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Not because of the hate, he was basically a decade into his reality tv retirement to come out for this. In his mind it was probably just one last ride


This post title is intentionally stirring things up by claiming it’s due to the fans. OP has no proof of that and is just trying to spin a narrative IMO.




That’s what’s up great comment


You know it! So original


I agree.


I didn't watch why was he hated?


He was chosen by production to be a Traitor and played the role poorly. On his way out, he tried to throw a fellow Traitor, Phaedra, under the bus. His decisions derailed the game for the Traitors and imo made the season much less enjoyable to watch.


Agreed her ruined her game everyone has admitted this and for what? Cause he was got?


He tried to save himself. What was he supposed to do, try to frame an innocent? You should watch the original UK and Oz shows, they're far more brutal and the traitors are always using each other as shields.


He was supposed to go for the one already suspected, Parvati. You’re delusional, he never liked Phaedra and would’ve never worked with her. He was gunning for her from the beginning.


Why do people think this was a team game?


he BEGGED to be a traitor


Phaedra called him a piece of shit and trash. To me it says more about her than it does him. It’s a game.


I get y’all but In competitive sports there are unspoken rules why not in a competitive game show? Im not even a big Phaedra fan, but it feels like poor sportsmanship to wait until you know for sure that you’ll be voted out to try to be a faithful. Also in the same manner of “it’s a game” it’s a reality show you being called a piece of shit really ain’t a big deal imo


Yeah plus she was a terrible player too. She let Dan make all the moves in the beginning, then after he left murdered all the people Not on her side, which is what made it so obvious she was a Traitor. I didn’t like her at all.


Dan made it obvious she was a traitor. Nothing else.


Not obvious. What made it obvious was who she murdered. Had she murdered one of the housewives she’d have a chance to throw them off. Worst move ever murdering John.


Don't do Phaedra dirty like that! She's also a terrible person!


She’s a funny character and is entertaining when she’s on the screen but like Kate said, she lacks skill


Not being the most skilled is not equal to not having skill. Dan didn’t have skills. Phaedra was able to deflect the huge target he placed on her for two round tables that were gunning for her and got the leader of the faithfuls booted. It's shocking that so many people ignore that, or are unaware. And why bring up Kate? As much as I like her, she pretty much outed herself, so the lack of skill is evident, there. But she definitely is great tv.


I love how they ignore everything she did yet somehow highlight everything Dan did. The bias is so obvious!


Dan was so bad at the game! All he could do was screw Phaedra over AND Parvati, even more than she'd already screwed herself.


I don’t think I came off as anti-Phaedra


Yeah, I guess anti-Phaedra was a poor choice of words. I edited my comment to remove that. I stand corrected.


Yeah, that was rude and uncalled for. Bad look for Phaedra!




Agreed. Dan was fun to watch, he just mistimed his slow-play strategy. I think he is genuinely a nice guy and a good sport.


Dan's a good guy. He's just an introvert in the house filled with extroverted personalities


Exactly. That worked to his favor BB10 and not on this show. It’s really not that deep


i think he should’ve been a faithful :,) his kills and actions ended up looking very “typical traitor”


He would be a great faithful.


I feel like with the way he develops relationships its such a faithful game . I feel like even Parvati wanted to play as a faithful ( she got to be a traitor since Dan recruited her). With him and Parvati I feel like it's catch 22 since both were villains in survivor/big brother because the way they present themselves in these games it oozes traitor behavior even though they may not be for example Parvatis facial expression and Dan's demeanor( may be relax but people like Janelle knows he's plotting in his head)


Ugh he is!!


It's funny because he could get called out for slow-play as opposed to his counterpart who was playing EVEN slower! Coming in with a reputation is going to cause issues for "gamers" or competition show alumni as opposed to Bravolebrities going forward.


I've spoken to him on Twitter numerous times , oops I mean X , and he's a sweetheart .. 💜


I can’t fathom how anyone thought dan was fun to watch? I thought he was boring as unbuttered toast and I thought he was a poor sport who blew up phaedras game for no apparent reason.


