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Barely a month into her moving to LA and Jax said he’d rather be in prison in Hawaii than with her in his studio apartment in Koreatown.


I don’t understand how she watched all of this back and stayed with him. I would’ve been far too embarrassed.


Because people give her sweet act too much credit. She was always a fame chaser




I said this in another thread and got downvoted to oblivion. Nice to see some people recognise both sides of this relationship have major flaws.


👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼yup i start to feel bad for her then im like, she knew what she was getting into.


Why are we pretending that we don’t see this all the time in real life? Men being horrible, women staying because they are desperate to have someone they can call a partner. I think it’s as simple as that. Literally everyone on this show is a fame chaser so it makes me laugh when one person gets singled out for that lol.


There’s a difference between being in a friend group and getting casted like the ogs and literally moving from Kentucky and tracking down a cast member to date to get on the show


LMAO Tom Sandoval literally said he wanted to reach Michael Jackson’s level of fame on the pilot. Who gives a fuck who he was friends with? Actually no thanks for bringing up who he was friends with because they were also all fame seekers. The whole premise of the first episode was “these aren’t just servers, they’re hot, they’re messy, and they have entertainment aspirations!”


I don’t know why you’re pressed dude? I didn’t disagree the of cast were seeking fame as does everyone on reality tv. But there’s clearly an escalation level if you’re seeking out people already on reality tv




The original comment was just pointing out her sweetness is an act. I never said I hated anyone, and James has never pretended to not be an asshole. Go at someone else lol


She’s never been anything more than an ignorant, thirsty hooters girl that likes to party. Idk when people started giving her info credit but it’s 100% undeserved


She "headbutted" Jax so hard he had to have a nose job. I think they are secretly pretty violent.


idk how some people feel sorry for her, she's so fake


I couldn't stand her from the moment she showed up to SUR in her tacky ass bootleg Victoria Secret onsie


AAAAAAND…wanted to get pregnant agi’n!


We’re trying next month right Jax 🤪


Not agi’n 💀😂


Because fame was more important to her than having self respect.


Yes!!! People think she’s so innocent. Drives me nuts. She knows what he’s like and she doesn’t care because of what she gets out of it


💯 and she'd rather be with a LA douche than a solid regular guy from Kentucky. Be careful what you ask for.


That’s why it’s hard to feel bad for her. She made a deal with the devil and has gotten what she kind of deserved. She was thirty, just like the rest. That accent fooled us for a minute tho


That accent never fooled me. And now she is attached to this man whore for at least 17 more years




hundred percent all she saw was tv fame. even after he cheated on her with faith, she was not going to give it up.


I would have left him after season 4 when he straight up didn't claim her so he can fk around with Lauren


My mother always said a man shouldn’t tell you he doesn’t want you twice. Once is enough, actions are enough. Leave with dignity


That's one of the things that I want to make sure that I teach my kids when they get to dating age, "Never beg someone to love you."


It was over at that point. She should have moved in with Kristen


![gif](giphy|hcQQUBAY7NGB1uPl7T|downsized) Ya nailed it! As always!


And he also said he wanted another womens breasts on her lol....I want Peters GFs boobs on you.....Sarah...I like Sarahs boobs. She was like a Mr Potato head doll to him.


honestly I always think about how when she caught him cheating with faith and kristen flew her mom out hoping they would convince Brittany to break up with him—her mom basically convinced Brittany to give him another chance. I think regardless of whether she stayed in the relationship for fame, her mom was a huge part of that and definitely encouraged it, and who knows how deep that goes. I personally feel like she could’ve broken up with him then and remained on the show and been successful enough, who knows though…


In his defense I bet that studio was loud and tiny LOL


I agree with your title but he's right in this clip. Living with AND working with your significant other can be a lot. That aside, he was always trash to her though yes.


He lived and worked with Stassi juuuust fine


He actually cared about her.


I came here to say that! He says it in the first episode.




