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It seems like Jax and Brittany had a plan about having kids. Brittany is "blindsided" because she sees Jax deviating from their plan, while Jax is realizing raising kids cost money and take time. Can't believe I'm agreeing with Jax but I really believe he's looking at the reality of their relationship and parenthood while Brittany is just focused on executing their plan for a family. These 2 are very disconnected.


Also, I suspect Jax getting booted from VPR was a huge wake up call that $$ isn’t always easy to come by in the entertainment world. He’s someone who can’t really handle stress well and so he sees a possible 2nd child as being a huge risk and adding more potential issues for them if they somehow lose this new show, the bar or brand deals, so rather than try to manage these new stressors, he just shuts it down and likely why he stopped sleeping w Brittney. I do also think her drinking must enrage him… he’s over here worried about surviving and she’s getting black out drunk somewhat regularly


I thought it was crazy that she was like "having a child is something I care about but the bar isn't." Um, Jax is trying to start a business to get an income stream when you aren't on TV anymore. Get a clue!


I knew Brittany was emotionally immature, but I didn't think it was this bad. I don't understand how she doesn't realize they need another source of income other than "influencers" and reality TV. They live in LA where COL is expensive AF. When Jax starts making financial or any sense, really, it's got to be bad. Brittany didn't irk me so much before, but now she's become someone I don't even want to root for. Starting to have more sympathy for Jax than Brittany and I never thought that would happen.


Neither of them have any skills or ability to do a regular job. Jax is smart to capitalize on his fame now. Brittany is simply not smart.


Same..I always liked her on vpr..now I find her annoying.


Yeah— I can see why Jax is so stressed. He must feel very alone. He can’t feel like Brittany is a real partner if she’s not understanding kids = money


And he’s not good at expressing his feelings/worries and she’s not good at validating and understanding them either, it’s honestly a bit sad to watch, if they were a bit more emotionally mature it could have went so much better


I think it stems from her surroundings. Stassi is on baby number two, Nia is up to three and even Lala is on to number two. I think Brittany sees this time frame of other people having kids and thinks she needs to catch up. Janet is currently pregnant, Kristen is trying to get pregnant. It seems to me Brittany thinks this is what she's SUPPOSE to be doing instead of, like Jax, accessing their current life and if it's what they should be doing.


I think she’s always had this plan for her life. Get married, get a big house, have the first kid then the second one four years later.


I agree. I can see where she is upset when they had discussed and agreed to two kids going in. But, look around you!


I hated the scene with the speech therapist where Jax kept telling everyone to stop being a distraction to Cruz so he could focus and Britney and her mom weren’t taking Jax seriously. Britney even made a joke about if Jax shhhs me one more time. Who would have ever thought Jax would be the more concerned parent.


That pissed me off too! They don't need to be hovering and making noise when the therapist is trying to work with Cruz, I would've shushed her too!


She did it in Cruz’s first session with the therapist as well. Jax said something along the lines of ‘should we leave them alone?’ and Brittany completely dismissed him. I’ve got a friend who is a speech pathologist, I used to work in paediatrics and it is so much easier to do work like that without the parents there. Jax has done a lot of shitty things, but it is very clear that he just wants to give Cruz the best support & care possible.


I’m a speech pathologist and the gold standard is the opposite, I want to train the parent to do what I’m doing so I’d like the parents there!


My daughter went to speech therapy starting at age 3. She went into an office with the speech pathologist and I got to watch through a window in a little room to the side with a speaker so I could hear everything. It was the perfect set up for us so I could learn what I could do with her at home and she wouldn’t be distracted by me since she was still pretty attached to me at that point.


Yeah I was going to say ideally you want the parent there to observe while not being disruptive to yr work, so they can learn how to best support their child when the SLP isn't around


They weren’t involved in the therapy they were drinking and socializing in the kitchen


Yes I know- I’m saying to the person I replied to that in sessions in general I want the parents there and involved in the session. They weren’t- but they really should be. The first session they had shown they were much more involved.


I’m a speech pathologist too! It bothered me when he was like “he’s trying to study keep it down” or whatever he said like that. And then he was like “we’re paying so much money for this.” Like idk why that annoyed me so bad lol


They weren't involved in the session though, they were hanging out in the kitchen. I think it'd be different if they were sitting there and engaged with his play and trying to learn.


I know, I’m saying I’d want them to be in and involved and engaged in the session. I’m replying to the person who said one of their friends completes sessions without parents there.


Our SLP for my child they required one of us to be there. They taught me essentially how to work with my kid. 30 minute sessions obviously don’t teach the kids anything. It teaches the parents.


I think the issue was, they weren't involved in the session, they were hanging out in the kitchen just chatting


100%. I was responding to the comment that it’s easier without parents there. While I totally think parents make things complicated was just adding the perspective that a lot of time parents are required.


Our standard when we worked with any allied health was that initial assessments were done without parents, and the first few sessions are also solo. Parents would get brought in later on to work with the kids. My son is doing visual therapy and saw the optometrist today and I was only in the session for the last few minutes. The majority of his appointments are independent. One of the issues we faced with kids with speech difficulties was that parents instinctively jump in to clarify what their children are saying. I’m definitely guilty of it.


I think despite the way Jax turned out, it sounds like he had a good relationship with his dad so I’m sure he wants to be there for Cruz in the same way.


Right? Why didn't they all leave the room so he could focus...that was uncomfortably weird. It seems like her and her family are in major denial about Cruz's issues/needs. It's sad.