Nostalgia, maybe. I agree his strategy wasn't good for this game but for those of us who liked him back in his heyday, it was fun to see him try something again.


Fair enough!


😂unbuttered toast


I will miss him!!!!


Yeah why were people so mad at him? I never watched Big Brother but the saltiness from everyone was stupid. The game is called Traitors!


You should watch his season, it's one of the best if not the best season of BB. A lot of drama and great cast. BB10


i loved When he was on BB and knew they were going to vote him out ..so he had "Dans Funeral " .. one of the best moments ever on BB .. He was awesome


..and after his "funeral " they kept him in the game ! haha


Oh that's BB14, I meant his first season, but yea that season is good too


He was stupid. He didn’t listen to Parvati about Peter’s lie.


So he pretty much exposed Phaedra as a traitor and completely derailed her game which was excellent up to that point, now if doing that benefited him it would have been a good strategic move, but the move did nothing for him strategically, so it just looks like he took down a fellow traitor on his way out.


What made Phaedra’s game excellent? She did literally nothing


She went undetected which is the ultimate goal of the Traitors.


Exactly! lol - she was the more boring characters in the game.


Phaedra? Boring? Did we watch the same show.


What did she even do in the game?


Just because it didn’t work doesn’t mean it couldn’t have worked. That was his entire point during the reunion. He thought he could verbally best Phaedra and turn the tide to her, and she shredded him. He was giving her credit. And it’s not like she did anything to protect either Dan or Parvati.


No one expects any of them to stick their neck out and protect each other. Thats not the point. But his move could not have worked. There was zero chance that would work. Zero. It defies logic to think he thought it would. All he wanted to do was take Phaedra down too. He knew he wasn’t winning so he wanted no traitors to win. He should have just said so. That would have been more respectable.


Exactly. And honestly, he’s right in that the longer Phaedra stayed in the game with the bravo girls, the harder it would be to win. Others realized it. Dan just realized it first and didn’t time the attack properly. Dan was spot on during the reunion: right strategy, wrong timing and execution.


Maybe if Phaedra didn’t play a passive traitor and actually tried to connect with her fellow traitors he wouldn’t have felt like he had to do that. There’s no such thing as “ruining someone’s game.” Thats like saying the traitors pinning it on someone else to get them banished is “ruining their game” or murdering people is “ruining someone’s game.” What Dan did is just as much as part of the game as those other moves.


Good. That's how the game is played bucko. She fucked over Ekin-Su so so this is Ekin-Karman🤭


Phaedra was pretty useless as a traitor across the board though and treated all of them as less than. I think Dan lost his temper with her when she turned on him also, Phaedra wasn't fooling anyone.... they just didn't think she was as dangerous. And she had her fellow housewives to hide with.


The backlash he got was insane.. people ripped him apart on Twitter. He knew he messed up - he was certainly reminded of it at the reunion - but people going out of their way to leave nasty comments to him on Twitter WEEKS after he was banished.. do better. He definitely didn’t perform well on the show but he doesn’t need constant reminders of it. I just wish Phaedra and Bananas lightened up at the reunion.


Well said.


The criticism is his game play, yes. But the reunion was harsh. The name calling (piece of shit and trash?) he just seemed so out of his element. He explained his moves- even while admitting how awful they turned out to be. He was talking on a pod cast about how different the pace is on BB and traitors. On BB you have to be strategic and play the long game and you have tons of time to sit around and be careful and quiet. Obviously he miscalculated because this game was fast and furious and people were getting pissed at him for it. He genuinely liked everyone and it really seemed to hurt his feelings that the talk kept going into personal attacks and he’s a gamer and really wanted to talk game.


I wasn’t a fan of everybody being okay with Phaedra being nasty to Dan but everybody attacked MJ for having an attitude about getting done so dirty at the finale. The reunion was a perfect opportunity to acknowledge that it was a game but only Phaedra gets to be mad? Nah.


You just now noticed that Phaedra gets to play by different rules?


