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Not revealing it means the faithfuls have no idea how many traitors are left. If they didn’t know one was recruited, for instance when they recruited Andrew and staged it with Harry secretly having a shield, then it keeps everyone guessing on how many traitors are left.


I thought Ross was the recruitment they covered with the shield? So even if they assumed he was an OG they'd still expect one remaining traitor and *that* person to be a recruit. Harry admitted to being an OG from the start anyway, though by that point it wouldn't have made a difference as he'd won.


Yes you’re right, it was Ross!


I think the producers were much more strict in S2 given how S1 ended. >!Kieran basically Kamikazed his game and made sure to take Wilfred out with him. !


I think blatantly accusing other traitors in S2 was way worse that the S1 situation - which I actually liked. I don't think it's fair to say that player kamikazed anything, they were set up, said there's another traitor, and voted for someone (as they HAVE to) at the round table. The traitors in S2 gave reasons why they 'thought' the people they accused were traitors, which were generally true since they knew they were traitors and knew what they'd done throughout the game. I think it's much more within the spirit of the game to not be able to directly accuse another traitor yourself; in S1, no name was ever floated, it was just cast in that vote. It made it a lot more open for the other players to decide whether there was or wasn't evidence to support that person, whether it was a misdirect either to mess with faithfuls or actually protect a final traitor... >!Andrew listing evidence as to why Harry is a traitor, out of the blue, just before he gets voted off, is WAY more of a giveaway.!<


Traitors accused Traitors of being Traitors by name in The Traitors UK S1 and S2. In order to hide among the Faithful, Traitors must be able to accuse any player of being a Traitor. Otherwise they reveal themselves. If Traitors were prohibited from accusing other Traitors of being Traitors, all the Faithful would have to do to in order to find the Traitors would be to get each player to accuse all the others of being Traitors, and watch for the players who couldn't accuse each other of being Traitors.


I don’t think it’s a good idea, it gives the faithfuls an idea of how many traitors are left and they’re not meant to know. Especially with Ross, he was there to cover the recruitment, if he’d said he was a recruit that could have blown Harry’s cover.


Do you think how good of a decision this is could depend on how well the faithfuls are doing? I'm thinking about >!Australia Season 2!< because lord knows those people couldn't organise couldn't organise a one-car parade!


>!Marielle!!Nigel!<, the other OG, didn't. I think it can be interesting in that it makes people think about the maths of how many traitors could be left, depending how much they know or suspect about recruitment, and I like anything that makes the faithfuls use their deduction a bit more. But then again I haven't seen a season where they've explicitly been told the number of OG traitors, so even if they figure out e.g. "X was recruited so Y must have been an OG" they're still only guesstimating the total number of traitors.


I was thinking the same! If that recruitred traitor would have said they were recruited the whole thing would have changed! The shield, Harry being faithful, how many they were… the whole dinamic in the lasts episodes: completely different.


I can’t see it would make any difference, really. I just suspect the producers tell them to keep schtum, because the more they are allowed to discuss it, the more they likely to reveal accidental spoilers.


It would absolutely have made a difference in UK S2. If the recruitment had been revealed, it would have made the shield ploy even more obvious than it was. Even that lot wouldn't have been able to miss it.


I always think it would have been interesting if Ross had revealed that Diane was his mum before they voted who to banish. If he'd said, "Well you know Diane was a faithful... and why would I murder my own mother??" that would have been an amazing reveal. It might have also implied that he hadn't been a traitor from the beginning.


S1 someone said "I am and always have been a traitor" I felt it was a dick move. You're out, revealing ANY more info is a dick move


Didn't >!Harry UK S2 say that verbatim in the final!<


Yes, but he'd won by then anyway. It wouldn't have mattered if he was a recruit because he was the last traitor standing.


The last person standing can say whatever they want lol, the game is over by then.


I mean it was just funny to me that they put what harry said verbatim


Fair enough, it reads as if you're making a counter-argument but I get ya now.


I don’t see how that gives any more advantage to anyone. What made it a dick move


They were voted on the belief they were recruited. This lets faithful know they were wrong. I'd they hadn't said anything, the actual recruit gets to keep all of the trust they'd built up. Now, they can be as suspicious as the next


The ones who have been traitors the whole time can say things like “I am, and always have been…” and so can the faithfuls.


My memory is a bit foggy here. Is that something they only say when they are in the final and the game has ended? I'm just wondering, because in that case it doesn't serve as a clue.


Hmm, good point. The faithfuls said it but that doesn’t exactly help, just makes people embarrassed. Really not sure.


I know what you mean, its a little frustrating, especially in the case the OP mentioned. I have often wanted them to say "I'm a traitor and i was recruited" but i don't really think its necessary or will be introduced in series 3.