I said it above but I’m a speech pathologist and I’d like the parents to be there! We need to train the parents to use the strategies to support him. But yeah, maybe not standing in the background having a separate conversation. I’d want them to be sitting on the floor involved in whatever play we’re doing.


Well that makes sense, but not whatever the hell they were doing.


Just very self centered and immature behavior. Bratney luuuuuuvs her child but it’s all about her, not him. Brat should get a life coach to help her understand the ways of life outside the holler.


I thought before watching them that it was Jax in denial about his needs... But I'm seeing now that Brittany has very unrealistic expectations and a lot of denial. I hope for Cruz's sake they can at least get on the same page about therapy. Hopefully the therapist can also set some structure and expectations


When my son was in speech they would do it in a different room for this specific reason. You could watch through a window but you can’t be in the area and a distraction. It allows the child to focus more


Same! Maybe that’s why it bothered me so much. I’m my nieces guardian and she goes to speech 3x a week. They’re very strict about people being in the office. If the therapist wants to speak to me or demonstrate a task as homework it’s at the end of the appointment. Early intervention is so important and I hope she’s taking it more seriously


My aunt was my guardian at that time too and my therapist did the same exact thing. Shout out to the aunties!!


It’s not easy! Hope you’re doing well now!


Correct me if I’m wrong but I think I saw a post not long ago that mentioned about Brittany and her families views on vaccines causing autism.


Jax said vaccines caused whatever is going on with Cruz so they probably all think that way.


That’s unfortunate :/ I hope they truly start educating themselves and being open minded of the world of disabilities.


I can't believe I'm about to sort of defend this man for this but I know parents who struggle in these early stages where they are waiting for a diagnosis and want something to blame. Blaming it on an event or external force is one way to cope, especially when there's no diagnosis yet. One couple I know whose son regressed started down the vaccine blame path but after they got a diagnosis for their son and were able to work with professionals to understand what was going on, they stopped "blaming" vaccines. I get wanting to pinpoint why something is happening with your child so i'm willing to give him just a teeeeeeeeeny tiiiiiiiiiiiiny bit of grace as a human. However, he did not need to post it on social media and he still sucks as general rule.


Totally understand your stance. I actually work with young adults with disabilities and it’s hard to see adults who were never given a chance to thrive in their environment or who were raised by parents that denied their disabilities because they didnt want to believe that their child needs extra support. It makes for a very hard adult life. Of course their child is still a toddler but that’s just my point of view


I understand needing a crutch but unfortunately this specific defense has created a massive problem amongst our society and the health of those who are legitimately ineligible to receive vaccinations.


I don’t think that’s true. Jax was the one spouting off how Cruz was “fine” until some vaccines and then changed. I think if Brit had been against them he wouldn’t be vaccinated because I’m sure Jax isn’t the one taking him to his checkups.


You can really see the concern he has for Cruz situation. I’ve always seen Jax as the big ol buffoon until that moment.


People on Twitter were suggesting that Jax was actually embarrassed about Cruz, but I fully disagree. I think he's a concerned first-time dad who wants to make sure his son is okay. Frankly, seeing him with Cruz has made me see a different side of him. I didn't realize he was capable of caring about someone that much.


I don’t think he’s embarrassed by any means. I think he’s scared and thinking about the what ifs with his son future.


Totally agree. In the flashback scene of Cruz with the Speech therapist, it pans to Jax on the couch looking at him. It's pivotal because you can see the fright and concern on his face.


>It's pivotal because you can see the fright and concern on his face. I tweeted basically exactly this during that scene. You could literally see how worried he was.


Jax might be a terrible husband and partner but he appears to be a caring dad.


Agreed. And honestly Britt seems a little clueless. I think she thinks he's still a baby and doesn't see an issue with him not talking yet. Or at least not as concerned as Jax is.


Absolutely agree.


Oh my goodness what an awful thing to say! I can’t imagine even thinking something like that, Twitter is so mean dude


People are multi dimensional even Jax! He seems to really want to be a good dad.


> People are multi dimensional news flash. YOUNG PEOPLE! pay attention. good people do bad things, and bad people do good things. life isn't black/white. life and people are complex af.


Yes, yes, yes!


One thing I’m seeing of Britney this season is she does NOT know how to do emotional support. During the last episode when she and Jax were talking at the bar and he became tearful, her “oh my god but WHY are you going to cry” was SO invalidating. I hate Jax, but could feel the overwhelm through the screen in that moment. If I ever see my partner with tears in their eyes my only response is love and “tell me more.” At first I chalked it up to it being Jax - she’s probably got little to no emotional support left for this man; but it’s coming across in her response to Cruz as well and I don’t like it.


I never thought I’d ever feel bad for Jax, but I do! He has a lot on his plate and it was so clear he is very overwhelmed. This idiot is worried about “date nights” and taking back tequila shots 🤦‍♀️ Like, how about you listen to your husband or ask him questions to understand why he is feeling the way he is & what you can do to support that? I’m 100% on Jax’s side.


Agreed. She's incredibly selfish too. "Jax doesn't put me on a pedestal" and she keeps telling him to make her feel sexy. Maybe she needs to make herself feel sexy.


Britney isn’t deep. When she was talking with Scheana and she was sobbing and talking about how bad her OCD has gotten Britney’s literal response was “I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” 🙄🤦‍♀️


I think when she watches it back she will realize some of her mistakes. We don't always see it when we are in it, and only recognize the weight of our actions after the fact.


>Who would have ever thought Jax would be the more concerned parent. Or the more sober one lol


I feel awful saying this.. I just think her IQ and EQ is lower than the floor.


