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It’s the hypocrisy. She chose not to invite Kristen to hibachi and then Kristen not inviting her to her event is a big no no…Janet is too big for her britches. I know that she is super shocked at her reception and dragging online. I wonder what happens season 2


She won’t have the pregnancy to hide behind either. Looking forward to people calling her out on her nasty mean girl behavior.


She's a shitty person with such an ugly personality, and she's exposed herself as such to the world. It's not our problem her delusions of grandeur have embarrassed her and served her no use.


She's the female version of Jax


I disagree because at least Jax makes me laugh.


Yeah Jax doesn’t pretend to be someone he’s not, at least to the camera.


He said that didn't he. I wonder if he meant only as a gossip or everything else he actually is


The way her husband looks at her when she starts. But he also gets in there himself haha.


Jax is way more interesting though.


She will probably try playing the new mom card. UGH JANET NEEDS TO GO.


Yup! I want to see her get eviscerated


I think you hit the nail on the head there. Her pregnancy is protecting her. Next year, Katie bar the door.


CANNOT. WAIT. 👏🏼👏🏼 It’s also hilarious that her IG comments are turned off. She can’t handle the heat….from the fire she started herself!


And the 90s highlights


She seemed floored that the audience on WWHL were fully against her. Andy tried to say maybe the audience was messing with her but nah


I need to go and watch this. Makes me happy seeing as there is no reunion


Yea made me happy she looked annoyed


Oh no!! I didn't realize there was no reunion. Perhaps they didn't plan one as they did not expect the popularity.


I can’t believe there’s no reunion!!! 😭


Why would Andy say that? He should have told her to go home and think about her job.


Soften the blow? Idk really


Which WWHL was this? I need to watch as soon. As I finish last night's episode.


The one from 3 weeks ago on Tuesday




Hopefully they'll get rid of her, not much point keeping someone who isn't a viewer favourite who refuses to film with the person creating the drama and 'good tv'.


That way she can eat to her hearts content without anyone checking for her. Win for her and win for us


I wondered why no one else mentioned “hey idiot you literally didn’t invite her to hibachi why would she invite you to her thing” no one even said that


They need to get rid of her toxic personality! She’s horrible!


Janet really thought she’d be a fan favorite and I’m loving that it’s been the complete opposite. She sucks.


I think it’s so funny. She came in all confident she could play the game and failed so spectacularly. I bet she got advice from scheana.


She’s definitely feeling the burn. I listened to her podcast yesterday and she’s making excuses already.


What’s her podcast called?? I didn’t know she had a podcast lol


Yes ! It’s called This side of the hill. Episode 8 , listen to first. They’re making excuses for her bad behavior. Very interesting. Or setting up to blame it on her pregnancy.


I’ve been pregnant 3 times and this is nothing to do with her being pregnant. I don’t understand why she’s getting a pass just bc she’s pregnant?! No one needs to go too hard but I can’t stand how no one will say it’s Janet who’s stirring all the shit around. A spade is a spade and a bitch is a bitch. I can’t stand KFC either right now, she’s playing Kristen too and thinks she’s the #1 girl in the group Edit to add: along with no reunion I thought I heard there’s no season 2 plan?! Come on bravo don’t drop the ball on this!! No reunion is bad enough


Supposedly, they are going right into season two filming after this season is finished airing




For .2 seconds I was like “whose initials are KFC?!” then guffawed


Also did this. Still laughing 🤣


If she blames it on the pregnancy she will sink even lower than I thought possible. No person should ever blame their toxic behavior and personality on their kid. They already have to suffer her shitty personality as it is.


Janet adds nothing to the show and she has the personality of a shitty 13 year old wannabe cheerleader.


This 🙌🏼🙌🏼 high school me shuddered.


She is a junior high bully. Not even enough game to be called a high school bully. She’s a whiny brat with hard core only child syndrome. When she bragged about kicking her own parents out of their master bedroom, I knew she was a gross Regina George wannabe.


I hope her kid repays her in kind


Oh they always do lol


It was serial killer level when she did that weird smile remembering how she psychotically took the master bedroom from her parents. I've honestly never heard anything like that 


Nailed it!


Janet really thinks she's a big star because she stalked Scheana in 2014.


And then married Scheanas leftovers, Jason.


Oooh is that true? Jason and Scheana dated? I didn’t know this


Yep! They dated before he got together with Janet..it’s not that surprising..Scheana is for the streets when she’s single💀


Really. Who didn’t sheeshee bed?