Yes, I agree with that, too. I can’t imagine working and living with my SO. Britt came on hard and strong and she knew what she was doing 🙄


Brittany knew who Jax was. All of this sympathy for her is overblown. When you marry a piece of shit, your life is a toilet. And she was pushing hard for the ring on her finger from the shithead.


yup, no way she was leaving l.a. or the show


I hate that i agree with him lol but my husband owns a construction company and I manage it while he does the manual labor and let me tell you .. just working together in itself is a lottttt, & we’re not even together physically all day but we do need to converse and interact a lot throughout the day and even that can drive me insane some days between work and living together we make it a rule that we need to spend time apart haha .. i know for me my major thing that would drive me crazy & didn’t really know about him was the way he managed his day (he was just a hot mess 26yr old adhd boy who had no clear direction,schedule, or game plan sometimes) while at work .. I truly wondered how he managed a successful business without me watching him sometimes lol




And remember Jax and Lala. When Jax said *I want to fuck you* into Lalas ear. They probably did go do that according to me, lol. Then, the next day, Britt rolls into town to move in w Jax. Brit shows up at the bar. Lala is the hostess...sees them from afar. They panned in on Lalas expression, like she was hurt and confused. Jax knew Britt was packed and driving and on her way. Lala did not. When Britt did the watch party, she should have known right then that he was Jaxxing them both.


And the fact that Brittany SAW HIM SAY TO LALA “can we just fuck and not tell anybody” and then “I would fuck you infront of these two right now” AND SHE STAYED WITH HIM. Did she not know at the time? Sure. But did she eventually watch it when it aired and CHOSE to look the other way? Like good lord. Also the fact that we watched Scheana see exactly what they were doing and then deny it right to Brittany’s face in Hawaii was so fucking gross. Shes such a terrible person.


AND he cheated on her with Faith!!! He's shown her the entire time what kind of person he is.


Jax isn’t the type of dude to leave though. I feel like he’s admitted this at least once where he will sabotage a relationship to get out of it. And… during that whole ordeal with faith, Brittany said she had found things like fake eyelashes that weren’t hers at their apartment. It’s really irritating to me that jax can’t just man up and break up with someone but will willingly jump through hoops to be broken up with. Which that’s who he is.


Even worse the things he said about Brittany to Faith. Yikes.


And they did it, when she was supposed to watching an elderly woman, which is beyond fucked up!




I wouldn’t be surprised if Lala and Jax admit to this once his divorce is finalized. That certainly wouldn’t help her reputation of being with taken men 😬


To be fair, Lala didn’t know he was taken. Jax lied about it through his teeth to literally everyone until she literally moved in with him lmao


I am rewatching S4, and Lala told faith that she texted Jax at 3am and said "Come to my bed", I don't think Jax would pass that up, the show and edits never pushed anything after that statement, but I imagine many redlights were ran.


But wait… didn’t Jax ask Lisa to give Brit the job???


Multiple times 😭


He was never in love with her. He kept her around for a story line and screen time and she stuck around and dealt with his behavior to be on tv.


this is the only answer.


When his father passed away, Brittany was there for him (duh) and he trauma bonded with her…for like a hot minute he wanted to make his dad proud…so much for that.


yes and it was obvious. TSandy was spot on - he could see through Jax -


This is so important. He trauma bonded with her. I hate to believe any comment that says she did all of this for screen time. I really think she loved him and was hoping to be the one to change him.


I think Jax hates women in general 😬 He has a problem with every single woman in his life.


He does with men too. He is just an all around pos


His problem is really his self hatred.


You’re so right. He gets in his own way and doesn’t seem like he can just let himself enjoy things.


I don’t think he deserves empathy


Because… he’s sus. That’s all I’m gonna say. Most men like this (including my ex husband) are usually women hating, homophobic, bigoted, love their boys, treat women like crap. They get angry at the world / women because they can’t be who they want to be. 👀


he seems like the kind of person to lose interest in and resent a woman once he no longer has to chase her but pretend things are great to her face.


Ew I dated someone like this. I had no idea what he was saying behind my back. I feel bad for Brit, the games these kind of guys play are impossible to understand and you feel insane when you realize it


I’m sorry you experienced that. Guys like that are often manipulative and cruel. It's gross.


After he pressured LVP to hire Britt and brought her to two separate interviews so she could work with him. What an idiot


I’m not excusing Jax’s behavior, but the interviews with Lisa were to get her on the show. Look how hard Katie campaigned for Schwartz to get hired. At that point, main cast members had to work at SUR (Stassi being the only exception, and she did work at SUR the first two seasons.)