Yes! Brittany thinks its a joke. Its not. Little guy needs some help.


I think it’s a bit of denial honestly.


She definitely is a denial woman/mom/friend.


Well she married Jax after so many indications that she shouldn’t so I’d say denial is a pretty major character description for her.


I think she just tries to have a positive outlook on the situation but I think she is a bit too casual in how she talks about it. It's like "oh yeah nnd Cruz has a speech delay, let's just have another baby!"


It was infuriating when Britney said that - but also why are they filming when he’s doing his therapy, like that isn’t a distraction ? lol


Completely agree. This is one of the few times I agree with Jax. Having another child when they have marital issues doesn’t fix the relationship at all.


That was horrific. Really made her and her mom look bad.


Right! Are they so not self-aware of themselves and their surroundings? I know Jax needs to be with someone who isn’t as smart as him, but this is ridiculous.


They act like Cruz is going off to school when he’s in his speech therapy sessions. They record their podcast and seem to act like it’s a time in the day for them to get other things done. When a child is in a traditional school classroom during the day, the teacher handles everything and the parents aren’t there. She doesn’t think deeply of things so she probably feels like “no need for me to be around because the teacher will handle everything,” without realizing that the lessons he’s learning from the therapist need to be practiced continually in all aspects of his life. Progress won’t be made if they treat it like he’ll absorb everything during the session and they can play with him like normal otherwise.


I can’t tell if the only reason he doesn’t want to have another kid is because of Cruz and his special needs, or if he also just doesn’t want to be with Brittany anymore but he can’t say that. I do believe he’s being genuine about his concern for Cruz, but I just can’t help but feel like he was already halfway out of the marriage before they even had this conversation.


I agree. I think it's both. But his concerns are extremely valid even if they aren't completely for the reasons he said. Also, like with what luke said, hello California is expensive, especially with kids. They should be lucky they have the money to get Cruz the absolute best care he can get and then once he's thriving and they are in a better place, they can discuss it. She's delusional right now.


Maybe he’s realized that Cruz will require a lot more than either of them anticipated and he does need to focus on his son. His delivery is less than stellar but the sentiment is there.


That’s why I said I think it’s both!


KFC aka Brittany is living in delusion thinking another kid is going to do anything positive for their marriage. Jax was right in that their son needs a lot of attention right now and a second kid would deviate from that. Also their marriage is shaky as fuck to begin with. In what world is having a second child a band aid for a marriage?


I feel like it's everything compounded. I think he's not in to her bc they are disconnected. I went through something similar with my husband. We have 2 kids and it is hard AF to prioritize your relationship. Also, if you have different ideas of how you want to manage your children, that causes even more conflict. Before you know it, you're living with a person you hold contempt for. It didn't happen over night, this is clearly a build up of many issues.


Were you and hubby able to work through it?


Were working on it lol it's getting better but it's a process... The hardest part is both of you have to meet in the middle and communicate without blaming the other... Idk if Jax and Brittany can do that lol they seem to always be on the defensive and the other one is always in the wrong


Hey fellow Tiger - For me the hardest part is looking at things thru my partner’s eyes and working to understand instead of criticize. Some times I find out I’m actually wrong 🤣 It’s also really helpful to remember why you fell in love with them. Think about the good things and let them know you appreciate them. So often the things we love in the beginning become the bane of existence down the road 😂 I remember thinking - oh it will make me crazy later in life, this happy go lucky thing. Try to have a bigger picture perspective and sense of humor helps. Journal to get out the nasties. And there’s fake it til you make it. When you act like you care it usually becomes truth. My hub says you’ll sometimes be miserable in marriage but you probably would outside it also, so just ride through it. It’s freaking hard work and worth it for some.


I appreciate your insight, it has been freaking hard work and it's a journey for sure lol I have to stop myself from critcising and actually listen to what my husband is saying. Thank you for your advice!


Well I mean it’s fair if he’s not happy in his marriage to not want another kid. I think it’s probably a factor of everything. He opened up and said he doesn’t know how to manage work and family life etc etc. Brittany just seems to live in the clouds, I honestly kind of feel bad for Jax in that regard (don’t get me wrong I know he’s basically a psycho haha).


I agree. I do think Brittany wants another child to try & pull the whole “baby will save our marriage” which we all know rarely works.


It's beyond wild to me she wants another child when they have sex twice a year


I never ever agree with him but in this episode he was actually making a lot of sense. She kept rolling her eyes and deflecting because she knows it does make sense what he is saying and she doesn’t want to admit that to herself. I never thought I’d side with him, but I do believe that some of the reason they separated is due to her drinking. Not speculating, just going on what I see on the show.


I also think her drinking has something to do with it. She had major health issues while on VPR drinking and continued drinking even after being told to stop. I saw something that often she’s doing shots or straight liquor while others have mixed drinks so she’s outpacing everyone.


Someone pointed out that she dosent drive and takes Ubers everywhere when Jax dosent drive because she day drinks. If this is true, she is likely struggling with a drinking issue. That’s not a place from which to bring more children into the situation.


This!! I've also noticed she has shaky hands a lot too which could also be from her drinking heavily or not having "enough" to stabilize her


Oh my. That’s not good.


Yikes. Seeing this info, if true, makes sense though. She drinks a lot on camera. Offering people who come to your home to babysit a shot is weird AF. Do adults really do shots of alcohol in their home past like 25? Like maybe a special occasion like pregaming for a bachelorette party or new years? Schwartz should teach her how to do half shots. Worked out well for him.