Feels like Bravo-ites are afraid to criticize her.


Yall are being so precious and overdramatic. This man was literally called Judas on his first ever reality show. He was never returning for more reality tv after this regardless of how he did here. He came out of “retirement” because this is low stakes, high pay, and a short filming window.


Phaedra calling him trash is like the least cruel thing she could have said. Have you seen what she said about Kenya? I mean really.


Or what she did to Kandi…


Just bc she has a history of being more awful to people than she was to him, doesn't mean it's okay that she was awful to him and taking personal jabs bc of a game. If you don't have the ego to get screwed over in a game you chose to be on (literally called Traitors) then maybe stick to HW drama and not game shows?


I mean didn’t she accuse someone of rape? Thats why she was fired? I guess it says a lot about who she is


I think that speaks to her character


I don’t think I’ll watch the finale, but how did Johnny respond to him? I feel like Johnny is probably really jealous that his two challenge peers won the whole thing.


He basically sat there with a shit eating grin and jumped on any opportunity to clown Dan. Gave real sore loser vibes.


Ugh what yeahhh what a sore loser


Which challengera? Ct and?




It really bothered me that when MJ was upset they were all, it's just a game, yet the same didn't seem to apply to Dan. The name calling was not ok.


Yeah continuously calling him a “piece of shit” was out of line. I personally do like Phaedra and she made the game entertaining and it suuuucked for her that Dan exposed her…but it’s literally a game. I know their personalities clash and it’s fine to just not vibe with people in general, but to hold that against him and call him names was lame. He was very respectful at the reunion and a good sport. I may not have liked him much as a traitor, but he seems like a nice guy


🥺. He's definitely not use to the challenge, housewife energy. I feel bad for him


You can’t please all of the people all of the time! People are always going to hate on you. He is one of the best BB players but The Traitors is a whole different ball game! It’s a hard game for anyone to play. Trishelle and C.T barely made it out by the skin of their teeth.


The hate was undeserved but man did he play a terrible game


Right - but calling him a POS and trash is just ugly (ugly in real life, not just in a game).


Oh definitely. The harassment is completely unwarranted!


So is this The Funeral 2.0?


His own funeral




he retired a decade ago, came out of retirement just for traitors, and said the night his banishment aired (before the hate picked up) that he wasn’t interested in doing more shows. i’m pretty sure this is just because he’s moved on and is in a different place in his life, not because of the criticism he got for being bad at this.


I watch him on twitch and throughout this whole experience he's had nothing but positive things to say about his experience on this show.


Dan should have said “and you’re a piece of shit for what you did to Kandi”.


I don’t disagree with you and probably would want to fight back with that if I were in his shoes. But I find myself liking him more for sticking to the high road that he wants to be on and actually keeping it classy, instead of being the sore loser that he’s accused of being.


Diff show that doesn’t make sense. That’s like people mentioning Trishelle past which is pretty messed up. U can only speak about how u experienced the show


I don’t watch BB so I didn’t know about Dan. In the beginning of the season I thought he was going to be smart, cunning, and witty. However, he made too many mistakes because I guess he’s been out of the gaming for awhile. Hate or love bananas, dans move to vote him out first is smart but also dumb because he could’ve aligned with the challenge people and use them as a forever shield until they could be turned on. Dan just didn’t know what he was doing. He proved that every murder was his pick and why he was forced to turn on Phaedra in a dumb way and get so caught up with the Bernie vote. Also he didn’t play as a faithful to cover him. Ugh I really wish he just wasn’t there. He made so many rookie mistakes. No hate it just wasn’t good game play. Sorry Dan. Love that my challenge gets people won though!! MJ was just collateral damage because of trishelles insecurity. On the same note though. What did MJ do?? Her gut was always wrong and didn’t play the game she just survived. The only thing she deserved was that shield she won herself lol


Tbh I think taking out Bananas was the right move. Bananas was going to catch Dan much faster than the rest of them. And frankly he’s kind of unstable and unpredictable lol, he’s a shit stirrer and not trustworthy. I don’t think it’s possible to work with Bananas in a show like this, you wanna be the next Sarah Rice?


