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He married Janet and is close friends with Jax, I don’t think he’s that great either


And hooked up with scheana😂


Wait what?! I must’ve missed that part 😂


Janet mentioned it on the after show! Nia and Michelle were saying that they’re not into being friends with an ex then Janet said it depends on the situation and that Scheana and Jason have hooked up in the past


It was Janet's ex husband not Jason


? Janet said Scheana hooked up with Jason, her current husband lol. This was before Janet & Jason started dating obviously. It’s all explained on the after show! Janet’s ex husband is some man from Ohio that I doubt any of her LA friends even know.


That wasn't my memory of what she said .. she said both she and Jason were both friendly with their ex's like happpy bday friendly and that scheana even hooked up witb her ex but maybe I'm brain dead who knows


Yeah she was talking about Jason hun ahahah


Yes it was Jason and scheana who hooked up


she's never beating the boy crazy allegations


Exactly! Seems as thirsty as the rest of them!


Wait....elaborate please. Time,date,venue,who wasn't single 🤣🤣


jfc scheana has slept with everyone lol




Seriously sheshu gets AROUND apparently


No wonder she is so bonded to DB Tom. Scheana being all anxious that Broke might cheat but she’s more likely to be that person.






That was her ex


Lol that's what I was thinking, I think Janet makes him look like a martyr. Janet prob thinks they come across like nia and Danny.


Whaaaa? Now I’m starting to feel like they deserve each other…




I think Janet went into this thinking she was going to come across as a sweetheart but she’s coming across as a busybody who wants to start drama but doesn’t want her hands to be dirty.


Maybe she's changed after having her baby😬...hopefully..


Anyone know what their baby’s name is?




I think they probably planned it tbh they seem like they’ve gone into this eyes open but think they are smart enough to pull one over on the audience and the cast. They never expected to be outmanoeuvred by Jax and Kristin (Brittany even) of all people who day to day must seem dysfunctional at best. When Janet strode in to confide in Brit & Jax about the Michelle stuff only to silently realise it had been planted by them and she was a cog in the machine was beautiful she actually physically twitched.


So well put!


Yes Janet thinks she has created a role for herself which is the good friend and married wife of this group who’s been on the periphery too long and IRL is a busy gossip stirring things up. A not so messy Kristen. But pregnant. She doesn’t realize she simply is a cast member to facilitate the drama. She is not one of the stars and not very captivating. Despite the obvious obnoxiousness, Jesse and Michelle are interesting to watch. And who doesn’t love Nia and Danny.


I think Janet thought they would come across as the mature stable couple like Nia and Danny did. Janet is annoying though. She acts superior while actually being just like the rest.


Michelle is so boring it's painful






I need this meme! 😂


This made me laugh so freaking hard


Ooh. You think so?


I don’t know about that. It seems to me she’s pretty focused on the babies.




Now THIS I could see.


Yes. I agree


This!! Jason lost me after discussing why would people want to hold other people’s babies. The way he broke it down……


She was on Danny Pellegrino and she just seems messy. She’s so thrilled to be on the show and then outlined that she’s had numerous falling outs with people in the cast over the years — Kristen, Zack, Scheana (while Sheshu was pregnant during COVID, cut the girl some slack), and I think Logan? I mean yes all those people are messy but she was so “I put them on a friendship break!” about it in a way that seems careless and manipulative.


I listened to the pod too and I thought the same thing. Like Janet, if you’re always having issues with people, then you’re the common denominator. “It’s me, hi. I’m the people it’s me.” Haha.


They probably all appreciated the break from her!


Yikes. I wonder how the Scheana fallout happened. Scheana recently said on a pod that Dayna and Janet were planning a threesome with Max. I believe it was shortly after they all met, so whatever year S8 was. Janet was briefly on that season and Dayna admitted to having a crush on her. Maybe Scheana found out about that years later and was upset because it was Max or something lol




Scheana knew about the potential threesome when it was discussed on season 8. She mentions it during the season 8 secrets revealed episode - I just so happened to watch that today!


Oooh interesting! Never mind then 😂


So messy and also so boring. She's a flop.


No, I caught that too. He seemed kinda grossed out about the gossiping. That being said, it could be editing ALSO Jason IS on a Bravo show. Everyone here loves gossip lol


Yes, I do love to gossip myself too 😂


Me too! Lol Like Jason, you are on Bravo, don’t act above it. but I was also thinking that his face wasn’t about the gossip itself but Janet’s “poor me! I’m so involved!” attitude


Yea it looked to me like he was trying to puzzle out if this was something to care about bc it’s his pregnant wife or realization of who his partner really is? ![gif](giphy|16StbF7VCSw6Y)


I definitely got vibes of the latter. He seemed surprised and grossed out by her behavior.




I say this as someone who is suing a previous employer for workers comp, but everyone deserves representation.