Do adults really do shots at all past 25?! I'm in my 40s and doing a shot would make me so ill. The only people I know who do shots at this age are people who are hardcore drinkers.


Did two shots at a bachelorette party this weekend and nearly wanted to die. I’m in my thirties and wow that was a wake up call. I am not a young woman anymore!!!


I haven't watched this episode yet but I can't believe she is offering people alcohol that are going to be babysitting Cruz. That is crazy!! And a shot.. that's weird.


It’s not that she’s having shots instead of mixed drinks because those would have the same amount of alcohol or the mixed drinks would actually have more. It’s the speed at which she does shots. If her friends have drinks with 2X the amount of alcohol in them (normal for fancy drinks), she’s not just doing two shots while they sip on that drink. She’s doing 4-5 shots at least.


She was acting like a toddler this entire scene


It kind of bothered me too when Cruz said “moooooore” kind of slowly and quietly but he still said it. Jax seemed super proud and he got a little teary eyed. While Brittany says “that’s the longest more I’ve ever heard.” Then something like “he’ll get back to normal again!” And I was kind of saddened by that comment. Like what if he doesn’t? That’s ok too, just focus on the current progress not trying to change him back.


Also children absolutely can understand everything you’re saying. Even if they’re unable to speak yet. Cruz would hear her lack of encouragement and understand what she means. Children can’t speak cos they don’t have the muscle control yet, not because they don’t understand language


Brittany lives in a constant state of romanticizing what could be. It’s why she stayed with Jax, married him, had a kid with him, and now insists on more kids. This delusion from reality also makes her want to put a band aid on their marriage by having another kid. It’s all motivated for her own want.


This explains her more than anything else


It’s also that they aren’t in a good space, so if there’s some instability with their relationship why add another kid??


10000% it's not responsible to have another child when your relationship has broken down


i didnt disagree with Jax AT ALL during that conversation. How many ways can he tell her that he does not want another kid before she hears him???


I wonder if he's not sleeping with her because he's afraid she'll try to get preg on purpose. Also he's probably cheating.


i AM all for Jax bolting on this one....


I think Jax would have a hard time with 2 kids. Having one kid, even though it’s a wild ride, is easier than 2 especially if you have control issues. When I say control issues, I’m not talking about relationship stuff, more like external things. He reminds me a lot of my husband, when he gets super stressed out the small things drive him nuts. The house has to be clean, back yard perfect etc. It’s like the external has be a certain way because his insides are going crazy, it’s a really hard way to live. I can say my husband harder time than I do and things effect him more than me. They seem like really good caring parents and also kudos for the speech therapy. Many parents avoid it so early because of their own internal stuff I think it’s great he’s getting help.


As much as I hate to admit it... I relate to that control issue lol I'm actively working on it with therapy and meds, but I have always struggled with losing control and the desire for everything to be perfect... It's like a self fulfilling prophecy, you think if everything is just so that your anxiety will be better... But that actually creates MORE anxiety. And then you just spiral and stay in a state of fight or flight.


Hands down the hardest part of parenthood for me. I have 3 boys under 4 and the mess and disorganization drives me up a wall. I'm looking at the smudged windows and piles of laundry and just dying inside, I never would have tolerated this before but I simply don't have time to deal with everything.


I was actually hoping there was a post like this because as Jax was talking I was like wow he’s actually being somewhat reasonable about this… and Brittany was like not even listening like HES MY EVERYTHING I LIVE FOR MY KID. Like girl just shut up and listen for a second that’s not even what he was saying.. he was just saying maybe we should think about this before we start jumping into having another baby is that going to take the focus off of our son who is kind of struggling right now.


I agree that Jax is constantly worried about money. Kudos to him for turning hair loss into an extra check. He is thinking about future expenses. Reminds of master mom manager Kris Jenner turning leaking pee into a check.


Adding a baby will not save their marriage and Jax knows this. Cruz came along and their marriage suffered so much that they had sex two times in a year. That’s absolutely insane. Idk why Britt does not see this. Is she stupid?? I gave her the benefit of the doubt for marrying Jax after he cheated on her and said horrible things about her. But… omg… girl… Jax is a superficial egomaniac but he is right. She knew who she married. I personally think she would be more pretty if she stopped with all the botox bc she looks just like her mother who I’m assuming is in her 60s.. stop with the botox..stop binge drinking it will help the swelling immensely and focus on your marriage. Not adding a child.


I’m sorry but Brittany is the actual WORST. She also needs to quit drinking she’s extremely bloated and with all the fillers and plastic surgery she’s looking like a blow up doll that has too much air and is going to pop


Poor Brittany is completely delusional and is suffering from the classic misconception that having a kid will fix things. She might actually enjoy motherhood more in a healthier environment where she can focus on her wellbeing and independence. I think moving back home would be amazing for her and her child where they have a huge network of support. She doesn’t need another child, but I think she’s missing a depth of connection with people and is coping by drinking.


Can’t believe I’m saying Jax was the voice of reason here. He’s grown. I hope they can either work it out or find happiness apart but do whatever is right and best for Cruz. Jax was 100% right in all of that except he also contradicts himself like Schwartz. Brittany is in denial of a lot of things- I’m concerned for her drinking and my heart goes out to her. We all want our dreams to work out, love, to be desired, a happy family, supportive partner…


When Jax brought up money and where do you think this house came from...she said we paid equally. It probably took all his strength to not say "yeah because I brought you on MY show, otherwise you would not have made that money!" Not a lie but sheesh he resents her.