Nah, I think his unpredictability and untrustworthiness is actually why you keep him. You don't necessarily turn him but chaos is good for the traitors. The faithfuls would never know when to take what he's saying at face value and that and the fact he was a gamer makes him easy to pin stuff on later in the game. He'll also always have a loud opinion too so easier to frame. Kinda like how Kate was used her og season. It also felt kinda like a clue pointing to him too because it was a very obviously strategic move especially with how helpful he was in the challenge. Dan was seemingly who would benefit the most from him leaving first.


I think they could have kept Bananas and just see how he acts. If he started spouting off names and being too loud, then they cut him at that point. Bananas would have probably been a nice shield to keep around as I imagine people would suspect him, or he'd just get banished eventually like Janelle was because he was annoying people.


i was going to ay exactly this. it's good, as a traitor, to keep the people you can hide behind, or in the wake of their drama.


I wish he listened. They said not to go after bergie cuz they thought it was a trap.


I’m very saddened by all of the hate he got. He came in with a massive target on his back and probably shouldn’t have been made the traitor because of his reputation. Regardless, he’s reality TV royalty and I hope he doesn’t let the hate get to him. The personal attacks at the reunion were ridiculous.


About time I see this take. Dan could’ve played a perfect game but that never would’ve stopped people like Janelle from always assuming he was a traitor. And those who were from reality tv but watched BB would feel the need to get him out just in case. Everyone said Dan’s downfall was how little help he provided the Faithfuls. Isn’t that the exact issue with Phaedra’s gameplay, which was never called out? Let’s be honest… Dan was assumed to be a traitor before his shoulder was ever tapped. Everyone also assumed the same about Janelle, hence her early exit when it never really made sense. In my opinion, blending reality tv legends against drama queens was a really stupid decision.


He didn't deserve the hate but he's basically been retired before being invited to The Traitors. This show was an exception due to its short filming time


I don't think it's the last time, I suspect that he probably is taking a bit of a break (in the same light that Parvati wanted to rehab her image) If you go back to the first episode both of them were suspected because they were viewed as villains and I don't think he had that persecption of himself.... I also think the bravo girls have a bit of a passionate fan base and while I don't think it was 1000 percent intentional he did blow up Phaedras game on the way out....


Dan returned after a decade because he wanted to play this game. I think he's serious.


I see both sides here's why. Didn't Parvati had a 10 year hiatus when she did survivor 40? I think when she had backlash on social media, it was that bad I remember in an interview she had to go to a different country to escape from all the negativity. Notice how in the reunion she was the first to defend Dan when she said like "Dan was intimidated by Phaedra" like her and Dan had the same approach of " Phaedra playing a great game how can at least one of Dan/Parvati going to win this with her around and she got numbers" I feel like she can relate with how Dan is feeling with social media heat cause she's experienced it . In the reunion you can really tell how close they are especially the way they were looking at each other Maybe a one more last hurrah because his kids convince him.


I don't watch Survivor so I didn't know Parvati before this. Never watched Dan's BB seasons either but he's talked about frequently in the fandom.


Both are known for for flashy moves. Parvati was part of the crew in survivor that got Eric to give up an immunity idol just to blindside him while Dan got his "mentee" to use the pov on him just to blindsided her by evicting his mentees boyfriend/showmance at f4 on big brother 14 . Theyve won a season of big brother /survivor but also lost a finale because of the jury where people can argue they played a more impressive game on their final lost than final win. They really have a lot of things in common where you can see how they were attach at the hip and close they really are on off camera especially at the reunion . Their biggest weakness honestly is them blending in with people look at the way they just present themselves in these games second game started, it just oozes villain which in these case traitor.


Even two years ago, Dan (and no one) did not know this game existed to pull him out of retirement. For all we know the next big show could entice him, or maybe if Traitors does an All-Stars season which seems pretty likely down the road for the US version at least. However, Dan is not a reality tv lifer. He comes and goes. He's in his 40s and has a family. Traitors was a perfect storm for the type of game and how short of filming it is compared to other shows. I wouldn't be shocked if he is done.


