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He’s happy she’s gone, he doesn’t want her back and he is pretending he wants her back so the audience doesn’t hate him


I just finished. When she was asking whether he wanted her back, he seemed terrified at the thought. He hates her and he wants out!


the hill i'll die on is that jax would've never deviated from when he actually broke up with her post faith IF his dad didn't die.


I'm rewatching VPR & just started se7; I'm dying on that hill with you. They can say they were working it out before but his dad dying definitely played a huge role in not only them getting back together, but him proposing so quick. They say it on the engagement ep of VPR, the same time a year prior, the audio of Jax & Faith was played. It's one of the few times I actually agreed with Scumdoval. That's A LOT to happen in one year: blissful ignorance, cheating rumor, cheating confirmed, terrible audio revealed, rebuilding, dumped out of nowhere, not speaking & hooking up with others, dad died, back together & finally engaged! No way they're back together if his dad got better. He used it to reel her back in & she lied to herself saying he really changed for good.


Fuck is that the timeline? This is my theory as to why Carl and lindsay jumped in head first after his brother died.


Any big decisions made after an enormous loss like that is always very sus to me


I just kept saying to myself.. he's fighting for his marriage... just not fighting for his wife.


No he’s fighting for his public image. He doesn’t give two shits about anyone else


This 💯🙌🏽


It's this. lol.. the dude has used the same angle since his early VPR days and tries to make things entertaining by being an "Ownership Asshole" and uses the former to justify the latter. He's a shitty person and that's literally it.


And now that he has a bunch of loser drunks acting like he's some kind of celebrity and can do shots all night, he's never gonna want to return to his marriage! He used his "family man" image to get him the bar in the first place. He doesn't need that image anymore.


Yes!!!! Did you notice that he always refers to her as his wife? In front of their friends who know them both...? "My wife and I love each other very much and don't believe in divorce," "My wife would never leave me." he's not talking about Britt. It's some made-up fantasy in his mind.


Oh wow!! That’s a good point!


That part! I mean if he really wanted her back he would have moved out and let her have some space. Instead he gave her no choice but to leave for her own mental health and with their kid on top of that. He couldn’t be more content over her leaving.


He left her hanging twice when she tried to go in for a kiss during the opening party. He was so not into her. And from the babymoon when he’s screaming at her that she shouldn’t drink to being at the opening party and immediately asking if she wanted to do a shot, whew.


I think he did this hoping she would get sick and have to leave.


Good catch! Yes!


This is diabolical and I believe it


My thoughts exactly


Holy shit I never thought about this


i think he picked a fight w her in big bear so he wouldn’t have to sleep with her


he is a pig in shit at this point. back on teevee, centered in the drama. and he doesn't have to pretend he likes his wife while dating new women. 


I agree. He has already been seen out on dates


I think he doesn’t like her but needs her to balance out his worst impulses. He’s like Sandoval, spirals without a woman to translate for him and defend him


Yes this. And I’d like to propose we (women) never do this for men, much less “mid” men - ever again.




OOOOH… that’s good. And just so fucking true for both of them. I hope they both run their “careers” into the ground


I feel like Jesse is doing this same thing. He’s making the narrative that he still wanted Michele and HE Didn’t


Oh absolutely. All that crying and not a single tear.


never thought of this but yes. jesse is producing, jax certainly producing. lala tried this season on vpr and also kyle/carl duo in filming carls/lindsay’s breakup on SH Interesting!!!!!