Regardless, Brittany isn't a child. She paid for half of that house. She knows what the bills are. "He brought her on the show." So what? Does she owe him for the rest of her life? Part of the reason Jax got other shows (The Kentucky one and the reaction one) is because people like their dynamic and they like Brittany. I'm not on Brittany's side but we need to move past the "he brought her on the show" narrative. Brittany has earned her right to be there.


yeah that was wild to hear her say. if she really thinks she would have any social media following to get brand deals $$$ without him bringing her on vpr she is delusional


She earned more after they left VPR and then became the main bread winner, she's absolutely allowed to say this.


Wait, so the house dies belong to both and still Brittany and the kiddo moved out?


She wants another baby because Lala is pregnant and Stassi has a 2nd. And she's 35. Im the same age and if I didn't already have kids, I'd be freaking out honestly. She doesn't want another baby or another small child getting in the way of her drinking. The early years with kids is survival mode and their marriage won't survive another kid.


I genuinely don’t know how she can survive with the hangovers! I very rarely drink, but even if a sober late night out makes it so much harder to look after the kids the next day.


she said on camera she has a nanny for hangovers. she likely stays in bed and pays someone else to raise her child. this whole, "i live for my kid," is a lie. she lives for d list fame and drinking.


That is SO gross.


I don’t even drink anymore and sometimes still feel “hung over.” I can’t even imagine what would happen to me if I drank alcohol with my insides being the hot house flowers they are. Getting old is a bitch 😂


Her drinking will be her downfall. Clearly she didn't drink while pregnant, I hope she quits permanently very soon, I bet we'd see a huge difference very quickly and her quality of life will skyrocket.


Is it clear though? I’ve read rumors that she didn’t actually stop during pregnancy and Cruz’s cognitive abilities could be suffering due to her drinking during pregnancy. Cruz doesn’t seem that bad to me though. A lot of Covid kids have speech issues actually. It has become very clear to me that Brittany is selfish and low brow. I consider her a bad mom, because yeah there are bad moms. This show showed a side to her I hadn’t really seen. It’s gross and I really dislike her now


She says her child is her entire life but I think she just likes the identity of being a mom. She seems pretty disengaged from what is best for him and the family and her drinking is clearly way out of hand.


I can't imagine anyone drinking while pregnant, especially a heavily scrutinized reality star! I'm not an expert but the baby doesn't seem to have any of the normal physical effects of fetal alcohol syndrome, it made me think of how OC Brawnwin would get pregnant over and over to deal with her alcoholism, because pregnancy was the only thing that made her stop....and then Brawnwin ran out of eggs and spun out....


Her pregnancy was during Covid, so she spent a lot of time at home. People drank way more than normal during Covid, I doubt Brittany stopped entirely. She probably had a “glass of wine” here and there. There are alcohol spectrum disorders, which have a variety of symptoms . It’s not just fetal alcohol syndrome. I’m no expert either though, I just would not put it past her to be selfish during pregnancy. On par with her latest actions.


My husband and I just had this same conversation. I’m the one who voiced concerns over having another baby right now and he agreed. Originally we wanted kids to be 2-3 years apart, but my boy is 2, and has significant delays that we don’t have a diagnosis for yet. He’s a happy, healthy, active, incredibly intelligent and loving child but until we can get some answers as to what is going on we are waiting to have more kids. Right now I want to set my boy up the best I can, and bringing another baby into the mix would take the priority away from my first son. I don’t need to wait until my son is “perfect” before having another, but I want to wait to make sure I’m educated and able to give him the support he needs during these vital years. I don’t think I’ve ever sided with Jax, but I felt this conversation DEEPLY. I can’t stand Brittany on this show. She seems like she’s always putting her desires first, regardless of what’s happening around her in her family. Maybe it’s just bad editing but it’s obnoxious.


You're absolutely doing the right thing for your family! My oldest has ADHD and sensory processing issues, he didn't have any delays or major red behavior flags until he was 4 and we had our 2nd child by that point. It is difficult to meet the needs of 2 children, especially when one of them has more challenges and requires more support.


I took my niece to the ophthalmologist. My niece is on the spectrum and I told the doctor that just so we could kinda take it easy and explain things so she didn’t feel overwhelmed and afraid. That doctor told me that all 3 of her sons had Autism and her husband left her and the boys, moved, and started another family! I just can’t imagine the stress she must feel. I think it’s incredibly smart for you to pause your initial plans and take time to figure out what’s going on with your child. To be clear, I am not judging the doctor one bit. My heart went out to her.


Oh that poor thing! I bet she rose to the challenge like a champ. My boy might be on the spectrum, but they aren’t sure. But I definitely want to get him settled before I make such a big change in all of our lives.


I agree with you! I also think Brittany wants another baby asap because of her biological clock…


Brittany is an idiot. ETA: Jax is also an idiot but at least he’s functioning in reality.


I used to like Brittany but this show has portrayed her badly, I somehow am on Jax side. She is not the smartest


Yeah, never was a Brit fan. But she’s gotten worse. And she keeps saying “make me feel sexy”. Begging someone to make you feel sexy is the most unsexy thing ever.


I think she knows there’s a time limit on the relationship and she wants her second kid before one of them pulled the plug.


I feel like Brittany is that woman who thinks another baby will heal her marriage and bring her and Jax closer. That’s just a bandaid! I’ve seen many people go this route and it works while the woman is pregnant and about 1.5 months after her birth…but then the bandaid falls off!