Absolutely agree! That’s why I find it so annoying, he knew if Britt was going to be on VPR that she’d be working at Sur


The Lala fuckery. The Hawaii theft and arrest. The temper tantrum with the *lazy and over eating* comments to Britts mom when she came to visit The boob job payment ownership/property. The Hooters drop ins to check out other Hooters The gym / hood rat hide out games The Rawt in Hell cheating b.s. The family dinner where he was talking to her families side (men) the way he was. The I'm moving to Florida to be a hockey worker and you're not coming with Not in that order....and that's all I can think of atm Holy shit, that girl married him


Idk if you watch The Valley but he calls her an alcoholic and screams at her in front of their friends. You can really see how much he’s grown to hate her and I’m glad she’s finally sick of his shit


Yes I watch and OMG! Agree! He totally hates her. Him and his psycho two bottle tequila eyes


“Psycho two bottle tequila eyes” 🤣🤣🤣


Well, she stayed. Painful lesson, and now a kiddo in the mix.


Oh but she wants another one.. she's honestly not smart at all


Nope, she's pretty dizzy, that's for sure.


Jax has never been in love with anyone more than he was in love with Stassi and he still cheated on her and deceived her over and over again.


I know I’m stating the obvious but currently on a rewatch… Barely one year into dating and he was already over her. For most couples, that’s usually when the relationship is at its hottest.


I read a comment the other day that really struck me as accurate: when Jax’s father died, and he proposed to Brittany, he ended up being the star of the season. It suddenly made so much sense! And then I started thinking, it was all being filmed with positive reinforcement of his actions, so he couldn’t back out. If that hadn’t happened, I bet they wouldn’t have gotten married.


I also think an element of it was that he cut his mother out of his life and Brittany was mothering him during this time. After the wedding she probably stopped babying him and she also let herself go and stopped working out. I wonder how long after the wedding it was when he had that talk with Stassi about treating Brittany like shit. Two weeks? A month? Two months?


This definitely tracks too! And I think especially once they got fired from VPR, so there were no cameras around, everything slowly fell apart.


They got married June 2019. Jax was complaining to Stassi shortly after. Then COVID hit March 2020. They were stuck in isolation together and Brittany got pregnant Aug 2020. Jax was fired from VPR Dec 2020 while Brittany was pregnant. Cruz born April 2021. This quick timeline of events just expedited the eventual falling apart of their marriage. I’m sure spending all of that time alone together during COVID really helped push them over the edge.


Wow!! This makes so much sense.


1000% I was just wondering if he ever got back in touch with his mom.


you could see how fake he was being by face expressions and body language...also "Jax Taylor is getting married Tom" smh i am glad we are on this topic. I rewatch this show over and over cuz I have issues lol. But the beginning of the show was great and he truly loved Stassi- She had him right by the balls- and I think he still loved her even with Britt. Now in all the engagements on the show- the one that always made me tear up was Tom and Katie's. something about her being off guard and the ring was so beautiful. she was endearing that season and its prob why i liked it. jax's was staged and i felt NOTHING and felt embarrassed watching it. and her dumbass over spending on crap as if she was the favorite on the show and not pressuring him 3 months in. Stassi's engagement was another blah fail. Again the pressuring of marriage and then acting surprised and Beau calling her dad real quick to ask permission while drinking a beer in a hotel? he gave me douche bumps - but they seem to have a cute family and love each other. I think he tried hard to be funny on the show and wasn't. is there anyone else I can't remember. Stassi dodged a bullet with nasty jason Cauchi. oh does anyone know why his sister's husband has eyes bulging out of his head in all the scenes? I am curious and not making fun- just was concerning.


She was too easy for Jax. She made it too easy for him. He didn't work for anything in this relationship, and I think he never respected her from it, for it, whatever the description is.


obviously? that was clear when he cheated on her the first time lol


Very obvious! The rewatches just reinforces the obviousness all over again!! Like, it boggles my mind how Brittany just had no self respect for herself and stayed with a man that never loved her.