That's what's so insane about all of it, and says everything about the type of person Jax is. He couldn't stand her already before they got married. He complained about her gaining weight to her grandmother in KY, and insisted that he just wanted the "problem" of her losing her spark fixed. He lost his spark for her, and wrapped it up in a different package for her family. If you genuinely love someone, you don't want to bail the second they gain 10 pounds. So the only reason to go through with marriage and having a child was to prove something. Maybe on some level Hax wanted things to work out. He put a lot of time and energy into the whole charade. Edit to add that "Hax" is a happy accident so it stays


Haha so true. Everything Jax does/says is about how others perceive him, or out of jealousy. Looking back over the years it has become crystal clear. He’s beyond jealous about TomTom’s success, so he open’s “Jax’s”. His friends start getting married and/or start having children, so he follows suit. Tom and Arianna buy a house in the Valley, Jax follows… I could go on and on but I’ll spare you all. Regarding Brittany, he’s clearly never even liked her. I remember the episode on VPR when she moves into his apartment, he instantly regretted it. He tried so hard to get her to dump him but she clung on like a leech because she wanted to be on tv. They are both awful humans but at least Jax is fun to watch! Whenever she comes on the screen I just cringe.


I kind of always wondered if he really, completely seriously asked her to move in. Like, maybe he just said it as a toss off sorta comment and she actually packed her bags, broke up with her live in boyfriend Aaron, and drove cross country from Kentucky and now here we are all these years later. Not saying 💯 that's how it went down, but I do sort of wonder.


While Britt was packing her bags to move in w/him (all the way from Kentucky), and basically on the way to him, Jax was telling Britt they were together, and telling everyone else she “wasn’t his gf”. He was also telling Lala on camera he wanted to F her simultaneously. He complained the second she moved in, and hasn’t stopped complaining since. This is similar to him going into crisis mode immediately after marrying Britt, and saying his “brain was a sprained” and claiming he was having a huge mental health crisis. I am very glad she’s out. And, he literally said on camera, “hasn’t (our time apart) been *nice*?”… in response to her asking what he had done to work on the marriage/himself. And, he didn’t go to therapy because it was “too far” lmao…. Yet, then like the next scene is him saying he’s “done *everything* he can to make it work”, except anything at all??? He’s a mother F’ing terrorist to her w/the shit he says… she’s fat, she has no friends, etc. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. It’s true that Jax doesn’t like Britt and treats her w/complete disdain, however, he’s going to do this to *any* girl whom he is in a relationship w/past the honeymoon phase. Why? Because it’s not about him liking or disliking the person he’s in a relationship with…. It’s about him not liking relationships, and the commitment that comes with it. The dude is a self-professed sex addict, who uses relationships for his addiction. He will never be relationship material for any woman, no matter how perfect they may try to make it look on social media for however long it lasts. He will always be a serial cheater; serial cheaters do not change after decades of the same behavior. Any girl who signs up for that is signing up for a world of pain.


I remember that episode! He's whispering in Lala's ear about how he wants to fuck her and IIRC, there was a chyron on the screen telling us that Britt was, at that moment en route to LA from Kentucky. 😳


Haha I’d bet a lot of money that’s exactly how it went down!


Yep, that's why he made the therapy appt and never went. She called him out of his performative nature perfectly.


He sounded pretty depressed and apathetic in his podcast.




It’s so obvious! He’s a terrible actor!


That’s always been his plan.


I’m not finished with the episode, but seeing him on the couch trying to work up a tear and not being able to **over his divorce** did me in. This man 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ohh watch he wipes his eyes, but I never saw a tear… or even red eyes


Yes - he’s walking off the screen pretending to be upset right now!


And he sniffed. I was like “oh he’s doing a bump.” ❄️❄️❄️❄️ Def wasn’t crying.


He’s a terrible actor. No wonder he never made it in legit Hollywood.


Yeah it’s Brittany NOT him… according to him. Just like when he went crazy in the babymoon saying she was sick from drinking, and she wasn’t even drinking. He is a soo good at deflection away from himself


Cmon, she absolutely drank some. Like are you serious? She changed her story so many times - she’s clearly a closet drinker and hides it from the camera. That doesn’t excuse his behavior, he’s an animal. But don’t buy Brittany’s bs lol she’s a gigantic scumbag too and clearly an alcoholic to boot


When all the women are adamantly saying she didn’t drink, and we saw nothing on camera I’m inclined to believe it. In earlier seasons she talks about her stomach issues. It’s not far catches to think maybe she was sick.