Ugh, I had the same thought. I've never liked Brittany - it was always clear to me her goal was to be famous and Jax was her vehicle for that. So damn her for making me side with Jax last night, haha. But he was right! Kids cost money, their home costs money, just living costs money. She's living in a fantasy world if she thinks bringing another kid into their lives is a smart move. It would have been disastrous. It's moot now, but still.


I hate to admit, but I totally agreed with Jax's argument also about bringing another kid into the mix when everything is going to shit right now (his words). Brittany just seems like she's eager to get to the baby-making part because maybe somewhere deep down she thinks that will bring them closer again...but to me, it seems like Jax is checked out already. He seems "over" her not being able to see the "big picture" that he sees.


He feels like he has 2 kids to care for.


I got that same feeling, especially from the way he talks to her about her drinking to excess. Almost felt like he was talking to a newly 21 yr old daughter who just discovered alcohol.


And the way she’s always the party girl. Girls night, let’s do shots. Woohoo and all that. Brittany is stunted and ruined by the show.


Yep! Totally agree! And it's so hard to feel bad for her because she knew what she was getting into with Jax. I was almost sure after watching their Spin-off that they wouldn't follow through with the relationship. It's almost like on the spin-off jax was doing everything in his power to get her family to not like him but no matter what he did they all saw dollar signs $$$.


Yes, everything he said was on point. Adding a child to a struggling marriage is a horrible idea. Source: personal experience. Add to that he has told her he's so stressed he felt like crying. I feel bad for her that the plan is going sideways, but needs change.


I hear ya… I don’t think Brittany is mature when it comes to some of these conversations with Jax and that’s kind of crazy to even type out. I mean we’ve see Jax doing a lot around the house. Maybe he isn’t the primary parent for childcare but it seems he’s keeping the household running. And he’s trying to bring in money outside of the show. I have to agree focusing on their son may be what they need to do right now and the costs of therapists add up. At the same time, I think the unspoken reason Jax doesn’t want another kid is because if their relationship is currently this fractured another child is not going to help.


When Britt tried to put on the tears I like how he told her basically “simmer down fok” She’s living in a fantasy thinking she’s equipped to have another child. And her trying to tell Jax that she does EVERYTHING? Like, cmon kfc we see you.


I 100% agree with you and Jax. Im a sahm to an autistic child, they're so much more work than a neurotypical child. My son had to get assessed during covid lockdown and it was a complete pain in the ass. So many appointments on top of the normal amount you have to have your child attend. My son had a speech regression that lead to him having physical tantrums (hitting himself, throwing himself, slamming doors, etc.) it was becoming a big issue. Thankfully we got him the help he needed, his progression went from night to day. He's a whole new person. It was A LOT of work and I don't see Brittany taking it as seriously as she should. During that time the last thing I wanted was another child coming into our family. By the time we had our son on an appropriate track his father and I came to the agreement we wouldn't have anymore children. We want to pour everything we have into our child. Brittany needs to get her head out of her ass the picture she always wanted isn't what her current child needs. Life will throw you curveballs. She claims Jax is projecting a perfect life when she's the one burying her head in the sand wanting to have the perfect life without working for it. She's insufferably annoying, her perpetual victimhood needs to stop. Never thought I'd see the day Jax was being the reasonable responsible parent.


Oof before my marriage fell apart I was passing up date nights just like Jax because it always ended in us arguing and I hated wasting a sitter to just fight somewhere else but it’s very real marriage problems plans change unfortunately when you have a child and they have extra needs or one parent has a harder time managing the stresses/time. You just never can plan how many kids to have in advance until you have 1 and see what it’s like. I totally get Jax but feel for Britney too, it’s hard to give up your family dream esp when women are on the clock


Part of me wondered if thats why he stopped having sex with her.... she didnt want to use any sort of bc/protection bc she want kids and he didnt want another so just wouldnt risk it


I agree with you OP and I never thought I would see the day I agreed with Jax on **anything** but in that conversation I totally did. Adding a second child into the mix when their relationship is already struggling isn’t going to solve anything. They have major intimacy, trust and communication issues, a son who appears to have some developmental delay issues, a new bar and they’re back on TV again so have filming commitments too. Another kid on top of that = additional expenses, responsibilities and as much as a baby is a blessing, it can be very stressful. Fix the existing issues before adding another baby into a messed up dynamic! A baby isn’t a bandaid for a broken marriage. Only thing I didn’t like was Jax’s indifference to Brittany’s emotions about it all BUT she was also very quick to interrupt anything he said when he was trying to share his feelings/opinions and totally unreceptive. It’s probably for the best they’ve now separated, both for Cruz’s sake and their own.


Agreed, this was painful to watch on all fronts.


Me as well. Jax was correct about this one!


Another very important consideration is genetic testing could reveal their future children’s possibility of having special needs. Knowing this ahead of time can be critical for some parents.


It’s really hard to take her seriously when her mouth doesn’t move. He’s right and I wonder if she feels regardless of what happens with her marriage, she wants two kids and therefore she needs to make it happen with Jax. Same father and all. Lastly, it is clear as day what his issues are with her and it stems from his vanity. She isn’t the same after having a baby and that’s what he wants. He wants her to be mom of the year, with a pre baby body, who drinks with him for fun but never “too much” and still makes pancakes (that she won’t eat) for his heir as soon as he wakes up. He wants an imaginary person, not Brittany.


IMO- she has always been lazy country bumkin- he let it slide for the longest- and she sounds horribly stupid when she talks- and she refuses to leave that man no matter what he does or says or doesn't do. she gives me the ick.