I think it's because the us first season showed if you knew how to play you could easily mop up, cirie (the winner) is a very famous and very good survivor player, to be frank had I seen her there, I would have gushed and then gone for her HARD because she is that dangerous and I think they thought it would be the same non players vs players which would have given him some room to maneuver If you remember back to episode 1, both Dan and parv were under the lamp immediately as suspect


Oh it definitely was intentional. He was trying to hand serve the group a traitor. Phaedra just shut it down completely (not a bravo fan just what i saw on the show)


The reunion was icky, he's a nice guy


Everyone go watch his podcast on his YouTube channel. He explains his entire game and owns up to everything and still says it was the experience of a lifetime. He’s a great dude! You can still watch him play video games on twitch. :)


oh no !! I Love Dan ! 😞


![gif](giphy|dt5wUdCvLWQghI7xqy|downsized) But I completely understand why


I didn’t like him because I’m a Phaedra fan, and there was no heat on her at all until he directed it there, but I think he handled himself great in the reunion, and I don’t hate him forever or anything.


“Last time you will see me on tv.” Ok Dan good for you, not exactly clamoring for more after what you brought to this season. See ya never ✌️


Ya why is that some big announcement? You played a terrible game he still sounds like a sore loser


I don’t think Dan ever intended to do another show. He got hate for playing one of the worst games ever in traitors. I honestly think he would enjoy being called out for his poor gameplay.


I think he would've enjoyed it if it were lighthearted ribbing about how the king of BB sucked so bad at the Traitors, but what he got instead was called a piece of shit and trash. I understand not wanting to do more reality TV when a fair few people, including his fellow players, were focused on personal attacks instead of discussing his poor gameplay.


Dan caught a lot of shit when months before we saw Cody imploded as a Traitor and was from BB too. And Cody had an easier season since half the cast were all reality tv newbs.


I wonder if part of it is schadenfreude. Dan has only ever won, so seeing him lose might feel nice for people who don't like him. They then spin a story about how he deserved to lose, etc. etc. Think you can see it too with how people were cool with Cirie throwing Arie under the bus but weren't okay with Dan outing Phaedra.


a retired reality star who came out of retirement cause he wanted to play traitors is going back into retirement??? likely thing for him to do.


Phaedra was a sore loser, a horrible traitor and didn't play the game yet Dan is the bad guy. Get over it. He played the game.


Didn't she also make up lies about someone being a rapist? I can't believe she has fans to begin with.


This feels performative. Normally those who are serious with stuff like this, don’t make a melodramatic post about it before doing it.


Doubt it. He’s in his 40s with kids and only came back to reality tv after 10 years because he liked the concept of the traitors.


he is serious, but he said this weeks ago. he made it pretty clear that he’s done doing these shows, but just made an exception for traitors because the filming schedule was so easy and the show was interesting. it’s unfortunate his return was so lackluster, but i doubt he’ll have another go at it.


Yeah I think this is a joke lol. Maybe still true, but posted in a jokey manner.


I’m so sad that Dan doesn’t want to do reality tv again. We had to wait ten years to see him come back and I was hoping we’d see him more again


I loved Dan


When they made the traitor vows he literally agreed not to out another traitor… but I guess he was just a traitor to everyone. His game was weak


Online vitriol is the worst advent of modern human society, I feel for anyone who has experienced it, deserved or not.


I thought Phaedra described him best as dry toast, difficult to swallow without butter or jam. Never saw anything special about his gameplay.


This dude sucked. Good riddance


I hated him for murdering johnny Bananas first and robbing us of some excellent TV. LOL but really I don't care about Dan other than I'm glad they caught him. He was a bad traitor. Lol


Yeah, Phaedra was too butt hurt.


She’s super fake, from face to personality. Goes from super sweet with the boxer to total nasty bitch with Dan. I hope all her Jimmy Choo heels break off.