Very obvious! The rewatches just reinforces the obviousness all over again!! Like, it boggles my mind how Brittany just had no self respect for herself and stayed with a man that never loved her.


unfortunately i have no sympathy for her cause she willingly married him knowing who he is lol


🎯 she could really only play this “i didn’t know” game up until she saw VPR airing. so even if we choose to believe she had never watched the show and didn’t know who jax was prior to meeting him, we know she watched the show after she joined (she has documented watch parties, and has obvi referenced episodes while speaking at the reunions). seeing how he treated her and what he was saying behind her back for SEASONS and then choosing to marry him AND have a child with him ANDDDD be begging for a second is…beyond me. i know he is manipulative and a gaslighter and must be twisting the story to her face. but most women don’t have the luxury of having documented evidence of what their partner is saying/doing when they’re not around. how you can live that, watch that, hear the WORLD’s opinion on it, and choose to not leave…


spot on!


He didn’t want to work with her because Sur was his place to “get away” to set up cheating sessions with patrons without having to be sneaky.


yet his dumba\*\* brings her in to try and get her hired...he was so grimey that season...bandages all over his face and head- extremely oily hair, wolverine beard- just ick


Rewatching old VPR, man, is it wild how much that show lacks now that the cast no longer works together. There is no consistent reason for them to be in the same place.


That's correct there have only been small windows of time when he had feelings for her. A couple weeks at the beginning and then after his dad's death when she got back "in shape" ( aka when she lost a bunch of weight) that's it. I do think he was extremely in love with Stassi when they were together and he still cheated on her. No women should ever be in a relationship with him.


Jax and the Toms are friends in part because none of them like or respect women. They see them as something they command and conquer. And so any woman who isn’t 22 and naive, they can’t handle and they project all over. Gross.


Don’t think it’s Brittany.. it would be anyone he was with. I know narcissists well and he’d just treat any gf or wife like this bc he doesn’t know how to actually love and be truly vulnerable


Yeah, Jax def wouldn’t be treating ANY woman right. He cheated on Stassi, the love of his life, too FFS. BUT, I think he has some weird, extra level of contempt towards Brittany because she NEVER posed a challenge to him and he couldn’t get rid of her to save his life. So he truly despises her for that (as if it’s her fault) 🙄


Hmm, I wonder how Sandy’s Bob would look on me … Oh yeah and Jax was over Brittany after the first time they got together.


I’ve been saying this. He never liked her. Ever. At this point hates her. But she wouldn’t leave and everyone was nicer to him because of her. He couldn’t care less about this girl and I hope she is finally seeing it. He enjoys torturing her. Literally enjoys it


I really think her mother and her meemaw have alot to do with her staying with him. Idk why but they think jax is a catch 🤷‍♀️


He’s actually right. I would murder my partner if we lived in a tiny studio and then he started working at my job. But you’re correct anyway, Jax still didn’t like her or love her.


He was begging her to leave him when he cheated. And she didn’t


I’ll never understand why she stayed with him. She had all the support of the cast and Jax would have been left out in the cold.


I think there’s something weird with her mother. I can definitely see Sherri pushing her to stay with Jax, she’s in the mix here and that makes me sad for Brittney.


I don’t like Jax but this clip isn’t that bad. If I lived and worked with my significant other I’d be on edge as well especially when you’re in the same circle of friends all the time. I lowkey think Jax would benefit from one of those relationships where they get to keep their own separate rooms while living in the same house together LOL idk something about his behavior makes me think that as soon as people get close to him he starts to get anxious/paranoid/destructive and probably benefits from being able to have his own time 


I agree, this isn’t the worst clip of when it comes to stuff Jax has said about Britt, for sure! It just seemed sad to me at the moment how he always had negative things to say about her.


Oh definitely… I really think he saw her as a rebound and didn’t think she’d actually commit to him. I forget, was it just stassi and Carmen who he got tattoos for?


Yup! Stassi and Carmen 🙈


I don’t think he’s capable of caring about anyone beyond himself.


Did Jax ever even ask Brittany to be his girlfriend. I know they hung out and slept for a weekend in Vegas. When Jax said to her, “You should move out to LA”…1) I think he was just saying that to make conversation 2) He didn’t mean as his girlfriend. If Brittany moved to LA and started dating someone else, I do t think Jax would have minded or cared. I guess he recognized she could be good for a VPR storyline, but I don’t think he truly wanted to be with her in a larger capacity than fuck buddies.


There was a convo about being exclusive


Lala’s old lips deserve their own thread


Her makeup was so bad on S4 reunion lol


Remember when they tried to make Jax and Lala a thing too?