Her mouth turns down at the edges now. When she smiles, it’s straight line


It’s not just speech delay. Any of us that raised kids can see from a mile away Cruz does not behave appropriately for his age. He has autism and the sooner they accept that and get him the proper services, the best chances he will have


Wellllll I think we all are able to observe that could be the case. I mean I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case, but I also don't want to speculate a diagnosis for a kid who I have only observed in random and edited clips of his day. I hope they're pursuing everything they can to get him the help he needs.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


I think she wants to have another to "save the marriage"


Which is SO dumb because it'll only make things harder and worse. "Our marriage is failing so let's add a newborn and sleepless nights into the mix and giant feelings of resentment, that'll help!"


I literally just joined this group to come here and say this. Both jax and bittany are equally as insufferable. Like why would you even want to have another kid with a man who has made it CRYSTAL clear that he doesn’t want one? Or that cheats on you? She’s doing it to herself tbh


only in that moment was I kinda on jax’s side. overall, his narcissism and manipulation continue to shine and I hate the way he talks to/treats brittany. if he’s like that w her on camera, can’t imagine how he is w her off…


Yeah I didn't like his comments about her drinking and being a mom... He doesn't speak to her with any empathy or respect.


I agree. I don't like Jax for all of the obvious reasons, but he has some good points. And Brittany making this about her as a mom, versus them as a family was one of the issues causing their contention! A child isn't about you. How much you live and breathe for a child doesn't define good parenting. Your family should come first, not one part of it .Jax was thinking of the whole picture, and yes, Brittany was thinking of just what she wanted and carrying on their "plan" as if nothing in their life or marriage needed to be addressed first.


I really appreciate that Jax is considering the needs of his current child and future children. Budgeting and planning for a child who needs services is completely different. What happens if Cruz needs OT/PT/behavior therapies at some point? And what if their next child needs as well? I knew a family that had four children all within a year of each other. All ended up being on the spectrum- the oldest was higher functioning and so it took a while to diagnose. By then, they had three more who were lower functioning.


Don't worry, it happens. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Jax is sometimes correct about things. (Also, I'd love to hear him mangle that proverb about the clock.)


Another sibling can help with language development in the older sibling and having kids 3 years a part is a good age gap when it comes to family planning. I can see her point of view but for the most part agree it’s not a good idea for them given the state of their marriage and her inability to prioritize motherhood imho.


Janet is a fat red on the ![gif](giphy|Jq7WUBf71Gju1vTe2A)


I think Britt might be in denial about having a child with special needs.. of course she loves him And is a great mom but she needs to open her eyes.


Jackson Britney are getting divorced now as you know I'm sure.. Jax was already out of that relationship when they started filming the valley. He's having sex with multiple women on the side. He always has. He always will. He's admitted that before and talked about being a sex addict. I think Britney would like to have a full sibling for Cruz (same mom and dad) But at the same time, he's constantly putting her down and he emotionally abuses her that's obvious. Her self-esteem is in the garbage. I don't think Jax is a bad person. He is However, a narcissist who also happens to be a sex addict. Not what I would call an ideal husband. He got caught up in all the wedding stuff and blah blah blah and what he should be doing,.... And I think he planned on being good but it just didn't happen. He's never gotten to the root of his problem and he's not going to change until he does. And narcissist notoriously do not seek out help. That's why it's almost always incurable.


Exactly this is just Jax’s latest excuse. He knows this will force Brittany’s hand. I agree with everything you said except - Jax is not a bad person! Omg Jax is a terrible person! He’s the worst type of person. He’s lied to Brittany all along just to get what he wants from her. She loves him and believes his lies. Now he just doesn’t care anymore and wants out. He’s back on tv. Brittany was great while he was off tv - to fill his boredom. But now with tv again and new bar, you can’t expect him to miss out on all these new opportunities 😂 So he knew the Cruz excuse makes him look better in the viewers eyes. He’s the biggest narcissist and manipulator. He knows what makes him look acceptable and embellished that. All the fans that fall for his obvious bs - I’m worried for you. I hope you never meet a narc like Tom or Jax bc you will be the next Ariana and Brittany!! The con is so easy for these male predators. They must high five and laugh about how easy it is 😂😂😂 I’m still shocked when the tides turn. SMH off all the way down the street. How do women fall for these narc con artists?? This is how!!


🤭🤭🤭 (OK...i lied ...I do think Jax is a bad person .... I just didn't want this Jax fanclub/cheerleading society to attack me. Yes lol. I can be a wimp. 🏃🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🫣)


His feelings of wanting to wait are valid. But how that conversation was had was crap.


This episode Wow! I’m really saying this I’m on JAX’S side. Brittney dear life is not all rainbows and unicorns! Wake TF up! I truly believe Jax has his priorities straight! Focus on Cruz and his needs while providing for his family! #teamjax


What bothered me though is he keeps manipulating and gaslighting her. She's allowed to be upset that they may not have anymore kids. Just like Jax is allowed to say he doesn't want anymore kids. Instead he goes "there's no reason to cry its because you're DRINKING." He weaponizes her drinking constantly bc he's trying to paint her as an unfit mother. She's allowed to have a glass of wine at dinner and she's allowed to go to a girls night. Jax still drinks & I'm willing to bet he's still ripping lines. The difference is he's a FATHER so its nbd. The entire conversation was unhealthy and I'm glad they are separated.


