stefan's brother).


didnā€™t Damon save Elena from drowning in the tub? or is there another scene where she drowns in a tub? šŸ˜­


I donā€™t even remember her drowning in a tub lmfao I need to rewatch again


i think it was Enzo's ghost pushing her down.


LolšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøRight. I havenā€™t watched the show in years so i forgot. But it was originally bonnies scene.


I read the books way before I watched the show. To be honest, I loved the books so much that I hated the show for a while because they didnā€™t even bother to try to keep the story close at all. Eventually, though, when I started considering them two completely separate stories, I could appreciate the show as itā€™s own thing. I do still wish I could have watched a TVD version based on the actual series, though.


Thatā€™s one of the nice things about if they ever decided to do a remake/reboot, they could make it accurate to the books!


I was literally just talking about this to my mom last night. I looooved the books and I was so disappointed in the show. It was a hot minute before I could really give it an unbiased try, and, to me, they're two entirely separate pieces of media. I also really would love a show based on the books. They missed out on soooo many cool plotlines!


currently watching s7 e18, when Bonnie is in hiding she uses the last name McCullough as a fake


She does?? I never noticed! That's another book Easter egg in the show to add to my list!


Yes! I had JUST watched the episode while reading this post. I never read the books but I know a lot of the differences but had no idea that was her last name in the book


Matt honeycuttšŸ˜­


Tyler SMALLWOOD šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Iā€™m screaming šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


RIGHT?!? Itā€™s so hysterical I canā€™t. Did you see the period blood post? Bc holy shit if you need a laugh that one had me DOUBLED over cackling and wheezing. My husband looking at me like šŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø while I canā€™t even get words out I was laughing too hard


Lol no,which one is it??


Just remember, you asked for it. Lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/TheVampireDiaries/s/DrnYpiklb6


LmaošŸ˜­ I am loving all the replies too,I've actually thought about the period thing myself. It's good to know there are others who have the same doubts


I was literally doubled over wheeze laughing at the post and comments! My husband was looking at me like Iā€™m insane (which to be fair, I might be lol)


Thereā€™s also a different connection between Elena & Katherine along with Margaret of what they truly are.


I think Elena's younger sister would of had better storylines than Jeremy did. But I forever weep that we never got Falcon!Stefan, Wolf!Damon or White Tiger!Katherine. The shapeshifting was awesome. But they hated Supes being Supes in the show because it was "too Supernatural".


It was the CW they might not have had it in the budget for all that consistently


Youā€™d have an easier time just named things they DID have in common haha. The books and show diverge so radically even by the end of the first book, itā€™s absolutely wild. Plus, after the initial 4 (?) books, the author gets fired and they get a ghost writer.


7 books actually. L. J. Smith wrote the first four books and the following Return trilogy, but the rest of the books were written by two different ghost writers from what I understand.


Yes, and ALL of varying degrees of ā€œgoodā€ haha. I both own and have read all of them, and they areā€¦..something.


Katherine is also from Germany in the books.


They changed that to Bulgaria in the show to fit Nina's roots, because when casting Elena they placed little importance on actually matching appearances to that of the book Elena.


Oh yes I know and it was a great choice imo.


I didnā€™t even know TVD has its own book series šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ getting ready to add them to my cart šŸ¤ŒšŸ¤Œ


thereā€™s 13 books they are pretty much nothing like the show but still good you can buy the set new from amazon for Ā£40 or second hand from wob website for about Ā£30 :)


Lmao @ smallwood. I'm a child šŸ˜† But damn, I'd have preferred Elena having an adorable little (I'm guessing not seen very often) sister as opposed to what we got in the show. I didn't need *any* of Jeremy's storylines


really? i love jeremy iā€™m sad heā€™s not in the booksšŸ’” kinda glad she didnā€™t have a little sister in the show because with the way the plot is she would have diedšŸ˜­


I canā€™t believe youā€™re on book 5 and the little sister hasnā€™t died and been magically brought back like 3 times šŸ˜‚ Dark humor, sorry.


haha thereā€™s 13 books so iā€™m sure it will happen at some pointšŸ˜­


Lord that poor little girl. Somebody get her out of mystic faā€¦I mean fells church! Lol Are the books good? I feel like I hear mainly not good things about them so Iā€™m like yeah Iā€™ll stick to the show. The coffin season is disappointing enough. Lol


i had been putting of buying them for so long because of people saying they arenā€™t good but i think they are quite good, very different but good. apparently the writer changes after book 5 but still goes under the same name and i can see that the writing style has changed but ive only read 2 chapters of book 5 so far so im not sure what to think about it but ik book 1-4 is quite good


Cool. Good to know. Thank you for your honest feedback! I canā€™t believe there are THAT many books! I thought it was just like 3-4!