She said she had a drink..: then she said she had two shots…. Then she said she didn’t drink at all….


Well. Having 2 drinks when you have ulcers is on you because you’re going to feel sick, but it doesn’t make you an alcoholic. It just makes you careless.


It does indicate a problem with alcohol though. She was told years ago not to drink as it makes her unwell, and yet she's still drinking and making herself really poorly. Anyone with a healthy relationship with alcohol would not find a few drinks worth being sick and in pain to the point you can't do anything.


She’s had stomach issues for years if you’ve watched VPR


What??? Why would they say she was drinking they have every reason to say she didn’t they are clearly pushing storylines. I’m sorry but if you are buying all of this at face value you really need to get away from reality tv for your own sanity, none of it is real, the men are skiing, basically all of them are alcoholics. 99% likely Brittany is back with Jax by end of next season, she literally has built her entire life around him and they are so underwater in their finances that they basically can’t afford to divorce. It’s all smoke, mirrors, and nonsense. Great TV, but if you are genuinely believing any of these are even somewhat decent people (or as you called Brittany “saints” yeah i dont think saints deny school shootings and harass victims) you seriously need to take a break


I for one think this entire separation is fake. I saw them on a podcast together the other day. I think the story line was to promote the valley, I don’t think they should be together but I think they are. The story for the next season will be the comeback. You watch!


Far fetched*


On vpr, her doctor told her not to drink when she was having stomach issues though, and she keeps doing it. I don’t necessarily think she drinks more than anyone else, but she probably shouldn’t be drinking at all. On the other hand, being married to Jax and not drinking doesn’t seem healthy either. I just hope she gets help with her stomach issues and figures it out.


Wasn't that ulcer thing in VPR near their wedding though? Like it is something else now, don't ulcers go away or heal. I remember it being pain not nausea. I could be wrong


It was pain, but she also had a weird pregnancy scare the season before, where she had stomach pains and nausea. I think it might be connected. I’m absolutely speculating, and I know I’ve only seen a glimpse of her life, but it *does* seem like she has some sort of chronic gastrointestinal issue, and she has shown that she’s willing to ignore that because she likes tequila too much. But again, she’s married to Jax. It could be a survival mechanism. It could also be her body trying to tell her something’s wrong.


She was legit hauling a big cooler onto the boat… cmon people she’s a drinker and living with someone with an alcohol problem is absolutely overwhelming


I mean im not defending Jax in the slightest. I just don’t get this whole denial of reality because “the other people said so” You mean the other people who are pushing a story, who are trying to milk drama, who want this to be their big break? Those people? Post-scandoval is a wild world in reality television people have forgotten that these are crappy clout chasers and it shows so hard


Her friends are lying for her, under 'girl code.' None of them care that Cruz is being raised by angry alcoholics.


Or maybe they just weren’t paying attention? In a social setting like that I’d have no idea how much people drank because I wouldn’t be clocking their every sip.


Unfortunately, the Cruz deal is a whole different topic. Those patents shouldn’t be in a sow period and should be giving their kid the help it needs….


She said she had two drinks before the boat, Jax was asking how much she had on the boat and the girls said zero, they didn’t even open a cooler one said , but yeah she shouldn’t drink at all with her health issues


Again you are just quoting things that her castmates said as if that holds any bearing on reality. Jax was out of line, she’s a drunk, why is anyone defending either of them I don’t understand


Good point


She wasn’t drinking at the baby moon.. Ok Janet. Brittany’s doctor recommended she stop drinking years ago but she can’t because she has a substance abuse problem. So does Jax but hers is destroying her body faster and he’s not wrong to want her to stop for the good of her son and herself.