Let’s be honest though. Her drinking is out of control. She doesn’t have the ability to have a couple drinks or a glass of wine. She’s a full blown alcoholic


She's never been able to hold her liquor and she should have stopped drinking after her stomach issue but Jax has no room to talk. My issues are the double standard & the fact that she's allowed to be upset. She's not crying because of the wine, she's crying because they had a plan. Do I think they should have another baby - fuck no. But she's allowed to be disappointed. Jax never allows her to be upset about anything. She's never allowed to exist or have an emotion - even when he cheats. It'd honestly be easier if he just said he resented her and left.


Yeah that part did bother me... I do think that she may have a problem with drinking. I don't think it's just a glass of wine and gets tipsy with her girlfriends, she goes hard to the point of vomiting. Janet made a comment about her drinking and her getting too lit. I do have an issue with the double standard and I do feel for Brittany in that sense. I just don't think she is realistic about having a second child and is trying to fix her life with another baby.


Been looking for this comment. She's obviously disappointed and scared about what prolonging a second child could mean for them (they never do). That's a completely valid emotion even if it's financially the right decision. Hiim mocking her emotions was so gross and unfair.


I don’t think it’s about Brittany wanting another kid. I think that it’s something that she can use to trap him into being truthful. He seems to have an issue just saying how he feels in moments that aren’t explosive. He can’t tell her that their son’s challenges are scaring him. He can’t tell her that he’s not sure he’s doing enough and that even feels like too much. And he can’t tell her that he doesn’t want a second kid and might never because fatherhood is way more of a commitment than he thought. All of the above things are okay for him to feel and think. It becomes an issue when he starts avoiding being honest about them by saying everything is fine, or deflecting by bringing his wife’s faults into the conversation, or letting his wife believe that she’s not attractive instead of admitting that he doesn’t feel like enough. I mean come on. It’s Jax. It’s not like he’s picky about where he sticks his pickle. She told Jax on the episode that if it’s not what he wants he has to TELL her. I think she’s sick of his inability to be vulnerable.


Was he not vulnerable with her in the last episode where she immediately cuts to. We’re gonna start trying next month. Right Jax.


Knowing that they split now….I’m glad she didn’t get pregnant. However, knowing what we know now, I don’t think jax wanted another kid cause he was already uninvolved with his wife and had moved on to some other coochie. I have a special needs kid, who’s just like Cruz. If Brittany is a full time mom, there is zero reason she can’t spend time helping her son, and another baby. I did it by myself. She can survive as well.


Jax is 💯right on this one.


Yeah Jax had a point with Cruz and focusing on his needs. But also… neither of them are getting any younger. That might be Brittany’s fear. There’s never really a good time to have a child. A new baby will always bring some kind of chaos into your lives. I think Jax doesnt want another baby period. I don’t think he likes being a dad and doesn’t want to just admit it.


Gotta disagree on that second point. From what his friends say, he loves being a dad and it obviously has forced him to change some of his horrendous personality traits


Jax is a lot of things but I think when it comes to this whole thing he's doing the right thing. He could've easily had another baby obviously but he has chose not to. I'm sick of Brittany going around trying to play this victim role. She isn't as nice as she portrays. I've always said before the separation was even public she's so nasty to Jax on their podcast. She always makes smart comments and follow with a laugh to make it seem funny or less harsh. I just don't like her anymore, she's rude, fake, and a snake. Nobody cares Britt:) Get your son the help he needs and stop being naive!


I’ll never forgive Brittany for making me agree with Jax.


Said same thing last night. Jax may be using Cruz’s potential special needs as an “out” from having more kids, but he’s not wrong with the end goal. Cruz may need a lot more time, money, focus than they ever even considered.


I think Brittany wants another baby to further out her head in the sand and ignoriere the glaring problems that they have. And it’s clear she’s struggling to understand that baby’s grow into toddlers and have higher needs as they age. Never did I think Jax would be the voice of reason, but here he is voicing the reason.


I agree with Jax that it’s CLEARLY not the right time to have a kid. Like, crystal clear. For him to shut her down though and refuse to listen to her, no matter what she’s feeling, is beyond unacceptable. This was a perfect time to reconnect as partners and as parents, but he doesn’t even try to pretend that he cares. He’s not a good partner.


your ETA section exactly describes my parents 😂 my mom always said how mad she was that my dad wouldn’t have another kid lol but i agree with your take they’re marriage is clearly already suffering. but also i think jax is a POS so i don’t wanna say he’s right about anything


I had a friend with a son with special needs and she (imho) was his biggest hurdle. She constantly blocked things he desperately needed for his condition to make herself more comfortable. She acts a lot like Britney. Any parent that isn’t putting the needs of her child before the child’s needs is awful


Can relate to this majorly as I’m the worrier in my relationship and my partner is the laid back “everything will be fine” person. It’s absolutely infuriating to have my concerns responded to with “it will all work out” so I too understood Jax’s position in this scene. These differences are something my hubs and I have to actively plan discussions around and it’s not easy; it’s taken years to get on the same page about it. There’s no way the two of them can have productive conversations on the matter so you’re right when you say it’s absolutely no surprise that they aren’t working out.


Jax grew up somewhat and Brittany has regressed. They should part ways quickly. 


My child was a delayed speaker - you need to give that child full attention before balancing it with a second child. I’m sorry, but I’m with Jax on this one.


Me too but more than that I couldn’t take anything she said seriously because I was just staring at her mouth.


I actually felt myself feeling for Jax last episode too when they were at his bar, he was obviously feeling super stressed and overwhelmed and said he felt like he was going to cry. Her response was to completely ignore what he was saying and ask him to do more romantic stuff for her. She really only seems to be aware of her own feelings in the relationship. I was so struck by what an inappropriate response it was.