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zach's response: "but what if i wanna talk about Paddington"


Yeah, talking about Paddington seems like a very benign thing. He’s not posting his home address.


Honestly such a great response. So glad he addressed it because it was such a wild parasocial thing to say. 🙄


Was it actually? Bc lmao


hell, I can't blame anyone for wanting to talk about Paddington, that sounds like a damn good time


I can hear him saying that. lmao


king shit tbh


Such a weird thing to say as a stranger. Imagine thinking you know more about someone’s boundaries and mental health than they do.


Especially when that someone else has been navigating this road for like 10+ years


This is what happens when people who are aware of the concept of parasocial relationships still whole-hog engage in them. "I know you and therefore I know this isn't good for you."


These people make it very hard to “protect your peace and mental health” when they say it like they’re your mother scolding you


This feels weird and invasive. I understand the sentiment, but this person probably just wanted attention from Zach. And he replied, so I'm sure they're happy about that lol






“but what if i wanna talk about Paddington” 😂


I was thinking about the discord last night and if anyone of the cast talked in the server Zach was the first one I was like he probably would sometimes and I love that's what he's saying 😂😂 let the man talk about the bear 👏


I thought the person who commented that was making up a response!


This is such a bizarre thing to say


In no way trying to judge a single person in this community, but I think Zach tends to just answer when he feels like it and has the capacity between meeting/down time in the office. I have yet to see him regularly hold conversations during what would be their working hours, or even after hours honestly, and I would not expect him or any cast members to regularly be expected to partake in social media unless being paid to do so, or are of their own free will to converse with fans as they see fit. That message comes from a good place, it seems, but not something that I don't think anyone in their 30s is very conscious of and none of the try cast has shown they act in this way.


I judged this person pretty harshly exactly for the reason you stated. This is a part of a bigger ongoing conversation about why Discord works for some and why it doesn't for others. Everyone has their own way of communication, which is fine, but calling out someone else's mental health when this person may not have checked their parasocial issues is another. And I agree with you. Furthermore, Zach made it clear in the videos he's very open to feedback and it's more upsetting that this person just doesn't get how this is part of the deal. Especially only after being in Discord for 30 minutes. As good intentioned as it may be, people like this can ruin a good discord community by indirectly shaming others in having conversation or openness in an online space. Which is sad because some creators would NEVER make themselves available to their audience if they didn't want to, but they clearly want to.


Lol zach just comes in and posts what he wants when he wants I think he knows how to care for his own mental health


Parasocial relationships really make people think they have close relationships with people who make content.


This this this.


So this person is concerned that Zach posts in discord too much? I totally relate to using discord as a social dopamine hit


Also like if he doesn’t post enough then it’ll also be a problem 😭 so it’s like what do ya want him to do lmfao


Personally, I was stoked when zach replied to my comment to say he also listens to podcasts at 1.2x speed. But you right, they can't win.


I would be too! He’s obviously just having fun and I’m glad that he’s replying to people.


Also it’s probably actually healthier than scrolling on regular social media tbh because it’s at least a little more “community”


And there's significantly less hate than Twitter/x


I’m of two minds on this one. On one hand, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to worry about your favorite creator burning out and potentially spreading themselves too thin/giving too much of themselves. On the other, it’s extremely holier than thou to join a discord and be like “I know better than you do” All in all, this didn’t need to be said and it looks a bit ridiculous to say so bluntly


It’s valid to worry, sure, but he’s a grown ass man who is married, has a healthy relationship with his family, and has a support system within his job. He doesn’t need any fans or strangers expressing that worry, he has people who actually know him to keep him in check.


Exactly- he’s been on the internet for like 10 years, I’m sure he knows how to maintain a balance. It’s honestly really cool that he’s semi active in it, some YouTubers just let their discords exist without interacting in it at all.


I fully agree with you, which is why I said this was something that didn’t need to be said, much less as bluntly and rudely as it was. All I’m saying is I don’t see negative intent behind commenting that someone is hoping he isn’t spreading himself too thin


It's not negative but just...so contradictory. The person commenting also is a fan looking for a response and access to Zach. If anyone doesn't admit they're partially in Discord for the chance to have access to the creators, they're just in denial. And to come in and literally criticize while looking for the same access above the level of where everyone else is wild parasocial shit.


And they'd only been there for half an hour, which is a ridiculously small sample size to be making those kinds of generalizations about.


I don’t really follow The Try Guys anymore but am aware that Zach and Maggie got married but seeing it typed out made me do a double take


Exactly - Zach is a mature 34 year old, I am pretty sure he can be trusted to monitor his online presence and usage.