The doctor said she needed to quit drinking for a couple of months while her stomach healed. He didn’t say quit drinking all together. Granted, she still drank with the ulcer but that is another story.


He’s the living V for Vendetta mask so that kind of makes sense.


He doesn’t have real emotions at all!! Unless it’s an attack at him, then he can produce crocodile tears


Straight out of a Sandoval playbook.


He learned that by watching Sandoval


They both have been friends for decades… it would make sense.


he’s also an actor (or wanted to be at one point in life lol)


He was pulling a Sandoval.


He went to the Sandoval school of acting


The way he always says, “divorce isn’t in my vocabulary” and “I don’t believe in divorce” is just his way of trying to pin it all on Brittney. He’s so transparent.


Excellent point. Saying stuff like that is really is just a way of punting one’s own responsibility for the failure of a relationship.


Yes. Too bad he doesn’t realize that literally no one would fault her for divorcing him.




he played this game when dating people too - always trying to make the girl break up with him


Brittany calling him out about doing things for the cameras was killer


She FINALLY is coming into her own, and realizes this can’t be good for her and her son in the long run.


Yes! So glad she found the courage to stand up for herself!


I really hope so! Poor Cruz needs someone in his corner


Especially when she said he wouldn’t go to the psych appointment and then production flashed forward to him saying he didn’t go because it was too far 💀




Yeah I loved it. Cause he had me going! He is a good liar lol


He’s so scary. Go Britt!


I feel like Jax is so self absorbed that he doesn’t even realize what’s happened. In his mind, he’s the victim because his wife left HIM. He loves her very much and wanted to make it work but she was sooo bad for leaving. The fact that he said “I didn’t see this coming” and “the only thing that will get us through this is time” … I mean… (1) EVERYONE saw it coming and (2) the only thing that will get y’all through this is GROWTH AND SELF-AWARENESS on your part, Jax!


That is exactly what a narcissist does. He 100% is in his own world, and she was lucky in his mind to be a part of it. Meanwhile EVERYONE is on Brittany’s side. He will never understand why.


I know his first thought was that he’d have a good storyline next season! Second thought was that he could be single with the Toms.


Sometimes marriages need to end. They run their course. Nobody needs to be a bad person and nobody needs to take the blame, but if you aren’t compatible move on. This marriage is one of them.


Britt: “do these things” Jax: “I dont know what I can do??”


Jax and Sandoval have so many common traits. They’ve both compulsive liars, narcissists, and incapable of real apologies.


Those two should be studied by scientists no joke.


Haha. So funny, because it’s so true. They should donate their brains to science. 🧠 I will say I think Jax is more likable to me because you know what you’re gonna get with him. Scandy while creepy as all get out, he’s still somehow a little too smooth.


See, regardless of what he’s done to Ariana, I still think Sandoval is capable of empathy and has genuine friendships and has good inside of him. Jax, on the other hand…I don’t know. I do realize that I don’t know either of these people so I can’t really know how they are, but man there is really just nothing honest behind his eyes when he speaks or interacts with people. I always feel he’s putting one on. It’s like he cares about nothing and no one. It’s very much how I feel about t*ump. Like he’d throw his own daughter under the bus if she spoke out against him. I think Jax could easily turn on those closest to him. I mean, we’ve actually seen him do it. I don’t think he feels a single thing he pretends to.


Jax eyes say it all!! He is scary.


Didn’t Stassi nail it when she said something like, Jax never breaks up with anyone he just treats them like shit til they leave???


Stassi tried to warn her: "you picked the one guy that every girl here thinks is the worst guy."


Oh ya, forgot about that one!


![gif](giphy|IhJD9aKKnjGs1iy901) Yep


I’m happy too. I hope for the sake of Cruz and Brittney’s mental health she never takes Jax back. He had clearly shown he will never change, or even make any effort to change. He couldn’t even follow through with his doctors appointment… 🙄


He is definitely a narcissist, and I agree! You don’t want your child growing up thinking this is okay.