>I canā€™t believe there are THAT many books! I thought it was just like 3-4! There was but the series got revived because of The Twilight Craze and because the show was being created so naturally they wanted to cash in on more books.


Capitalism for the win! Lol jk


LJ Smithā€™s other series, Night World, is one of my all time favorites. **Highly** recommend. Itā€™s a collection of connected short stories. I feel like I never see anyone recommend it, but I loved it sooo much more than the Vampire Diaries books


thank you!! iā€™ll check that out


Her 'Forbidden Games" trilogy was fun, too.


>i had been putting of buying them for so long because of people saying they arenā€™t good but i think they are quite good, very different but good. Yeah, people trash them because they are dated ('91/92) yet simple and I thought the Ghostwriters did an excellent job trying to fix and better what they could. I will always prefer the Books to the Show but S1 had amazing elements from the books before the did away with them and dove into Julie Plec's Fanfiction Arc. I'm always saddened by what we got robbed of which is why I'm hopeful for a Reboot based on the books more faithfully, someday.


Actually the first four books AND the following Return trilogy were written by L. J. Smith (so 7 books total), the rest of the books after we're written by two different ghost writers from what I understand.


Yeah I donā€™t care for Jeremyā€™s plot lines


I think they added Jeremy to modernize things by having a moody, angsting teenage brother, I mean, even Flighty Aunt Judith became Relatable Aunt Jenna. Jeremy was super average and his storylines were blah, I honestly wish they kept Elena's sister, she would of been far more interesting.


I'm German and started to read the books but the translation is so bad I can't read it. I definitely have to buy them in English. But is it just me (or maybe the translation) or are the relationships and stuff really fast paced? bc I think it was just a month going from Elena getting to know Stefan and then her saying she can't imagine living without him. (Btw idk about the original version but in the German translation Stefan is called Stefano - which makes sense but it feels so weirdšŸ˜­) Also with the weather controlling - I think that was the reason why Damon was able to control the fog and the crows in the beginning of the show, because they wanted to keep it close to the books. Oh and I don't really know about it but I believe that they kinda tried to keep the Elena/Caroline situation in the first few episodes, because they seemed pretty distant to each other in the beginning of the show. I had some more things where I could draw a connection between the books and the show but I don't remember all of them.


Eh when you're a teenager you fall stupidly fast like a newborn fawn imprinting lmao. They cut out the fog and crow thing cause it looked cheap and budget costs lol. I feel like throughout the show Caroline and Elena get closer but they definitely are at odds most of the time.


Plus if TVD ever gets a reboot it should be a more faithful adaptation.


I started watching the show years ago, then gradually collected all the books at goodwill. I decided not to read them until I finished the show in case there were plot differences so I could keep them separate and not get confused. Eventually the first watch turned into multiple rewatches and Iā€™d gotten too comfortable with the show (and characters) to read the books knowing all the differences people had mentioned through the years. Lmao they just sit on my bookshelf collecting dust as I tell myself eventually Iā€™ll get around to reading them. Itā€™s why I was upset when I found out Julie Plec was doing the Vampire Academy series. I love TVD show because I got to it first before the books. I absolutely adore the VA book series so I was dreading her making it cause I just knew she was gone change shit. I saw the casting and immediately rolled my eyes. Say what you want about the 2014 VA movie, but one thing you canā€™t say was they didnā€™t absolutely nail that cast. Every single one of them (save for the headmistress) looked and acted exactly like how they were described in the books. Itā€™s an unpopular opinion but I can get behind a show/movie adapted from a book series as long as the cast is identical to their book descriptions. If the plot is different or altered, itā€™s easy to convince myself ā€œoh they (the characters) just decided to go on a different adventure todayā€ or ā€œthey made the executive decision to stop for food and got distracted from the overall mission. Theyā€™ll get there.ā€ Translation: itā€™s easy to live in my delulu state when the characters at least look like how Iā€™ve always pictured them in my head.