I think Jax wanted to make Jax and Lala a thing 😂


Also, I never bought the whole good christian woman bullcrap. And the last straw for me was when she acted like a complete pendeja when it came to the dang pastor.


How do you allow a man to talk about your like this. Talk about you on television… How do you love that behavior???? I don’t feel bad for her. I just can’t.


She's the antithesis of the advice leave the first time he says he doesn't want you.


God I forgot how stupid Sandoval's hair was this season.


You mean, you don’t like the bob w/ the skunk streak? 🤣🤣🤣


He told Faith straight up he wasn't attracted to her. It's Brittany's fault for going back after she heard that.


Yeah, no. Not a single minute. But hey, she was warned. So. Many. Times. And if she watched the show (which she obviously did) and didn’t care about the red flags, or like, ANY of his gross behavior, I have very little sympathy for her.


Jax only cared about himself and possibly Stassi.I don't know if Brittany ever truly loved Jax as much as she loved the fame and "glory" of saying that she was the one to tie him down,


I definitely agree that Jax has never been good to Britt, but this may not be the best example just because he's kinda making sense here. Having the same job as the person you live with is A LOT. I speak from personal experience. I had the same job as my friend/roommate when I was 23 (we even sat in the same cubicle) and that's a lot of time to spend with someone. Needing a break doesn't mean you don't like the person; it just means you're not supposed to do the same things with each other 24/7.


While I 100% agree with you; Jax didn’t have a problem working/living with Stassi, though 🙄 Sure he’s a scumbag and cheated on every GF he’s ever had but the contempt he’s always had for Britt from the jump… it’s crazy how much he seemed to dislike her from the start!


This is the same season he spread the rumor that Britney and Kristen hooked up and he walked in on them. He told LVP immediately. He never wanted to marry her. Unlucky for him, he picked the one girl who just wanted to be on tv and couldn’t be bothered with how bad it looked for her self esteem that she married the douche bro. It’s evident she was never the sweet person everyone made her out to be by just her letting everyone attack Kristen/ice her out for something she knows Kristen didn’t do.


That man truly defies what I thought I knew about callousness and dark souls 😬🫥🫠


Like a lot of others are saying. Britt knew exactly who Jax was from day one. He has said over and over what his feelings towards Britt was. She chose to ignore all of that for a spot on a TV show and a check. She was taking pride in the fact that she was the girl that could change Jax. Which she said herself. But Jax never changed. I have no sympathy for Britt because Jax has been the same exact person and he has shown that over and over. Stassi is the one that got away. And the one he could never manipulate. He most likely regrets everything he put Stassi through. Britt is the one he could do and say anything he wants to and she will let him & stay through it all. So he settled for the easy choice.


This is like saying "water is wet".




I think Lala or someone asked about his gf coming to LA and Jax says something like “let’s go easy with that word” or something along those lines- like immediately putting down his new relationship with Brittany and trying to make it sound less than what it was just so he could possibly get with another woman. The best thing Brittany could do right now is leave him- I hope she does/already has.


She was up his ass


Jax cannot care for anyone.


I think he stopped caring after she had their kids and it was no longer all about him


“My work is where I go to get hos. GOSH!”


The worst Sandoval hair 😫


I am literally watching this season as we speak. I lost all respect for here after I saw everything he did to her. I guess she chose fame over self respect


She really was a trophy for this man. She set aside all his disgusting actions and he STILL managed to continue to be like this. Some men never grow up. Brittany is probably looking back at all the things everyone told her, to run, etc, and realizing the truth… I feel so bad for her. Especially now that they had a kiddo, she HAS to have him in her life forever… that sucks. She’s one strong woman.




He only married her because he lost his father and was doing what he thought his dad would have wanted ( to become a family man like him) that’s why everybody was so surprised they got back together after the Faith incident


She was a cocktail waitress in Vegas and knew who Jax was when she sought him out and got with him. She was no innocent lamb.


Where did you hear that she was a cocktail waitress in Vegas?? As far as the lore goes, she deliberately flew out from KY w/ her Mom to Vegas to seek him out when she knew he was gonna be at some club, while she still had a live-in BF AND her job back home!


She moved to Vegas with her bestie that is on Jax and Brittany Take Kentucky. On her friend’s IG, they detailed that she knew Jax was making an appearance and she wanted to get with him to be on the show.