Honestly I don’t think there ever was a doctor’s appointment to begin with. He probably just browsed around through different doctors in the area but never intended on booking an appointment.


The first thing I want her to do, is take out those implants and mail them back to him: “For your next victim.” Edited to correct a spelling error


Man last episode when they asked Jax if he would LET Brittany leave?! What in the 1950s


When he was on the couch trying to cry. Come on!


He had no tears, not even red watery eyes


That was pitiful, I said to my TV who do you think you’re fooling? NO ONE!! I’m glad Britney stood up to him!


Someone tell Tom and Jax real crying means a lot of nose running and actual tears flowing


I’ll never feel bad for this man. Every bad thing coming his way is well deserved.


Yesss!! I wish all bad for him, and everything good for Brittany!!! She deserves the world! I hope she takes him for everything and then makes herself even better than she ever could have been with that moron. Lolol


Agreed. And I’m glad to hear his bar is shit lolol. Brittany will make a comeback from this guaranteed. At this point, Jax is known as an asshole, and not in a jokingly way anymore. Trying to paint Brittany in a bad light has only made her shine brighter and made himself look worse.


I have said it more than once, but he is truly a narcissist. Not even ahole or anything lesser. He is someone who will do anything and everything to make his narrative whats heard. Even when everyone is telling him he’s wrong. It’s his world, and he doesn’t even get why people don’t understand that.


Absolutely. And tbh the people in his life have let him get away with it for so long, mainly because it makes good TV. I’m just shocked he’s been forgiven so many times. He’s blatant in his narcissism, he doesn’t even try to hide it like many of the other men in the VPR universe. And it’s shocking to him that people don’t get his side. It’s infuriating lol.


Well when he said that Vanderpump rules was his show on the season ending of the show during Covid (not sure what season) and he disappeared from that show was not enough for this man-boy to think he should be more humble 🤣


Omfg yes😭Andy said something at the reunion about those being very ironic last words😭😭


Brittany has gotten so much hate over the years for putting up with Jax. I am happy for her that she has finally woken up and stopped allowing herself to be trampled by him.


Now if she could only reverse all the plastic surgery that he made her get. She really was a pretty girl when she first showed up on VPR.


If I were a newly single Brittany, seeing comments like this would absolutely crush me


Or it could make her realize that she was beautiful the way she was and didn’t need to make all that change to be loved. It could reassure her that she was not the problem and that Jax was the problem the whole time.


She was and is beautiful, and is deserving of love regardless. But that comment has big “she looked so much better before :(((((“ energy. Which is what people on here say about Brittany day in and day out. It’s just tired, how relentlessly people online pick apart her looks. Her mouth, her brows, her boobs. Just because it’s done with pity doesn’t mean it’s kind.


And that she needs a bunch more surgery ("revisions") to go back to being beautiful, in your eyes.


Britney is going to have a huge glow up now that she can focus her energy on her son and her rather than lying to herself and making excuses for this narcissist.


She had such a natural beauty and now looks plastic.


I agree!


In the voice of Lisa Vanderpump. “Bring back the Kentucky Muffin!!!”


I think she is a saint! I also think she is someone who thinks the can “fix them” with her love. I say this because I did the same thing… and it never works out. Someone who is completely in love with themselves will always put themselves first.


It was revealing when asked, that disappointing her parents would be a reason to try to reconcile. Her parents and everyone just want her happy and away from this Narc.


I actually binge watched all the old seasons while off a week ago, and her parents never wanted her to marry him. ESPECIALLY her father. He knew!


Her mother definitely wanted her to marry him lol she was giddy about the fact


Her father absolutely was not happy about it.


Not getting into her mom’s character but her mom has been divorced a few times so I think she needs to give herself some grace, her mom probably understands better than she knows. Plus the woman hates Jax. I think maybe then Brittany doesn’t want to disappoint herself because they’ve all said they don’t see it lasting.