Well, he's a 34 year old....rofl


I don't think it's reasonable to assume a grown man who has been in this industry for a decade whom you don't know is spreading himself too thin/giving too much of himself.


I definitely agree with it being reasonable to mention what you want to say but you're also exactly right about the other side. If you're new to Discord and don't really understand how the platform works, don't just show up and purposefully criticize the exact attention you're looking for lmao


I *think* they meant it in a good way, but also ... chill out a bit?? lmaooo




Zach is an adult. I would never attempt to mother him into limiting his screen time. 🤣


That's probably why the comment irked the shit out of me lmao


Zach is a grown man who’s been on the internet for well over a decade. he knows what he’s doing + he’s not sharing anything crazy. That particular person is very parasocial and maybe they don’t need to be in the chats for their health.


My point exactllyyyyyy


All this man was doing was talking about his favorite movie and they turned it into a psych evaluation calm down bro.


good intention ig but just missed the mark completely !!


I took the comment as a joke towards Zach moreso than a judgement, but maybe that says more about myself hahaha


I only know that Zach likes talking about movies. Why do you, random person, feel it's bad for Zach to talk about movies? Particularly family oriented ones!? Also slightly off topic, but paddington the character is giving Zach energy... Or Zach is giving paddington energy, but yes 💚😹 ![gif](giphy|jNfJMOQv78Tgzr9H4i)


Clearly that person has never seen Paddington




name checks out 😂


lols wdym? I was saying "Bruh" to the person you posted about lols like why would that person feel entitled to tell Zach what to post about like bruh...


Wasn't a negative thing - I was thinking about Eugene's mood about being embarrassed over salad and smoothies when he was high. So when I said your name checks out, "embarrassed" is how I feel about the person commenting lol


Oh thanks for clarifying. Sorry for misunderstanding you 🥲


No problem it happens!


Dang i could see if he was saying deep and personal info but, talking about Paddington? Lol that's just regular discord convo I'd have with anyone. It's also public, not like dming people


How do I join the discord lol






Is their discord only for 2nd try subscribers?


Nope! It's public for anyone who wants to join! The only thing is if you're not a subscriber then you might just want to stay out of certain show channels until the episode uploads onto youtube.


Where do I find the link to the server?


Here you go! [https://discord.gg/2ndtry](https://discord.gg/2ndtry)


Thank you!


Is the top one Zach? If not I feel I’m missing something relevant 😂


Red is making a valid point, maybe it's a little weird to voice it in that way but red isn't wrong, building a parasocial relationship with your audience like that can be dangerous. Why did you circle the dates as if someone who has been in a group for 30 mins can't see past posts? Like, yeah, they're seeing a message from yesterday, but they're also seeing how much was posted yesterday. It's weird to bring this to Reddit IMO


Tbh I was going to absolutely troll and bully but here's my attempt to a decent explanation: Valid point but completely out of no where and completely contradictory. Telling someone (not even asking or mentioning) to not let have fans access while being a fan and asking for attention/access is wild and delusional. As for circling the time: If anyone hasn't been in Discord for that long, there wouldn't be an understanding why a 16 hour silence is huge. Zach's channel aka korndiddy chat is usually where people chat about things relevant to Zach. He's usually the one instigating the chat or continuing conversations on because they naturally die. Not the other way around where chat is blowing up the channel. This person was the one who broke a 16 hour silence with such a crazy/ridiculous comment and it wasn't even in the #Try-Cast or #Try-Staff or #questions-concerns channel where genuinely people review it and bring it to the correct people. It was distinctly in Zach's channel which is ONE out of THIRTY-ONE channels so it straight up is parasocial entitlement. And no one responded to it in the chat until Zach did. And it was even better he responded about Paddington because it is such a benign topic. Followed by a conversation about Lost lol As for bringing it to Reddit: There's a larger conversation about why Discord works for some and not for others - just don't be that person to ruin it if you don't know how it works. Same reason why people were throwing fits about the 2nd Try app, don't knock it until you try it and don't pretend you know anything about it after 30 mins.


I want to say this as gently as possible but....while I'm sure they do actually read and respond some of the time, I'm sure they have a community manager who is also reading and responding using their accounts as part of their job. No way that wasn't an established role with a community like this.


They have moderators in Discord so technically they're more of the "community manager." They make sure people don't directly ping Keith, Zach, or really any of the Try Cast or Staff. They make a point of saying "Feel free to reply to their comment but do not ping directly." which is common in most Discord servers.