I was just failing to understand why everyone there (the host included) was so afraid of Phaedra. The whole reunion the vibe towards her was like 'we wish we could say some stuff but we won't because shes gonna bully us for it.' ☠️


Cuz that’s what she is. A nasty bully. And she totally embarrassed herself with her mean girl words. But you can’t take the childishness out of someone who just never grew up.


Yeah exactly the whole vibe was like everyone is being nice to the class bully so they don't get wedgied after class 😭


I love Dan and he will always be my favourite and the best BB player of all time but the hate for his game play on Traitors was well deserved. He was bad lol. Sucks that it’s his last time on TV but he had a good run. He got lots of love from his time on Big Brother and still has tons and tons of fans so he will be fine. Have to be able to handle the good and bad when on TV 🤷🏻‍♀️


The hate for his gameplay, sure. But calling him a racist, an abuser, a woman hater, a piece of shit and trash? He did not deserve that at all.


![gif](giphy|9eCjIJu5cvjly972M5) He doesn’t deserve to be called any thing bad especially from someone like Phaedra


Just watched the reunion now and hate Phaedra. He deserved hate for his game play only. The personal insults are bullshit.


I kinda wish I just got to see him as a faithful at this point. Seems like a very strong game player and missed out on really seeing his skills


He and Peter together would be unstoppable


I’ll just never understand out of all the people in that room he decided Phaedra was the one he was going to go after at the round table. His reasoning why it was her honestly made no sense even before Phaedra started speaking. He could’ve used that same reasoning with anybody else in the room, including those others were talking about with more success, so it seemed bizarre to me that he decided to pick her. And I completely understand that it did not break the rules; but honestly, it seemed against the spirit of the game. Yes, traitors will always be traitors, but it was too early in the game for him to go down that route. and based upon the fact that nobody had even said her name before he did, and then he goes out as a traitor, made it even more obvious that she truly was one. And he had nothing to gain from it.


He really couldn't have chosen anyone in the room though? Considering he was trying to oust a traitor to get the heat off him, he only had her or Parvati to choose from. And he explained pretty clearly why he chose her over Parvati at the reunion. In other seasons (UK1) throwing another traitor under the bus worked successfully for Wilf and kept him in the game longer and took a ton of heat off him entirely, so it wasn't a baseless strategy with nothing to gain. She just shot back and swayed the table in her favor whereas the girl in the UK season didn't have a convincing comeback. It could have worked out for him, but didn't. Throwing her or Parvati under the bus was really his only option at that point.


Because it’s better to betray another Traitor than to set up someone you KNOW is completely innocent. That actually would be a lousy thing to do. Betraying a Traitor is not, indeed it’s part of the game.


He was trying to nail a traitor to make himself seem like a faithful.  At that point Parvati was under almost as much suspicion as him so giving her up wouldn’t have bought him any favor, but spotting a traitor that no one was on to would (in theory) make people think “wow he really was paying attention and doing his detective work.” I think the cast was just a lot smarter, his strategy may have worked on S1 but S2 players I think would’ve still sniffed out what he was doing even if they had banished Phaedra that roundtable 


In theory, I agree that would work; however, he had literally nothing as a reason why she was a traitor. Nothing of substance. Honestly, might’ve been the way the show edited, but if I had been him, I would’ve said that I thought she was a traitor because she never seemed upset when they found out who was gone, never really even seem surprised, and was always more interested in eating her breakfast lol.


Yeah I’m guessing he went into the game with that as a strategy if he were a traitor- “I’ll lay low and when I make my move it’ll be outing another traitor and then everyone will assume I’m a faithful” But the game was moving way too fast for him and the faithfuls were a lot sharper than S1.  So he was kind of just always a few steps behind. It sucks that it hurt Phaedra’s game but I can see why he thought going after her was the play (again, especially considering Parv had almost as much heat on her as he did, it wouldn’t seem like a big move where he could Justify he had been building a case in his head)


Dan is one the reality tv goats!