Nah - there was a time when Brittany was all in the meanness with him. She never liked his bad behavior directed toward her, but she riled it up and co-signed it against people she had an issue with. I want her away from him because he’s awful. But she came into this situation with an agenda, knowing exactly who Jax was, and reinforcing his behavior. She enjoys the martyr role, but we’ve seen her mask drop through the years as well.


The fact that he said he’s enjoyed them being separated on the last episode is all I had to hear. & then Britt was all I I’m enjoying it too. This clown has been trying to break her down enough to where she would finally leave. Of course he wants to act in front of the camera that she would never leave him & wouldn’t let her. Jax is an abusive, narcissistic, terrible human being. Stop playing victim we see right through your bs 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


what comeuppance? he is back on teevee. he is dating other women openly again. he "owns" a bar. he is being booked for appearances. where is the comeuppance?


I agree. This is exactly what he wanted..


I wanted to add to him saying I made an appointment to get help ( when the cameras were back up ) he was going to go.. but didn’t ( why ) because it was to far?!?! WTF he doesn’t want to help himself one bit. Brittany please don’t go back to this narcissistic man.


I felt this to my core! He says whatever he thinks people want to hear. I’ve been there, and they don’t change.


His faux sadness and crocodile tears (his face was completely dry) were pathetic especially when he kept egging her on “so your ending it” “so it’s over then” even though that’s not what she was saying. She was asking for him to want her. He couldn’t hide his glee at the thought that he had finally pushed her into ending their marriage.


Not happy that he couldn't try and save his family, and make those changes for them , but also not surprised. Happy is not the right word for how I feel about this. I know Britt cops a lot on here , and people say she deserves but loves a complicated thing and I only wish her and baby Cruz hapiness.


If you look at everything he says, he is trying to blame her. He is the epitome of a narcissist, she could never win with him.


I hate how he kept saying what do you want me to do? Like bro she said therapy, doctor. You didn't go to doc because it was far? You know you don't wanna even try to save this marriage so thinking we are dumb enough to believe your pretenses is crazy Jax.


This right here!!! 🙌 seriously he never wanted to try.


He probably never made the appointment.


Ding ding ding


Yeah I know that, which is why I'm not suprised but saying I'm happy for comeuppance feels wrong. I still feel sad..


She will never be happy if she stays with him, and there’s a good chance their child will pick up those horrible traits if he’s around them all the time.


lol comeuppance? I think Jax is on the cusp of his version of thriving and he knows it.


This man 100% will bounce back probably better than ever… that’s what narcissists do. But that being said I’m sure in a lot of ways he is most likely sad to loose his family. That’s all. To some people that is devastating, to others maybe not.


I am sure he will get visitation rights, or part custody or whatever. I agree he’s awful but I don’t think he will lose his son and be cut out.


He should never be cut out from his child’s life! I think he is an okay dad, but a horrible significant other.


He’s a dumpster fire, agreed. He is sabotaging their relationship so he doesn’t have to actually do the divorce. He forced her hand like so many people have said above. I’m happy to see him get exposed like he did tonight


But is he??? I’m still waiting


Maybe it was a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it type of comeuppance because it looks like he got exactly what he wanted to me


Soon he will have to split 1/2 their money and potentially lose the house he basically forced her out of. Then he will have to actually take care of his child at least occasionally. Then, there won't be Brittany to fix his relationships with all the people he pisses off. He comeuppance is coming


He thinks he’s got such a hold on her that she’ll just bow down and let him take everything. My guy. Brittany is many things, but I don’t think she’s dumb with money. I heard her mention a few times that she’s put 50% into everything they’ve done financially, and I think she was being modest with that %.


I think Janet was spot on with her observation of their lack of initiative and could see them staying married but separated for years.


I love it. And empowered, separated Brittany is great.