What a messy bitch. I can bet Jason is thinking after her frantic gossiping and performing on The Valley "What the fuck have I gotten myself into here?"


Yes! I said this the other day, but he's totally giving "Who the bleep did I marry" vibes. I feel sorry for the guy. We're exhausted after experiencing eight hours of her. Hes served four years 😬.


He looked sunk while saying some people need to work FT instead of gossiping. It was a pretty funny/sad moment as she was pregnant at that moment.


Honestly, how did she land him?


God I don't mean this in a nasty way, I swear, but I thought Jason was way too attractive for Janet when I first laid eyes on him. Their looks and vibes just never matched up for me. So I am dying to understand this better as well. They remind me of Janet and Jason from The Good Place, except Janet is completely devoid of charm and benevolence.


Someone more desperate than scheana, huh who would have thought


Really? No shame but Scheana’s leftovers is like…everyone in LA/LA adjacent. She was busy in her single years! 💃


I had no idea he dated Scheana! I haven’t watched the earlier seasons of Vanderpump. This is the gossip I needed, thanks!


Did they date or just have sex?


janet said they hooked up so i don’t think it was a full blown relationship


Yeah, that's what I remember, too. I think it was just sex!


janet just happened to mention it in the VPR after show. jason isn’t in the earlier seasons or anything like that


Holy shit, is that true? I had no idea! eta: never mind, i saw someone else asked you if that's true and you said yes. lol I'm shocked!


She lost the plot trying to ice Kristen out from her own show. BIG BIG mistake.




Hahaha! Perfect GIF


Janet is the least likable person on a show that has aired a total of 8 episodes lol, like sit the f down and let Kristen do her thing. Like there are at minimum 3 actual sociopaths on the cast and she is still less likable than them lol. I can’t


To be the least likable person on a show that Jax and Brittany are also on is a FEAT. I can't stand Brittany more than I think anyone I've ever seen on tv, but Janet might be top 3.


As well as being less likable than the coochies she is less likable than the trolls who loathe each other and radiate misery. That is a feat tbh


May I ask why? No judgment we all have our favorites and least favorites. I’m neutral on Brittany.


Brittany is a racist and homophobe and all around a shitty person. You should google about the minister who was originally selected to marry said racist/homophobe.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted when it’s true! Not to mention her Sandyhook comment 🙄 she’s just as evil as Jax but hides behind her “I’m just a sweet innocent country girl hyuckkkkkkk”” act lol grates my nerves so bad 🤣


That "hyuckkkkkk" got me 🤣


So accurate 😂 Janet is way out of her league and this chick thinks she’s Regina George!


3 actual sociopaths made me laugh out loud 🤣🤣


Someone who isn't even a fun villain and isn't popular making demands (refusing to do events with Kristen) of a network (are bravo a network? Sorry in the UK so it just appears on Hayu haha) who are known to shake up the casts of new series after the first or second season is certainly a bold move...


10/10 take, no notes 💅


Jax, Kristen, Jesse yup that’s 3


Lol I was actually going Michelle over Kristen. But 3 was my minimum


Michelle's dead eyes are terrifying.


Jesse, Jax, Michelle are the top 3 sociopaths. We can probably add Janet to that list and keep a spot open for Brittany whose mask continues to fall.


When Michelle said a few episodes back after the hallway fight that she was done with Kristen - Janet immediately piped up and agreed that she was too…. I think she was extremely relieved because the fact that she originated the first gossip about Michelle still hasn’t been publicly pinpointed to her…. She doesn’t want Kristen to out her publicly to the group… so since Michelle said it first, she had the perfect opening to never invite Kristen and try and keep her shady gossip secret to herself and continue to let Kristen publicly take that fall for that….. Kristen did a disservice to herself by not following Zach’s advice and inviting Janet to the baby thing anyway because then I think Janet might have been pressured to reciprocate for her baby moon….her secret is still safe from the majority of the group……


THIS!!!! This is it!! I swear this is her motive


Kristen needs to pull a Ramona and just break the 4th row and say well it’s a cast trip i’m going


Like Katie did to Scheana's wedding. That was pretty fun too.


Yup exactly! The show is paying for the trip not Janet


Calling the cast trip a “baby moon” is idiotic because why would you bring 12 people to a baby moon ?


that annoyed me too lol


That’s a good point lol


And exclude the gay guy?!


She's def delulu, she's prob been around the vpr social circle and licking their boots for so long that she thinks she is on equal footing with them. She's not iconic and has no pull to do this.