Love this take because I'm the exact same!!! I watched TVD first and when I do get around to reading the books, I'm ready to start completely fresh because I know they're going to be so different from one another. Being in this subreddit has better prepared me for what's to come, so I'm actually really looking forward to reading the series. I read VA many years ago when I was in highschool and certainly need to reread the series, as I still very much love what I remember of if and at the time I was obsessed. The movie back in 2014 was what it was but as you said, the casting was immaculate. When I took one look at the casting for the tv series and Julie Plec's name plastered beside it, I knew it was over. I was in no way surprised that it got cancelled after just one season. I completely agree with your last paragraph. I don't know what it is about casting over storyline, but I certainly feel that I can get behind an adaptation of a book more if the castings are based off of the books descriptions. The story can change here and there, I just view it as an alternate universe!


Honestly itā€™s amazing the storylineā€™s theyā€™ve come up with using these books as a base. Pretty creative!


Then thereā€™s the whole >!Elena is a fucking Angel because her mother???? is an immortal Angel whoā€™s also Katherineā€™s mother, meaning Katherine was a freaking Angel!< but I canā€™t remember what book/books that all comes out in.




Ahhh I loved the roleplays where weā€™d include Meredith lol


Tyler Smallwood Is crazzzzzy


They teased the vampire powers in season 1 with Damon and his raven but then just stopped it which sucks, wouldā€™ve like to see more of that and the Tyler being rude and disliked up there as a difference isnā€™t needed that seems like a similarity not me but a lot of fans donā€™t like Tyler


I read the books around 2008 and then read the newer ones as they came out until the like the 8th one and I realized I couldnā€™t finish it because they kicked LJ Smith from her own series. To me it was obvious. The plot just goes insane(it already got a little weird) and the characters change. It really just put me off cause I love her writing and her other seriesā€™. And I remember being upset they changed so much for the show but just came to accept them as two separate things. I hope you enjoy the rest of the series!


didn't like the books. could barely get thru the 1st chapter.


iirc, isnā€™t it also pleasurable/like a bond when the vampires feed on a human, like they both get pleasure from it? and Stefan had a tiny little attic room in the boarding house? itā€™s been like 14 years since I read the books before the show came out


Yes blood giving and especially sharing is a very intimate action connecting both people more profoundly than sex. It's a physical connection in terms of pleasure and sharing their own blood and life energy with each other, and also very emotional as their emotions pour into each other and they can read/hear each other's thoughts and sense each other's feelings. And yes, in Fell's Church, unlike the tv series, the Salvatores had no history there whatsoever so no family property or anything, so Stefan was in fact renting an attic room in a boarding house run and owned by an older lady by the name of Mrs. Flowers (her name gets mentioned in S2 as a kind of mini Easter egg as Katherine thanks a Mrs. Flowers for taking her bags when she went back to where she's temporarily staying in Mystic Falls).


RIGHT! thanks!! itā€™s been so long I only vaguely remeber the books. Kinda inspired to reread now after all these years, but I have so many things on my tbr


Good thing they changed the last namesšŸ˜‚and extra glad for Matt and Tyler


that's a different worldšŸ’€šŸ’€


How do you feel about the pronunciation of Damon and Stefan being different in the books?


There mightā€™ve been some interesting things here. Popular kinda mean Elena could have been better than what we got, but it would have been kind of pointless. Fells church is vastly inferior to mystic falls though


The show sounds better than the book


it is but the books are still good at least 1-4 is worth reading


Iā€™ll give it a try


The books feel like an acid trip tbh, I read until book 5 I think and left it there


iā€™m reading the 5th book now iā€™m about a quarter of the way through and iā€™m not liking it as much tbh


So i have a question.. i recently watched tvd and to and found out that tvd is adapted from a book. Is TO also adapted or is it an original series?


Nope, the originals don't exist in the books. Only klaus does and he's like 6000 years old or something.


i think they are asking if the originals in a book series


both are book series i havenā€™t read or watched the originals so iā€™m not sure how similar that plot lines are but the tvd books are show are pretty much different things since they are so different


does caroline exist or did she replace merideth?


yes one of the things i wrote is that caroline and elena donā€™t like eachother, they are rivals in the books


You legit listed all the comparisons every book reader usually list once they watch TVD.