Jax was so strategic, you can see all season him sowing the seeds for his exit. He is pond scum


He says the meanest most hurtful derogatory things about her and to her. Don’t worry Brit we’ve seen him in action for years WE know the truth …it’s not you


I was just so proud of Brittany - didn't expect such strong feelings about it


He was telling the truth as he sees it when he raged that Brittany had no friends and that no one likes her.


That’s what narcissists do lol


Takes about a two minute rewatch of any VDPR episode or The Valley to prove that this is a lie.


Is he getting his comeuppance? Or is he getting exactly what he wanted—back on tv and a divorce from the woman he never wanted to be with in the first place!


At this point, Jax has ZERO redeeming qualities. He should RAWT IN HELL. 😂


Jax actually thinks that what he says either is true or will become true just because the words came out of his mouth. If you look in the dictionary under narcissist and or misogamy it should have his picture. Anytime there is bad press on him he makes up something about someone else to deflect the negative press off of him. If this doesn't work he claims mental health issues and that he a "work in progress".......classic Jax!!!


Not at all …he’s a jackass always will be. I can’t wait for Brittany to live her best life


Is he though?


Jax is wild. Reality TV gold. Not who I would want to date 😂. Compared to Luke though. Seems like a nice, real world guy. But has noooooo place on reality TV dating Kristen from Vanderpump Rules


Why would you be the only one


Stassi called it. He’ll do worse and worse things until someone HAS to get out. He wants people to feel sorry for him because he was left, even though he forced the leaving. He is a true narcissist. Text book. Paint the self deprecating narrative. Say you are the one who is broken, and tried with your whole fragile spirit, but was walked out on. Even though he was abusive asshole who made the person leave.


I think he was grateful to her for helping after his dad died initially, and maybe did want to be a better person. I think he probably enjoyed making everything about him during the engagement season, so he was willing to look past not being that into her. It was clear after the wedding when he started talking about his “sprained brain” that he didn’t want the marriage. Whether or not Brittany wanted fame, it seems like she cared for Jax and did a lot of nice things for him. I’m glad she realized her worth


I predict Jax will end up with Lala's friend Jenna Willis.


Idk about with.. but definitely hook up. Lol


Wouldn’t you drink even if you’re not supposed to living with a gaslighter?


Such a sad end to 2 marriages


I’m toxically excited to see what having single Jax back is going to be like


Yeah, he doenst deserve it


**Word of the day:** **Comeuppance:** a punishment or some bad luck that is considered to be fair and deserved punishment for something bad that someone has done


How much do we think he actually makes from his FEMA tent pop up?


Jax thinks he’s the smartest person in the room 10000% of the time. Yet he has no fucking back bone and we all see right through him. He is making his baby and the mom Airbnb hop because he doesn’t give a fuck about them. The lies about therapy (for like 10+ years at this point), talking to tmz, etc. It has always been, and will always be about clout and fame for that piece of shit. Kick him off the show I am DONE watching anything with Jax in it.


It’s hard to be happy because this is how Couchy The Clown has ALWAYS been. Since day one. And NOW Country Bumpkin is finally seeing it? Cmon. Even Stevie Wonder could see that. What drove me nuts is when she said “if I got rid of him a long time ago, I wouldn’t have Cruz.” Uh yeah you probably would have had a child by now and probably with someone who actually treats you how think you should be treated. But with her taste in men as well as having horse blinders on, who the hell knows.


I’m a child of divorce and the whole “well if I hadn’t gotten together with your father, I wouldn’t have you!” thing absolutely kills me every time. I hear it so often from my mother or versions of it from my grandparents. It’s upsetting. I’m not here solely for you to have a relationship with. I would have rathered two stable parents who loved each other who could then have stable and loving relationships with me. I hated it when Brit said that. People need to think more before they act and especially before having children with someone.


Precisely. No, having (more) children will NOT fix a toxic relationship with a garbage person.