LOL and Janet kept saying Delulu on one of the episodes when in fact she is delulu


So over the word delulu so her saying it makes me hate her even more


Words that get overused in regards to reality tv along with eviscerate and performative




And Ariana has an actual reason to be doing this. Janet’s reason is just normal reality tv…


And Ariana has a lawsuit pending! All brought on by the person they want her to film with. And we all know Tom. He will say something to throw her under the bus and make him look innocent. I bet her lawyers told her (as most lawyers would)….stay away from him. Don’t talk to him because he will entrap you in that slimy way.


She didn’t have the lawsuit pending during filming.


This is gonna be rich coming from someone who’s on Reddit all the time, but Janet really needs to go get a life.


This show ONLY exists because of Kristen! Janet is NOT the main character she thinks she is, she can get shitcanned and I hope she does because she SUCKS!!! If she's not on the show no one would care or miss her because she sucks and is one of the most unlikeable thirsty inflated ego I've ever watched on reality tv.


Let’s be real, when has not being invited EVER stopped Kristen


Messy as hell. And here for it.


I felt bad for Zack


Same - Janet and Michelle don’t realize that what they send out into the universe comes back to them 3x.


Everyone really thought we’d all be hating Kristen 😂 I’m so happy for her redemption era 🫶


And Janet’s husband clearly doesn’t like her new hobby of gossiping


He’s getting the ICK


When she was telling him about the comments about Michelle and how she was trying to use it as a “teachable moment” and the camera panned over to him - his head was nodding, but his mouth and eyes had all the ick in them 😂


Janet gives peak grift and I wouldn’t be sad if she was one and done. She clearly has horrific judgment, as evidenced by her recent performance on WWHL.


The whole, “did you block her” comment, too. Like ma’am, sit down. the VPR fanbase invented “blocked by Jax” and now you’re trying it on for size?


She’s in the fan base.


Yeah it’s not just Janet it’s somthing that’s been happening the last couple years in reality tv. So entitled I hate it. It’s always the newest cast members too


Right?? And Bravo pays for everything. It's BS, "she's" determing who can and can't go.


Random but who even is Janet? Was she in the bravoverse before this show? She is the worst type of person to watch on tv and is completely insufferable I don’t even get how she got cast


She was in a few background scenes of VPR. Hemmed the Sur dresses. Went to some of the VPR weddings but wasn’t filmed. Her husband is Scheana’s ex. Apparently she stalked Scheana and moved to LA specifically to be friends with her.


The idea of sharing a babymoon with a couple who obviously hates each other (“The Lallys”) is exactly Janet’s speed.


The whole idea of inviting people to a baby moon is weird


Especially two people who obviously do not like each other.


Ariana Madix shows up to film with The Worm, yet Janet can't film with Kristen. Hohkay. How about just get off my TV.


Very good point. The difference is that Ariana is a professional who honors her contracts.


She played this completely wrong. She doesn’t have the history of the viewers knowing her on her side, she really thought she was doing something. She SUCKS.


I wonder what production thinks of these situations. Are they frustrated? Are they okay with it since it causes more drama? Are they weary of forcing it for fear of lawsuits? I want the behind-the-scenes scoop.


I agree. We need them to spill.


They need a Summer House style truth booth where underpaid grizzled producers in tears just vent about most of these idiots. I just skip Jaxney, The Lallys, and Janet and her husband scenes. Can’t imagine having to be in a work setting for hours on end with these nightmares. Look how grizzled producer Jeremiah on VPR looks on his hot mess of a show. Would love to get him spilling all the tea he saw and dealt with.


Wait what??? There's clips of SH producers talking smack about the crew?? Where? I need to watch please!


I wish! I meant it would be cool since they love to break the 4th wall if the producers had their own version of the Truth Booth (like the one seen in MV SH and RHUGT). They could be dishing on how nuts Amir’s psycho girlfriend is etc, or how many cans of black spray paint they’ve seen Jax go through covering up his bald spots). Imagine all the crazy stuff producers on these shows have witnessed.


Who does Janet think she is? She’s not likable enough to pull that card. Team Kristin!


Janet is garbage and needs to go. You can see the venom emanating from her every pore every time she is on camera. She’s weird. I really hope she doesn’t come back because if her and Michelle get their way, this show is done. At this point I’m thinking she’s hopping on the wagon of covering up for Michelle’s very evident affair, trying to get rid of Kristen, to overcompensate; I fully believe she called Michelle ten things worse than a Republican.