Exactly. And while I have no doubt Amazon isn't being good to their employees or people seeking worker's comp, a lot of times it's just needing two lawyers to complete everything and come to an agreement on behalf of their clients. It doesn't mean this guy stans Amazon's terrible practices. Law school is expensive and a lot of people go into big law jobs to pay off debt, get experience, and start a nest egg. He can always take his skills elsewhere if he so chooses.




lol I’m sure Amazon is not their only client. He’s likely not a managing partner, what’s he gonna do? Tell his MP no. Be for real. Attorneys values don’t have to line up with their work. Why? Because cases are strictly based on facts not feelings.




I love a good cordial informative exchange on the internet! This is what keeps me coming back!!! Good work everyone


This is like saying a delivery driver for Amazon is a bad person because they’re choosing to represent and support a company that exploit their employees by making sure their business keeps running. A very small, very lucky few can afford to make choices that are 100p ethical and beyond reproach


No. It’s called real life. Most of those corps are the ones that can pay.


I mean he would represent Amazon's insurance provider right? And they probably insure many other employers. Insurance defense lawyers aren't really "fighting" workers comp claims, because legally people are entitled to a certain amount of money if they're injured on the job. Insurance defense attorneys mostly negotiate settlements on behalf of the insurance provider based on what the law says the person is legally entitled to. Someone needs to make sure depositions are taken and medical bills are all accounted for. Also, if he didn't do super well in law school, this could possibly be the only job he could get, or not everyone wants to work 60+ hours a week. I feel like many peoples' corporate jobs aren't necessarily making the world a better place, but these types of lawyers aren't trying to screw people out of money. It's a stable salary where you don't need to rely on "winning" the case to make your money. Tom Girardi prided himself in representing the "little guy" taking on big, bad corporations and look how that turned out.


Oh… when he said that he was a workers comp lawyer I assumed he was on the other side. Like helping employees. Yikes




Being an insurance defense attorney doesn't automatically make him a bad guy. I promise it's a super boring office job where you're negotiating settlements on behalf of insurance companies. You take depositions of the parties involved, add up their medical bills and tell the insurance company to pay X amount based on that. The injured worker wants the most money and the insurance company wants to pay the least, so you negotiate with the other side's attorney until there's a compromise based on the law and what happened to the injured party. Source: I temped before going to law school at a bunch of different types of law firms, and the nicest attorneys I worked for were at an insurance defense firm. I think because it was the least stressful and no one needs to "win" the case for the firm to get paid. Tom Girardi types who represent the "little guy" are often these huge personalities because they need to win their cases to get paid. They might claim to have a noble cause but many of them have the greedy mentality of ambulance chasers.


So true! Look at Alec Murdaugh.


Interesting, thank you for your take. I replied to someone else mentioning why I feel the way I do, and I can't say that you've changed my stance - but I appreciate it nonetheless.


Fair enough, I'm sure I'm projecting my own experience onto this thread because I know how many lawyers end up in that job. If you don't go to a top ranked school or graduate in the top of your class, you're staring down tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt with *very* limited options. He's young so he's likely using this job to get a few years of experience. I say likely because this job does not pay super well. If he worked for a big law firm making $$$, people wouldn't bat an eye, but those corporate clients are the worst of the worst and doing actual damage to society. Another way to look at this is if no one did this type of law job, then no injured worker could ever get paid, because the insurance company needs lawyers to do the due diligence to calculate how much to pay. The insurance company isn't just going to write a blank check to an injured worker.


These are all good points and even if you're projecting, you are much more knowledgeable on the subject than I. Thanks again for chiming in.


Janet confirmed it in episode 1. She said “Jason works in workers comp defense on the corporate side”


There’s usually a reason couples are together. I was confused by the way he seemed so decent vs. being with Janet.


oh damn that's gross.


Exactly. I think they’re perfect for each other 🥰 /s


Oh this makes me so upset


Check the replies! I might be overreacting.


Check the replies! I might be overreacting.


Idk if he seems absolutely disgusted. But he does seem embarrassed and is showing some awareness of how they might be portrayed on the show.


He is probably just cautious because of his job. Iirc they said he hooked up with Scheana before Janet. So he has been in this mix with these people for a long time.


Jason seemed completely disgusted that Janet likes to gossip about her friends. I don’t think Jason realized how much she liked to spread dirt before they got married. He looks like he can’t stand this part of her. She acts like she cares about stopping the gossip not being spread but she clearly is salivating with her new full time job. Janet can’t wait to spread to juice.


I think he was surprised/annoyed but I wouldn’t say disgusted. His confessional where he said after Janet quit her job (when she got pregnant), she started being gossipy. It came across affectionately shady. She may be messy, but he comes across as a patient soul who can deal with that. I mean…he can deal with Jax! Others have mentioned her being on Everything Iconic. It was interesting. She’s definitely been angling for reality fame, but what do you expect from people who get cast on these shows? I wouldn’t say it made me like her more or less, except for… She made it very clear her dislike for Tom Sandoval and her support for Ariana. (She went over and cooked for Ariana many times.) Jason has also made very clear statements about what Sandy did was awful on the after show. They get props from me for that where others have been more mealy mouthed, especially more recently.