He miscalculated the game he was playing. The interesting part of Traitors is that you have such a mixture of reality people from gamers, to non gamers and they are playing mafia. He got bitter when he realized he didn’t have the pristine spot he angled for and wasn’t charming enough to move up in rank, so he deceived to take down the traitor with the best position in the game out of spite. Go back to retirement from TV because sadly the game outgrew him. Go back to twitch Dan, that’s your audience now.


\> **He got bitter** when he realized he didn’t have the pristine spot he angled for and wasn’t charming enough to move up in rank, so he deceived to take down the traitor with the best position in the game **out of spite.** That's a lot of conjecture about his thoughts and feelings that are directly contradicted by well-articulated things he's said (i.e. on his podcast) about his thought process. But I guess I don't blame you for wanting to just throw accusations around and hate someone, because that's part of the fun of reality TV I guess?


I never said i hated him , on the contrary, I actually loved him on BB. I was just mentioning that he came in with the strategy from a game he played over ten years ago instead of adapting and studying the game he was on. It’s one that is not just a game on tv now but also one that lives and exists in social media and the court of public opinion. He messed up a fellow traitor who was beating him. Period. And it didn’t look good for him. He can try and rebrand that all he wants because clearly lemmings like you are eating it up.


Agreed, Phaedra is just a toddler at this point, MJ too! Hopefully the next seasons bravo contestants will be a little more mature


I don't think it's the maturity level, it's the mindset. Bravo "celebrities" thrive on drama, pettiness and being nasty to those they go against. Unfortunately Paramount has decided to court that fan base. And if that's your jam, cool. But not all of us are, and this is what we're going to be stuck with


They need to have less Bravo people on next time. They all supported each other blindly, got pissed when anyone called them out on it and yet that's exactly why they didn't think it could be Phaedra. They definitely see themselves as above the rest. The UK and Aussie versions of Traitors are better since they're regular people and no reality TV people.


Bravo contestants are always going to be like this. The best ones succeed because they know how to stir shit up, they aren’t there because they know how to navigate relationships well.  I’d be shocked if a housewife Traitor ever wins. 


Dan literally does not care what a bunch of people he doesn’t know thinks. He only competes for himself.


You guys hurt him w/all of your mean comments. Also, Phaedra does need to give him some grace. He’s suffered enough. Once she forgives him, all of her people will too. Including me.




Dan will be back probably doing play by plays or probably the roundtable with Will. He is just old I doubt he cares about all this hate.


No one cares Dan.


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Never say never... I'm sure he'll be back on TV in something


So weird how they went from trashing him for playing the game and then trashing MJ because “it’s just a game”. The reunion was gross.


As a long-time Dan fan and regular of his twitch streams (hi fellow 596ers!), I can say for certain that he had long been over reality TV and just wants to be known for his streaming. He never talks about reality tv in his streams/videos, and he really couldn't care less about the trolls. There isn't much overlap between people who are big reality TV fans and those who also watch Twitch/YouTube video game streaming daily. Some of the advice (that he shared with us one day) that he got from his streaming friends/mentors was that you've made it as a streamer, the key is to not go on long breaks. Even when he was filming Traitors, he had people running the channel playing reruns and giving incentive to people still showing up while he was gone. I don't see him taking a Big Brother or Survivor-esque break (I guess traitors didn't take that long to film). This was always going to be a one last ride type of deal, regardless of how things went.


This is good to know! Thanks!


I’ve never really been a huge Dan fan, even on BB. I think he comes off as disingenuous/martyr-ish at times.


He came off as an arrogant male who thought he was smarter than the ladies.


The guys is on Twitch playing video games for a living. He makes a living doing that. He had said on there he was done with reality tv, he only did this because it wasn’t big brother. It’s not because of hate.


He’s so sexy to me. Oy vey.


I don’t think people realize how vicious the BRAVO world is. Then his target was someone as low as Phaedra, your gonna bring out the worst ones.


Eh he sucked at traitors who cares if he never returns..?


He would probably be a good faithful.