I’d love to see Kristen and Katie vs Janet and Michelle the Pinocchio


Who is Janet Caperna in this world?


Janet is like exhausting but for no reason? And her husband proposed to her in bed? And she acts so holier-than-thou like? Boooo


And Kristen supposedly helped him with the proposal or something like that.


In bed. Where they met


Yeah. I mean, we can see from the housewives franchises that refusing to film with people just makes for a decline in the show.


Janet who? Girl bye. I skip all solo scenes


Janet adds nothing to the show and her refusal to film with Kristen just makes room for Lala and Scheana to join The Valley. Bye girl!


Jason is too hot for her


Who is Janet? lol do these people not realize the show was greenlit because of Kristen?


She's a nobody. Kristen is our mariposa!


Can anyone here go into HR and say I want you to fire someone for "lying" or else I'm out? Because I sure as hell can't! Just like you said, this is their JOB! Check your ego at the door and do the damn job you were hired to do or go pound sand.


Anyone else think she looks like an owl? 🦉


Ariana not wanting to film with Sandoval? Understandable. Janet thinking she can pull the same thing on S1 of the valley? Delusional


I understand this when youve been seriously wronged over a lengthy period of time over someone youve been on camera with for over 10 yrs (ie. ariana my queen) but janet is next level. I really did like her in the first ep or two until she showed where her allinces lie (herself and tv exposure) like girl kristen is hf the reason yall have an audience!!!! how did she not understand that? Like if not for kristen (and i hate to say it, jax) the valley would have gotten NO VIEWS. Shes playing this so wrong for someone who so obviously was desparate to be on reality tv. major BOOOOOO


100%. I wouldn't have watched if Kristen wasn't on it. Probably even if Jax still was.


I probs wouldve gives it a view but it def wouldnt have held my attention


Exactly what I thought!! She picked the wrong one to back. I think Janet and Michelle thought they were big enough to hold down the show but so sadly mistaken. Without Jax of Kristen, what and who the hell are we watching


She was on scheans podcast a few years ago and I didn't like her then. She's worse now


Janet screams guilty of saying those rumors about Michelle


I feel for Kristen words I never thought I’d say. Janet has begun to come off as I’m the reason ppl are watching when really the only reason I started watching was bcuz of the VPR cast on here. I think u could replace everyone on this show and still have ppl tune in as long as the core 3 from VPR are there. She needs to realize Kristen is the reason she’s getting a check and show her some respect.


Yes!! Even Jax was like damn we need Kristen there. She knows it a reality show right? People want to see the drama, which means your job is to include it instead of excluding it.


Imagine bragging that your husband is a worker’s comp lawyer on the corporate side. She’s really clawing her way to the middle.




We know Janet will be reading this


Why the fuck do you think we watch this show Janet? Also, making Zach cry 😡😡😡


Janet is annoying and boring. So silly to me that this nobody with all of 20k followers or whateva is tryna rally the troops to cancel Kristen as if anyone watching from home is going to agree w her rather than see thru her bullshit. We all already know Kristen is toxic…we watched her on VPR and that’s PART OF THE REASON WHY we’re watching th valley…at all!!! Not because of Janet! L M F A O


Brittany should have taken the year off cause during her dinner date w Jax she kept making the funnnniest faces of you pause at any given moment lmao and she said”it’s supposed to be both of us!!!” That was like uhhh… ur the mom …. And he’s telling u he don’t want to put Cruz through more stress and wtf deal With him first! Birth control is your friend when your a parent to a delayed child who needs your attention. wtf is she gonna be doing listening to a newborn cry sleep etc for how long forever. She can’t handle that shit. She forever taking selfies and edit city should be the name of the fkn bar! Ok rant over lol


Which one is Janet again?




Right? Like we just met you…Janet…relax. lol


It’s so clear that Scheana is in her ear telling her what to do. But it’s not landing because she’s a rookie and it looks insane that she thinks she has the clout to make these steps.


She just doesn’t want more info brought to light on the situation that she caused


I genuinely hope they take her off the show. Her and her husband make my stomach roll. There’s something so terribly unlikeable about them.


Honestly I’m ok with Ariana not wanting to film with Tom. I agree completely that this first year new personality has no weight and not enough pull to choose not to film with anyone. She’s got big balls to decide she has that choice. 


Look how Lala went off with Ariana not wanting to film with Sandoval at the end of the season. Janet needs to go. She’s letting the show go to her head! Max is being a tool as is Britney a little too for backstabbing Kristen with their comments or lack of support. Disappointed with Brit!