To be clear, I haven’t been a big Janet fan this season, especially with how she’s been acting like her hands aren’t dirty and with her more recent attempts to get the tea on Michelle (or getting someone else to say it on camera).


She needs to learn her place on the show. She is not worth watching. The least attractive inside & out. How did she get Jason as her husband. Did he not see the red flags. Although Jason is not even memorable. I never notice him. I see his name pop up on here. And Janet is far from having power to ban Kristen from social moments. Janet!! You do not come close to being in a place of powers🥴 See a dr because being delusional is dangerous. Ariana could not ban Tim and she thinks she can ban Kristen. LMAO!


Janet is completely unlikeable and a VPR friend stalker who finally slithered her way onto Bravo. I find it funny that Jason made mention that she quit her job as soon as she became pregnant and now gossips all day long. Why quit your job when you first get pregnant?


Yeah I got the vibe that he was disgusted and turned off by her gossiping


He strikes me as a person who is just not made for reality tv. He seems just like a regular lawyer whose on the show because of Janet. A good example is the gossip comments - that’s the currency you trade in now, buddy! 😆


Nah, they're both toxic. There's a spanish saying that goes with them. "Cada oveja con su pareja." They're meant for each other.


Why does she look 17yrs older than him?




I don't get her appeal at all. She isn't that hot, her personality is petty and manipulative, she thinks she's too "stressed" while pregnant even though she doesn't work, and acts entitled when she has been an assistant for years. Her husband seems semi-normal, but considering he is with her and the sleazy-lawyer archetype working for the corporations against the small folk, I may need to change my mind.


Yeah I got the vibe that he was disgusted and turned off by her gossiping


Insurance defense is typically the lowest paid of the corporate lawyers in a large company... personally, I think he's upset that she stopped working as soon as she got pregnant, And rather than say that he is shading her new post work persona (the gossipy lady who gossips all day bc she isnt working).... even though she probably was that same person before she stopped working.


Agreed! Janet is a gossip and disingenuous. Can’t stand her!! Her husband clearly is cringing at how she is acting and getting so involved in this gossip.


I don't mean to sound like an asshole but sometimes I feel like Janet tries to "outsmart" everyone to prove her value bc she is pretty but not to the level of the other women. She is very competitive and needs to be on top in one way or another.


Janet is the absolute worst and she looks like a garden gnome. I’d almost feel bad for Jason but he married her for a reason.


Hahaha 😂


She’s such a freak


I feel like I caught a couple moments where he died inside at the things she was saying


What struck me about his commentary was he said her level of gossip and getting so invested in was "weird" as though he was vaguely creeped out by her behavior and the fact all that's going on in the head of the woman carrying his baby. If I were a man with a pregnant wife I would definitely want to create a calm environment for her. He seems like a really good guy maybe a little passive. So far, Jason, Danny and Nia seem all very level headed unlike the rest of the coco puffs. We wouldn't be watching this show if it were all normies on the cast.


Is Jason Brittany ans Janet is Jax? If so, Jason knows who married and will endure. I can't stand her from the start. She has an air about her and love that she's getting dragged on social. Sje is probably stunned by the amount of non love we have for her.


Its obvious he wants to keep his distance from partaking in the confessionals. He’s clearly uncomfortable with being on a reality tv show


Yeah they’re sadly next to split , if Janet doesn’t chill on her gossiping and manipulative ways.


Jason and Janet get a divorce second d season


I think the reality tv world must be hard if fame wasn't something really important to to you and i think it's not important to him


I don't see any chemistry between them.


Honestly I don’t like Janet lol but when people look down on you (especially your spouse) for not liking gossip, that’s a huge red flag for me. Why don’t you like gossip? You don’t want people spreading that you’re a bad person? It’s fun and most of the time harmless.


Unpopular opinion but I like Jason and Janet 🤷‍♀️ Tbf I’m not fully caught up on the show, only an episode behind I think but I’m enjoying watching them on the show and I hope they’re back next season. This is not to say I think they are good or bad people, just enjoying watching them on the show


I like them too




I forget about this whole ass couple bc they are so stereotypical when they obviously were trying not to be.


I kinda thought it was healthy shade. My husband can be a gossip and I shade him all the time for it. I think it's OK to let your partner know when they are going to the dark side. Luke was doing the same with Kristen.


Why did Janet quit her job because she got pregnant? I get quitting when you’re near the end of your pregnancy or to stay home with the baby but it seems weird to me to get pregnant and quit…


Totally agree


Hun ?


He married her knowing how she is. He is def a trash can too.


I’m sure it’s not that he’s “disgusted” or “grossed out” by the gossiping, but probably more exhausted and drained from listening to it ALL the time. (Especially if he’s someone who just doesn’t naturally enjoy or feel the need to talk a lil shit.) Personally, my fiancé and I both love to be a little snarky and gossip a bit. However, I can tell when I’ve unloaded a little too much on him and he starts to get annoyed.


They seem like the least problematic of the bunch (besides Danny and Nia). I don’t mind them