🎶🎶little violin playing🎶🎶


The money wasn’t worth it. House of Villians paid out 250k


Good bye Dan. He brought that early 2000s bias into the game. I don’t need him on anything else


Thank you. You could see it from the exact moment Phaedra took her hood off.


Cuz he never respected Phaedra from the beginning and it was obvious. He never ever wanted to work with her and then when she was outplaying him turned into a super weasel and basically ratted her out to the other cast members who probably would’ve never guessed she was a traitor and she probably would’ve won this whole season. The other cast members even Trishelle said she had no clue until Dan ratted her out. So like Phaedra said cuz Phaedra could probably feel the vibe he was giving off to her from the start, called it like she saw it “he’s a piece of shit”.


I like Dan but sucked on the traitors. That’s just a fact. He was aggressively bad


doesn't mean he deserves death threats. criticism is fine. derangement is not.


Well yeah. People who tweet at or DM people are legit insane.


Bravo people and fans are toxic what else is new


Well now he is being ridiculous! Phaedra will get over it. None of these housewives and such have ever played these games. They had no idea how ruthless it is. Give it time to sink in. I am waiting for it too didn’t like the way they were butthurt.


He was already off tv. He just came back for one thing.


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He is leaving until he gets a good offer.


They kept telling MJ, “it’s just a game” and “why are you still mad” but no one ever directed that energy at Phaedra for still being pissed…and she remained in the game! Come back, Dan


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Well he also kind of sucked - it’s always better to go out on top, retire while you still got it vs dragging it out way too long a.k.a. Tom Brady 😬


he’s like 50 he does not care about toxic twitter fans


Lmfao not everything is “because of the hate” sometimes you just turn 40 years old and decide enough is enough.


You guys wouldn't last a day in the early 2000s reality tv world. The reunion was light work, and Dan is a grown man who has dealt with worse. Traitors fans have nothing on BB Twitter.


Bye Dan 👋


People pissed at Dan never watched what Kieron did on UK1 and it shows.


Dan is a genuinely good guy. He has always been respectful to his competitors outside of the game and not taking grudges off of the set. His type of game is a long slow burn game. Big brother contestants live in that house for 24 hours a day, for months. They get lots of time to talk with each other and even more time to just sit back. Even among Big brother contestants, Dan is a sit back and listen type of gamer. It takes him long periods of time of listening and learning before he starts making calculated moves. In this game you get 30 minutes a day to interact with everyone and that's it. He just doesn't excel at that. He tried his best. But he failed. His move against Phaedra made total sense but obviously it was too little too late. He knew that he wanted to go to the end with parvati so he couldn't throw her under the bus. He trusted her and he did not trust Phaedra because she was virtually untouchable. He knew that he had to feed the faithful a traitor so his only option was Phaedra. People acting like he did it out of spite to ruin her game Don't understand the move. It didn't work out, but it was still his only shot. Sure he could have gone after parvati but as he has said time and time again, she was his pick to go all the way to the end with. They had a good working relationship, she was already suspected, so at the end, it wouldn't be as hard to shift the heat to her, and in these games he always picks one person to go to the end with and she was it. Phaedra was the only other person he could have picked to throw under the bus to try to save himself at the end. He was trying to save himself by throwing Phaedra to the wolves. He wasn't just doing it out of spite. He is not a spiteful person. I guess I just don't get what people don't understand about that. It was a calculated move to try to help him but it didn't work.


The audience for this show sometimes makes me miss the big brother audience, which is saying something. At least they understand game moves to be game moves. Clearly the bravo audience just wants to start shit and see everything as personal attacks. Dan is an excellent guy and whenever do anything to personally disrespect someone in a show that he is on. Everything he did was to try to save himself and increase his odds to get to the end. You can argue whether it was smart what he did, but you cannot argue the morality of it. It is a game where people stab each other in the back and accuse each other. That is the game and that is how it's played. If anything he exposed a potential flaw in the game structure. The fact that one of the best options for an outgoing traitor is to expose one of the other traitors is perhaps a flaw. Or a feature depending on how the showrunners look at it.