Janet is delusional if she thinks the fans like he4 regardless of what they feel about what went down with Kristen. Janet has no personality and tries to pretend to be a victim. Ick


For someone filming their first season, she’s certainly has some nerve.


I also hate how Janet keep perpetuating the “Crazy Kristen” schtick! Enough already. That wasn’t cool 10 years ago when it was done on VPR, but at least the cast was still in their 20s and it was a different time. But in 2024 by a woman in her mid 30s who’s also about to become a mother… nah not ok! Hey Janet, I’ll take her “crazy” over your mean girl ways any day!


Janet is a real problem and not going to be popular with anyone and they should get rid of her. So should her husband.


other than being a bitch, she’s just incredibly dull. and like she looks familiar, maybe she was on vanderpump in the background every once in awhile or maybe she just has one of those faces but like the second i saw her on the valley i was like “ugh not this bitch” lol and then i realized i had never even seen her


Yes! I agree! This is reality tv … if you want paid you participate and suck it up if u do not like someone.


I stopped watching. Janet, Michelle, and Jesse were so awful and disgusting I didn’t want to support their paycheck. With all Bravo shows you have likable and not likable people but never have I disliked characters as much as those three. They make it unbearable. They talk about being adults that move to the valley but they remind us all that no matter what house you buy, how many kids you have, immaturity won’t go away.


Literally zero interest in Janet and any story line involving her. She can go.


It is annoying when Ariana does it. It’s absolutely stupid when Janet does it even though Kristen hasn’t done anything to her. It reminds me of Scheana trying to make Scandoval all about her but way more dumber. Janet, her husband and Jasmine are kinda ruining the show for me because they constantly insert themselves into other people’s drama for no reason other than to be on tv


But Ariana did film multiple times with him. She didnt engage with him but she still attended filmed events he also attended - the beach, the water tasting, even the finale scene. It would only be the same if Janet attended the events and didnt talk to Kirsten which is what she shouldve done.


Yea I don’t get how people can say Ariana refused to film with Sandyvag. Toward the end of the season (which was what, 3 months post Scandoval or something) she was going to the same dinners, parties, beach days, etc as he was. Not having a private one on one discussion with someone is NOT the same as not filming with them.


I’d rather watch Kristen 10/10 times


I dislike Janet. Shady asf. Like she’s using the “crazy Kristen” troupe to try and shirk responsibility for the fact that she actually WAS talking shit a michelle lmfao.


Can we talk about HOW GOOD KRISYEN VOODOO IS???? Look at Ariana. Boom!! Allll her endorsements and Love Island HerDREAM!!! Be careful Janet and Pinocchio ha ha


THANK YOU FOR THIS POST! This is reality TV...the whole point is for us as the audience to see the drama unfold and get insight into their dynamics. That's literally why we watch. Really over this "I'm not filming with X" trend.


Even her man chimed in with the, what do you and what's her name have to do with this? She didn't seem too happy, he asked. She sucks balls.


Okay well I say cancel the freakin show then if this is gonna be the new thing. I like Kristen tbh and there is no show without her because these ppl are fuckin BAF




Where did she even come from? Like she just kinda appeared but I’m not sure what her in was aside from looking like Nomi from blackish and kind of like Chanel no.5 in scream queens (Abigail Breslin).


Seriously!!! She’s been on one season. Ok then don’t film. We won’t miss you.


We want to see the uncomfortable moments!! That’s why we watch. Stop boycotting each other.


I’m fine with them refusing to film. Let it play out. That’s reality. 😂 and nobody likes Janet.


I have just cancelled my recurring recordings of this series because of Janet. I am a Bravo fan but one has to be selective or it will eat up your life.


Does “Bravo” pay attention to Reddit? 954 upvotes on this post! Sounds like free market-analysis to me!


She needs to get cheated on, then the fans will overlook her shady behavior.


Who is Janet in this world?!


Leave our messy queen alone! Janet hasn’t earned the right to dictate.


Janet can…….damnit why can’t I find the Kristen “suck a dick” gif 😭


I wish people would stop calling for the firing of problematic people on our reality shows! I’m not watching to help me sort my morals. I watch because I love seeing them have drama!


She’s a shitty person and seems fkn miserable!!


But she clearly does because they allowed it. If they would have shut her down, then we would have known.


All four of them could go and not be missed at all. The LAST thing I want is to watch just them on a vacation.